Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 08, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 MISS GORDON IS SAVED BY WILSON Miserable Orchestra Detracts From Ragged Performance of Untrained Cast Before a most patient and long suffering audience, the new Kitty Gordon show, "Love For Sale," opened last evening at the Orpheum. Although one must forgive It some thing for Its first night newness, the failure of many sets to arrive from New Tork, and tho miserable sup port of the orchestra, there is really nothing In tho entire performance worthy of the beautiful Miss Gor don. The saving grace of the pitiful exhibition was Jack Wilson, who saved the situation ft dosen times in his black face character. Mr. Wilson was really funny, and his "movie scene" with Miss Gordon In the last act Is one of the cleverest bits of fooling seen on the Orpheum stage for some days. Struggling against adverse fates, personified by a group of stage hands wrestling with three carloads of new scenery, a band of musicians who evidently knew nothing about the music and cared less, and typical first night "looseness," Mr. Wilson behaved ad mirably and probably prevented the entire audience from rising and moving out in a body. The dancing of Marguerite Seve rln was the only other bright spot In an otherwise gloomy evening. Miss Severln Is wonderfully grace ful, and during the Wall street scene Doctors Stand Amazed at Power of Bon-Opto to Make Weak Eyes Strong-—According to Dr. Lewis Guaranteed to Strengthen Eyesight 50 Per Cent In One Week's Time in Many Instances A Free Prescription Yoti Can Have Filled and Fse at Home Philadelphia, Pa. Victims of eye strain and other eye weaknesses, and those who wear glasses, will be glad to know that, according to Dr. I.ewis, there is real hope and help for them. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored by this remarkable pre scription and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away. One man says, after using it: "I was almost blind. Could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without my glasses and my eyes do not hurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. 1 Now they feel tine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "Hie atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for 3 3 days everything seems clear. I can read even fine print without; glasses." Another who used it says: "I was bothered with eye strain caused by overworked, tired eyes, which induced tierce headaches. I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and work, and without them I could not read my own name on an envelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. I can do both now, and have discarded my long-distance glasses altogether. I can count the flutter ing leaves on the trees across the street now, which for several years f have looked like a dim green blur i to me. I' canr.-ot express my joy at what it has done for me." It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable time and multitudes Coal Troubles Ahead THE COAL TRADE PAPERS are now warn-, ing the public that "concerted action" must be taken if consumers are to be protected from a very great increase in the cost of coal due to the latest demands put forward by the miners. These demands involve a six-hour day, a five-day week and an advance of 40 to 60 per cent, in wages. Coal Miners: "We demand a six hour day, a five day week, and a substantial increase in all rates of pay." Coal Operators : "Well we can grant your de mands but we'll have to take it out of the public." Result: Landlord: "On account of the increased cost of coal I'll be obliged to raise your rent." Gasman: "On account of the increased cost of coal, your gas bill must be increased." Railroads: "On account of the increased cost of coal the cost of transportation has advanced." Manufacturer: "On account of the increased cost of coal all manufactured articles have gone up in price." Merchants: "On account of the increased cost of coal we are obliged to raise our prices." The cost of coal, of course, effects everybody. Coal has be come such a fundamental factor in our society that any rise in price is almost immediately reflected in the price of everything else. The miner now wants more money for a shorter day's work, and the only way It can be given him is to ask the consumer to pay more Tor his coal. United Ice & Coal Co. Forstgr and Cowden 7th and Woodbine 6th and Hamilton 7th and Reily 15th and Chestnut WEDNESDAY EVENING, with Joseph Hnilth, danced to satisfy the most crabbed first nlghter. The performance will have to be entirely revamped and revised be fore it shows to advantage else where. I feel sorry that Miss Gor don, who ordinarily surrounds her self with a vehicle worthy of Me reputation, should be compelled to endure "Love For Bale," 1 do Mot know whether It was Tom John stone or Harry Auraoher, both of whom are credited with the music, who dared present such miserable tunes to the public! they suggester the efforts of an amateur. It Is a long timo since Harrlsburg has been used by a company who were out to "try it on the dog", the "dog" didn't Uko It! MAX ROBERTSON. NTNFTTKIC.V PACK CHARGES A number of freight car robbery cases In and about Harrlsburg, will be heard at the October session of the United Htntes District court, in Scranton. Nineteen poreons will an swer charges of breaking Into cars at this session. Important among the enses will be the Bhlppensburg case In which John Taylor, of this city, Is connected. Taylor has enter ed a plea of not guilty. Two men. with whom ho Is ftllofred to have operated, have entered pleas of guilty. TO FACE ROBREKY CHARGE George R. Curtis, who was ar rested In Philadelphia Inst week, was brought to this city last evening by Detective George flhuler to answer the charge of having broken into and robbed the Shenk and Tittle sporting goods store, 205 Market street, last week. Curtis had been arrested In Philadelphia when at tempting to pawn some of the stolen goods. more will be able to strengthen their • eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses, i Kye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use of this prescription. Go to any active drug store and get a bottle . of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon i Opto tablet In a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. "With this , liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation and red ness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little it is your duty to take steps to save them 1 now before it is too late. Many hope lessly blind might have saved their sight if they had cared for their eyer in time. Note: Another prominent Phy sician to whom the above article was submitted, said: "Yes, the Bon-Opto prescription is truly a wonderful eye remedy. Us constituent ingredients are well known to eminent eye spe cialists and widely prescribed by ; them. I have used it very success fully in my own practice on patients whose eyes were strained through i overwork or misfit glasses. I can ; highly recommend it in case of weak, watery, aching, smarting, itching, burning eyes, red lids, blurred vision or for eyes inflamed from exposure | to smoke, sun. dust or wind, (t Is ' one of the very few preparations I feel should be kept on hand for regu lar use in almost every' family." Bon- Opto, referred to above, is not a • patent medicine or a secret remedy. It is an ethical preparation, the for mula being printed on the package, j "The manufacturers guarantee it to | i strengthen eyesight 50 per cent in | one week's time in many Instances i or refund the money. It can be ob- | tained from any good druggist and j is sold in this city by the Kennedy, the Croll Keller, J. Nelson Clark i stores and others. 1 NEWSY JOTTINGS OF THEATER AND SCREEN Pretty Girls in the Large Chorus With the Musical Comedy, "I'll Say So" A musical and humorous treat Is apparently In store for the patrons of the Orpheum Saturday matinee and night when "I'll Bay So," the latest musical comedy, will be produced. This Is the work of Oeeo. H. Emerlck and Seymour Furth. and was written and composed expressly for the pur pose of giving ample sway and scope to tho unique talents of Murray and Mack. This team of merrymakers are known from one end of the country to the other through their clever work In "A Night on Broadway," and many other musical productions. The chorus of "I'll Say So" has been pro nounced by the critics to be the cham pion collection of as pretty and tal ented young women as ever paced a stage. "I'll Say So" Is In three acts, end contains, besides countless fea tures and novelties, twenty originnal musical numbers. ORPHEUM To-day matinee and night—Lee and J. J. Shubert offer "A Little 1 Journey." To-morrow matinpe and night—"The Smarter Set." | Friday night only. Oct. 10—John Cort | offers "Listen Lester." ! Saturday matinee and night. Oct. 11— Skin trouble costs many a man his job No matter how efficient a man may be, if he has an ugly skin-eruption, there are poisitions in which he cannot be tolerated. He may know that it is not in the least contagious, but other peopje are afraid, they avoid him, and he must make way for a man with a clear, healthy skin. Why run this risk, when Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap stop itching and clear away eczema and similar humors, so quickly and easily ? Physician* hare prescribed the Resiool treatment for over 20 yearn. Every druggist sells Resinol Ointment and Resiool Soap. For sample o\ each, ire€' write to Dept. 7-R, Resinol, Baltimore, Md. SDLRRISBtTRG TELEGKXFti "I'll Bay go" with Murray and Mack. Monday matinee and night, Oct 18— "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath." Tuesday and Wednesday and Wednes day matinee. Oct. 14 and 15—Mr, 800 Ditrichstein; Tuesday evening, "The Marquis de Prlola; Wednes day, "A Matinee Hero." MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville—"The Four Avolcs. an exceptional xylophone quartet; "The Book Shop," a clever comedy; Clara Howard, the girl from France, and two other high class offerings; also second episode of "The Fatal Fortune." featuring Helen Holmes; last half of week, "The Love Race," a musical comedy hit VICTORIA To-day—Positively last showings of "Ruling Passions," feaeturlng Julia Dean and Edwin Arden; to-morrow, Friday and Saturday, Olive Thomas in "Upstairs and Down." COLONIAL To-day and air this week—Nazlmova in "The Red Lantern." one of the best and most expensive photo plays ever made. REGENT All week—Douglas Fairbanks In "His Majesty the American." j Thousands of people have seen the | show at the Majestic Theater for the first half of this |At the Mnjestlc week and the more j that see it the more I popular tills show becomes. It is a I show that will fulfill anyone's expec tations of a high class vaudeville of i fering. High class music. Jazz music, spicy comedy, singing and dancing each have their part on the hill. The Four Avolos, a quartet of ex ceptionally good xylophone players, ; have a great part on the bill. The second episode of "The Fatal For tune," featuring daring Helen Holmes, is also being shown. The headliner for the last half of 1 he week will be "The Love Race," a high class musical comedy with a| east of eight people, six girl's and two men. j "Ruling Passions," the picture now ! playing at the Victoria Theater, fea turing Julia Dean ■ At the Victoria and Edwin Arden. has been receiving I many compliments. The picture is ! somewhat out of the ordinary and is : staged very elaborately. Hundreds of people have seen the show so far but ! the crowds are expected to be greatly j increased to-day. its last showing. To-morrow. Friday and Saturday Olive Thomas, the new Victoria The ister's star, will be shown as a baby j vamp in her latest production, "Lp i stairs and Down," an unusual photo- I play of quality. This picture will | undoubtedly draw enormous crowds there for women and children are urged to attend the matinees 1f pos sible in order to avoid the enormous night audiences. A Billy West comedy will also be shown. "A LITTLE JOURNEY" Broadway's successful comedy. "A X.ittle Journey," which ran for nine months at the Vanderbilt Theater, New York, will be the attraction at the Orpheum to-day matinee and night In "A Utile Journey" arti ficial stagey situations or dialogue are conspicuous by their absence. For instance, the bulk of the action takes place on a "Frisco bound Pullman sleeper. Now whoever took a dis tance Journey without encountering at least one traveling salesman, with a humorous, Jovial disposition. Other passengers on this imaginative train are Mrs. Welsh, the tall, portly, so phisticated lady from New York; Grandma Bay and her grand daughter, Lily; Anne, the distracted unmarried mother and her baby; the two young college boys returning home for their vacation; Mr. Smith, the explosive old grouch, and of DANDRUFF YEAR CUTICURA EALS Very Scaly. Hair Fell Out In Great Quantities. "I was troubled with dandruff very badly and my hair fell out. The dandruff was very ecaly and there was an Irritation when I scratched. My hair fell out In great quantities and became very thin. This trouble lasted about a year. "Then some one recommended Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I found them a great success, and I used two calces of Soap with one box of Ointment when I was healed." (Signed) Wm. Marnock, 2552 oriannaSt.,Phlla.,Dec.l3,l9lB. Daily use of Cuticura Soap, Oint ment and Talcum usually prevent skin troubles. Soap 26c, Ointment 28 and BOc, Talcnm 2 Sc. Sold throughout the world. For sample each free address : ' Cuticura Lab ontwiw. Dept. H. Maiden, Mam." iMwXuticur. Seep .have, without mug. Every Woman Needs IRON at Times NUXATED IRON course, the hero and heroine, Jim West and Julia Rutherford. "LISTEN LESTER" All persons who dislike letter writ ing (and that means very nearly ev eryone" should hie themselves with out delay to tho Orpheum Friday ! night when John Cort's musical j comedy success, "Listen Lester." I fresh from a year's run at tho Knick erbocker Theater, New York, will I hold sway. For letter writing and j some of Its attendant evils form the, basis for the amusing Incidents! which ore a large part of Its unfold- I ing. There Is a package of letters! written by one "live wire" by a llirty j widower who realizes too late that ; discretion Is the better part of a love affair and attempts to get possession of these documents. And It Is all mixed up In a bewjldering array of songs and dances and "funny busi ness," supplied by Harry L. Cort, George E. Stoddard and Harold Or lcb. artistic settings, entertaining specialties, and pretty maidens who | form the Daintiest, Danclest Chorus over seen, and a clever cast that In cludes Henrietta Byron. Ernie S. .Adams, June Roberta, Ott Kerner, Walter Cook, Selma Marlon, E. Harri son Garrett, Francis X. Dunegan, Dorothy Belwin, Berdonna Gilbert, Evelyn Paul and Gladys Relth. "PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH" One of the conspicuous dramatic successes of last season wlllsbe seen at the Orpheum Theater on Monday when A. H. Woods presents "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" for an engage ment matinee and night direct from its phenomenal run at the Republic Theater. New York City. "Parlor Bedroom and Bath" is said to have scored more laughs than any other comedy on the boards last year. It Is certainnly one of the very few plays that survived the sweltering New York heat, and ran well into the summer. The play is the work of C. W. Bell and Mark Swan, and is de scribed as a farce frolic in three acts. Its unusual p'.ot deals with the ad ventures of an unsophisticated young benedict, who is compelled to play the role of a Don Juan in order to sat isfy the romantic cravings of his too sentimental wife. His reluctant ven tures in the domain of amorous ex perience bring upon his head a series of unexpected trouble—most of them women—buV provide the audience with a play that the New York Tribune enthusiastically declared had "more fizz than 'Twin Beds' and 'Fair and Warmer.' " LEO DITRICHSTEIN A great actor comes to the Or pheum Theater in the person of Leo Ditrichstein, who will be seen on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 14 and 15, in a series of three performances In two of his latest successes, "The Marquis da Priola" and "The Matinee Hero." Mr. Ditrichstein won his right to stellar honors by brilliant achievements in characterization and bv the finish and charm of his de lightful art. In his particular field of the drama Mr. Ditrichstein stands alone, and In "The Marquis de Priola which he will present on the opening night lie will be seen in the most re markable acting that the American stage has known in a decade. No other actor of his time could reach the histrionic heights that he attains in this performance The last tw n performances on V ednesday, Oct.. 1•• matinee and evening, will be devoted to the exposition of the lighter Phases of Mr. Ditrichstein s art for he will then be seen in The Matinee Hero," a comedy romance of tne th ater and its people. It is saidl to be a charming comedy and acted with a delicacy and finesse that Ditrichstein alone can impart to a admirable original compnnylnclud', Brandon Tynan. Or Undo Daly. Ear le Mitchell, Lily Cahill and Ann Mac Donald. TITE SMARTER SET"' "The Smart Set" now known as "The Smarter Set." and h s ad f* Salem Tutt Whitney and .T. Homer j Tutt, will present a new musical comedy entitled. "Children of the | Sun." at the Orpheum matinee and nigbt. Piloted . Hve uev and Tutt, who. it Is claimed, live up to their unique sobriquet in wav. the production becomes a whirl of fun. gaiety and C> a " tho start to finish, while the songs are new and original. Trolley Service Held When Power Is Cut Off When two motors burned out at the power plant of the Harrlsburg Railways last evening, trolley trof fio throughout the city was tied up for more than, an hour. Somewhat after 5 o clock, the trouble appeared. The burned out motors operate automatic stokers on two of the big boilers and with these out of commission, the load was thrown on four smaller boilers, which were unable to furnish suf ficient team. For a time, the other boilers were fired by hand and the cars again started to run on scheduled time shortly after 7 o'clock. Red Cross Christmas Seals to Go on Sale With the opening of the State headquarters of the 1919 Red Cross Seal campaign In the Wyeth Building at Market and Court streets, arrange ments for the fall campaign are well under way. The campatgn manager Is Hiram O. Andrews, who took charge of the news office yesterday. As in past years the sale in Harrls burg will be conducted by a commit tee of local men and women associ ated with the Anti-Tuberculosis So ciety of Harrisburg and vcinlty. Seals will very shortly be put on sale. CHARGED WITH MURDER Jesse Allen, colored, formerly of this city, was arrested in Altoona last night where he is charged with having murdered Granville Davis, another negro, earlier in the evening. Allen's mother is reported to live at 126 Liberty street, this city. Following a game of dice, Allen Is alleged to have slashed Davis with a pocket knife. DEMOCRATS TO EAT The Central Democratic Club will give an oyster supper this evening In honor of the candidates for city and county offices. A special program has been planned for the event and speeches will be made bv several of the candidates. Here and There With Player Talk Louise Glnum spent the week-end I with her friend. Mrs. Charles Chaplin, at Catallna Islands. The girls have been life-long friends and enjoy "out ing" together. Each one made a wager with the other, that the one catching the largest tunna fish, had to pay the forfeit of the largest box of candy they could find, at "Pig'n Whlutle." So down to the beach they went, securing a rod and line, and as umpire an old fisherman who has lived on Catallna Island for years. The girls sat for several hours, pa tiently waiting for the tuna to bite. After a while Louise got a nibble and was delighted that she was to make the first haul. Then the fish began to fREGENT ALL THIS WEEK i DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In His Newest Picture "His Majesty The American" Crowds were turned away at i the Reger.-t yesterday. Those i who were disappointed will be I able to see this greatest of all i Fairbanks pictures the rcrnain- I ing days of this week. I Admission, 15c, 30c and war tax COMING NEXT WEEK In His Latest Release "WAGON TRACTS" TOMORROW Ma^ it and | America's Greatest Colored Show THE SMARTER SET with those two stars J. Homer Tutt Salem Tutt Whitney PRICES ,;_ 5c TV™ Eve., 25c to $l.OO HAVE YOU SEEN & FLAYING A L L WEEK COLONIAL CONTINUOUS SHOW 11 A. M to 11 P. M. DON'T GET CROSS If there Ls a big crowd waiting to get In the theater Is the type ol picture that brings crowds ADULTS 30^ CHILDREN 15^ WILMIPNR TODAY—MATINEE AND NIGHT The "Mile a Minute Come iy" by Rachel Crothers A LITTLE JOURNEY With CYRIL KEIGHTLEY and the NEW YORK CAST ONE YEAR AT THE VANDERBILT THEATER PRICES —Evening to $2.00 Matinee to $l.OO OCTOBER 8, 1919, swim away, but also pulling: off the line. Both glrla were all excited, they called to the old fisherman for help. All three of them were pulling' on first one line, and then the other, which ended in the old fisherman landing ft tuna much larger and heavier than both the girls. And to make ft fitting climax, the tuna was on both lines. Louise's hook had caught him, and In his efforts to get nway, he became entangled In the • line of Mildred's, so they are still HARRISBURG'S MOST BEAUTIFUL DANCE HALL DANCELAND Second and Forster Streets Dancing Every Wednesday Evening, 8.30 to 11.30 P. M. ADMISSION—GENTS 50<—LADIES 35<* MUSIC BY 10-PIECE BANJO-SAXO ORCHESTRA I A Package of Triangle Mints Free to All WAR TAX INCLUDED MAJESTIC THEATER Ask Someone What They Think of the Show. Today Is Yonr Last Clianec to Sec It "THE BOOK SHOP" • rapid Are comedy playlet—Fonr other acts New Show Starts Tomorrow Featuring "THE LOVE RACE" a high class musical comedy—a company of eight talented artists In a spicy offering 4 —OTHER HEADLINE KEITH ACTS —4 WILKSMMBNTC ~ N?GHT Y OCT. 10 #JOHN CORT OFFERS The New York Musical Sensation > A Feast of Fun and Frivolity LISTEN LESTER \v\ By Harry L. Cort, George E. Stoddard and MV Harold Orlob fo' Delirious Music Fascinating Tur es SEATS TODAY, to $2.00 SATURDAY ANI) NIGHT OCT. 11 Creators of the Laughing Habit MURRAYandMACK T in the Musical Comedy jW Bp 3 "I'LL SAY SO" J| V 20—SONG HITS—2O ' jPa 1 Prices, Eve., 25c to $l. Mat., 25, 50, 75c (VICTORIA TODAY POSITIVELY I,A ST SHOWING OF RULING PASSIONS an unusual photoplay that is attracting attention TOMORROW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OLIVE THOMAS m ■UmB ' Ja MiHO! 11^^^ the Victoria's new star as a baby ramp in 'UPSTAIRS AND DOWN' A photoplay that will make you forget your troubles, featuring what America's foremost artists hall as the prettiest woman in the world. No Increase in Admission^—loc and 20c as Usual trying to find out who has to pay th 4 bet. Which one would you sayf J. Parker Read, Jr., has returned from South America, and Is the guest of his son, J. Parker Read, Jr., at his home In Culver City, The elder Mr. Read Is a great sport, loves to travel, and enjoys meeting new people, exchanging opinions and all around enjoys life. Ho speaks of "Jack" (J. Parker Read, Jr.,) with the same fondness as he did when he was a small boy. "After all," saya lather Read, "he is Just a small boy.'" "All men are small boys, overgrown."