Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 04, 1919, Image 2

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[Continued from First Page.l
F. Metz. and the Rev. B. J. Gulgan.
both of Pittsburgh.
The Legion went on record fav
oring the Johnson Bill, now before
the Senate and "that there be no
letup or relaxation In the punish
ment of alien enemies, and that no
attempt be made to condone their
crftaes or change their status, and
tha a copy of these resolution be
sent to every representative from
Valera Is Scored
Another popular resolution was
that concerning Eamon de Valera,
the self-styled President of the Irish
Republic. The motion stated that
de Valera Is an American, born In
Rochester, N. Y., that he Is a draft
dodger, that during the period of
hostilities be treated with the enemy
and attempted to form a submarines
base upon the Irish coast and that
now he is attempting to secure the
protection <jf this country as an
American clttxen. The resolution,
which was unanimously adopted,
stated that he should not be ac
cepted or recognised by any city of
this country.
Other resolutions adopted were of
thanks to the mayor and civic bodies '
of Harrisburg for their reception of •
the cantonment; observance of Arm- |
istice Day in Pennsylvania; appeals j
to the National Legislative body for j
reforms In War Rtsk Insurance; lo
calizing payments; appreciation of
Boy Scouts; assistance and com
mendation of the sale of Red Cross
Christmas Stamps In aid of the Tub
erculosis fight; adoption of (1 as
regular dues to National Organlzn- 1
tton, this to Include subscription
price to Legion Weekly, and ballot
stuffing to be more carefully watched
and guarded against
Sprnn German Emblesn
The Yeomanette Post Introduced
and passed two resolutions, one con
cerning the removal or modtflcalon
of civil service examinations in re
gard to the yeomanettes, the second
concerning the discontinuance of
wearing the corn flower, the Ger
man National flower and as such was |
worn to recognize enemy aliens dur- '
ing the war period.
A very popular resolution which
was passed with much applause was
that one which nrged that there be
no discrimination In the action
taken against alien and native-born
slackers, and that if anything the
punishment of the native-born -
slacker be more severe.
The exploitation of the uniform j
by men who wore it while peddling
or soliciting, was strongly con- !
demned as a fit subject for the dls- ;
gust of any service man of the Unit- |
ed States. Action will in all proba- ;
bllity be taken on this.
Would Punish Bergdolls
The so-called "Bergdoll resolu- |
tion" met with the greatest recep- j
tlon and was passed with no dls- >
sentlng vote. This resolution urges j
that the Department of Justice re- ;
double Its efforts to apprehend both j
Grover and Erwin Bergdoll. of Phil- i
adelphla, who are draft dodgers still i
at large and unpunished, and who j
have flaunted that fact In several ■
public appearances. The resolution
likewise decries the evident hesita
tion of the government to punish
Mrs. Bergdoll. who greatly aided In
the escape and protection of her
The subject of lynching and race
riots was taken up and unanimously
disapproved by the delegates. It
was urged that the government take
more active steps In the, repression
of any such disturbances In the fu
large Posts Favored
Large posts were favored by the
Legion, and It was unanimously de
cided that the Pennsylvania dele
gates to the National Cantonment
in November should put forward
Pittsburgh as the place of meeting
for the National Cantonment next
Erie submitted the following reso
lution which was passed unani
mously after "thorough discussion;
Will Keep Out of Politics
"That there be no endorsement of
a candidate for pyblic office or the
discussion of partisan or factional
politics at any meeting of a post,
or at any meeting under the au
spices of the American Legion."
Compulsory and universal train
ing was adopted after a hot debate. I
dur'ng which both sides of the ques
tion were thoroughly thrashed out.
It was recommended that the Na
tional Cantonment take up this
question and present to the national
legislative bodies appropriate ex
pressions of the American Legion
on this subject. The Swiss system
of military training was favored.
Purpose of Resolutions
Resolutions adopted towards the
close of the cantonment provided that
a committee of five be appointed to ;
draw up reports on various plans!
for social and community service be
ing taken up In the country now, and
that the Legion assist In every way
to carry on this work; pledging sup
port to education and urging that the
study of civics and community prob
lems be added to the curriculum of
the public schools of the State; that*
"Why Diamonds
Are High
It is the answer to the oft repeated question:
found in the wonderfully attractive little
booklet which we have just had published
and is now ready for distribution.
It tells how and where Diamonds are mined,
and by whom. How they are cut and i
shaped and reasons for so shaping. Judg
ing values through color, size and shape.
These are but a few of the interesting facts
disclosed in this unique little booklet which
we wish to put into the hands of those in
terested in Diamonds.
Drop into our store and ask for your copy,
1 or, a postcard will do.
But, by all means, get your copy! It's free.
\ Jacob Tausig's Sons I
"Quality Higher Than Price" J
A\ Diamond Merchants and Jewelers JQ>
420 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. nf}
the fluctuation of exchange In cur
reney be considered with Its effect on
many soldiers, and that all checks Is
sued In foreign countries subject at
later tome tl fluctuation In value be
canceled and reissued In this coun
try at their original value; and that
retired Navy and Marine Corps offic
ers who are at present being demot
ed and treated unjustly In the mat
ter of pay and retirement should re
ceive the same care aa the Army of
ficers who were formerly retired, and
are now golnf back to that statua
gpura I'rtniuß on Patriotism
The bills which were rejected by
the committee were gone over, most
of them having been covered by bills
which were passed. The question of
further bonus for soldiers was taken
up and gone over, and It was unani
mously decided to reject any further
consideration of this subject as It
would be placing a premium on the
patriotism and services of Pennsyl
vania soldiers In the war. The reso
lution as presented would have called
for payment In bonuses of several
billion dollars, or more money than
has been paid since the Civil War tsi
To Aid Disabled Soldiers
The report of the oommtttoe on
Disabled Soldiers. Employment. Legal
Aid, Medical Aid and Legislation, was
heard, and Included four committees
which should functtof. in the action
on the following affairs: Care of dls
: a hied soldiers, employment and ro
< hiiMtttatlon. legislative and legal aid.
i The manner of their functioning was
' gone Into In detail.
j Delegates to the National Canton
i ment were announced this morning
by draft board districts. Two yeo
manettes, Miss Thomas _anJ Miss
Paul, of Post 80, were selected from
Philadelphia. Mark Mtlnor, of Post
17, Harrisburg. was elected.
brads Message to President
On resolution of Mark T. Mllnor, a
telegram was sent to President Wil
son and Mrs. Wilson, expressing the
hope of the American Legion s<
Pennsylvania for a speedy recovery.
Jlajw Is Introduced
Yesterday afternoon saw a rather
warm session on the floor of the
Chestnut Street Auditorium. Fol
lowing the Invocation by the Rev.
.Father J. L. N. Wolfe. Chairman
'Murdock introduced Mayor Daniel
[L. Keister, who welcomed the dele
gates In the name of the city of
Harrisburg. The Mayor spoks of
.the pride which Harrisburg took In
being honored with the first con
vention of the Legion In Pennsyl
vania, and emphasised the possi
bilities of this city as a convention :
city. Chairman Murdock then In
i troduced Governor Sproul.
Governor Gets Ovation
As the Governor stepped to the
[ front of the platform he was given
an ovation which lasted for five
| minutes, the delegates, standing on
j chairs, clapping and cheering, un
: til Major Murdock finally pounded
| for order. Governor Sproul smlllng
jly thanked the convention for Its
' reception, and after a few brief
] words of appreciation announced
! that It was hts belief that this first
| convention was a memorable occas
ion. He would therefore depart
: from his usual custom and deliver a
i prepared speech. The Governor then
' read his well-conceived address. In
terrupting it from time to time to
| add an Impromptu remark.
Throughout the address, the crowd
frequently Interrupted and cheered
for minutes at a time, and when
the Governor spoke of the feeling
Pennsylvania entertained for those
who were not Americans and who
ahowed no desire to become Ameri
cans, the hall went wild. it was
with difficulty the delegates were
brought to order.
Convention on Its Feet
At the conclusion of the address,
a rising vote of Indorsement of his
remarks was taken, and three rous
ing cheers given. The convention
remained on its feet until the Gov
ernor left the, hall.
The first resolution adopted was
that the Emergency Fleet Corpo
ration be requested to name one of
Its new ships the "American Legion."
The committee on the election of
Minneapolis delegates announced
that the State would send 186 to the
National Convention.
State Commander Chosen
JThe reading of the constitution
brought forth a series of very stormy
debates, but the document was fin
ally adopted, with a few minor
amendments. The election of State
officers was then taken up and re
sulted In George F. Tyler, of Phila
delphia, being elected State Com
mander. Mr. Tyler has been un
tiring in his work with the tempor
ary organization of the State Legion,
and he was elected practically with
out opposition. Major Robert L.
Denig, of the Marines, was the other
nominee, but it was felt that a civil
ian could get a better hearing at
Washington than a man In uniform.
Other State Officers
Other State officers were elected
as follows: Vice Commanders, Alex
ander Laughlln, Pittsburgh; Lyell
; Spangle, Willlamsport, and H. C.
Blank. Allentown; State Historian,
Margaret C. Thomas, Philadelphia;
State Masters-at-Arms, David Far
quhar, Westmoreland county, and
Robert McEldowney, Cambria
county; State Chaplain, the Rev. J.
L. N. Wolfe. Philadelphia.
Allentown Wins Meeting
l After a hot debate between the
Allentown and Bhamokin delega
tions, the former city was chosen
as the meeting plaee-for the next
convention. The margin was not
very large, however, Allentown re
ceived 196, while Bhamokin tallied,
The performance of "friendly
Enemies," at the Orpheum last night
was well recelvod by the Logion
aires, who packed the place. Many
other service men not yet members
of the Legion also enjoyed the per
formances through the courtesy of
the local Chamber of Commerce who
distributed over five hundred tickets
among the former Army and Navy
men of Harrisburg.
Kiwanis Members to
Leave Early Monday
The majority of the 100 delegates
from the Harrisburg K1 wants Club,
who ore going to Altoona Monday to
attend the convention of the Penn
sylvania Kiwanis Clubs, will leave
hero Monday morning on the (.33
train Instead of the 3.81 as was orig
inally contemplated. They will ke ac
companied by the Municipal band.
Following quotations supplied by
Howard A. Riley and Company. 313
North Third street, Harrisburg. Pa.;
Land Title Building, Phlla, Pa; 30
Broad street. New York City:
Last Sals
Aetna 1014
Car Light 3%
Hupp Mo 11H
Overland 27 %
Perfection ........ 1
U 8 -Light and H 2%
Am. Marconi ...... ..... 6*4
No. Am. Pulp ............ 4%
Heydon 8
Submarine ...... 16
U. 8. Ship 5%
Last Sale
Harnett ...... Mi
Cosden ...... 11%
Federal ...... ......... 3%
Inter. Pet. .............. 33%
Met. Pet. 3%
Sequoyah 9-16
Boston and Wyo ......... 75
Olenrock 4%
Island 7%
Omar New 8%
Sspulpa ...... 7%
Last Sale
Big Ledge 9-16
Cresson ...... .......... '3%
Canada 1%
Howe 4%
Tonopah Min. ........... 3
Tonopah Ex 2 11-16
Boston and Montana .... 76
Con. Arizona 1 3-l(
Ray Hercules 2%
Tonopah Bel ...... ...... 3%
West End * 1 11-1
At Chestnut Street Auditorium
Wednesday night, 'October 8, the
second volleyball will be played. The
Zembo Patrol team will meet the
5.18 business men's class from Cen
tral Y. M. C. A. The first game was
a corker but "Cappy" Hoy, manager
of the Zembo team, will have to
make hts team show a faster face In
the second contest, and that means
something Interesting In volleyball.
The Harrisburg Country Club com
mittee, which Is raising funds for the
erection of a new building to re
place the one destroyed by Are last
winter. Is neartng the goal set It Is
announced. Everything Is ready to
start work as soon as the commltee
eompltea Its task of raising funds. It
Is uncertain when the new building
may be completed.
Hershey Brothers, contractor for
Mary Graupner. secured & building
permit to-day to construct an ad
dition to the brick pproperty on the
north side of Derry Btreet. 150 feet
east of Seventeenth, at a cost of
11.000. A one-story brick sructure
will be erected.
To raise funds for the purchase of
playground equtpmen for the school
grounds, a festival and community
meeting will be held this evening at
Rutherford Heights. School chil
dren and patronß in the district are
endeavoring to secure sufficient
funds to purchase the equipment In
the near future.
First Lieutenant Robert G. Me-
Neal. who Is still abroad, was not
among those mentioned In the list
of soldiers from Harrisburg. He Is
in charge of the American Library
Association work and Is located In
Coblenz. He Is a son of Mrs. Susan
At the Community Clubroom at
Brlggs and Cowden streets this eve
ning a smoker is to be held for all
returned colored soldiers and their
friends. There will be four lively
boxing bouts, a wrestling match,
buck dancing and several selections
by the Harrisburg Community quar
A Central Democratic Club commit
tee Is completing arrangements for
a big reception on Wednesday eve
ning. October 8. The event will be
held in the club rooms. lIJ Walnut
street The Camp Curtln Democratic
League will meet this evening in Its
hall In Wood avenue, near Peffer
street The meeting will start at (
Al. S. Cooper, treasurer of the
Candidates' Campaign Committee,
filed his expense report for the prim
ary election showing contributions of
♦ 9,680 and expenditures totaling, $9,-
Among those attending the world's
series are George Harry, Joseph
Claster. Harry Bowman, Al Tack,
Bert Blough, George Etter, J. W.
Stanford, Wiarles Whiteman.
Jaes C. Wolf, an aved resident of
Camp Hill, la In a serious condition
as a result of being run over by a
wagon. He attempted to stop a horse
and wagon while working at the
stone quarries of D. Ott and Son.
The mercury rose to the 88-degree
mark yesterday and the temperature
throughout the day was that of mid
summer. Yesterday's lowest was 64
West Falrvlew committeemen have
selected Saturday, October 19, as the
day on which to stage Its big wel
come home celebration In honor of Its
service men and women. Arrange
ments are repidly being made.
Windsor, Pa., Oct. 4.—An increase
in wages has been granted the em
ployes of the J. C. Winters Cigar
Factory. The new scale, which took
effect cn Monday, is 55 cents for
rolling and 24 cents for bunching.
[Continned from First Plgo.l
began and United Btates Senators,
Governors. Supreme and Superior
Court Judges, railroad presidents,
bapk leaders and newspaper editors
and commercial pilots were wont to
gather. A groat company of them
are Colonel Kennedy's guests to-day
and they include many people from
Harrlsburg and cities and towns In
this vicinity.
Guests from Pittsburgh and other
points west arrived In Harrlsburg
last evening and some this morning.
The train from Philadelphia leaving
that city at l.tO this morning, had
many guests on board, arriving In
Harrlsburg at 11.JO and leaving at
11.40 for Chambersburg. Included
among the several hundred guests
were the following:
New York City—Colonel Walter
S. Franklin, Barr Ferree, Charles H.
Grasty, J. Coyle Kennedy, George A.
Philadelphia Francis Shunk
Brown, Herman L. Collins. B. Daw
son Coleman, Captain John P,
Green, Colonel John C. Cribble, Ad
miral Charles F. Hughes, U. 8.
Navy; Justice Robert Von Mosch
zisker, George Wharton Pepper, M.
Hampton Todd, former Attorney
General; Frank Tenney, E. A. Van
Mayor E. V. Babeock, Pittsburgh;
General John M. T. Finney, John
E. Grelner, Baltimore, Md.; General
R. H. Pratt, Washington, D. C.;
Samuel M. Felton, Chicago, III.:
Captain Asher C. Baker, U. 8. Navy,
retired. Marthas Vineyard, Mass.; W.
F. Bay Stewart, York; George W.
Hensel, Quarryvllle: Donald P. Mc-
Pherson, Gettysburg; Judge George
B. Orlady, Huntingdon; W. FYed.
Reynolds, Bellefonte.
Chief Justire J. Hay Brown, Frank
B. McClatn, John A. Nauman, Lan
caster, Pa.
Harrlsburg Guests
Harrlsburg— William D. B. Alney.
Edward Bailey. Charles H. Bergner,
Milton J. Brecht, J. 8. Bonn, W.
Harry Baker, John T. Brady, Clifford
B. Connelley, M. B. Cowden, W. M.
Donaldson, John P. Dohoney, Berne
H. Evans, Thomas E. Flncgan, John
E. Fox, Spencer C. Gilbert, Hender
son Gilbert, Robert 8. Gawthrop,
William H. Galther, Daniel C. Herr,
Edwin S. Herman, Francis J. Hall,
William Jennings, Judge George
Kunkel, William H. Keller, Edward
Martin, Judge 8. J. M. McCarrell,
Thomas L. Montgomery, Donald Mc-
Cormlck, Andrew 8. McCreath,
Frank S. Musser, A. B. Millar, Harry
A. Mackey, Horry S. McDecitt Spen
cer G. Nauman, Benjamin M.
Nead, W. M. Ogelsby, John 8. Ril
ling, William I. Bchoffer, 8. Ray
Shelby, Louis 8. Sadler, Charles A.
Snyder, E. J. Stackpole, Charles C.
Stroh, Henry M. Btlne, David E.
Tracy, E. Z. Wallower, J. F. Wood
ward. Cyrus E. Woods; C. H. Bishop,
Lemoyne, Pa.
State and National Officers
Governor William C. Sproul; Lieu
tenant-Governor E. E. Beidleman;
Governor Westmoreland Davis of
Virginia: Governor Emerson C. Har
rington of Maryland; Ex-Governor
William A. McCorkle of West Vir
ginia; Henry P. Fletcher, Ambassa
dor to Mexico; United States Senator
Boles Penrose; United States Senator
Atlee Pomerene from Ohio; Ex-Lleu
tenant-Governor John M. Reynolds
of Pennsylvania; Moreton Frewn,
Oswald Frowne and
Frederic W. Wile of London, Eng
land; George H. Stewart of Shlppens
burg, Pa.
R. H. Alshton, Regional Director,
Chicago and Northwestern Railway;
and the officers of the Cumberland
Valley district and a few Invited
guests from Chambersburg and the
Railroads Represented
Pennsylvania Railroad: President
S. Rea and his official staff; L. W.
j Baldwin, Regional Director; Elisha
i Lee, Federal Manager; R. L. O'Don
[nell, general manager; Noel W.
Smith, general superintendent; Rob
[ert C. Wright, traffic manager;
j George D. Ogden, freight traffic
i manager; William Elmer, superin
tendent of the Philadelphia division;
W. Rose Harrlsburg division freight
agent: Wlliam B. McCaleb, former
superintendent of the Philadelphia
division, now general superintendent
of water companies.
i Philadelphia and Reading Rail
ways: E. T. Stotesbury, chairman of
the board; President Agnew T. Dice:
Vice-President John E. Auch. The
following railroads were represented:
Pennsylvania Lines west of Pitts
burgh: Long Island; Baltimore and
Ohio; Norfolk and Western; Western
Maryland; New York Central;
Central Railroad of New Jersey;
Delaware, Lackawana and Western;
Erie Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts
burgh; Lehigh Valley; Ney York,
New Haven and Hartford": Rich
mond, Fredericksburg and Potomac:
Lehigh and Hudson River; Atlanta,
Birmingham and Atlantic; Maryland
and Pennsylvania; Seaboard Airline;
Bessemer and Lake Erie; Missouri
Pacific; Lehigh and New England;
and Clyde Steamship Company and
the Pullman Car Company. The
party will return to Harrlsburg this
Epworth Methodist Church
Will Have Double Service
The congregation attending serv
ices to-morrow at Epworth Methodist
Church are to know that Autumn
really is here. Old Folks Day and
Harvest Home Day will be held on
the same day. The Indications are thut
record congregations will attend.
Suitable decorations will be provid
ed. pumpkins and corn shocks pre
dominating. The sermon to the old
folks will be preached by' Dr. Mains.
The old folks will be brought to the
church and taken home by friends
and members of the church In auto
mobiles. In the evening the Rev.
Homer C. Knox will preach a Har
vest Home sermon.
David Daniel Swavely
Takes Bride at Noon
At the parsonage of Fourth Re
formed Church at noon to-day, the
Rev. Homer Skyles May. pastor, of
ficiated at the wedding of David Dan
iel Swavely. son of Hiram H. Swave
ly. a well-known Philadelphia and
Reading railway englneman. of 170s
Rcglna street, and Miss Laura Marie
Miller, daughter of William A. B.
Miller. The groom is an employe of
the McFarland printery. After the
ceremony they left on a wedding trip
to Philadelphia and Atlantic City and
will be at home after October 15 at
87 North Eighteenth Street.
Bull Gores Pony,
While Boy Escapes
Selinagroro, Pa., Oct. 4.—John
Rockewell, IS years old, of near
Sellnsgrove, was near death to-day
when attacked by a big bull on his
father's farm. The boy rode Into
the fle'd where the animal stood
gracing. The bull attacked and
killed the youngster's pony. While
Its attention was attracted placing
the death-dealing gores in the pony,
the youth succeeded in getting out
side the fen"
Foster's Doctrines of Syndicalism
Among tbe maxims set forth by William Z. Foster In his red book
aro these:
"Tko wages system must be abolished."
"The thieves at present in control of the Industries must be
stripped of their booty, and society so reorganised that every Indi
vidual shall have free access to the social meane of production. This
social organization will be a revolution."
"Only after such a revolution will the great Inequalities of mod
ern society disappear."
"The syndlcalist'sees In the state only an Instrument of oppres
"The workers In each Industry shall manage the affairs of their
particular Industry; the miners shall manago the mines; the railroad
ers manage the railroads, and so on through all the lines of human
"Capitalism Is organized robbery."
"Capitalists have no more right to the wealth they have amassed
than a burglar has to his tool."
"The Boculled legal and Inalenlable rights of man are but pre
tenses with which to deceive workingmen."
"In modern society, as In all ages, might is right."
"The end Justifies the means."
[Continued from First Page.)
during the war. For each of these
men he subscribed $2O.
"I consider it Just what I should
have done." said Mr. Davenport.
Expects Employes tv Follow
It Is expected by George 8. Reln
oehl, In charge of the campaign
among the city's Industrial establish
ments. that Mr. Davenport's exam
ple will be followed by large numbers
of employers who had only a few
men In the service.
Al. K. Thomas, who Is In charge
of the campaign among the fraternal
societies, lodges and churches, was
greatly pleased to-day over the ac
tion of the Knights of Columbus, who
have subscribed JJ6O. covering 4J
men, who were In the Army and Na
The Harrlsburg Knights of Co
lumbus," said Mr. Thomas to-day,
"deemed It no more than right that
they should make good on their ser
vice flag. They displayed such a flag
during tho war. They considered
that they would be derelict were
they to fail to subscribe to the me-
N ernes of Knights
Knights of Columbus In the ser
vice and for whom the JB6O was sub
scribed, are as follows:
J. H. Liddy, Philip Gillespie, W. M.
Cullen, Lawrence Burns, J. B. McCal
ley, George Lawrence, F. R. Redecker,
C. J. Toomey. J. W. McGowan. J. P.
Rodgers, J. AL A. Seltz, E. J. Slentz,
J. F. Higglns, L. A. Ochs, J. R. Si
monettl, J. W. Kelley, C. F McCall, F.
E. Gaffney, J. P. Bollendorf, Bernard
Cashman, H. T. McFadden. Joseph
Snyder, P. Vanderloo, Jr., Andrew
Slltzer, Dr. C. L. Datley, T. P. Moran,
John Wlaldschmldt, H. M. Delone. R.
C Murphy, Maurice Cleary, the Rev.
George L. Rice. J. P. Jackson, Law
rence Guarln. William F. Sheridan,
C. J. Burns, Aloysius McGarvey, W.
A. Reichert, James Keane, Louis
Cieary, William J. Magulre. J. J. Ka
vsnaugh, C. J. Kelley, Joseph Min
ns ugh.
Mention has been made of the sub
scription made by Bowman and Co.
The men for whom this Arm sub
scribed $2O each were!
Army— Lieutenant 8. M. Stouffer,
Jr., Lieutenant Paul Gerdes, Sergeant
Gordon Bergstresser. Sergeant A. B.
McCarter, Sergeant Charles Gerdes.
Corporal William Bergstresser, Eu
gene DeHart, Charles H. Kline, Wil
liam Bower, Robert Merl Mace. John
Michaels, Frank B. Mumma, James
E. Reed, Leonard S. Rife, George
Frank Smyser, Glen Walters. Ray
mond Snyder, Clarence C. Walters,
Paul Weaver. Clinton Weaver. Navy
•—Navy Jesse Wells. Charles Phillips.
Belgian Royal Party
Is Seeing New York;
King to Meet Veterans
By Associated Press.
New York, Oct. 4. Visits to
places of Interest occupied the time
to-day of King Albert, Queen Eliza
beth and Prince Leopold of Belgium.
The royal party will depart for Bos
ton to-n4ght, arriving there to-mor
row morning.
While King Albert and the Prince
visited the Woolworth Building, the
world's tallest office structure: the
Stock Exchange and the Produce
Exchange, Queen Elizabeth arranged
to visit the Rockefeller Institute
and several of the city's hospitals.
King Albert of the Belgians flew
over New York City this morning
in a navy hydroairplane piloted by
Lieutenant Commander Thomas B.
TTasner. "When he alighted, the
King said enthusiastically: "It was
a grand spectacle."
The Belgian rulers will attend
the meeting of the American Legion
to-night at Madison Square Gar
den. The King will address the
Legion members, after which the
royal party will go directly to the
Waldorf and thence to the State De
partment special train for the Jour
ney to Boston.
Boston and BulTalo will be the
only cities in the East other than
New York to be visited by the King
and his party. The King's decision
to cancel engagements because of
the Illness of the President did not
apply to the program arranged for
him in these cities.
By Associated Press.
Boston, Oct 4. —Beans, baked
Boston style and served In golden
pots, will be on the menu of the
luncheon to be tendered King Al
bert and Queen Elizabeth of Bel
glum here to-morrow. Two gold
pots have been made for the occa
sion and will be presented to the
royal visitors after the* luncheon.
They were fashioned after the ordi
nary bean pot and are about six
inches in height and eight inches in
Two Old Guns and Book
Among Gifts of Wilson
From Foreign Rulers
By Associated Press•
Washington. Oct. 4.—Gifts received
by President Wilson while In Europe
were of "very insignificant value. Sec
retary Tumulty said to-day In an
nouncing that he had prepared and
would submit to-day an answer to the
resolution of Representative Roden
berg. Republican, Illinois, asking as
to reports that the gifts were valued
at a million dollars.
Mr. Tumulty said the President re
ceived no gifts which would have re
quired an act of congress for him to
accept and that in every case where
It was made known that he was to
receive a present he consulted Secre
tnrv Lansing and the Attorney Qen-
to whether he could legally
, . . most valuable present, Mr. Tu-
I multy said was a gold casket which
contained a certificate of cithenshlp
! from the city of London. The king of
I Italy presented the President with two
' old guns, and the king of England
I gave him a book.
[Continued from First Page.]
were satisfactory. Two of the wit
nesses, T. J. Davles.of New Castle,
Pa., and Joseph Smith, of Home
stead, Pa., attacked the methods by
union organizers in the mills, Davles
declaring that their nctivltloa "hail
all the elements of a conspiracy."
Expect Soviet Operation
Activities of union organizers In
steel districts before the present
strike was called had "all the ele
ments of a conspiracy," T. J. Davles,
tin worker told the Senate Investi
gating the strike to-day. Foreign
workmen in some cases he said, ex
pect it to result In Soviet operation
of the mills.
"These men moved mysteriously
around the plant," declared Davles,
who said ho represented the senti
ment of five thousand tin workers.
"We kept hearing that they Intended
to cripple the plants, paralyze oper
"These foreigners, when we asked
them, explained they were going to
get the 'closed shop.'
Workmen Intimidated
" 'President Wilson, President
Gompers,' they all say, 'are with us.
You Americans can't work here af
terward. Nothing but union men.
"Some of them explained to mo
'we won't need bosses after this,
committees will run mills.' "
Davles said some workers were
Intimidated because they are told
their houses will be blown up and
their wives killed.
Armed with books which Foster
ijas written during his career In la
bor circles which advocated revolu
tionary socialism and sabotage, and
with copies of the I. W. W. organ
"Solidarity," containing articles con
tributed by him from Europe where
he went In 1911 as a representative
of that organization, Foster was
pressed Into a lengthy explanation
of the doctrines and views he advo
cated In 1914 and earlier years.
"Dying Newspapers"
Foster first attempted to parry the
questions at the outset, refusing to
answer unil newspaper reporters
were excluded from the room, on
the ground that "lying, prejudiced,
newspapers have misconstrued and
misrepresented my personal opin
ions with the whole Idea of Injuring
the cause of 100,000 steel workers."
He was finally crowded Into a declar
ation, when Senator McKellar,
Democrat, of Tennessee, reading
many quotations from his works,
demanded that he say whether or
not-"he still adhered to this belief.
"Those are not my views, now,"
he said, In a subdued tone, after
listening to his own words repeated,
declaring "the state to be a med
dling, capitalistic Institution" and
advocating violence In strikes, and
calm acceptance of bloodshed as
necessary to forwarding of the rev
olutionary cause.
Gompers Breaks Tn
President Gompers, of the Ameri
can Federation of lAbor, broke Into
the examination In Irritated fashion
at one point, when Foster was
standing- on his objections to news
per reports of hts testimony.
"Well, they can't say anything
worse about yon than they have."
the aged head of the Labor Federa
tion adjured him.
Foster would not, however, com
pletely adjure his old works and
faced with one line to the effect
"that the syndicalist worker will not
be hgid back from direct action by
the capitalistic code of ethics, duty,
honor, patriotism," he told the com
"Put quotation marks around
some of those, and I'll stand by
them yet. They'll show how the
words are used."
Has Own Ideas
Other excerpts from later writ
ings, stating that "government as
we know it will shrivel up and die,"
and "Industries now in the hands
of the state, municipalities and the
nation, will be given completely over
to the workers in them," he was
quite well prepared to defend.
"I have my own ideas about gov
ernment," he said of the first, and
of the second:
"That's not so startling nowa
Not Syndicalism
"Well, that's syndicalism, pure
and Bimple, isn't it?" Senator Sterl
ing, Republican, of South Dakota,
one of his most persistent interro
gators, demanded.
"I think not." Foster said. The
witness endorsed his own advocacy
of race suicide with the statement
that "It is foolishness for workmen
to undertake to raise big families."
President Gompers with apparent
amusement listened 'to Senators
read Foster's essays on the Amer
ican Federation of Labor—written
before he Joined it as an organizer
—wherein he asserted that "the
American Labor movement is In
fested with hordes of dishonest of
ficials and labor fakirs. These men
must go." He explained that to-day
he considered the blanket charge
not tenable.
One letter, written to "Solldariy,"
wherein Foster explained that It was
the true duty of a revolutionary to
work thbough existing trades unions
and quit trytng to build up new or
ganizations, Interested the commit
tee considerably. Foster admitted
authorship, but would not say it
described his present course.
Spelled Fight
"All these things, these doctrines,
spelled violence, didn't they?" Sen
ator McKellar asked him.
"They spelled light," Foster re
His remarks on the present strike
wore comparatively brief.
"It came bfceause the workers
were denied opportunity to present
their grievances," he said. "It could
not be delayed at President Wilson's
request, because of the steel cor
poration's policy in instituting
wholesale discharges."
Foreigners made up the largest
membership in the unions at pres
ent, he explained, "because higher
paid Americans, knowing of the fate
of past attempts to organize the
steel industry, stand back to wait
and see."
"Of course, we'd like to take the
OCTOBER 4, \pl9.
j Americans first," he said. "They
] oocupy the strategic positions, being
I more skilled."
Docs Not Want Violence
"Are you n syndicalist now?" Sen- |
| ator McKellnr asked.
"No," Foster said. He added he
| intended to conduct the strike with
: out violence, so fgr as his power
' went.
"Are you seeking now: havo you
! ever sought, to circulate those doo
| trlnes In that pamphlet among steel
; workers?" naked Senator Borah,
j "Not at all," Foster answered. "1
npply tlio principles of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor with the
; censorship of twenty-four alert
presidents over me.
Belonged to I. W. W,
Foster paid ho belonged to the L.
W. W. in 1911 and represented the
organization at the International
conventions in Europe.
"I haven't been a member for five
years," he added.
"What was your attitude during
the war?" asked Senator Walsh,
Democrat. Massachusetts.
"I thought the war ought to be
won at all costs," ho said, adding
that he had made dozens of speeches
In bond campaigns.
Questioned as to steel Industrial
conditions, I'"oster said he knew that
In Pittsburgh, Braddock and Homo
stead, steel workers "live In hovels."
"Laborers In the building trades
get eighty cents an hour," he said,
' while in the steel mills, the same
class get forty cents an hour,"
Gompors Fills Breach
President Gompors came back be
fore the committee when Foster
concluded "to straighten out a few
matters," he said, and nttackod
briefly some of the points Judge
Gary, chairman of the steel corpora
tion, emphasized In his testimony
fcefoie the committee.
"The steel corporation in 1301
passed a resolution declaring Itself
unalterably opposed to union labor,"
Mr. Gompers said, "notifying nil of
Its subsidiary offices that it stood
against any extension."
He defined an "open shop" as "a
place where the principle of collec
tive bargaining cannot exiot."
Steel corporation hospitals—"l
have been Informed by newspaper
men" ns he put it—are places whore
n orkmtn are "confined lncommut
cado after accidents."
Swartz Building Being
Made Into Apartments
Harold A Hippie, contractor for
Dr. J. Ross Pwartz, Is rapidly com
pleting alterations and Improvements
at the property at the southwest cor
ner of Third and Pine streets.
The largo three-story brick struc
ture Is being converted into apart
ments with all modern conveniences.
The cost of the remodeling and in
terior alterations will total $12,000 it
Is estimated.
Announcement was made fen-dav
of the sale of the L. H. Kinnard as
tate of tha old Kinnard homestead,
1116-18 North Third street, which
now serves as business sites, to A
Garnea-, of this city. The considera
tion was not made public.
Bolsheviki Make Peace
Offer to Allies by Wireless
Parts, Oct 4.—George Tchltcherln,
Russian Bolshevist Foreign Minister,
In a message sent broadcast by wire
less and received hero yesterday,
'Our Intentions regarding peace re
mains the same as when the Bullitt
Mission arrived. We are ready to
make peace at any moment, provided
military operations are stopped lm-|
mediately and the blockade Id lifted.'
We have not Imposed, and we do not
wish to Impose. Communism on any
Stop that cough before it stops you.
You may save needless doctor bills
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They taste good, sweeten the
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25 cents a package at all Druggists, or
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u. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 Wert Broadway. N.Y.
Two Separate Night Schools: The One on Monday, Wednesday,
Friday—n, e Other Tuesday, Thursday Nights
(Opposite Senate Hotel)
England It Forming
"Citizen Guards" as 1
Result of Rail Strike
By Associated Press*
London, Oct. 4. Prettier Lloyd
George's appeal for the formation
of "citizen guards" throughout the
country In the emergency caused by
the railroad strike and Its possible
spread met with a prompt response
on all sides to-day. The lord mayor
of London lost no time In complying
with the request, and his example
was followed by other lords mayor,
lords lieutenant, chairmen of county
councils, wtatch committees, (chief
constables and town clerks the coun
try over. Representatives commit
tees were formed everywhere to re- >
crult the guards, whoße duties wfll
be to 'assist the police in the pro*
tectlon of citizens engaged in the
maintenance of the supply of food
and othorwlse preserve order.
Meanwhile the strike situation had
developed no Important new features
up to the early afternoon since the
breach of last night, when It was
announced by the Government that
the railway men ha drejected an
offer of arbitration and a seven
day's truce.
Steel Companies Prepare
to Open Mills Monday
By Associated Press*
Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 4.—-The strike
zone In the Pittsburgh district was
quiet to-day In apparent anticipation
of developments Monday when many
mills which have been shut down by
the steel strike will resume operation,
word of which has come from vari
ous sources. Steel companies con
tinued to make plans preparatory to
opening the plants, it Is said, while
union leaders continued to exert
every effort among the steel men in
locnl plants and In those in the
district to keep away
from the mills.
One of Ho hig (breaks in the
ranks of the strikers, It Is said oc
curred yesterday when hundreds of
employes of the big Farrell worke
of the Sheet and Tin Plate Company,
expressed a desire to return to work
after having been on strike, accord
ing to Superintendent Haddock. The
works will be in full operation Mon
day morning, Superintendent Had
dock said following a conference
with employes yesterday.' The Mer
cer plant and the plant of the Ameri
can Steel and Wire Company at Far
rell expect to be running at normal,
also. It was announced.
Feature Pilots Here
and Will Fly Over City
Lieutenants Arthur Starbuck and
Charlee B. Collyer, feature pilots of
the Liberty liters, arrived In Harris
burg yesterday afternoon at 4
o'clock, coming from Lancaster,
thirty-eight miles away, in twenty
Both pilots will perform their
usual exhibition stunts above the
| city twice dally and between ex
| hlbttlon hours will carry passengers
j on trips over Harrlsburg. The lieu
tenants are piloting Curtis biplanes
of the JN-4 type, each plane having
a wing span of forty-three feet and
measuring thirty-eight feet from
nose to tall.
The planes are equipped with 100-
horsepower motors and arc capable
of a speed of 170 miles per hour.
The aviation field Is located on the
Zimmerman farm along the Gettys
burg pike. It is now being consider
ed by the aerial postal authorities as
a landing field for mail planes.