Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 06, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 fon Can Sell Hal Lot or Wot of Ground at a Small cost Through tie Classified Deaths MAGILL—On October 4. 1919. Adam R. Magill. aged 45 years. Relatives and friends as -well as all organizations of which he was member, are invited to attend fu neral services on Tuesday, at 1. o'clock noon, from his late Ef s ' _ dence. 860 Schuylkill street. Fur ther services and Interment at Fort Royal. Pa Body can b vle J*'t Monday evening at the late resi dence. PETERS— Annie M.. (nee Donohuel, wife of 'Edgar M. Peters, aged 40 years, of 140 S. Cameron street. Sunday morning at polyclinic Hospital. _ Funeral Tuesday. 3.30 p. m. "f™ Hoover's Chapel. Burial private at East Harrlsburg cemetery. STEVENSON —On October 3. 1919. Francis G. Stevenson, aged <0 years. Relatives and friends are in ,l' u * d td attend funeral services on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence. 1215 North Front street. Interment East Harrisburg ceme tery. rx MEMORI.VM In loving memory of our dear onej. Alexander T Williamson, who died October 6 191S, and Margaiet A. Williamson. ho died (October 11. 1918. Their Sister and Grandparents LOST AND FOUND LOST—Fourth issue Liberty Bond, on Market Square. Reward for its re turn to this office. LOST—Automobile tire and rim, between Harrisburg and Reward if returned. Bricker s west Shore Bakery. Lemoyne. Pa LOST —A gold wrist watch and bracelet Thursday afternoon suitanie reward. Communicate with b- " Harris. 1927 X. Sixth St. LOST Bunch of keys; 1 please return Bob Boyer. -4 Dewberry St. Suitable reward LOST—Two new tires from a Ford automobile on Saturday ev *£ in^_ r ',7 , tember 37. at Marysville. The who took these tires is known awi to avoid trouble return at once to AI bert Miller. Marysville. Pa INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAT AND NIGHT bCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Ball 125. Dial 401. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. I 121 Market St Chas. R. Beckley , HELP WANTED—MALE EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN A corporation of national reputation offers opportuni ties for several young men of of good education to learn its business, the work is me chanical in its nature, the lo cation is out of town. We prefer young men to 22 years of age who have com pleted a high school course. Make application in your own handwriting, stating your age. education, previous business experience, if any. and stat ing your willingness to be lo cated. if necessa'ry. consider able distance from this local ity. Adequate salary is paid during the instruction period and there are exceptional op purnities for advancement for earnest, serious minded young men. We urge others not to make application. Address Box L-9876 care Harrisburg Telegraph. Wanted At 2000 to 6000 a year and up Accountants Bank Examiners Traffic Managers Capable applicants are wanted to take training at once without inter ference with present duties for im portant positions with large indus tries and C. P. A. firms. Full infor mation without obligation. Address. La Salle Extension University Harrisburg Office. Bell 4940R I'. O. Box 3, Hill Station FIRST class structural steel de tailer wanted for permanent position. State experience and salary desired. E Wager-Smith. York. Pa. WANTED Laborers and contrac tors at the Paxtang quarries. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Paxtang, Pa. WANTED—Good all 'round ma chinist- : d tool makers, not em ployed Address The D. Wilcox Mfg. c'o., Mcchani-sburg. Pa. WANTED —1 o.;r good stone ma sons. Sec E. B I zest at Grace M. E. Church State St. or evening 1929 Park St GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an except mechanic and chauf fer. We tec., h you between your working hour- to become an exp-rt and for on!> seven dollars a we-k Learn a practical trade. Make appu cation ai once Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School. Office 25 N. Caine-. n U nilsburg Training Quarters and Aeroplane Field. 14th and Sycamore Sts. (Continued In Next Column) t For Sale 83-Acre Farm Perry county, on the Newport road: 1 , mile from State highway; s(i acres under cultivation, good soil: 3 acres woodland. poplar, chestnut .nd oak: fine peach or chard. also apple, pear and plum trees; 2 fields watered: huildings are new. xcept house, which has been rcmot cled. and ell are in fine condition. This farm is re markab'" low priced at $6,009. 33-Acre Farm (in public mud near Lewisdwirry: 2 r.iiles from State highway: 30 acres cultivated: acres woodland second growth poplar, chestrfut "d oak ituh-r: -andy and rod | i -.tone .oil let el: Fpr'ng of wa i orchard: S-rnom frame house * r nd other outbuildings; all I . nd conclrl 'n. A good truck | ' Pll e. 52 350. i. <iier Brothers & Co. . fIL.Vi. LSTATD I.MIHAXCE LOCUST AM) CO I HT STS. , SIIIKTY BONDS •. tier* Meal Rotate Bo.:rtl ' I ■ MONDAY EVENING. HELP WANTED—MALE *4 CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS PATTERN MAKERS PIPEFITTERS HIGH RATES; STEADT WORK ASSURED; BONUS PAID ON SEC OND AND THIRD SHIFTS APPLY FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AKRON. OHIO OPPORTUNITIES FOR A large number of inexperi enced men, ages IS to 45. Must be in good physical con dition; good living wage paid while learning; stoady work assured. Apply In person or communi cate at once with Factory j Employment Office. I THE GOODYEAR TIKE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO. WANTED—A man who can sell advertising and subscriptions, who can interview businessmen. who is a real business producer. Will pay a salary worthwhile to the right man. Address The Forum, 343 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. 'i- s-; r •• iiao' j i ** ' DIE SINKERS AND TRIM MER MAKERS WANTED. GOOD WAGES; STEADY WORK; NO LABOR TROUBLES. GLOBE MALLEABLE IRON AND STEEL CO.. SYRACUSE. N. Y. LABORERS WANTED At York Haven, Pa.; 40 cents an hour; 10 hours a day. Call at 204 Locust St. | WANTED—Driver for motor tnick and wagon. Good wages. Apply Fink Brewing Co.. Forster street. I —— j | TEN paperhangers; must be flrst \ class; steady work at best wages. H. A. Bodmer. 826 N. Third St. WANTED AT ONCE—One experi- j enced paper hanger; steady piece work. Apply 1317 N. Sixth St MAN for day labor; also cutting ] corn in country, near citv. Apply , | 1700 N. Second St. j j WANTED—Three first class meat ■ cutters and counter men. Apply! I Buehler. 432 Market. ! -—■—— WANTED—Three neat appearing ' young men, 18 to 22. to travel with j manager on meritorious advertising 'proposition. Splendid chance for ad ! vnncement and to see the country. 1 See Mr. Kirk. Hotel Crystal, between 6 and 8 p. m. Saturday, and 8 and 9 a. m. Monday. Tuesday and Wednes day. HOUSE painters wanted: good jobs j ; for thirty men at 70 cents per hour. , : Four months' work guaranteed. Come 'prepared to work. R. L. Whaley. 1189 ' 'duPont Building. Wilmington, Del. j WANTED —Salesman to sell lubri-: j eating oils to garages and factories, j must lie ab'e to show that he hasj [been a successful salesman and must | l.ave had not under two years' actual | road experience. Apply In person to 1 [lndian Refining Co.. Lemoyne, Pa. : WANTED —Two tailors at once, j Good wages. Steady employment.; i Chambersburg Woolen Mills. Inc., Re-1 tail Depart.. Chambersburg. Pa. j WANTED—A boy to work In store:; neimanent position for reliable boy Applv S'nger Sewing Machine Co.. 13 South Market Square. BRICKLAYERS wanted; highest wag-s: six months' work: apply in, person with tools or by letter. Build i is' Exchange, 24 S. 7th St.. Philade!-, phi,a carfare refunded after first, week's work. WANTED Practical watchmaker; and cloekmaker at once. Permanent! and good position to right man. Jacob; Tr.usig's Sons. 420 Market St. j. . | WANTED—Experienced auto repairman. Apply FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 1807-09 N. Seventh St. WANTED—Ambitious man over 21 i veers who is willing to devote some snare time in preparing for a sale* 'position that will pay SI,BOO a year or more, state age. where employed, nhone number and full particulars;, confidential. Address Box D-8259 care' Telegraph. WANTED —Four men with small capital: make $35 to S4O a day. Ad-> j dresr Box N-SlO3 care Telegraph. • cCun tinned la Next Celuia) . HELP WANTED—MA LE WANTED Ten carpenters; 100 laborers; Shipment Thursday morning; meet representative. State Employment Bureau. Third and North Streets. I WANTED Stenographer male. 20 to 30 years of age. also several men for inspec tion and assembling, 20 to 25 years of age. Apply Factory Employment Bureau. Elliott-Fisher Co.. South Cameron St. WANTED—Four solicitors; guar anteed salary and commission. Steady I work. Experience unnecessary. Call ! Room 410 Patriot Bldg. ! 1 WANTED—Two young men to learn i salesmanship. Guaranteed salary and i commission while learning. Steady j work and rapid advancement assur , red. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. I THE GLORE has a good opening | for a bright, active young man ex i perienced in boys' and children's jclcthing; a good opportunity with I rapid advancement. Apply to Mr. Peckman. Employment Office. The Globe. 322-324 Market Street. WANTED—Ambitious young man typist preferred, for position in our accounting department. Ask for Mr Raines. Elliott-Fisher Co.. S. Cam eron St. WANTED Man for warehouse work and to act as delivery and ship ping clerk, one who can furnish good references, and fit himself for ad vancement. Apply in person. Indian Refining Co.. Lemoyne. Pa. YOUNG man wanted; steady work and good pay. Apply Star Carpel ■ Cleaning Works. 11th and Walnut Streets WANTED Men between ages of 20 and 40. I Steady employment, comfortable quar ters. Full maintenance and salary. Apply to Superintendent, State Hos pital. Harrisburg. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED; Our business is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors. also girls to learn. It you are a tamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 4S-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in Har risburg than our tactory and we are making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F"G. CO., 1408 Vernon Street. We can use a few more ex perienced knitters and loop era. Apply NEW IDEA HOSIERY CO., 14th and Howard Sts. ; I WANTED WOMAN OF GOOD APPEARANCE to call upon the consumer and demonstrate high grade j food product. Must be intel ligent and of pleasing per sonality. Good proposition to | capable party. Address at. once. Mr. Porter, care Harris- * burg Telegraph. WANTED l Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We are also employing inexperi ; enced operators who are paid whii learning. A oonus is paid every pay day to all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Reiiy and Fulton streets WANTED Reliable woman for general housework. Address Box C 86&8 care Telegraph. I WANTED Severa' experienced typists. 20 ,to 25 years of age. High school edu cation: good chances for advance ment Apply to Factory Employment , Bureau. Elliott-Fisher Co.. South j Cameron St. I WANTED—Reliable white girl for general housework; two In family; good wages. Apply 2137 Green Street Bell 2609 M. WANTED —Waitress; must be ex perienced, good wages. Apply Alva Hotel, 19 S. Fourth St. WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. Learners taken. We will guar antee all operators a certain wage each week. We pay the best prices in 'the city on our work and also 15 per ; cent, to 20 per cent on what you 'earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrlsbutg I Apparel Co.. Sixth and Herr Sta.. City- Star Laundry Bldg.. Third Floor. . - (Continues !■ Next Otluata) HJLRRISBTJRG CSSgflfl- TELEGRAPH YOUR REAL ESTATE can be sold to good advantage if it is desirable. In advertising it you should use at least as much persistence as you would deem proper in trying for any other result. That does not mean much ex pense, when measured by the import ance of the sale you seek to make. HELP WANTED—FEMALE i j W ANTED—Smart girl for coat , check room. Apply after 7 p. m. at Penn- Harris Hotel. i WANTED—Good. reliable woman to take care of two children; must furnish references. Apply 710 Norili sixth SL WANTED—Six experienced sales ladies for cloak and suit department. I Apply at once. The Butler Shop, 219 Market. EXTRA salesladies wanted for Sat , urday; must be over 16. Apply F. \\. : Woolworth Co., 404 Market St. WANTED —Girl or middle aged 1 i woman to ao general housework: no j ! cooking, and assist with the children, wages $7 per week. Write Mrs. E. .1. 1 ieper. R. D. 3. Lancaster. Pa. UNDERWEAR worker, understand ing either lacing, taping, finishing.! buttonholing or cutting; special work 1 ;in large ribbed underwear factory ; I out of city; only first class operator with fair education can qualify; $135 i per month with opportunity to work' j into responsible, better paying post- ' tion. State experience in detail and age in own handwriting. Address Box \ h.-509i) care Telegraph. . WANTED —fo'ung woman experi-I enced or to learn shampooing, man-1 icuring and facial massage; reference lequired. Address Mrs. Mary K. Phil-1 tippy. 209 Kroninberg Bldg.. Carlisle.; WANTED Forelady capable of taking charge of sewing in factory;' must have experience. Tauber. Lipton & Co., M . Herald. St., Tyrone. WANTED—Reliable woman for general housework. 200S N. Third St. WANTED—Operators and learners, and girls to do other kind of work; t good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg Co., 308 Hamilton St. WANTED Girl cylinder press! feeders; experienced feeders prefer- ! red. Apply at once. Courier Press. I 210 N. Third St. WANTED —Colored forelady. cap- ! able of taking charge of sewing! room; state past experience. Wash ington Ave. Factory, cor. 12th St., Tyrone. Pa. i HELP WANTED—MaIe and Femnlc WANTED—At once, six solicitors, experienced preferred but not essen- ! tial. salary and commission. Apply between 8 and 9 a. m.. 114 S. Second > street CENSUS CLERKS (men, women). 4.000 needed. $95 month. Age 18-50. ' Experience unnecessary. Examina- ] lions, Harrisburg, October 18. Fori free particulars. write Raymond , Terry (former government examiner) 518 Continental Bldg. Washington. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN—Write for list of; openings and full particulars. E<t:n' $2,000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand! for men. Inexperienced or experi enced. City or traveling. Nat'l. Sates-i mens Tr. Assn.. Dept. 603. Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE i COLORED man wants a position as general house butler, can furnish good ulerences. Call at 1204 Capital St.. between 6 a m. and 4 p. m. STENOGRAPHER Accurate, ex- ' perienced male stenographer desires position with firm or institution in or near Harrisburg. Best of refer- | ences. Address Box D-8102 Tele- ; graph. | WANTED—Position by experienced ' barber Address Harvey Frits. 101. ! Middle St.. Waynesboro. Pa. COLORED school boy wishes posi-1 tion in afternoons; age 19. Address E-S2SS care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED —FEMALE ! MIDDLE age woman desires posi- ! tion as housekeeper for widower, objects to small children. Address 25 N. 16th St.. or Bell phone 4724R after 6 P. M j WOMAN wants house cleaning by i the day. Apply 1223 Monroe St. | j THOROUGHLY competent stenog- j rapher, with several years' experi-) ence ir. bookkeeping and general of-! fice routine, desires to secure a posi-] tion. First class reference. Address; Box E-8095 care Telegraph. ! A refined widow with two girls! wishes to keep house for middle aged ! widower. Reference exchanged. Ad , dress C. S., K. F. D. No. 2 WANTED—Work by the day by i colored woman. Inquire at 1431 Ma> ! ton St. Can furnish reference. | A young colored girl, 17 years of , age. would like work for Saturday, j Write or call at 352 South Cameron Street. | COLORED girl desires a position as) ! second girl or dishwasher or child's I nurse. Can give reference. Call or ! write to 1110 South 9th St.. Harris ) burg. ' . ROOMS FOR RENT WILL rent in private house in good neighborhood, two bed rooms and i sitting room to men with use of ! bath. Large light rooms, well fur nlshed heat and electric light. Also one attractive room for business 1 woman. References required. Address -Box S-8012 care Telegraph. i i TWO furnished third floor rooms for rent for light housekeeping, light, heat. bath, use of laundry, all con venience Price very reasonable. Ap i ply 2148 Penn St i FOR RENT—Nicely furnished third i floor fiont room In private family in ) central part of the city. Address Box | x-8104 care Telegraph. 4Continued la Head Coiuu^ ROOMS FOR RENT I TO LET TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE FOR LIGHT HOUSE -1 KEEPING. SINK AND RUNNING WATER IN KITCHEN. USE OF PHONE IF INTERESTED CALL AT 422 SOUTH ISTH STREET. WANTED Three unfurnished rooms and bath for light housekeep ing: uptown preferred. Call Bell 108.1-5 FOR RENT—Two second floor fur nished communicating rooms for light housekeeping: all conveniences: nc children. Apply 1549 Walnut St. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished bed ] room, second floor front room, light, beat and bath, suitable for man and wife. Good location. Call 108 Sylvan Terrace, corner house. FOR RENT—Two neatly furnished rooms; all ventilated and heated; use of bath and phone; suitable for man 1 and wife or business people. Inquire 210 S. 13th St. | FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on second floor, heat and use i of phone. Inquire 2111 Moore St. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms I for light housekeeping in Christian I home. Apply 1932 N. Third St. FOR RENT—Large well furnished bed room, with board, gentlemen pre ferred. Inquire 2709 N. Sixth St. ! FOR RENT—Furnished room. $3 single or $4 50 double. Inquire 107 I Chestnut St. _j NICELY furnished. clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 South Third street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED —By young traveling man. room in private family: must be I central location with good heat and | bath facilities. Address Box H-8097 I care Telegraph. I WANTED Three unfurnished 'rooms on second floor for light house | keeping: centrally located. Call 3768 R. j WANTED—Nice airy room by young lady. Preferably in neighbou rhood of Sixth and North Sts. In an swering give rates, etc. If possible I with private family. Can give best of references. Occupancy about October j 15. Address Box R-SIOO care Tele graph. WANTED —To rent two rooms to be used as doctor's offices, located be tween State and Walnut, Third and i Front. Will consider the purchase of j property. Address D-SOBI care Tele ; graph. BOARD AND ROOMS YOUNG man. age 27. single, wishes I board and room in a private family, i preferably one that has no other or only a few boarders. Box E-8101 care | Telegraph. I "8 , APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished apt. for j light housekeeping. heat, gas and use of bath. Inquire 327 S. Front St. j FOR RENT—Second floor apart ment for colored people. Inquire D. ! J. Horwitz. 1201 Monroe St. APAHTMETS WANTED . WANTED—By middle aged couple, ) small apartment or three unfurnish ed rooms suitable for light house keeping; preferably on Allison Hill j south of Derry St. Other locations would be considered. Call Bell phone ! 4669 W. DRESSMAKING TAUGHT | WANTED—A school of dressmaking will be opened Monday. October 6. at 600-A Boas St.. upstairs front. Fon particulars apply to Miss Diegman, | 426 North St, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE If you are interested In a well located, BRICK MODERN DETACHED HOME, with 9 rooms and GARAGE, lot 46 or 86x110 feet, consult ROHRER & SON, 211 Bergner Building. Real F.state and General nsurance j . PAXTANG PROPERTY Semi-detached dwelling; pnssea.sion I in 30 to 60 days. For particulars. SEE ROHRER & SON. 211 Bergner Bldg., Real Estate and General Insurance. HOUSES FOR SALE—Centrally lo cated; with furniture and household goods. H. C. Ferber. 107 Chestnut St.. j near Front. HOMES for colored families—Two three-story bricks on Reily SL with all improvements. 2 %-story frame on Peffer SL 3-story brick with front porch on Penn SL 2 V4-story frame on Wallace SL. good location. 2%-story frame on Calder SL Send for list and discription to LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 N. Seventh SL FOR SALE—3-story brick on Schuyl kill SL for $2650, all Improvements; side entrance and front porch. Pos session In 30 days. Apply A. W. Swen ge.l. 2131 N. Second. Bell 2575 J. CHESTNUT ST., 1626 Detached frame house with 7 rooms and bath, furnace, gas, porch, side entrance and drive alley in rear. Price $3,850. J. E. Gipple. 120 l Market St. LINDEN ST.. 144-146—Two 8-room frame houses with cold water in kitchen; good rental proposition. Price for both. $2.(00. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market streeL I Continued In Kent CeUunn>. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" NEW; VACANT; 9 rooms and bath; a'l large cheery rooms; a good loca tion for a rooming house; steam heat; gas; electric; cement cellar; very cheap; SSOO down; balance same as rent. SIX BRAND NEW. VACANT HOUSES, in one of Harrisburg's lead ing suburbs; built in pairs; 6 rooms and bath; steam heat; hardwood floor, cement cellar; gas and electric; right up-to-minute; small amount down, balance same as rent. A REAL BARGAIN—3-story brick; 3 rooms and bath; all improvements; nice front porch; shade trees; nice tack yard; small amount down, bal ance same as rent. DERRY ST.. 2145—3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; all modern Improvements; nice front and back porches; cement cellar; a very nice home; can be bought with SSOO cash. RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER — 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; drive alley in rear; small amount down, balance same as rent ENOLA Two-story frame, VACANT; 7 rooms; electric light; hot air hea': nice front and back porches; very large yard; can be bought with a small amount down, balance same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust Building . 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1390. • Dial 357 3 HOUSES on easy terms: possession at once. X. 6th St.. 8 rooms, elect. anJ gas, front porch, side ent., large yard, j bay windows. Possession 30 days. 8-story brick, (corner). 6 rooms, all imp., on the I Hill, fiont porch (terms). Possession at once, 2-story brick, porch front, bay window, side ent.. drive alley, SSOO down. Possession at once, large single pressed brick. N. 2d St., yard entirely around the house. I-arge single brick house. N. 3d St.. large yard, shade, etc. Large single homes on the Hill. Apartment houses on Hill and up town. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Near 23a and Derry Sts., new 2- atory bk., all imp., price S3BOO 16* i block Derry St., 3-story ok.. all iijip.. price S7OOO 1731 Park St., 2V4 -story bk.. all imp $3500 1700 block. State St., 3-story bk., garage, all imp ss2uo 400 block Woodbine St., 3-story bk.. all imp $3500 400 block Muench, 3-story bk.. no imp $2200 2700 block. 6th St., 3-story bk.. all imp $4200 227 N. 15th St.. 3-story bk.. drive alley, ell imp $5200 Near Penbrook, 8 room bk., new. large lot $3500 .Double frame house, one acre land, fruit, barn, pig sty. chicken house, lots of fruit, one block from trolley. bargain S4BOO Double frame house, large lot. greenhouse S4OOO 32 S. 28th St., Penbrook, 7 room, frame house $2550 228 and 230 S. 20th St., 7 room frames, all imp., each $2330 CHAS. DAVIES, Real Estate, Rents Collected 154? State St. Bell 4162 R. Dial 4031 DERRT ST.—24l5 —2-story brick. 7 rooms and bath, house recently com pleted. lot 40x100, building 22 ft. front, gas and electric, open fire place; steam heat, finished throughout in chestnut, hardwood floors, beautiful lawn and schrubbery. place for a gar age, can be seen by appointment. 2630 N. 6th. —3-story brick, electric, gas. steam heat, drive alloy ir. real, room for garage. 2608 N. 6th St.—3-story btick, elec tric, gas. steam heat, extra fine finish Inside. Apply LEHMAN & KLTNGEMAN, Patriot Building. HOUSE for sale, new two-storv brick, 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. Melrose St.. near 23d and Derry. Call Bell 2062 R. s3oo') WILL PURCHASE Nos. 1927 and 1929 Forstf.r street; brick houses; gas and electric houses. Inspect them. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE —271 Hamilton Street; 101 Cherry Street; nine Middletown houses. These properties are offered for quick sale to close an estate. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. VERY desirable bungalow for sale at $5600; 8 rooms and bath; electric lights, steam heat; hardwood floors; doubl'- garage; chicken house; almost one acre. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. WHITEHALL ST., 1811—For sale; brick residence; eleven rooms arid tath; steam heat; all other improve ments; hardwood floors. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST., 2307— N0W VA CANT. For sale; brick and stucco bungalow; seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other Im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE! —Desirable Paxtang cor ner property; 9 rooms and bath; gas; electric light; furnace; corner Brts bnn and Swan streets; possession within thirty days; also other Pax tang property. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Bldg. FOP. SALE—IBOB Derry SL, 2%- story frame dwelling; all modern Im provements, Including steam heat. Lot 80x130. garage on rear. Immedlato possession can be had of this prop perty. Price $6,000. For Sale—l 937-39-41 Swatara St.. containing 6 rooms and bath, cement ed cellar, all modern improvements. Price $2,500 each. For Sale—lßll-15 Zarker St.. 6 rooms, bath, cemented cellar, all mod ern improvements. Price $2,900 each. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, " Second and Walnut Sts. • POR SALE) —531 Maclay SL—Vacant jiA-story frame. Lot 20x150, with double brick garage rear. Attractive price C. O. Backenstoss. Bell 701. Bell 3077 J. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses In evor> part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Dorsns. 1225 North Sixth stre.-t, THREE' mercantile buildings, well located In growing busings sections. Prices right and terms to sulL D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell (89. I— —— tCoatlnued la Next Csliasl OCTOBER 6, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE. PENBROOK Whole square of land with double 8-room frame house, large stable, pig sty. chicken house, storage building and all kinds of fruit. See this property. Price only $4,500. Easy terms "C." CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street. Bell 4162R Dial 4930 CAMP HILL —214 - story brick, slate roof dwelling. 8 rooms and bath, facing south with large porch, line view up Cumberland Valley, hot air heat, nice fire place, chicken house and garage in rear, with fruit trees in bearing on lot 50x150. or on lot 100x150. Lawn planted in evergreens and flowers, vines covering house. lo cated on Logan street, just west of Bowman avenue. Caji be inspected at anv time. A. E. Strode. Bell phone 5180 R. 316. 318. 320. 322 Lewis; 6 rooms and bath; electric light. 1911 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and bath. 2044 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and hath. 2632 N. 6th St.. 9 rooms and bath. 1933 N. 3d St.. 11 rooms and bath. 6SO Schuylkill St.. 6 rooms and bath, 308 I,ewls St.. 7 rooms and bath. 3200 N. 3d St.. 9 rooms and bath. D. E. LUCAS. 303 I,ewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance. BRICK HOUSE—Logan St.. below Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. SSO down. $25 per month. WOODBINE STREET —8 rooms and bath; electric light; papered and painted new. SSO down; $25 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J FOR SALE —1640 Catherine Street- Vacant 6 room, modern brick house' Price $3,000. Terms. HOUSES for sale In Highspire at a bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St.. Higtispire. 9801. SUMMIT ST.. N. 109—Three-story frame ,8-room house with water and electric light. Price. $1,700. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market Street. LINCOLN REALTY CO. Reily St. 3-story brick with all mod ern improvements. Buy a home on Biyd street, terms are easy and the price is right. Don't pay rent when you can buy on easy terms. 1129 N. 7th Street. 321 Herr St., 8 roomed house; all improvements; a bargain to quick buyer. Rents for $25. Apply 334 Reily St. FOR SALE —1824 State St; Imme diate possession; 3 s. b., 8 rooms und bath: all improvements. For further information address. C. G. Flower. General Delivery. Hill Station. Har risburg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Small furnished house; centrally located; city steam. etc. Address Box F.-7972 care Telegraph. FOR RENT—Small furnished house, centrally located, city steam, etc. Ad dress Box E-7972 care Telegraph. FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdix from September 1; furnished up-to-date; only reliable people need apply to I.ouls, 414 N. Third St. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT—3-story brick dwelling house with all im provements. 333 Hummel St. Imme diate possession. Inquire Fred C. Miller. Atty.. 31 N. Second St. REAL ESTATE WANTED SUBURBAN HOME WANTED Small six or seven room house in nice neighborhood within one fare limit of city; cross-river preferred; bath and electricity desired; must have fair sized plot of ground with chicken house, etc.; state full par ticulars and lowest price in first let ter. Possession anytime between Nov. 1 and April 1. Address Box M-441 care Telegraph. WANTED Suburban home, two acres of ground or more; will buy at once If terms are suitable. Address Box D-8081 care Telegraph. READY buyers, list your farm and houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate and Insurance. Steelton. Dial. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adlcr. Real Es tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS FOR SALE 80 acres timber land—9o per cent, oak—near Lewisberry, York county. Address M-8094 cart Telegraph. FARMS FOR SALE 34 Acres $1,600 *2 Acres $4,200 45 Acres $l,lOO 63 Acres SI,OOO H Acres $4,500 Acres {4,250 ?? Acre $2,900 115 Acres $2,000 H. C. FERBER 107 Chestnut, near Front. .A 1 "4 0!? i ar J[ n: all Sood buildings, $2,950. C. B. Care & Son, Care's Gro cery, Llnglestown, or 409 Market St. FRUIT and truck farm; 2,500 fruit trees In good bearing con dition. Good location. Price, $5 500 H. C. Ferber, 107 Chestnut St., near- Front. FOli SALE—I2O-acre farm; good soil; 20 miles from Harrisburg on William Penn Road; good size house summer house, wagon shed, large hog stable, chicken house, running spring water, orchard and other fruit trees. Apply 327 South Front St. 1649 J. DAIRY farm for sale. Apply to William Schultz, Pine Grove, Schuyl kill County. Pa. y ' (.Continued la Meat Column* FARMS ..2 acres splendid limestone soil mile from trolley, one fare from Me tinpu ' Buildings are all prac tically new; croud well nf *■ tan mi'Tq™ m B u° d * ha b- F. S. Mum ma & Son. Mechanirsbnrg. Pa. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS^ MOTORS FOR SALE 1750 rev 0 Volts; 80 c ycl**j THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., I iS?SS^"*B*3| Harrisburg, Pa. A SALE—White block b&bH roach Apply i;p Qalder St. J pl, K 'l r< w®* : L-E—Complete ateam heatj hv S J boiler, B series. No. 181 e l£ rht r, „ ra u a, ° rs - '""'table for six or eight room house. All nart? in flrstl North c",r di ,'i o ".', Call or address 1581 North 1 ourth bt., Newport. Pa- FOII SALE—Large lot electric mo-| tors. ir. tirst class condition. F. R.l Laveryt. 1557 Bell. ' , ' bALE—One white reed strol-l ler, ?t>; one bent wood mahogany htgM chair, st>. Apply 1221 State Street. ' • I' OR SALE Three-ton' gasoline] hoisting engine. 10 to 30 H. P.; steam hoisting engines and boilers; portablaj stone crushers and conveyors. E WJ SheafTer, I,oehiel Furnace. Bell phonal 4.'150. FOR SALE—A well bred English! beagle hound puppy. can be seerd any time. Call or write Swartz. 214 w7| Main St.. Mechanicsburg. Address! Box K. FOR SALE—Gasoline engines, 2 10 H. p.; gasoline hoisting engine, electric motors, various sizes, lath-1 es. planer, shaper. drill presses,; leather Belting, large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. I,averty. Belli phone 1857. FOR SAlJE—Pedigreed rufus Belgian hares, the large kind that] pleases. Inquire of T. M. Nickel. East) Allen St., Mechanlcsburg. Pa. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! For choice Grimes Golden. Baldwin, j York Imperial and other varieties, goi to the P. L. Allen orchard, 37 miles' west of Harrisburg and 1% miles! south of Lee's Cross Roads. D. L., Allen. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000' new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand'si, 825 North Third. Circulars free. CENTRAL Furniture Store, 321 i Roily St.. on account of building our; warehouse, we close out our 75 j ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at at low price; also furniture and floor! covering at reduced price. A triaij will convince you, 1061 M. FOR SALE One white Iron bed. one goo • mattress, spring, complete $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT, 1321 North Sixth Street TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, ; SOS LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes. tankaJ shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting.! bolts, pipe, etc.. dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co.. Ltd.. Both phones. Highspire. Pa. MORRIS SAYS save money buying now and second-band furniture here.. 1 High prices paid for furniture. Morris, Schmertz. 1018 Market Bell 4494. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought andj sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call I Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max: Smelts, 1020 Market street Will call. 1 City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. W ANTED —To buy several book cases, suitable for office, must be in good condition. Call at 211 Arcade Bldg. or call Bell 4424 M. BELL PHONE 3370-J " " S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE;, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES * PARTNER WANTED Capable executive experienced In managing a large automobile repair? service station, trucks especially, wanted, who will invest from $2,500 to $3,000 in business, taking a half interest, working on a salary and a share of the profits. Must take full charge at once. Business permanently established. Located in heart of city. Will stand close examination. Ad dress all inquiries. which . will ha strictlv confidential to BoX S-8087 care Telegraph. I. 4, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Unusual opportunity to secure exj elusive rights In Harrlsburg and Central Pennsylvania FUEL SAVER. Business established in Harrlsburg. Saving: fifteen per cent, to forty-five per cent, actual experience. Small capital and refers ences required. A F. HOFFSOMMER, Old Orchard. Harrisburg i A CHANCE—To make S4O a v day on road work. We can put on two trucks immediate ly. If interested call at our office for details. Apply ( DEN BY SALES CORPORATION, f 1205 Capital Street. FOR SALE—Exclusive rights ol Dauphin county. Few hundred dollars will put you in business for yourself. Address L-8Q96 care Telegraph. | LIVE business for a live nian, la oelrbv town. Restaurant, confection ery, cigars. Doing business of $41,004 i year or more. Apply A. P. DoransJ 12Js North Sixth St. BUSINESS PERSONALS WALLPAPER and paper hanging. Can save $1 on each room; work muss be O K Apply 1209 Market Street, Bell 445 W. Si. G. Sanderson. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page - -4