Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 07, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Harry Wright Was the First
Magnate; Some Salaries
Paid Players
Cincinnati, Oct. 7. Fifty-two
years ago when the H. C. L. caused
by the Civil War was beginning to
drop and baseball players Wore dis
carding their "long pants" lor uni
forms, Harry Wright, a star of the
"National" team of Washington,
landed in Cincinnati and put red
hose on his players and they became
the "Rod Stockings." To be more ex
act, historians tell us that the desig
nation originated in 1867 and the
Cincinnati's have been "Reds" up to
this, their year of glory.
Three years later after the "Red
Stockings" had had remarkable suc
cess with their professional team
Chicago men were inspired to or
ganize a rival professional club. The
Chicago team was called the "White
Stockings" because they wore whito
hosiery in contrast to the carmine
color worn by their rivals. Later
their name was changed to White
Sox but the Cincinnatis did not be
come "Red Sox." That name was
adopted by the Boston club of the
American League. In time the Cin
cinnati "Red Stockings" became the
The Cincinnati Reds made a great
pennant race this season but Pat
Moran's bunch of ball tossers had
nothing on the original Cincinnati
"Red Stockings" back in 1869. Their
record that year was unapproach
able. The team toured the country
from Boston to San Francisco and
never lost a game. Sixty-nine games
were played before the team met
defeat at the hands of the "Atlan
tics" of Brooklyn in 1870.
First Real Salary Roll
On this famous tour of the Cincin
nati team it is recorded that Harry
Wright, the owner, made money and
thus was styled the first baseball
The first year's salary roll of the
"Red Stockings" is still on record.
It reads like this: Harry Wright,
center fielder, $1,200; George
Wright, shortstop, (then greatest
all round player in the country)
$1,400; Asa Brainard, pitcher, sl,-
000; Fred Waterman, third base,
$1,000; Charles Sweasey, second
base, $800; Charles Gould, first base,
$800; Douglas Allison, catcher,
$800; Andy Leonard, left fielder,
$800; Call McVey, right fielder, SBOO,
and Richard Hurley, utility, S6OO.
In 1870 Cincinnati played a disas
trous series with the Chicago White
Sox. It was no world's series—only
a two-game affair but the two vic
tories of the White Sox so disheart
ened the Red Stockings that the
following year the club disbanded.
They took defeat hard in those days,
the histories tell. But no one can
blame the Cincinnati . players ifor
being discouraged seeing that just
a year before they had won sixty
nine games without a loss from
teams in all parts of the United
States. They just naturally hated to
More Scoreboard Games
if Chicago Wins Today
More fans •witnessed yesterday's
s:ime at Chestnut Street Auditorium
as played by the Lew Ritter score
hoard, than attended tho regular
contest at Island Park. Rainy
weather drove the fans Indoors.
are happy when they are able
to witness a game and enjoy a com
fortable seat. There Is no denying
the fact that they get everything
that comes with a ball game with
this electrical board.
In the event of Chicago winning
to-day there will be a game to-mor
row. The series now stands, Cin
cinnati 4 and Chicago 1. The Reds
must win one game to end the series.
Chicago must win four. Indications
point to a clean-up to-day if Pat
Moran's team keeps up the fast pace.
These games at Chestnut Street Au
ditorium start at 3 o'clock.
Sl2 TO Round Trip
M'"" - * (Including War Tax)
Excursion to
Luray, Va.
Affords an Opportunity to
Visit the Wonderful
Luray Caverns
Sunday, October 12
Special Train Leaves
Harrisburg 7.00 A. M.
Returning, Leaves
Luray Station 5.30 P. M.
See Flyers, Consult Ticket Agents
Cumberland Valley R. R.
When you puff up on a
King Oscar Cigar
You're getting a darn good
smoke for the money. Care,
brains, experience and the de
sire to do the right thing takes
care of that.
7c at All Dealers
John C. Herman & Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Defeat Klein Chocolate Com
pany Team by Hitting
Ball Hard
Stars picked from John MoGraw's
Giants, runners up in the National
League, played here yesterday. The
Klein Chocolate Company team was
it. opposition. The Giants won by a
score of 8 to 2. It was all Benny
KaufT's fault when he lifted the ball
for a triple, and put the game on the
ice in the final inning.
Barnes pitched and the Klein hit
ters were unable to do more than
six safeties. The fielding of the
Giants was all to the good. Ritter
pitched good ball until the final rally.
It was Benny Kauff that sent the
chances a tottering for the Klein
boys in the ninth. He sent out a
triple which brought in a few runs,
and which did much to affect the
morale of the Klein club, for before
the inning was ended there wore sev
eral other runs over the plate. Be
fore the rally started the score stood
2 to 2 in favor of the Giants.
This game ends the season in Har
rlsburg. Marager John Bracken
ridge was assured that the Giants
would be on hand whenever wanted
next season. The Klein team has ar
ranged for a number of exhibition
games here during the 1920 season,
management of the Colovaris restau-
At Elizabethtown to-day the Klein
players were given a big program of
entertainment. At noon to-day the
management of the Collvaris restau
rant will give a dinner to the cham
pions. To-night a banquet will be
tendered the Brackenridge crew
which will also include a varied pro
gram and will be attended by sport
ing writers from Harrisburg, Lan
caster and other cities. The score
of yesterday's game follows:
R. H. O. A. E.
Hunter, c.f 0 0 3 0 4
Wrightstone, lb 0 1 15 0 1
Cranston, 2b 0 0 0 6 U
Kay, r.f 1 2 3 1% 0
Thompson, l.f 1 0 0 0 0
Graff, s.s 0 2 2 2 2
Brannan, 3b 0 1 1 1 0
Trout, c 0 0 3 2 1
Ritter, p 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 2 6 27 13 2
. R. H. O. A. E.
Burns, l.f 2 1110
Young, r.f 1 1 1 0 0
KaufT, c.f 1 2 3 1 0
Doyle, 2b 1 0 0 3 0
Freisch, 3b 0 1 0 3 0
Fletcher, s.s 1 2 0 6 1
Case, lb 0 0 18 0 0
McCarty, c 1 3 4 0 0
Barnes, p 1 2 0 1 0
Totals 8 12 27 15 1
N. Y 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 s—B
Klein 01000100 o—2
Two-base its, Kay, Graft, Fletcher;
Three-base hit, Kauff; sacrifice hits,
Thompson, 2; base on errors, Klein,
1, New York, 1; left on bases. Klein,
5: New York, G; double play, Fletcher
to Doyle to Chase; struck out, by Rit
ter, 1; by Barnes, 3; base on balls, off
Ritter, 3; off Barnes, 2. Umpires,
Klem and Blough.
East End Juniors Win
in Game at Mechanicsburg
The East End Juniors defeated
Mechanicsburg eleven, score 27-0.
Although being outweighed fifteen
pounds to the man the East End
boys kept up their reputation as
The feature of the game was the
long end runs of C. Shaeffer and
Handshaw, also Clough, who inter
cepted a forward pass and ran 50
yards for a touchdown. The line
up and summary:
Clough, I.e. Fletcher, I.e.
Dunkle, l.t. "Williams, l.t.
Moore, l.g. Dorsey, l.g.
Rahm, c. "Black, c.
Strine, r.g. Dill, r.g.
Harvey, r.t. Gerdes, r.t.
Snyder, r.e. Fetrow, r.e.
P. Shaeffer, q.b. Hupp, q.b.
C. Shaeffer, r.h.b. Moesline, r.h.b.
Handshaw, l.h.b. Brown, l.h.b.
Morrison, f.b. Rapp, f.b.
Touchdowns, Clough, 1; Hand
shaw, 2; C. Shaeffer, 1. Goals from
touchdowns, C. Shaeffer, 3. Referee,
Gily, Rucknell. Umpire, Shaffer,
Penn State. Linesmen, Brough,
Brown. Timekeeper, Gieger. Quar
ters, 12 and 10 minutes.
Tarsus Eleven to Practice
For Saturday Game at York
Tarsus eleven is going into a hard
game Saturday when they meet Beth
any A. C. at York. This is one rea
son for an order to-day to hav prac
tice this evening at 6.45 at Sefond
and Emerald streets. The Tarsus
eleven is one of the strongest in
Harrisburg and has a schedule that
includes the best teams in Central
j Fetrow, the halfback, broke a fln
| ger on Saturday, but hopes to be able
to get into Saturday's game. Two
I regulars will be in the lineup at York
| —Bill Euker and Lick. This will
I greatly strengthen the team.
(sryi\/s'S' /"vJWiwX \J TJSIwTM
V OFF -Too / I A 1 08 WHITE J i
—p-- Vlf NUH ?LAV , \ FIRE ON Mf\H / M \ S °* ** N i
All the talk between Benny Leon
ard. the lightweight champion of the
world, and Lew Tendler, Philadel
phia's leading aspirant for the title,
brings smiles to the Baltimore Tiger,
Kid Williams. Considering the hard
time the Kid had to coax Johnny
Coulon, then bantam champion of the
world into the ring and risk his title,
Williams, with Joe Barrett, in his
corner, met and defeated every ban
tam of note, including Charlie Ledoux
and Eddie Campi, both claimants to
the French title, and Alt Mansfleld,
the English champion.
On September 22, 1913, Champion
Coulon, and Williams met, at Madi
son Square Garden, in a 10-round
no decision bout, after which Wil
liams got the popular newspaper de
cision. Then Williams' manager set
out to get Coulon in a longer bout to
a decision, in which the title wou'd
go to the winner. All through that
year, and 1914, Williams kept after
Coulon, to battle, even offering the
champion the entire purse, with an
additional bonus of SI,OOO if he would
fight. This bout was finally forced
upon Coulon by the sporting writers,
similar to the way they forced Wil
lard to battle Jack Dempsey.
Williams Winner
The match came oft between Wil
liams and Coulon on June 9th, at Vcr-
Eddie Roush Is in Game
Because He Likes It
Cincinnati, Oct. 7. —Eddie Roush,
who Cincinnati fans expect will be
an important factor in the present
world series games, would not be
playing baseball to-day but for an
inherent love of the game which en
abled him to overcome a severe
handicap some years ago.
When Roush first began playing
professional baseball he was an in
fielder and a right-handed thrower.
Now he is an outfielder, considered
to be one of the best in either
league and throws with his left
The change was brought about
through an accident in which
Roush's right arm was broken. It
didn't heal and when the
cqst was taken ofr, Roush found
that his arm was so weak that It
would be impossible for him to ever
whip the ball across the diamond
with his old speed.
First he decided to quit baseball
—but found that was easier said
than done. With the warm weather
came the longing to get hold of a
bat and glove—but the right arm
had no strength.
Determined not to be kept out of
the game, Roush decided to learn to
throw with his left hand. It took
him a year—but he stuck to it. Now
he is considered one of the greatest
throwing outfielders in the game as
many National League base runners
will testify.
Gleason Still Hopeful,
but Moran Is Smiling
Cincinnati, Oct. 7.—With the Reds
victorious in four of the five games,
Manager Moran to-day predicted a
victory in the sixth game.
"It's all over but the shouting,"
said Moran. "We'll win again to
day, no matter who Gleason pitches.
non, Cal., the records show that Wil
liams won the championship with I
ease, when he knocked out Coulon in
the third round. "Why shouldn't I
laugh, said Battling Williams, "when
Lew Tendler, refuses the sum of $7,-
500 guarantee, and a chance to win
Leonard's title."
This shows the spirt of the great
est bantam of all times, who Is to
start an active campaign to-morrow
night, before the Oiympla Club, in
Steelton, in a 10-round fight with
Terry Brooks, another youngster,
whose spirit is the same as Williams.
"The harder they come the more cred
it I get for winning." says Brooks.
"With Willams out of my way, the
road to the real championship battle
with Pete Herman is easy." The
Norfolk boy's victory over Toung
Chaney, who beat Herman, one year
ago. shows that Williams will have
a tough road to travel.
Other Good Boats
Young Fulton, the AUentown ban
tam. and the best ever seen in these
parts, will meet Little Jeff, In a spec
ial bout of six rounds. Billy Attlcks,
the local knockout king will meet
Jack Cleaver, of Allentowji, while Hal
Shay, of Harrisburg's best feather
weight will tackle tough game in
Harry Cronlc, of York, In the opening
My players feel that the world's
championship, already within their
grasp, is theirs. The Reds have
played championship ball all the
way through, and I am proud of be
ing their manager.
"Eller pitched one of the greatest
games that ever won a world's series
yesterday. He couldn't be touched,
that's all."
Manager Qlcason, of the Sox, also
gave great credit to Eller, but he
declared that the Sox were not play
ing the brand of baseball that won
them the American League pennant.
"The team hasn't shown itself to
bo the pennant machine that won
the American league flag," Gleason
said. "Everything has been against
us. The players themselves were
not right yesterday. But that does
not detract from Eller's great
"The Sox will fight until the last
man is out. Although the odds are
against us, we are not quitters. I
have every hope that we'll win out
yet. Stranger things have happened.
I expect to start Kerr to-day, and if
he's right he'll win."
Middletown A. C. to Have
Series of Boxing Shows
Plans are complete for the open
ing of the boxing show season at
Middletown A. C. Friday night. This
organization has secured Liberty
Band Hall and will endeavor to give
the fight fans the best that can be
For the opening bill Nate Isaac
manf o, Harrlsburg, and Tommy De
nan, of Columbia, will ba the wind
up battlers. They are two good boys.
In the semt-windup Black Gunboat
Smith fights Jimmy Duncan, of Mid
dletown. Smith Is a former Harris
burger and well known to local pa
The preliminaries will Include
Knock Out Casey, of Steelton, with
Young Kid Rogers, of Loraine, Ohio,
and Young Free, of Harrlsburg, with
Brlckey Htmtker, of Columbia. The
show starts at 345.
Pat Moran Pins Faith
on His Great Fall Team;
He Is a Good Manager
Cincinnati, Oct. 7.—Just as a good
golfer must keep his eye on the
ball, so must a champion baseball
player keep his mind on the game.
The ability of the Cincinnati players
to think baseball, dream baseball,
talk baseball and live baseball has
made them a pennant-winning a£*
gregatlon, according to Manager
"Pat" Moran.
"If the fellows had thought about
automobiles, shows and everything
else in the world but baseball they
would not be where they are now,"
■aid Moran In explaining how his
team captured the National League
flag, and became contenders for the
world's championship. "I guess that
holds good In most any game you
are playing. A player must be inter
ested and he must think about his
game. When he does this he is al
ways up and coming, taking advant
age of every opportunity."
"Pat" has been characterized as
a miracle man, wonderful leader
and so on through the catalog of
descriptive phrases, but he modestly
insists the players are responsible
for the success of the Cincinnati
club. •
"I have a great ball club, that's
the whole story," he said. "Not only
is it a great ball club, but it is a
club of fellows who take care of
themselves and put their minds on
their work. No man can make good
In any line of life unless he has the
instruments to succeed with. I have
a good bunch of players, so give
them the credit. All I did was to
hold the boys together. They won
the ball games."
Followers of the Reds, however,
will not let Moran take a back seat
without showering some praise on
him. They say that Cincinnati had
good players, but that it took a
good manager to mould them into a
winning machine. Any Cincinnati
fanwill swear that "Pat" is a good
Chester Next Attraction
in Game With Maroons
Chester High School will be Tech's
opponent over on the Island Satur
day afternoon In the third game of
the season for the Maroon team. The
Delaware county boys are one of the
fastest teams In the Philadelphia
district, and when they oppose
Tech, it will be the first time that
the two schools have entered Into
athletic relations.
Captain Frank and his colleagues
were given a rest yesterday after
noon by Coach Smith. After their
73 to 0 score over Wllkes-Barre,
the coach decided to give the squad
a rest. The scrubs were also in need
of a rest after their hard contest
down at Shlppensburg Normal
To-day the squad was put through
a hard scrimmage in preparation for
the Chester struggle. While Tech
made a good showing on the offense,
the eleven showed a tendency to
fumble too frequently. This will
have to be overcome if the Maroon
lads want to keep their goal line
uncrossed during the season.
Academy Duckpin League
Athletics ... 554 601 630 —1785
Red Sox ... 607 595 524—1726
High game, Herbein (A) .... 199
High score, Herbein (A) .... 449
White Sox . . 631 580 566 —1777
Indians .... 576 629 485 —1600
High game, Mader (I) 178
High score. Banks (W. S.) .. 450
Railroad League
! Erect'g Shop 839 657 718—2184
Pipe Shop .. 696 791 765—2252
High score, M. Kopford (E. S.) 202
High game, McFarland (B. S.) 600
Standing of the Teams
W. L. Pet.
Pipe Shop 2 1 .666
Erecting Shop 1 2 .333
Evangelical league
Senators . . 437 441 458—1336
Cubs 447 341 348—1136
High score, Hartmlre (S) ... 136
High game, Hartmire (8) ... 358
White Sox.. 511 478 508—1497
Athletics . . 461 466 505—1432
High score, Worley (W. S.) .. 167
High game, Worley (W. S.) .. 438
At Lemoyne
Fickes .... 515 618 535—1565
W. S. Bakery 478 537 498—1513
High score, Clark (F.) 134
High game, Spahr (W. S.) ... 352
Catcher Schalk Is First
to Be Put Out of Series
Ray Schalk, premier catcher of
the American League, or any other
league, according to his admirers,
came forward as the first player to
be chased by an umpire during the
series. It was in the sixth, when
most everything happened, that this
occurred. Groh had slid to the
plate, accumulating large holdings
of baseline real estate on the fa
cade of his anatomy, and Schalk
claimed that he touched the, runner
before the latter had plowed his way
to the rubber. In his excitement he
jumped up at Umpire Rtgler's pro
tector, and with his fists Jolted the
judicial air there impounded. Rigler
pointed to the coop, and Schalk,
mumbling things that the late Noah
Webster never encountered In his re
searches, made way for Lynn, who
caught the remainder of the game
for the Sox.
Official Figures of
First Five Games
Played at Cincinnati.
Score—Cincinnati, 9; Chicago, 1.
Cincinnati—Rcuther and Wingo.
Chicago—Clcotte, Wilkinson, Low
dermilk and Schalk.
Paid attendance, 30,511.
T9tal receipts, exclusive of
war tax 198,778.00
Players' share 53,340.12
Clubs' share 34,968.66
National Commission .... 9,877.80
Played at Cincinnati.
Score —Cincinnati, 4; Chicago, 2.
Cincinnati—Sallee and Rariden.
Chicago—Williams and Schalk.
Paid attendance, 29,690.
Total receipts, exclusive of
war tax 897,136.00
Players' share 52,453.44
Clubs' share 34,968.66
National Commission .... 9,713.60
Played at Chicago.
Score —Chicago, 3; Cincinnati, 0.
Chicago—Kerr and Schalk. Cin
cinnati—Fisher, Luque and Rariden.
Total attendance, 29,126.
Gross receipts 890,569.00
Players' share 48,907.26
Clubs' share 32,604.80
National Commission 9,056.90
Played at Chicago.
Score—Cincinnati. 2; Chicago, 0.
Cincinnati—Ring and Wingo. Chi
cago—Cicotte and Schalk.
Total attendance, 3 4,363.
Gross receipts, exclusive of
war tax 897,807.00
Players' share 52,815.72
Clubs' share 35,210.52
National Commission 9,780.70
Played at Chicago.
Score—Cincinnati, 5; Chicago, 0.
Cincinnati—Eller and Wingo. Chi
cago—Williams, Mayer 'and Schalk
and Lynn.
Total attendance, 34,399.
Gross receipts, exclusive of
war tax .....897,839,00
Players' share 52,833.06
Clubs' share 35,222.04
National Commission .... 9,783.90
Attendance 158,089
Gross receipts 8482,129.00
Players' share 260,349.66
Commission's share 48,212.90
Club's share, two leagues 174,566.40
Official Standing
W. L. Pet.
Cincinnati 4 1 .800
Chicago 1 4 .200
Today's Schedule
Chicago at Cincinnati.
Bethlehem, Pa.. Oct. 7.—The strike
of ctgarmakers which has been In
progress here for several weeks. In
volving two thousand men and wom
en and a $40,000 weekly payroll, was
ended yesterday, employers announc
ed. They said the fovir factories here
were r.ow working 100 per cent. The
employers declared no concessions
were, granted.
Q •))>!—""""•!(<(• 13
g To People g
I Who Like I
We will admit
there are a few
people who don't
like oysters, but
very few.
A rare treat is
fried oysters at
Davenport'si— or
our oyster stew
made with rich
milk and butter.
A half dozen
fried Oysters or
Oyster Stew 30c.
j s Market St. •
I Architects of Appetites Ji
325 Market St.
?© 3
s OCTOBER 7, 1919. 7
Willie Loughlin Meets Jimmy
Leggett, of Philadelphia;
Good Card
Arrangements have been com
pleted by the local Motive Power
Club for their big boxing show to
night at the athletic room, Seventh
and Boyd streets. The ring has been
set up, the seating arranged in
amphitheater style, with no seat more
than thirty feet from the ring and
the flood lights put up. A number
of women have purchased seats and
the club has arranged to maintain
perfect order.
While great interest is centered in
the appearance of Willie Loughlin,
conceded by all newspaper writers
to be the best welterweight perform
ing before America to-day, yet the
bout of Schoolboy Wiltse with Bill
Atticks has aroused much enthusi
asm in local scholastic circles.
Wiltse has notified the management
that his seconds will be athletes as
| Oh Manl Lrok Here! j
It will be well worth your time to look
HERE, for there's a great lot of the finest
shoes of Fall ready for your inspection.
New lasts, late colors —shoes for dress or
I work. And every pair the sort that we can
| guarantee to give absolute satisfaction.
I $7.50 up
24 North Third Street
Some men smoke \i Wm M
prefer to live in cheap
houses some save \\ wflf
money by growing >4 hKw
beards. Where there is
quality there must be a consistent price.
You'll find McCall's Clothes for men
and young men the QUALITY CLOTHES
of Harrisburg and they cost you no more
than ordinary clothes.
$35 to $65
i 1
well known as he, although the local
management will nrrange to send an
experienced ring man with him to
direct his fight.
Rail, Hah Rooters Ready
The police have been notified that
some noise can be expected from the
rah, rah rooters when their favorite
comes on, and that it will not be
interfered with so long as it remains
within the bounds of fun.
Joe Marks, who battles A 1 Clark,
of Southwark, will probably shake
good-by to his local friends, as ar
rangements have been about been
completed to send him to Prance i
where he engages HeDoux, the |
Prench feather. The offer asks htm.
to meet five boxers to be selected,
one of whom will be LeDoux.
It will be a boxer against a slug
ger in the Singer-Isnacman bout,
finger is a pure fighter with a wal
lop and has a made-to-order
physique to carry on this style of
fighting. On the other hand Nate's
style of in and out jabbing and
dancing is well known to local fans,
but the least break in this style may
bring disaster to Nate. A large ad
vance sale is being reported.
By Associated Press.
Plilfncieipiila, Oct. 7.—Five mahog
any chairs used by George Washing
ton when this city was the national
capital, were sold at auction here for
$1,250 each. They were bought by an
agent representing William Randolph