Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 11, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
MJ'tiona! Classified Ads on Osoosite Page REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US * BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET V FOR SALE Eight-room single frame dwelling with all improvements; slate roof; lot. 125x120. Located on Oyster Point Ave., Camp Hill. Price S3BOO. 2405 Derry St.; now vacant; 214- story brick dwelling. 6 rooms and bath; hardwood floors; gas; electric light; steam lieat; will sell with lot 20 or 60 feet front. 1815 Zarker St.; 6-room brick dwell ing; all improvements; good condi tion; porches; side entrance, Price, $2900: possession soon. . 2527 S. Third St., Steelton; 214- story frame dwelling; 7 rooms and hath; all improvements; lot 25x110; good location; attractive at S2OOO. $3700 will buy a double 3-story frame dwelling; each side containing 8 large rooms; good condition; lot 40x150. These properties make very desirable homes: are well located on Forge Road. Lucknow. (close to liver). Elegant suburban property; brick rnd stucco construction; 7 rooms, hath and reception hall. gas. steam heat, hardwood floors, open fire place. 10-foot front and rear porch; tiled bath room, abundance of shrubbery and fruit: garage and chicken house; lot 155x265; high elevation. We have a number of very desir able suburban lots that are offered at prices much lower than at times when "* more properties were being construct ed. I/Ots are bound to go up in price; everything else in connection with the building of property has. BRINTON-PACKfcU CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE Property in business section of N. Third St.. containing large store room and seven up-to-dute apart ments; city steam heat. Holly St.. 1902. 214-story brick, 10 rooms, bath, front porch, steam heat * and all Improvements. Zarker St.. 141S-20-22-40-42, 2Va - story frame. 8 rooms and bath, all Im provements; prices right. * Brick bungalow on West Shore, containing 8 rooms, bath, front and back porches, steam beat, electric lights and hardwood floors, lot 40x150 feet. Must be seen to be appreciated. Camp Hill. 2t4-story single Colonial Style, brick house on Bowman avo., all Improvements, lot 100x150 feet. Price right to quick buyer. MAYNARD M. FULTON, Real Estate and Insurance, % 34 S. Market Sq. Bell 325.1 FOR SALE 1104 State Street JjjpOO 1406 State Street |J>oou 801 N. 18th Street $->OOO 803 N. 18th Street *1699 811 N. 18th Street 1820 Briggs Street SIOOO 1 1822 Briggs Street SIOOO 1810 Briggs Street .....$3500 All very desirable properties. A. S. MILLER. Room 216 Commonwealth Trust Bldg. — 4 321 Herr St.. 8 roomed house; all | improvements; a bargain to quick buyer. Rents for $26. Apply $24 ltelly St. DERRY ST. —2415—2-story brick, 7 rooms and bath, house recently com •pleted, lot 40x100, building 22 ft. front, gas and electric, open fire place, rteanv heat, finished throughout in chestnut, hardwood floors, beautiful lawn and schrubbery, place for a gar age. can be seen by appointment. 2630 N. 6th.—3-story brick, electric, gas. steam heat, drive alley in rear, room for garage. 2608 N. 6th St. —3-story brick, elec tric. gas. steam heat, extra fine finish Inside. Apply LEHMAN & KLINGEMAN, Patriot Building. ( ■— ' . FOR SALE—Mountain land and summer cottages at Perdix. Rest- Moor Cabin, 1% -story building, three rooms upstairs, extra large room, first iloor suitable for store room. The Litchfield, snappy four room bungalow. These properties are splen didly located facing State Road and are 'keen renters during summer sea son at prices that give the owner tetter than a 12 per cent, investment. Will also sell my one-half interest in Mountain Side Park tract, 140 acres or more. Good opportunity for an active developer to get in on the ground lloor in an established promo ' '"vil of the above will be offered at a decidedly low clean up price. Satis factory terms can be arranged, or will exchange on city property. Apply to the owner, A. C. Young, the Young Bldg.. 34 N- Second St. Bell 767. Dial 5439.' HOUSE for sale, new two-story brick. 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. Melroße St., near 23d and Perry. Call Bell 2062 R. FOR SALE or exchange. Sixth St building lots above Maclay St., cor ner of two wide paved streets, very desirable location; will make an ex cellent investment if disposed of at once. Address P. O. Box 590, City. 316, 318. 320. 322 Lewis; 6 rooms and bath; electric light. ** 1911 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and bath. 2044 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and bath. 2632 N. 6th St.. 9 rooms and bath. 1933 N. 3d St, 11 rooms and bath. 680 Schuylkill St, 6 rooms and bath, 308 Lewis St, 7 rooms and bath. 3200 N. 3d St., 9 rooms and bath. D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street Real Estate and Insurance. 3-story, semi-detached house; 25 ft •front: 162 ft deep; runs back to Penn St; garage; room for two cars; home; all improvements; must be seen to bo appreciated. Im mediate possession. Price $10,500. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street. Bell phone 3057 J. PAXTANG Rutherford and Swan streets, new brick bungalow, six rooms and bath, latest Improvements, large lot., pos session November 1. We invite In spection. ROHRER & SON, 211 Bergner Building. Real Estate. General Insurance 1 (Continued In Next Column) SATURDAY EVENING, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I LOGAN ST., 2207. 3-story bk. VA CANT $2600 ! BAILF.Y ST.. 1194. 3-story bk. VA CANT $2606 MACLAY ST.. 531. 3-story fr. Double bk. garage. VACANT S4OOO PENN ST. Between Peffer and Ma clay $2950 EMERALD ST. 300 block. Fine home $6350 N. SIXTH ST. 2400 block. Fine homes S6OOO FULTON ST. 1600 block. Easy terms SI6OO CLINTON AVE. 400 block, three cozy homes. Easy terms. Each $1250 RHOADES AVE. 1900 Block. Easy terms SIBSO LOGAN ST. 1900 Block, three 2V4- rtory frames. Total price S4OOO NINETEENTH ST. 3-story frame, SI6OO Other properties in all parts of the city ranging in price from $950 to $16,000. Some exceptional values in vacant lots. Geo. W. Jacobs. 17 N. Third St. Bell 1539. FRAME house. 2%-story, six rooms, I nicely papered, gas, electricity, fur ! nace, hcuse on South Cameron St.. lin splendid condition, possession can Ibe had on short notice. Price SI,BOO. 1 LINCOLN REALTY COMPANY. 1129 N. Seventh Street. Near 23d and Derry Sts., new 2- story bk., all imp., price $3300 1600 block Derry St., 3-story ok. all imp., price .S7OOO 1731 Park St., 214-story bk., all imp 1700 block. State St.. 3-atory bk, garage, all imp.. ~ss'-uo 400 block Woodbine St., 3-story bk., all imp *3600 400 block Muench, 3-story bk.. no imp 2700 block, 6th St.. 3-story bk., all Imp f ! 4 : 00 227 N. 15th St., 3-story bk.. drive alley, all imp .....$5-00 Near Penbrook, 8 room bk., new. large lot ? 3oOU Double frame house, one acre land, fruit, barn, pigr sty, chicken house, lots of fruit, one block from trolley. bargain * 4 , B< > o Double frame house, large lot, greenhouse S4OOO 32 S. 28th St. Penbrook. 7 room, frame house 228 and 230 S. 29th St., i r°°™ frames, all imp., each SLJjO CIIAS. DAVIES, Real Estate. Rents Collected 1549 State St. Bell 4162 R. Dial 4939 FOR SALE. PENBROOK Whole square of land with double 8-room frame house, large stable, pig sty, chicken house, storage building and all kinds of fruit. See this property. Price only $4,500. Easy terms "C." CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street. Bell 4162R Dial 4930 FOR SALE —3-story brick on Schuyl kill St. for $2650. all improvements; side entrance and front porch. Pos session in 30 days. Apply A. W. Swen gel, 2131 N. Second. Bell 2575 J. FRONT STREET RESIDENCE—For sale; single property on plot 50x200; 15 rooms; electric lights; hot water heat; owner leaving City. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. STATE ST. property for gale at $5,500; brick construction: 8 rooms and bath; all other improvements; garage on the premises. Hell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. $2500 WILL PURCHASE a semi bungalow with six rooms, furnace heat, recently papered and in good condition; porch front and rear; lot 40x135. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE—27I Hamilton Street; 101 Cherry Street; nine Mlddletown houses. These properties are offered for quick sale to close an estate. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST.. 2307—N0W VA CANT. For sale; brick and stucco bungalw; seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other Im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Fine brick house with all improvements, with a tine large porch; price. $4,800; easy payments; located in Lemoyne. Inquire at 300 'Hummel avenue. NEW CUMBERLAND, on Third St., 2% -story double frame house, 7 rooms, large lot. Inquire 356 Crescent St. 801 l phone 4686 W. Real Kstate For Sale—Suburban DESIRABLE M'ECHANICSBUItG RESIDENCE for sale; ten rooms and bath; gas; electric light; furnace heat; property in good repair; lot 60x90. Inspect it. No. 410 East Main St. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT —A fine furnished home in Camp Hill. SIOO. Kough, Brightbill & Kline. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 1615-1621 Naudain St.. 2-story brick, rooms and bath, all improvements, drive alley in rear. S2BOO. S2OO down. $25 per month. Three-story brick houses; steam lieat and all improvements; Derry St. between 21st and 22d Sts. S3OO down. Balance as rent. BRICK HOUSE—Logan St.. below Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. SSO down, $25 per month. WOODBINE STREET —8 rooms and bath; electric light; papered and painted new. SSO down; $25 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J FOR RENT—One-story brick build ing with basement, 20x40 feet, 2109 Susquehanna St. Both floors cement ed; light, heat and water on both floors. Suitable for garage or service station. Apply 2109 Green St. ■ 1 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT —Furnished six-room house and bath; owner requires one room; middle aged couple preferred; rent reasonable; Hill sectloii. Address W-9898 care Telegraph. FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdlx from September 1; furnished up-to-date; only reliable people need apply to I.ouis, 414 N. Third St. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED —3,500 or 4,000 square feet floor space for light manufac turing purpose. Address Box F-8113, care Telegraph. WANTED Suburban home, two acres of ground or more; will buy at once if terms are suitable. Address Box D-8081 care Telegraph. READY buyers, list your farm and houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate and Insurance, Steelton. Dial. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es tate and Insurance. 1002 North Third Street. FARMS FOR SALE * 30 acres timber land—9o per cent, oak—near Lewisberry, York county. Address M-8094 cart Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) FARMS (-acre farm, 5 miles south New Cumberland along State highway, spring and well water, six-room frame house, stable and chicken house, fruit and berries. Possession at once. 30-acre farm, 5 miles north Harris burg, one mile to river to railroad, trolley and State road. Practically level, good soil, good 9-room frame house, stable, chicken house, hog house, lets of' fruit, 8 or 8 acres In woodland, possession soon. Will sell J or exchange either of the above farms for city property, or on easy terms. 10-acre farm, 2 miles north Harris burg on crosß roads, 1 mile to trolley and State road. Southern exposure. Mostly level, lots of fruit and grapes. Small stream running water on farm, tine well water, good 7-room frame house with two porches, slate roof, phone in house, can easily have elec tricity in, good bank barn, chicken house, etc. Fine place for ftsh da.il or swimming pool. Can have water pow er for a. plant or in the buildings. Must te seen to be appreciated. Apply in person to C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. Bell phone 560J 16-acre farm, good buildings, land is very good, lots of fruit. Price 11700. 80-acre farm with very good tlm berland, buildings in good condition, lund is level. Price 14600. H. C. FERBHR. 107 Chestnut near Front. FOH SALE —120-acro farm; good soil; 20 miles from Hnrrlsburg on William Penn Road; good size house, summer house, wagon shed, large hog stable, chicken house, running spring water, orchard and other fruit trees. Apply 327 Mouth Front St. 1849, T. FARMS WANTED FARMER with stock and Imple ments wants farm on shares or money rent Lock Box 234, Progress, Pa. OFFICES AND STOREROOMS — . 1 FOR RENT —Second floor room, 50x 140 ft., no posts, llth and Berryhlll Street. Apply on premises. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Motors, one alternating current motor; Robbins & Myers single; Phase lib volts; 60 cycles, 1750 rev. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., Printing —Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping— Plate Printing. Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE One white Iron bed. one good mattress, spring. complete 326; one 6x9 Crex rug 39.50. FORNWALT, 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE—To quick buyers, one 16 11. P and one 5 H. P. D. C. current generators with board full equipped and one 30 H. P. steam engine, all in good condition, cheap. Columbia Shoe Co.. Catuwissa, Pa. SUGAR Granulated sugar, pulverized Into 4X for bakers and confectioners. Tri angle Mint Company, 12th and Herr streets. # — 4 TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. XILLOTSON, 106 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! For choice Grimes Golden. Baldwin, York Imperial and other varieties, go to the D. L. Allen orchard, 37 miles west of Harrlsburg and 1H miles south of Lee's Cross Roads. D. L Allen. FOR SALE "Penn Esther" coal range with warming oven and hot water boiler, worth $125 new, for S6O. • "Eclipse" gas range, two ovens and five burn ers, worth S4O new. for S2O. "No. 2 Clover'' water heater, worth $23 new, for sll. All in good condition and can be seen at 1717 N. Second St. FOR SALE —Gas range In good con dition. Inquire 1924 Bellevue Road. FOR SALE—Steel color, reed, re versible baby coach. Inquire 613 N. 16th St CASH REGISTERS AND ADDING MACHINES can be bought on easy payment plan. We will call and dem onstrate. Just drop me a card. H. J. Hatt, Hotel Victor. FOR SALE —First class Davenport and small gas stove, in use but short time. Inquire 633 ROBS St. FOR £XLE—Eagle premier safety razor, good as new, with one dozen regular blades and one dozen new blades. Will sell reasonable. Address Box S-7979 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—One-inch pipe and leather belting. J. B. Roller & Co., East Green St., Mechanlcsburg. FOR SALE—IOO-pound (Capacity paper bailer, good as new, $lO to quick buyer. See Mr. Haag at Sout ter's 25 Cent Store. FOR SALE—White reed baby coach, also kitchen range, both In first class condition. Inquire 1906 N. Fifth St. FOR 9ALB1—Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The Hlghsplre Distillery Co.. Ltd., Both phones. Hlghsplre, Pa. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. FOR SALE —Household furniture, including bed room suit, sideboard, roll top desk, library table, pictures, carpet, kitchen range, gas stove, win dow shades, chairs, dishes, kitchen utensils, etc. Can be seen at home of J. E. Jackson. Hainton, (.iqst beyond Progress), Saturday afternoon, Octo ber 11. 3 to 6 p. ni. Bell phono 9966H-3 or 3681. . I FOR SALE —Gasoline engines, 2 to 10 H. P.; gasoline hoisting engine, electric motors, various sizes, lath es, planer, shaper. drill presses, leather Belting, large stone crushing plant complete. F. It. Laverty. Bell phone 1857. FOR SALE: —Large lot electric mo tors. in first class condition. F. R. Lavcryt 1857 Bell. BOOKS Bought and sold; 2.0.000 new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, 925 North Third. Circulars free. CENTRAL Furniture Store. 324 Rcily St.. on account of building our warehouse, we close out our 75 ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a low price; also furniture and floor covering at reduced price. A trial will convince you. 1061 M. W'ANTEI) —MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy two or three second hand desks and one filing cabinet. Must be in good con dition. Address Desk, care Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) 9 ' ■ ' HARRISBURQ TEUEOKXPH WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Second hand multi graph or mimeograph. Must be In first class condition. Address Box 0-8111 care Telegraph. Cash for Cash Registers Good prices paid for National Cash Registers, good or bad condition, state style and factory numbers. United Cash Register Co.. Dept. 30. 1217 Filbert St.. Philadelphia. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and ■old. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Bmeltz, 1020 Market street. Will call. City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 3370-J & RIFKIN. CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRIS BURG, PA HORSES ANI) CARRIAGES FOR SALE—Shetland pony, three years old, new wagon, harness and saddle. Address Box 8512 care Tele graph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .HUSTLERS — COUNTY RIGHTS Large Pittsburgh concern wants managers for every county in the State. Article is covered by patents and used by man, woman and child. Can be sold to retail and wholesale trade, also is a good house to house proposition. If you are a live one looking for a money maker, write, naming county or counties you de sire. Counties selling for SIOO to SSOO. Don't wait; write at once. Ad dress— SALES MANAGER . 228 Martin Bldg., N. S. Pittsburgh. Pa. OIL If you have $31.25 and want to get something good in oil. write us at once for important particulars. Ad dress FRANK STRICKLAND Sapulpa, Okla. BUY AN OIL LEASE $lO buys live acres Texas Held. Ranger leases sold at 25c now worth thousands per acre. Nuttle paid $1 per acre and sold for $6,000 per acre. Texas-Rainbows End now opening up shows same geological formation as proven territory, leases here may jump any price with first well coming In. It's a speculation, but the kind of speculation that has made many small investors rich. The Fortuna Oil Co.. started in by several men pool ing S4OC in leases —sold out recently for a million dollars. If you don't understand lease business, we will gladly explain all details. Remit $lO for five acres. We send you legal lease form and keep you in touch with developments. Send name for free man and full information. Pecos Valley Co.. 114% N. Robinson, Okla homa. Okla. WE manufacture a carburetor for Ford cars which is guaranteed to give double the mileage over any other carburetor ever constructed regard less of name, make or price. We aro now ready to furnish carburetors also for Dodge and Maxwell cars. Will furnish them for other cars in a short time. Money refunded if fifteen day free Irial does not prove It. Entirely new principle—simple plain tube not a moving part; guaranteed to start in zero weather without heat ing or priming; tremendous demand; 35.000 now in use in Chicago terri tory; reliable, energetic man who can guarantee sales and carry stock of SSOO to $2,000 depending on demand, can secure exclusive territory and will easily net $25,000 this year. No special experience necessary. Frank A. Urwan, 508 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chi cago, 111. DON'T LET PROMOTERS DECIDE FOR YOU Many tempting offers for making money in oil stocks may cause you to make an unwise investment. If vou now hold oil stock or are plan ning an investment or merely inter ested in oil —the world's greatest commodity—you should read the "Oil Press," an authority on invest ments and production. Each issue brimful of authentic Information of recent and sensational developments in the great Mid-Continent and Texas oil fields, where opportunities are many for making profitable in vestment* with little, money. Let the "Oil Press" guide you; It may make you money; it may protect you from losses. Each Issue contains analytical reports of numerous com panies—good, bad and indifferent. The "Oil Press," together with a late Issue of the "Markets," containing quotations on listed, unlisted, active and inactive oil stocks sent free on request. Also while they last a new accurate colored map of Kansas, Ok lahoma and Texas Just out, featuring the oil fields in red. Address Oil Press, 708 Republic Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. GARAGE FOR SALE Doing good business, employ ing five men. Address Box H-9016 care Telegraph. t FOR SALE—Restaurant, doing very good business. This place is a money maker, and business can still be Im proved if you give it your personal attention. If you are looking for some thing good, look Oils place over. Address Box 7977 care Telegraph. LIVE business for a live man, In nearby town. Restaurant, confec lon erv cigars. Doing business of $42,000 J ysar or more. Xpply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth St. PARTNER WANTED Capable executive experienced In managing a large automobilo repair service station, trucks especially, wanted, who will invest from $2,500 to $3 000 In business, taking a half interest, working on a salary and a share of the profits. Must take full charge at once. Business permanently established. Located in heart of city. Will stand close examination. Ad dress all inquiries, which will he strlctlv confidential to Box S-8087 care I'elegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 26c uoz., double edge, 35c go*., razors, 26c. Gorgoa Drug bto.e. FURNITURE CRATED. J. A Bishop, 173$ Logan Street. Bell 2632 K. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDINU Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Weiding Co.. 1538 Logan Street. Bell 4899-J. PAPERH ANQING AND PAINTING __ j,- ; r at class wo-k. Ltiilcoat Bros., 2s Harris street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch trou this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will Slavs ft oft If taksn in time. Gross Drug Chore, 119 Market street. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CATLAN CO.. 2*>F Market street. A LANE _ . New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 2299 W. VXORAGUB BTORAGE—4Ik Uroud street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private looms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing ot all kinds. D. Cooper A Co Both phones. STORAGE! Private rooms for household goods in fireproof ware house, $3 per month end up. Lower storage rates in non-hreproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage Co., 427- 445 South Second street. STORAGE! Low rates. Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd.. Highspne, Pa. Both phones. STORAGE:—In brick building, rear 40s Market. Household goods in clean, Brlvate rooms. Reasonable rates. P. Diener. 404 Market street. MUSICAL FOR SALE—Edison machine with records. 1419 Susquehanna. WANTED Clarinet, B llat, low pilch, Boehnt system. State price. Ad dress "C," 2025 Green St. VIULINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS. I BANJOS, Baiiu und Orchestra lusiru- { ments promptly and cureluiiy repair- I sd. OVLkics, 14 South Fourth street. | TALKING MACHINES promptly and j earsiuiiy repaired by an expert only. OYRitiKS, 14 South Fourth street. YOU have made tne visit to music houses, for a special Columoia record, you have not found it. We have it. gpangler Music Rouse, 2112 North Sixth street FOR SALE—Harding piano for $450. A big bargain to quick buyer. Spangier Music House, 2112 N. Sixth Street. FINANCIAL """ STOCKS AND BONDS, LOCAL SECUItkTiES A SPECIAL! \. i. K. GREEN AW ALT, JR. 110 Walnut Street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bell Pliona 518-J. WHERE TO DIKE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF UATISFACTIUN. MONEY TO LOAN BUY COAL NOW With our money and Insure your comfort next winter. Pay us back m convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able —only three and one-half per cent, per month on bal ances. No other charges of any kind. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business conbdential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., *22 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan Society, Room 2UU tier gner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." ROOFING OK COURSE YOU DON'T know the saving of FUEL caused by the use of MAXWELL'S CALKING DOPE, because if you did know the value of this product you would have all your DOOR and WINDOW FRAMES calked NOW. Better investigate this. AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell 1875 J. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. HAULING AND MOVING BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery; experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager. 141 Kelker St.. Harrlsburg, Pa. Bell Phone 629-W. Dial Phone 1518 HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Hetty. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving, prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 55b Calder street. Both phones. Bell ma-J. nai SBB. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. CarefUi driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. B. Uruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. Manager, Hershey. Pa. Bell phone 15R6. ~ PAUL BECK general hauling, local and long distance, making a specialty of furniture, piano and sare moving. Call at 1617 Naudain St or Bell 5235J, WB Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4998. Dayton Cyeli Co., 91$ North Third street UNDERTAKERS " SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1212 Derry St. BELL 1264 DIAL 2193 RUDOLPH K, SPICER, Funeral Director and Kmbulmer. 611 North Second Street. BELL 262 DIAL 2145 CEMETERY 1.0T3 FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situate* on Market street, etat of Twenty-sixth, and ox thd north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANEIIB AND DYlilts CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. Both phones. H. GOODMAN, 1306% North Sixth Street. AUTOMOBILUB FOR SALE —1 V4-ton capacity Mar tin truck, 35 horsepower engine; price right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup, Music Houss. 15 S. Market Square. FOR SALE —Peerless touring car; model 56. run 4000 miles; in good con dition. Apply P- O. Box 87, Spring Grove, York county, Pa. OVERLAND light six coupe, com pletely overhauled and repaired, tires like new, real bargain. Reo roadster, real bargain. Brisco. three-passenger roadster. In fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE & SUPPLY CO., 1917 North Third Street FOR SALE —1916 six cylinder Reo touring car; five now tires; new top; spot light; fully equipped; in excel lent condition. Price $750. Coxestown Garage. Dial 6751. CARS CARS! CARS! Two Chevrolet touring, 1916 model. One Chevrolet touring. 1917 model. One ltoyal mail Chevrolet roadster. One Buick roadster, 1916 model. One Buick roadeter, 1914 modeL These cars have been thoroughly overhauled and are In the vary best of mechanical condition and eiectrically equlpped lights and starters. We also do all kinds of automo bile repairing. Truck work a special ty. You will find ua every day from 7 a. m. to • p. m. at 12S-98-40 Thompson ave., at the Thompson Ave. Garage./ Edwin Phelps, Mgr. tContinued In Next Column) f Prices in the city produce markets to-day were; Apples, 10@20c % peck; bananas, 25Jj)35c; beans, Qpeck, 8@ 10c; beans, pint, 16Ci'18e; butter, coun try, 68@70c; cabbage, s©l2c; carrots. 6c; celery, 5, StrlOc; eggs, 6S@72c; egg plant, 10®20c; corn, dozen, 18@ AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS—Premier touring car, I electric gear shift, like new; Denby 1-ton express body with top, first class condition; International one | ton truck, used ten months, cheap; International two-ton truck, used nine months, cheap; Acme 3%-ton with Woods steel dunfp body, used six months; Denby 3-ton, with Woods steel aump body; Cadillac unit, with two-wheel trailer; Overland, 1918, 6- 1 passenger touring; two-ton Mack, ! Wood's bolst, Denby body. Denby j Sales Corporation. J 205 Capital St. FORD touring ear. with all good tires and magneto. This car will be sold at a bargain. Call at 322 Black berry ave. FOR SALE—I9I6 Ford touring car, demountable rims, in first class me chanical condition, $276. Apply after 5 p. m., 317 Clinton ave., city. 1919 Buick A 1 condition, reasonable price. Call 4186J or 1000 N. Third. FOR SALE—Two-ton International truck In good condition; cheap. Ap ply FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807 North Seventh St FOR SALE—I9IB Mitchell touring car; run 5,000 inlies. good condition. J. W. Bates, 2130 N. Sixth St. Bell 5347 J. FOR SALE —Chandler, 5 passenger, In line condition, newly painted, new battery, oversized tires with extra. Call 1610 Green St. alter 3.30 p. rn. -—— 1 FORD Sedan. 1818 model; good run ning order, $695. Worst. Linglestown. American six touring, driven * only twenty-five hundred miles; this year's model; Im perial touring; Just overhaul ed and painted. A bargain. FRANKLIN SALES AND SERVICE Fourth and Chestnut Sis. 1917, 5-passenger Overland for sale, completely overhauled, new pantasole top. new battery, all new tires. Was rpainted in early Summer. Owner took very good care uj' car. Runs as good as new. Will demonstrate. Ad dress Box D-8088 care Telegraph or call Bell 3735J Harrlsburg, after 6 p. m. 1 MERCER speedster for sale; quick buyer. Cadillae-Truxton. 2-ton unit, driven less than 100 miles; great bar gain. Overland touring car in first class mechanical condition, tires al most new. paint in good condition. Apply. LIBERTY GARAGE, 16th and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE 1917 Willys-Knight touring car in first class condition; 5 good tires; first $760 takes it. Coxes town Garage. Dial phone 5751. MAGNETOS—AII types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Elsman. Dixie, Spiitdorf. Mea. Remy and different makes of colls, carburetors, etc. A Schlffraan. 22-24-26 North Camorou street. Bell 3632. FOP SALE —Chaimer's Sedan, 1917; new uphols;ering; Chandler, 1919, 4- passenger, sport model: wire wheels, bumper, spot light, 5 new tires; Over land. 1918. 90 delivery car. Inquire Penn-Harrls Taxicab office, care Penn-Harrls Hotel. FOR SALE —One car had of White Seal and Mooile Oils, any quantity from one gallon up. Price right. C. A. Fair Carriage and Auto Works, East End Mulberry .jircet Bridge. FOR SALE—Due Jackson touring car; overhead valves; new Weber carburetor; Tungsten valve stem bearings ; new first class one man top and curtains; bevel plate glass in rear. Will sacrifice. C. A. Fair, Car riage and Auto Works, East End Mulberry Street Bridge. 1 WANTED Any model or make Auto Tire Vulcanizing Molds, com plete Plants or Parts, for cash. Give description. Queen City VuL Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio. FOR SALE —Six one and a half and two-ton handmade express bodies and cap tops; painted and complete. C. A. Fair Carriage and Auto Wbrks, East End Mulberry Street Bridge. FOR SALE—I9IS Buick, in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St. FOR SALE —Empire touring car. Apply Harrisburg Auto and Tire Re pair Co.. 131 S. Third St. SALE —1917 Briscoe touring car in good condition; good tires. Price $475. Coxestown Garage. Dial phone 5761. FOR SALE —Cheap, 7 passenger Abbott touring car. 1502 Walnut St. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street, limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and nlffbL Bell 4664. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quired by specialist. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har rlsburg Auto Rudiator Works, 805 North Third street. 1917 Chandler, club roadster, S9OO. 1815 Buick, one-ton truck. 1918 Reo touring, tine running or der, at a bargain price. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer In the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given CHELSEA AUTO CO., A. Schlffman. Manager. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 110 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 WANTED —All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. 11. Enterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. GRANT, live-passenger; 6 cylinder; four new tires and tubes; good con dition; cheap to quick buyer. Ester brook, 912 N rth Third St. FOR SALE —Studebaker, 4 cylinder, In good shape, good paint, a bargain. Dial 4058, 86 Hummel ave., Lemoyne. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. .2-78 Soutn Cameron street. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights; runs and palls like new. Prlco $376 cash. Dial 26-C. S. R. Horst, Linglestown, near Harrisburg. ROADSTER for sale, lr. the best of condition, good tires, new top and electric equip. $260 takes it. lnqulro 15. "W. Llchtenberger, 2154 N. 4th St. OLD AUTOB Wanted; used, wrecked o. oldtlmers. In any condition. Bee me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schlffman. 22, 24. 25 North Cameron Street. Bell 1669, OCTOBER 11, 1919. I 23c; grapes, basket, 28032 c; lemons, I 40c; onions, bunch, sc; box 10c; or l anges, 40@60c; peaches, box, 15c; pan, 25@i30c; potatoes, % peck, 12® 18c; pumpkins, s®loc; cantaloupes, 10® 13c; melons, 15®30c; sweet potatoes, 10®l8c; tomatoes, 8®10c; turnips, 10c 14 peck; chestnuts, quart, 35040 c; ham, 45060 c; bacon, 50060 c; grapes, pound, 15c. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Chandler Brothers and Company | members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York furnish the following quotations: Open Close Amer. Tel. and Tel 0014 99% Allis Chalmers 60% 49% (Amer. Can 6714 66 % Am. Car and Fndry C 0...136 136 Amer. Loco 114 11314 Amer. Smelting 7694 76 American Sugar 13994 139% Anaconda 7094 70% Atchison 92% 92 V 4 Baldwin Loco 14594 144% Baltimore and Ohio 41% 4194 Bethlehem Steel B 10 894 108 Butte Copper 27 27 Cal. Petr 52% 5194 Canadian Pacific 162 161% Central Leather 106 10594 Chesapeake and Ohio ... 58% 58% Chi., Mil and St. Paul ... 45 45 Chi. It. I. and Pacific ... 28% 2894 Chino Con. Copt>er 44% 45 Col. Fuel and Iron 47 94 46% Corn I'roducts 8894 88% Crucible Steel 240 241 Erie 16% 16 94 Goodrich, B. F 85% 85 94 Gieat North,, ptd 86% 86% Great North. Ore, subs... 46% 46 94 Hide and Leather 36 94 36 94 Inspiration Copper 6294 62% International Paper 65 65% Kennecott 36 94 36% Lackawanna Steel 86 94 8 6 Maxwell Motor 47% 6094 Merc. War. Ctfs 6194 61 % Merc. War Ctfs. pfd 120% 12094 Mex. Petroleum 252 252 Miami Copper 27 94 27 94 Midvale Steel 63% 54 Mo. Pacific 29% 30 Mo. Kans., T. 13% 13 94 N. Y.. N. H. and H. ... 34 94 3 4 • Garages, Accessories anil Repairs YOUR Dodge plus a Rayfield car buretor. That's a great combination— a Rayfield equipped Dodge. The spe- I ciol Dodge model is Inexpensive and the saving in gasoline bills is from 15 to 30 per cent.., will pay for it in a ' short time. A Rayfield on any car in creases its efficiency all around. My. how she pulls the hills. Agency Fed erick's Garage. 1807-09 North Seventh St., Harrisburg, Pa. AUTO repairing of all kind; first class mechanics on all makes of cars. Susquehanna Motor Co.. 117-121 South ; Third St. Open day and night. MOTORCYCLES ANU nICYCLKS 1917 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, electrically equipped, three speed, 1918 sioecar; thoroughly over • hauled and repainted. 3 good tire#; ■ first $275 takes it. Coxestown Garage. J Dial phone 5751. 1 FOR SALE—I9I6 Flying Merkic, ! twin cylinder motorcycle, new tires. . gas tank and light, good horn, tarn den attached; line running condition. - Price $35. Coxestown Garage. Dial ; 5151. ' FOR SALE —1917 Indian motorcycle, ■ 3 speed electria equipped, in excellent ■ conditio*; run 300 miles; first $225 . takes it- Coxestown Garage. Dial 57 5L BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EX.7ERT 1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED i DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET I . . FOR SALE 1 1919 Reading standard motorcycle i with side car; electric; like new; bar > gain. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. •>i* North Third St. PERSONAL | LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA—If you or i any friend afflicted wishes to learn of a successful treatment, address 44 . South Gratiot, Mount Clemens, Mich. PUBLIC SALE~ : PUBLIC SALE at the residence 426 1 North Street, Tuesday, October 14, at t 1 p. m.. largo lot of fine furniture and ; other articles to numerous to mcn • tion. C. Fry, auctioneer. > LEGAL NOTICES ' i __ : My wife, Anna C. Hepperle, having 1 left my bed and board without just cause. I hereby notify all persons not t to harbor nor trust her on my ac ! count, as I will not pay any debts ' contracted by her. ; (Signed). J. M. HEPPERLE. My wife. Grace Behrendt. having ! left my bed and board without Just , cause. I hereby notify all persons not to harbor nor trust her on my ac count. as I will not pay any debts ' contracted by her. (Signed). EMIL BEHRENDT CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Gov ■ ernor of Pennsylvania on October 28, 1919, under the Act of Assembly, en ■ titled "An act to provide for the in ; corporation and regulation of cer tain corporations," approved April 1 29, 1874 and the supplements there to, for the charter of an intended • corporation, to be called the Pany • Realty Corporation, the character and object of which Is the purchase, ' holding, leasing and selling of rdhl estate, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, bene -1 fits and privileges of said Act of As -1 sembly and the supplements thereto. FOX & GEYER. Solicitors. : OFFICE OF COUNTY CONTROLLER, Harrisburg, Pa.. Oct. 9. 1919. ELECTION BALLOTS AND SUPPLIES Sealed bids or proposals will be re ceived by the County Controller, Room 13, Court House, Harrisburg, ■ Pa., until 10 o'clock a. m. Monday, October 13, 1919, for printing and fur nishing sixty thousand, more or less, > official and specimen, ballots—four i ritv loans to be printed on ballots for 1 Harrisburg. All official ballots to bo bound in books of one hundred (100) each for the ensuing election to be he'd Tuesday, November 4, 1919. All ballots chall be in form and in all other re spects as required by the Acts of As sembly of Pennsylvania. One form of the ballot of each district must be delivered to the County Commission ers on or before Friday, October 24, 1919, for their approval; and all bal . lots, official and specimen, must be > delivered at the County Commission . ers' office by 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, i October 28, 1919. Full Information as to the number of official and specl ■ men ballots required for each voting I district can be had from the under • signed. Also at the same time and place scaled bids or proposals will be re ' ceived for 128 complete sets of eleo • tion supplies, which shall Include the ' necessary penalty cards and cards of instructions; candidates' names and four city loans to be printed on the [ tally, return, statement and tripll ■ cate return sheets, etc. All supplies , to be delivered at J.he County Com missioners' office by 12 o'clock noon, . Tuesday, October 28, 1919.. Certified checks payable to the or der of the Dauphin County Commls , sinners, in a aAin equal to fifty (58) per cent, of the bid price, must ac . company each bid or proposal for bal , lots or supplies. The successful hid | der or bidders will have five days after the award of the contract to file his bond for the full bid price. All bids will be opened In the County Commissioners' office at 11 o'clock a. m., Monday, October 13, 1919. The right is reserved by the County Commlcßloners to reject any or all ' bids. HENRY W. GOUGH, County Controller, 1 Norfolk and West 101 % 101 % Northern Pacific 87% 97% Penna. R. R 43% 48% Pittsburg Coal 66 64% Railway Steel Spg 101% 101% Ray Con. Copper 23% 24 Reading 84 83% Republic Iron and Steel.. 103% 102% Southern Pacific ...110% 110% Southern Ry 26% 26% Studebaker 128% 183% Union Pacific 125% 126% 11. S. I. Alcohol 145 150 U. S. Rubber 127% 127% U. S. Steel 111% 111% Utah Copper 85% 86% Vir.-Caro. Chem 83 83% White Motors 66 69% Weqtinghouse Mfg. ..... 66% 56% Willys-Overland 36 36% Western Maryland 12% 12% N. Y. Central 74% 76 Sinclair Oil 61% 61% NEW YORK CURB STOCKS Following quotations suppled by Howard A. Riley and Company, 213 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa.; Land Title Building, Phlla., Pa.; 20 Broad street. New York City: INDUSTRIALS Last Sale Car. Lt. and P. .......... 3% Colonial Tires 18% General Asphalt 149 Heyden Chem 8% Hupp Mo 11% No. Am. Pulp 6% Am. Marconi 6% Overland Tires 28 Perfection Tires 1 United Profit 3% Submarine 18% U. 8. Ship 7% INDEPENDENT OILS Last Sale Barnett ........... $-16 Cesden 11% Federal 3% Inter Pet 35% Shell Trad 77% Sequoyah $-1$ Boston and Wyo ........ 76 Glenrock 4% Island 8% Merritt 27 Victoria new 1% MINING Last Sale A. B. C 1% Big Ledge $-16 Canada 1 11-16 Goldfield Con. 18 Howe 4% Mother Lode 52 Tonopah Mln 2% Tonopah Ex 2% White Caps 18 Boston and Montana ..... 78 Caledonia 44 Cash Boy 8 Jumbo Ex. 10. Jim Butler 27 Macnamara ...... 59 Tonopah Bel 3% West End 1% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia. Oct. 11.—Grain, pro duce market dull and unchanged. Corn—Firm but quiet; No. 2 yellow to arrive. $1.70; spot. $1.76. Bran—Lower; soft winter bran western, in 100 pound sacks, $430 44 per ton. Spring bran in 100 pound sacks. $42043. Live Poultry—Firm; fowls higher. 28034 c; chickens, 25030 c. Cheese —Quiet; New York and Wis consin. full milk, 30032 c. Eggs—Firm; nearby firsts. $19.20 per case; current receipts, $16.8u; western extra firsts, $19.20; firsts, $lB 018.60; fancy selected packed, 710 73c per dozen. Dressed Poultry—Firm; fowls, fresh killed, choice to fancy, 37%39c; small sizes. 23026 c; roosters. 24c; spring duckß, 32035 c; broiling Jersey, 40® 48c; other nearby, 30038 c; western choice. 35036 c; fair to good, 28030 c. Flour —Steady, but dull; winter straight western new, SIO.IOO 10.40, nearby new, $9.76010.10; Kansas straight, new $11.25011.50; Kansas short patent, new. $11.75012.25; spring first clear, new. patent new, $12012.25; short patent, new. $12.60013; fancy spring and city mills, patent family. $13013.75. Hay—Steady; timothy No. 1, $32 per ton; No. 2, S2B 0 30; No. 3. s24® 27; clover mixed hay, light mixed, $28030; No. 1 mixed, $26027. Tallow —Quiet; prime city loose. 16% c; city special, loose, 16%e; prime country, 14% c; edible In tierces, 17% ®lSc. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Oct. 11.—Stocks clos ed strong. Baldwin Locomotive ........... 144 General Asphalt 147% General Asphalt, pfd 220 l ake Superior 21% Lehigh Nav 67% Lehigh Val % p. R 43% Phlla. Electric - 25% Phils. Co 86% Phila. Co. pfd - 28 Phlla. Rapid Transit 27% Reading **% Storage Battery 134 Union Traction United Gas 1% LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that a spe cial meeting of the stockholders of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company of Pa., will be held In the principal office of the company, Harrlsourg, Pa., on the 22nd day of October, 1919, at 2 P. M., to take action on approval or disap proval of an agreement providing for the purchase by the Cumberland Val ley Telephone Company of Pennsyl vania of all the franchises, corpor ate property, rights and credits of the Tri-County Telephone Company. OSCAR K. KINES. Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given that e spe cial meeting of the stockholders of the Trl-County Telephone Company will be held in the principal office of the company. Harrisburg, Pa., on the 22nd day of October, 1919, at 2 P. M, to take action on approval or disap proval of an agreement providing for the salo of all of the franchises, cor porate property, rights and credits of the Trl-County Telephone Com pany to the Cumberland Valley Tele phone Company, of Pa. ' OSCAR K. KINES. Secretary. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa. No. 339, Jan uary Term, 1919. Blanche Toomey vs. Emanuel C. Toomey. To Emanuel C. Toomey, respondent: You are hereby notified that a hear ing will he had In the above stated case at the Courthouse In the City of Harrisburg, Pa., on the 27th day of October, A. D., 1919. at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time and place you can appear and be heard If you think proper. JAMES G. HATZ, Attorney for Llbellant. October 11, 1919. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 408 June Term. 1919. Edith H. Neubaum vs. Charles Neu baum. To Charles Neubaum, respondent. You are hereby notified that a hear ing will be had In the above stated case at the Courthouse In the City of Harrisburg. Pa., on the 27th day of October, A. D.. 1919, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time and place you can appear and be beard If you think proper. JAMES G. HATZ. Attorney for Llbellant. October 11, 1919. Farms of all kinds Sizes from 1 acre to acres. With or without crop, stock anij implements. H. C. FERBER, 107 Chestnut Street Near Front Street 15