Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 07, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
3 t Kl.l. 1001—2S5S IIXITED H Ofmttqsm, FOOTWEAR, For Women V and Children With the removal of war-time restrictions, the fashion able woman is once more able to give the attention to her footwear which it rightly merits. To help her, the shoe designers have been unusually kind, presenting a pleasing variety of models in many styles and leathers. For the morning's walk, or business, there are medium weight shoes, light soles and good heels. For wear with the afternoon frock are the many pretty models in kid, patent coltskin, and combination of leather with suede tops. New Fall models of our usual quality are now here in abundance ranging in price from $8.50 to $14.00 And don't forget the Children's Department. Shoes priced according to size. BOWMAN'S—Main IHoor. Men's Underwear Is now ready for the Fall season with a large variety of styles to choose from. A medium weight ribbed shirt and drawers in ecru; SI.OO garment. Medium weight, "Springtex" ribbed union suits in ecru; $2.00. , Munsing union suits in fine cotton ribbed, ecru and gray; $2.50. Munsing union suits of medium weight wool; natural, $2.50. Munsing shirts of heavy natural wool: $3.75, $4.00 and $5.00. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. For Your Gift Making Our demonstrator will gladly give you any assistance you may need in knitting, embroid ery, crocheting or bead work. She is an expert in all these lines and is always glad to give you help. BOWMAN'S—Art Department—Second Floor TUESDAY EVENTNG, STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX AUTUMN BLOUSES Never Were They More Charming Than These What a joy to discover such exquisite wear-things all ready to put on. Really it seems as though some artistic needleworker had spent weeks planning and creating some of these wonderful blouses, so dainty and bewitching are they. And the designers doubtless did. But the clever choosing of right silks and nets, and the making of many over the clever designs, brings the prices to very pleasing moderation, as your inspection will prove, for some are quite simple, while others are as elegant as the most important occasion could demand. Come, see and be convinced. The charming suit blouses in shades of navy, beaver, tan and brown, taupes, bisques, gray and black with lovely hand embroidered and exqui site headings, ajso the Cossack blouse in long and three quarter length sleeves; $12.95 to $45.00 Women's and Children's Underwear For Fall The underwear stocks are now complete for the approach ing season with the various styles and weight which assures you of comprehensive assortments to choose from. This is the opportune time to select your season's supply while sizes are complete. Women's Athena Underwear; vest, low neck, sleeveless; Dutch neck elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves; SI.OO and $1.25; pants, SI.OO and $1.25. Union suits, fine cotton ribbed of medium weight with high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length; low neck, sleeveless; $2.00 and $2.25. Mercerized lisle union suits, low neck, sleeveless ankle length; $3.50. Light weight wool union suits, low neck, sleeveless, ankle length; $5.00 and $5.50. Silk and wool high neck, long sleeve, ankle length; Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle length and low neck, sleeveless, ankle length; $5.00 and $5.50. Children's underwear—MunSing vests and pants; 75c and 1.25. Munsing union suits; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, in white; $1.50. Like above in natural and ecru; $1.25 and $1.50. Women's bloomers—fine cotton bloomers in pink; all sizes, 55c pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. XORIUBBURO JMMI TELEGR3CPH MowmartX HARRISBURG, TUESDAY. OCTOBER T, 1910. The Transformation For Youthful_ Hair Stales The comfort and style of your coiffure is as sured when it is arranged with a wavy hair trans formation. They are specially adapted to the requirements of discriminating young women who demand youthful smartness. Specially Priced at $2.45 In all shades including gray. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Jfjar/ier^s Rust-Proof % Corsets Whatever price you pay for a Warner's Rust proof corset is a reasonable price for the service it gives you. "Service" in a corset means the newest fashion lines, comfort and wear. We recommend a Warner's corset among our best sellers, because it will please you as long as it lasts. Our corsetieres will take pleasure in aiding your selection of your correct model. Guaranteed not to rust, break or tear. Prices, $1.50 to $5.00. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. New Skirts of Excep tional Character For Street, Sport and Dressy Wear A widely variegated gathering of them are mar shalled here in elaborate array, comprising those styles that have come to stay and also the season's newest originality. Foremost are plaids in brilliant colors, two toned effects, fascinating in their loveliness. Novelty and plain color velveteens, serges, and poplins reveal new line tendencies. Accordeon side and box pleated models are ade quately represented. Plain all wool mannish serge skirt; special $4.25. Other styles and materials; $7.50 to $32.50. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. White and flesh georgette blouses, round col larless styles with narrow lace edging and em broidery. These blouses are very attractive with small apron effects with narrow grosgrain ribbon at belt; $12.95. Net blouses with small collar and collarless; lace edging and tucks; special, $5 50. OCTOBER 7, T919. 1 STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Four New Numbers in Silks Which Are Very Much in Vogue Among the new arrivals in silk, four specially distinctive numbers are represented which are much in demand for present fashions. Every yard is unique in its individual beauty of weave and color. No. 1—36-inch Moire Grosgrain for suit or coat. The latest shade, known as Nazimova; a pinkish taupe is in great demand, other colors of Seal Brown, Navy, Black and White; $4.50 yard. No. 2—36-inch C. J. Bonnet Faconie Taffeta, in navy and black with satin stripe and diagonal square; soft supple and dressy; $5.50 yard. No. 3—36-inch Two-tone Changeable Satins in ten com binations. Some of the most exquisite colorings and in big demand for dancing frocks and evening functions; $2.95 yard. No. 4.—40-inch Mallinson's Kumsi-Kumsa in evening > and street shades. Some are brocaded with large leaf patterns on light grounds for wraps or coats. Others in dark tones with plaid effect for skirts; $8.50 yard. . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Kayser Italian Silk Underwear When you buy silk underwear you like to have the satisfaction of knowing that the garment will fit, that they will tub, will stand hard wear. At this store you can find a good assortment of Kayser underwear. Marvel fit knicker, full cut reinforced; $2.98 to $6.98. Jersey silk vests in flesh and white, plain tailored or embroidered styles; $2.50 to $5.98. Flesh Jersey silk union suits; plain tailored, $4.25 to $5.98. Jersey silk camisole in flesh, georgette top, ribbon straps; $3.50. Plain tailored styles, camisole, ribbon strap; in flesh; $1.98. Flesh Jersey silk chemise, plain tailored, rib bon strap and arm hole; $3.50 to $6.98. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. i v ' BEM, 1901—28g UNITED