Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 11, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Anthracite Output For Sep
tember High Despite
• Local Strikes
Philadelphia, Oct. 11.— The ship
ments of anthracite for September
as reported to the Anthracite Bureau
of Information at Philadelphia
amounted to 5,687,401 gross tons,
which, compared with the same month
in 1916, the latest normal year, shows
an increase of 143,325 lons.
This record was accomplished not
withstanding local strikes in the
Lackawanna region that tied up most
of the mines of the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad Com
Prest-O-Lite Battery
Atlas Electric Service Co.
Fourth and Chestnut Sts. I
IN manufacturing Scrippa-BootL automobiles
it is not a question of securing the best brains
for designing, nor the capital for purchasing the
best material available. Both are accessible
and utilized. For the Scripps-Bootb Corpor
ation is now a division of the General Motors
Corporation, who are responsible for many
motor car successes. The prospective purchaser,
therefore, is certain of securing the fullest
equivalent of the money Le proposes to invest,
feeling sure that be will secure full service
and satisfaction from Lis purchase.
108 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
William Deihl, a former Army Aviator has been secured to give flying instruc
tion and exhibition flights from our big field. These flights will be held daily. Mr.
Deihl has been giving instructions on Long Island, but gave that up to come here to
instruct for us. He is a well-known and capable aviator and will use a Curtiss two
seater Biplane in his work.
Special Unlimited Course Class Open Until October 16
Our special unlimited .jjlK If you do not care to
course will be open to ap- lliPy V j take up the aeroplane
plicants until October 16. f COUrSC ' bUt W3nt t0 takC
A complete course wiU be . aUt °™ bi £
mechanical and driving in- . A starting soon. We have
struction. This course is | 9 experts in this school who
a wonderful opportunity f 1 know every working part
to learn this business. °* tbe automo^^e ant * can
Trained mechanics are * make an expert of you, too.
king big money in all v H| Uf aUt ° scbo * S 10 ~
sections of the country. j 14th * and^ycamole
Special Course Make Application
NOW Exhibition Flights TODAY
Mr. Deihl will make spe
sloo.oo S"S3! Blank. Can Be Had
After Oct. 16 Rate IB minutes and a nominal I at the Flying Field
charge of sls will be made. _ _
Will Be Raised I——— 1 or at Our Office.
Come out to our field any time, see the big Curtiss Plane. Talk to Mr. Deihl about
flying; ask any question you want. Take Cameron street cars; get off at Sycamore
street and walk up the hill. Youwill see our school and hangars at the top.
The Automobile and Aeroplane Mechanical School
Office: 25 N. Cameron St. Field: 14th and Sycamore Sts.
pany for about a week and those of
the Hudson Coal Company for about
two weeks.
Compared with the preoeding month
of August, the shipments In Septem
ber showed a decrease of 458,743
tons, this decrease reflecting the
effect of the labor disturbances, and
the shorter month. The shipments
of domestic sizes were within 2 per
cent of the record made on those
sizes In September, 1918, when the
total shipments exceeded 6,200,000,
one of the largest September records
In the history of the Industry.
For Egyptians Brings
Mahoud Pasha to U. S.
New York, Oct. 11.—Mahoud Pasha,
member of the delegation demanding
independence for Egypt, has arrived
here aboard the France of the French
1 Line. The pasha, who had been de
tained for a month by the British
authorities In the fortress of Malta,
said the Government of Egypt was
a "tool" In the hands of the British.
His reason for coming here was
the same that had taken him and
the other members of the delegation
to the Peace Conference at Parls-*-
to ask that the principle of "self- j
determination" be extended to the i
SMnterful BtonradPZi
Frank Baum nrefes <s> 4cT
Billina, squatting under the throne
of the Nome King, was overhearing
every word of His Majesty's con
versation with his Steward, and she
Just kept on chuckling to herself.
"Still," the Steward continued,
roughly, "you are acting foolish by
running tho chance, and it is still
more foolish of you to transform all
those people from Oz into green
"I did that because they came
from the Emerald City," replied tlie
King, "and I had no green orna
ments in my collection until now.
I think they will look quite pretty,
mixed with the others. Don't you?"
The Steward gave an angry grunt
"Have your own way, since you
are the King," he growled. "But If
you come to grief through your cure
lessness, remember that I told you
so. If I wore the magic belt which
enables you to work all your trans
formations, and gives you so much
other power, I am sure I would make
a much wiser and better King than
you are."
"Oh, cease your tiresome chatter!"
commanded the King, getting angry
again. "Because you are my Chief
Steward you have an idea you can
! scold me as much as you please.
But the very next time you become
impudent, I will send you to work
in the furnaces, and get another
Nome to fill your place. Now fol
low me to my chamber, for I am
going to bed. And see that I am
wakened qarly to-morrow morning.
I want to enjoy the fun of trans
forming the rest of these people Into
"What color will you make tho
Kansas girl?" asked the Steward.
"Gray, I think," said his Majesty.
"And the Scarecrow and the ma
chine man?"
"Oh, they shall be of solid gold,
because they are so ugly In real
Then the voices died away, and
Blllina knew that the King and his
Steward had left the room. She
fixed up some of her tall feathers
that were not straight, and then
tucked her head under her wing
again and went to sleep.
In the morning Dorothy and the
Dion and Tiger were given their
breakfast in their rooms, and af
terward Joined the King in his
throne room. The Tiger complained
bitterly that he was half starved,
and begged to go into the palace and
become an ornament, so that ho
would no longer suffer the pangs of
"Haven's you had your break
fast?" asked the Nome King.
"Oh, I had Just a bite," replied
the beast. "But what good is a bite,
to a hungry tiger?"
"He ate seventeen bowls of por
ridge, a platter full of fried sausages,
eleven loaves of bread and twenty
one mince pies," said the Steward.
"What more do you want?" de
manded the King.
"A fat baby. I want a fat baby,"
said the Hungry Tiger. "A nice,
plump. Juicy, tender, fat baby. But,
of course, if I had one, my con
science would not allow me to eat it.
So I'll have to be an ornament and
forget my hunger."
"Impossible!" exclaimed the King.
"I'll have no clumsy beasts enter
my palace, to overturn and break all
my pretty nick-nacks. When the
rest of your friends are transformed
you can return to the upper world.
Dorothy Tries to Be Brave.
Dorothy and Evring pass the portals and enter the throne room,
and go about your business."
"As for that, we have no busi
ness, when our friends are gone,"
said the Lion. "So we do not care
much what becomes of us."
Dorothy begged to be allowed
to go first Into the palace, but Tik
tok firmly maintained that the slave
should face danger before the mis
tress. The Scarecrow agreed with
him in that, so the Nome King open
ed the door for the machine man,
who tramped into the palace to meet
his fate. Then his Majesty return
ed to his throne and puffed his pipe
so contentedly that a small cloud
of smoke formed above his head.
Bye and bye he said:
"I'm sorry there are so few of
you left. Very soon, now, my fun
will be over, and then for amusement
I shall have nothing to do but ad
mire my ornaments."
"It seems to me," said Dorothy,
"that you are not so honest as you
pretend to be."
"How's that?" asked the King.
"Why you made us think it would
be easy to guess what ornaments
the people of Ev were changed into."
"It is easy," declared the mon
arch, "if one is a good guesser. But
it appears that the members of your
party are all poor guessers."
"What is Tiktok doing now?"
asked the girl, uneasily. I
"Nothing," replied the King with
a frown. "He is standing perfectly
still, in the middle of a room."
"Oh, I expect he's run down," said
Dorothy. " I forgot to wind him up
this morning. How many guesses
has he made?"
"All that is allowed except one,"
answered the King. "Suppose you
go in and wind him up and then you
can stay there and make your own
"All right," said Dorothy,
"It is my turn next," declared the
"Why, you don't want to go away
and leave me alone, do you?" ask
ed the girl. "Besides if Igo now I
can wind up Tiktok. so that ho can
make his last guess."
"Very well, then," said the Scare
crow, with a sigh. "Run along, little
Dorothy, land may good luck go
with you!"
So Dorothy, trying to be brave in
spite of her fears, passed through the
doorway into the gorgeous rooms of!
the palace. The stillness of the place
awed her, at first, and the child
With Choir and Organist
One of the musical features at
Grace Methodist Church to-morrow
will be the singing of Robert's "Seek
Yo the Lord," with solo by William
Ray Chapman, the tenor soloist of
the choir. William Boyer, who had
been baritone soloist at Westminster
Presbyterian Church, is on the day's
program for an individual number.
Mrs. Frank D. Clark, organist at
Second Reforpied Church, is visiting
in Chambersburg, where she had been
organist at Trinity Lutheran Church
before coming to this city.
Miss Merle Smith is the new so
prano soloist at Fourth Reformed
Church. She has a rich, sweet, full
toned voicq and is a pupil of John W.
W. J. Lingle, former baritone soloist
at St. John's Lutheran Church at
Steelton, soloist at Stevens Memorial
Church in this city and a member of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Y. M. C. A.
Glee Club, is directing the choir of
Fourth Reformed Church and will
have charge of the music on the oc
casion of the sixth anniversary of
the church.
Many music lovers attended the
opening recital on the new Mol
ler organ at. Fifth Street Methodist
Church on Thursday evening, mem
bers of the Harrisburg Organists' As
sociation being in the audience.
Miss Katherine Dubbs is to sing
Brggs' "Hold Thou My Hand," at to
morrow evening's service at Christ
Lutheran Church.
Mra Lee Tier will sing Dudley
Buck's "My Redeemer and My Lord,"
at the morning service at Messiah
Lutheran Church to-morrow. Mrs.
Iser formerly had been soloist at this
The well known quartet, "God Is
British Ratification
of Peace Treaty
Is First in Paris
By Associated Press.
London, Oct. 11.—King George
completed Great Britain's ratifica
tion of the German Peace Treaty.
The document ratified by him has
been dispatched to Paris.
A special messenger took the doc
ument, which comprised also the
agreement concerning the Rhine
provinces and the Treaty respecting
Poland. This will be the first com
plete copy of the Treaty ratified and
deposited In Paris.
The people attending the rtllly at
Christ Lutheran Sunday school Sun
day afternoon, October 12, will en
joy the privilege of listening to a
tenor solo by C. J. Ising, of Phila
delphia. Mr. Islng Is a lyric tenor.
drew short breaths, and pressed her
hand to her heart, and looked all
around with wondering eyes.
Yes, it is a beautiful place; but
enchantments lurked in every nook
and corner, and she had not yet
grown accustomed to the wizardries
of these fairy countries, so different
from the quiet and sensible common
places of her own native land.
Slowly she passed through several
rooms, until she -Came upon Tiktok,
standing motionless. It really seem
ed, then, that she had found a
friend in this mysterious palace, so
she hastened to wind up the mach
ine man's action and speech and
"Thank you, Dor-oth-y," were his
first words. "I have now one more
guess to make."
• "Oh, be very careful, Tiktok;
won't you?" cried the girl.
"Yes. But the Nome King has
us in his power, and he has set a
trap for us. I fear we are all lost,"
he answered.
"I fear so, too," said Dorothy,
"If Smith and Tin-ker had giv
en me a guess-ing clock-work at
tach-ment," continued Tik-tok, "I
might have de-fied the Nome King.
But my thoughts are plain and
sim-ple, and are not of much use
in this case."
"Do the best you can," said Dor
othy, encouragingly, "and if you fall
I will watch and see. what shape you
are changed into."
So Tiktok touched a yellow glass
vase had daisies painted on
one side, and he spoke at the same
time the word "Ev."
In a flash the machine man had
disappeared, and although the girl
looked quickly in every direction,
she could not tell which of the marly
ornaments the room contained had a
moment before been her faithful
friend and servant.
So all she could do was to accept
the hopeless task set her, and make
her guesses and abide by the result.
"It can't hurt very much." she
thought, "for I haven't heard any
of them scream or cry out—not even
the poor officers. Dear me! I won
der if Uncle Henry or Aunt Em will
ever know I have become an
orn'ment in the Nome King's palace,
and must stand forever and ever in
one place, and look pretty—'cept
when I'm moved to be dusted. It
isn't the way I thought I'd turn out.
a Spirit," from Bennett's "Woman of
Samaria," will be sung at Zion Luth
eran Church at to-morrow evening's
Gadsby's "O Lord, Our Governor,"
will be the special anthem number at
the evening service at Derry Street
United Brethren Church to-morrow.
Hollins' "O Worship the Lord," will
be the morning anthem.
Woodman's "A Song in the Night,"
always a helpful composition, will be
sung at Pine Street Presbyterian
Church at to-morrow morning's ser
"Loth Not Wisdom Cry," one of the
best of the Rogers' anthems, is to be
sung at Messiah Lutheran Church to
morrow evening. Holden's "The Mel
low Eve Is Gliding," will be sung by
Mrs. Izer, Mrs. Ernest Keyes, William
Waston and Abner Hartman, the solo
quartet of this splendid choir.
THERE is a difference
in price between a
good used car and a poor
one, but that difference is
your protection
Cadillac-Hinton Co.
315 S. Cameron St.
Harrisburg, Pa.
One 1919 New Haines Seven
. Passenger—Excellent Value
PHONE 3392
at all; but I s'pose It can't be help
She walked through all the rooms
once more, and examined with care
all the objects they contained but i
there were so many, they bewildered
her, and she decided after all, as
Ozma had done, that It could be only
"''pas work at the beet, and that the
W ances were much against her
guessing aright.
Timidly she touched an elabaster
bowl and said: "Ev."
"That's one failure, anyhow," she
thought. "But how am I to know
which thing is enchanced and which
is not?"
Next she touched the image of
a purple kitten that stood on the
corner of a mantel, and as she pro
nounced the word "Ev" the kitten
disappeared, and a pretty fair-halr
ed boy stood beside her. At the same
time a bell rang somewhere in the
distance, and as Dorothy started
back, partly in surprise and partly
in joy, the little one exclaimed:
"Where am I? And who are you?
And what has happened to me?
"Well, I declare!" said Dorothy.
"I've really done it."
"Done what?" asked the boy.
"Saved myself from being an
ornament" replied the girl, with
a laugh "and saved you from
being forever a purple kitten."
"A purple kitten?" he repeated.
"There is no such thing."
"I know," she answered. "But
there was, a minute ago. Don't
you remember standing on a cor
ner of the mantel?"
"Of course not lam a Prince of
Ev. and my name Is Evring," the
little one announced, proudly. "But
my father, the King, sold my mother
and all her children to the cruel
ruler of the Nomes, and after that
I memember nothing at all."
"A purple kitten can't be 'spected
to remember, Evring," said Dor
othy. "But now you are yourself
again, and I'm going to try to save
some of your brothers and sisters,
and perhaps our mother, as well. So
come with me."
She siezed the child's hand and
eagerly hurried here nnd there, try
ing to decide which object to choose
next. The third guess was another
failure, and so was the fourth and
the fifth.
Little Evring could hot imagine*
what she was doing, but he trotted
along beside her very willingly, for
he liked the new champion he had
Dorothy's further quest proved un
successful; but after her first dis
appointment was over, the little girl
was filled with joy and thankful
ness to think that after all she had
been able to save one member of
the "royal family of Ev, and could
restore the little Prince to his sor
rowing country. Now she might re
turn to the terrible Nome King In
safety, carrying with her the prize
she had won in the person of the
fair-haired boy.
So she retraced her steps until she
found the entrance to the palace and
; as she approached, the massive doors
> of rock opened of their own accord,
. allowing both Dorothy and Evring
s to pass the portals and enter the
r throne room.
Editor's Note—Next week we shall
1 hear how Bllllna, the yellow hen,
i frightened the Nome King. And of
, how the smart little hen gained pcr
t mission to make Eleven Guesses as
t the others of the rescue party had
t done—and of what was the result
t, of those guesses.
Admiral's Uniform Is to Dis
appear Completely,
Say Reports
By Associated Press.
Cologne, Oct. 11.—The Germtm
navy under the republican form of
government is to have a change of
uniform. According to reports from
Wtlhelmshaven the admiral's uni
form is to disappear completely.
Commenting on the new uniform
one German newspaper recently said:
"Now then, we have the uniforms,
but where is the navy?"
The gala uniforms, the epaulettes
and shoulder straps, the velvet col
lars and stripes, the eoat of arms
OCTOBER 11, 1919.
worn by officers and warrant offic
cers, the imperial crown on the caps
and sleeves of officers have all been
done away with.
As a service uniform officers, war
rant officers, officer substitutes and
petty officers are to wear a short
' ieePi^^SarrKi^rmSc^^i
1 EPUBLIC TRUCKS are designed and built by Truck B
ffi Specialists who have built more than 50,000 Repub- s
jj lie Trucks. They know trucks and the trucking i|
gj problems of every knd of business and industry, for their 8
.< entire time is concentrated on motor trucks,
jg When a truck is designed by Republic engineers, it conv 9
a bines all the advantages possible for engineering minds to 9
Jj conceive. It is not only scientifically correct, but it is com- fl
1 mercially perfect as well.
We have a Model for every purpose from to 5 tons., jj
Republic for Service
1 Swain-Hickman Company 1!
Exceptional Values—Low Prices
1914 Overland Roadster; electric equipment; sacri- |||
lice, $285.
1914 Overland, Touring; $285. |||
1917 Mitchell, touring. A real baragin.
1915 Buick one-ton truck; extra tires.
1918 Reo touring, fine running car, at a bargain
1917 Chandler Club Roadster; just overhauled; bar- 111
ga i9l7 Ford Touring, $325.00.
1914 Buick 6, Touring. A bargain.
Used Parts, Storage Batteries,
Etc., For Sale
We make a specialty of selling all kinds of used car
parts for every part of car; 6 and 12 volt storage bat
teries of all makes. Used bodies, tops, parts, etc.
All Sacrifice Prices. Big Bargains.
22-28 North Cameron St. A. Schiffman, Mgr. |||
The Ford car can well be called the "peoples
car," because there are more than 3,000,000 of
them in daily operation. That is about four
, to one of the nearest follower in the motor car
industry. This would not be so if the Ford car
had not for sixteen years proven its superiority
in service, in durability, and in*the low cost for
operation and maintenance; this would not be /
so if the Ford car was not so easy to understand,
so simple in construction that anybody and
everybody can safely drive it. Let us have
your order for one now to avoid delay in
New Cumberland Motor Co.
Food For Thought
Vulcanizing, like shoe repairing, tailoring, etc.,
is a money saver. You don't hesitate to have your
shoes half soled or your suit mended. You don\
wait until they are almost gone before you have it
done. A stitch in time saves nine. So why wait
until the tread on your tire is worn down to the last
fabric? Take it to a good vulcanizing establish
ment as soon as it shows a cut or blowout. In that
way you will save dollars and add mileage.
And By the Way
t You can't find a better vulcanizing, repairing and
retreading establishment in Harrisburg than
Black's Garage. For quality of work and prompt
and courteous service, you need look no further.
205 S. 17th St. Harrisburg
Use the Phone, We'll Call for Your Job
't' * i j
jacket, as la already the custom
aboard ship. On the Sleeve of this
jacket are set the inslgnlas of rank.
This service uniform will be worn
only on duty. Officers will don ctvl- .
lian clothing when not on duty •*-
cept In special cases.