Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 13, 1919, Image 1

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    Foriy Amy Transcontinental Aviators Are " Taking Off " on Trail Blazed Across the Country
LXXXVIII- NO. 240 18 PAGES D *%sUKtWf^®^t". l !sSa™ u " HARRISBURG. PA. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13, 1919. "'AtSStSSi XVJilS&jaf c'SffiP HOME EDITION
Arrives at Mineola Thirty
Minutes Below Time May
nard Went Across
Official Computation Neces
sary Before Claim Is Up
held; Return Trip Soon
By Associated Press
Mineola, N. Y., Oct. 13.—Captain
Lowell H. Smith, third east-bound
aviator to complete the transconti
nental flight, arrived here at
According to the record in Cap
tain Smith's log book he has beaten
Lieutenant Maynard in the trans
continental race. Captain Smith's
figures show that he flew from San
Francisco to Mineola in 24 hours, 3 0
minutes flying time against Lieuten
ant Maynard's 24 hours, 59 minutes
and 48 1-2 seconds from Mineola io
San Francisco. Captain Smith's
claim to be the victor will have to
lie officially verified before a decision
is made.
Four fliers wlio entered at San
Francisco, started the day to-day
with good prospects of reaching Min
eola by night, while five of the west
bound fliers were within a day's
flight, barring accidents, of San
Those expected at Mineola during
the day were Captain Lowell H.
Smith, who spent Sunday at tlie Ro
chester, N. Y., control; Lieutenant
K S. Worthington, who held over at
Cleveland; Lieutenant H. E. Queens
at Bryan, 0., and Major J. C. I*. Bar
thol, at Chicago.
\t ithin Striking Distance
Westbound fliers within striking
distance of the goal were Captain H.
C. Drayton, at Lovelock, New; Lieu
tenant I. S. Webster and Captain J. O.
Donaldson at ISalduro, Utah, and
Captain Harry Smith and Lieutenant
Earlc M. Manzelman at Green River.
Major Spatz and Lieutenant Kiel,
the eastbound fliers who landed here
Saturday within 20 seconds of each
other after a nip and tuck race across
tilt, continent which Major Spatz is
11 ported unofficially to have won by
the remarkably narrow margin of 31'
seconds in a 2.701 mile race, were j
working on their weather beaten ■
planes to-day in an effort to get the m j
ready for the return trip within 9U!
lu.urs maximum tirr.c allowed by the
air service between arrival at a ter
minus control and departure on the
return flight.
It was said that their machines
would require elab irate overhan'.'ng
and the fitting of new wings, the old
wings having been rendered unsafe
by buffeting of wind, rain and snow
which they encounter" d on the flight
Reports received here from San
Francisco, were to the effect that
Lieutenant Maynard, the "flying par
son," who finished first would start
the return flight on Tuesday. Major
Spatz and Lieutenant Kiel did not be
lieve they could ti- ready to start
vest before Wednesdav.
Speed King I'nrsun
Lieutenant W .B. Maynard late Sat
t rday established his reputation as
speed king of the Army Air Service
by checking in at San Francisco, the
finishing point of the transcorifin;nt
al air race, at 1.12.07 o'clock (Pacific
coast time) in the afternoon. His to.
tal time in the air for the 2,701 flight
is estimated as 24 hours, 58 minutes,
55 Vs seconds.
Figures Two Miles a Minute
Spatz's and Kiel's flying time had
not been computed last night. Spatz
[Continued on Page 10.]
"Cap," Hard Worker and
a Friend of Children,
Dies in His Harness
"Cap" died to-day.
After years of faithful service in
the city park and tire departments,
he died "in harness" at the Market
street entrance to Reservoir Park.
"Cap" was only a horse, but he
was the most reliable and safest one
used by the park department, V.
Grant Forrer said to-day. He has
been used at Reservoir Park for
more than eight years pulling a
large lawn mower during the sum- 1
mer and for hauling purposes in the
On Romper Day he was as busy
as the busiest person in the park.
When he was driven near children
they were never in danger and could
run about in safety. Before he was
sent to Reservoir v Park he was in
used in the fire department drawing '
one of the large pieces of apparatus. ■
Columbus Day Quietly
Celebrated in City
Columbus Day In Harrisburg re
ceived no special recognition outside
of the closing of the banks and State
offices. Members of Harrisburg
Council Knights, of Columbus attend
ed services yesterday, but there was
no special observance. On Wednes
day a large ' umber of lo.;;,l Knights
will go to Philadelphia to participate
Air a big event there. Some went to
lhiladelphia and other cities to-day
where theje will be special exercises.
Harrisburg and Vicinity. Partly
eluudy to-night and Tuesday
with slowly rising tempera
Eastern Pennsylvania t Partly
etoudy to-night and Tuesday.
Slowly rising temperature.
Moderate north shifting to east
Rivers The main river will rise
slightly. All tributaries will
fall slowly or remain station
ary except the lower part of the
West branch, which will rise
somewhnt this afternoon anil
to-night. A stage of about Ik.*!
feet Is Indicated for Harrls
, bnrg Tuesday morning.
■ • tgr
Flying Parson and His
Steelton Assistant
f' r"* i ■'.■2-. v'Awmi-.gmv' ~ vy—? —••••;■. -
/. •
William E. Kline, who resided in this city and Steelton before enter
ins Army service, is mechanician for Lieutenant B. W. Maynard, "the fly
ins person," who won first place in the record-breaking transcontinental
flight. Kline sent a message to his wife in Steelton yesterday announcing
his safe arrival, lie came to Harrisburg ire 1902 and became an' employe
at the Steelton plant. In 1917 he entered the service and soon qualified
as an expert mechanician, advancing to the highest noncommissioned
office in the air service. The dog is Trixie, Maynard's captured German
police dog.
Permits Taken Out For Rc
modeling and For New
Ohev Sliolom Temple
Building permits were issued to
day to the Central Construction Cor
poration for tlie erection of the new
Ohev fcffiolom Temple, at Front and
Seneca streets, and for important
changes in the Telegraph building
in Federal Square.
The temple will be a stone struc
ture, one-story in height, and will
be 40x52 feet. It will cost approxi
mately $55,000.
The changes in the Telegraph
building will provide largely in
creased office space, approximating
forty offices of modern design, sin
gle and en "suite. This space has
been made available for office uses
by the removal of several of the
operating departments of The Tele
graph Printing Company to the
Bowman building at State and Cam
eron streets, where approximately
60,000 square feet makes the en
larged program of the printing de
partments possible almost immedi
To Cost $25,000
The Central Construction Corpora
tion began work on the conversion
of the space in the present building
into offices to-day, and it is expect
ed that the additional offices will be
ready for tenants, some of whom
have already made leases, before the
first of the year.
The estimated cost of the changes
in the Telegraph building is $25,-
Edwin G. Bachman. with Charles
W. Frkim as contractor, secured a
permit to erect a one-and-one-half
story brick and frame dwelling at
547 Wiconisco street, at a cost of
C. W. Strayer, contractor for the
ciy school district, was given a per
mit to build an addition to the con
tinuation school in Forster street at
a cost of $l,OOO.
Deny Germans Are
Supporting Bolshevism
By Associated Prrss
Berlin, Saturday, Oct. 11.—An of
ficial statement is published denying
formally the allegation in the Let
tish appeal to the Entente that Ger
man troops in the Baltic provinces
have done everything possible to
support Bolshevism and have at
tacked the Letts from the rear. The
German rejoinder declares that this
statement is contrary to the truth
and is an abhorrent measure of agi
tation against Germany.
Germany has not broken the
peace, it is declared, but on the con
trary has done everything to en
force the terms of peace in the case
of misled troops in a portion of the
Baltic provinces.
By Associated Press
Paris. Oct. 13.—Important troop
movements are occurring in the di
rection of Riga, according to a tele
gram received here from Basel.
Esthonian troops are said to have
left Segewold for Riga, thirty miles
distant, and Lettish reinforcements
and other Esthonian detachments
are reported to be en route to Libau
on board a transport for the pur
pose of joining Lettish forces which
have been landed there from British
! Contribution of Any Size Ac
ceptable, Committee Of
ficially Announces
Here is an excerpt from a let
ter received this morning by Don
j aid McCormick, chairman of the
j committee having charge of the
collection of the funds with
which a memorial to the city's
soldiers and sailors will be
"1 am interested in the me
■ morial But 1 fear you
arc making it hard for citizens to
hold up their end! 1 believe
[ many of us are too busy, or too
I thoughtless, to come to Chamber
i of Commerce rooms to subscribe,
j Why cannot a campaign be con
' ducted, similar to other carn
j palgns of the last two years?
Why not call upon the men who
! 'put over' the Fifth or Victory
I Liberty Loan campaign? Then
: when these men come to us we
' can pay our money without trou
ble. Think this over."
Mr. McCormick this morning
was wondering whether a cain
i pnign of the sort mentioned will
really be necessary.
An erroneous idea which seems to
prevail among a certain percentage
of the city's population was dispell
ed this morning when the committee
in charge of the naemorial fund
| announced that subscriptions for any
i amount will be received.
"What we mean is this," Chalr
! man McCormick announced. "We
j will take subscriptions for 50 cents
|of $5OO. We will lump the small
| sums as fast as $2O is reached, that
j sum will be credited to the name of
I some soldier or sailor. Suppose there
! are seven' 50-cent subscriptions,
I seven $1 subscriptions, one for $1.50,
| lour 25-cent ones, one for $5, and
one for $2. These total $2O, and the
i amount will be credited to some
I soldier or sailor, whose name will
j be withdrawn from the general list.
"It seems to have been the idea
that only $2O subscriptions are want
! ed. What we started out to do, to
| get the money needed, was to get
1 $2O subscriptions for each man or
j woman in service, but that did not
[Continued on Page 10.]
The Story's a Short One, but So's the Caudal Appendage, but
All the Facts Fit
In Deny street near Twenty-fifth,
there has been an epidemic of mice.
Thereby hangs a tale, about a tail.
The mice became so bold and de
structive that a war council was
held Everybody in the neighbor
hood purchased traps. The slaugh
ter began. Mice grew scarce, but
there was one little fellow whose
capture two certain residents desired
verv much.
Physicians Announce His Or-;
gans Are Functioning
Take Exception to Statements
That He Could Not At
tend to Duties
By Associated Press
Washington, Oct. 13. President
Wilson's condition remains much ;
the same as for the last several days j
and his organs are functioning >
normally, said a bulletin issued to- ■
day by his physicians.
The bulletin follows:
"While House, , i
Oct. 13. Dili). 12.15 I*. M.
"The President's condition
remains iniieli the same as for
the |Kist several days. His tern- .
perature, with the exception of
one day, pulse and respiration j
rate, heart action and blood
pressure are normal and have
been so since the onset of his !
illness. His kidneys are func
tioning normally.
(Signed) "GRAYSON*.
Resent Reports
White House officials resented
publication of reports that the Presi
dent's condition was sucli that he
could not attend to his official duties
should matters of importance arise.
"The President could sign bills
to-day it they were placed before
him, but we are not putting them
before him," one official said. Those
close to the President said they had
every confidence that he would re
gain his health, although he must
continue to obey his physicians' or
ders to remain in bed for "an ex
tensive period," and resign himself
to tlie utmost quietude and relaxa
Able Now to Work
There is no reason why legislation
now ready for the President's action
should not be placed befone him,
Secretary Tumulty said, but decision
as to this rests with Rear Admiral
Grayson, his personal physician.
Bills now ready for executive action
include the prohibition enforcement
measure and the amendments to the
food contfol act punishing profiteer
ing and hoarding.
A discussion of whether President
Wilson is well enough to properly
perform the duties of the presidency
developed at an executive session of
the Senate Foreign Relations Com
mittee to-day when action was
sought on a resolution requesting
certain information regarding
Chinese-Japanese relations.
A vote on the resolution and sev
eral other measures relating to for
eign affairs was postponed indetin
| Continued on Pago 10.]
Man Gone 14 Years and
Woman Missing 20 Years
to Be Declared Dead
Two petitions for letters for ad
ministration on estates of persons
believed to be dead were presented
to President Judge George Kunkel.
Both applications will be heurd De
cember 15.
Mrs. Mattie Pennell, through her
George L. Reed, presented
the first petition, stating that her
husband, John H. Pennell, has been
missing for more than fourteen
years and that he owns a one-sixth
interest in a property in Green
street. Mr. Pennell has not been
heard from since he left the city.
In the other case Victor Brad
i dock, counsel for four surviving sis
| tors of Elizabeth Keefe, also be
| lieved to be dead because she has
not been heard from for twenty
I years, presented the application for
J letters of administration. Miss Keefe
; was a daughter of the late Mr. and
I Mr*. Richard Keefe. Three of her
! sisters renounced the right to take
j out letters on the estate and Mar
garet C. Keefe, another sister, pre
sented the petition. The estate con
sists of a one-sixth interest in a
1 property at Nagle and Showers
! streets.
Reservations Going Fast
For Loan Luncheon Friday
Rudolph K. Spicer, chairman of
the Rotary Club committee in charge
of the luncheon to be held at the
Penn-Harris Friday noon, when
Lieutenant-Governor E. E. Beidle
man and Warren H. Manning, the
park expert, will discuss various
municipal loans to be voted on in
November, announces that reserva
tions are going rapidly. He urges
that those who desire seats lose no
time in sending their cards, as the
hotel management cannot take last
minute reservations and the seating
capacity of the ballroom is limited.
Members of the Chamber of Com
merce and Kiwanis Club have been
One morning one man held up his
mouse trap to the view of a neigh
bor, showing only the tail of a
mouse. "This is the best that 1 can
do," he said. Then came another
conference and everybody was re
quested to g.ve notice when the
tailless mouse was captured. Notice
came Saturday. A neighbor several
doors away caught the mouse that
tit the tail. Now everything is quiet.
Cause and Cure of
Living's High Cost
Washington, Oct. 13.—The United States Gouncil of National
Defense, composed of the Secretaries, of War, Navy, Interior, Agri
culture, Commerce and Labor, has made a careful investigation of
the high cost of living problem and finds:
That the nation's produc- ! To Produce more goods and
tive powers have not been I to produce them in propor
fully utilized since the armis- ! tion to the people's needs,
tiee. j To stamp out profiteering
j and prevent hoarding.
That too few goods, not- ! To enforce vigorously laws
ably the necessities of life, i and enact such further laws
have been produced, and that as are necessary to prevent
even some of these goods i nd punish profiteering and
have been withheld from the : hoarding.
market, and, therefore from ! To bring about better co
the people. 1 operation and methods in dis- ,
i tributing and marketing
That the high cost of liv- goods,
ing is due in part to unavoid- j To keep producer and con
able war waste and increase \ sumer informed as to what
money and credit. j goods are needed and as to
! what supplies are available,
That there has been and is so that production may an
considerable pri fiteering, in- ticipate the country's de
tentional and unintentional. 1 ntands.
Goods, and rrot money, are the means of life. Better standards
of living are impossible without producing more goods. Man can
not consume what is not produced. Our common duty now, fully
as much as during the war, is to work and save.
Many Interesting Optical Dis
plays Shown at the Penn-
Harris Headquarters
V '
j : , . . '
I '
x MMm
£ SB jfßßl
WF* jtßr JtBKHm
President of State Optical Society
! The Pennsylvania State Optical So
ciety formally opened its annual con
j vontion in the Penn-Harris Hotel this
morning. Mayor Daniel L. Keister
delivered the address of welcome.
All day yesterday there was a
steady stream of optometrists from
the State entering Harrisburg. but
even though the registration book at
its time of closing last night showed
that almost 200 delegates had arrived,
it was reckoned from advance infor
mation that only about one half of
them had arrived. Every indication
points to the fact that Harrisburg
will have the largest State Optical
convention over held.
There are a number of very fine
display booths on the second floor of
the Penn-Harris for the conventon,
practically every big jobber and
manufacturer in the east, showing
[Continued on Page <>.]
Two Automobiles Stolen
From Same Garage Are
Found Badly Damaged
Two automobiles were stolen from
a local garage yesterday and later
found abandoned. The same man is
believed to be responsible for both
The first car,, the property of Miss
K. M. Edwards, of Pittsburgh, was
taken from the garage early in the
day and abandoned at Cameron and
Berryhill streets. The machine was
ditched there after being struck by
a Harrisburg Railways ear. It was
badly damaged.
The second 'machine was the prop
erty of J. C. Soutter, of Soutter's
twenty-five-cent store. It was stolen
from the same garage later in the
day. It was abandoned between
Heckton and Dauphin badly dam
aged, after having been driven into
a telegraph pole.
Many to Plant Trees
in City on Arbor Day
Applications arc being received
daily by City Forester Louis G. Bal
timore for permits to plant trees on
Arbor Day, October 24. It is be
lieved that at least 100 trees will
be planted on city streets on that
day, according to the street planting
plan announced by Mr. Baltimore.
Within the next few days the City
Forester will' announce a list of
trees, shrubbery arid hardy flowers
suitable for planting on lawns. He
will furnish information to anyone
about the planting and care of trees
and shrubbery on private property.
A definite program for the memor
ial tree planting exercises in Reser
voir Park on' Arbor Day will be
completed probably this week. More
than 100 white pines will be planted
in a large grove in the purk.
Roy of Seventeen Said to Havej
Committed Several
Other Crimes
After a thrilling chase in Howard
street this morning. Wesley Jones,
17 years old, of 163 2 Derry street,
was arrested by Patrolman button.
Jones is charged with breaking
into and robbing the jewelry store oil
F. E. Commings, 14 North Fourth j
street, last Tuesday; with stealing|
the automobile of Kuhn Brothers,!
Holly and Carlisle streets last week, i
and with the robbery of the home
of G. W. Brinton, 1508 Market street,
during the summer. He is said to
have admitted the Commings rob
bery and the theft of the Kuhn's
Jones is now in the Dauphin
county jail while police are collect
ing further evidence against him.
His hearing will be held within the
next several days.
Suspected by Police
Jones had been suspected of hav
ing committed the Commings rob
bery and patrolmen had been in
structed to take Jones into custody
if they encountered him. This morn
ing Dutton encountered him and
gave chase. Throwing off the over
coat be was wearing. .Tones took
flight but was soon run down. The I
overcoat, containing a loaded re-j
volver. was later recovered by
Motorcycle Officer George Fettrow.
Tn the Commings robbery. Jones is!
said to have taken an automobile
from the garage of the Oliver Chill
el Plow Company, Fourteenth and
Howard streets, and to have return
ed it there afterwards. He rode in the
automobile to the store, threw a
brick through the window and made
away with $4OO worth of jewelry.
Tlte following morning he is reported
to have told boys in Reservoir Park
that he had heard that there was
some jewelry thrown away in the
park and to have assisted them in
hunting for it.
Two days after this robbery, on
last Thursday evening he is said to
jhave gone to New York in the auto
mobile stolen from the Kuhn garage,
[according to his alleged statement
to-day. This automobile is report
ed to have been abandoned there.
Jones has been in the bands of
the police on larceny charges on &
number of previous occasions.
Four weeks previous to the Com-!
mings robbery, another burglary,!
similar in every respect, took place
at the store of Max Reiter and Com
pany, just two doors away, at 18
North Fourth street. At this time
Jewelry worth $3OO was taken. The
responsibility for this robbery has!
not been fixed.
France Decrees Affairs
of Nation on Peace Basis, ■
Ending State of Siege
Paris, Oct. 13. —Decrees published
in the Journal Officiele this morn
ing place the interior affairs of
France on a peace basis, ending the
state of siege, lifting the censor
ship and transferring jurisdiction
over police affairs from the army
to prefectures.
To end the state of war with Ger
many it is still necessary to deposit
in the foreign office a text of the
Treaty signed by President Poin
eare, wbich will be filed with the
ratification document signed by
President Ebert of Germany, which
is already in hand. To this will be
added the ratification documents
signed by the kings of England and
?tnly. A document will then be
drawn up setting forth the fact of
the deposit of the document, and
this will be followed by the pub
lication of the text of the Treaty in
the Journal Ofticiele. At that time,
the Treaty will go into effect.
The exchange of ratifications will
occur at the foreign office without
ceremony in the presence of ambas
sadors of England and Italy and
Kurt Von Eesner, Germany's repre
sentative, Stephen Pinchon, foreign
minister, will represent France. The
British and Italian ratifications have
not yet been received, but are ex
pected at any moment, and It is
hoped the formalities may be con
cluded rapidly.
Two sheets will be added to the
Treaty when it is tiled, the first
setting forth that renresentatives of
the powers have taken cogn'zance
of the Treaty, and the second bear
ing the signatures and seals of the j
representatives. The document con- i
taining the minutes of the meeting |
will be filed with the Treaty.
Allies in Note Concerning Situation
Declare There Are Delays
and 111 Will
■ ••j Associated Press
Paris, Oct. 13. —The note of the
Allies to Germany concerning the
Baltic situation declares that there
are delays and ill will, in spite of
the remonstrances of the Allies In
the evacuation of the Baltic prov
inces. it do"s not admit of the rea
sons put forth by Germany for the
Then,'saying that the situation in
Lettoniu hits been aggravated by the
attacks of the German troops, the
Allies announce that it is their in
tention to keep up in their entirety
the coercive measures announced
September 27 as long as the evacua
tion is to be continued and to assist
in the execution of these measures.
The note accepts the proposal
made by Germany to send a control
commission to the Baltic. A prompt
reply to the note is asked for. It
is stated in the note that Germany
will be held responsible for any acts
of hospitality against representatives
of the Allies.
Text of Note
Following is the text in part of the
note sent to lite German government
by the Allied and associated powers
regarding the evacuation of the Bal
tic provinces:
"The Allied and associated gov
ernments note the formally express
ed pretensions of the German gov
ernment—note of October 3—to un
dertake and to pursue in a most
energetic manner the withdrawal of
its troops front the Baltic regions
and Lithuania. *
"It is difficult not to believe that
their long delay has been designed,
calculated as it was to lead to the
very results which the German gov
ernment now affect to deplore. It
seems indeed impossible otherwise
to explain their refusal to recall
Genet al Yon Der Goltz, who has
been their official instrument in
creating the present situation in
open defiance of the representations
|? t J' ' T! ° a [ *'"' e c '' - r ' c[ ' ff|
|X dona' -' - n trolley car plan. X
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8 . • / . I
X • UOnal,st ? urkl!h goveAmtnt, recently set up Aa X j
!i x
x *
1 1 r ' nt. I 2
• Hh
J :
t X
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lo?n of 2,000,000 pounds sterling in America for the IL" ;
X State of Queensland were made in the legislative assent- *k ,•
IJ* bly here on Friday but the State Treasurer subsequently J
X cfused either to confirm 6r deny the rumor. * p
y Harrisburg. Sam Fishman. was fined $5O or' 30 days
|X this afternoon on a disorderly practice charge. Tlie case
i* *l*
JT will be appealed. He was later tried on violating a traf
-4 fic ordinance and fined $25.
\\ *„dell Hrnrdck and Julln Kovata. Strrltong Hnrry E. Farina
. Amelia Vance, Stecltom George D. I.rnker and Sftnnle 1. Ddbler.a*
4ns MlllerNburK. 'T
Holsingfors, Oct. 13.—Riga
has suffered considerable damage
from the bombardment of the
German-Russian troops, especial
ly in the district near the rail
road. The enemy's attempts to
cross the bridge, reports from
Reval say, were repelled. Many
civilians were killed or wounded
by bombs dropped on the town.
Paris, Oct. 13.—Dispatches an
nouncing that the forces under
General von der Goltz are now
actually attacking the suburbs of
Riga lend special interest to the
Peace Conference's r.-ote of Octo
ber 10 to Germany, declaring
that the Allied and Associated
governments will hold Germany
fully responsible for the action of
von Der Goitz in the Baltic prov
inces and will maintain coercive
measures until evacuation begins.
N'o decision has yet been taken
by the Conference as to the mem
bership of the commission the Al
lied and Associated powers
agree to send to supervise the
withdrawal of von Der Goltz.
of the Allied and associated govern
ments. •
"UnJess some very much more
satisfactory explanations of those
matters than those hitherto afford
ed are given by the German govern
ment. Ihe Allied and associated gov
ernments cannot admit the conten
tion that the German government
have, as they iassert, continually
made the most energetic efforts to
withdraw the German troops from
the Baltic states."