Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 07, 1919, Image 1

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    King Victor Emmanuel of haly Signs Royal Decree Ratifying German and Austrian Peace Treaties
LXXXVIH— NO. 235 16 PAGES Doi, k^; p it^Vo/or a ,'! I Sr C g ,,M HARRISBURG, PA. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7, 1919. o!n ffi tySSKSKiKRf'" HOME EDITIOII
Cincinnati Team With Four Victories
Stowed Away Are After Fifth Which
Will Make Them World's
Premier Team
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E.
Chicago ■■■
Cincinnati OQUHBH UMU
By Associated Press•
Rtxllaml Field, Cincinnati, Oct. 7
•—Perfect baseball weather, with a
cloudless sky, greeted the fans that
journeyed to the park two hours
before the beginning of the sixth
game of the world's series of 1919
between the Reds and the White
Sox here to-day. At noon the pavi
lions were almost filled to capacity,
but the bleacherites seemed slow in
arriving and while the right field
stands were half filled, the left field
bleachers were empty.
The temperature bid fair to reach
eighty degrees before game time.
The announcement from Chicago
that Moran will work Reuther to-day
leads most of the fans here to be
lie', e that an additional game on
"Wednesday will not be necessary al
though it is remembered that Man
ager Gleason of the visitors will
probably use Kerr, the pitcher who
SK ored the only victory over the Reds
'hat has thus fai been tallied an 1
who held them practically hitiess
allowing them only three safeties.
The game of yesterday was the
last it. which the players shared in
the proceeds and should the Reds
win to-day the series will end. If
the £ox win the two teams will do
battle here to-morrow and should
the box again win they will go back
to Chicago on Thursday for the
eighth game.
Manager Moran stated that he had
no reason to believe that anything
would interfere with his pitching
lleuther to-day and that he was con
vinced that it would all be over to
Manager Gleason said he would
work Kerr on the mound for the
"W'hite Sox and that his only hope
•was that the Sox would show their
true form at bat and play the kind
of baseball that won the American
3-eague pennant for them.
The betting today ranged from 7
to 5, to 8 to 5 with the Reds as
the favorites, while one could al
most name his own odds that they
would win the series.
The weather improved as the
morning wore off and gave every
indication of being ideal for base
ball, although a slight chill remain
ed in the air.
The probable lineup for to-day's
fame will be:
J Collins, rf. Rath, 2b.
J7 Collins. 2b. Daubert, lb.
"Weaver, 3b. Groh, 3b.
Jackson, If. Roush, cf.
3'elsch, cf. Duncan, If.
tjandil, lb. Kopf, ss.
Risberg, ss. Neule, rf.
Sehalk, c. Wingo, c.
Kerr, p. Reuther, p.
Umpires Evans behind the
plate; Quigley at first; Nallin at sec
end base; Rigler at third base.
Gleason Says He Is
Sick at Heart Over
Way His Men Played
Chicago. Oct. 7.—Manager Gleason
rf the "White Sox, before leaving for
Cincinnati, where the sixth game of
the world's series is to be played
to-day with the Reds, said he was
"sick at heart" over the way his
men had played the game.
"I don't know what's the matter,"
Paid Gleason. "but I do know that
something is wrong with my team.
The team I had fighting in August
for the pennant would have trimmed
the Reds without a struggle. The
hunch I have now couldn't beat a
high school team. We hit something
over .280 for the season in the Amer
ican League pennant race. Now
that's the best hitting any ball club
ever did in the history of baseball.
The way those .280 hitters acted
against Eller, they couldn't make a
place on a high school team.
"I am convinced that I have the
best ball club that ever was put to
gether. 1 certainly have been disap
pointed in it in this series. It hasn't
played baseball in a single game.
There is only a bare chance they can
win now."
Pittsburgh. Oct. 7. —Four masked
men entered the office of the Libertv
Securities Company on the fourth
Door of the McCance building, in
the heart of the down-town district,
10-day. bound and gagged Harry
Morgan, the manager, and escaped
with his $1,200 diamond ring and
gold watch. They overlooked several
Ihousand dollars worth of Liberty
RarrLhurg and Vicinity! Fair to
night and Wrilnrmla.v, cooler
to-night with lowest tempera
ture about 4S degrees. Frost to
night In low places.
Eastern Pennsylvania! Fnlr to
night ar.d Wednesday. Cooler
to-night with frost in low
places. Moderate northwest
River. The ?u*qaehannn river and
all its branches will remain
nearly stationary, A stage of
about M (ft Is Indicated for
Harris burg Wednesday morn
By Associated Press.
Cincinnati. Oct 7. Fair but
somewhat cool weather was in
dicated to-day for the sixth of
the World's Series championship
games between the Chicago
White Sox and the Cincinnati
Reds at Redland Field.
The forecast of the weather
bureau for Cincinnati was fair
and cool.
River Scheme Preferred Over
Proposal to Build Sep
arate Pools
Warren H. Manning, the expert
park engineer, will come to Harris
burg, October 16 and 17, Park Com
missioner E. Z. Gross announced at
City Council session to-day, when
he will make a survey and report on
providing bathing facilities for the
Many persons in the city are fav
oring the proposed plan to provide
a bathing beach at the city island
and more floating bathhouses for
use along the river. During the win
ter these can be towed to islands
and securely anchored during floods.
To construct a bathhouse about
the size of the one which was in
uses at Seneca street during the sum
mer would cost about SI,OOO it is
estimated. One of these accommo
dates about 200 persons. Men and
women who enjoy swimming and
bathing each year in the river say
that beaches on the islands could be
provided and that the river would
be a much better place to arrange
for sufficient bathing facilities than
by the construction of swimming
pools of moderate size throughout
the city.
Gross' Statement
Commissioner Gross made a verbal
report to Council concerning investi
gations he made concerning the cost,
size and construction of bathing
pools in other cities. At Baltimore
the cost of constructing a pool, not
including any equipment to accom
modate about 4.000 was $31,000.
About 1,500,000 gallons of water is
needed daily, it is estimated, to main
tain a large swimming pool.
Council passed finally ordinances
providing for grading Kunkel street.
Seventeenth to Eighteenth, and
closing small section of Greenwood
and Karper streets, near Twenty
third and Derry streets.
Commissioner W. H. Lynch intro
duced ordinances providing for the
following: grading Hudson, Cale
donia to Sycamore streets; grading
Caledonia, Nineteenth to Hudson;
constructing sewer in Paxton street.
Nineteenth to Twentieth.
A petition asking Council to place
on the city official map an alley be
tween Catherine and Naudain streets
from Fifteenth to Seventeenth
streets, was referred to Commis
sioner Lynch who will prepare and
present the necessary legislation.
The majority of property owners af
fected signed the petition. The alley
was laid out when the houses were
built along Catherine and Xaudain
streets, but it is not on the official
plot in the office of the city engineer.
Beer Brewed in City
Contains 2.75 Per Cent.
There is considerable misappre
hension regarding- the alcoholic con
tents of beer now being sold in Har
risburg. The statement has been
made that the average beer now be
ing disposed of in this city contains
less than one-half of one per cent
of alcohol instead of 2.75. One who
is familiar with the manufacture of
the local brew is authority for the
statement that the alcoholic percent
age in the Harrisburg beer runs a
safe distance within the 2.75,
All places where beer of the legal
alcoholic strength is sold must be
licensed under the Brooks high lic
ense law. Bartenders who pretend
to be selling beer containing less
than one-half of one per cent, alco
hol for the regular brew of 2.75 are
declared to be deceiving their cus
Those who are familiar with the
now beer regulations are not im
pressed with the published state
ments that the beer *o!d in Harris
burg is away below 2.75 per cent.
It appears to be generally under
stood that the beer manufacturers
and dealers in this section are strict
ly complying with the law as inter
preted by Elihu Root, and avoiding
any camouflage of any sort.
While Both Their Breakfasts Are Getting Cold
' 1 AoftX \
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Park Department Will Fur
nish Saplings at Nominal
Tree planting in and about Harris
burg, is being liberally encouraged by
the city park department. Especially
are officials of the department mak
ing efforts that citizens plant a lib
eral number of trees for shade pur
poses on Arbor Day.
Trees will be furnished free of
charge to the city School Board, for
planting in and about school prop
erties, it was announced to-day by
Commissioner E. Z. Gross.
Other property owners of the city,
will likewise benefit from the Park
Department's program. They are
anxious to have many more trees
planted about the city, and in order
to attain their end. have promised to
furnish them to property owners at
a nominal charge.
All of the trees allotted for plant
ing purposes about the city under
this program, will be supplied from
the city nurseries. Many kinds of
shade trees are available.
King of Italy Signs
Royal Decree Ratifying
Central Powers' Treaties
Paris, Oct. 7. —King Victor Em
manuel of Italy signed a royal de
cree ratifying the German and Aus
trian treaties yesterday, according
to a Milan dispatch to the Eclair.
Ratification of the German Treaty
by the royal decree of the King of
Italy virtually completes the steps
necessary for putting into effect the
pact between Germany and the Al
lied powers, which was signed at
Versailles on June 28 ana which
stipulated it would become operative
when ratified by three of the great
powers. The British Parliament has
already ratified the Treaty and the
document now awaits only the sig
nature of King George before be
coming effective in Great Britain.
Approval was given the convention
by the French Chamber of Deputies
last welk and the Senate is expected
to take similar action on Friday or
Saturday. The royal decree of the
Italian monarch must receive ap
proval from the next Parliament
which will meet at Rome on De
cember 1. but it is considered cer
tain there will be little trouble in
securing concurrence.
I Will Plant a Tree
To Tlie Telegraph:—
You may include my name in the list to be printed of those
who will plunt one or more trees on Arbor I>ay, October 21, 1910.
Committee Believes Money
Will Come in When Plan
Is Understood
Why did churches. employers,
lodges, clubs and schools, hang out
service flags during the war?
To show their patriotism, and
how they let their members go to
war, while they kept the home fires
What did the people think when
they saw large numbers of stars
on the service flags?
They thought that that employer,
lodge, club, or church, was un
usually patriotic, and had its .ser
vice men's welfare at heart
What can the churches, lodges,
clubs and employers do, to show
that they were sincere in display
ing the service flag?
Cover each star with a S2O bill,
in honor of each of their soldier
boys and add the money thus se
cured, to the memorial fund. Then
the soldiers will know that their
employers and organizations were
truly sincere in representing them
on the service flags, and desire to
show in a tangible, worthwhile
way, just how sincere they are.
The committee in charge of raising
funds for a soldiers' memorial is find
ing that it is a far, far call from
cheers and flag waving, to actual sub
Crowds estimated at more than 40,-
000 cheered themselves hoarse a week
ago when they saw the stalwart Har
risburg contingent parading in uni
form. Eyes were wet, voices were
tremulous, at the gallant sight, as the
even columns swept by. Thousands
honored the soldiers.
Yesterday the last call to war duty
went out from the Chamber offices to
[Continued on Page .]
By Associated Press.
Yonngstotvn. 0., Oct. 7. —No
change in the tieup of the Youngs
town steel mills was reported to-day.
Men who apply for work are being
taken back by the company. Addi
tional men have been made idle by
the closing of limestone quarries just
over the Pennsylvania line by reason
of their market being cut off by the
shutdown of blast furnaces here.
Ice Cream Manufacturers Also
May Be Forced to Cut
Down Output
Harrisburg may soon be forced to
| forego eating her accustomed sup
-1 ply of confectionery; pastry, ice
j cream and other articles requiring
I sugar in their manufacture.
The shortage, first felt by city
i people when they visited city gro
; ceries for supplies, has made itself
i felt in a serious manner in the es
! tablishments producing candies, ice
i cream, pastry and other articles In
| this city.
I No immediate relief is in sight.
; This is the word passed out by one
j wholesaler to-day when he described
! the sugar situation in Harrisburg,
| and most other cities as being "rot
ten." This particular wholesaler
! woura be unable to sell a single
j ounce of sugar, he said.
Make Less Candy
One of the largest candy manu
! facturing plants in the city has al
| ready found it necessary to curtail
i its operations to a considerable ex
| tent. Its supply will last for some
! time and a fair stock is on hand,
j This condition is found to prevail in
| other candy-producing plants in the
j city.
Ice cream manufacturers, too, are
feeling the shortage. Their opera
tions, thus far, have not been af
fected to any considerable extent as
yet, but it will be necessary for
them to receive supplies of sugar
within a short time or reduce their
operations to a great extent.
| Bakers of pastries are finding
j themselves seriously handicapped
! already by the shortage. In several
I instances they are reported to have
J cut down their production, with the
| promise that unless early relief
: comes, they will be compelled to re-
I duce it still more.
Steam Heat Schedule
Is Being Examined
1 While no protests have been filed at
i the Public Service Commission offices
i against the proposed increase In the
! steam heat rates of the Harrisburg
Light and Power Company a number
j of inquiries have been made regard-
I ing probedure to object to it and the
new schedule has been examined by
j some of the customers.
The application for the increase in
i rates is listed for a hearing before
the Commission on October 22. The
i increase, is about 10 per cent
Newport, R. 1., Oct. 7. Sirs.
Cathleen Nellson Vanderbilt was
granted divorce from Reginald C.
Vanderbilt after a hearing by de
positions in the Superior Court to
day. She was awarded custody of
their 15-year-old daughter
Mr. Vanderbilt did not contest the
case, although represented by coun
sel. Mrs Vanderbilt contended that j
I her husband deserted her in 1912.!
when she and her daughter were left'
'in Paris without runds. No claim fori
j money settlement was made
Delegate For Public in Indus
trial Conference, Objects to
Unanimous Decisions
Permanent Secretary Lane
Declares He Might Be Able
to Address Them
By .Associated Press*
Washington. Oct. 7. Disagree
ment over rules proposed for the
governing of the industrial confer
ence called by President Wilson re
sulted in the conference adjourning |
suddenly to-day after Franklin K |
Lane, secretary of the interior, had j
been elected permanent chairman. I
It will meet again at 2.30 o'clock
this afternoon.
As proposed by committee, the
rules provided that all conclusions
and decisions must be arrived at by
unanimous vote of the three groups
representing capital, labor and the
public, while the decision of each
individual group would be by a ma
jority of the members of that group.
The rule was attacked by John
Spargo, of New York, a delegate
representing the public.
Mr. Spargo declared the confer- j
ence might as well adjourn if the
provision of the rules was adopted'
whereby a- majority vote of any
group was necessary before a mem-
I ber of the group could introduce any
I subject for discussion. Such a rule.
J he asserted, hindered especially the
! public group, which was not com
i posed of delegates representing a j
j homogeneous interest like the labor
! group, but contained men and wom
en of diverse activities.
Thomas L. Chadbourne, of N'ew
York, replying for the committee,
declared the provision was believed
necessary to obtain effective action
instead of debate.
Two Daily Sessions
On a motion of Frederick P. Fish,
of the employers' group the con
j ference adjourned to allow each
i group to consider the rules separate
| ly, the employers voting solidly on
(the motion and the public and or
ganized labor groups dividing. Sev
j eral delegates expressed opposition
ito an adjournment at a time when
| they declared the conference should
ibe getting down to business.
Other provisions of the rules re
ported by the committee were that
j the meetings be open to the public
and the press and that there be two
j daily sessions, from 9.30 a. m. to
12.30 p. m., and from 2.30 p. m. to
5.30 p. m. It was expressly stated
, that there should be no meetings on
| Sunday, indicating that the confer
i ence was expected to continue two
weeks or more.
i The rules were presented by W.
|D. Mahon of the labor delegation,
j chairman of the rules committee.
I Lathrop Brown, former represen-
I tative from New York, and Joseph
iJ. Cotter, Mr. Lane's executive as
; sistant, were made permanent sec
i taries.
Another decision of the confer-
I ence was that all the sessions should
|be opened to the public and i
! press.
Secretary Lane told the confer
i ence the news from the White
I House was that President Wib
I might be able to address the dele
-1 gates before they adjourned.
Spirited Clash in
Senate Over Fight
to Pass Treaty
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 7.—Presentation
of telegrams and letters which Sena
tor Brandegee, Republican, Con
necticut, said had been sent to one
of his constituents by the League to
Enforce Peace led to a spirited clash
to-day in the Senate.
The communications, he said,
showed how the League was spend
ing money in an effort to force rati
fication of the Peace Treaty without
Defeat of the League was de
scribed as the suicide of civilization
in one of the letters, which urged
that "organized public opinion in
every state be trained on Washing
ton." A number of telegrams ask
ed that the recipient telegraph his
Senator and demand ratification "in
a positive and conclusive manner."
Acting on Promotions
For Naval Officers
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 7. Permanent
rank of vice admiral for Rear Ad
mirals Sims, Benson and Mayo is
proposed in a compromise bill or
dered favorably reported to-day by
the Senate naval committee. Pres
ident Wilson had recommended the
rank of full admiral for Sims and
Benson, and this w'as provided for
in the measure as it passed the
The Gross estate has sold the
property now occupied by the Gross
drug store and other tenants at Mar
ket street and River alley, 63 by 52,
to the Commonwealth Trust Com
pany, for a client unnamed.
The Gross drugstore, founded by-
Daniel W. Gross, father of City Com
missioner Gross and his brothers, 1
has been located in the building i
which has just changed hands for
more than seventy-five years. While
the name of the purchaser has not
bpen disclosed it is believed that the
additional froiltage on Market street i
is desired by David Kaufman, whose
big department store has been grad
ually spreading over a large area in
the .outhwest section of Market
By Associated Press.
Dawson. Y. T., Oct. 7.—Robert
I.eeson, a Yukon miner, recently
received a letter from his sister
stating he had become heir to the
title and estate of the Earl of Mill
town. Leeson, carrying his bag
gage ar.vl wearing a flannel shirt
and hobnailed boots, started for
Ireland to claim his heritage.
Bankers, Lawyers, Business
and Professional Men Join
Y orkers on Petitions
Daylight saving is endorsed by
hundreds of the most prominent
men of the city, petitions to City
Council askjng for that body to per
petuate the popular movement by lo
cal ordinar.-ee now show.
Men in all walks of life are sign
ing the petitions. One petition in
particular shows that bankers,
businessmen and workingmer are
lined up solidly for the extra hour
of sunshine in the summer months,
which has meant so much to all
classes of city dwellers for the last
two years.
Bankers Favor Idea
Any doubt that ban-king interests
might be upset if Council listens to
the pleas of the workingmen was
set to rest when a petition was
signed by Donald McCormick, presi
dent of the Dauphin Deposit Trust
Company, an<T Robert McCormick,
[Continued on Page 9.]
By Associated Press.
London, Oct. 7.—King George who
is greatly concerned over the illness
of President Wilson to-day sent nis
private secretary. Colonel Olive Wig
ram to the American embassy to
seek the latest news regarding the
President's condition. Colonel Wig
ram also was instructed to express
His Majesty's sincere sympathy with
President and Mrs. Wilson.
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Physicians in Attendance An
nounce Improvement of His
Condition Continues
Rut Grayson Announces He
Will Keep His Patient in
Bed For a Time
By Associated Press•
Washington. Oct. 7.—President
Wilson continues to improve and he
is eating nnd sleeping well, said a
bulletin issued at 11.25 a. m. to-day,
by Rear Admiral Grayson, the Presi
dent's physician; Rear Admiral Stitt,
bead of the Naval medical school
here, and Or. Sterling Ruffin, of this
The bulletin follows:
White House,
Oil 7, 11.25 a.m.
"The President's improvement
has continued. His appetite is
i decidedly better and he. is slecp
| ing well."
Signed: Grayson
Uu f fin
Will Keep Hun in Boil
j Rear Admiral Grayson, the Prest
! dent's physician, will keep the Preal-
I dent in bed for a time yet. despite
■Mr. Wilson's earnest desire to attend
' to official duties.
Cabinet Postpones
Decision on Calling
Marshall to Presidency
Washington. Oct. 7. The Presi
dent's illness, as affecting his official
duties, was discussed at a Cabinet
meeting called yesterday by Secre
tary of State Lansing. It was gener
ally admitted a way must be found
to have Vice-President Marshall act
as President in case the President's
condition does not permit hia assum
ing hr. full duties in the next few