" When a Girl " Bjr ANN LISLE! A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problem of a Girl Wife CHAPTER OOCXXII. [Copyright, 1919, Star Feature Syndicate, Inc.] The message from Uncle Ned didn't come until I had finished my solitary meal, and then it was not directly from him, but a second hand affair from someone who re ported over the wire: "Mr. Pettingill says he will call Mr. Harrison first thing in the morning and wants him to be ready." "Ready for what?" I asked with natural curiosity. "Can't say, ma'am," was the la conic reply. "That's all Mr. Pet tingill said. That ho wanted Mr. Harrison to be ready." Again came the consciousness that I was—in the very nature of things—shut out from most of Jim's business life. It made me realize how little Jim needed me in com parison to my growing need of him. "A woman's only in the way half the time," I said to myself sadly. "When it comes to settling things with Pat, Jim can do better, with out me. Even his homely secre tary, Miss Nevins, is in his confi dence on a lot of matters he wouldn't dream of talking over with me. And now he's drifting in to some sort of intimacy with Uncle Ned in which I can't share." As I was wondering if in all the world there was another woman who felt as useless and as left out in the cold, Hedwig came to an nounce that Miss Phoebe and Mr. Neal had run in for a minute. "My blessed Neal!" I said to my self, happy at this interruption of my dull evening. And I hurried out to greet my guests. Probably there was a shade more George Weidman Formerly at 114 S. Second Street, is now open for business at 16th & Walnut Sts. WITH A LINE OF Choice Meats, Etc. Bell Phone —1182-R I __ (Wnr Tux 24 cents additional) SUNDAY EXCLUSION NEW YORK October 12 and November 16 ; SPECIAL EM I ; it 1 ION TRAIN From— LV.A.M! IIAKItIMUKG 3.33 lluniinelMtotvn 3..*1 l Swatarn if..*).' Ilershey 8.57 Palmyra 4.01 Annvllle 4.18 LEBANON 4.24 New York (ar.) . ■ U.SO Returning Leave New York from foot Went 23d St. ft.so p. tn., j foot Liberty St., 7 p. in. .same day for above ntatlonn. Tickets good going anil return ing only on above Speclnl Train, date of excursion. Children be tween 5 and 12 yearn of age, half fare. PLACES OF INTEREST IN NEW YORK Aquarium, Battery Park, open 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. Metropolitan Museum of Art. sth ! Ave. and S2d St., open 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. American Museum of Natural His tory, Columbia Avenue and 77th St., open 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Zoological Gardens, Bronx Park, 182 d St. and Boston Road, open all day. Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, 3d Ave. and 190 th St., open 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Central Park and Menagerie, sth Ave. and 65th St., open all day. Fifth Ave. Busses via Riverside Drive to Fort George; fare, 10c. Statue of Liberty from Battery Park, open 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.; fare, 25 cents. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad ' S. OF C. GRADUATES RECEIVE THE NA b TIONAL SEAT- OF EFFICIENCY; THIS IS ABSO LUTELY THE LARGEST, OLDEST AND BEST \ BUSINESS COLLEGE IN HARRISBURG. j Enter Now—Day or Night ! School of Commerce [ J. H. Troup Building 15 S. Market Square S Bell 485 Dial 4393 INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION WHY IS IT ? THAT FOR OVER EIGHTY YEARS SCHENCKS MANDRAKE PILLS Have been used for Constipation and Bilious Disorders YOUR DRUGGIST KNOWS SATURDAY EVENING.** 1 warmth in the hue I gave my bo loved brother than in the kiss I had for Phoebe. I hadn't forgotten the lunch at Val's from which I was omitted, and I suppose I was just us much miffed at Phoebe for go ing without me as I was at Val for failing to ask me. Anyway, Neal must have sensed the shades and degrees in my manner, for he promptly flung a protective arm about Phoebe as he cried with boy ish pride: "Doesn't my Phoebekins look great, Anne? We've got a new play of wearing our hair, we have. And it made a large-sized hit at the party to-day. Take off your hat, honey-girl, and show Anne." Phoebe giggled and removed her hat, displaying hair drawn back from her forehead and scalloped out over her cheeks in a mode I detest, but which certainly becomes Phoebe and makes her pansy-face look more like a baby's than ever. "If you aren't cunning!" I ex claimed, forcing myself to add, "I'll bet you were the chief charmer of the luncheon. Who was there, dear?" "Just Mrs. Cosby and two ador able girls named Willoughby. They are twins, daughters of someone , she knew at home. They've come on to try for a place on the con cert stage and Mrs. Pettingill, whom Mrs. Cosby says you know very well, is chaperoning them." "Wasn't Aunt Molly Pettingill there?" I asked. "No. Mrs. Cosby said it was a 'kid party,' and that she herself didn't belong." giggled Phoebe. 1 felt greatly relieved. "We came in to see about an other party," broke in Neal, "and then we'll have to run along. Got tickets for one of the Summer shows." "Does Virginia know you're out?" I asked. "She's almost decent about Neal," replied Phoebe bitterly. "At least she bids him the time of day when she passes him in the apartment. Ever since that dreadful night here she seems aware that Neal's a per son—l suppose it was because be made me go home with her and treated her as politely as if she weren't behaving like a fiend." "A fiend —" I broke in. "Jim calls her that too." "A fiend," repeated Neal impa tiently. "Cant any of you see she's eating her heart out? She looks more like a ghost. But down to business, ladies. To-morrow night's a very important occasibn. To morrow being—though you pay so little attention to it, Mrs. Harri son—my dear sister Babbsie's birth day. So Miss Phoebe and I have in vite yoU to the swellest dinner the town affords. Evening togs and all—and afterwards a look-in at any show you want to see. Maybe we'd better consult Jim about that. Tastes differ, you know." "How darling of you," I cried. "I didn't think a soul but Jim would remember my birthday—and he gave me my present weeks ago, but I've not worn it until to-night, the eve of my day—" I held out the hand on which my pearl ring nestled, and I got enough praise and admiration to suit me. But then Neal insisted on consulting Jim about what show we'd see, and so I had to answer Let's Get Together Everybody's doing it — It's the spirit of the times. You are probably not aware of the exceptional values in today's offer ings, therefore, we would like you to give them a personal inspection to day ! Let us get together. The prices and the values will prove a pleasing revelation to you. Kinney Shoe Store 19-21 N. Fourth St. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918. International News Service Bp McManus I'Vfc COT TO CALL s f _j 1 f~~ ~ \ Pout ( ~ ) - f, uIT „ D T CHATTER • f™] fejj [W\ , Iss; l J $5 Ohvttf*. ' J rHATTei? . J f all R.CHT __U ? V V. * J CHATTER rJ I -J ( | uh xe h^ h 1/ I the question I was trying to evade, though I hardly knew why. "He's out—on business," I said. Phoebe tossed her head. Almost it seemed that I'd anticipated her doing this and had been trying to save myself from it. And when she spoke, I fancied I'd known all along what she was going to say. "Out on business! My Neal isn't going to leave me all alone even ings while he transacts horrid old business. For if he has to work I' mgoing to share, aren't I, Nealie?" "Surest thing you know!" replied Neal—for once unconscious of me and my feelings. Then they ran along, leaving me feeling more alone than ever. As I set about trying to read or sew or do something to pass the hours, n thought invaded my mind. It seemed to come from nowhere, but it wouldn't go back there again, what had become of the blue crepe de chine dress Daisy brought back to me when she restored the ri ig* I was sure she hadn't carried it away with her. But I hadn't seen it since. Where could It be? (To Bo Continued). Re-equip Old Ships to Save Germany's Maritime Prestige Hamburg, Oct. li._ The Hanseatic towns and Hamburg in particular arc doing everything they can to stimu late shipping and save something from the wreck of Germany's mari time prestige. At all the ports old sailing vessels are being re-equipped for service while Hamburg has ap pealed to the government for eco nomic relief. Germany's sailing fleet consists of 1,300 vessels of which 82 are of overseas caliber. These are being refitted as rapidly as possible to carry German goods principally to comparatively nearby neutral ports. Files Suit to Test Prohibition Law By Associated Press. I-ouisville, Ky., Oct. 11.—Suit to test the constitutionality of the war time prohibition law was filed In Federal district court here yester day by Attorneys Levy Mayer, of Chicago, and Marshall Bullitt, of Louisville. J DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS zvi | AN ATTRACTIVE NEGLIGEE 2971—This is a good model for cotton or silk crepe, for flannel or flannelette, eiderdown, blangetings, crepe de chine, taffeta, satin, lawn, dimity or dotted Swiss. The pattern is cut in 4 sizes: Small, 32-34; medium, 36-38; large, 40-42; extra large, 44-46 inches bust measure. Size medium requires 5% yards of 44-inch material. A pattern of this Illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10c in silver or lc and 2c stamps. _____————— Telegraph Pattern Department For the 10 cents Inclosed please send pattern to the following address: Slse Pattern No. Name ... Address City and State HtmUSBCRO TELEGRXPH THE LOVE GAMBLER By Virginia Terhune Van de Water CHAPTER LXVIII. (Copyright, 1919, Star Company.) In spite of Desiree's outburst, Mrs. Duffleld felt quite complacent after her niece's departure. Not only had she offered to set matters right with Helen, but she had a self-congratulatory sensation when she appreciated that she had not let slip to Desiree the fact that Smith was going under an assumed name. Really, the widow reflected, com fortably settling down in her arm chair, Smith could not be quite trustworthy if he were ashmed to use his own name. After all, per haps, it was just as well that Jeffer son was going to make inquires as to his indentity. She did hope that she would be imformed of the out come of his investagations. Meanwhile Desiree Leighton walked slowly home, her min.l oc cupied with something her aunt had said. It was Mrs. Duffield's remind er that, "after all, Smith was just a chauffeur." The girl had been so penitent for her outburst of anger to her elderly relative that she held in check the protest she longer to utter. 1 et, if she had spoken, she could not have denied the matron's assertion, Smith was "just a chauffeur." Desiree's sense of justice rebelled at the suggestion of snobbishness in that statement. A chauffeur could be an educated gentleman Just as well as his employer could. Something told her that David Smith's character, ideals, principles, were as high as—if not higher than—those of any man she knew. She compared him mentally. with Walter Jefferson, and her lip curled scornfully. "He is not to be mentioned it? the same class with that busybody!" she muttered. Self Analysis But when she analyzed her feel ings she had to admit that it was Smith himself —not his breeding manners or looks—that held her loyalty. Here she stopped afraid to let herself think further. She reflected with a thrill or anticipa tion that to-morrow she would see the object of her recent discussion with Mrs. Duffleld. It was after dinner that her father disabused her of this belief. He had been unusually tactiturn during the evening meal —a fsyit that his daughter observed without comment. Something had doubtless gone wrong at the office. Tactfully she tried to draw his thougrts from his worries, chating of anything except his business and the topic that was uppermost in her mind. An instinct to conceal her owu feel ings prompted her to avoid this. Therefore she experienced a sud den shock when her father intro duced the subject she wished to shun. Coffee had been brought into the drawing-room after dinner. She was sipping the steaming beverage when her parent announced abruptly —"Smith has left." She started, and some of the coffee splashed from her cup, run ning in a drak rivulet down the front of her dainty gown. She set the cup down haistly, and, catching Daily Dot Puzzle 9* it s i A "8 4 • 11 . . V • 17 • 22. 3 IQ K * ••• • 27 ! J S-.29 ' j * Jf'k .24 if Br*- * K /5b as aa l\ / • • v\v ** 53 y .53 * 54 / 52 yl 4s 42. •*> • 31 f ** • • -a . * 4 ' 49 Draw from one to two and ao on to the end. up her handkerchief, rubbed the front of her skirt with it. Her head was bent so that her father could r/ot get a full view of her lace. "Left!" she repeated. "Yes, left—the cad!" Then she looked up and met her companion s eyes, her own unflinch ing. I- "T hat is a har(l word to use," bather, "she commented. "I hardly think that in this case it is war ranted. Samuel Leighton frowned. "Sentimentalism again, my dear! 1 suppose 1 may judge of what is the correct word. I mean what I say. Smith told me he would stay with me for the remainder of the week. Then-—probably because he resented our-my-suspicions, of him he went back on his word." "What reason did he give." The question was very low. That he had been called away, the same reason he gave the last time he threatened to go. His pride is hurt that's it. I don't believe he had to leave town at all." "f do." "What?" "I do," the girl repeated bravely. "Snr.th wojild not lie to you." The man made an impatient move ment. "It so happens, my child, that you know nothir.-g about it. i The fellow .is proud, no doubt, and I cannot blame him for that, but he also has an infernal temper. And that's why he left to get even with me. But he bit off his nose to spite his face. I paid him up to two days ago. He was in such a temper that he did not stop to take his extra two days' pay, nor the money I offered him for his work as butler here the other night. I guess he's sorry by now." "I doubt it," was the calm re joinder. "And I do not blame him for feeling as he does. He is an honest man—and a gentlen\an. He has been suspected of a piece of low thievery, and the story has been told to guests in our house. But in spite of all that, he would not have gone away like this unless he had to." Leighton turned on his daugh ter angrily. Well —if that is the way you feel about him." with a sneering laught, "it is as well that j he has gone. Since you take sides with my chauffeur against me, it is plain that his good looks have turned your head." "Father!" "I mean it!" he declared. "I might have seen how things were going. Perhaps you may change your tune when I tell you that 'Smith' is not the fellow's real name." "Who says so?" "Never mind who says so. But I will remind you that it looks queer for am an to go under an assumed name. What have you to say now?" "Only"—Desireef rose and faced him—what I have already inti mated—that Smith is an honorable gentleman and that I trust him." To Be Continued New State Officers For R. R. Association; Favor Holy Sabbath By Associated Press• Wilkcs-Barre, Pa., Oct. 11.—Dele gates to the convention of the Penn sylvania Sabbath School Association in session in this city placed them selves on record during the con cluding session last evening as be ing opposed to any and all com mercializing of the Sabbath and is sued a call to the Christian citizen ship of Pennsylvania to join hands in keeping the Sabbath day a holy day. Another resolution was unani mously adopted on the prohibition question expressing gratitude to God for ratification of "this great est of moral victories." Percy L. Craig, of New Castle, was elected president to succeed the late Henry J. Heinz and John Wana maker, Philadelphia, honorary pres ident. Other i directors were: James S. Lansing. Scranton; S. E. Gill, Pittsburgh: S. S. Marvin. Bryn Mawr; vice-presidents, I. L. Harvey, Bellefonte; David N. Wagoner, Irwin: E. P. Selden, Erie: Clifford J. Heinz, Pittsburgh; F. E. Park hurst, Wilkes-Barre; Harry E. Im hoff, Denver: R. A. Zentmyer, Ty rone; recording secretary, Walter E. Myers, Erie; counsel, E. L. Tustin, Philadelphia. Alumni to Hear of Cornell's Needs New York, Oct. ll.—Two hundred representative alumni of Cornell University will gather In Ithaca next Saturday to get a first hand impres sion of its needs and then return to their homes in various- parts of the country to spread the appeal for $5,000,000 ' which is needed by the University. The visitors will be ad dressed by Dr. Jacob Gould Schur man, president of Cornell, and by the deans of the various professional schools and heads of the departments which make up tha University. Little Talks by Beatrice Fairfax "Before the war. my sweetheart and I being young never talked of mar riage. but we loved each other dearly. In passing anyone, we would very pleasantly say 'How do you do?' but she would never stand and fool and talk to any fellows nor I to any girls. "Now I do not speak to a certain girl because my sweetheart is angry at her and asked me not to. I have gladly done this and I do not say more than hello to any other girl, even if I am alone. "Now. my sweetheart fools with some boys, and if I seem angry she tells me not to mind, for they are young. Once while we were out with my sister, and brother-in-law, she ran away from me to talk to another young man. "There Is also a young man two years younger than she, whom she has been out riding with and when I said something to her about it she said she wouldn't go out with him again. Then she said I shouldn't be nngry for he is so young. "Now. Miss Fairfax. I believe she doesn't mean anything by these things, for she loves me and tells me so. "I love her and to leave her would break my heart, but there must be some way to stop this. Is there? "BUDDY." Buddy. I have to turn right around and ask you a question. You drive me to it. When you were Over There back in the days when we wrote the words in capital letters, and meant something very special by them, did you ever have a superior officer—be it sergeant or lieutenant or captain whom you didn't trust? Suppose you had an officer like that —one whose word you didn't take, whose actions you questioned and whose decisions you didn't like—how well do you think you'd have served with him in command? How cheer fully would you have undertaken a spe cial and dangerous detail with him? Would you ever have thought of pre tending to be devoted to. an officer, or a buddy when you didn't take his word, didn't trust him out of your sight? Would you—now we're getting t"b the crux of the matter ever have fallen into such a narrow way of in terpreting friendship that you'd have refused to let your buddy speak a friendly word to some other young doughboy who happened to be sta tioned hack of the lines or out in the trench with you? "Of course, I wouldn't," you say. All right, buddy, I know you wouldn't. It doesn't strike me a bit better than it does you even to suggest the thing. It wouldn't be fair to doubt a pal and not tell him so and let him clear it up. And when he offered a decent explanation of what made you doubt him that would be the end of the mat ter, wouldn't it? Why under the sun shouldn't you be as square with the girl you love? And why under the sun should any one ever get to the point of exclusiveness and dog-ln-the-mangerishness where he ex pects a pal or a sweetheart to stop knowing there are other folks on earth besides himself? "As you went up and down the shell torn highways and by-ways of France didn't you find that a pleasant word with a passing Tommy or a smile from a Frenchie or a bit of banter with one of your own comrades brightened the day a lot? Don't you like passing the time of day with folks you meet here at home? Of course you do, if you're human and young and not a prickly old grouch. Well then, lad, why shouldn't your sweetheart like to have a friendly word with folks? Why shouldn't she be jolly and amiable and do the thing for which all of us are always striving if we know it or not—that la, make people like her? It isn't fair for you to fuss about her being friendly with people she passes. And, moreover, It won't do any good. You love her for her sweetness and friendliness and nice warm human ness. And the rest of the world likes her for that. But her heart is yours. Now, my boy, don't estrange that heart and drive all the affection out and put resentment or tyranny in Its place. That won't get you anything. Where there Is no faith and no con fidence there couldn't be any military discipline, could there? There wouldn't be a friendship worth having, would there? And do you actually think there can be love without trust or tolerance? Canada Interns Count; Ousts Woman as "Red" Montreal, Oct. 11.—Count Maxi milian Egon Potocki, an Austrian who preferred the name of "James Dunn—Britisher," is on the way to on internment camp at Kapukastng. His woman traveling companion is not with him—she is going to New York, deported by the Canadian authorities. According to the Count's own statement, the police say, he and the woman had been united by a mock marriage. .Detectives overheard the Count nnd the woman conversing in Ger man. Among the Count's posses sions were an autogrnphed photo graph of Alexander Berkman, an archist, and a letter from Dr. Frled rlch Adler, Vienna Spartacan lead er. The police also brand the wom an as a "Red." The arrests came .after discovery of the Count's German and radical I connections. OCTOBER 11, 1919 DEPUTIES FIGHT OVER PRAYER Body of Episcopal Church Adopts Service For the Nation's Dead By .Associated Press. Detroit, Oct. 11.—A tight that was almost bitter developed in the House of Deputies of the Protestant Episco pal Church of America, on the ap proval of a Memorial Day prayer for "the nation's dead," which, how ever, was finally adopted, together with modifications which would shorten the morning and evening prayer services, minor changes in the psalter and new prayers for the Army and Navy. Dr. George C. Foley, of the Phil adelphia Divinity School, maintain ed that adoption of the Memorial Day prayer would mean "prayers for the dead," which Dr. James M. Owens, of Shrevcport, La., declar ed would be a "radical departure," to be likely followed by a eueliarist for the dead "a backward step." Dr. C. P. Wilbmer, of Atlanta, Ga., held the adoption of this prayer would be an "opening wedge for requiem mass," and objected to it strongly. On the other hand Major General Charles M. Clement, of Sunbury, Pa., commander of the Twenty-eighth 1 Division before it went overseas; Dr. George Craig Stewart, of Evanston, I Ills., and others expressed the op | posite view. A missionary district in the Pana ma canal zone was created by the House of Bishops. The church will record a united opinion on adoption of the Peace Treaty and the Covenant of the League of Nations, in the opinion of leading churchmen attending the meeting. Following adoption by the House of Bishops of a resolution presented by Bishop Chauncey B. Brewster, of Connecticut, requesting the U. S. Senate to "secure participa tion of our country in a covenant of nations," the opinion was expressed in the House of Deputies that the same resolution would be passed there. A fight on the question is anticipated, however, although po litical lines apparently are not drawn. SELL NICHOLAS' AUTO London, Oct. 11. —At a sale of government motorcars the other day IMPURE AND IDELICIOUS P^iussJ .jSjSI Is a most satisfactory beverage. Fine f© flavor and aroma and it is ,: W healthful. ,; J Well made cocoa contains & nothing that is harmful and M much that is beneficial. "I It is practically all nutrition. Choice Recipe book free. I Baker & Co. Ltd. J| Established J7BQ. DorcTiester Mass Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! . . One or two doses Ui/W ARMY & NAVY JinM DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel ten years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach ■■V and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by tha U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Y. • $15,000 was paid for the automobile which was built by a famous manufacturing concern for the late emperor of Russia. Salad Jell Lime Jiffy-Jell is fla vored with lime-fruit es sence in a vial. It makes a tart, green salad jell. Jiffy-Jell desserts are flavored with fruit-juice essences, highly con densed, sealed in glass. Each dessert tastes like a fresh-fruit dainty and it is. You will change from old-style gelatine dainties when you once try Jiffy- Jell. Millions have changed already. Order from your grocer now , j jyMeh 10 Flavor*, at Your Grocar'a 2 Package* for 2S Cento m. We carry the largest assortment of Rubber Goods < HO of every description Raincoats Footwear Boot s Garden Hose Rubber Sundries Elastic Goods Rubber Matting, Tires, Etc. Harrisburg Rubber Co. * 205 Walnut St. 5