Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 07, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
I Additional Classified Ads * j on Opposite Page FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE!—Large lot electric mo tors. in first class condition. F. R. Laveryt. 1867 Bell. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's. 626 North Third. Circulars free. CENTRAL Furniture Store, 324 4 Heily St, on account of building our > warehouse, we close out our 75 ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a low price; also furniture and floor covering at reduced price. A trial will convince you, 1061 M. 6" FOR SALE One white iron bed, one good mattress, spring, complete 325; one 6x9 Crex rug 39.60. FORNWALT, 1321 North Sixth Street. ~~ TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 206 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER 1 BOTH PHONES FOR SALE:—Lumber, tubes, tanks shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting bolts, pipe, etc, dismantling plant. The Highsplre Distillery Co, Ltd, Both phones. Highsplre, Pa. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy two or three second band desks and one filing cabinet. Must be in good con dition. Address Desk, care Telegraph. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and ■old. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smelts, 1020 Market street. Will call. City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE. V BOUGHT AND SOLD 4. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST, HARRISBURG. PA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES * PARTNER WANTED Capable executive experienced in managing a laqge automobile repair service station, trucks especially, wanted, who will invest from 32,500 to 83,000 in business, taking a half interest, working on a salary and a share of the profits. Must take full charge at once. Business permanently established. Located in heart of city. Will stand close examination. Ad dress all inquiries, which will De strictly confidential to Box S-8087 care Telegraph. | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Unusual opportunity to secure ex clusive rights in Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania BURNALL FUEL SAVER. Business established in Harrisburg. Saving fifteen per cent, to forty-five per cent, actual experience. Small capital and refer ences required. A. F. HOFFSOMMER. Old Orchard, Harrisburg A CHANCE —To make 340 a day on road work. We can put on two trucks immediate ly. If interested call at our office for details. Apply DENBY SALES CORPORATION, 1205 Capital Street. LIVE business for a live man, in . piir hv town. Restaurant, confection ery. cfgarsT Doing business of 342.000 s year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1226 North Sixth St ROOFING . i A PATCH IN TIME THE PEEK-A-800-STYLE OF ROOF MAY BRING A LITTLE SUNSHINE INTO THE ATTIC. BUT 1? ALL RAINS AND SNOWS ARE NO RESPECTORS OF HOLES. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT OUR ROOlf. AUCTIONEER HITE. BELL 18,5-J BUSINESS PERSONALS RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 25c doz, double edge, 35c doz* razors! 25c. Gorgus Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED. J. A Bishop. 1736 Logan Street. Bell 2632 K. I OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any mita' welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co, 1038 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. . p APFRHANGING AND PAINTING - Firal work. Chllcoat Bros, 333 Karris street. QUININE—Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you changeable weather. OUR UAJi AJ.i vJ. PHOSPHO-QUINiNE i will slave If taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAI'LAN CO, 206 Market street. A. LANE New and second-hand urntture bought and sold. Highesi prlces paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 3239 W. STORAGE BTOR4.GE —419 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private looms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing ot all kinds. D. Cooper A Co Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower rates in non-fireproof ware bouse Harrisburg storage Co, 437- 446 South Second street. STORAGE Low rates. Highsplre Distillery Co, Ltd, Highsplre. Pa. Both phopca. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 40A Market, Household KO°d* In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. MUSICAL VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS.' BANJOS Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repalr nfd. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. FOR SALE —Cheap upright piano, in good condition. Call Bell phone 650 W. t TALKING MACHINES promptty and carnfu'.lv repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. YOU have made the visit to music , bouses, for a special Columbia record. ' you have not found it. We have It Spangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDR LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. t. K. GREENAWALT, JR. 110 Walnut Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 611-1 TUESDAY EVENING, | INSURANCE | INSURE and prepare your future Income against accident or sickness in a <iuare up-to-date insurance company which has strength and ecrvico. and be sure that it is the Commercial Casualty Insurance Com pany. Newark. New Jersey. Local of fice, 44 Union Trust Bldg. Bell phone 2769. SALINGER & MILLER. MONEY -TO LOAN BUY COAL NOW With our money and insure your comfort next winter. Pay us back tn convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able—only three and one-half per cent, per month on bal ances. No other charges of any kI °, O . OPE(RATI vB LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO, 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance With Act Of June 4. 1919 to insiyldu als in need of ready cash, small leans a specialty, business confidential. pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, nnsitively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT co, 122 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED —Employee' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg, Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State. HAUUNQ AND MOVING BECK & HARRIS, moving of all kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma chinery; 20 years' experience. Bell 2418. Dial 3283. Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD. Manager, 241 Kelker St., Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 2618 ~ BECK Sc HARRIS, local and long distance haulers, furniture, machin ery. pianos and safe moving a spe cialty. Bell phone 2418. Dial 3282 or call at Ober'a Garage. HICKS Local and iong-dlstance hauling and storage. 424 Kelly. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 6ai> Calder street. Both phones. Bell 8636-J. Dial 3688- HEAVY HAULING —Fully oqulppod for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain aud dustproof body. J. t K. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, Manager. Hershey Pa. Bell phone 16R6. PAUL BECK general hauling, local and long distance, making a specialty of furniture, piano and safe moving. Call at 1119 Vernon Street, or Bell 3811-J. WE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycls Co., 912 North Third street. WHERE/ T4> DINK ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1966 DIAL 1123 RUDOLPH K. 6PICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer. 611 North Second Street BELL 262 DIAL 2146 CEHETKFTV IAJTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and ot the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co, Agents. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—I9IB Mitchell touring ear; rur 5.000 miies. good condition. J. W. Bates. 2130 N. Sixth St. Bell' 33 4 7J. | MERCER speedster for sale; quick buyer. Cadillac-Truxton. 2-ton unit, driven less than 100 miles; great bar gain. Overland touring car in first class mechanical condition, tires al most new, paint in good condition. Apply. LIBERTY GARAGE, 16th and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE—Empire touring car. Apply Harrisburg Auto and Tire Re pair Co.. 131 S. Third St. FOR SALE—Studebaker. 4 cylinder, in good shape, good paint, a bargain. Dial 4058, 85 Hummel ave, Lemoyne. FOP SALE—Chalmer's Sedan. 1917; new uphols:enng; Chandler, 1919. 4- passenger. sport model: wire wheels, bumper, spot light. 6 new tires: Over land, 1018. 90 delivery car. Inquire Penn-Harris Taxicab office. care Penn-Harris Hotel. FOR SALE—Chandler, 5 passenger, in fine condition, newly painted, now battery, oversized tires with extra. Call 1616 Green St. after 3.30 p. m. 1%-ton Republic truck 2 Reo light delivery cars. 1 Ford roadster. 1 Grant six touring. STAR GARAGE 13th and Paxton Sts. FOR SALE—I%-ton capacity Mar tin truck, 35 horsepower engine; price right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup Music House, 15 S. Market Square. * FOR SALE—Peerless touring car; model 56, run 4000 miles; in good con dition. Apply P. O. Box 87, Spring Grove, York county. Pa. OVERLAND light six coupe, com pletely overhauled and repaired, tires like new, real bargain. Reo roadster, real bargain. Brisco, three-passenger roadster, in fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE & SUPPLY CO., 1917 North Third Street. ———— ■ 1 i I American six touring, driven only twenty-live hundred miles; this year's model; Im perial touring; just overhaul ed and painted. A bargain. FRANKLIN SALES AND SERVICE Fourth and Chestnut Sts. 1917, 5-passenger Overland for sale, completely overhauled, new pantasole top, new battery, all new tires. Was rpainted iln early gummer. Owner took very good care of car. Runs as good as new. Will demonstrate. Ad dress Box D-8088 caro Telegraph or call Bell 3735J Harrlsburg. after 6 p. m. FOR PALE —1916 six cylinder Reo touring car; five new tires; new top; spot light; fully equipped; in excel lent condition. Price $750. Coxestown Garage. Dial 5751. FOR SALE 1917 Willys-Knight touring car in first class condition; 5 good tires; first, $750 takes it. Coxes town Garage. Dial phone 6751. FOR SALE —1917 Briscoe touring car in good condition; good tires. Price $475. Coxestown Garage. Dial phone 6761. FOR SALE —Cheap, 7 passenger Abbott touring car. 1502 Walnut St. FOR SALE—I9IS Buick, in good ! condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St. la Next Column> Many Lights Reported Not Burning in City More than 2,800 lights In the city have been reported out since January 1. an increase of almost 1,000 as com pared with the number of darkened lights in the same period last year, according to city officials. City Elec ■trlcian Clark E. Diehl reported to-day however, that during the last week there has been a decided improve ment in service, and that during the last month fewer circuits have been reported out. Pending further im provements with the installation ot a more complete underground wiring system, Mr. Diehl said he will not make a report to Council at present. AUTOMOBILES CARS' CARS I CARS I Two Chevrolet touring. 1913 model. One Chevrolet touring, 1917 model. One Royal mall Chevrolet roadster. One Bulck roadster, 1916 model. One Buick roadster. 1914 model. These cars have been thoroughly overhauled and are In the very best of mechanical condition and electrically equipped lights and starters. We also do all kinds of automo bile repairing. Truck work a special ty. You will find us every dajr from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. at 1336-38-40 Thompson ave, at the Thompson Ave. Garage. Edwin Phelps. Mgr. WM. PKNN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street, limousines for funeral parties and balla; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4664. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re-' quired by specialist. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works, 806 North Third street. 1117 Chandler, club roadster, |2OO. 1915 Bulck, one-ton truck. 1918 Reo touring, fine running or der, at a bargain price. I The above cars will appeal to the average buyer In the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given CHELSEA AUTO CO, A. Schiffman, Manager. BAROAINS—Premier touring car. electric gear shift. like new; Denby 1-ton express body with top, flrst class condition; International one ton truck, used ten months, cheap; International two-ton truck, uaed nine months, cheap; Acme 3H-ton with Woods steel dump body, used six months; Denby 3-ton, with Woods steel dump body; Cadillac unit, with two-wheel trailer; Overland. 1918, 6- passengcr touring; two-ton Mack, Wood's hoist, Denby body. Denby Sales Corporation, 1303 Capital St FOR SALE —Two-ton Internationa; truck in good condition; cheap. Ap ply FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807 North Seventh St. FORD Sedan. 191s model; good run ning order. $695. Horst. Lingleatown. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 WANTED—AII kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Enterbrook. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. FOR SALE —1918 5-passenger Bulck good condition, $1250. Telephone Cap taln Kimble. 3080 J. GRANT, nve-paasenger; < cylinder; four new tires and tubes; good con dition; cheap to quick buyer. Ester brook. 912 North Third St MAGNETOS— All types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eisman, Dixie. Splltdorf. Mea. Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schlffroan. 22-24-26 North Canierou street. Bell 3631. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked o. oldtlmers. in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schlftman, 23, 24. 26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South Cameron street. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights; runs and palls like new. Price 8375 ctteh. Dial 36-C. a R. Horst, Llnglestown, near Harrisburg. ROADSTF.R for sale, in the best of condition, good tires, new top and electric equip. $250 takes it. Inquire E. W. Lichtenberger, 2154 N. 4th St. FORD—I9I7 roadster, good tires and top. In A 1 condition, with demount able wheels. Inquire 322 Blackberry Avenue. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. Both phones. H. GOODMAN. 1306U North Sixth Street Garages, Accessories and Repairs YOUR Dodge plus a Rayfleld car buretor. That's a great combination — a Rayfleld equipped Dodge. The spo ciol Dodge model is inexpensive and the saving in gasoline bills is from 15 to 30 per cent.., will pay for it in a short time. A Rayfleld on any car in creases its eftlcloncy all around. My. how she pulls the hills. Agency Eed erick's Garage, 1807-09 North Seventh St.. Harrisburg, Pa. AUTO repairing of all kind; first class mechanics on all makes of cars. Susquehanna Motor Co., 117-121 South Third St Open day and night MOTORCYCLES AXP ntCYCLES 1917 H&rley-Davidson motorcycle, electrically equipped. three speed, 1918 sidecar; thoroughly over hauled and repainted. 3 good tires; llrst $275 takes it. Coxestown Garage. Dial phone 5751. FOR SALE—I9IS Flying Merklc, twin cylinder motorcycle, new tires, gas tank and light, good horn, tain den attached; fine running condition. Price $35. Coxestown Garage. Dial 5751. FOR SALE —1917 Indian motorcycle. 3 speed electria equipped, in excellent conditions run 300 miles; first $225 take.} It Coxestown Garage. Dial 5751. ' BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1607 NORTH THIRD BTREET FOR BALE 1919 Reading standard motorcycle with side car; electric; like new; bar raln' DAYTON CYCLE CO., •i North Third St NOTICES NOTICE —Letters testamentary on the estate of William B. Meetch, late of Ilarrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undertlgned in said city, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement. HARRY W. MEETCH and COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. Executors. SABHISBURO TEUSGR3LPH I MARKETS NEW YORK STOCK M.VRKEI9 Chandler Brothers and Company members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York furnish the following quotations: Open Noon Amer. Tel and Tel 99 99 AUis Chalmers 48% 49% Amer. Beet Sugar 96% 96 American Can 66% 66 Am. Car and Fndry C 0...136% 136% Amer. Loco 116 116% Amer. Smelting 74% 74 American Sugar 143 142% Amer. Woolens 123% 126% Anaconda 68 68% Atchison 92% 92% Baldwin Loco 142% 143% Baltimore and Ohio 42 42 Bethlehe m Steel B 106% 106 Butte Copper 27 27 Cal. Petroleum 61% 53% Canadian Pacific 151% 161% Central Leather 106 106% Cehsaeake and Ohio ... 60% 60 Chi., Mil and St. Paul ... 46% 45% Chi., R. J. and Pacific .. 29% 29% Col. Fuel and Iron 48 47% Corn Products 88 88 United Food 86% 86% Crucible Steel 246 243 General Motors 287 284% Goodrich, B. F 86 86% Great North. Ore, subs. . 46 46 Hide and Leather 36% 36% Hide and Leather, pfd. ..131% 131 Inspiration Copper 61% 61% International Paper 63 63% Kennecott ..... 35% 35% [Lehigh Valey 48% 48% Maxwell Motor 47% 47 Merc. War Ctfs 59' i 59% Merc. War Ctfs., pfd. ..119% 119 Mex. Petroleum 237% 237% Miami Copper 26% 26% Midvale Steel 62% 62% Mo. Pacific 30% 30% Mo. Kans. T 13% 14% N Y., N. H. and H 34% 35% N. Y., Ont. and West. .... 19% 19% Norfolk and West. ...,103% 103% Penna. R. R 43% 43% Pittsburgh Coal 64% 64% Railway Steel Spg 101% 101% Ray Con. Copper 23% 23% Reading 84% 84% Republic Iron and 5tee1..96% 96% Southern Pacific 106% 106% Southern Ry 26% 27 Studebaker 119% 119% U. S. I. Alcohol 141 139% U. S. Rubber 125% 124% U. a Steel 107% 107% U. S. Steel, pfd 114% 114% Utah Copper 82% 82% White Motors 62% 62% Westinghouse Mfg 64% 65% Willys-Overland 33% 34 N. Y. Central 76% 75% Sinclair Oil 61% 61% PHI I, A DEI.PHI A PRODUCE Philadelphia. Oct. 7.—Oats higher; i. l „ white ' 81081 %c; No. 2 white, SOOSO%c; No. 3 white, 79@79%c. Butter—Lower; western creamery extra, 65% c; nearby prints, fancy, 72 If 74c. Live Poultry—Firm; fowls higher, 28®34c; chickens, 25@30c. Potatoes—Easier; white potatoes in 150 pound sacks, $3@4.15. Cheese—Quiet; New York and Wis consin. full milk, 30@ 32c. Effgs—Firm; nearby firsts, 19.20 per case; current receipts, $16.80; western extra firsts, $19.20; firsts. $lB 018.60; fancy selected packed, 71© 73c per dozen. Dressed Poultry—Firm; fowls, fresh killed, choice to fancy, 37%39c; small sizes, 23®25c; roosters, 24c; spring ducks. 32®35c; broiling Jersey, 40© 48c; ether nearby. 30®38c; western choice. 35@36c; fair to good, 28®30c. Flour—Steady. but dull; winter straight western new, $10.10©10.4Q; nearby new, $9.75©10.10; Kansas straight, new $11.25011.50; Kansas short patent. new. $11.75@12.25; spring first clear, new, $9.2609.75; patent new, $12©12.35; short patent, new, $12.50@>13; fancy spring and citv mills, patent family. $13@13.75. Hay—Steady; timothy No. 1, $32 per ton; No. 2, $28®30; No. 3, s24® 27; clover mixed hay, light mixed, $28030: No. 1 mixed. $26®27. Tallow —Quiet; prime city loose, 15% c; city special, loose, 16% c; prime country. 14 %c; edible In tierces, 17% @lsc. Bran—Dull and weak; soft winter bran western in 100 pound sacks, $44 ©45 per ton; spring bran in 100 pound sacks, $43044. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Chicago, Oct. 7. —Hogs Receipts 30,000: mostly 50@70c lower. Heavy, $14.75 © 16: medium. $15.25 016.50; light, $15.50® 16.50; light lights, sls© 16: heavy packing sows, smooth. sl4 @14.50; packing sows, rough, $13.50 @l4; pigs. $14.76015.50. Cattle Receipts. 14,000; steady. Beef steers. medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $16.57® 18.50; medium and good, $11.25® 16.75; common. light, good and choice, $15018.25; common and medium. $8.25® 15; butcher cat tle heifers, $6.50014.75: cows, $6.50 @13.50; canners and cutters, $5.50® 6.50; veal calves. $lB @l9; feeders steers, $7.25012.50; stockers steers, $6.50012.50; western range steers. $8 ©ls; cows and heifers, $0.50013. Sheep Receipts 41,000, steady. Lambs, $13.60016; cttlle and common. 89 @13.25: ewes, medium, good and ehoiee, $6.75@8; culls and common, $3 @6.25; breeding, $7013.25. Ex-Crown Prince Allowed Longer Visit to Ex-Kaiser Amorongen, Holland, Oct. 7.—The Dutch government has extended the time of the visit of the former Crown Prince of Germany to hia father, the former Kaiser. The Crown Prince instead of returning to Wieringen yesterday will prob ably remain several days. The ex tended conferences at the Bentinck castle have aroused much specula tion but nothing definite as to the subjects of the conversations be tween the former Crown Prince, the ex-Kaiser and his advisers has been learned. Two Dutch photographers suc cessfully carried out an extraordi nary attempt to secure a photo graph of the former Kaiser Satur day, using a wagon piled high with hay as the Instrument of their strat egy. The photographers concealed their camera within the load of hay and were driven past the castle wall, behind which the former Kaiser could be seen. While pretending to arrange the sliding load of hay the photographers succeeded In training their camera and snapped the pic ture. Declares Signing of Treaty Means Spanish Republic Saragossa, Spain, Oct. 7. Ale jandro Lerroux, leader of the Re publican party in Spain, declared at a meeting here that the signature of the Treaty of Peace would bring about a change in tho regime in Spain, which would become a re public. He declared that in the event of a revolution he would check any excesses. nil.l. R tisrcs POKTOFFICK PAY Washington, Oct. 7.—Graduated In creases in wages for postal employes in lieu of the flat advance of $l5O an nually approved by the House are provided for in a substitute bill or dered favorably reported by the Sen ate postofflce committee. Letter carries, clerks. railway mail employes and third class post masters would receive advances ranging from SIOO to $240; rural car riers from $75 to S2OO, and fourth class pstmasters a flat increase of 10 per cent. Substitute clerks and car riers would receive 60 cents an hour. STUDENTS GET SENTENCES IN HAZING CASE Victim Testifies His Spine Was Paralyzed by Use of Bed Slat By Associated Press. Chrlatlannburg, Va., Oct. 7. Four 1 students at Virginia Polytechnlcal In stitute were found guilty of assault by a Montgomery county Jury last night because of participation in a hazing episode at the school last spring and Bernard Slegel, of New port News, one of the number, was sentenced to a year in the peniten tiary. John Fox, a freshman at the institute at the time, testified during the trial that injuries he sustained at the hands of the four who were soph omores, resulted In paralysis of his spine. The other three students. Robert E. Ware, Dunncville, Va., George W. Scott, Jr., Richmond, and Albert G. Copoland, Wyanoke, Va., received re spectively sentences of six months in jail, 30 days in Jail and SSO fine. Fox said that Siegel had pounded him in the small of the back with a bed slat, and that the other three did the same, but had not used much force. Siegel denied using a bed slat, but said he had employed a "regular paddle" such as was commonly used by upper classmen at the school Jn disciplining freshmen. Hoover Sees Menace in Low Pay of Teachers By Associated Press. Snn Francisco, Oct. 7. Warning that unless better pay is forthcoming for teachers in American Colleges, the nation will be face to face with a dangerous radicalism from the cen ters of higher education was voiced by Herbert Hoover, former Federal food administrator, in an address be fore the Harvard Club, of California, at a dinner here last night. Out of the war and misery of the war has arisen a silhouette of class distinction and class hatred that is not to be obliterated with a few words," Mr. Hoover said. "The de velopment of radicalism in Europe during the last 12 months is beyond anything in history. America Is a fertile field and responds quickly to any wind that blows. This European wind of radicalism is sweeping our way and it is affecting us. "In our great universities the in structing and faculty staffs are hard hit by the present economic situation which in the face of enormous pros perity. returns something like $7 a day to the educator, while the crafts man who repairs his kitchen sink makes more in fewer hours of work. "America cannot permit this grow ing sense of injustice to remain with the nation's educators. There is a menace to the nation's safety in dis content in the background of the university faculty work and every right thinking citizen must see it." Mj. Hoover declared other indepen. dent universities of the nation should follow Harvard's example in seeking to raise an endowment for increasing teachers' salaries 50 to 100 per cent, and that state legislators should take like steps for faculty members In state institutions. Shots, Stones and Concrete Used to Tie Up Trolley Line By Associated Press. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 7. Several men were slightly hurt end one was reported wounded by a bullet from a revolver this morning when a crowd of 1,000 men held up cars of the Buffalo and Lake Erie Trac tion Company between the city line and Lackawanna. Ties and block of concrete piled , upon the tracks held up the first 1 car and ultimately blocked six of i them carrying workmen to the Lackawanna Steel Company, one of I the three local plants closed by the 1 strike. Fusillades of stones met the cars as they came to a standstill. Tho, workmen fought-'hack and several of them, according to police infor mation, used revolvers. A detail of police which hurried to the scene in an automobile patrol quickly put the rioters to flight. The man said to have been wounded had disap peared when the police arrived. DISPOSE OF SUIT Cincinnati, Oct. 7.—The govern ment's antitrust suit against the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad Company nnd other rail roads, and Hocking Valley Coal Companies was virtually disposed of yesterday when U. S. Circuit Judge Warrington, Knappen and Lenison approved financial arguments made by the New York Central and Hock ing Valley Railway companies for the disposal of approximately $5,- 000,000 In bonds of the Hocking Valley Coal and Coke Company and the Continental Coal Company, which they guaranteed. Two Women Killed by Speeding Express Philadelphia, Oct. 7.—Struck by a speeding express train, two women motorists, one of whom was well known in social circles In this city, were Instantly killed late yesterday afternoon, on the crossing near Ore land Station, on the Bethlehem divis ion of tho Phlladelpha and Reading Ea'lway. The victims were Miss Elizabeth D. Lockwood. 45 years old. daughter of Mrs. Charles Lockwood, of 7811 St. Martin's lane, St. Martins, Chtstnut Hill, nnd Miss Julia B. Lear, 31 years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lear, of School lnne, near Pulaski avenue. Germantown. Caught directly in the path of the train, the women were dragged with the wreckage of the automobile for many yards, nnd their bodies horribly mutilated. NC-4 FORCED DOWN Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 7.—The giant Naval airplane NC-4 met with a slight mishap in its flight to-day from Rockaway, L. I. to Philadelp phia and was forced to descend here. A leaking oil lank caused the trou ble. The plane was sighted off At lantic City at about 9.30 o'clock. It dropped in the ocean a short dis tance from shore and signaled the flying station here for aid. The crew did not come ashore. After repairs had been made the plane resumed its Journey. It was planned to make a short stop at Cape May on the way to Philadelphia. COLLARBONE BROKEN Suffering a broken collarbone, J. D. Stern, of Cardiff, Md., was admit ted to tH Harrisburg Hospital late yesterday. Stern was injured sev eral days ago wherv, his automobile overturned on the mountain road pear Speeoevllle. He Is employed in rond construction on the William Penn Highway. U. S. SHIPS IN SPALATOARETO BE WITHDRAWN American Food Supplies Are Also Being Removed From City Rome, Sunday, Oct. s.—Rear Ad miral Philip Andrews, In command of the American squadron, has lssuod orders for the withdrawal of the American ships from Spalato. Ameri can food supplies are being removed from the city. Admiral Andrews, according to ad vices received here, has declared to the Italian authorities at Spalato that the United States wishes to re main outside of any complication and that the responsibility rests en tirely with Italy. Jugo-Slav reports are to the af- 1 feet that Admiral Andrews has re-' ceived instructions bo the affect that any future attempt against the Spalato-Trau zone would be con sidered as directed against the United States. Ten-Year-Old Boy Held For Murder Scranton, Pa., Oct. 7. Ten-year old Oliver Dedler, who does not look over six, was arraigned in court here yesterday for shooting and kill ing eight-year-old Peter Knapp a few months ago. The Knapp boy was eating a lunch alongside the road when Dedier came by and de manded it. When Knapp refused Dedier drew a revolver and shot htm, death following almost in stantly. The child, who has been deserted by his mother, pleaded guilty and was remanded to the care of the probaUon officer until court docides what to do with him. Jolfn" Dell, aged 14, who witnessed the shooting and did nothing to prevent it was also held. ANOTHER DEGREE New York, Oct. 7. Cardinal Mercier, primate of Belgium arrived here from Boston this morning to add another to the long list of honor ary degrees which have been confer red on him by American universities. The principal item on the famous prelates schedule for the day was a visit at 2.30 o'clock to Columbia University, to receive the degree of Doctor of Laws. n 18 H.P. Upright Boiler I 12 H.P. Steam Engine I 25 Pulleys I 55 Ft. Line Shaft of 1 15-16 in. in diameter, equipped with hangers ■■ and thrust rings. 100 Ft Belting of different sizes. 1 1-2 H. P. Domestic Gasoline Engine I - together with direct con- B nected pump. All of the above Is in ex cellent shape. Our only reason for selling is that we have no further use for it. All or part will be sold cheap to quick buyer. May be seen at Newville, Cloverdale Spring Co. Newville, Pa. Merritt Oil Present conditions and future prospects discussed in this week's number of our Market Review. Pierce-Arrow Analytical report touching upon production, income, earn ings, dividends and outlook. Loft, Incorporated Vanadium Company American Safety Razor Baldwin Locomotive General Asphalt Sent on reqnest for 4T-44.1 HUGHES & DIER Phlln. Stock Exchange Members Chicago Hoard of Trade Penn-Harris Hotel Harrisburg United States Grain Corporation Will Sell Flour to Wholesalers and Jobbers The United States Grain Corporation is prepared to divert from its flour purchases, and to sell and deliver to wholesalers and jobbers straight (either soft or hard) wheat flour, clean and well milled, packed in 140-pound jute sacks, (gross weight) basis of $10.25 per barrel, delivered in carload lots on tracks in territory east of the Illinois and Indiana line, and east of the Mis sissippi River, from Cairo to the Gulf. Wholesalers and jobbers in purchasing flour from the United States Grain Corporation must guarantee not to sell at more than seventy-five cents per barrel additional, and the wholesalers and jobber in turn must require a guarantee that the retailer will not sell at more than $1.25 per barrel over the wholesaler's prices, in original packages, and at a price not higher than seven cents a pound for broken packages of any size. All applications originating in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan must be sent to the undersigned. UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION H. D. IRWIN, Second Vice President 272 Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. OCTOBER 7, 1919. WAR STAMP CONTEST Sales of War Savings Stamps by lettfir carriers In the War Savings Stamp contest follow: Main Office —E. R. Gault, t3.369.90; R. K. Fortna. $2,361.26; George L. Ehler. $1,873.37; George A. Hollinger, sl,- 829.21; J. A. Haas, $1,497.06; R. H. Weaver, $1,313.98; William B. Berry, $1,255.35; H. C. Jordan, $1,072 26* C. W. Cless, $1,011.25; W. E. Swiler' $1,006.94; H. C. Young, $1,003.40. Hill Station John A. Geiger, $6,633.17; George L. Ebersole, $2- 396.61; C. B. Bufflngton, $1,913 41- William W. Dura, $1,617.18; Charles A. Fortna, $1,444.80. REEL HOMESTEAD SOLD The old Adam Reel homestead, North Third street, near Verbeke has been purchased by Herman Tau sig, the consideration being $25 000 There is widespread activity in'reai estate throughout the city, many pieces of real estate changing hands, improved and vacant properties. WANTFn Local if /111 1 LiU Representative For Harrisburg and Surrounding Territory STANDARD*' Portable Steel Garage FIRE-PROOF—STORM-PROOF—EASILY ERECTED UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE Size 10 ft. x 17 ft. 6 in 1 Q C Complete SiOO | Sizes —lo ft.xls ft.; 10 ft.xl 7 ft. 6 in.; 10 ft.x2o ft IT IS THE STRONGEST, MOST DURABLE, MOST ATTRACTIVE GARAGE ON THE MARKET Enormous production permits us to sell them at this low price. STANDARD GARAGE & MFG. CO. APPLY TO-DAY AND WEDNESDAY MR.. E. S. LAMBDIN, SENATE HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. Protect Your Savings by investing in sound securities WE OFFER At $95 a Share a 4 7% Cumulative First Preferred Stock Tax Exempt in Pennsylvania Dividends exempt from Normal Federal Income Ttxx, Pay ! able quarterly, March, June, September and December Ist Net assets are equal to $239 for each share. Net earnings for 1918 were over 28%, or four times dividend requirements, and for this year will be more than in 1918. We welcome the opportunity to give you further details, without obligation', of course Send for Circular. A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. 115 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. New York Chtrairo Buffalo Boston St. Lout* Baltimore Cleveland ftllnnenpolla Scrnnton I,ee A. I.aabennteln. Representative, 2208 North 3rd St.. lliirrlnbarg. Phone 4770-H. 15 D. L. and W. Clerics Vote For Strike if Demands Are Not Forthcoming By Associated Press. Scronton, p a ., Oct. 7. Clerks In the employ of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad Com ,pany in this city tq, the number of 1,000, have voted unanimously in favor of a strike unless their de mands for a substantial wage In crease presented to the railroad ad ministration some time ago are com plied with. The vote was taken by ballot and consumed five hours. Clerks on other sections of the sys tem also voted on the strike ques tion. fIIIBBER STAMP n , U BEALB &STENGILBI W HARRIBBfc STENCIL WORKS jl . 130 LOOUST fiT. HARRIBBfB, PA. U