Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 10, 1919, Page 28, Image 28

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Nearly All Pupils Are Making
Rapid Strides in Popular
Teachers of Domestic Arts have
\heir work well under way at the
Edison Junior High School. Every
girl In the school is enrolled in these
courses. The girls in the Com
mercial and Academic sectors will
•have one period. The girls in the
"Commercial and Academic sectors
will have one period in this work
each while those who have enrolled
•In the Manual Arts courses will have
two periods per week. Some special*
istudents will have three periods per
week. This program can not be
carried out. however, until the
school is able to operate on a full
time basis. In the meantime very
satisfactory results are being at
Miss March who teaches tlse
seventh and part of the eighth grade
and Miss Heagy who teaches part of
the eighth and ninth grade report
'that fully ninety-five per cent, of the
girls throughly enjoy the work and
are showing rapid improvement, the
girls take great pride in doing neat
work and are rapidly learning the
'pleasure that comes from work well
One of the underlying alms of th"
course is to teach the student hov
to help themselves and thus serve
the community. With this in vicv.-
the girls have addressed themselves
to the task of preparing linen for
the Domestic Science Department.
Thus far they have made several
hundred towels for the Domestic
Science kitchens and upwards of six
hundred individual towels for their
Individual use while working in the
Domestic Science kitchens.
The girls of the Domestic Science
courses are not only taught how to
prepare food but how to serve it at
a formal dinner to their Invited
guests. For this purpose table linen
is necessary and the Domestic Arts
girls are making this linen which
consists of several table cloths and
aeveral dozen napkins. Other girls
are at work making covers for the
ironing boards which will be used
by the Domestic Arts Department.
Still other girls are making curtains
for the shower baths. Because the
girls are helping in this way to pro
vide equipment for the school they
are acquiring the feeling of personal
ownership which will have a marked
effect upon the way they will care
for this property when using it.
They will thus feel that Edison be
longs to them. The girls are also
making sewing bags in which to keep
their scissors, thread, needles and
eoforth. needed while pursuing their
work in these courses.
At the present time the Domestic
Arts Department has two sewing
machines, five ironing boards, and
imany sewing tables. Three more
sewing machines will be added in
[the near future. The department is
boused in two large and well-lighted
'rooms with a fitting and a store
room situated between them so that
these rooms are easily accessible to
the students from either workroom.
The school provides all the material
'from which these articles for school
rise are made.
landing Fields Through
Pennsylvania Towns Are
Essential For Flyers
In line with the policy of the Air
Service, Lieutenant J. H. Sullivan
appeared before the 20th Annual
Convention of the Pennsylvania
League of third class cities. Lt.
Sullivan selected as his subject the
advisability of municipally owned
landing fields. He told them about
placing the name of the town on
the roof of their railway station and
the advantages of a municipal map
for use in the assessor's department.
The value of a municipal aerial
photographic map for use in the
assessing department was explained
by the statement that all natural ad
vantages and real estate improve
ments, municipal and private, were
very plainly shown on such a map.
The appraising of valuation of prop
erty in a municipality could thus be
more fairly made. A definite plan
of operation was adopted by the Con
vention whereby eachh city inter
ested through the administration of
the Mayor, would form a committee
on aviation in their respective com
munity. The functions of this com
mittee would be to select a landing
field and devise ways and means to
maintain it: to arouse public inter
est in the development of commer
cial aviation.x using their community
landing field as an operating center.
Among the cities represented at
the Convention was Scranton, Pa.
It will be noted that Scranton, Pa.
is the site of the main field on the
Lackawanna Air Trail which was
opened recently by the Scranton
Aero Club with the co-operation of
the United States Air Service.
General Ireland Honored
by Edinburgh College
The Royal College of Surgeons of
Edinburgh. Scotland, has conferred
Honorary Fellowship on Major Gen
eral Merritte W. Ireland, the Sur
geon General of the United States
This ancient and famous college
decided to mark the termination of
the world war by offering its hon
orary fellowship to a representative
of each group of the medical forces
of the British Empire and its Allies,
as Indicating appreciation of serv
ices rendered. It is explained that
Major General Ireland was selected
as representing the American Army
Medical Corps.
The Royal College of Surgeons of
Edinburgh dates from the year 1505,
It conferred only 33 honorary fel
lowships from 1671 to 1838 and the
! total number conferred to date does
mot exceed 75.
General Ireland has been further
honored, by an invitation to de
liver the address at the Massachu
setts General Hospital in Boston on
October 17th in celebration of
"Ether Day."
As early as 1805 inhalations of
ether were recommended by a Dr.
Warren of Boston and in 1812 ether
'intoxication by inhalation is said
•to have been frequently practiced.
•It was first used as an anasthetic by
'Dr. C. L. Long, of Georgia, but it
i was not until October, 184 6 that Dr.
iWarren at the instance of "W. T. G.
' Morton, of Boston, used ether as a
surgical anasthetic at the Massa
chusetts General Hospital and made
Its value public knowledge. A few
,days subsequently C. T. Jackson, of
Boston claimed to have first made
iknown to Morton the use of ether
for the prevention of pain in dental
; operations.
, The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv.
New Styles in Suits, Coats and Frocks
Determining the Mode For Winter Months
Scores of New Arrivals Moderate in Price
A great variety of suit styles, every one calculates to give slenderness of line to the figure,
makes up the complete October showing that will be found ready tomorrow. Clever designing,
artistic trimming and careful workmanship indicate the ultimate expression of good taste and
Each and every suit presentation in this new showing achieves its purpose in most pleasing
ways, but just how pleasing you can hardly imagine until you have given yourself the pleasure
of a visit to the women's and misses' suit section.
Smart Suits For as Little as $39.50& $42.50
At the lower range are skillfully cut and carefully man-tailored suits of Jersey cloth, in rich,
soft heather tones and in the higher ranges beginning at $45.00 are reproductions of imported
models. All are made of the finest of woolens including tricotine, silvertone, velours, broadcloth
and peach bloom.
300 New Coats For Fall and Winter
Graceful Models Unusually Favorable in Price
All of them have an agreeable warmth for the colder days, soon to come, and whether they
happen to be developed of tinseltone or velours or crystal cords or chameleon cord their fabric has
been selected because of its distinctive quality. Notwithstanding their fineness in every detail
their prices are very moderate.
Choose tomorrow from this splendid selection of taupes and browns, reindeers and blues,
novelty weave tones and black $39.50 to $125.00
Fur Coats and Coatees Moderate in Price
We have never before offered a more gratifying variety of peltries, nor have styles been
more favorably commented upon in any other season.
Skunks, seals, marmot and nutria. Prices begin at $200.00 to $750.00
Dives, Pomexoy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Fall and Winter Footwear
For Every Member of the Family
October days mark the beginning of cold, snappy mornings
and of course we all want new footwear so that we may step
briskly and be attuned with the weather.
In our large shoe sections, counted among the best to be
found in Pennsylvania, are to be found the proper kind of shoes
for each and every need.
Excellent workmanship, finest obtainable leathers and per
fect fit characterize our footwear presentations.
For women we announce a new showing of Laird Schober
boots in models that will please every style preference.
For men who know the careful construction that goes into
every pair of shoes in our displays is announced the arrival of
Cordovan and Russian Calf boots from Dalton and C. S. Marshall.
The Dalton models are rubber heeled at $13.00
The Russian Calf boots also are made with rubber heels
at $12.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Groceries of the Better Kind
Moderate in Price
Government packed asparagus.
tall cans, 31 ozs 29c
Pure honey In comb 35c
Blue Valley creamery butter,
lb 69c
Picnic shoulders, lb. 25c
Bologna, lb. 25c
White Naphtha soap, 10
cakes, 69c
YanlUa sweet chocolate, Vi lb.
cakes 25c
D. P. & S. Special blend coffee,
2 lbs 75c
Heinz baked beans, two 18-oz.
cans 35c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basemen*
Elbow macaroni, 2 lbs 25c
Pure lard, lb 35c
Refined table salt, 2 boxes .. 9c
latva soap, 4 cakes 25c
Mixed tea, lb Soo
Government beans, with pork
and tomato sauce, 35 oz. cans, 15c
Pure olive oil, qt. cans. ...$1.55
Fancy Swiss cheese, lb. ... 73c
Early Jane peas can 15c
New dates, lb 45c
Petit Pols peas, small and ten
der, can 25c
Oyster crackers, lb 19c
Women's Underwear & Stocking Values
Grades Bought Almost a Year Ago Are Now Offered
on the Basis of Original Costs
Fall weight white cotton'ribbed vests and drawers; high neck, long sleeves or
Dutch neck and elbow sleeves; drawers ankle length. Regular sizes, each $1.00; extra
sizes, $1.25.
White cotton fleece lined vests and drawers; long sleeves and ankle length; regular
sizes, $1.00; extra sizes, $1.25.
Fall weight white cotton union suits; high neck, long sleeves, or Dutch neck and elbow
sleeves; or low neck and sleeveless; regular sizes, $1.50; extra sizes, $1.75.
, Fall weight white merino union suits; regular sizes, $3.50, extra sizes, $4.00.
Women's Stockings at 50c to $2.75
Black silk lisle seamless hose 50£ Black thread silk hose with lisle tops and
Black lisle cut size seamless hose 50< fashioned feet $2.25
Black silk lisle fashioned feet hose, SI.OO Black thread silk out size fashioned feet
Fine silk lisle out size hose, in black and hose $2.75
w^'te SI.OO Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Floor.
Sturdy, Dependable Underwear For Children
Medium and Heavy Grades For Cold Weather
Children's fall weight white cotton vests
ami drawers; vests with long sleeves and
drawers In ankle length. Bach 50c
Children's fall weight white cotton ribbed
fleece lined vests and drawers. Each, *
75c, 85c and SI.OO
Children's white cotton fleece lined union suits;
sizes 2 to 12; each $1.00; sizes 14 and 14, each,
Boys' peeler and grey cotton ribbed, fleece
lined union salts; sizes 1 to 3, $1.25; 4 to 6, $1.50;
7 to $2.00
A Warm Sweater
Hundreds of them are ready for men,
women, boys and girls—and each one is
sure to fill a real need these crisp days. Any
one of the styles in this great showing will
be ideal for outdoor sports wear at this
time, and fine for wear under a coat through
Winter's bitter days.
Men's Coat Sweaters, $1.95 to $14.50
Men's Pullover sweaters, $1.95
to $10.50
Youths' and Boys' sweaters, $1.85
to , $7.95
Youths' and Boys' Pullover Sweaters,
$3.50 to $7.50
Misses' and girls' belted coat sweaters,
$3.50 to $10.50
Misses' and girls' slip on sweaters,
$3.35 to $11.95
Children's slip on and coat sweaters,
$1.95 to $6.50
Dlvea, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Men's Store.
THE Credit Office and Bill
Paying Department are
now located on the 3rd floor,
having been removed from the
balcony of the Ist floor. This
change will provide more
room for credit transactions
and will work to the interest
of those having business with
this department.
Corticelli Yarn
Women interested in crocheting
and knitting will be glad of this
opportunity to receive expert ad
vice in needle work from an in
structor who has come direct from
the makers of Corticelli yarns. An
augmented display of yarn goods
is featured during these demon
stration days.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 3rd Floor
" Men's Underwear
Fall weight Egyptian cotton ribbe<l*
shirts and drawers; long sleeves.
Each SI.OO
Heavy weight grey ribbed fleece
lined shirts and drawers. Each, SI.OO
Natural wool shirts and drawers.
Each $2.25
Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits;
long sleeves $2.00
Heavy weight Egyptian cotton rib
bed union suits, fleece lined. .$2.00
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor.
Cotton Waists of
Dimity and Voile
Pleasingly Styled of Moderate
Dimity waists, in patterns of cheeks
or stripes, with a rolling collar; the
style is one that every woman likes
to have for every day wear,. . $2.05
A'oile waists with the collar trim
med with tuck trimming, beading,
button piece and cuffs $ 1.50
A'oile waists trimmed with panels
and embroidery organdy insertion;
the collar Is trimmed with lace In
sertion $5.00
Sheer voile waists with tucked
vestee, Tuxedo or shawl collar; em
broidered trimmed with lace Inser
tion and lace edge,
$3.95, $5.95 to $15.00.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stqwart,
Second Floor.
Reliable Corsets, $2.50,
$3.50 and $4.50
Pink and white coutil corsets, in
medium or low styles, with medium
and long skirts $2.50
Pink and white coutil corsets, with
medium or low bust; with or without
elastic gore over hip; six hose sup
porters $3.50
Pink satin girdles with elastic top
and satin trimming $1.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Second Floor.
Infanta' fine ribbed white cotton seamless hose;
# hgse, sizes 4 to 6ft. Pair 25c
" Infanta' fine ribbed white cashmer seamless
hose, sizes 4 to Pair 30c
Infanta' fine ribbed white silk and wool hose;
sizes 4 to H. Pair 50c
Infants' line ribbed white cashmer seamless
hose; sizes 4to 6J4. Fair 50c
Dives, Pomeroy & Sterarart, Street Floor.
Neck Scarfs of
Maribou and Plush
Shapes and qualities that will make an
instant appeal to women who feel the need
of warm covering about the throat during
Fall days and evenings.
,New arrivals in maribou are black, taupe
and natural at $7.50 to $18.50
Velour and Plush scarfs, in belted styles
with pockets and fancy lining, $6.95
to $8.95
Angora wool scarfs with belt and
pocket $11.95
Georgette Meteors.
Printed georgettes, combined with satin
or taffeta are much in demand among well
dressed women. The matter of choosing
from our stocks will be a genuine pleasure.
40 inches wide, yd $3.00
40 inch Crepe Meteor, yd $3.50
Dive* Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Flooa.
Stylish Autumn Hats Which Meet the
Requirements of Well Dressed Women
Many Models Ait ~
Priced at $6.50 Sc $7.50 *
Hats for suit wear, for smart sports /VI
Avear, for evening Avear —in fact foi I
every occasion, from the early shop- f|| ! M J
ping hours of the morning to the.*- —//
formal hours of evening. jj/7 ////l/ Islllir
In every hat the material is of the ** i||Mvr ,
best quality of velvet and the styles
superbly designed and trimmed. The
handsome colorings Avill harmonize delightfully Avith the rich autumn suiting
tones. A notable collection of all black hats "is featured, for it Avill be re
membered that the black hat is an established vogue this season.
An Exclusive Showing of Vogue Hats
We have ready for Saturday more than a score of these fashionable
hats, famed for their incomparable style. The neAv China blue —a shade
brighter than the popular Copenhagen—is expressed in a charming model.
Other vogue models—
Broad-brimmed model of accordion plaited velvet turned away from
the face, brim finished with silver pin $16.50
Close-fitting turban with a wreath of soft feathers SIB.OO.
Soft crown model with broad brim faced with lighter shade of
Georgette $16.50
Smart Autumn Hats For Little Girls
There are charming styles to crown wee heads—models that arc demure and chic.
Soft felt hats with streamers at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00
Velours at $5.00 to SIO.OO
Poke, mushroom and rolled brim velvet hats $2.50. $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00
Large velvet hats with wide brims and high crowns with streamers, $4.00 to $15.00
Tarns of many kinds and materials $1.50 to SIO.OO
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front,
Blouses of Georgette. Crepe
and Crepe de Chine yQk j.
These exquisite affairs range in coloring from the most deli- eat:?
cate of pastel tones to vivid flamboyant shades and the darker
more subdued suit colors. Fashion is very indulgent as to \
sleeves, allowing one the choice of varying lengths. V
This week has seen scores of blouse new comers and each \J\ I jpa u mM V
one of them whether simple in design or elaborate in trimming \
tells its own story of rich quality.
Crepe de Chine start at $5.95 /
Georgette crepes start at $7.50 aMNI \l ,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. ' J
OCTOBER 10. 1919.
Women's Gloves of Fine Grade
Bothlmported and ofDomesticMaking
Trefousse and other names of almost equal greatness in the
glove making field are concerned in this large showing for Fall
and Winter.
Women's Chamoisette Gloves, SI.OO and $1.50 —Good qualities li
white, grey, mastic and black.
Women's leatherette Gloves, s2.oo—With gauntlet and strap; In mod*
and white.
Women's Cape Gloves, $2.50 —Washable caoe skin gloves. In tan, grej
and pearl.
Women's Pique Gloves, s3.so—One clasp pique sewn gloves.
Women's French Kid Gloves $3.50 —Two-clasp French gloves It
black with white sewing and embroidery.
Women's Fancy Gloves $3.75 —Pique sewn gloves with fancy embroid
ery; in brown, grey and beaver.
Women's Mocha Gloves s4.2s—Grey and beaver Mocha gloves with
P. X. M. seam and spear back.
Women's Mocha Gloves, s4.so—Grey Mocha gloves, pique sewn with
fancy embroidery.
Women's Mid-length Gloves $5.50 —Twelve button kid gloves in black
and white.
Children's leatherette Gloves, $l.O0 —All sizes In white, grey and
Women's Kid Gloves, s4.7s—Eight button length kid gloves, la black
and white.
- -
For Comfort,
Endurance laT Tp jl
Sturdy, Rich and Dependable
Furniture For the Dining Room
This luxurious 9-piece dining set is not only good looking
and practical, but it will be a treasure for years in the home to
which it will soon belong. It is made in master fashion, of won
derful patterning.
It is constructed of walnut, with leather seat chairs and the
price we ask is most reasonable at ....-.#275.00
XMvea, Pomeroy * Stewart, Fourth Floor.