Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 08, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    " When a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problem of a Girl Wife
(Copyright, 1919, Star Feature
Syndicate, Inc.)
"You're going to Reno—to give
Virginia the one gift she can't re
fuse her freedom,"l repeated
mechanically, staring at Pat with a
complete sense, of unreality.
It seemed a dream. Or some
malicious fairy's' twisted conception
of drama. For Pat was expressing
the very idea Virginia had so proud
ly worked out but a short time ago,
the plan from which I wasn't more
than half sure that I had diverted
"You can't. You mustn't," I
"I can and I must," replied Pat
grimly. "Why do you question it?
What other way out is there? What
other solution has there been since
the night when you tried to bring
us together in your own home and
she couldn't be getting away fast
enough? Had she spoken to you—
or Jim—since?"
"No, but that doesn't matter. It
will come right in the end"
"Will it?" interrupted Pat. "I
sadly misdoubt it, Anne. For a
long time I've been going along
blindly waiting for things to come
right. They don't when a woman
so despises a man that she turns
against her own people for the
knowing of him. The miracle can't
happen when a woman is filled with
loathing at the thought of coming
back into her own place in the
world—owning her family estate—
through the man who was once her
husband. My gifts and I are black
shame and disgrace in her eyes. I'll
be going to Reno."
"The slime of the divorce court—
you'll drag her through that?" I
"I'll see that it doesn't befoul
her," replied Pat gravely, and he
swept off his hat in an unconscious
gesture of contriteness.
"Then you're going to perform a
great miracle," I said scornfully.
"You'll go to the divorce court and
wrest your freedom from the law.
And people aren't going to date it
all back to just such an incident as
occurred at the restaurant to-day!
Oh, no! People aren't going to
gloat over the choice tidbit you of
fer them —indeed not!"
"What do you mean?" demanded
"I mean Sheldon Bake. I mean
gossip and slander. I mean the end
of Virginia's good name," I replied.
"So that's what the world would
be saying that's what it will be
doing to the fine pride of her,"
murmured Pat more to himself than
to me.
After that we drove on In si
lence for a while. Smiling folk
drove by us in luxurious cars. I
wondered what dramas of life and
human happiness were masked by'
* • X
4 •
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JI You want genuine Aspirin—the Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, J
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All This Week
I - And Next Week ||
I / George S. Mooradian \ I
J j Will Display His Extra Fine Collection of \ j
if Oriental Rugs \
J At Our Shop
I Mr. Mooradian has been coming to Harris
f; burg for years making The Blake Shop his head
f, quarters. The fine quality and authentic genu
j j ineness of these Oriental Rugs are your assur
ance that you get what is represented to you. I
V Oriental Rugs are inexpensive when you con
\ sider that they will wear for years and years and /
Vl can be handed down from one family to another. /
\ You are especially invited to come in and in- I
J'A spect these rugs this week and next week. The M j
v K earlier you select the better. II
(®) Interior Decorations
\ J 225 North Second St. |g |
, faces that told so little of what was
; going on in hearts and minds.
"Of course, I'll not he going to
Reno now," said Pat at last.
I reached out and laid my hand
over his, hoping some message of
my admiration for his chivalry
would wing out through the elec
i tricity of that touch. But Pat's
| hand lay impassive and strangely
, cold under mine. I turned to hint,
■ and more than ever the terrible
Igrimness of his fnce struck me. It
I was masklike and drawn into old
I and haggered lines. The fine, proud
I set of his upfiung head was gone and
| he sagged at chest and shoulders.
[ "Pat —you're so splendid, so
ichivalrous. I feel sometimes as if
' you were my brother, too like
Neal," I ventured. "I want you to
know how—how much I care about
your happiness; how much I value
our friendship."
"I know, little Anne," he said, re
turning pressure for pressure like
the good pal he had come to be. "I
know. You've stood by. And Jim
mie, too. But it's hopeless now.
You'll have to let me go it alone
"Not to divorce. That is decid
ed, isn't it?" I insisted, and I don't
know now whether that insistance
was stupid or wise.
"Not to divorce. There's another
way out. I'll take it," said Pat.
"Another way out?" I grasped al
most in a daze.
Pat corrected himself, gravely.
"Some other way out. Some way.
I'll find it, and finding it, be glad to
take it."
"Oh Pat, you mustn't!" I cried, not
knowing against what I was pro
testing, but at the beginning of a
feeling that grew all the rest of the
time I was with him—the feeling
that I had to prevent something
sinister and menacing. "You mustn't
do a thing until you have talked it
over with me—your sister. For I
am that. I want to have you know
that I am that."
"The dearest of sisters," replied
Pat. lifting my fingers quickly to
his lips with a touch of his old
Then the devil-may-care reckless
ness of him crept back into his voice
for a minute and, instead of being
welcome, after the haggard droop,
it frightened me more than ever.
"Faaith, Alanna," said Pat. "Kind
ness like yours is a memory of a liv
ing well. A man might carry it into
a desert of sand and loneliness with
him. Or into another world."
Then such terror took me by the
throat that I dared not say another
word. We drove my swaying green
trees and past sward of living green
dappled with ardent sunshine, but
the world seemed cold and gray to
me—a fearsome place. Because it
had come to me that Pat's other
way out was a far more dreadful
one ever than the path of divorce.
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918. International News Service By McManus
1•r? rn —______ .
fD GrrTtl\ I , i I VANNA TA.KE IT V/Ei-L.t*iA<-Sl£ v NOW fORTH^
And I felt I couldn's stop him. Then
Pat gave me a last bit of cruel
evidence to make out my case.
"I've some affairs to settle up. I'll
be going North for a week. The
miniature you'll get to-morrow. I
want you to have that. And when
1 opine back, before I take the long
journey I'm planning. I'll see about
the Harrison place. It's for you and
Jim —or Phoebe and Neal, maybe,
as a wedding present. Don't pro
test, Anne. I can't take the Harri
son place with me-—where I'm go
(To Be Continued).
No Rate Increase
Before Return of R. R.'s
to Original Owners
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. B.—The railroad
administration will make no increase
in freight rates before return of
the railroads to private operation,
January 1.
Director General Hines wrote T.
De Witt Cuyler, chairman of the
railway executives, yesterday, that
it would be "impossible for the gov
ernment to establish any general re
adjustment of rates," because earn
ings of the roads under the ab
normal conditions prevailing in the
early part of this year did not af
ford a fair test of income.
The manifest desire of the public
to have the Interstate Commerce
Commission exercise full authority
in any readjustment of rates to be
effective under private control also
was cited by the Director General as
an objection to the railroad admin
istration's undertaking such a re
Civil War Renewed
by Chinese Factions
Amoy, China, Oct. B.—Hostilities
between the Northern and Southern
governments have been resumed.
Numerous troops leaving the city
against the Southern forces station
ed at Changshow. The usual rice
suppy to this port has been cut.
The renewal of hostilities follow,-
the falling of efforts by Wong-I-
Tong, representing the Northern
government' to negotiate with Tang
Shaoyi, of the Southern government
looking to reconciiation. The South
ern representatives refused to treat
with Wong-I-Tong and a resump
tion of hostilities between the two
factions was expected.
2992—This is just the dress for
comfort, convenience and utility.
The lines are simple and yet stylish.
The design lends Itself to all dress
materials. Serge in blue or brown,
check or mixed suiting, taffeta
gabardine and velvet, all are desir
able and appropriate.
The pattern is cut in 3 sizes: 16,
18 and 2 0 years. Size 18 requires
5 1-8 yards and 36-lnch material.
Width at lower edge is 1 7-8 yard,
with plaits drawn out.
A pattern of this illustration
mailed to any address on receipt of
10c In silver or lc and 2c stamps.
Telegraph Pattern Department
For the 10 cents Inclosed please
send pattern to the following
Slse Pattern No.
City and Stat*
| Have you ever adopted a'brother? ;
| Not legally, of course, just theoret- ,
j ically, and for purposes of general:
I comradeship. It's an arrangement that I
II find to be greatly in favor among
I lively and resourceful young people.
: It's a matter also of great concern,
[even of strong disapproval on the!
jpart of parents. Are the parents Justi-|
I fled—or are the 18-year-olds?
I It Is quite easy to see how this
■ make-believe relationship recommends!
1 itself to normal, imaginative youth.
; Boy-and-girl friendships are such
I natural, delightful. even helpful
; things. Their only drawback is that
• there are always onlookers who scent
J romance, who more than hint ro-j
; manee, who audibly declare that the i
; situation is or will be or ought to lie!
j romantic.
i So that a boy and girl who don't j
feel romance, who don't want ro-
Imance, who look to each other mere
•l y for gay. hearty companionship, are
: put to it for some means of self-de
! fense. The brother-and-sister idea oo
[curs to them. It's the perfect solution
lof the difficulty. They adopt each
j other on the spot. And always afte'-j
this, besides the pleasure of being,
friends and "pals." there's the pleas-1
I ure of playing a game of keeping up
ia delicious make-believe,
j Reltrr Than Precious I ore
I Doesn't It seem to you that there's
a good deal to be said for this sort of:
game? Consider how mueh whole-1
somer It is than the precocious love
affairs that some times occur with ]
1 young creatures of fifteen, sixteen or j
seventeen. What could be more deslr- j
able than that hoys and girls should i
have free, natural companionship'
without any premature pairing off, j
and forced juvenile romance.
And If elders and outsiders gen- !
erally are so indiscreet as to com- !
ment on all youthful comradeship. !
why isn't the brother-and-sister game j
the most ingenious protection pos-1
But there are obstacles. Dlsapprov- i
lng parents are perhaps the chief of j
these, and the problem that this dis
approval occasions Is very Interest-!
Ingly set forth by a girl from whoso j
recent letter I wish to quote:
"I am in my twenty-second year."!
she writes, "and am engaged to a sol- j
dler four years my senior. We are de- ■
voted to each other and have always (
been sensible In our love affairs—not!
silly, as some are. We trust each other!
and look forward to a happy married:
11 5 Te. with ups and downs to relieve;
the monotony. He has been in the:
service a long time and went to
I France last May. He met a French
girl who has been very kind to him!
[and given him cheerful times. forj
I which I am very grateful, as I can ;
(well Imagine how homesick my hoy!
Daily Dot Puzzle
£ I!
I 6
7 >IA ' l2
18 •' / 11 •
• a* A ;
*• .;
a. 4
! ?tV
6 x •
' 7 43
. V. 43
, -A
c w Yk - j 1
A e" >
/ "* j
27 • *39
1 *ii2fipr-!
S Si '35
3o 31
29 M* • •
I • 32 33 34
Draw from one to TWO and so on I
to the end. 1
irrn>|j|djl Not only makes your cakes
and hot breads lighter, of finer
texture and delicious flavor,
but at a reasonable cost
j must often have been —judging by
; About a year ago I adopted a broth
er, three years my junior, all about
) whom my fiance lias known and not
disapproved. 1 haye told him every
thing just as if he had been here. Now
this young brother of mine is devoted
t ■ me and has done much to cheer mo
: up, causing me to be invited to his
'ciub affairs, taking me to the movies,
teaching nte to run a car and in a
general way making things as pleas
t ant for me as he could.
! He has said: "Why should you. be
cause your fiance is miles away, shut
yourself up and not have pieasant
times? If I can do a little toward
driving the blues away T consider it a
! pleasant duty to do so. If your soldier
I does not. object, no one else should."
I My mother now soys she does not
j approve of my going out alone with
this boy. She says people will talk
about an engaged girl acting as 1 do.
If I were not engaged my actions
would be without reproach, but as it
is I must not go out alone with liiin
any more.
"Miss Fairfax, is mother taking the
I right stand as the world judges to
: day? I have done nothing that I am
: ashamed of and do not object to hav
j ing other people with us when this
J boy and I are out together, but if wo
! are not alone he will not confide his
difficulties his ambitions and hopes
j to me. and it will break my heart to,
give up being his only confidante, for
by his own admission I have helped
(him a great deal. He does not by any
means mistake my feeling toward him
as helpful sister and chum.
| In this case the disapproval Is
i based on the existence of an absent
j fiance. In the next case, it will have
a different ground. The truth Is. I
suppose, that parents can't quite
bring themselves to believe In the
brother-and-sister relationship. It's a
(shade too idyllic and beautiful. They
can't quite drive fear and suspicion
i from their hearts. Artificial bro/he.r
and sister relationships, they cynical
ly tell each other, belong to the class
of things that are too good to he true.
jThpy'll develop sentiment in an hour,
i Rotter cheek them at the start.
I Trust Yonr Girls nml Roys
j And there will, of course, be ln
| Ftances where this charming game is I
.employed as a mask for flirtation —|
jjust as there will he others where ro-j
I mance will unexpectedly flower. But
j don't justify a general conspiracy of
(distrust among parents and guard-!
i ie.ns. It may be that there is nothing
worse for youth than to distrust it.
It is very generally true that youth,
j like every other period of life, does
j pretty much what you expect of it.
Distrust it and it may possibly :le
i reive you. Trust it and it will rise to
.'glorious heights of magnanimity and
! candor.
SQmchow I believe that if I had ai
' daughter who was as straight-for- j
| ward and sensible in her love affair
(as this girl is, so superior to small!
j jealousies and evasions and deceits—:
1 would trust her to adopt a brother, i
(if she liked, and get what pleasure
she could from being his "helpful 1
j chum."
! Don't you remember—can't you re- i
! member—that lonely mysterious time j
; when you were seventeen or 60? The (
time when It's so hard to tell things I
to another boy. and so useless to tell |
things to another girl, but so:
: friendly and satisfying for a boy and !
1 girl who aren't the least bit In love j
| to confide to each other their puzzling!
; adventures?
1 It is hard to put one's self in their
! place. But it pays, for one learns by
( it not to thwart these charming im
' pulses of theirs, but to encourage
! them to play brother and sister to
-1 gether ar long as the delicious lnno- !
I cense of youth shall last.
There is no cure"' **o
bu' "esier '3 often Wrt
* brougnt by—
! Viocs\^j>oßuk?
' "VOOB 800>"3uARD" - 30? 60M1.20
... =
Advice to the Lovelorn
I am twenty, am making: a grood
salary and in love with a young gil l
of nineteen years. Although I have
been gelng about with her fof- two
years, she has not as yet expressed
any feeling for me outside of friend
ship. Now I want to he more than a
friend to this young woman, whom
J regard as a tine type of American
\\ otnanhood.
1 have good habits, keep early
hours and save as much money as l
ran. If there is any way of express-1
ing my affection for this girl, with
out hut ting her feelings, my ntind !
would he at ease.
I am afraid if she does not return!
my love 1 will have to give her up. j
although 1 dread doing so. as I can
not continue being just a friend to
this young woman.
It is not unusual for a young girl
to express any feeling of affection for
a young man before he has told hcri
he loves her. She is probably waiting i
Patiently to hear this thing: have j
courage and tell her. "Faint heart,"
you know, "never won fair lady."
1 am writing you this letter as sort !
of an inquiry as to the question of I
"NVhet shall f do?" I am nineteen'
and for six months have been in love
with a girl one year my junior. Fori
three months she has shown every
sign of earing a great deal for me.
Che even went as far as to tell a
young man with whom she had been
going that their -.friendship would
have to draw to a close, as she found
out that she eared more for me than
she did ftfr him. I went away, ami
when I returned I found her with the'
party she had jilted. Now, I would
like to have your advice as to what I
can do to gain back her love.
Do not worry too much. A young
lady of this type likes variety, and
enjovs playing with love rather than
falling in love seriously. Doubtless
she wiil throw over the second young ,
man for you. as she did once before,
and then his turn will come next.
Do you think it proper that a
young man should go about with
many young lady friends when lie 1
has a chance to keep company with a
giri of twenty? I am nineteen, but
look younger, but she does not mind ;
this, end as she has often told me.
she loves me and does not want ine
to go to parties and dance with other
girls. I am asking your advice in this
matter. F. S.
1 • is quite proper, if you are not
engaged to go to as many parties and
dances as you want to. Nineteen is|
j Concerning the Future
? Prices of Shoes %'
SThe future of shoe prices is uncertain— /
but 110 matter how high they rise, we know 1
and promise you that 1
Walk-Over \
Shoes l
fwill be several dollars less in price per pair o
than you will pay for the same quality of -X
-shoe elsewhere. j y*'
I This may sound like a hold statement. i f
n But it can he proven from the present I u
\ status. Compare any high grade of shoes j l\
\ sold elsewhere with the same grade of \
Walk-Overs. Certainly you will find Walk-
Overs less expensive. j |
\ 1 \ The shoe Illustrated In thts | \
A I • ®\ advertisement is our li
j /S. a sensible shoe for street and I
£> | X. j dress. The shoe is built to ci,
jig V. "A insure space for natural toe JL.
y 0 conformation, and ample bal *BF
/ \ a J measurement. It is sensibly
1 corrective. In many leathers. I
I Over 800 l Skop I
v *£ *2 €3 Jj J* [I P~f-Lrrisku.rX *
L Market St J CT A P&nnx. i
OCTOBER 8, 1919.
pretty young for a boy to be "re
served," as it were. I should not give
up my liberty and. good times yet a
while. Plenty of time when you settle
Mcolianio-Hburg, Pa., Oct. B.—A
conference under the auspices of
the Mechantcsburg District Sabbath
~' —— Wiffi™;]*
Fashion's Newest Dresses
Women who want garments of striking
beauty, garments of perfect workmanship,
ft Wfc. garments of high grade materials, will find
jjt\ wonderful opportunities to secure just the
fjfT] JnyV thing they need at remarkably low prices.
ISa $24- 98 $27- 50 $34-75
j I ill You Don't Need
flfl the Cash
h I ißll And to enable you to get that new dress
If ' now we ave bere or y° ur convenience
our charge account plan. Our
credit system is on accommodation. Thsre
h \ fore it meets every need whether you psy
rr by the week or month.
Asian & Marine Co,
36 North Second St., Cor. Walnut St.
] School Association will be held In
i the A. M. K. Bethel church, West
! Simpson street, on Sunday after
! nono, October 19, at 2 o'clock. The
A. M. 10. Bethel and A. M. E. Zion
Sabbath schools will unite in the
conference. The officers and depart
mental superintendents of the dis
trict association will attend.