Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 06, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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'Steel Company Reports Large
Number Back in the Mills
This Morning
Affairs at the local steel plant are
reported as being almost normal this
morning. A large number of strik
ers are said to have returned to their
work, and what remains of the strike
is said to be no longer felt In the
Strike Organizer Brown and local
union leaders seem to bo centering
their efforts on the foreigners. A
•meeting for foreigners was held last
evening in Croatian Hall, South Sec
ond street, at which Organizer Brown
and union officials from Harrisburg
were the speakers. Although the
meeting was well attended, it is said
that it had no effect, no more men
having lefft the plant this morning.
In an interview with a Telegraph
reporter an official of the plant said:
"Really, the strike eis over."
'Check Ugly Dandruff, Stop
Hair Coming Out and
Double Its Beauty
A little "Dander:ne" cools, cleanses
and makes the feverish, itchy scalp
soft and pliable; then this stimulat
ing tonic penetrates to the. famished
hair roots, revitalizing and invig
orating every hair in the head, thus
stopping the hair falling out, or
getting thin, dry or fading.
After a few applications of "Dan
derine" you seldom find a fallen
hair or a particle of dandruff, be
sides every hair shows new life, vig
or, brightness, more color and
A few cents buys a bottle of de
lightful "Danderine" at any drug or
toilet counter.
Weigh Yourself
Then Take
Blood ffiSNerve Tablets
And See How Much You Gain In
Health, Strength and Weight.
To convince you that Dr. Chase's
MBbjk Blood and Nerve Tablets are one
of the richest of all restorative
J tonics, and that they make solid
f ' flesh, muscle and strengrth "not
w7/ / fat," we ask you to weigh your-
Uli F\! self before taking them. Makea
memorandum of the date you
commence and see what wonders
they will do for you. Thfs is the
*>nly remedy that has been able to stand .uch •
•severe test. They increase the appetite, aid di
gestion, and build you up. Each<losemeans mow
'•rim, vitality and strength.
try them today. You can't go wrong.
Sold by Druggist* at 60 cents. SpeciWi. (Stronger
•nore Active 90 cents.)
JVorfli Tenth Street, ■- Philadelphia. Ha.
Piles and Rupture
Treated By
Philadelphia Specialist
UII, IV, 8. \om it
Every person so afflicted should
investigate our painless dissolv
ing method of treating these trou
blesome affections. This dissolv
ent treatment is one of the great
est discoveries of the age and no
person has any excuse for suffer
ing with Piles while this treat
ment is so easy to obtain.
We absolutely guarantee to cure
every case we undertake, and we
further guarantee to do so with
out giving ether or chloroform
and without putting the patient to
Bleep, and that the treatment must
be painless. We do not use the
knife, and no acid injections or
salves. If you are suffering from
piles of any kind do not fail to
take advantsge of this wonderful
treatment. These treatments are
given every other Wednesday by a
specialist from Philadelphia.
July 17, 1919.
1 had been suffering with piles
for some time and could get no re
lief. I called on Dr. Yoder at the
Hotel Bolton and he absolutely
cured me in two treatments, with
out pain or loss of time from my
616 S. Front St.,
Steelton, Pa.
It is not necessary for you to
wear a truss all your life and to
be m constant danger of having a
strangulated rupture, which Is
nearly always fatal. Our method
of treating rupture gives results
in eight out of every ten cases. It
closes up the opening permanent
ly and you can throw your truss
away and again feel like a real
man. Our fees for these treat
ments are very small and are
within the reach of everyone.
BOLTON, Wedneuday, October 8
from 2 to 8 p. in.
Highspire to Honor Men
Who Served During War
Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of
Grace Methodist Church, will speak
at the Joint service to be held at
Highspire on Sunday, October 19, In
honor of the returned service men
of that borough. The celebration will
continue from Saturday, October
The first part of the celebration
will Include a parade and banquet.
During the parade an aviator will
do the usual stunts over the crowd.
In addition to a number of athletic
contests, the committee In charge
of sports has planned a baseball
game between two well-known
teams for the afternoon.
At a meeting of the committees
tills evening In the rooms of the
Highspire Red Cross chapter further
plans will be 'discussed and announc
ed to-morrow.
Steel Employes to
Elect Representatives
Employes of the Steelton plant of
the Bethlehem Steel Company will
this month hold an election for men
to represent them in the Employes'
Representative System, which was
started about a year ago by the com
pany. Each department will be rep
resented according to the number of
men employed. The system is de
signed to bring about a mutual un
derstanding between the men and
the company. The primaries are
scheduled for October 18. and the
final election four days later.
Paxtang Hook and Ladder
to Hold Big Banquet
The Paxtang Hook and ladder
Company has called a special meet
ing to be held to-morrow evening.
The meeting is for the purpose of
making final arrangements for a big
banquet to be given by the company
to the members who have returned
from service in the Army and Navy.
Twenty-six members of the company
saw active service during the war.
Trinity Vestry Meets
Tomorrow Evening
The vestry of Trinity parish will
hold a meeting Tuesday evening at
So clock at the rectory. Business of
importance is to be transacted.
The borough police on Sunday
had a reminder of "the good old
nays, when they arrested two men
Tor being drunk and disorderly. The
arrested men are Charlie Grit'ts and
Rachel Helman. The pair were ar
a.rested are Charlie Gritts and
Rachael hails from the West Side
while Charlie claims Carlisle as his
home. They will be given a hearing
this evening. This was the first ar
rest for drunkenness and disorderly
conduct for many days. Arrests on
any charge are rather scarce these
days, and it is quite a novelty for
the lockup to bold any prisoners.
Woman's Auxiliary to
Attend Center Meeting
The Woman's Auxiliary of Trin
ity parish will attend the center
meeting to be held In St. Stephen's
parish house, Harrisburg, on Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
speaker will be the Rev. Malcolm
Maynard, diocesan chairman of the
nation-wide campaign.
James Wickersham Accepts
Position in New York
James Wickersham. who recently
received his discharge from the
Army, with which he served as a
member of a Yale Hospital unit left
this morning for New York. He has
accepted a position with the Equit
able Trust Company in the foreign
exchange department.
The local chapter of the Red
Cross announces that the dollar
membership offer has been extended
to January 1. Magazine subscrip
tions will be taken as heretofore
with a membership at 82. After
January 1 the magazine alone will
cost 81.50 per year.
The West Side Hose Company will
hold a special meeting this evening
Action Is to be taken on the com
pany's participation in the State
Firemen's convention at Lancaster.
Pravers for the recovery of Presi
dent Wilson were offered' in all the
local churches yesterday. The pray
ers were offered at the regular serv
ices. In some of the churches, such
as the Episcopal, a prayer Is offered
for the President at every service on
all days.
M. B. Lltch, borough chemist, has
returned from Albany, where he at
tended the New England water
works' convention.
The prohibitionist was snooping
around the stndlo, looking for some
thing or some one to reform. "Well.
I'm glad those 'stills' are finished,"
he heard the camera man say to the
director. "Now watch me do a
'reel' before going home." And the
report forwarded that ntght by the
prohibitionist read: "Believe whis
ky Is secretly being made in Acme
Studio. Start rigid Investigation at
lore relief na yon sleep.
Medication automatically adminis
tered aa yon breathe.
See Man-Heil Inhaler.
Aek Demeastretor.
Gorgas' Drug Store,
10 North Third Street.
(Lawrence Process)
No new platena regal red.
of oil kinds
Aluminum a apecialty.
Machine Work of All Kinds
06-08 S. Cameron St.
Botk Phones.
Reading Railway Company
Will Keep Creosote
Plant Running
Reading Railway officials are going
into treated ties on a larger scale.
Inspections have brought to the sur
face convincing proofs that ties that
have been put through a creosote
process give much longer service.
The Pennsy has several big creosote
plants In operation. The Reading
has one plant working night and day
at Port Reading. A dispatch from
Reading says:
"Five years ago the Reading Rail
way Company put In a lot of new
railway ties north of Oley street, this
city. The distance covered was
about a quarter of a mile. The
south-bound track ties had been
chemically treated at the creosotlng
plant of the company at Port Read
ing. On the north-bound track
ordinary ties were used. Today the
latter are being removed, the great
bulk of them being practically use
less. The chemically treated sills aro
still In excellent condition and from
all indications are good for at least
five more years. Not a flaw has
been found in any of them.
"The creosotlng plant, which was
established some years ago, has
turned out many thousands of ties
which are now doing service on the
Reading and Central Railroad of
New Jersey. All timber must be
seasoned before creosotlng, and in
most species of wood this requires
nearly a year. The Reading Rail
way uses about twice the number of
ties as the Central. This is because
of the greater mileage.
"Due to the shortage of fuel coal
tar was used by many of the
steel companies, and the creosote
oil, which is a distillation produced
from coal tar, became nearly ex
hausted during the war, and zinc
chloride had to be substituted in the
treatment of ties. Creosote oil is
now obtainable in sufficient quanti
ties to treat all ties."
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. - The 123
crew to go first after 4 o'clock; 106,
116, 112, 127.
Engineers for 123, 112.
Firemen for 106, 116, 127.
Flagmen for 116, 112.
Brakemen for 123, 116.
Engineers up: Ream, Gunderman.
Houseal, Grace. Ryan, Beinhouer,
Steffy, Rutherford.
Firemen up: Markle, Stitzel, Hiler,
Kuntz, Abel, Thomson, Famous, Rid
er, Kirchoff, Moffatt, Chopening, Ow
ens, Clements.
Brakemen up: Shearer, Hughes,
Cooper, Minnichan, Hoffman, Alberts,
Kautz, Books, Etzwiler.
Middle Division. —The 30 crew to
go first after 1.06 o'clock: 102, 35. 32.
20, 29. 24.
Engineers for 29, 24.
Conductors for 29.
Brakemen for 30, 24, 22.
Engineers up: Shelley, McMurtry,
Rowe, Kreiger, bweigart. Hawk, Niss
ley, Srtfith, McAlicher, Brink, Leiter,
E. R. Snyder, Earley, Wadsworth,
Firemen up: Humphreys, G. M.
Bowers, Keeser, Conrad, Wright, Gil
bert, Rumberger, Pennebaker, Hess,
Stover, Fortenbaugh. Switzer, Kint,
Kyle, C. H. Myers.
Conductors up: Ross.
Brakemen up: Shade, Dlssinger,
Yingst. McFadden, Anders, Steining
er, Dennis. Page, Clouser, Dinn, Lau
ver, Zimmerman, Hoffman, Leithoua
er,Forbes. Rhoades, AlcNaiglit, C. B.
Hawk, Bitner, Buffington, Sholley,
Fenical, Beers, Hildebrand, Shive,
Manning, Dare. Lentz, C. M. Hawk.
lord Board.—Engineers wanted for
10C, 11C, 1, 15C. 36C.
Firemen wanted for 10C, 11C, 12C,
16C. 17C, 25C.
Engineers up: Snyder, P. A. Myers.
Heifieman, Buffington, Auman, Mil
ler, Esslg, Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shipley,
Firemen up: Houdeshel, Gardner,
Rupiey, Bpeese, Paul, Ross, Sourbeer,
E. Kruger, Mensch, Moll, Engle, W. C.
Krugei, Henderson, Witt, Bel way,
Philadelphia Division. The 207
crew to go first after 3.45 o'clock:
202, 240, *6O, 247, 264. 226.
Conductors for 2o<.
Flagmen for 201, 260, 226.
Brakemen tor 202, 254.
Brakemen up:Swartz, Bheak, Mor
gan, Yanuerling, Deline, Brighhop,
Bickel, Sehaffer, Trostle.
Middle Division. —The 125 crew to
go first after 1 o'clock: 113, 109, 119,
121, 120. 107, 104, 101, 106, 115, 103.,
105, 122.
Engineers for 113, 121, 06.
Firemen for 102.
Conductors for 125, 119, 120, 108,
Flagmen for 103.
Brakemen for 109, 103, 105, 122.
Yard Board. —Engineers wanted for
140, 3rd 129, extra 41. V.
Firemen for Ist 102, 2nd 126, Ist
129, 3rd 129, extra 51. V.
Engineers up: Balr, Fenicle, Han
len, Barnbart, Selders, Brown, Hol
land, Hinklc. Sehaffer, Capp, G. L.
Firemen up: Conley, Copp, Weaver,
Huber, Balnbrldge. Rider, Kiff, Mor
ris, Handiboe, Campbell, Nolte, Hall,
Middle Division. —W. C. Black, W.
G. Jamison, F. F. Schreck, J. W. Burd,
H M. Kuhn, L H. Ricedorf, J. H. Dlt
raer, J Crimmel, H. B. Fleck, C. D.
Hollenbaugh, H. F. Stuart, H. F.
Groninger, A. J. Wagner, G. W. Len
lg„ 8. H. Alexander, H. E. Cook.
Engineers wanted for 666, 33.
Firemen up: C. L. Sheatß, W. E.
Holler, F. M. Forsythe, J. I. Beisel,
H. F. Green, R. D. Porter, H. C. Bend
er, A. L. Reeder, R. Simmons, J. M.
Stephens, H W. Snyder, A. H. Kuntz,
G. W. Musaer. B. F. Gunderman, F. A.
Mumper, 8. P. Btauffer, O. B. Smith,
A. A. Bruker.
Firemen wanted for 81, 23, 45. 35.
Philadelphia Division. —Engineers
up: H. W. Gillums, J. C. Davis.
Engineers wanted for none.
Firemen up: J. 8. Lenig, W. E.
Aulthouse, M. G. Snaffner, W. F.
Kearney, F. H. Young.
Firemen wanted for M-22, 622, 98.
The 18 crew to go first after 12.15
o'clock: 68, 3, 5.
Engineers for <1 crew.
Firemen for none.
Conductors for none.
Flagmen for (2 crew. •
Brakemen for none.
Engineers up: Straw, Bohland,
Kauffman, Brlcker, Clouser, Wyre,
Schubauer, Netdlinger.
Firemen up: Orndorff, Hoover, Slpe,
Grimes, Lowe, Bohner, Kuntz, Esllng
Conductors up: Danner.
Flagmen up: Donley, Peters., Wi
ley, Lees, Householder., Berrler, Leh
mer, Keefer, Spangler. Swartz, Mo
sey, Lineweaver, Reneeker, Fillmore.
Reed. Wiley, Shank, O. Wller, Luk
ens, Donmoyer, Hain, Pottelgher, Fry,
Lelbtru. I
Reading Soldier Returns;
Is Made Trainmaster
Philemon S. Lewis who was draft
ed while located in Reading as pas
senger trainmaster, has returned and
been assigned to duty as trainmaster
of the Philadelphia division of the
Philadelphia and Reading. After
entering the service he was commis
sioned a lieutenant of engineers and
went to France with the 21st Engi
neers. The command took over the
light railways in the Toul district.
Later he was assigned to duty at the
headquarters of the First U. 8. Army
as executive officer to the engineer
of railways and roads during the St.
Mihlel and Argonne-Meuse offensive,
lie was promoted to captain October
1918, and later to the rank of major.
Mr. Lewis, who is 30 years of age,
started as rodman and was employ
ed at Williamsport, Harrisburg and
Pottstown, Camden, N. J., and Olney
previous to going to Reading, May 1,
Pennsy Sells Old Paper;
Gets Big Cash Return
In 1918 the Pennsylvania Railroad
turned 5,375,000 pounds of waste
paper, which some years ago would
have been destroyed, into $4 3,000. In
1917, John L. Hanna. then in the
general manager's department, was
placed in charge of this work and he
perfected the systematic gathering
of scrap paper of all sorts from all
points of the Pennsylvania Railroad
between Pittsburgh and New York
and Washington.
Important Meeting Today
of Reading Employes
Philadelphia and Reading Railway
employes are following plans to save
fuel and speed up traffic. Meetings
are held at short Intervals at the
various terminals, and firemen met
and discussed conservation of ftiel
and "better traffic." Plans are
under way for a meeting in Harris
Railroad Notes
On October 12, and November 16
the Philadelphia and Reading Rail
way Company will run an excursion
from Harrisburg to New York.
William R. Stout, a machinist at
the Reading- shops of the Philadel
phia and Reading Railway, has been
retired after 30 years' service.
Two trains of empty passenger
coaches sideswiped on Saturday be
tween Broad street station and 52nd
street, blocking traffic for several
Thomas Eck a passenger engine
man on the Reading, has been re
tired after 42 years in service. He
bad a fast run on the main line for
several years.
Robert R. Hulm, roadman em
ployed on the Reading system for
50 years, has been placed on the
Honor Roll.
It is estimated that a total of 130,-
000,000 tons of coal will be used
this year by the railroads. The cost
will be 3434,000,000.
After a service of 4 4 years, John
G. Deitz, a Pennsylvania Railroad
engineer residing at Columbia has
been placed on the pension roll. He
entered the employ of the company
May 6, 1576, the opening day of the
Because of this being the season
for the Flu. railroads will have pas
senger cars heated during cool and
damp weather. Requests have been
received from patrons to have this
The kind that will retain
its smart, trim appearance
throughout years of rough
handling. Here you will find
your choice of the most de
sired styles at prices suiting
every pocketbook.
Wardrobe Trunks
Suit Cases
Toilet Sets
Steamer Trunks
Week-end Cases
Hat Boxes
In view of the scarcity of
leather, we sincerely urge im
mediate investigation of the
unusual values carried in our
I store.
Second & Walnut Sts.
| Classic Egyptian
or classic Grecian, Roman or
Byzantine, whatever the design
you select for that monument, we
will make It to your satisfaction.
Our sculptors are prepared to turn
out the'most simple or the most
elaborate' memorial In marble,
granite or other durable stone.
Cemetery Lettering '
I. B. Dickinson
Granite, Marble, Tile or Broaaa
Harrlsbnrg, Pa.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Home Craft Week Means Happier
Winter Rooms
Curtains and Drapery Materials Featured in A Special Showing
J Every home loving woman will welcome this opportunity of seeing in one visit to the store
all of the best and most adaptable of materials which go to make home what it should be.
It is with a pride which comes of a service well rendered that we devote this week to a
showing of materials for windows and doorwayj.
You are invited to see Lace Day shades, Quaker Craft Lace, and Filet Richlieu.
Curtain Duslin in plain white grounds with sinnll or large dots, figures and stripes, 36 inches wide.
Plain and fancy border scrim and marquisette with flat hem or open work border in ecru and white.
Cretonne in many l>eautiful colorings and pattern< including double and single panels. Yard, 50c to 75e
Quaker nets in plain square mesh, scrolls and ilaln y figures; in white and com. Yard, 50c
Plain voile with colored border and flat hemmed edge; in ecru and white. Yard, 50c and 750
Plain scrim and nvwquisette in ecru and white, with selvedge edge; 30-inehcs wide. Yard 39c and 50c
Velvcnet, the new weave in square mesli and ope.i work; figured all over dainty colors in combinations
of blue, rose and gold and dara mixtures. .Yard, gg c
Scotch madras In cream grouds with small patterns through a center of colored figures; rose, green,
Scotch madras in cream grounds with small patterned edge or plain selvedge; very durable and easily
Quaker Net Curtains
In many patterns and designs, including dainty small patterns and all-over designs in narrow and medium widths, with lace edges: In
ecru, white and ivory. Pair, •■•••••••••• • Si.so to $8.50
Ivory net curtains in filet weave with bordered edge or scalloped edge, finish. Pair, SB.OO
Curtains for doorways including silk chenille and tapestry. Pah, $6.50 to 528.0P
Dives,- Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor
?fand in Qlerwlfbrk.
To those who find delight in reviewing smart styles, our captivating
assemblage of Autumn Modes will make a distin& appeal.
We find pleasure in mentioning the fa£l that,the triumph is'
one of charaSer, not of extravagance, for Vogue creations ar
beautifully simple. Your presence U desired tomorrow..
Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Second Floor, v Front
Cordova Leather Has Come
Down From the Days of
the Old Spanish Peer
Discriminating Women Now Choose
Cordova Hand Bags
It is but a short journey from the ancient Spanish city of
Cordova, whence came the beauty famed Cordova leathers,
down to the present home of the same products. Regarding
the making of these rich hand tooled pieces there has been
gathered together the artists of top rank in their profession
so that every article marks the hope of the brain that conceived
it and the hand which finished it.
Cordova hand bags for instance, are hand tooled individual
so that each one carries the distinction of the personal effort of
the craftsman.
One hand bag is modeled in apple blossom and Empire de
sign, leather lined and hand laced edges, carries coin purse
and mirror 922.00
Another is modeled in pine cone design at $23.00, while an
other very rich bag is of Morning Glory pattern at .. -925.00
Among other rich designs are to be found the Poppy, Black
Byrony, Hydrangea, Lily, Rose and Gothic—at 921.00
to 925.00
Smaller Purses, Too, Are of Cordova
Painstaking indeed must be the artisan on these goods.
They are modeled in designs of Louis XIV, and Renais
sance, Clematis and Phlox, Appleblossom and tulip, Mallow
Vase, Bittersweet and Hawthorn. Their prices range from
912.50 to .921.00
Dlvea, Pomeroy 4k-Stewart, Street -Jloor '
OCTOBER 6, 1919.
The Trim, Smart Appearance
of Laird and Schober
Boots for Women
Well dressed and carefully bcfoted wem- ffiSSß'fHt "
en invariably choose patent leather in
Laird and Schober footwear. Especially
smart and rich looking are the patent
leathers with mat kid tops.. They lace
neatly over the instep and are trim to
the last eyelet at the top—and they're fin
ished with Louis XIV heels. I
Pair $17.00 f'JSWK
Koko Calf Boots for Snog
Girls At School HNSHL
Quality and smartness are characteris
tic of the Laird & Schober boots for flap
pers at school. Each style snugs the foot
as a carefuly made boot should do, and
the military heels add an unmistakable
touch of refinement. The leather is Koko
calf of finest quality,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street Section.
Choose Your Corset First
It's the foundation of your suit, gown and dress, and if its
lines are correct and its fit comfortable then your garments will
have that perfect, custom tailored effect that is so smart and
Buy your corset first, and buy it here, where so many styles
are available and expert fitting at your service.
D. P. & 8. "Special" in pink novelty material, elastic insert at top,
medium slight figure $3.00
D. P. & S. "Special" in pink satin, elastic top, slight figure
model $4.00
D. P. & S. "Special" in pink s-,tin, elastic top, slight figure
model .... $4.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor.
Fancy Silk Petticoats That
Are Distinctly New
IWDHI Bright colored styles trim
med with accordeon plaited
Hl' flounces, tailored flounces or
"L adorned with band of flowered
jSffl [/ ! * fm\< ribbon; scalloped hem or plain
TLX deep hem.
—t jersey petticoats, $5.95 %
Changeabletaflfetacoats $5.90
Satin petticoats, $5.95 to
Reversible satin petticoats
Floriswar—a new silk—petticoats $8.95 and $12.50
Flowered satin petticoats $2.95 and $3.95
Cotton foulard petticoats $1.95 to $2.95
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewait, Second Floor
Knitting and Crocheting
Lessons in Corticelli Yarns
Beginning to-morrow and continuing until October 18 an
expert instructor will give free lessons to all purchasers of
Corticelli yarns. This service is extended in connection with
a special exhibit on the third floor. .
Divaa, Pomerojr 6 Stewart, Third Floor