Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 10, 1919, Image 1

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    Congressional Committee Arrives in Pittsburgh Field to Get intimate View of Strike Conditions
LXXXY 111 NO. 238 28 PAGES Dall Matter P at S th° d l%st^b%ce e at a Harnsburg l,a " HARRISBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1919. °"SWSSSSSS tTSSttSSfiiTA"" 81 TWO K CENTS 28 HOME EDITION
Capital Representatives at
Conference Score Strikes,
Blacklists and Boycotts
Present Principles; All Three|
Groups Have Put in
By .Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 10.—Opposition i
to collective bargaining and the j
closed shop were among twelve fun- J
damental principles outlined by the
group representing capital and pre- j
sented to-day to the National Indus- j
trial Conference. Sympathetic j
strikes, blacklists and boycotts were .
declared to be "indefensible, antiso- j
cial and immoral."
While deploring strikes and lock
outs, the principles set forth that
the right of strikes or lockouts
"should not be 4 enle<l n an "Mi
niate resort after all possible means j
of adjustment have been exhausted." j
This right, however, should apply j
only to private industry.
Suggest Regulations
In public utility service it was pro
posed that the state impose such
regulations as would assure continu
ous operation, at the same time pro
viding adequate means for the
prompt hearing and the adjustment
of complaints and disputes. Opposi
tion to strikes of government em
ployes also was expressed, the prin
ciples stating that the right of such
employes to be heard and to secure
redress should be "amply sat'eguard-
Industrial Units
For the settlement of disputes in
private industry, it was proposed
that each establishment be regard
ed as an industrial unit with ade
quate machinery for adjustment of
misunderstandings between employes
and the management. Other of the
principles dealt with conditions and |
hours of work, wages, and the right |
to associate, and it was declared ,
that every association, whether of I
either employes or employers, "must;
be equally subject to public author
ity and legally answerable for its I
own conduct or that of its agents." j
All Proposals I"
Proposals of all three groups in [
the conference —capital, labor and ;
the public—have now been pre-;
sented and the committee of fifteen !
to which all matters are first re
ferred under the conference rules,
will be able to begin work.
Conference Adjourns
After the group representing
capital had presented its principles
declaring opposition to the closed
shop and collective bargaining, the
conference adjourned to-day until
Tuesday to give the committee of
fifteen time to consider the various :
proposals advanced and formulate a I
report. •
Suggestion from the public group !
that the chairman of the three j
groups be constituted a committee;
to consider proposals received from !
citizens over the country were I
strongly disapproved by the labor!
representatives who insisted upon j
rigid enforcement of the rules re- j
quiring that all matters considered j
[Continued on Page 23.1
150 More Rooms May Be
Added to Penn-Harris
to Meet Urgent Demand
While no official action has yet
been taken by the directors of the
Harrisburg Hotel Company, owners
of the Penn-Harris, regarding an
enlargement of the hotel to provide
additional rooms, it became known
to-day that the owners are seriously
considering an extension of the
building with a view to meeting the
the increasing demand foraccommo
From the beginning the Penn-
Harrts, regarded as large enough at
the outset for a number of years,
proved so popular that the public
has been clamoring for more room
to supply the demand. Thousands
of people have been turned away
from the desk unable to secure
W. L. Stoddard, the architect, has
been consulted regarding the best
plan of enlargement and will prob
ably be ready to submit his sugges
tions when the directors conclude to
go ahead. E. Z. Wallower, presi
dent of the Harrisburg Hotel Com
pany, is now in the West and a meet
ing of the board of directors will
probably be called on his return.
Generally speaking, at least 150
additional rooms are necessary ow
ing to the constant increase of pa
tronage and the growing importance
of the city as a meeting place of
conventions and Important confer
ences. No hotel in the United States
.lias proved so successful in meeting
Ihe expectations of the public as
he Penn Harris and this has been
due not only to the character of the
building itself and its modern ap
pointments, but also to the efficiency
United Hotels Company, the lessee.
Harrisburg nnd Vicinity: Unset
tled with showers, probably to
night and Saturday, mnrh
fooler Snturday afternoon and
Eastern Pennsylvania: Showers
prohnhly to-night mid Saturday.
Much cooler Saturday afternoon
nnd night. Fresh and strong
southwest winds.
invert The Susquehanna river a-d
Its branches will rise slightly
or remain atationary. A static
of nbout 3.4 feet in Indicated for
Harrisburg Saturday morning.
Speaking of Labor Shortage
Big Orders Placed With Bowman and Company and With
Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart to Be Delivered at Ware
house Lead to Discovery of the Trick
Household goods sufficient to equip a good-sized house and
worth considerably more than $2,000, ordered from two city de
partment stores in the name of a prominent society woman of
the city, by Miss Miriam Haines, 20 years old, of 206 South Thir
teenth street, led to her arrest late yesterday.
She had ordered the goods, she explained yesterday following
her arrest by Detectives George Shuler and Allison, that she
might get married and go to housekeeping. She will be given a
hearing in police court this afternoon.
Two Bogus Orders
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart and
Bowman & Company were the two
department stores which received
shares in the bogus orders. Orders
in both instances were placed by
Miss Haines over the telephone In
the name of Mrs. Frank Payne, of
1901 North Front street. Unusual
methods employed aroused suspicion
of employes in both stores, immedi
ately after the initial order was
placed on Wednesday.
She had planned to have the goods
placed in storage for several months,
when she said she had expected to
get married and use it when she went
to housekeeping, the girl explained
to-day. While not engaged, she had
expected to be able to persuade a
friend of hers to marry her when
she told him that she had enough
furniture, she is reported to have
told police authorities.
She had rented two rooms at the
Harrisburg Storage Company several ;
days ago, in the name of Mrs. Ross j
Smith. Here, she said, she planned
[Continued on Page ll.]
City Planners Endorse
Suggestion That Trees Be
Planted According to Plan
Intelligent planning before plant- I
ing trees, such as would be pro- I
vided by the recent recommenda
tion of the State Forestry Depart
ment to third class cities, is heartily
endorsed by E. S. Herman, chair
man of the City Planning Commis
Attention was called by Mr. Her
man to the fact that intelligent
planning in making cities is follow
ed out along building and many
other lines, but as a rule ends when
it comes to tree plainting. This, he
said, he believes to be a mistake.
Street lines are adopted, but per
sons are permitted to go ahead and
plant whatever trees they may
choose. A wide variety is often seen,
he said, within a small space and
as a rule these present anything but
an nttarctlve appearance.
When one property owner has '
planted a poplar, another an elm :
and a third ar oak, leaves drop off j
at widely separated times and gen- I
erally speaking an unattractive ap- ;
pearunce, Mr. Herman added. '
Workingmen and women of
nearby towns are as much in fa
vor of continuing daylight saving
next summer as are the workers
of Harrisburg. As evidence of
this widespread feeling, the Har
risburg Telegraph to-day*ceived
a petition containing sevemtl hun
dred names of the employes of
the Elinabethtown shoe factory.*
Virtually every worker has lined
up for the movement.
Four Frenchmen Are
Killed in Riots Growing
Out of Labor Troubles
By Associated Press.
Paris, Oct. 10.—A French major
and three sailors were wounded in a
riot at Sarrebruck, in occupied Ger
many, on Tuesday, according to a
dispatch to-day to the Petit Parisian.
The riot is described as having grown
out of labor demonstrations against
the high cost of living, in which
Spartacans joined.
During the disturbances the cen
tral telegraph office was fired on
and stores were looted. Order was
finally restored by the French
Building permits were issued to
day to Burton VanDyke for the
erection of a stone dwelling at the
corner of Sixteenth and Boas streets
at a cost of SIO,OOO, and two two
story-brick houses in Sixteenth, near
Forster streets, at a cost of $15,000.
Ij. B. Fraltck secured a permit to
build a ond-story brick garage at
the rear of 523 Camp street for
Announcement wns made to-day
that the Hershey House. 327 Market ]
street, had been sold by W. M. j
Hoerner to J. W. Sohland. The con- I
sideratlon was not given, but it is
said that it was $130,000.
tUjc otor-3nscj>cnfteitl.
[Unless City Comes Forward
With Contributions the
Movement Must Fail
Up until noon to-day there had
been no noticeable increase in the
number of subscriptions being re
ceived at the Chamber of Commerce
for the soldiers' and sailors' mem
orial. Treasurer G. Stanley Jean was
feeling discouraged.
"It doesn't look like we're going
to build that memorial at the Hill
end of the State street bridge," he
"Why not?" he was asked.
"We can't build it without money,"
he replied. "We presumed that the
people of Harrisburg who led the
State during the war in their patri
otic efforts, would welcome this
chance to subscribe S2O each for
their soldiers, sailors and other war
workers. So instead of asking four
or five hundred men to conduct a
rush campaign for us we decided to
let each Harrisburg man and woman
be his own solicitor. It looks like
we ought to have put on the solici
tors. There hasn't been what you
would call a rush of subscribers
not by any means."
Hundred Percenters
It was announced from head*"
quarters this morning that the David
Kaufman store has covered every
star on its large service flag with
a S2O note.
Pilgrim Commandery No. 11,
Knights Templar, last night decided
to subscribe S2O for fvery member
of the Commandery who was in
service. Consequently at an early
date it will demobilize its service
[Continued on Page 24.]
The Pennsylvania State Sabbath ;
School Association meeting in !
Wilkes-Barre to-day, accepted an
invitation to hold next year's annual
convention in Harrisburg. John
Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, was
elected honorary president, and
Precy L. Craig, of Lawrence county,
was named president.
City Health Officer Urges Ta king of Plenty of Rest as Best
Preventative Against Last Year's Plague
"Get plenty of rest and avoid fa
tigue whenever possible,"
This, Dr. John It. J. Raunick, city
health officer, said to-day, is the most
important thing a person can do to
avoid influenza. Its observance, he
says, will aid very much in avoiding
the repetition of such an epidemic
as prevailed last fall.
It U higniy important that a per
Marshal Hartman and Possi
bly Men From Allegheny and
Other Counties Will Go
Personnel of Commission May
Be Changed Within Next
Twelve Months
William Hartman, of Philadelphia,
a henchman of John R. K. Scott,
Vare leader in the last House of
Representatives, will be dropped by
the Public Service Commission and
a number of other changes made in
the force of the Commission offices
during the coming ten days. At least
two other Vare men are scheduled
to go. Three other persons, includ
ing one man from Pittsburgh, are
also listed for removal.
The selection of the persons for
dismissal has been in the hands of
a committee of the commission of
which Commissioners James S. Benn
and Samuel M. Clement, Jr.. of
Philadelphia, and John S. Rilling,
of Erie, are members. This com
mittee has been at work for weeks
and endeavoring to avoid interfering
with the work of the Commission
and yet bringing the force within
the money at hand for the office
[Continued oil Page 22.]
Physicians Satisfied
With Nourishment
Wilson Is Taking
By Associated Press.
Washington. Oct. 10. President
Wilson had another restful night
and his physicians are satisfied with
the nourishment he is taking, said
a bulletin to-day by Rear Admirals
Grayson and Stitt, and Dr. Sterling
Ruffln, of this city. The bulletin fol
"White House, Oct. 10, 11.30
A. M.
"Tlio Ihresident had nnotlier
restful night. His appetite has
continued to improve and he
is now taking as inueli food
ami or great variety as wo de
(Signed) "Grayson,
Despite the progress the President
is making toward complete recov
ery, the phystcians will insist on a
long period of absolute rest and
quiet. Dr. Grayson said 4t would
not be safe to do other than follow
this course of treatment.
Dr. Francis X. Dercum, Philadel
phia neurologist, is expected to see
the President to-morrow and Dr.
Grayson said he intended to have
Dr. Dercum come frofn Philadelphia
about once a week until the Presi
dent has recovered entirely.
A talking machine has been plac
ed in the President's room and he is
entertained at with music.
Mrs. Wilson also continues to read
light prose and poetry to him.
Says Fiume Problem
Will Be Quickly Solved
By Associated Press.
Tricst, Thursday. Oct. 9.—General
Grazioli, former commander of the
Italian garrison at Fiume. left Triest
for Rome this evening on his way
from Fiume, where he was sent by
the government to confer with Ga
. briele D'Annunzio.
| He appeared confident and cheer
ful and his friends announced the
; general had assured them that an
! early solution, of the Fiume dlf
| ficulty would be reached.
American Soldier Is
Killed by Russian Officer
} By Associated Press•
y pmsk. Tuesday, Sept. 30.—An
American soldier in Vladivostok
was shot ancf killed recently by a
Russian officer, it has been learned
here. This and other incidents led '
to a demand from the Allied com
manders at Vladivostok for the re
moval of the Russian troops from
that city. A vigorous protest by the
Omsk government, however, led to
the withdrawal of the demand.
By .Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 10.—Arguments
in the government's antitrust suit i
against the United States Steel Cor- '
poration were considered in the Su
preme Court to-day. Cordenio A
Severance and William E. Murray
appeared for the defendant, and C
B. Ames, assistant to the Attorney
General, made the closing argu
ments for the government.
son take good care of his phvsical
self. Dr. Raunick said.
If afflicted with a cold, he advised
that a person see a physician at
once, and go to bed at least until It is
Avoiding crowds, persons with colds
and ill-ventilated rooms, will go a
long ways toward preventing a per
son from becoming a victim of the
epidemic, Dr. Raunick said.
"Flying Parson" Is Hundreds
of Miles Ahead of Nearest
Westbound Fiver
Capt. Smith Expects to Make
Progress After Fighting
Three Storms
By .Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 10.—Lieuten
ant B. W. Maynard, who is lead
ing the westbound aviators in
the trans-corrtinental air race,
flew 112 miles yesterday in two
minutes less than nothing, ac
cording to the official time made
public to-day at the War De
partment. Maynard left North
Platte, Neb., at 5.03 P. M. and ar
rived at Sidney at 5.01 P. M. The
explanation is that the point
where the change between cen
tral and mountain? time is made
lies between the two towns.
By .Associated Press.
Chicago, Oct. 10.—Prospects of
bad weather over much of the
course faced the fliers who to-day
remained in the twice-across-the
country airplane race from Mine
ola, N. Y., to San Francisco. Cal.
Cold weather and snowstorms in
the West and winds and rains in the
Eastern half of the country yester
day interfered with schedules.
Hun?dreds of miles ahead of other
westbound flyers, Lieutenant May
nard, the "flying parson," resumed
his flight to the Pacific from Chey
enne, Wyo., his overnight stop.
Captain Loveil H. Smith, well
ahead of the contingent that start
ed from San Francisco, reached the
Omaha, Neb., control station after
a hard battle with three mountain
snowstorms, and left there to-day.
expecting to add many miles to his
total of 1,41rt flown in two days.
Two Missing
Except two machines, all those in
the race were accounted l'or early
[Continued on Page 11.]
[ Gold Coins and Diamond
Pins Cast Aside by Thieves
Who Ransack Dwelling
Gold pieces approximating SSO in
value and three valuable diamond
stickpins were not wanted by a new
variety of burglars who visited the
home of Mrs. Harry Botdorf, 1732
Elm street.
Mrs. Botdorf, on returning home
yesterday after having left for a
visit on Monday, found everything
about the house thoroughly ran
sncked and in a topsyturvy condi
A revolver and $7 in cash were
missing. Boxes containing the gold
pieces and stickpins had been open
• ed. but all were found scattered
i about near where they had been
I kept.
Missing Train. He Comes
to City in an Airplane
Mis-sing a train for Harrisburg
was of little concern to G. Paul
Mussel man of Lancaster. He had
arranged to meet a businessman in
this city at 2.30 this afternoon. He
missed t.he train that would g'et
him to Harrisburg at that time but
he had an airplane at his service and
after telephoning to Harrisburg Mr.
; Musselman took the aerial route,
j The Pennsylvania railroad station
I was paged for the businessman, and
I the latter sent to Paxtang field
! where the plane was to land
Trial of Three Charged
With Murder Continued
The court to-day continued the
trials of three defendants, charged
with murder, until the Week of the
j special session of criminal court to
be held November 10. The defend-
I ants were Mrs. Cathleen Stewart,
i charged with poisoning her infant
! child; Theodore Martin, held on a
; charge of murdering S. Wolfe Lacob,
! a Steelton grocer, and Sim Velco,
charged with the burder of Tom
34 Strikers Are Found
Guilty in Chambersburg
Chambersburg. Pa., Oct. 10.—The
jury trying thlrty-flve Waynesboro l
strikers charged with riot and as-
I sault in entering the Greencastle
j Land is Company shops and forc-
I ing the men to quit brought in a
| sealed verdict which, when opened
this morning, found thirty-four of
them guilty. Sentence was held till
By Associated Press•
Philadelphia. Oct. 10. —An explo
sion of oil occurred early to-day on
the United States merchant marine
tanker Chestnut Hill on the Dela
ware river here. Three workmen
were killed and seventeen others
were burned. The explosion, It is
said, was caused by a spark from a
torch setting ft re to gas fumes, which
had escaped from a tank, and fumes
of crude oil which had gathered in
the oil tanks. The vessel was only
slightly damaged.
Congressional Committee to Get Intimate
View of Trouble on Grounds; Shots
Fired as They Enter Mill
By Associated Press•
Pittsburgh, Oct. io—Headed by Sen
ator Kenyon, of lowa, the Senate La
bor Committee investigating the
strike of steel workers arrived here
early to-day from Washington and in
stituted its inquiry into conditions
surrounding the walkout in the Pitts
burgh district.
Four other members of the com
mittee, Senators Phipps, Colorado;
McKcllar, Tennessee; Walsh, Mass.,
and Sterling, South Dakota, accom
panied Chairman Kenyon. The com
mitteemen were busy during the early
hours of the day arranging details
for their investigation, which is ex
pected to continue until next Monday
or Tuesday.
According to the program mapped
out by Senator Kenyon. the commit
tee will endeavor to get an intimate
view of strike conditions in ths dis
trict and will inquire into charges of
labor leaders that the strikers' rights
of free speech and free assemblage
have been violated and that the
workers have not been treated right
by certain steel companies and the
police authorites of some Western
Pennsylvania towns. Beginning Sat
urday, the committee plans to hear
witnesses on both sides of the con
Make Early Start
An early start was made, the com
mute leavng by automobile for
points up the Monongahela river.
The first stop was made at the
Homestead plant of the Carnegie
Steel Company, a subsidiary of the
fj* •' ■ *i-
jP Cheyenne.—Lieutenant W. B. Maynard, who has
been leading the westbound aviators in the airplane race, *f*
.broke the radiator of his plane in alighting here and will £
JL be delayed until shortly after lunch, it was announced.
4* •l*.
X San Francisco.—Lieutenant E. V. Wales, Army flier, "'f*
died at a farmhouse near Saratoga, Wyo., yesterday,
4* after crashing into a mountain in a snow storm.
New York.—Eastern and Gulf refiners were notified
X ,
T tc-day by the United States Food Administration that
effective October 15 and until further notice they are
-L not to ship or deliver sugar to any point west of Pitts-
T burgh and Buffalo and north and west of the Ohio river.
k The order was issued because of the scarcity of cane
* sugar.
* 4
Altoona. —Following an all-night conference between J?
representatives of striking engine house employes and
P. R. R. officials, announcement came from both sides
4 tlp
that no settlement had been made.
v : X
X Washington.—The Senate Military Committee voted
| unanimously to-day to recommend an additional ap- f*"~
propriation of $15,000,000 for Army aircraft construe-
f tion in order that planes of the air service to estab
f •r*
| lish routes to Panama. Alaska and even to Asia may
L be carried out.
: i
* *i*
* Jnmcß Krrnl i, llnrrlaburit. anil Kathryur Hnggliia, Heirporli'j'
I Grorge C. Thomas, Jr.. SliuMk, X. J., and Julia M. Slnmm. Harris-
burai Gtorge U. Hoyrr and l.llliun M. Curamlnica, HarrUburm GrarrcT
II K. Kiln* and blather M. \Vbb. Harrlabiiritl Chrlatlan C. KaulTmaabfo
. nnd Naomi A. Herd, Harrlnburai Joarpb Rrlael, Jr., and Anna U.T
behrdber, Heading.
United States Steel Corporation. Just
after Senators Kenyon and McKel
ler went in the Eighth avenue gate
of the plant two shots were tired by
men, said to be strikers, in the street.
The senators, it was said, knew noth
ing of the incident.
In the plant the committee chat
ted with John P. Ousler, general su
Testimony To-morrow
The committee intends to visit
city and borough authorities in the
county, to go into plants and to ex
amine any person on the spot where
they feel they can get any worth
while information. Two stenog
raphers accompanied the party. The
entire day was to be given over to
the trip and to-morrow the com
mittee expected to sit in the Fe'erul
building here and take test'mon.v.
The senators found the Pittsburgh
district quiet when they started out.
No change of any moment were re
ported by either side to the indus
trial struggle. The committee in
tended to make a quiet investigation
but it found a number of persons
reporting different interest awaiting
it. Mayor E. V. Babcock, of Pitts
burgh, greeted the senators and ar
rangements for their stay in Pitts
burgh were made by United State's
Marshal John P. Short.
Piglit Over Return to Work
Early in the day there was a
fight in a boardinghouse in the for
eign section at Clairton, in which an
Italian received a flesh wound from
a bullet, several were cut and a
number of others were bruised.
State and local police quelled the
trouble and arrested three men. It
was snid the fight was started when
several of the men declared their
intention of going back to work in
the Clairton Steel Company mills.