Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 11, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
10 AUTOMOBILE SECTION -Mte. AUTOMOBILE NEWS AND ADVERTISING ALFRED P. DAVTES, AUTOMOBILE EDITOR SPECIAL FEATURES EVERT SATURDAY FLYING SCHOOL'S PLANE FINALLY TAKES THE AIR Aviator Who Brought Machine Here in Spring Now Giving Flights The Automobile and Aeroplane Me chanical School, who recently leased the large field at Fourteenth and Sycamore streets, have at last been able to get things in shape to get their Curtis Biplane in the air. After a great many delays, due to many unforseen conditions, William Delhi, the aviator who flew the ma chine here from Long Island last June, Anally made several exhibition flights over the city. Mr. Diehl had not intended staying in Harrlsburg when he brought the plane here and went back to Long Island where he has been carrying passengers for a large concern near Springfield since that time. At the time of the machine here the local school did not have a flying field and could not secure the use of one due to the summer crops. The machine was placed in storage and has not been used except for exhibition purposes since. Mr. Felton, the manager, has se cured the services of Mr. Deihl to act as an instructor at the school and also to carry passengers over the city. Flights are made daily from the field at Fourteenth and Sycamore streets. Wednesday, Deihl made two flights, one at 12.30 and another at 5.30. The machine has been gone over completely under the supervision of Mr. Deihl and is in first class flying condition. The school was recently moved I from their former quarters in Steel- I ton to the new flying field. This in cludes both the Aeroplane and Auto mobile departments. V Wiirna ✓ Not Your Money But Your Good Will We want the good will of every car owner in this town. i|i We want everyone to say what lots of folks say now —"Willard? That's where you get a square deal and value for every dollar." v We'd rather have your good will than an extra dollar or two on a repair job. We'd rather sell you a battery that will give longer and better service than to make a living by repairing poor batteries. Of course good repair work and good bat teries cost more, but we believe they make friends and buy good will. Let's get together. Motor Electric Sales Coßgd. Forster Near Front Street BELL 2850-J DIAL 6056 Tlio only official representative of the Willard Storage Battery Company In Dauphin, Cumberland and Perry Counties. Fair Truck Bodies ri , M c.„ Built to Stand the Gaff Auto Pointing, Trim- Our policy is to build truck bodies that will give the most minß: * satisfactory service possible. And by the test of "service- ability" we judge every construction and all materials. Customers" We have several express bodies in stock, but will build one to your individual requirements and specifications, insuring complete satisfaction and continuous successful performance at lowest cost. Arrange now to make your Winter motoring comfortable. We can help you —ask us how. Phone Bell 2679, or call to see i C. A. FAIR Carriage and Auto Works 1135 MULBERRY STREET LAST END MULBERRY STREET BRIDGE -* * : ' . ' '■■ * y * •3 3 ..v iitf !'&• . J SATURDAY EVENING, AUTO LICENSES BREAK RECORDS Greater Number Than Ever Known Before Have Been Registered at Capitol Pennsylvania's revenue from auto mobile licenses is expected to pass the 36,000,000 mark within the next ten days. Thus far the receipts from li censes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and drivers has reached $4,975,000 since January 1, and the income has been averaging close to $4,000 a day. Daily reports of sales of cars indicate that there will be many new ones reg istered the remainder of the year and that the record of $4,048,185.50 last | year will be broken by at least a i million dollars before long. Last year's registrations were 678,- 786. of which 363,000 were of pneu matic tired vehicles. Thus far In 191# there have been 435,000 pneumatic tired vehicles registered. The number of license tags issued is 440,000. Sec ond hand sales registered this year under the new automobile code amount to 1,100. More than 27,500 af fidavits regarding 'second-hand cars have been filed. The work of the automobile regis tration bureau is Jumping as the pneumatic . tired machines registered is already 77.000 ahead of the whole total for such cars last year and mo torcycles have also taken a jump. The truck registrations have also increas ed materially. PRINTERS LEAVE LEWISTOWN Lewis town, Pa., Oct. 10.—Andrew Ulrlch, for many years an employe of the Dally Sentinel, has gone to Kirksville, Mo., to study osteopathy, and Maurice Long, also of the Sen tinel force, has gone to Florida. Some years ago a brother of Long went to the Pacific Coast where he Is now foreman in the office of the Intelligencer at San Rafeal, Calif. Motor Car Used For Demonstrating Helps Create Market j 4 ' w£*hoibJ C'^'?*'''l r *' **& 1 '_,_, POLICY OF TIRE SALE CHANGING Claims Sentiment Is Growing Against Definite Mileage Guarantees From all parts of the country come reports from dealers heartily encouraging the stand taken by sev eral of the more prominent manu facturers against the definite mile age guarantee on tires, according to F. C. Millhoff, general sales man ager of the Miller Rubber Co. "The majority of dealers approve j It." says Mr. Millhoff, "because they i know that elimination of definite mileage guarantees means, in the end, better satisfied customers. In other words, the tire mileage guar antee for a specified number of miles has passed its period of use fulness. "As one dealer expresses it in ! Motor World, an automobile trade publication, 'Of what good is a tire : guarantee to a man with a blowout twenty-five miles from his dealers? What the tire user wants is a tire that is always dependable—a tire on which he can get an adjustment at any mileage If it shows any faults in workmanship or construc tion.' i i "Another dealer hit the nail on the head, in the same publication, when he says: 'The real value of a guarantee Is demonstrated by the fact that dealers in seconds guar antee those seconds after an expert lias marked them unfit to bear their manufacturer's name, and in many instances they are guaranteed to run as far as firsts.' "Still another dealer is quoted as follows: 'Every dealer in the business well knows that the mile age guarantee is the biggest hoax to the customer, the biggest nuis ance to himself and everyone con nected with the automobile busi ness.' "With such strong antlguarantee sentiment manifested by the deal ers, it is easy to see how unpopular generally the definite mileage guar antee policy is." TTTF, SONG OF THE ENGINE When an automobile runs per fectly it always sings a song. Some proud owners of a perfectly healthy car will joyfully ask their friends to "listen to it 'purr.' " At night, with such a car, when one's attention is not distracted by passing things, and there Is a feel ing of being at peace with the whole world, one listens to the rhythmic beat of the engine and subconscious ly catches the words of its song, as it repeats again and again: "O! magneto ignition is certain, it ne'er causes worry or plight, an' 'tis com fort to know, when a-touring you go, that you won't be hung up all night."—G. W. Morrison. SPECIAL MUSIC FOR RALLY One of the strd'ng features of the Sunday school rally at Christ Lu theran Church, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, will be the music. A quartet, consisting of Louis Smith, Mrs Carl Heefner, Mrs. Louis Smith and Gwylm Watklns. will furnish two numbers. —Adv. KARRTSBURG TELEGRAPH In the olden days it was only the corn doctor, the bric-a-brac salesman and a few others of their ilk who toured from town to town demon strating and selling their wares. Now almost everybody is doing it. The most substantial business houses have gone extensively into the per sonal demonstration business, appre ciating the value of getting in direct contact with the market. But instead of the old tumbledown spring wagon and weary horse, they use fine, speedy and reliable motor cars. It is the motor car, in fact, that is largely responsible for this new method of advertising. It affords them the wide range and the ileet ness which in the former days made such sales methods costly and cum bersome. Many of the largest concerns in the country have bought cars solely for demonstration purposes. Among them are the Fisher Flouring Mills of Seattle. "Blend," the company's dusky chef, is making a tour of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, mak- j ing mouths water everywhere with ! his appetizing Scotch "scones" and I biscuits. The baking is done in an ■ electric oven with which his Dodge j Brothers business car is equipped. | Great crowds collect about the car whenever it stops and "Blend" dishes out the delicacies as fast as he can make them. The car is artistically decorated with the company's name and trademark and is proving to be an extremely valuable advertisement. The results with the first car have been so satisfactory that the Fisher Company has ordered another, simi larly equipped. As soon as the present tour is com pleted the car will be sent back over the same route with a window dress ing equipment. Indiana Family, Home From War Zone, Tells of Suffering Vlnccnnes, Ind., Oct. 11. —A tale of suffering and abuse, received at the hands of German soldiers who were quartered in their home at Binche, Belgium, during their en forced stay in Europe of four years, is told by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dehon, Jr., who returned to Vincennes re cently with their daughter, Nellie, who was born in Belgium. Caught in the toils of the world war the Dehons had to remain in Belgium throughout the struggle. Furniture, machinery and all other articles of value were stripped from the town, they say, and the invading host sent their loot to Ger many. Foreign Trade Bureau Created in Berlin By Associated Press. Berlin, Oct. 11.—The much-dis cussed reformation of the Foreign Office has been began with the cre ation of a Foreign Trade Bureau that is a decided innovation and a radical alteration of old-time nietli ods of doing: business. The whole basis of the Foreign Trade Bureau is that Germany must on the one hand have exact and ac curate news reports of everything concerning foreign trade, from offic ial and private trade reporters. Such information must flow directly into the office of a man trained and fit ted to understand precisely the Im portance of a given piece of news. Men will be trained to study given countries. News from such coun of each S ° dlrectly to the experts The bureau Is headed by an ad ministration board of 25 to 30 mem bers all of them experts in various business lines, and half a dozen im perial officials, likewise experts, will belong to the council. No one, not vefn tb m e,ffn ° fflce - will have a council ° Ver th ® dec,sions of the r > t,lP benpflt °t German busi- U vfi'i v 6 5 0r t rom abroad will be i Published weekly or biweekly in the Pl,bI News of 7ndivM ? try and AKrieulture." Individual reports of especial value I and Xdbute 8 d ed panipblet '°™ State Lighting Tests Made on Automobiles I tmv t < ! l ln l r K i ,way department officials nfive started some teats on llehfimr A # automobiles which have Sa, med and P Tth f i ,r dr , lv ,° rH of S vicinity of HarrlsburiP. One of the provisions of the new an to. certain CA^HI' 8 that " Kht " "ball be of tkl if.™ c . pow6r "° aB to reduce I leenmade foftes"^"^" 1 "" 18 havp !st.*s°o , n th ?ot e d P Pars aa rt n t e m a P r nt H h a a r V r ? i^^ and for a couple of nights have beiS ■ stopping ears and testing the candle power of lamps by means of appara tus. A number of persons have been warned -to reduce the lighting power of their lamns. The tests will be ex tended to other parts of the State in co-operation with the State Police De partment which is also assisting In ,the moves against persons who dis regard speed limits QUIET RESTORED ATSARREBRUCKj Strikers Show Disposition ioj Return to Work, Re ports Indicate Bv Associated Press. Paris, Oct. 11.—A French major j and three soldiers were wounded in j a riot at Sarrebruck, in occupied j Germany on Tuesday, according to ] a dispatch to the Petit Parisien. The j riot is described as having grown j out of labor demonstrations against the high cost of living, in which Fpartacans joined. Several Spartacans were arrested, upon which workmen espoused their cause and demanded their release, J promising in this case to help to maintain order. The French author- j j ities released the prisoners, but in I the evening, mobs, in which there | ! were a number of men in German | uniform, broke into clothing stores < I and other shops and pillaged them, i I At the same time shots were fired from windows at French soldiers. | A state of siege was proclaimed I and machine guns were brought out. Shots were fired into the air, ac cording to the Petit Parisien. Pillaging was resumed Wednes day, but quiet was restored in the evening. The strikers, it is declared, are showing a disposition to re sume work. Local Branch of Penna. Tire Stores Company Wins Monthly Prize The Pennsylvania Tire Stores Company, which recently opened a j branch in this city, has an interest ing wav of providing an incentive to their branch managers to in crease their business each month. This is n the form of offering a prize for the large volume of busi ness done by Its many branches in Pennsylvania. They have these branch houses in Philadelphia, Lan caster, Allentown, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and several other large j cities, some of which have a much : larger population than Harrisburg, yet the Harrisburg branch carried off the first honors for last month. | C. G. Bauer is the local manager i and the store has only been estab lished here for a little more than a month. They make a speciality of selling tires alone and have made big strides In their sales here. Their headquarters are in Philadelphia. The store here is located at 25 South Third street. 1 Bolshevists Retake the City of Kiev By Associated Press. Stockholm, Oct. 11.—The news paper Folkety Dagblad learns that the Bolshevists have retaken the city of Kiev. No intimation of the possibility of an impending recapture of the great South Russian center has been received from other sources, al though it was recently stated that Bolshevist bands were roaming in this region in the rear of the lines of the Poles and General Deniklne. These two armies are well advanced beyond the vicinity of Kiev, but are not yet in touch with one another, other. Confederate Veterans * March in Reunion By Associated Press. Atlanta, Ga„ Oct. 11—Eight thou * sand Confederate veterans, survi vors of General Le's famous army, marched here yesterday in a parnde which was the climax to the 1919 P reunion closing last night with a J ball at the armory. , Many of them in the faded uni forms they wore In the sixties, oth- P ers in civilian clothes, and two com panies shouldering the rifles and bayonets used by them in the Civil War, the veterans presented a spec tacle which brought Joy and sad ness to the minds of thousands of 5 spectators. s The birthplace of Theodore Roose f velt, New York City, has recently R been purchased by the Women's f Roosevelt Memorial Association, which Intends to refurnish and main f tain It as a Roosevelt memorial, ad a vises the Automobile Blue Book. 8 The house next door, formerly oc cupied by T. R.'s uncle, forms part J of the purchase and a fund of one o million dollars is being collected to e create in it a enter of Americani " zation. A restaurant occupied the J birthplace of the Colonel and ex - president for a time, and as a means n of drawing customers, a sign was " hung in the window which read: n "Come in and eat where Roosevelt was born." NOBBY CORD TIRE INR.R.SMASHUP Came Through Without In jury, Although Truck Was Completely Demolished "Toot, toot, toot," shrieked In wild alarm from the big locomotive of the fast express a second before It hurled itself down upon the motor truck stalled in itß path. Two men on the truck jumped and ran to safety, but with a last wild wail the big engine plowed In to the truck lifting it into the air like a straw. It turned over and over in the air, performing many somersaults and dives, and landed bottom side up many feet away. This is not the recital of the de tails of some imaginative press agent's pipe dream, but a true and faithful statement of an occurrence which has a sequel likely to prove of interest to every motor truck owner who is wondering whether big pneumatic truck tires are strong enough to stand the heavy work a motor truck tire is required to do. For when the cloud of splinters and dust had subsided and the truck lay a twisted, broken ruin, four bis Nobby Cord truck tires reared them selves uninjured above the tangled heap. They seemed to be waving a triumphant declaration that they were still alive and kicking. The collision took place a week ago at Hartford. The engine stall ed while the truck was on the track, leaving three feet of the rear end on the rails. The tire on one of the rear wheels received the full force of the blow when the engine, going sixty miles an hour, struck the truck. The steel and other parts of the truck crumbled like dust, but the big Nobby Cord received the crashing blow with no other injury than a cut in the outer wall. The wheel carrying the tire was badly shattered. This particular tire hud already traveled 11.02 8 miles, but in spite | of its age the body of the tire came | through unscathed. In discussing the stamina shown I by the big pneumatics in this colli- j sion, the United States Tire Com- I pany says this incident is only an- j other demonstration of the fact that | the Nobby Cord tire is built so that j it is practically free from the dan ger of blowouts and punctures. The many plies of cord make it almost impossible, even with the aid of a I hammer, to drive a nail through the : carcass. This ability to stand rough usage makes it possible to use the : tires oyer all kinds of roads and for I all purposes. The Metropolitan Life Building, New York City, covers an entire block and is onsidered one of the most I valuable as well as one of the most l beautiful buildings in the world. Though not an exact prototype, the tower was modeled from the famous Campanile of St. Mark at Venice. Of particular interest is the tower clock, especially at night when bril liantly illuminated by myriad electric lights. Occupying in height the space of three stories, 346 feet above the streef, this mammoth timepiece looks out upon the city from all four sides of the tower, ringing forth ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Big ■ TheyAll Tires! || And We Have a Size For Them at a Price gj That's Hardly Believable ■ WHY THEY'RE WHAT DO g ALMOST %JIU YOU THINK g A GIVE AWAY OF THIS? gj Size Price G. T. Size Price G. T. MM 30x3 $9.75 $1.85 32x4 $20.75 $3.30 ™ 32x3*4 $14.40 $2.50 34x4 $22.25 $390 H 31x4 $19.80 $3.10 35x4*4 $29.85 $4.90 ALL NON SKIDS NO SECONDS I It's Up to You. You Can Save a Few Dollars Here IF YOU HAPPEN TO BREAK A SPRING, WE CAN EQUIP YOUR CAR IN A m FEW MINUTES WITH A ■§ TF 1 1WIHF 1 GUARANTEED SPRINGS M 1 E J iTllTllld FOR EVERY MAKE OF CAR SAVE TIME, WORRY AND MONEY H ANDREW REDMOND ■ THIRD AND HAMILTON STREETS ! ™ REM, 2133 DIAIj 4616 MB I DISTRIBUTOR Chandler Touring Cars & Vim Trucks g OCTOBER 11, 1919. Handle's historic Cambridge chimes each hour, quarter and half hour. After dark the time Is also flashed by means of a system of red and white lights, operated from the top of the tower. People for miles around set their timepieces by these flashes. No manual labor whatever is implied in the operation of this i Become a Practical Mechanic! and for only seven dollars a week. I.enrn a practical trade. Make application at once. Auto Aeroplane Mechanical School Office, 25 N. Cameron St., libs;. Training Quarters and Flying Field, 14th and Sycamore Sts. —— 1 I ■■ ——— A Big Tire Sale of Exceptional Value For the Coming Week Also an Essex Inner Tube at 50 Per Cent. Off List Price With the Purchase of Any Tire ' A Special Sale, Guaranteed Ribbed Tires, 30x3V2, at $7.50 First Quality Guaranteed Mileage 30x3 !/ 2 Non-Skid $10.98 31x4 Non-Skid $17.48 34x4 Non-Skid $19.98 36x4 1 /> Non-Skid $28.98 37x5 Non-Skid $34.98 Guaranteed 8000 Miles 34x4 Goodrich Silvertown Cord $42.90 34x4 Royal Cord, non-skid .. . $43.90 34x4 Ajax Cord, non-skid .. . $43.90 35X4 1 /2 Lee Cord, non-skid .... $49.90 36x4V2 Lee Cord, ribbed ...... $48.90 New York Cut Rate Tire Co. 1737 N. Third St., Corner Kelker St. IIOTIT STORES OPEN EVENINGS. DIAL PHONE 6261 ► ERANCH STORE AT HARRISBURG STORAGE BATTERY , . CO., FOURTH AND CHESTNUT STS. clock. It is worked automatically by electric power. DR. AINEY TO SPEAK Dr. W. D. B. Ainey, chairman of the State Public Service Commission, will address the Sunday school rally at Christ Lutheran Church, Sunday, i October 12, at 2 P. M.—Adv.