Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 08, 1919, Image 1

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    Cincinnati, Certain Reds Are Going to Win Today, Prepares to Ce ate the Ywte
Leave Ground at Mineola and
San Francisco at Prac
tically Same Time
Fine Flying Conditions Aid
Contestants to Make
Good Time
By Associated Press,
Mineola, X. Y., Oct. B.—lieuten
ant J. B. Machle, in a de Haviland 4
machine equipped with a Liberty
motor, was the first to Ret away in
the coastto-coast air race from Mine
ola to San Francisco and return
ut 9.15 a. m. to-day. Serjeant Jesse
D. McClure accompanied him.
Ten machines, all of which fiew
northwestward, had left Roosevelt
Field by 9.50 a. m., maintaining: a
speed of 120 to 150 miles an hour.
An eleventh machine, Xo. 35, piloted
by Lieutenant George C. McDonald,
was forced to return as a result of
engine trouble after going a short
distance. McDonald expected to
make a fresh start later in the day.
Because of the fine flying conditions
army officials predicted many of thp
contestants would reach Cleveland
by nightfall.
Lieutenant Colonel H. E. Hart
ney was the second to leave. He got
away at 9.13 a. m. Then followed,
in the order named: Lieutenant L.
S. Webster. Major Harry Smith
Lieutenant H. D. Xorris, Captain H.
C. Drayton. Lieutenant Colonel T.
S. Bowen. Major H. .1. F. M.IIPT.
Lieutenant B. W. Maynard, Air
Commodore L. E. Oscharlton.
Crowd I Starts Them
Assistant Secretary of War Bene
dict Crowell in the absence of Ma
jor General Thomas Barry, com
mander of the Eastern Department
acted as official starter. As each
machine took the air it climbed to
a high altitude and within a few
minutes was lost to view.
The arrival of the first three
planes at Binghamton was reported j
to officials here nt 11.10. The ma-I
chines were piloted *by Major Smith <
Lieutenant Colonel Hartney and.
Lieutenant Maynard.
In getting away Major H. J. F.
Miller's de Haviland machine "side !
slipped" and narrowly escaped !
wrecking the official starter's tent, j
coming within ten feet of it at n ;
height of 25 feet from the ground
Lieutenant R. C. Kirkpatrick got
away at 9.59.30 followed by Lieu- i
tenant E. H. Manselman. Lieuten-!
ant J. C. Williams and Lieutenant i
D. A. Gish, carrying Captain De La- ;
vprgne, attache of the French em
Ten different types of machines :
were represented in the entries, and
some of them had seen active |
ice on the battle front. Three of the !
planes entered are German Fokker !
[Continued on Page 8.1
Assistant Secretary
of War Unhurt by
Crash of Airplane
By Associated Press.
Mineola, Oct. 8. —An airplane
piloted by Lieutenant Maurice
Cleary and carrying Benedict Cro
well, assistant secretary of war, as
a passenger, fell from a height of
130 feet and was wrecked. It land
ed upside down. Cleary and Crowell
were badly shaken up but were
otherwise unhurt.
Cleary and Crowel! were strapped
in the machine but climbed out un
aided a few seconds after the crash.
The assistant secretary of war's first
remark after regaining his feet was:
"I'm sorry the ride was so short. It
was certainly one of the shortest on
The machine had been in the air
less than a minute. Mr. Crowell said
he would make a flight in another
machine later in the day.
The pilot, explaining the accident
said the engine stopped and in or
der to avoid running into a hangar
and injuring a number of persons
he was forced to turn his machine
abruptly around with the result that
It toppled over. The wrecked ma
chine was not in the race.
By Associated Press.
Sacramento. Cal., Oct. B.—Lieu
tenant E. C. Kiel, piloting a de Havi
land airplane, landed at Mather fly
ing field, Sacramento, 75 miles from
San Francisco, in 37 minutes elapsed
time from San Francisco to-day, the
first aviator to reach this resting
point In the race from San Fran
cisco to Mineola, N. Y. Others ar
rived at Intervals of a few minutes.
By Associated Press.
Reno, New York, Oct. B.—Flying
low and close together, two of the
airplanes In the transcontinental test
flight passed over Reno at 9.1(1
o'clock this morning after making a
successful trip over the Rierra Ne
vada mountains from Mather Field
at Sacramento. They landed on a
field four miles east of Reno.
Harrisburg nnd ielnltyt Fnlr, con
tinned cool to-night with front.
Thursday cloudy and warmer,
probably followed by shower*.
Eastern Pennsylvania i Fair to
night with frost, not quite so
cool In extreme north portion.
Thursday cloudy and warmer,
probably followed by showers
In extreme west portion. Mod
erate variable winds.
Rlvert The Susquehanna river
and all Its branches will fall
slowly or remain nearly sta
tionary. A stage of about 3.3
feet la Indicated for Harrisburg
Thursday morning.
Possible Solution of City's Bathing Beach
* _
Herewith is an etching of a popular bathing pool at Springfield. Mass. It, is an outdoor swimming pool
and suggests about what could be produced at either end of Island Park. There is abundant space on the
Island for bathhouses properly designed and located to meet the Harrisburg need, and, while the increasing
city population will probably require still greater facilities in the future, the proposed loan of 140,000 will
serve as a start in the right direction.
Youngster, Aged 8, Taken on
Excuse That His Mother
Was 111
With a screech of brakes a speed
ing touring car came to a sudden
stop before the Red Hill schoolhouse
three miles above Dauphin yester
day afternoon.
A man dashed out and hurrying to
the teacher told her he had come for
Harry Gotshall, aged 8, whose
mother was dying and had urged
him to bring the boy to her bedside.
He took the boy to the machine,
in which were three men and a
woman, and raced out the road to
ward Spoeccville. That was the last
trace of the lad.
Meantime, a little cousin, aged
six, was crying in the seat he had
shared with her, wondering why she,
too, could not be taken to the bed
side of his mother. The teacher al
lowed her to go to the home on the
Bell farm, a mile above Dauphin.
When she reached there she found
his mother and his grandmother,
Mrs. Sarah Hammnker safe and well.
The women immediately tried to
trace the machine with the boy but
were unsuccessful. This morning
the grandmother and the mother.
Mrs. Charles Gotshall consulted W.
Justin Carter, an attorney and told
a story of domestic difficulties be
tween the daughter and her hus
band who have been separated for
several years.
To Erect Concrete Steps at
Market and Summit Sts.
Bids for constructing concrete I
steps from the south side of Market j
street to Summit street and Mt. I
Pleasant alley, were opened at noon I
to-day at the office of Commissioner I
W. H. lynch. This improvement lias |
been contemplated for some time, j
but during the war was delayed.
To construct the steps an appro
priation of $3,000 lias been made, i
Bids received follow: S. W. Shoe- j
maker & Son. $2,830: Robert A. Mc- I
Cleaster, $2,800; Henry Opperman, |
$3,249: M. 1,. Grossman, $3,495.
By Associated Press.
Berlin, Oct. B.—German troops in
Courtland. which are under the
command of General Von Der Goltz,
insist they will remain there in a
proelamation which has just been is
sued to the German Fatherland and I
all civilized people," The proclama- j
tion says:
"Notwithstanding the German
government's order, made under
pressure from the Entente, we will
remain on this front to protect the
German frontier against Bolshevik
hordes and maintain real socialist
The Xew Idea Hosiery Com
pany to-day joined the ranks of
the Harrisburg industrial con
cerns who are virtually 100 per.
cent, in favor of continuing day
light saving.
Without exception, the scores
of men and women employed at
the company's knitting mills
signed the petition asking City
Council to continue the extra
hour of sunshine next summer,
notwithstanding the unpopular
action of Congress in repealing
the measure operative for the
last two years.
Organization of Neighborhood
Clubs I'rgod to Care For
Individual Soldiers
The Memorial Fund campaign is
gathering momentum.
All that is lacking to put the
campaign over with a rush is a
want of proper understanding on 1
the part of the public as to the real ]
purpose and meaning of the cam
paign. say those in charge. Those j
who understand the plan, are re- .
sponding readily, and with many i
words of praise for the ingenious I
arrangement that will give every I
service man, rich and poor, high and
low, an equal representation in the |
city's outpouring of gratitude.
As a sure sign that the fund Is I
coming in. several highly encour
aging responses were pointed out at
headquarters in the Chamber offices
this morning.
Tlie Keystone Motor Car Company
literally covered its service flag with
[Continued oil Pago .".]
British Steamer Sinks
at Sea; Crew Picked
Up by Another Ship
By Associated Press.
Halifax. Oct. B.—The British j
steamer Sizergli Castle has been j
sunk at sea. according to a wireless !
message received to-day by the ma
rine department's agent from the 1
American steamer Afel. The Afel i
reports that she has taken the crew |
of the British steamer on board. j
The Sizergh Castle Is a vessel of .
2,4 07 tons. She was bound for Nor- '
folk from Antwerp, which port she j
left on September 24. The Afel left j
Rotterdam on September 29, also |
bound for Norfolk. The wireless I
message docs not give the cause of
the disaster. 1
Use Brick to Shatter Plate
Glass and Make Quick
] Driving up to the jewelry store of
j F. E. Commings, 14 North Fourth
I street, this morning about 3.30
| o'clock and breaking a big hole in
- the heavy plate glass by throwing
| a brick against the window, bold
thieves escaped with jewelry valued
at approximately $4OO.
Wednesday morning, four weeks
ago, saw a duplication of this morn
ing's robbery, just two doors away,
in this instance the thieves rode up
j to the store of Max Reiter & Co.,
■lB North Fourth street, broke two
I windows with bricks and escaped
: with $3OO worth of jewelry. This
! robbery, likewise, occurred about
i 3.30 o'clock.
In both instances the crash of
glass was heard by nearby restau
j rant proprietors, but the thieves cs
caped both times before help could
jbe summoned. In each instance the
i affair is reported to have taken
I place just after the district patrol
| man passed the stores on his beat. |
The booty this morning included
I approximately fifty rings, fifty men's i
watchchains. watches and other!
1 kinds of jewelry.
Ninety Acres Near Site
of Country Club to Be
Divided Into Small Plots!
John "W. Reily has given an option j
j to purchase to E. /. Wallower and 1
! others ninety acres along the base !
I of the ridge immediately north of the i
I llarrisburg Country Club. Mr. Wal- i
j lower is out of the city and could !
. not be seen to confirm the report
that this property is to be convert
ed into bungalow sites of five acres,
each with water and light and all
the modern facilities.
No more attractive property for
| this purpose could be imagined. It
i is picturesque in its environment,
I within view of the Susquehanna
i river and the hills on the western
j side and convenient to the Country
: Club grounds, where the handsome
! new building which will replace the
one destroyed by fire some months
ago will be completed and ready for
use with the opening of the new
It is understood that a number of
I well-known persons have already
; assured Mr. Wallower of their In
j tention to purchase and build in the i
j proposed summer bungalow colonv. j
| It 's known that be has hnd the
i mntter under contemplation for j
I some time and has been considering I
i bow best to develop the property i
| with a View to making It attractive I
I to those who desire summer homes I
i under comfortable surroundings.
i Several Practical Suggestions
Are Ready For Considera
tion of Council
Proposed Bathhouses Will Be
Placed on Island
City Commissioner Gross is look
ing forward with much, gratification
to the coming of Warren 11. Man
ning, for a study of the prohents in
volved in river bathing facilities for
Harrisburg. Mr. Manning, who de
signed the Tlarrisburg park system 1
has recently been at Flint, Michigan,
giving expert advice in the con- j
struction of swimming pools for j
' that city. These pools are already j
| under construction.
Mr. Manning has made a personal
I examination of nearly all the Chi-!
I cago pools as well as pools in other!
j cities and in a letter to Commis- j
: sioner Gross says that he can prob- !
; ably give the information which is
j needed in outlining proper facilities
; for this city. It is probable that Mr.
I Manning will bring with him plans!
i and specifications of the pools now '
' being constructed at Flint and after |
a thorough investigation of the j
[Continued on Page 8.1
Central Y. M. C. A. to Open
Social Season With Big
Program Friday Evening
The fall opening of the social sea- '
son at the Central Y. M. C. A., of
i this city, will get away to a big !
start Friday evening when a pro- j
grant, including a dozen different
! stunts, will be staged by "Jack"
O'NeiJ and his corps of helpers.
The party will begin promptly i
! at 8 o'clock and anybody who comes ]
i after that hour is going to miss out
i on the opening event of the pro
] gram, which is pronounced by W'al-
I ter Dietrich to be a "humdinger,"
j whatever that is. And from the time
j of the get away until the last bit
i of refreshment is gone, the evening
! is going to be full of the old "pep."
j A .iazz orchestra will be on hand
to see that those who are in favor
of that kind of syncopation feel at
home and will wander from the
ground floor to the gym, both of
which places are to be the scenes of
action. After a few stunts are put
j on in Fahnestock Hall by entertain
■ ers of one sort and another, the
■ crowd is to head upstairs, where
"Doc" Miller and his gang of co
l workers are all set for a large even
i ing. Everything from trick cales
| thenics to leaping after suspended
j doughnuts are on this program.
| Following all these events, which
| are to be kept secret until the even
i ing. refreshments, the most popular
j part of any program, will he served.
And from ali appearances they are
going to be the world's best, "nob"
j Reeves will be on hand in his capac
| ity of glad hand extender to the
| ladies, and this alone should be
I enough to assure a big crowd.
Indications Point to
Election of Bonniwell
Over H. 0. Holstein i
By Associated Press•
1 T.nnoaMter, Pa.. Oct. 8. —A heavy
I vote was cast this morning in the
contest for the presidency of the State
Firemen's Association. Judge Eugene
Bcnniwell, Philadelphia, being oppos- i
ed for re-election by H. O. Holstein. I
of Harrisburg. The result will not be j
known for several hours, but from j
indications Bonniwell will be re-elect
The opening service to-day was a {
memorial program in memory of de- |
parted firemen. Dr. H. H. Appel. pres
ident of Franklin and Marshall, de
livering the memorial address.
This afternoon is being devoted to
a sight seeing trip to points of inter
est in the city.
The woman's auxiliary elected the
following officers: President, Mrs. |
William R. Keiser. Allentown; first
vice-president. Mrs. , Aaron Henry,
Harrisburg: second vice-president,
Mrs. William Kuhl, York; third vice
president. Mrs. John Musser, Barnes
horo; treasurer, Mrs. Douis Kewler,
Pittsburgh; recording secretary, Mrs.
John Walter T.ebanon; finance secre
tary. Mrs. George F. Seitzenberger.
Westerr Union. Wires Are
Going Underground
Workmen for the Western Union i
Company are laying underground j
ducts In Paxton street as the first ;
part of the plans of the company |
to remove Its overhead wires and i
poles fro.m the eountv almshouse. I
west to River street, sn Paxton j
street, then north to Mulherrv, east j
to Third, and north to the Western
Union ofPee. above Market street.
Citv Electrician C'nrk E. Diehl 1
sa'd to-day that it will probably re- !
onlre at least two months to place i
the ducts, run enhle lines through i
them and complete the connections
at Ihe office of the companv. after |
which the overhead wires will be re- j
Dnr'rg the fust few dnvs eight '
nolcs need for citv lines were re
moved ono rf them lncnt-d at Wal
end Ceeond streets. "*wo others '
wi'i heftoken d own soon. Tn the pen - !
trnl rant of city ntbor pn'es nro \
In use heoeuse o?e or two I'nes of
wires cannot he removed yet, hut I
thce will soon bo noolaccd with
cable circuits.' 1 1
Fans Sure Before Night Falls Men of
Moran Will Be Proclaimed Baseball
Champions of World; White Sox
Are Still Hopeful
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E.
Chicago iiQtsBMHBM
Cincinnati {i]jlil&lMMl3!ll3 MUU
Cincinnati, Oct. B.—Fighting with
t heir backs to tile wail but hopeful
licspite their four defeats, the White
Sox will meet the Reds to-day in
the seventh game of the world's ser
ies. The Reds and the 32,000 fans
who witnessed yesterday's ten-in
ning battle feel confident that the
contest would be the decisive one
and that before night the men of
Moran would be proclaimed base
ball champions of the world.
Before the game started it was
believed that Manager GleastJn of
the Sox would send Eddie Cicotte
lated as the master pitcher of the
American Eeague, to the mound tr
face the Red legs. Cicotte tried
twice to stop them and failed, but
Gleason has every confidence that
he can master the Reds if his arm is
in condition. !t is possible, however,
that "Big Bill" James may be Glea
son's eleventh-hour choice.
Prepare to Celebrate
Supporters of the Reds believed
that "Slim" Sallee would be Man
ager Moran's pitching selection.
Sallee scored the Red's second vic
tory of the series and is declared to
be ready to take his turn on the
pitching mound again.
All Cincinnati is getting ready to
celebrate the expected victory of
the Reds and there was a wild rush
to-day to get tickets for this af
ternoon's contest. The sale opened
last night and hundreds stood in line
for hours awaiting to purchase
choice box and grandstand seats. If
the Sox are victorious in to-day's
contest, the teams will have to re
turn to Chicago for the eighth game
Thursday. But admirers of the Reds
are confident this trip will be un
That sixth game yesterday, going i
to ten innings and seeing the Reds
beaten five to four was full of thrills
and erratic baseball. The Reds puss 7
up several opportunities, something
they have not been doing in the
series. The Reds made eleven hits
the Sox made three errors, two men
walked and one was hit —out of the
chances they collected only four
| runs.
Gleason Now Hopeful
Despite the three errors, the Sox
j defense froze up whenever the Reds
i were getting dangerou-j. The Sox
j seemed to re t'tze tim" a humiliating
defeat faced then unless a brace
, was taken and the team played
championship ball in spots.
After the game Manager Glea
j son declared that the Sox had
last hit their championship stride
and although beaten in four of the
i six games were far from out of the
| race. The Sox seemed to he fired
■ with a new spirit, which they hoped
I would turn the tide of defeat in
to victory.
Heated Arguments
Despite the Reds' setback yester
day the crowds, that waited at the
box ofF.ces of Redland Fie'd to buy
seats were of the same proportions
as those that gathered there on the
days previous. The ines stretched
for blocks up and down the streets
and several heated arguments had
to bo settled by the police. They
were usualy debates on the merits
of the two teams as shown in yes
tet day's contest.
The probable lf?ie-up for to-day's
game follows:
Rath, 2b. J. Collins, r.f.
Daubert, lb. E. Collins, 2b.
1 Groh, 3b. Weaver, 3b.
[ Rousch, c.f. Jackson, l.f.
; Duncan, l.f. Felsch, c.f.
j Kopf, s.s. Gandil, lb.
Neale, r.f. Risberg, s.s.
Rarlden, c. Schalk, c.
Sallee, p. Cicotte, p.
Washington, Oct. B.—The first cool
snap of the season prevailed to-day
in the Middle Atlantic and New
England states and in the lower lake
region, with frosts in thd region of
the Great Lakes, the upper Ohio val
ley, the North Atlantic states and
part of the Middle Atlantic states.
The drop in temperature was sud
den and decided, but Ihe cool spell
promises to be of short duration.
Frosts are probable to-night in the
North Atlantic states.
New York Considering
Prehistoric Garb
By Associated Press.
New Vork, Oct. B. With the
laundry workers' strike entering
its third day the average New
Yorker to-day inspected his
dwindling stock of clean linen and
then wondered if, when even his
flannel shirts were exhausted, he
might escape sartorial criticism
by donning a leopard skin or some
other garb of pre-historic days.
With laundry owners and strik
ers 'apparently unable to reach an
agreement with regard to the
closed shop, and union leaders
claiming that nearly all Manhat
tan laundries had been closed. In
terest shifted across the East Riv
er to Brooklyn, where unionists
declared employes were consider- !
ing laying aside soap and irons.
It was to the Chinese laundry, j
with its pink slips and curious j
black scrolls, that Beau Brummel
pinned his faith. The Orientals,
undisturbed by the labor unrest of
their co-workers, continued |
placidly with their business which
was reported "booming."
Good Baseball Weather
Hy Associated Press,
Cincinnati, (>„ Oct. S. Good
baseball weather* was in prospect
early to-day for the playing: of the
seventh game of the world series
championship between the Chica
go White hox and Cincinnati Reds
at Rcdland Held. It was fair and
not so cool as yesterday mornine.
The Government weather forecast
to-day was for fair weather.
Lenine Is Reported
Under Arrest When He
Tries to Get Trotzky
London, Oct. B.—Advices to Hel
singfors, Finland, report thatXikoiai
Lcnine. the Russian Bolshevik Pre
mier, has been placed under arrest
in Moscow, according lo the Ex
change Telegraph correspondent at
Copenhagen. Lenine is said to have
ordered the arrest of Leon Trotzky,
the Soviet minister of war, but failed
to ser re this and, instead, was him
self taken into custody.
A Reval message forwarded by
the same correspondent, reports a
reign of terror against the Bolshe
viki in Moscow has been begun by
a revolutionary party. In this move
ment the Bolshevik leader, Jacob
Peters, is reported to have been
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ged with-breaking into the store oi'Shenk I
jL s held under $5OO bail for court. 41 ■
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j, Jacob I'. Hamnuikrr and Viola M. Kd.'rblutr, llnrrlhur K i Arthur a
' 14. I'lilillp* and Jur|>hlnr M. Ntclnrr, Mrcito.ii C'lnrrncr O. Hrmpt.
7 New t uiitlirrlnnd. and Kxthrr 41. Slpc, O.oldxhorn: Herman I'rtrra,
L HurkloJ, 111., nnd Miriam M. l.lxxr, llarrlnhnrut t nrl K. Haxtlan, Unn- a
Tj tllli*. >. V.. nnd Mr-ihn Vnnxtlni-. llallaxtown.
Time Device Placed on Roof
of McKeesport Plant; Tears
Roof From Structure
Workmen Are Panicstricken
When Glass and Debris
Fall Around Them
By Associated Press•
Pittsburgh. Oct. 8. —An attempt
was made to wreck the plant of the
American Sheet and Tin Plate Com
pany at McKecfiport early to-day.
when a missile believed to have been
a liomb, was thrown on the shipping
department building. It exploded,
tearing a large hole in the roof of
the structure. No one was injured.
The police believe the explosion
was caused by a time bomb placed
upon the roof of the building.
Flee In Terror
Workmen on the night shift at
their posts directly under where the
missile exploded, fled in terror when
the explosion occurred and lots of
shattered wood and glass were hurl
ed in all directions. Foreign resi
dents of the district, panic stricken,
rushed from their homes into the
The report of the blast coul I be
heard for blocks and attracted hun
dreds of persons to the scene.
Although several hundred mill
guards and police were rushed to
the plant immediately after the ex
plosion, no trace of the person or
persons responsible for the blast
could be found.
The tin plate plant is one of the
largest concerns of its kind in the
country and has been affected by
the steel workers' strike. During the
past week, however, many men are
said to have reported for work. The
police say that a number of these
men have been threatened with
death if they continued to remain at
work. They believe that the bomb
was used to terrorize the workmen
who have deserted the ranks of the
strikers in that district.