Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 11, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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State Commission Will Have
Meeting With Governor;
Phone Case Wednesday
Plans for the
t\. \\ • Z/JW compilation of the
|\ \\ yY/J history of Penn
|v\\\A sylvania in the
fI World War, for
RS-^^HSSBV- j I which the State
■n' 1 I War History Com-
I pf jfl®mission has been
llt JnHWnralnrl gathering data
itptllllllllllg 1 for the last year
IBB" or more, will be
i- gone into in de
tail at a meeting
r tne Commission to be held with
Governor William C. Sproul at the
' Capitol during the coming week.
The Commission has had the co
operation of county historical socie
ties and various committees formed
, during the war and of men con
nected with various Pennsylvania
units. The idea Is to issue the his
tory of the various activities, mili
tary and civic, welfare and commun
ity, as a State publication.
It is also probable that some steps
will be taken in regard to publica
tion of the story of the draft in
Headquarters flags of the Twenty-
Eighth Division, formed at Camp
Hancock of the Pennsylvania Na
tional Guard have been sent to Ad-
—Quickly Relieved by
Y * yA
Using a remeoy that 1s auto
matically administered as you
breathe. And without discom
fort or inconvenience. Each
breath carries medication that
quickly heals the afflicted parta
is giving relief when all other
methods fail. Used with won
derful success in treating all
diseases of the Nose, Throat and
Lungs. Also for Head Noises
and Ear Troubles. Relief is
guaranteed—or No Pay.
Now being introduced and
demonstrated to the people of
Harrisburg at the Gorgas Drug
store, 16 North Third street.
Our Mechanical Department
Has Moved—
The Sales Department
Has Not—
Printing estimates and consultation may be obtained at the Sales
Department, Telegraph Building, in Federal Square, as hereto
Or, if you prefer, we'll have a Printing Salesman call to discuss
your printing problems with you, gladly.
The Telegraph Printing Company is now installed in its hand
somely furnished Print Shop, at State and Cameron streets.
The Telegraph Print-Mark, "The Imprint of Quality," has meant
"The Highest of Printing Standards" in the past. Now, its mean
ing is multiplied tenfold, for new machinery, new equipment,
lots of daylight and fresh air throughout the new plant means
better-than-ever Printing.
i v
■ I
I=l May we estimate on your next printing problem ?
N The Telegraph Printing Co.
|| Federal Square >
tel n.oto Engraving _ J Binding
MS Die Stamping ItllLL Plate Printing
State and Cameron Streets
i ' ;
Jutant General Frank J. Beary by
the War Department for deposit In
the State Capitol rotunda. The
headquarters flags of the artillery
and Infantry bridges of the division
and the guidons of the 109 th Artil
lery have also been received here.
The State Treasury has received a
check for $30,000 from the United
States Railroad Administration on
behalf of the Pennsylvania Railroad
as a part payment for abandonment
of a part of the State main highway
between Queen's Run and Hyner, a
new road having been laid out. The
money will be placed In the funds
for highway maintenance and Is the
llrst of the kind to be received In
a long time.
Hearing on the Bell Telephone
Company's application for continu
ance of the "war-time" telephone
rates and the protests by the city
of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh
Chamber of Commerce will be re
sumed by the Public Service Com
mission on Wednesday. The Com
mission will also rule on the com
pany's application for a valuation.
Applications have been made to the
Commission for approval of incor
poration of nine electric companies
to take the names of boroughs and
districts in Montour and Northum
berland counties where they are to
operate as follows: Danville and
Milton boroughs; Mahonin, Valley,
Liberty, East and West Chillisquque,
Turbet and Rush townships. The
Commission is to hold hearings In
Harrisburg every day but Saturday
and in Clearfield and Lebanon.
Frklay representatives of tlic
Public Service Commission and the
United States Interstate Commerce
Commission will sit to hear the claim
of the Central Iron and Steel Com
pany Qf this city for reparation in
amount of $50,000 against the Rail
road Administration and the Penn
sylvania and Reading systems in
which it is alleged that there were
"unjust and unreasonable terminal
operating practices" between tracks
of the railroads and the company.
Application for pardon of William
r < . ~ TTJT"
George W. Musser
A life-long Republican of
EastPennsboro Township,
Cumberland County
I was nominated for the office
of County Commissioner by the
Social Labor party. As It Is im
possible for me to see all of my
friends before the election, I take
this plan to ask the taxpayers for
their votes to help put this over
j the top.
Election day, Nov. 4, 1919.
Joslah McMeen, serving a life sen
tence for murder committed in the
middle eighties and probably the
man longest In confinement in the
State, will be heard by the State
Board of Pardons on Wednesday.
McMeen was convicted in Juniata
county In 1886 and granted
tatlon the next year. Pardon has
been refused twice, protests having
been made. The board has 26 cases
listed for hearing, three being first
degree murder cases and five of
other degrees of homicide. One of
the cases, Lloyd Degler, Berks, js
from a reformatory sentence for
using an automobile without con
sent of the owner, the first case of
the kind to come before the board.
Three rehearing applications have
been filed and there are two cases
held under advisement. Forty-four
applications for final pardon of men
on parole have been filed by the two
Br. M. B. Meredith, for 28 years
superintendent of the Danville State
Hospital and well known to many
people here, has resigned to take
effect next January. Dr. Meredith
will retire from active work.
Harry It. Purple, of the Auditor
General's Department, has returned
from an auditing trip through the
Northern counties.
From all reports the potato in
spection in the Hazleton field, de
veloped some fine results and it is
believed that the wart disease has
been checked. The quarantine re
sults in some districts were excel
lent. However, vigilance will con
tinue to be the watchword.
The unofficial primary returns
from Erie county have been received
at the State Department. The of
ficial figures are due to-morrow.
Repairs to a number of the arm
ories in Western Pennsylvania were
authorized by the State Armory
Board at its meeting in Pittsburgh
yesterday. Some moves for a new
armory in Pittsburgh are likely.
l'etcr J. lloban, former legisla
tive correspondent and well known
here, has been named as director of
supplies of the city of Philadelphia
by Mayor T. B. Smith to succeed
Joseph MacLaughltn.
Governor Sproul yesterday In
Philadelphia endorsed the movement
for a million-dollar endowment for
the University Hospital. He spoke
of it as the right kind of an institu
tion with the right attitude toward
the community.
The clianecs are that the Public
Service Commission will undertake
some steps in a short time to launch
a grade crossing elimination cam
paign. The statements in regard
to the plan for uniform signs at
grade crossings have developed into
a demand for getting rid of the cross
ings. The grade crossing subject
was studied for two years and when
the war came along it was stopped.
A few days ago Commissioners Benn
and Clement issued a statement in
which the Commission's efforts to
secure safety devices was outlined.
Since that time editorials in Phila
delphia newspapers say that tho
crossings should go.
Outlining a program by the Penn
sylvania Health Department to com
bat tuberculosis. Dr. John D. Mc-
$5,000 for accidental death.
$25 a week for disability
from accident.
S2O weekly for Illness.
Double for accidents of
The National Accident Society
of New York (Est. INHS)
Bruce Green, Resident Agent
1814 Green St., Bell 410
Lean, deputy commissioner of
health, said yesterday that the fu
ture poltcy of the State would be to
take care of curables in its own in
stitutions, but advanced cases of con
sumption must be treated in the
various counties themselves. Doc
tor McLean spoke in Philadelphia,
at the concluding sessions of the
sixth annual north Atlantic tuber
culosis conference, whose chief topic
is war on the white plague.
Moore Says That He
Wiilße the Chief
Capitol Hill was talking to-day
about the stand taken by Congress
man J. Hampton Moore In opening
his campaign headquarters yesterday
to the effect that he proposed to be
head of the organization in Philadel
phia. While the Vare candidates did
not attend the opening it is signifi
cant that prominent Vare men were
there and that two Vare candidates
got oft the McLaughlin ticket, while
Congressman W. S. Vare is guest of
the Mayoralty nominee on a water
way journey to-day.
The Philadelphia Preßs says of the
events yesterday: "Congressman
Moore opened his new campaign
headquarters in the Lincoln Building
yesterday with a speech in which he
asserted his position as "titular head
of the Republican party" when elect
ed Mayor; spoke of putting the Re
publican party right "even if a re
organization is necessary," and get
ting "good service in City Hall even
if some people there have to go out,"
while at the same time he gave such
hints of his desire for harmony in the
rank and tile of his party as the one
he gave when he said: "We have no
enemies to punish or friends to serve
until the campaign is over. We shall
Judge solely by the returns on No
vember 4." The new headquarters
opened yesterday with practically the
same staff in charge as conducted the
Moore primary.
Public Service
Shakeup Comments
The Philadelphia North American,
with which James S. Benn, one of the
Public Service Commissioners, was
long connected has this to say about
the coming shake-up in the Commis
sion staff:
"Seven employes of the Public Ser
vce Commission, including William
C. Hartman, of Philadelphia, a fol
lower of Representative John R. K.
Scott, and two other Vare men, have
been slated for removal by a com
mittee on dismissal, of which Com
missioner Samuel M. Clement, Jr., and
James S. Benn, of Philadelphia, and
S. Rilling, of Erio, are members. It
is said that the dismissals are being
made to cut down the operating ex
penses of the department, as the ap
propriation mkde by the recent legis
lature will not allow the continuance
of all the present employes and the
reed of more stenographers has be
come pressing. Among the men men
tioned for dismissal is a prominent
Pittsburgher, who has been with the
commission several years."
The Public Ledger says much the
some thing and the Philadelphia
Press, which often reflects Commis
sioners' views, likewise predicts a
Systematic Exercise
to Keep Health
Miss Majorie Bell, physical direc
tor of the Harrlsburg Y. W. C. A.,
has been placed In charge of physi
cal training of the attaches of the
State Department of Health by Col.
Edward Martin, the Commissioner,
who has Inaugurated a "health at
home" course for the people of the
department. On the ground that
physical exercise properly conduct
ed will prevent sickness, the Colonel
has arranged for IB minutes of ex
ercise by everyone connected with
the department every day, a weekly
talk and examination with report on
physical condition and development.
Orders have also been given for
opening of all windows in the Health
Department for five minutes every
hour during working periods and for
relaxation that length of time.
Attaches of the department who
appear on rainy days without rub
bers are to be sent home for them.
Disabled British
Soldiers to Get Aid
From Unspent Sum
London, Oct. 11. - Disabled of
ficers and men arc to receive sl,-
250,000 as personal aid funds from
the $35,000,000 profits that remain
unspent from the British Expedition
ary Force canteens, it is announced
by General Sir Julian Byng and the
committee of United Service Funds.
Like amounts will be distributed
among: widows and orphans of men
who fell at the front and for the
maintenance of general welfare work
among former service men in the
city of London. The money devoted
to the last named purpose will be
spent for the establishment of clubs
for discharged and demobilized sol
diers. If the experiment proves suc
cessful, funds will be voted for
similar activities in various cities
throughout the Kingdom.
Nine Governors of ,
Cotton States to
Preside at Conftrence
New Orleans, Oct. 11.—Governors
of nine cotton-growing states will
preside at the sessions here October
13 to 16 of the World Cotton Con
ference at which representatives will
bp in attendance rrom 31 nations
interested or affected by the cot
ton industry.
The governors chosen as chair
men are W. P. Hobby, Texas: A. H.
Roberts, Tennessee; Charles H.
Brough, Arkansas; Theodore G.
Bilbo, Mississippi; Thomas E. Kilby,
Alabama: Hugh Dorsey, Georgia; J.
D. A. Robertson, Oklahoma; Thomas
W. Bickett, South Carolina and Ruf
fin G. Pleasant, Louisiana.
Subjects announced for discussion
Include growing and handling of
cotton; future requirements and new
sources of production; storage and
Insurance of cotton; transportation
by river, rail and overseas; buying
and selling and world problems of
the textile industry.
British Butter Imports
Show Falling Off
By Associated Press.
Ixmdon, Oct 11.—The reason why
English people have been reduced
to a butter ration of one and one
half ounces a week was made plain
to-day with the announcement that
Imports of butter for the year end
ed June 30 were 70,000 tons as com
pared with 210,000 tons in an
! average year before the war. It may
bo two years before the supp'y will
reach normal demand.
Butter sells at 60 cents a pound
ns compared with about 75 cents In
France, Sweeden. Switzerland and
Germany, and 51.25 In Italy,
Many Girls, Out of
War Jobs, Have Hardr
Time to Get New Ones
Ijondou, Oct. 11.—Many girls who
obtained clerical employment in gov
ernment departments during the war
are having a hard time finding new
Jobs since the cutting down of staffs
has thrown them out of work. There
have been numerous exposures of ex
travagance and incomptency in gov
ernment offices and the girls who
worked in them have come to be re
garded by some employers as aiderr
and abetters in the wasting of the
taxpayers' money. They are dis
covering that commercial and busi
ness firms do not want them. Some
I, 'The Live Store" . " "Always Reliable"
Be Sure of Your Store
| And Children Coming I
I Home From School— j
Someone has been telling tales out of
school about our "Dubbelbilt" and "Wearpledge" Boys'
Suits. We can tell because our sales have increased so much in
our Boys' Department this Fall that we don't know what else to
attribute it too, except that the hoys have found out we have the
Every day after school there's a fine
bunch of Boys in this "Live Store"; not merely to look
around, but they bring their parents with them to help select the
right suit—lt's an easy matter for even a very inexperienced per
son to buy here, for no matter what you buy, we guarantee it to ||
give you absolute satisfaction or you can have your money back.
| $12.75, $14.75, $16.75
We are making friends with the boys
by having the clothes they want —We don't try to sell
anything against the boys' wishes —it doesn't pay! Some stores
can sell a boy once, but the next time he wants new clothes he goes
to the store where he can buy what he wants That's why so
many boys prefer Doutrichs.
advertisements of situations vacant
conclude with the statement, "no
government washouts need apply."
Wemyss Resigns as
the First Sea Lord
of British Navy
By Associated Press•
London, Oct. 11. Vice-Admiral
Sir Rosslyn Wemyss has resigned as
first sea lord. It is announced that
he will be succeeded by Vice-Ad
miral Sir David Beatty, commander
of the Grand Fleet.
Vlce-Admiral Wemyss was ap
pointed first sea lord in succession
to Admiral Sir John R. Jellicoe in
Deombcr, 1917.
OCTOBER 11, 1919.
This Youth Goes to
School in Airplane
Avalon, Santa Catal'jta Island, Cal.
Oct. 11.—Clyde Opolt, Jr., son of an
Avalon hotelkeener. is believed to
bo the only youth in the country who
goes to school in an airplane.
The school bo attends is in the
San Fernando valley, in Los Angeles
county, fifty miles from home. Of
this distance, thirty miles is over sea-
Clyde leaves home every Monday
morning in an aiip'une and rettfrns
the same way Friday night.
The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv.
Be Better Looking—Take
Olive Tablets
To have a dear, pink skin, bright
eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy
like childhood days, you must keep
wur body free from poisonous wastes.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege
table compound mixed with olive oil)
act on the liver and bowels like calomel
—yet have no dangerous after effect.
Take one nightly and note results.
They start the bile and overcome
constipation. That's why millions of
boxes are sold annually. 10c and 25c.