Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 06, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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    | Additional Classified Ads I
• 1 on Opposite Page
Single edge, 25c do*, double edge, 86c
dox, raxors. 26a Qorgaa Drug Btora.
Bishop. 1732 Logan Street Bell 3882 R.
Any metal welded. Work guaran
teed. Carbon removed by oxygen.
i Capitol City Welding Co, 1538 Logan
street. Bell 4392-J.
_ ptrst class work. Chllooat Bros,
233 Harrla ' street
A QUININE—Look out for that grippe
feeling, likely to catch, you thta
changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE
PHOoPHO-QUIN INB wiU stave it off
if taken in time. Groaa Drug Store.
119 Market atreet
DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H.
CArLAN CO.. 206 Market street
New and second-hand furniture
bought and sold. Highest prices paid.
1022 Market atreet Bell 3239 W.
STORAGE —419 Broad street house
bold goods, merchandise. Private
looms at reasonable rates. Also haul
ing ct all kinds. D. Cooper A Co
Both phones.
STORAGE Private rooms for
household goods in fireproof ware
house. 33 per month and up. Lower
storage rates in non-Areproof ware
bouse. Harrisburg Storage Co,/ 437-
445 South Second atreet
STORAGE Low rates. Hlghsplre
Distillery Co, Ltd, Hlghsplre, Pa.
Both phones.
STORAGE! —In brick building, rear
408 Market Household goods ln clean,
Brlvate rooms. Reasonable ratea P.
. Diener. 408 Market street
FOR SALE—Cheap upright piano,
in good condition. Call Bell phone
6 50W. .
carefully repaired by an expert only.
OYLEK'S, 14 South Fourth street
YOU have made the visit to music
houses, for a special Columbia record,
vou have not found it We have it
Spangler Music House. 2113 North
Sixth street
180 Walnut Street
Harrlsburg, Pa.
Bell Phone 518-J.
INSURE and prepare your future
Income against accident or sickness
in a square up-to-date Insurance
company which has strength and
service, and be sure that It is the
Commercial Casualty Insurance Com
panv, Newark. New Jersey. Local of
fice. 4 4 Union Trust Bldg.
Bell phone 2769.
With our money and Insure
your comfort next winter. Pay
us back in convenient month
ly payments. Charges reason
able —only three and one-half
per cent per month on bal
ances. No other charges of
any kind. _
204 Chestnut St
WE LEND MONEY in compliance
with Act of June 4. 1919. to Individu
als in need of rer.dy cash, small leans
a specialty, business confidential, pay
ments to suit borrower's convenience,
positively lowest rates in city.
r 132 Walnut Street
MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loani
society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg,
Third and Market streets. Licensed
and Bonded by the State.
BECK & HARRIS, moving of all
kinds, piano, safe, furniture and ma
chinery; 20 years' experience. Bell
2415. Dial 3283.
Day and Night Auto Transfer
141 Kelker Bt, Harrisburg. Pa.
Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 8618
BECK & HARRIS, local and long
distance haulers, furniture, machin
ery. pianos and safe moving a spe
cialty. Bell phone 2418. Dial 3288 or
call at Ober's Garage.
HICKS Local and long-distance
hauling und storage. 424 Belly. Both
HAULING Furniture Moving.
Pronip* service. Ernest Corbin, did
Calder street Both phones. Bell
8636-J. Dial 3688.
HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped
for furniture. Ireight and piano mov
ing No distance too far. Careful
driver. Rain and dustproof body. J.
E. Gruber's Truck Service. 'rjjv'n
Aungst. Manager, Herahey. Pa Bell
phone iSK6. N
PAUL BECK general hauling, local
and long distance, making a specialty
of furniture, piano and safe moving.
Call at 111* Vernon Street or Bell
WE Move Anything. Anywhere.
Any time Price reasonable. Dial
4990. Dayton Cycla Co, #l3 North
Third street
1312 Derry St
BELL 1956 DIAL 2133
Funeral Director and Embalmer.
611 North Second fatreet
BELL 252 DIAL 2145
Beautifully situated on Market street,
east of Twenty-sixth, and ot tne
north and east faces the new park
way. The prices of lots are moder
ate. Miller Bros. A Co.. Agents.
Let us make your old fall and win
ter clothes ls>ok new. We call and de
liver. Both phones.
ISO6V& North Sixth Street
* ?
These are new offerings that
should find ready buyers. We
invite your early Inspection.
Cadillac. seven passenger
touring, in good running or
der, excellent paint, top and
upholstery,, $630.
Hudson 6-40 roadster. re
finished. A comfortable ear,
quiet with,good power, 3*60
Overland, model 90. flve
passenger tourings Refinlshed
throughout looks and runs
like new.
OVERLAND—6 paaoenger
touring. An easy riding, eco
nomical cat-In very good con
d It ton.
' r
Onen Evening.
Time Payments
Both Phones 212-214' N. 2d St
FOR SALE —Stndebaker. 4 cylinder,
in good shape, good paint a bargain.
Dial 4058, 85 Hummel ave, Lmoyne
FOP SALE —Chaimer'e Sedan. 1917;
new upholstering; Chandler, 1919, 4-
passenger. sport model; wire wheels,
bumper, spot light. 6 new tires; Over
land. 1018. 90 delivery car. Inquire
Penn-Harris Taxicab office. care
Penn-Harris Hotel. j
Hi-ton Republic truck
2 Reo light delivery cars.
1 Ford roadster.
1 Grant alx touring.
12th and Paxton Sts.
FOR SALE —1%-ton capacity Mar
tin truck, 35 horsepower engine; price
right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup
Music House, 15 S. Market Square.
FOR SALE: —Peerless touring car;
model 56. run 4000 miles; in good con
dition. Apply P. O. Box 87. Spring
Grove, York county. Pa
OVERLAND light six coupe, com
pletely overhauled and repaired, tires
like new. real bargain.
Reo roadster, real bargain.
Brisco. three-passenger roadster. In
fine ahape.
Time payments can be arranged.
1217 North Tlilrd Street
American six tonrlng. driven
only twenty-five hundred
miles; this year's model: Im
perial touring; Just overhaul- I
ed and painted. A bargain.
Fourth and Chestnut Sta.
1917, 5-passenger Overland for sale.
completely overhauled, new pantasole
top, new battery, all new tires. Was
rpalnled Jn early ffummer. Owner
took very good care of car. Runs as
good as new. Will demonstrate. Ad
dress Box D-8088 care Telegraph or
call Bell 3735J Harrlsburg. after
6 p. m.
FOR SALE Ford touring car
cheap. Inquire 2512 N. 7th St or call
Bell 706 R. Dial 5766.
FOR SALE—I9I6 six cylinder Reo
touring car; five new tires; new top;
spot light; fully equipped; ln excel
lent condition. Price 3760. Coxestown
Garageu Dial 5751.
FOR SALE 1917 Willys-Knight 1
touring car In first elass condition; 5
good tires; first 3750 takes it Coxes
town Garage. Dial phone 5751.
FOR SALE—I9I7 Briscoe touring
car in good condition; good tires.
Price 3475. Coxestown Garage. Dial
phone 6751. ' _
Overland. 5 passenger touring. 83-B
first class condition; good tires; spot
light and bumper. Inquire of S. A
Book, Highspire. Dial phone 970 L
> FOR SALE —Cheap, 7 passenger
Abbott touring car. 1602 Walnut St.
Two Chevrolet touring, 1916 model.
One Chevrolet touring. 1917 model.
One Royal mall Chevrolet roadster.
One Buick roadster, 1915 model.
One Buick roadster. 1914 model.
These cars have been thoroughly
overhauled and are In the very best of
mechanical condition and electrically
equipped lights and starters.
We also do all kinds of automo
bile repairing. Truck work a special
ty. You will find us every day from
7 a. m. to 6 p. ro. at 1336-38-40 j
Thompson ave, at the Thompson Ave.
Garage. Edwin Phelps. Mgr.
FOR SALE—One light roadster, late |
model, in good condition, also ons !
motorcycle with sidecar, cheap to 1
quick buyer. Apply Electra Oarage. I
Evergreen and Thompson St.
221-6 Muench street, limousines lor
funeral parties and balls; careful
drivers; open day and night. Hell
AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re
quired by specialist, _ Also fenders,
lampo, etc. Best service In town. Har
risbtirg Auto Radiator Works, 35
North Third street.
FOR SALE—A 1919 light six. Stu
debaker touring car, run less than
four months. Address Box C-8093 care
FOR SALE—I9I6 Buick, in good
condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St
1917 Chandler, club roadster, $909.
1915 Buick, one-ton truck.
1918 Reo louring, fine running or
der, at a bargain price.
The above cars will appeal to the
average buyer In the market for a
good used car. Demonstrations given
A. Schlffmsn. Manager.
BARGAINS —Premier touring car,
electric gear shift, like new; Denby
1-ton express body with top, first
class condition; International one
ton truck, used ten months, cheap;
International two-ton truck, used nine
months, cheap; Acme 3 si-ton with
Woods steel dump body, used six
months; Denby 3-ton. with Woods
steel dump body; Cadillac unit, with
two-wheel trailer; Overland. 1918, 6-
passenger touring; two-ton Mack,
Wood's hoist, Denby body. Denby
Sales Corporation, 1205 Capital St
FOR SALE —Two-ton International
truck In good condition; cheap. Ap
1807 North Seventh St
FORD Sedan, lsla model; good run
ning order, $695. llorat Linglestown.
New five and seven-passenger
cars for business or pleasure
at nil hours.
p— DIAL 4914
fas Next Cslssu)
New York, Oct. I.—The following
Statement was Issued by the Weather
Bureau to-day:
"Southwest storm warning 10
a. m. Delaware breakwater to Bast
port. Storm'south of St. Lawrence
valley moving eastward. Strong
southwest to west winds with squalls
this afternoon and to-night."
WANTSD—AII kinds of used auto
tires. Wo Par high sst cash prleea
No JUDk. H. Esberbroek. 912 North
Third street. Dial .Of.
TOR SALE—IIIs (-passenger Buick
goad oondttlon. 31250. Telephone- Cap
taln Kimble. IfigoJ.
GRANT. five-passenger; 6 cylinder;
four new tires and tubes; good con
dition; cheap to quick buyer. Eater
brook, in North Third St
MAGNETOS—AII typee. 4 end 6
Boech high tension. Mtsraaiu Dixie.
Splltdorf. lies. Romy and dlJlerent
make* of '•coils, carburetors, etc. A
SrhlfTnian, 22-24-26 North Cameron
street. Bell 33*3.
Wanted; used, wrecked o. oldtlmers.
In suy condition. Bee me before sac
rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto
Wrecking. A. SchlfCman, >2. 24. 26
North Cameron Street. Bell >682.
All sorts of auto tops and cushion
work dons by experts; ulso repair
work. Reasonable rates. 72-18 South
Cameron street.
FORD touring. 17 model; electric
lights; rune and pslis Uke new. Price
r . L ca * b ' D,ftl **" c - a • Horst.
Lliigiestown. near Harriet.urg.
ROADSTER for sale, in the best of
condition, good tires, new top and
electric equip, 3250 takes it. Inquire
K. W. Lichtenberger, 2164 N. 4th St.
FORD—I(I7 roadster, good tires and
top. in A 1 condition, with demount
able wheels. Inquire 223 Blackberry
Garages, Accessories and Repairs
YOUR Dodge plus a Kayfield car-
S U w.2a-.2 h * t^. a combination—
a, cdulPPed Dodge. The spe
cial Dodge model la inexpensive and
ln S*"o"ne bills is from
15 to 30 per cent., will pay for It ln a
short time. A Raytleld on any car In
creases Us efficiency all around. My
how she pulls the hills. Agency Fed
erick's Garage, 1807-09 North Seventh
St.. Harrlsburg, Pa
AUTO repairing of all kind; first
class mechanics on all makes of cars
Susquehanna Motor Co., 117-121 South
I Third St. Open day and night.
1917 Marley-Davidson motorcycle,
electrically equipped, three speed.
1918 sidecar; thoroughly over
hauled and repainted, S good tires*
flrst $275 takes It. Coxestown Garage.
Dial phone 6751.
. BALJS—I9IS Flying Merkle,'
twin cylinder motorcycle, new tires,
I gas tank and light, good horn, taro
den attached: line running condition.
Price $36. Coxestown Oarage. Dial
FOR SALE—I9I7 Indian motorcycle.
3 speed electric equipped, ln excellent
condition.; run 300 miles; first 2228
takes it. Coxestown Garage. Dial
A? I *. . Rema,n * standard motorcycle
with side car; electric; like new; bar
datton cycle co„
"i2 North Third St.
Ih the Court of Common Pleas of
Term^l9l? <>,lnty ' N °" 201 March
„ ®?, r 'J 1 * Crook re. Helen M. Crook.
To Helen M. Crook, respondent:
You are hereby notified that a hear
ing in divorce In the case of Earl B.
Crook vs. Helen M. Crook ln the Coprt
of Common Pleas of Dauphin County
on the part of the llbellant, will take
place at the Court House, in the City
of Harrisburg, Dauphin County.
Pennsylvania, on Monday. October 27,
1919, at 10 o'clock A. M. when and
where you may attend and defend if
you see proper so to do.
_ v , Attorney for Llbellant
October 6, 1919.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County. Pa, No. 394 June
Term, 191,9. Libel in divorce—a vin
culo matrimonnt. Mary J. Morgan
vs. Alfred J. Morgan. The subpoena
and alias subpoena in the above
stated case have been returned
"noil est inventus." You. Alfred J.
Morgan, are therefore directed to ap
pear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa.
or. the fourth Monday of October, a!
D, 1919. to answer the complaint
therein filed.
Harrisburg. Pa, September 22, 1919.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County. Pa, No. 2 June
Term. 1919. Libel in divorce—a vin
culo matrimonnli. Anna C. Snyder
vs. Ross James Snyder. The subpoena
and alias subpoena in the above
stated case have been returned
"lion est inventus." Y'ou, Ross James
Snyder, are therefore directed to ap
pear in the court at Harrisburg. Pa,
on the fourth Monday of October. A
D„ 1919, to answer the complaint
therein filed.
Harrlsburg. Pa. September 22, 1913,
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 704
September Term. 1919.
Notice Is hereby given that appli
cation will be made to the above
Court on the 20th day of October. A
D„ 1919. at 10 o'clock A M, under
the Corporation Act of 1874 of Penn
sylvania and the supplements there
to. for the charter of an intended
corporation to be called Riverside
Methodist Episcopal Church, the char
acter and the object of which is the
public worship of Almighty God ac
cording to the doctrines and usages
of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
and to these purposes to have and
possess and enjoy all the rights,
benefits and privileges of the said
Act of Assembly and Its supplements.
The proposed charter Is now on file
lin the Prothonotary's office.
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, 123, September
Term. 1919. In Divorce.
Ella M. Gochenauer vs. Harry G.
To Harry G. Gochenauer, respon
You are hereby notified that testi
mony in the above stated case will be
heard before the Honorable the
Judges of the said Court on Monday.
October 27, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. Sl
at the Courthouse in the City of Har
risburg. County or Dauphin, State of
Pennsylvania, when and whero you
may attend and be heard if yon so
Attorney for I.ibellant.
September 29. 1919.
I Letters of administration on the
! estate of Fritz Kramme. late of the
I City of Harrlsburg, Dauphin Connty.
Pennsylvania, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, residing
in Hairisburg. all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make Im
mediate payment, and those having
claims will present them to
claims w DAISY KRAMME.
j i UrnrtT*
Big Three-Day Gathering Will
Open in Lancaster
Lancaster, Pa., Oct 6.—The stage
Is set and all is in readiness for the
greßt convention of State Firemen
which? will open hero to-morrow
and continue for three days. For
weeks and weeks the committees
which are arranging the affair have
Seen working lfko Trojans and they
now say on the eve of the great
event that the convention will be
the greatest over held in Lancaster
and that the parade will surpass
any hat has been held In the city.
The finishing touches were put In
the arrangements to-day. Captain
Frank Deen, chairman of the public
ity committee, stated that final esti
mates were that there would be six
thousand firemen In line with a vast
amount of the latest and most mod
ern fire-fighting apparatus.
Beventr companies from all parts
of the State will participate. Three
of these that signified their accept
ances Saturday were the following:
Lebanon, with 40 men; the Chemi
cal Truck Company of Lebanon,
with 30 men and a chemical truck
and, the Lebanon Fire Police No. 1.
Cows in Field; Seeks
to Recover Damages
I>ancaster, Pa., Oct .—Claiming
that the defendant's cows broke
Into a field and destroyed their to
bacco valued at 11,000, Daniel H.
Urey, tenant, and Amanda and
Henry Stone road, owners of a farm
in Manoy township, have brought
suit in common pleas court against
William Glnter .owner of the ad
joining farm, for damages
Liberty Bond Information
For Sighted Soldiers
Owing to numerous inquiries con
cerning Liberty Loan Bonds, the
Recruiting Officer at Harrisbnrg
gives the following Information.
Liberty Bonds purchased under
the monthly allotment system may
be obtained from the Zone Finance
Officer, Allotment Branch, Bond Sec
tion, Munitions Building, Washing
ton, D. C. This is the only place to
request delivery, either In person or
by letter. A bond purchaser may
designate any address for the de
livery of his bond or bonds. .He
may designate any third person,
bank or Individual, to receive his
bond or bonds. One whose dis
charge from the service takes place
prior to the completion of full pay
ment of allotments may obtain his
bond or bonds by sending a postal
money order for the amount due to
The Zone Finance Officer, Washing
ton, D. C. Installments will not be
aoeepted. If he does not wish to
do this, he hss the right to decline
acceptance of his bond or bonds,
and receive a refund on his final
payroll or final statement of all he
has paid. Thus for the Government
has fixed no time limit within which
he shall do one or the other. Never
theless it Is advisable to clear up
the transaction at the earliest pos
sible moment.
When allotments have been made
to private banks or trust compan
ies, no refund will be made on
final payrolls. Arrangements In
such cases must be made with the
banks or trust companies as to com
pletion of payments or the settle
ment of accounts.
All of the foregoing applies to
Bailors and marines except that they
do business with the Disbursing Of
ficer. Bureau of Supplies and Ac
counts, Liberty Loan Section, Navy
Department, Washington, D. C., and
not with The Zone Finance Officer.
Foreign Trade of
Brazil Encouraging
Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 6. The for
eign trade of Brazil during the first
half of 1919 Is regarded as very en
couraging. An increased exporta
tion of some of Brazil's staple com
modities. such as coffee, rubber,
cocoa, chilled beef, hides, 011-bear
lng fruits, etc., as well as the high
prices which these articles have
commanded, leaves a very respect
able trade balance. That Brazil has
rapidly forged ahead commercially
during the years of the war Is gen
erally conceded. The country's ag
ricultural possibilities are as yet
practically unexploited, and the war
acted as a stimulus toward ascer
taining the wide range of her pro
Brazil has been able to export to
Europe foodstuffs which, a few years
ago, Bhe was not able to supply to
herself. In the same way, animal
husbandry is making strides which
point to making meat products one
of the country's chief exports.
While Brazil has always been a
cattle-producing country, it is only
during the last three or four years
that she has been looked upon as a
Svorld supplier and even more re
cently several large modern packing
houses have been constructed or
projected. These are financed prin
cipally by American packing inter
Petroleum Producers
Take Issue With Salinas
Washington, Oct 6. —■ Informal
representations filed with the State
Department the Association of Pro
ducers of Petroleum takes issjic with
recent declarations made In Mexico
City by Leon Salinas, acting head of
the Mexican Department of Industry
and Commerce and Chief of the Oil
Bureau of the department, justifying
the Carranza government's attitude
on the confiscation question. Beside,
refuting statements by Salinas, the
petroleum producers again charge
that the acts of the Carranza gov
ernment against, which they com-"
plain, are in violation of the laws
of Mexico itself and In contravention
of the accepted laws or nations.
Welsh Tinplate Men
Make Inquiry Here
London, Oct. 8 The Welsh tin
plate Industry has sent to the United
States a technical delegation with
instructions to make special inquiry
Into the systems used in that coun
try for the Intensive production of
tinplate. The delegates will repre
sent the Bouth Wales and Mon
mouthshire Tinplate Industrial
Council, an organization made up of
employers and employes.
Thirty years ago sucn an inquiry
would have been received with
blank amazement for the industry
at that time was scarcely established
; in America and Welsh tinplate mak
glU lad trade f the-world.
Chandler Brothers and Company
members of New York and Philadel
phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar
ket Square. Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut
street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street.
New York furnish the following
quotations: Open Noon
Allls Chalmers .i... 47% 48
Amer. Best Sugar ...... 36% 96
American Can 66% 6%
Am. Car and Fndry Co 133% 134%
Amer. Looo 113% 114%
Amer. Smelting ........ T4 74
American Sugar 143 142%
Asner. Woolen 122 121%
Anaconda <8 68
Atchison 92% 93
Baldwin Loco ~139 139 %\
Baltimore and Ohio 40% 41%
Bethlehem Steel B. „...106% 106%
Butte Copper ........... 38% 28
Cat Pet. 62% 53%
Canadian Paciflo 153 163%
Central Leather 105% 10S%
Chesapeake and Ohto ....60% 60%
Chi„ MIL and St. Paul ... 45 45%
Chi, B. L and Pacific ... 28% 29%
Chino Con. Copper 41% 41%
"Col. Fuel and Iron 46% 47%
Corn Products 87% 87%
Crucible Steel .....340 243
United Food 87% 87%
Brie 16% 17
General Motors 275 278
Goodrich, B. F. 86% 85%
Great North., pfd 87% 87%
Great North Ore. subs ..46% 46
Hide and Leather 35 35
Hide and Leather, pfd.,.127% 127%
Inspiration Copper 61% 61%
International Paper .... 63 63
Kennecott 84% 34%
Kansas City Southern. 19% 20%
Lackawanna Steel 86% 86
Lehigh Valley 45% 46%
Mere. Wwr Ctfa, 58% 60
Mora. War Ctfa, pfd.,.119 120%
Met Petroleum 230% 233
Midvale Steel 62% 52%
Mo. Pacific 80% 31%
Mo. Kans. T„ 13% 13%
N. Y.. N. H. and H. 84% 35%
Norfolk and Weat ......104 104
Northern Paciflo 88 87%
Penna. R. R. 43% 43%
Pittsburgh Coal 68 63
Railway Steel Spg. ....100 100
Ray Con. Copper 33 23%
Reading 84% 84%
Republic Iron and Steel.. 96 96%
Southern Paciflo ........107% 108
Southern Ry. 26% 27
Studebaker .119 119%
Union Paciflo 125% 125%
U. a I. Alcohol 139% 141%
U. a Rubber .124% 126%
U. a Steel 106% 107%
Utah Copper 82% 82f%
White Motors 61% 62
Westinghouse Mfg. 55 65
Willys-Overland 23% 33%
Western Maryland ...... IS 13
N. Y. Contral 75 75
Sinclair Oil 60 60%
Philadelphia, Oct. 6.—Corn quiet,
yellow ae to grade and location. 31.65
21.70 to arrive; apot nominal, $1.70
© 1.75.
Oata—Steady; No. 1 white, SOU®
81% c; No. 2. white. 7984 08084 c; No.
3 white, 7884 07 9 84c.
Butter—Firm; western creamery
extra, 67®$9c; nearby prints. fancy,
78074 c.
Cheese—Quiet; New York and Wis
consin, full milk, 80@32c.
Eggs—Firm; nearby firsts, $19.20
per case; current receipts, 810.80;
western extra firsts, $19.20; firsts, $lB
@18.40; fancy selected packed, 71®
73c per dozen.
iLlve Poultry—Steady; fowls and
chickens as to quality, 25®30c; roost
era. 23®34c; ducks, Pekin. 30c; Indian
runner, 27 @ 29c.
Dressed Poultry—Firm; fowls, fresh
killed, choice to fancy, 37 8429 c; small
sizes, 23 @2 sc; roosters, 24e; spring
ducks, 32®35c; broiling Jersey, 40®
4Sc; other nearby, 30®38c; western
choice. 35®S6c; fair to good, 28@30c.
Potatoes—Easier; No. 1 Jersey, per
basket, 90c®51.16; lower grades. 50®
85c; in 160 pound sacks, $304.25;
Penna. per 100 pounds, $2.50®2.90.
Flour—Steady, but dull; winter
straight western new, slo.lo® 10.40;
nearby new. $9.75®10.10; Kansas
straight, new $11.26@11.50; Kansas
short patent, new. $11.76® 12.25;
spring first clear, new, $9.25@9.75-
patent new, $12@12.26; short patent!
new. $12.60@13; fancy spring and city
mills, patent family. sl3® 13.75.
Hay—Steady; timothy No. 1, $32
per ton; No. 2, $28@30; No. 8. s34®
27; clover mixed hay, light mixed.
$28030: No. 1 mixed. $260 27.
Tallow—Quiet; prime city loose,
16 84c; city special, loose, 1684 c; prime
country, 14% c; edible In tierces,
1784 01Se.
Bran—Dull and weak; soft winter
bron western In 100 pound sacks, $44
@45 per ton; spring bran In 100
pound sacks, $43@44.
Chicago, Oct. 6. —Hogs Receipts,
22.000, higher; closing slow. Heavy,
$15.50®! 5.90; medium weight, $15.75
@17.20; light, $16@17.15; light lights,
$15.25016.75; heavy packing sows,
smooth. $14.75@16.50; packing sows,
rough, $14.25014.75; pigs. $16@16.
Cattle—Receipts 28,000; slow; beef
steers, medium and heavy weight,
choice and prime, $16.50® 18.25; me
dium and good, $11.25@16.50: com
mon. t8.75@11.25; light weight, good
and choice. $15018.16: common and
medium, $8.25@16; butcher cattle,
heifers. $5.50@14.75: cows, $6.50®
13.50; cnnners and cutters. $5.5006.50;
veal calves, $18.50@20; feeder steers.
$7.25012.50; stockers steers. $6,500
10.25; western range steers, sß@ls;
cows and heifers, $6.50013.
Sheep Receipts 45,000: weak;
lambs, $13.50016; culls and common.
$9015.25; ewes medium, good and
choice. $6.7608; culls snd common, $3
@6.25; breeding, $7@13.25.
Chicago, Oct. 6.—Board of Trade
Corn—Dec. 123 84; May 122.
Oats— Dec. 7084 : Mav 7284-
Pork—Oct. 37; Jan. 33.35.
T^ird—Nov. 27.50; Jan. 23.82.
Ribs —Oct. 19.25; Jan. 18.25.
Will Eliminate "Obey"
in Marriage Service
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 6. The pro
posed revision of the Book of Com
mon Prayer of the Episcopal church
which is to come before the trien
nial convention, opening here Oc
tober 8, embodies changes in the
marriage service in recognition of
"the now status of woman in the life
of the world—that of political equal
ity with man." It Is proposed to
eliminate the word "obey" from the
woman's pledge in the marriage ser
vice, making the promises of man
and woman the same, while the
words. "With all my worldly goods
I thee endow", in the man's pledge,
would also be stricken out.
It is stated by church leaders that
the proposed revision would not
only enrich but "modernize and hu
manize" the Book of Common
Youngstown, Ohio, Oct. 6.—Apart
from a slight Increase in the num
ber of men entering the Youngstown
Sheet and Tube Company plant early
to-day, there waa no change as the
third week of the steel strike began
here ,to-day.
The Carnegie Steel Company now
has 1,100 men at work out of a nor
mal 6,000, and the Youngstown
Sheet and Tube Company about 700
against a normal 15,000. These men
are employed chiefly In repair and
upkeep work. The valley remains
I quiet, and orderly and the strikers
•r* holding flak.
Hold Reunion For
Son, Home From War
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Brinser, of
North Pine street, held a welcome
home party In honor of their son.
Lane Brinser, who recently returned
home from a two-year service,
where he was a guard as a prisoner
, of war escart In one of the German
I camps. Those present were: Lane
| Brinser. Vernon Tritch. Noel Kohr,
; Beane Klahr, James Übich. Victor
| Oberholtzer, Leroy Snavely, Loyd
| Kumer, Leroy Baumbach, Robert
Wltman, Charles Lutz, Robert Belt,
Herbert Brinser, John Bryans,
George Auchenbaugh, Charles Boda,
Levi Bolton. Loyd Snavely and
Clarence Philips, all who served
overseas; Mies Olive Brinser Ruth
Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Brinser,
Mrs. Helen Brinser, Mr. and Mrs.
William Risser and Mr. Foltz and
the members of the Liberty Band.
The room was decorated in the na
tional colors as was the house on
the outside.
The funeral of the late Martin
Snyder, who died very suddenly at
his home on Thursday evening, was
held from his late home, corner
Main and Pine streets, this morn
ing at 10 o'clock, the Rev. Floyd
Appleton, rector of the Episcopal
church, officiating. The body was
taken to Lancaster, where burial
was made in the Lancaster ceme
tery. A memorial communion serv
ice in memory of Mr. Snyder will
be observed In the St. Michael
church, Emaus street, on Wednesday
morning at 9.30 a. m., and on Sun
day, October 12, at 4.30 p. m., a
public memorial service will be held.
The Pastors' Aid Society of the
Methodist church will be entertain
ed the homo of Mrs. Wiley Schaef
fer, Twenty-ninth street, Harrisburg,
on Tuesday evening.
Communion services will be ad
ministered next Sunday morning and
evening in the St Peters' Lutheran
church. The preparatory service
will be on Friday evening of this
The harvest home services of the
St. Peters' Lutheran church will be
held Sunday, October 18. The dona
tions for the Washington home will
be sent before that date. The com
mitteo in charge of the decoration
is Edgar Nuskey, F. J. Bauchmoyer.
Mrs. Adam Hoffman, Miss Annie
Bletz, 8. S. Welrich, John Yell,
Frank Shetron and Harvey Lesher.
Daniol Palmer left this morning
on a several days' trip to Baltimore
and Sparrows Point, Md.
George Lynch, of Columbia, spent
the weekend In town with relatives.
William A. Hill has been appoint
ed as timekeeper in the State High
way Department, being transferred
from the arsenal at Harrisburg.
"The Otterbein Guild of the First
United Brethren church will hold a
special meeting Tuesday evening in
the Sunday school room of the
The Rev. Joseph Welrich preach
ed the morning sermon in the First
United Brethren church Sunday
morning in absence of the Rev. E.
A. G. Bossier, who is attending the
U. B. conference at Reading.
The Women's Foreign Missionary
Society of the Methodist church will
meet at the home of Mrs. W. W.
Reltzel, South Catherine street,
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Beachler
have returned home from a two
weeks' visit to relatives at Philadel
H. H. Tothero, teacher In the
High School, has returned from a
weekend visit to his home at
1 Stephens, Lancaster county.
Kirk Schwan has returned from
a weekend visit to his family at
Mount Wolf.
Clarence Kohr, who spent the past
month in town as the guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kohr,
South Union street, returned to
Camp Pike, Ark.
Noel Kohr, who was In the cav
alry service for two year and was
stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, was
mustered out of service and return
ed to the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Kohr, South Un
ion setreet.
Earl McCann, who spent a month's
furlough In town with relatives, left
this morning for Camp Gordon, Ga.,
and he will bo mustered out of serv
ice the latter part of December.
William Welrich, who is a patient
at the base hospital, Carlisle, is
spending several days in town as
the guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Weirich, Pike street.
J. C. Fetrow has returned home
from a weekend visit to relatives
at Ephrata.
Miss Edith Kerschner, a teacher
In the High School, spent the week
end with her parents at Newport
Norie Condran, who resides at
Kingston, and who was on his way
home in his tram, was knocked
Trom his wagon by an automobile
going the same way. He received
several bruises about the body. No
bones were broken. The wagon was
badly damaged. The driver of the
automobile kept on going, but Mr.
Condron got his license number.
George Leggore, who is employed
at the local car plant, had his left
hand caught in a "bulldozer," al
most cutting the little finger off and
required several stitches.
Dr. C. C. Bowers iuatl wife have
returned home from Speeceville,
where they were called on account
of the illness of the former's sister.
Miss Rose Bowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilbert, of
North Katherine street, announced
birth of a daughter Saturday.
At a recent meeting of the Wo
men's Club held at the home of Mrs.
S. C. Garver, East Water street,
Mrs. 8. C. Young and Mrs. George
8. Mish were elected as deegates
to the State federation, which will
be held In Scranton, October 14, 15
and IG.
Howard Miller, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Miller, North Pine street,
has gone to Phladelphia where he
has secured a position.
By Associated Press.
Niagara Falls, Oct 6.—The King
and Queen of Belgium arrived here
on their special train from Boston at
9 o'clock this morning to view the
wonders of Niagara Falls. The
length of their visit is uncertain,
but they probably will reach Buffalo
at 10.30 p. m.
Their majesties enjoyed their long
rest after their fatiguing day In Bos
ton. Both were delighted with the
warmth of their receiption there,
and King Albert was especially
pleased by the honor conferred up
on him by Harvard which made him
a doctor of laws. It was the first
time in the history of the university
that such a ceremony has taken
place on Sunday.
By Associated Press.
Panama, Saturday, Oct. 4.—Sani
tary measures which have termi
nated the outbreak of yellow fever
at Guayaquil, Ecuador, have prac
tically eradicated the yellow fever
scourge from the earth, according to
Major General William C. Gorgas,
former surgeon general of the Unit
ed States Army, who returned to
-day after directing the fight against
OCTOBER 6, 1919.
I Will Plant a Tree
To The Telegraph:—
Yon nut; include my name in the list to be printed of those
who will plant one or more trees on Arbor Day, October 24, 1919.
Name .
Criminals Have Become
Numerous Since The
Berlin, Oct. 6.—Germany has in
creasingly taken to crime since the
revolution, and the once orderly em
pire, where pickpockets were al
most unknown and holdups and rob
beries created a sensation, is under
going an epidemic of crime. Prob
ably no system has proved more ef
fective than. In these days of un
certainty and change, playing the
official or Impersonating a soldier
or a policeman.
Recently two clever criminals who
discovered that a certain man had
concealed in his house 115 thousand
mark notes of the old type and liable
to confiscation had frightened him
Into surrendering the money on the
promise of escaping prosecution.
A real official, who had nosed out
the plot, entered just In time to see
the transfer of the money and really
did confiscate it, besides arresting
the three men.
More successful was another false
official scheme. Here a group suc
ceeded in inducing a man who had
hoarded 50 thousand mark bills to
sell them at a handsome profit The
deal was in progress when fellow
conspirators, posing as officials, ap
peared, confiscated the money and
robbed the owner.
Use Airplane
An airplane was used to capture
criminals when the authorities got
Wind recently of an attempt to carry
20,000,000 marks on an express train
to Munich whence they were to be
smuggled across the Swiss border.
Robberies at railroad stations
from freight cars have been Increas
ing to a great extent. Countless
cases of false papers for the deliv
ery of goods have been discovered,
usually after it was too late.
The discovery of two freight car
loads of bacon lying on a siding at
a suburban station led to the dis
covery of a hwge swindle originat
ing in Holland, conducted from the
Rhineland, and making use of false
bills of lading. Many railroad men
were involved in a small way for
their share In handling the faked
bills of lading.
The constant swindling extenfls
to every Imaginable kind of food
and raw material. ' A young man
appeared recently at a storehouse in
central Berlin and asked to have
some cases stored. When the ware
house watchman saw the cases he
was suspicious because they came
from the imperial textile plant at
Zwickau. So he reported the pres
ence of the cases, investigation
showed 6,000 yards of textiles worth
120,000 marks and the young man
was captured by a ruse. He had
procured the cloth on a forged order
bearing the signature of the textile
King and Cardinal
Worship Together
By Associated Press.
Boston, Oct. 6. —King of the state
and prince of the church, Albert of
the Belgians and Desideratus, Cardi
nal Mercier, worshiped yesterday
under the vaulted dome of Holy
Cross Cathedral. The two most
heroic figures of the little land which
was the earliest prey of Germany
met here for the first time upon the
soil of the land which succored
The towering figure in the khaki
of a lieutenant general and the ven
erable prelate in his crimsbn robes
of office, each in his own way typi
fied a courage which was unconquer
able. The one Inspired his armies
on the field to- deeds of valor, while
the other kept the faith which light
ed the fires of hope in the hearts of
a tortured people.
The scene within the Cathedral
was unique In the annals of the
western world. It might have been
a reproduction of a medieval paint
ing. Two cardinals sat upon their
thrones and with them the King,
his Queen and heir apparent, as was
their royal right under the laws of
the church.
A tea at the home of President
Lowell, of Harvard, brought the for
mal program of the King's visit to
Boston to a close and he returned
to the Copley Plaza, where he re
mained until his special train left
at 7.50 o'clock for Niagara Falls.
Challenges Gary to Take
His Wife Through Mill
District to See Conditions
By Associated Press.
Oilcago, Oct. 6.—John Fitzpatrlck,
chairman of the national committee
in charge of the steel workers'
strike, in an address before the Chi
cago Federation of 1 vibor, yesterday,
declared that 265,000 men walked
out on the first day of the strike
and that by the third day 370,000
men were out. At least 370,000 still
were on strike last week, he said.
He asserted that E. H. Gary, head
of the United States Steel Corpora
tion, was without conscience, and
defied him to take Mrs. Gary into
the Pittsburgh and Chicago steel
districts. "She would quickly make
her husband change his plans," the
labor leader asserted. It is to be a
finish fight between Gary and his
form of autocracy and organized la
bor," said Fitzpatrlck.
Baltimore, Oct. 6.—The manage
ment of the Sparrows Point branch
of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation
reported accessions to the number
of tin plate workers at work to-day
and declared that the Indications
were that the tin production of the
mill would be back to normal in a
few days. About 50 men have been
absent since the strike was declared,
it was said. The other departments
of the plant were declared to be In
full operation.
Arthur W. Bewls. 2652 Agate street,
was burned about the face and neclc
early this afternoon when hot metal
was splashed in his face while he was
working at the Lnlance-Grosiean
Labor Leaders Take Up the
Movement to Hurry
Work Along
lon don, Oct . British labor
leaders have began a general move
ment to Increase production by in
dustrial workers. Complaints have
been made for several months of a
decline in the amount of material
produced. This has been attributed
to refusal of the workers in many
industries to work full time.
John Hodge, a member of Parlia
ment and labor leader, expressed
the belief that the adoption of the
piece work system as already ap
plied to the iron and steel indus
tries, would solve the problem. To
this, he declared, many workmen
were opposed.
W. A. Appleton, secretary of the
General Federation of Trade Un
ions, urged the men to refrain from
political strikes, as the first move
toward increased production.
"Political strikes must etther fail
or end in revolution," he said.
"They are not against the capital
ist but against the community. It
is not the capitalist that suffers but
the people. The effect of such strikes
is to decrease production and in
crease the price of commodities."
Catholic Choirs Unite
For Work During Winter
The meeting* held by the Catholic
choirs last June have been resumed
and the study of Masses and motets
written according to the llturga of
the church and In conformity with
the Miotu Proprlo of Pope Pins X,
will be taken hp. The next re
hearsal is to be held next Wednesday
in Cathedral School. In addition to
ecclesiastical music, secular works
will form part of the program to be
studied; Rochmaninoffs "Glorious
Forever" being one of the secular
numbers for next Wednesday's re
hearsal. The undertaking is under
the direction of the Catholic organ
ists and choirmasters. All singers of
the different parishes are Invited to
attend these meetings.
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. fi.—Denying that
Iretat Britain and her colonies would
have six votes. In the Dengue of Na
tions to one for the United States
Senator McCumber, Republican. North
Dakota, charged in the Senate to-day
that Senators advocating the amend
ment by Senator Johnson, Republican,
California. proposing to limit the
voting power of the British colonics
were fanning popular prejudice with
an unfounded appeal.
r \
Important Notice
The Home Building &
Loan Association
of 409 Market street (Alderman
Hoverter's office) will open a new
series on Tuesday evening, Octo
ber 7th, at 7.J0 o'clock. Shares
will be 25c each and can be se
cured from any of the following
officers on or before this date:
C. Beni ta, 3OA South Fourth
St.; B. F. Eby, IS2I Derry St;
George Hoverter, (09 Market St;
Charles Wetssman, 1160 Mulberry
St; Wendell Fackler, 1626 Mar
ket St; Charles A. Kiemm, 1414
State street; W. D. Block.. ISO
Evergreen St
You will get 6 per cent on your
savings. Join with us.
535 and 537 Maclay St., 3-
6tory brick dwelling, all im
provements, 8 rooms and
Lots on Curt in, Jefferson
and Seneca Streets
2212 North Third Street,
2 brick, 14 rooms and
2037 Boas St., 254-story
frame, 6 rooms, lot 20x110,
Apartments and Store, Sixth
and Harris
Frank R. Leib
and Son
18 North Third St,
0 18 H. P. Upright Boiler
112 H.P. Steam Engine.
1 25 Pulleys . f!/
I 55 Ft Line Shaft
of 1 15-16 in. in diameter,
equipped with hanger* .
and thrust ring*.
H 100 Ft Belting '
of different aiaea. ,
1 1-2 H. P. Domestic 4/
Gasoline Engine
togethar with direct eon- /
fleeted pump.
All of the ebove la in ex- .
celient shape. Our only
reason fur selling la that
we have no further use
for it All or part will bo
sold cheap to quick buyer.
May be seen at Newvllle.
Clorerdale Spring Co.
Newvllle, Pa.
I i