Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 04, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
| Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page REAL ESTATE FOB SALE i" " i HOMES for colored families —Two threo-story brlcke on Relly St. with all improvements. 2 V4-story frame on Peffer St. a-Btory brick with front porch on Penn St. 216-story frame on I Wallace Bt.. good location. 2 H -story ! frame on Calder St Send for list and i dlscriptlon to LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 H. Seventh St FOR SALE —3-story brick on Schuyl , kill St for 32650, all improvements; i aide entrance and front porch. Pos session in 30 days. Apply A. W. Swen gol. 2131 N. Second. Bell 2575 J. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 1 FOR RENT Wallace St.. 1107, 6 rooms $16.00 | Cameron St.. 1130, 7 rooms $20.00 Second St.. N., 1520, 8 rooms. bath $65.00 Apply to Miller Bros. & Co., Locust and Court Sts. FOR RENT—Small furnished house, centrally located, city steam, etc. Ad dress Box E-7972 care Telegraph. FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdix from September 1; furnished up-to-date; only reliable people need apply to I,ouis, 414 N. Third St REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent "~FOR7~SALE OR RENT— 3-story brick dwelling house with all im provements. 333 Hummel St. Imme diate possession. Inquire Fred r Miller. Atty.. 31 N. Second St FOR RENT or for sale—A large . trick house at 2352 N. Sixth St Im mediate possession. A. W. Swencel 2131 N. Second St Real Estate For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—"WiII sell my beautiful suburban home, eight rooms and bath. If Interested, address Box J-8248 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATB WANTED WANTED Suburban home, two acres of ground or more; will buy at once if terms are suitable. Address Box D-8081 care Telegraph. READY buyers, list your farm and houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate .and Insurance. Steelton. Dial. I RAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler. Real Es tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS FOR SALE 30 acres timber land—9o per cent, oak—near Lewisberry, York county. Address M-8094 cart Telegraph. FARMS FOR SALE 34 Acres $1,600 40 Acres $4,200 45 Acres $l,lOO 3 Acres ~ :.SLOOO <7 Acres $4,500 £2 cres $4,250 ??, Acres $2,900 115 Acres $2,000 „„„ H. C. FERBER 107 Chestnut* near Front. . 7 oV,? c 2f Jj ar ,7 ,: all sood buildings, $2,950. C. B. Care & Son, Care's Gro eery, Llnglestown. or 409 Market St. „ 3®"ACRiS FRUIT and truck farm; 2,500 fruit trees in good bearing con dition. Good location. Price. $5,500. j r C. Ferber. 107 Chestnut St., near ,?ront. FOR SALE—I2O-acre farm; good foil; 20 miles from Harrisburg on William Penn Road; good size house summer house, wagon shed, large hog etable. chicken house, running spring water, orchard and other fruit trees Apply 327 South Front St. 1649 J. FOR SALE—Sunset farm, Paxtonla acres, all cultivated, rolling land, water in every Held, two pumps, ,iew buildings, stock and imple ments; ten minutes' walk from trol ley, school and church, or stock and Implements for sale at inventory, and farm for rent on half shares. Apply Mrs.. Ava Williams, 26 South Third Street. 32 acres splendid limestone soil. %- mile from trolley, one fare from Me chanicsburg. Buildings are all prac tically new; good well of water; everything in good shape. F. S. Mum ma & Son, Mechanicsburg, Pa. DAIRY farm for sale. Apply to William Schultz, Pine Grove, Schuyl kill County, Pa. . , FARMS WANTED WANTED—To buy a good farm, rither in Dauphin, Cumberland. York or Perry county. State full particulars and bottom price. Box X-7599 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS r —— MOTORS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Motors, one alternating current motor; Robbins & Myets single; Phase 110 volts; 60 cycles 1750 rev. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., Printing —Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping- Plate Printing. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE—Victrola and buffet, like new; 2 pair lace curtains; elec tric iron, gas lamp. Inquire 139 W. Curtin St., Penbrook. FOR SALE —A wellbred English beagle hound puppy, can be seen ny time. Call or write Swartz, 214 W. Main St., Mechanicsburg. Address Box E, FOR SALE!—Cheap. an upright boiler in good order, duplex grates. F. T. Plack, Jeweler, 1326 N. Sixth St. FOR SALE—Gasoline engines, 2 to 10 H. P.j gasoline hoisting engine, rlqctric motors, various sizes, lath es, planer, shaper, drill presses, (leather Felting, large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. Laverty. Bell phone 1857. FOR SAlJE—Pedigreed rufus red Belgian pares, the large kind that pleases. Inquire of T. M. Nickel, East Allen St., Mechanicsburg, Pa. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! For choice Grimes Golden, Baldwin, Tork Imperial and other varieties, go to the D. 1* Allen orchard, 37 miles West of Harrisburg and miles south .of Lee's Roads. D. L. Allen. j BOOKS Bought and sold; 10,000 pew, old, rare, in stock. Aurand's. •25 North Third. Circulars free. CENTRAL Furniture Store, 324 Reily St.. on account of building our warehouse, we close out our 75 ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a low price; also furniture and floor covering at reduced price. A trial will convince you, 1061 M. , % _ Continued in Next Column) SATURDAY EVENING, FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—A reed baby coach in good order. Inquire Seventh and Mar ket Sts., New Cumberland. FOR SALE One white Iron bed. one good mattress, spring. completa $26; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT, 1121 North Sixth Street TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOT3ON. 105 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES FOR SALE —Lumber, tubes, tankß. shafting, bangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant The Hlghspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highsplre, Pa. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Cheap 650 ft. steam heat boiler, in good condition. Call at first floor, 2020 Fifth street between 6 and 8 p. in. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1018 Market Bell 4494. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED —To buy several book cases, suitable for office, must be in good condition. Call at 211 Arcade Bldg, or call Bell 4424 M. MAX 3MELTZ Second hand furniture bought and •old. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071K, or drop a postal to Max Smelts, 1020 Market street. Will call. City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 5370-J S. HIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE FINANCIAL GIANT Oil Is far more valuable than gold. When Cripple Creek yielded $24,000,- 000 of the yellow metal annually, it was heralded a world beater and scores of investors became rich. But what was known as Bonanza Camp at that time fades into Insignificance in comparison with the production of oil In the vicinity of Fort Worth, Texas. Taking no account of the new wells about ready to be brough in. the oil production from that field yields $135,506,250 per year. Other fields equally as rich in oil. Read the "Oil Press." Contains a full account of this tremendous oil boom and for tunes that are being made on little. Each issue contains valuable authen tic information and analytical reports of scores of companies, some good, bad and indifferent, operating in the great Mid-Continent and Texas fields. A late copy together with the "Mar kets" containing the quotations on listed, unlisted, active and inactive oil stocks may be had free on request. Also while they last a new accurate colored map of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas just out. featuring the oil fields in red. You may profit greatly by reading them. Address, OH Press, 707 Republic Building. Kansas City, Mo. PARTNER WANTED Capable executive experienced In managing a large automobile repair service station, trucks especially, wanted, who will invest from $2,500 to $3,000 in business, taking a half interest, working on a salary and a share of the profits. Must take full charge at once. Business permanently established. Located in heart of city. Will stand close examination. Ad dress all Inquiries, which will DC strictly confidential to Box S-8087 care Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Unusual opportunity to secure ex clusive rights In Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania BURNALL FUEL SAVER. Business established in Harrisburg. Saving fifteen per cent, to forty-five per cent., actual experience. Small capital and refer ences required. A. F. HOFFSOMMER, Old Orchard, Harrisburg A CHANCE—To make-'ltO a day on road work. We can put on two trucks immediate ly. If interested call at our office for details. Apply DENBY SALES CORPORATION, 1205 Capital Street. BUY and sell oil leases in Texas around drilling oil wells. Quick sales, big money. Buy Is worth the money. No capital required, nor experience necessary. We direct you. Texas oil leases in path of production have proven gold mines for agents and in vestors. Everybody wants chance for fortune. Write quick for full details, our offer to agents. Great demands for our leases. Have sold thousands of acres. Big excitement. Send name for free map and agents' proposition. Pecos Valley Co., 114% N. Robinson St., Oklahoma, Okla. WE manufacture a carburetor for Ford cars which is guaranteed to give double the mileage over any other carburetor ever constructed regard less of name, make or price. We aro now ready to furnish carburetors also for Dodge and Maxwell cars. Will furnish them for other cars In a short time. Money refunded if fifteen day free trial does not prove it. Entirely new principle—simple plain tube— not a moving part; guaranteed to start in zero weather without heat ing or priming; tremendous demand; 35.000 now in use in Chicago terri tory; reliable, energetic man who can guarantee sales and carry stock of $5OO to $2,000 depending on demand, can secure exclusive territory and will easily net $25,000 this year. No special experience necessary. Frank A. tTrwan. 509 W. Jackson Blvd., Chi cago, 111. Cash for Cash Registers Good prices paid for National Cash Registers, good or bad condition. State style and factory numbers. United Cash Register Co.. Dept. 30, 1217 Filbert St., Philadelphia. FOR SALE—Exclusive rights of Dauphin county, lijew hundred dollars will put you in business for yourself. Address L-5096 care Telegraph. LIVE business for a live man. in nearby town. Restaurant, confection ery cigars. Doing business of $42,000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth St. BUSINESS PERSON AIR RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, 35c doz., razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED. J. A Bishop, 1736 Logan Street. Bell 2832 R. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDINQ~— Any meta! welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1638 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First class work. Chllcoat Bros., 833 Harris street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It oft If taken In time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CArLAN CO.. 206 Market street. A. LANE New and second-hand 'umlture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. I 10 23. Market street. Bell 3239W, BTOBAMC STORAGE—4I9 Broad street house hold goods, merchandise. Private looms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing ot all kinds. D. Cooper 4k Co Both phone*. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in tireproot ware house, $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-Breproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 447- 445 South Second street STORAGE Low rates. Hlghspire Distillery Co* Ltd* Hlghspire, Pa. Both phones. BTORAGE— In brick building, rear 408 Market Household goods in clean, Brivate rooms. Reasonable ratea f, i. Dtener. 408 Market street ROOFING ~ YOU LOOSE IF YOU NEGUECT painting your roof with HITE'S ELASTIC COATING, that good coating that stops leaks, prevents rust checks decay and adds years of life to any old leaky roof. AUCTIONEER HITB. Bell 1875 J. MUSICAL —7 FOR SALE—Piano, upright and in good condition; very reasonable; own er leaving city. Inquire 213 Cumber land St. TALKING MACHINES promptly and' carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLBR'S, 14 South Fourth street. YOU have made the visit to music bouses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it We have it. Spangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES A good farm horse for sole, weight about 1400 to 1500 pounds. Will seil cheap. Apply Keystone Bottling Works, 142 South Cameron St. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDK LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR. 110 Walnut Street Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J. INSURANCE INSURE and prepare your future Income against accident or sickness >in a square up-to-date .insurance company which has strength and tcrvice. and be sure that it is the Commercial Casualty Insurance Com pany. Newark, New Jersey. Local of fice. 4 4 Union Trust Bldg. Hell phone 2769. SALINGER & MILLER. MONEY TO LOAN BUY COAL NOW With our money and insure your comfort next winter. Pay us back in convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able—only three and one-halt per cent, per month on bal ances. No other charges of any kind. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, Dositively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager, 141 Kelker St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3513 BECK &' HARRIS, local and long distance haulers, furniture, machin ery, pianos and safe moving a spe cialty. Bell phone 2418. Dial 3288 or call at Ober'a Garage. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Kelly. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, tig Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3688. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distanco too far. Caretul driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Uruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. Manager, Hersbey, Pa. Bell phone 15R6. . PAUL BECK general hauling, local and long distance, making a specialty of furniture, piano aud safe moving. Call at 1419 Vernon Street, or Bell 1811-J- WE Move Anything. Anywhere Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4930. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. WHERE T DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HUME OF HATISFACTIQN. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1866 DIAL 8181 RUDOLPH K. SPIUER, Funeral Director and Erabalmer. 611 North Second Street. BELL 262 DIAL 2145 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SAIJt PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS CLEANING DYEING AND PRESSING Let us make your old fall and win ter clothes look new. We call and de liver. Both phonea H. GOODMAN, 1806% North Sixth Street. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—Studebaker, 4 cylinder, in good shape, good paint, a bargain. Dial 4058, 85 Hummel ave., Lemoyne. FOP BALE —Chalmer's Sedan. 1917; new uphols;ering; Chandler, 191$, 4- fassenger, sport model; wire wheels, umper, spot light, 5 new tires; Over land, 1918, 90 delivery car. Inquire Penn-Hsrrls Taxlcab office, oare Perin-Harrls Hotel. 144-ton Republic truck 2 Reo light delivery cars. 1 Ford roadster. 1 Grant six touring. STAR GARAGE 13th and Paxton Sts. FOR SALE —1%-ton capacity Mar tin truck, 36 horsepower engine; price right for cash. Apply J. H. Troup Music House. 15 S. Market Square. iCtstlau4 la Next Cslsnsl WaSriuKO TELEORXPai AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT These ere new offerings that should find ready buyers. We invite your early inspection. Cadillac, seven passenger touring. In good running or der. excellent paint, top and upholstery, $650. ) Hudson 6-40 roadster, re finished. A comfortable car, julet, with good power, $B5O Overland, model 90, five passenger touring. Reflnlsbed throughout, looks and runs like new. OVERLAND—6 passenger touring. Ah easy riding, eco nomical car in very good con dition. Open Evening. Time Payments THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. Both Phones 212-214 N. Id St FOR SAL'E—Peerless touring car; model 56. run 4000 miles; In good con dition. Apply P. O. Box 37, Spring Grove, York county. Pa. OVERLAND light six coupe, com pletely overhauled and repaired, tires like new, real bargain. Reo roadster, real bargain. , Brisco. three-passenger roadster. In fine shape. Time payments can be arranged. REX GARAGE & SUPPLY CO.. 1917 North Third Street i WANTED—AII kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Erterbrook, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. FOR SALE—I9IB o-passenger Butck good condition, $1250. Telephone Cap tain Kimble, 3080 J. GRANT, five-passenger; 6 cylinder; four new tires and tubes; good con dition; cheap to quick buyer. Ester brook, 912 North Third St MAQNETOB—AII types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Elsman, Dixie, Splltdorf, Mea, Reray and different makes of colls, carburetors, etc. A Schlfl'man. 22-24-26 North Camerou street Bell 3633. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked o. oldtlmers, in anv condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schlffman, 22, 24, 26 North Cameron Street Bell 3633. WANTED Any model or make Auto Tire Vulcanizing Molds, com plete Plants or Parts, for eash. Give description. Queen City VuL Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 Soutn Cameron street FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights; runs and pills like new. Price $375 cash. Dial 36-C. a R. Hont Llnglestown. near Harrisburg. ROADSTER for sale. In the best of condition, good tires, new top and electric equip. $250 takes it. Inquire E. W. Llchtenberger, 2154 N. 4th St 1917, S-passenger Overland for sale, completely overhauled, new pantasole top, new battery, all new tires. Was rpalnted In early gummer. Owner took very good care of car. Runs as good as new. Will demonstrate. Ad dress Box D-8088 care Telegraph or call Bell 3735J Harrisburg, after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Ford touring car cheap. Inquire 2512 N. 7th St or call Bell 706 R. Dial 5765. GREAT BARGAIN Overland, 5 passenger touring, 83-B first class condition; good tires; spot light and bumper. Inquire of S. A Book, Highspire. Dial phone 9701. ' FOR SALE—Cheap, 7 passenger Abbott touring car. 1502 Walnut St. FORD—I9I7 roadster, good tires and top. In A 1 condition, with demount-, able wheels. Inquire 322 Blackberry Avenue. CARS' OARS! CARS! Two Chevrolet touring, 1916 model. One Chevrolet touring, 1917 raogel. One Royal mail Chevrolet roadster. One Buick roadster, 1915 model. One Buick roadster, 1914 model. These cars have been thoroughly overhauled and are In the very best of mechanical condition and electrically equipped lights and starters. We also do all kinds of automo bile repairing. Truck work a special ty. You will find us every day from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. at 1336-38-40 Thompson ave., at the Thompson Ave. Garage. Edwin Phelps, Mgr. FOR SALE—One light roadster, late model, in good condition, also one motorcycle with sidecar, cheap to quick buyer. Apply Electra Garage, Evergreen and Thompson St. WM. PENN GARAGE ' 224-6 Muench street, limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night Bell 4564. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quired by specialist Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works, 805 North Third street FOR SALE—A 1919 light six. Stu debaker touring car, run less than four months. Address Box C-8093 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—I9IS Buick, in good condition. Call 1414 Susquehanna St 1117 Chandler, club roadster, |IOO. 1915 Buick, one-ton truck. 1918 Reo touring, tine running or der, at a bargain price. The abovi< cars will appeal to the average buyer In the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given CHELSEA AUTO CO.. A. Schiftman, Manager. - fl |L t. si 4 ;ss.- 4 4 J BARGAINS—Premier touring car, electric gear shift, like new; Denby 1-ton express body with top. first class condition; International one ton truck, used ten months, cheap; International two-ton truck, used nine months, cheap; Acme SVi-ton with Woods steel dump body, used six months; Denby S-ton, with Woods steel dump body; Cadillac unit, with two-wheel trailer; Overland, 1918, 6- passengcr touring; two-ton Mack, Wood's hoist, Denby body. Denby Sales Corporation, 12u5 Capital St. ft t. —.-I-' V P h * "•wiff.i,. if FOR SALE —Two-ton International truck In good condition; cheap. Ap ply FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807 North Seventh St FORD Sedan. 1918 model; good run ning order. |896. Horst Lingleatown. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 11 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. 1 BELL >3OO _ DIAL 48X4 _ MARKETS MJW VORIv STOCK idARKETS Chandler Brothers and Company members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—J North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 1338 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: Open Close Allis Chalmers 46% 47% Amer. Beet Sugar 93 9414 American Can 63% 64% Amer. Loco 112 112% Amer. Smelting 72% 74 American Sugar 140 140% Amer. Woolens 119 120% Anaconda 66% 67 Atchison 91 91% Baldwin Locomotive ~..136% 136% Baltimore and Ohio .... 39% 39% Bethlehem Stoel B 103 103% Butte Copper 26% 28% Calif. Petroleum 50% 61% Canadian Pacitlc 152 152 [Central Leather 103% 103% Chesapeake and Ohio ...58% 59% Chi.. Mil. and St. Paul... 43 44% Chino Con. Copper 41% 41% Corn Products 86 87 Crucible Steel 224 234% [Erie 16% 16% [General Motors 259 263% [Goodrich, B. F 83 85 Great North., pfd 86% 86% j Great North. Ore, subs .. 45 45% | Hide and Leather 34% 35 Inspiration Copper 60% 60% International Paper .... 61 62 Kennecott \ 34% 3"4% Lehigh Valley 47% 47% Maxwell Motor 45% 45% Merc. War Ctfg 57% 58% Merc. War Ctfs., pfd. ...117% 118% Mex. Petroleum 226 226% Mldvale Steel 61% 51% Mo. Pacific 29% 30% Mo. Kans. T 12% 13 N. Y.. N. H. and II 33% 34 % Norfolk and Western ...102 102 Northern Pacific 87% 88 Penna R. R. 4314 43% Railway Steel Spg 98% 98% Ray Con. Copper 23 23 Reading 82% 83% Republic Iron and Steel.. 93% 94% Southern Ry 26% 26% Studebaker 116% 117% Union Pacific 124 125% U. S. I. Alcohol 136% 137% U. S. Rubber 122% 123 U. S. Steel ."..105% 105% Utah Copper 82 82 Westlnghouse Mfg 54 54% Western Maryland 12% 12% Willys-Overland 32% 33 N. Y. Central 73% 75 Sinclair Oil ...1 59% 59% PHILADELPHIA PROUIICE Philadelphia, Oct. 4.—Butter high er, western creamery, extra, 66c; nearby prints, fancy, 72@74c. Eggs—Higher, nearby firsts. 319.20 per case; current receipts. $18.60; western extra, firsts, $19.20; western firsts. $18@18.60; fancy selected pack ed. 71 ® 73c per dozen. Live Poultry—Lower; fowls and chickens, 25@30c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; roosters, higher. 24c. Potatoes—Firm; Jersey, per basket. No. 1, 75c@$l; lower grades, 50@65c; potatoes in 150 pound sacks, $3@4.35; Penna. per 100 lbs., $2.75@2.90. Oats—Higher; No. 1 white, 80% @ 81% c; No. 2 white, 79%®80%c; No. 3, white. 78@79%c. Cheese—Quiet; New York and Wis consin full milk, 30@32e. Flour—Firm, fair demand; winter straight western, new $10.10@10.40; winter straight, nearby, new, $9.76@ 10; Kansas straight, new, $11.25@ 11.50; Kansas shore patent, new, $11.50@ 12; spring short patent, new, $!2@12.25; fancy spring and city mills patent, family brand, $12.75@ Hay—Steady but quiet; timothy. No. 1, $3l @32 per ton; No. 2. }28@30; No. 3. $24@27; clover mixed hay, light mixed, $28@30; No. 1 mixed. $26@27. Garages, Accessories and lie pairs THE FISHER RIM GRIP SUB-CASING For Q. D. Clincher or Straight Side Tires has a heavy specially designed flap which is very effective in eliminating trouble from tube pinches. Ask For Demonstration. AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell 1875JT. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. YOUR Dodge plus a Rayfleld car buretor. That's a great combination— a Rayfleld equipped Dodge. The spe cial Dodge model is Inexpensive and the saving in gasoline bills is from 15 to 30 per cent., will pay for it In a short time. A Rayfleld on any car in creases its efficiency all around. My. how she pulls the bills. Agency Fed erlck'a Garage, 1807-09 North Seventh ISt.. Harilsburg, Pa. AUTO repairing of all kind; first class mechanics on all makos of cars. Susquehanna Motor Co., 117-121 South Third St. Open day and night MOTCKCYCI-ES AND nICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL 'WORK. GUARANTEED DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET FOR SALE 1110 Reading standard motorcycle with side car; electric; like new; bar gain. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. •18 North Third St PERSONAL WRITE a song; love, mother, home, childhood, patriotic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee pub lication. Send words to-day. Thomas Merlin, 1020 Reaper Bloc'c. Chicago. LEGAL NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Bureau of Water and Light Bids will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Public Saf ety, Room 10, Court House, to 11 o'clock A. M., October 10th, 1918, for the laying of water pipes in Belle vue Road from 18th street to 19th street in Rolleston street from Syca more streat to Pemberton street, and in Berkley Place from line running parallel to Taylor Boulevard about 275 feet west The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Plans can be seen and specifications ob tained at above office. S. F. HASSLER, Superintendent. NOTICE la hereby given that a spt clal meeting of the atockholdera of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company of Pa., will be held In the principal office of the company, Harrlsuurg. Pa. on the 22nd day of October, 1919, at 2 p. M„ to take action on approval or disap proval of an agreement providing for the purchase by the Cumberland Val ley Telephone Company of Pennsyl vania of all the franchises, corpor ate property, rights and credits of the Company. Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given that a spe cial meeting of the stockholders of the Trl-County Telephone Company will be held In tne principal office of the company, Harrlsburg, Pa., on the 22nd day of October, 1918, at 2 P. M to take action on approval or disap proval of an agreement providing for the sale of all of the franchises, cor porate property, rights and credits of the Trl-County Telephone Com pany to the Cumberland Valley Tele phone Company, of Pa. OSCAR K. KINES, Secretary. NOTICE Is hereby given that certi ficate No. 40 for four shares of ths stock of the City Transfer Company standing in the name of E. B. Mitchell has been lost and that the under signed will apply to the company fo the Issue of a new certificate in lieu thereof. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO Executor of the will of E. Mitchell, deceased. WORK OF BOY SCOUTS HIGHLY COMMENDED BY CITY FRIENDS Commendation Hearty For Young Men and Boys Who Per formed Tasks Splendidly During Welcome Home Celebration For Soldiers of the City . .ji The work of the Boy Scouts dur ing the Welcome Home celebration has called forth much favorable comment and drawn special com mendation from many sources. It is pointed out that the total number of Scouts who reported for duty was 300. On Sunday, the first day of the celebration the Boy Scouts held crowds back from the space re served for soldiers and speakers at Island Park, allowing a clear field for the parade to enter the grounds and take the proper place assigned. Messengers also were assigned to the speakers' stand. On Monday the Boy Scouts kept i the crowds clear of the field for the ball game and took charge of the j stands reserved for the soldiers. For j the dinner in River Front Park, one bicycle messenger Scout and five additional scouts were assigned all : afternoon to each of 10 units for as- ! siting the ladies and before the finish j of the ball game the remainder of i scouts were brought from the island to the river park to keep the crowds [ from entering the space reserved for [ the dinner. The following letters of commen dation have been received and are J given publicity In honor of the young men who perforrhed their tasks so well: V*' - For the past fourteen (14) years, I have had to do with the handling of large crowds and never have I had better police service in handling a big crowd than was given by the Boy Scouts, especially the service given by them on Sunday. Their work cannot be praised too highly. V. Grant Forrer, Chairman, Sports Committee & , Asst. Superintendent Parks The discipline, attention to duty, and the Intelligent 1 Interest shown in their desire to carry out to the last detail, any task assigned to them, has impressed me with the fact that the Boy Scouts movement fills a highly important place in the civic activities of the commun ity. They handled, in an effective man ner, every ono of the Important tasks assigned to them in the Wel come Home celebration. ! When anything is given to them to do, they do It. The Boy Scouts of Harrisburg are dependable. Warren R. Jackson, Secretary, } Chamber of Commerce. ( The Scouts assigned to my com mittee were as busy as little beavers, all day, and proved themselves a wonderful help. They saved the women thousands j of steps during the serving of the , dinner, by distributing coffee, water, and cakes, and we all appreciate the service rendered. Mrs. Wm. Jennings, Chairman, National War Aid. It Is with genuine pleasure that I say a word regarding the splendid work of the Boy Scouts of Harris burg during the recent Home Coming Celebration. My personal observation con vinced me long ago that this body of organized boys is a distinct asset to the community life of the city. On every occasion where their ser vices are n-eeded these boys respond cheerfully and with marked ef ficiency do the Job to which they are assigned. At Island Park last Sunday after noon the Boy Scouts were respon sible for maintaining order In- a way that was commended on every side. Thousands of people were able to move about comfortably because the Scouts carried out the traffic orders and the reasonable regulations | issued for that occasion. During the parade on Monday ami at the' River Park dinner the boys again proved their worth and evoked universal praise. Every boy in Harrisburg should be a member of the organization and instead of hundreds there should j be thousan-ds enlisted under the ban- j ner of the Boy Scouts. It Is admir- | able training which they are re- ! ceiving and must lay the foundation j for sturdy and upstanding manhood. ; Sincerely yours, E. J. Stackpole, j Pres. Telegraph Printing Co. I cannot praise, too highly the j valuable work that was performed by the Boy Scouts in their co-opera- | tlon with the work of the committee. [ Absolutely dependable and effi- ] clent where ever assigned, we simply [ could not have gotten along without j them. I am heartily In favor of the Boy Scout movement, and I know that' DEL RIO PETROLEUM CORPORATION Oil Producers Main Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITALIZATION Outstanding, including this offering, 600,000 shares, par value, $5.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS CHAS. W. GREGG, President H. A. CURRIE, Vice President W. I). KELLER, Secretary and Treasurer , C. H. BLAKEMORE, Roanoke, Va. H. A. CURRIE, New York City, N. Y. Chairman Safety Commission, Norfolk * Went- Electrical Engineer, New York Central It. R. cm Itaflroad. E. R. BISSELL, Cleveland, Ohio. CHAS. W. GREGG, Washington, D. O. Superintendent, N. Y. Central Railroad. Safety Section, U. S. Ilullroad Administration. W. P. CHASE, New York City. N. Y. ALF. T. SMITH, Jeanette, Pa. K Bankera Supply Company. caahler and Director, People* National Bank. > PHILIP F. SWART, New York City, N. Y. c Mercantile Bank of tke Amerlcaa. TRANSFER AGENTS, U. S. Corporation Co., New York. REGISTRAR, Security Transfer & Registrar Co., New York. PROPERTIES comprise ownership of leases on approximately 2,140 acres of producing and provaa oil land In Weat Virginia, and 57,000 acres of geologically approved laaaes In the principal delda of Texas. There are 2# producing wells on the West Virginia properties with 5 additional wells drilling. The wells produce casing-head gas as well as oil. A gasoline plant Is now being constructed for the extraction of the gasoline, which averages 2% gallons of gasoline per 1,000 cubic feet. EARNINGS! Indicated earnings for next 12 months equivalent to 20 per cent, on outstanding stock. Clark A Krebs. eminent geologists and engineers, estimate annual earnings from preseut and potential pro duction equivalent to 70 per cent, on outstanding stock. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF SHARES IS OFFERED FOR PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION AT $4.00 A SHARE. Complete Information upon request. j THOMAS NEVINS & SON Fourth Floor Standard Life Bldg. 115 BROADWAY, Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW YORK CITY Established Over SO Years Specialists in the Inaneieg. development and operatic* ef *ll properties for nearly a Iftl ef a century. OCTOBER 4, 1919. M , it is doing a great deal of good for | the boys of Harrlsburg. Wm. Jennings, Chairman, Welcome Home Committee The Bplendid work performed by ' the Boy Scouts in their handling of the large crowds who gathered on the Island and during the dinner, | as well as voluntarily doing traffic ; duty, in certain congested corners ! is greatly appreciated by the Police department. Without the Boy Scouts the pres- I ent limited number of officers would ! have found it almost impossible to | have restranled the immense num i ber of people. There came under my personal ; observation, at Front and Market Streets, where the crowd and traffic ; had become congested, a lone Scout i jumping from the crowd and taking ; his place in the center of the street, and straightened out the tangle. I ; consider his work marvelous for ! one of his age. This Is not the first time that the i Boy Scouts have been of great as- I sistance to the Police Department, i and the thanks of the entire com j munlty can be extended to these I boys for the earnest and efficient manner with which they carry out ' the Instructions of their officers. Daniel L. Keister, Mayor, Harrlsburg, Pa. I The Boy Scouts are taught to do "A Good Turn Daily" and like every citizen they owe service to the com munity in which they live. The duty assigned to them as their part of the general arrange ments was a work that required tact and patience, and it is very gratify ing to those connected with the or ganization to learn that the work was satisfactorily performed. The efficiency of the Scout to per form service, such as rendered Sun day, depends to a great extent upon the co-operation of the people and their willingness to respond to the Scouts requests. William H. German, Commissioner, Boy Scouts of Harrisburg. Officer Took Bribes From Slackers, Is Testimony New York, Oct. 4. Silk shirts, handkerchiefs, socks and cigars as alleged bribes for enrollment and as signment of naval reserve men to "soft berths" during the war, | figured in the court martial of Lleu <" tenant Commander Christopher Marsden, charged with accepting hribes while in command of naval reserve enrollment In the summer of . 1918. J Louis Markorltz, who testified '/' making presents" to naval officers at the time of his enrollment," said that the Lieutenant Commander re ceived three shirts and a box of cigars, while he gave handkerchiefs, socks and "some money" to Lieu tenant Benolt J. Ellert of Marsden's stnff. Ellert recently pleaded guilty to similar charges. DU BEALB &BTENCILBPO n HARRISBIBBTENOILWORKS II 1 1.130 LOCUST QT. HARRIBEfB, PA. U ! FRANKLIN I BUILDING AND* t j LOAN ASSOCIATION: T SOT It- SERIES STARTING T j MONEY' TO LEND ' t f HUNDREDS HAVE SECURED* ? HOMES THOUSANDS HAVE t ! SAVED MONEY—HAVE YOU?t { STOCK CANCELLED ANY TIME* J 6% INTEREST PAID j | ROOM 10, | 202 Walnut Street | SCORED CYLINDERS • REPAIRED (Lawrence Process) No new pistons required. METAL WELDING o( ull kinds Aluminum u specialty. Machine Work of All Kinds lIARHISRURG WELDING AND BRAKING CO. 90-08 S. Cameron St Both Phonea. Pared Post Earning $10,000,000 Year Profit Washington, Oct. 4. The pared post is earning a profit of $10,000,000 annually and rates have been con stantly reduced since the beginning of the Bervice several years ago, As sistant Postmaster General Koons testified before the House Commlttea on Post Office Department Expendi tures. Mall order houses send most of their packages by parcel post, Mr. Koons said, adding that deliveries had been so prompt that one big house asked for delay In the service so that the packages would not ar sive before invoices sent out at night after dispatch of the packages dur ing the day. A FRIEND IN NEED $5,000 for accidental death. $25 a week for disability from accident. $2O weekly for illness. Double for accidents mt travel. A Year's Protection For $lO The National Accident Society of New York (Eat. 1886) Brarc Green, Resident Agent 1814 Green St.. Bell dlO r~ ' Important Notice The Home Building & Loan Association of 409 Market street (Alderman Hoverter's office) will open a new series on Tuesday evening, Octo ber 7th, at 7.30 o'clock. Shares will be 25c each and can be se cured from any of the following officers on or before this date: C. Benlts, 30A South Fourth St.; B. F. Eby, 1321 Derry St; George Hoverter, 409 Market St; Charles Weissman. 1160 Mulberry St.; Wendell Fackler, 1626 Mar ket St.; Charles A. Klemm, 1414 State street; W. D. Block, ISO Evergreen St Tou will get 6 per cent, on your savings. Join with us. We Have For Quick Sale Two dwelling houses of modern construction i n one of the most desirable and growing residen tial sections of the city. One, a cor ner property is ideal for a Doc tor's or Dentist's Office. Commonwealth . Trust Company 222 Market Street 18 H. P. Upright Boiler 12 H.P. Steam Engine 25 Pulleys 55 Ft Line Shaft of 1 16-16 In. In diameter, equipped with hangers and thrust rings. 100 Ft Belting r .*j of different sizes. 1 1-2 H. P. Domestic Gasoline Engine together with direct con nected pump. All of the above Is in ex cellent shape. Our only reason for selling is that we have no further use for it. All or part will be sold cheap to quick buyer. May be seen at Newville, Pa. Cloverdale Spring Co. Newville, Pa. 15