Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 07, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
WOMAN MAKES THRILLING ESCAPE Hides Under Straw in an Old Cart Until She Reaches Safety New York. Oct. 7.—The thrilling story of how Dr. Aldona Sluipus, five years ago a student In Philadel phia's Woman's Medical College, made her escape from the Bolshevists in a Lithuanian vegetable cart, hid den under the straw, has just come to the headquarters of the Ameri can Belief Administration European Children's Fund. Dr. Sliupus, who came to tlte United States from Lithuania when she was very young, returned to her mother country shortly after she could write "doctor" before her name. As soon as the war broke out she plunged into helping her stricken countrymen worked in canteens, did welfare work, anything she could—always with the partic ular object of helping the children. Such was her success with these lit tle ones that a few months ago she was put at the head of all children's relief in Lithuania. She is co-operating with repre sentatives of the American Relief Administration European children's fund and had gone to a frontier town about 50 miles from Kovno to estab lish a soup kitchen for the Lithu anian refugees that come tumbling over the Russian border "going home." The victorious Bolsheviks came over the border, too, and cut her off from the rest of Lithuania. Undaunted, she dressed herself in SCIATIC PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED Keep Sloan's the World's I /inlmcnt, Handy to Allay Aclics THOUSANDS of men and women, when the least little rheumatic "crick" assails them, have Sloan's Liniment handy to knock it out. Popular a third of a century ago—far more popular to-day. That's because it is so wonderfully helpful in relieving all external aches and pains—sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, overstrained muscles, stiff joints, weather exposure re sults. A little is all that is neces sary, for it soon penetrates without rubbing to the sore spot. Leaves no I muss, stained skin, clogged pores. ' A bottle to-day is a wise precaution. Keep it handy. All druggists—3.sc, 70c, $1.40. Sloan's Liniment Ket'p it litirnfyr ; THLRtT AO JIBING W TO THIJ/ There's no Trick About the Suits for Men and Younj| Men We Are Selling at $35,540&545 We Are Not Advertising A Few Suits At These Reasonable Prices to Get You Into Our Store and Then Try to Sell You Higher Priced Suits- Price Alone May Bring You in—But It Takes Quality to Bring You Back Again The Globe OCTOBER 7, 1919. rags and climbed into the back of a furmer's cart bound for Kovno. Bol shevik officers never thought to look for her there, though the cart was stopped several times. When, on reaching safety in Kovno, she found preperations were being made by the children's fund representatives there to "rescue" her in an airplane. Governor of Korea Points to American Strides in Industry Seoul, Korea, Oct. 7. Admiral Baron Saito, the new governor of Korea, appeals, in an interview in tho Seoul press, to Japanese and Koreans alike to co-operate and "preserve brotherly relations" in de veloping the resources of the penin sular. "It is especially to be hoped that Korean leaders will pay great at tention to this," the Baron said. "We must learn from the Americans in tins respect. If we are industrious enough we may convert even the barren land into a fertile one.' To emphasixe this suggestion the Baron described the rapid develop ment of the iron industry in the United States, attributing this in part to the enterprise of Americans. Pointing out that the present is a period of the greatest moment in the destiny of the Japanese empire, the Baron said, Japan as one of the great powers stood in a position where even her minor actions would effect the general situation of the world the tesponsibility of the Japanese people had become heav ier than ever. Drouth and Forest Fires Ravage Montana Helena, Mont., Oct. 7. —Disastrous conditions now obtaining in the state of Montana are revealed in a sur vey of the Episcopal diocese of the state just forwarded to the' execu tive committee of the church's Nation-wide campaign in New York. Drouth, unprecedented in its ex tent and effect, and forest fires per haps the most widespread on record, are ravaging the wooded and the agricultural districts, according to the survey. Crops are practically a total loss, because of the drouth. The range is reported "burnt up." Cattle men, the survey states, are shipping their stock out of Montana, a part to be fed in other states. The forest fires have been raging for two months. They have come dangerousy near to several Montana cities and they are not yet entirely under control. So great has been the emergency that a special session of the legislature has been held to devise measures for relief. The population of the state, the survey shows, has been steadily de creasing since 1916. The leakage from that year until the present time is estimated at 125,000. There is hardly a city or town, according to the survey, in which the popula tion is not fluid. T°°i ROUND TRIP War Tax 24 eent.H additional TO I Pittsburgh I I Sunday, October 12 I Special Train I,raves ■ Ilurrlsbnrg 0.00 A. M. Returning, Snecial Train I I leaves Pittsburgh 0.50 P. M. I S® t-ifVUit Schenley Park niul Pliipps Conservatory with their beautiful floral displays. Inspect Carnegie ■ Institute with Its Inter esting museum and ning- I nlfleent Art Unllery, see ••The Zoo," free to the public. In attractive High land Park and enjoy a H pleasant day's outing In the Metropolis of West ern Pennsylvania and an autnmn seeing trip over >H the Alleghenles. I See Flyers. Consult Agents I I its The right is reserved to H I limit tho sale of tickets to I I the capacity of equipment I Hsu available. I Pennsylvania R.R. I Cold, Catarrh, Asthma, —Quickly Relieved by IKb AUTOMATIC y If IIWIiK Using a remeoy that Is auto matically administered as you breathe. And without discom fort or inconvenience. Each breath carries medication that quickly heals the afflicted parts. TIIIS NEW DISCOVERY AND INVENTION Is giving relief when all other methods fall. Used with won derful success in treating all diseases of the Nose. Throat and Lungs. Also for Head Noises and Ear Troubles. Relief is guaranteed—or No Pay. Now being introduced and demonstrated to the people of Harrisburg at the Gorgas Drug store. 16 North Third street. CONGRESS DATE ONE WEEK LATER Dr. Finegan Announces Edu cational Gathering Will Be Held November 17 educational con- Kress, planned for the discussion of until the week of I cording to an an nouncement made to-day by Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, State Superin tendent of Public Instruction. The committees to arrange the program will have a meeting here shortly with Dr. Finegan. Dr. William D. Lewis, the new second deputy superintendent, and other heads of bureaus of the de partment who were recently ap pointed, have all assumed their du ties. Dr. Finegan has been holding a series of conferences with the bu reau heads for the outlining of the new work of the department. Hunting of the ruffed grouse will t be legal agaift in Pennsylvania this | fall as the closed period ordained I last year by the State Game Commis sion on petition of game lovers and I hunters in the counties of the State expires this month. The grouse • were forbidden all of last season > and none has been hunted since j 1917. Since that time there have i been grouse Imported and extensive breeding has been carried on at State game preserves and by clubs. The season begins on October 20 and will run until the end of No vember, the limit being four in a day or twenty-four in a season. The season on ring necked pheasants covers the same period and four in a day or ten in a season Is the bag. The quail season is the same with a bag of eight in a day or twenty-flve in a season. John H. Glass, Republican leader of Northumberland county and county treasurer, has been appoint ed chief inspector in tho automobile division of the State Highway De partment at a salary of $3,600 a year. Mr. Glass, who will resign as county treasurer, will have charge of enforcement of the new automo bile code regulations. He will as sume his duties at once. Tlie point was raised at an argu ment before the Public Service Com mission in the rehearing: application of the Pittsburgh Transportation Company that an auto bus company or any other public service company is not required to appear for the right to begin business after the commission has once passed upon the charter application and granted it. The commission some time ago issued an order restricting the com pany to certain routes upon com plaint of the Pittsburgh Railways Company. A rehearing was asked. C. K. Robinson, for the transporta tion company, raised the question of whether two applications were really necessary. Joseph R. Mc- Neary, of the railways company, de clared that if that view was taken there would be "dynamite" In many decisions. Enlistment of fifteen overseas service men in the Pennsylvania State police force last week will be followed by enlistment of as many more within a short time, as there have been numerous applications from men who served in the army in France. Including some machine gun battalion men, for admission to the force. Only men who have served in the army or navy are be ing enlisted now and some of the men who went from the State force into the army are now being taken back. Organization of the new troop will be finished at Lancaster in a short time, but it is Improbable that it will be moved to Harrisburg until next summer, when the bar racks will be built. Changes in the new State Capitol office building plans are being made to provide for assembling the whole State Department of Health In the building. This department will have the greater part of three upper floors. It now has 25,000 square feet in the Capitol and has some offices In other buildings. When tho new building Is finished the La bor and Industry Bureaus will be grouped In one building. Bids for the new Capitol building will be asked this fall. Inspections of conditions on State forests upon which to base provis ions In the new contracts to be made by the State Forest Commis sion for sale of coal, oil, gas and lumber which may be on State property are being carried out this week by Col. Henry W. Shoemaker and Gifford Plnchot, members of the commission. They have planned extensive trips and will report to the commission next week. Commissioner of Fisheries Na than R. Buller is at Louisville at tending the meeting of the Ameri can Fisheries Society. Important engineering confer ences relative to water supplies for Allegheny county boroughs will be held at Pittsburgh the latter part of the week. New factory inspectors to take the places of the four dismissed In Philadelphia and two who resigned will be made later on. The State Capitol orchestra will resume its rehearsals to-night In the Capitol. The orchestra gave several concerts last spring and summer. An extensive program has been outlined. State Highway Work Contracts Given Out State highway contracts have been awarded by Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler as follows: Susquehanna county. Forest City, 6191 feet. Holt Lumber Co., Car bondale, $59,462.75. Delaware county, Marple and Springfield townships, 26,713 feet. Warren Brothers Co., Boston, Mass., $226,897.32. Erie county. Northeast township, 18,421 feet. Warren Brothers Co., Boston, Mass., $145,121.19. Erie county, Glrard township, 19,100 feet. The Campbell Broth ers Co.. Youngstown, 0., $240,- 483.83. Lancaster county, Colerain town ship, 19,619 feet. Souder Construc tion Co.. Lancaster, $183,687. Westmoreland county, Derry township. M. Crady Brothers Co., Braddock, $107,966.40. Bids were rejected for State Col lege borough. Center county! Greene township, Erie county; Dun bar township, Fayette countyi Salem and Unity townships, West moreland county, and Derry town ship and Delmont borough, West moreland county. Stato highway bridge contracts were let to the O. B. 8. Co., Phila delphia, for Susquehanna county, Harmony township, $2,691,11, and • 1 r m. •• •; •". • ' o HXBIUSBtrRG TELEGIOPa Oakland township, $1,685.60; Wy oming county, Lemon township, $2,261; to Louis Costa, Deckcrson Run, Fayette county, for Vanderbilt borough, $3,431, and Groton Bridge Co., Groton, N. Y., Sullivan county, Davidson township, $6,076.80. ' Bids were rejected for bridges in Armstrong, Crawford and Venango counties. British Army Will Retain the Educational Plan Started on Rhine London, Oct. 7. Educational training in the British army, which was begun among the forces occu ping the Rhine, not only is to be continued in the new army, but it will be virtually compulsory. It is, an army order states, "to be re garded as an essential element in the making of a soldier and an army." Steps have been taken to | continue educational training for all I soldiers going overseas. An official told the Associated Press correspondent it was under stood that the three cardinal divi sions of higher commercial and technical education, which were taught on the Rhine, will be retain ed and developed. According to President H. A. L. Fisher, of the Board of Education, "the mere recognition of the fact that education is henceforward to be an essential part of army training is one of those great steps forward in the social progress of the world for which the war has been respon sible." mmm U ——————nil „„„ "The Live Stort? ? I "Be Sure of Your " I If You Want Good Clothes I at $35, S4O and $45 I Doutrichs is the store for you—We sell on a reasonable, yet safe, margin—That's one thing about this "Live Store." We don't claim to give you "something for noth ing," but you can always bank on getting greater values here. ■ We're a big concern in volume of I business. We only have a one floor store, but through giving our customers square-dealing and selling only depend- fcwff able merchandise we have managed to forge ahead at a faster growth than amy clothing store throughout the land, and while jmpWw - we can modestly say we are doing more business than "all" the W JjjfTit 00 jHMgjghv clothing stores in Harrisburg we are not content to rest on past I w laurels and we are going to try harder than ever before to cut A ! - ? Jf down our profits to win a greater number of customers. D You see we don't mind working on a I small margin of profit because we have such an enor- W mous output that in the long run we come out on the safe side. J We prefer to grow large and please more people rather than to make prohts and stop expanding. Wherever there's a Doutrich store it's the leading men's store in that section of the country. 1< jfiflMWMpk | a'l 1 This "Live Store" has an en- % viable reputation throughout Pennsyl vania and you ought to be a regular customer || if perchance you are not already identified I Try This Dependable Doutrich Service Em S| That Everybody Is Talking About B OA.D. ia TURNOVER TAX WIDE IN SCOPE New German Measure Hits Virtually Every House hold Necessity Berlin, Oct. 7. —None of the new German tax meaures is more strin gent and all-inclusive than the turnover tax, especially that part of it relating to luxuries. Virtually every thing imaginable beyond the veriest necessities for the household are taxed all the way from 1 to 15 per cent at the store where they are bought. There are 19 categories of luxu ries, 11 of which come under the 15 per cent clause. The taxes will vary in severity, ac cording to the price of the articles purchased, since in this way the government hopes to put the great est burden on the wealthy. The taxes will be collected in two ways. Where it is possible, the seller will add the tax to the price of the article and turn it in to the gov ernment. In the case of articles manufactured in one place and sold by retail everywhere, the retail dealers will collect the tax. The government reckons that the turnover tax will total 4,500,000,000 marks. This sum must be reduced by one-tenth, to four billions, to take account of the territories ceded to the Entente. Would Build House For Presidents on the Mount Falcon Denver, Colo., Oct. 7.—The move ment to establish a "summer White House" on Mount Falcon, 15 miles from Denver and In the Rocky Mountains, has Deen revived by Colorado citizens. The war inter rupted the campaign started sev eral years ago with the object of providing a picturesque mountain palace where presidents of the United States might find refuge dur ing the warm months. The building, it is estimated, would require an initial expendi ture of $50,000 and leaders of the campaign plan to raise $250,000 ad ditional to complete the entire struc ture and put the grounds in shape. The summer home would be held in trust by the governor of the 22 states west of the Mississippi river, acting as a board of regents. Many Names of Royalty Remain on Streets of Berlin Berlin, Oct. 7.—Protest is enter ed by Attorney Rosenfeld, former Prussian Minister of Justice, that despite the months that have passed since the revolution, the abdication of the Emperor and the overthrow ing of 30 or more princes and prince ling, kings and what-not, the streets of Berlin still bear in inordinately large number the names of royalty. He cites a few, such as Kaiser OCTOBER 7, 1919. "* Wllholm street, a Koenig, a Fried rich, a Earl, Prince L,ouls Ferdi nand, Prince and Princess street. The names of former military leuders and generals should go also, he argues, siting such streets as Ziiten, Bluecher, Gnelsenau, Scharn Hjl The Lamp Adds the ft iff Home Touch On those evenings when you've "no place to go," and you curl up in a big, comfy chair, with a good book in your hand, how much more the homey glow from the lamp adds to your comfort and the coziness of the room. Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co. JOHN S. MISSI.II, PHESIDKNT 436 Market Street / horst, Moltke and others. He ob' jects nlso to the naming of street* after the military, such as the Drag* oner (dragoons) and the Jaegel (cavalry) in these piping days ot revolution and republic. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad 11