Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 04, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 To Advertise teal Estate Until It Is Soli Is lever an Expensive Elan IDeatbs COPE—Miss Lor a E. Cope, on Thurs day, October 2, at the home of her sister. Mrs. W. Fred Hess, Cumber land Street, Camp Hill. Funeral services Monday, October 6, ac 10 a. m. Burial in the Shlp pensburg cemetery will be private. Friends and relatives are invited to attend without further notice. IN MEMOKIAM Kinter. In sad but loving remem brance of our dear mother, Maria Feriig Kinter, who left us seven years ago to-day, October 4, 1912. From this world of pain and sorrow To a land of peaceful rest, God has taken our dear mother, Where she will find eternal rest. By Her Son and Daughter. In loving remembrance of our dear daughter and mother, Anna B. Price, who departed this life two years ago to-day. October 5, 1917. By Mother and Son. In loving remembrance of Rose Fogarty Shelley, who departed this life October 5, 1918. Her Husband, Harry Shelley. Parents, Brothers and Sisters. In memoriam of Ruth Z. Shook, who died October 5. 1918. Gone but r,ot forgotten. Softly now the light is falling, on a quiet grave. Where there sleepeth without dream ing. One we loved but could not save. Oh. do not ask us if we miss her. For there's such a vacant place. Oft we feel her presence near us. But no more we'll see her smiling face. Yet we know that she is happy In the mansions of the blest Where there is no hour of parting, Just one sweet eternal rest. Bv her Husband and Relatives, WALTER E. SHOOK. — ) LOST AND FOUND lOST—Automobile tire and rim. between Harrisburg and Lancaster. Reward if returned, Bricker's West Shore Bakery, Lemoyne, Pa. LOST—A gold wrist watch and liraci let Thursday afternoon. Suitable reward. Communicate with S. R. Harris. 1927 N. Sixth St. LOST Bunch of keys; Jnder please return Bob Boyer. 24 South Dewberry St. Suitable reward. LOST —Two new tires from a Ford automobile on Saturday evening, Sep tember 27. at Marysville. The person who took these tires is known and to avoid trouble return at once to Ai bert Miller. Marysville, Pa. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Siiorthanc. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAH. Enter at any time. Bell 125 Dial 4016. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. HELP WANTED—MALE , EXCELLENT-OPPORTUNITIES FOR AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN A corporation of national reputation offers opportuni ties for several young men of of good education to learn it business, the work is me chanical in its nature, the lo cation is out of town. We pieler young men 20 to 22 years of age who have com pleted a high school course. Make application in your own handwriting, stating your age, education, previous business experience, if any. and stat ing your willingness to be lo cated. if necessary, consider able distance from this local ity. Adequate salary is paid during the instruction period and there are exceptional op purnities for advancement for earnest, serious minded young men. We urge others not to make application. Address Box L-9876 care Harrisburg Telegraph. Wanted At 2000 to 6000 a year and up Accountants Bank Examiners Traffic Managers Capable applicants are wanted to take training at once without Inter ference with present duties for im portant positions with large indus tries and C. P. A. firms. Full infor mation without obligation. Address, La Salle Extension University Harrisburg Offiee. Bell 4940R I'. O. Box 3, Hill Station WANTED AT ONCE Ail aroun boilcrmukers for work in general tank shop. Good wages. Apply to THE NEW YORK CENTRAL IRON WORKS CO., INC.. Hagorsioivn. Md. WANTED—Two tailors at once. Good wages. Steady employment. C'hambei sliurg Woolen Mills, Inc., Re tail lupait., Chambersburg, Pa. MAN to work ibis city rettnishing chandeliers, brass i> ds. automobiles, by new method. slo daily without capital or experience. Write Gun metal Co.. 331 Elm. Decatur, 111. iPouti■)lli'(l In Next Column) ; Three Desirable Properties For Sale No. 2144 N. Fifth St. Two-story brick dwelling: 7 rooms and bath; combination gas and electric light; furnace heat; front and back porches: laundry in cellar, stl!.< at a low price. No. N. Fourth St. Tn u-slor: brick uwellnjff; 7 1 rooms, ii and pantry: front i .nis.ii: tfu. hi tlectric fur r uco hi at: lot. J-\ 04 ft.: ;ios!4es | tII u'l * * No. i.u. N. Fifth St. I intuited, J-wi ry brick divell j e.g. s rooms, bath und pantry; gas j .;:iit; furnace heat; front, side and . a ; "trims: cemented cellur; , 12: in. f : iii iikili. to ..a sen ! r r i rothers tk Co. { .. V.VI I.VSL.IAXt i: ♦ . . ! % \l> CtltKT >, ,r . . . tlXi. c.. < . em iioard SATURDAY EVENING, HKLP W ANTED—MALE CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS PATTERN MAKERS PIPEFITTERS V HIGH RATES; STEADY WORK ASSURED; BONUS PAID ON SEC OND AND THIRD SHIFTS APPLY FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AKRON, OHIO . i OPPORTUNITIES FOR A large number of Inexperi enced men, ages 18 to 45. Must be In good physical con dition; good living wage paid while learning; steady work assured. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE _ AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO. WANTED—A man who can sell advertising and subscriptions, who can Interview businessmen, who is a real business producer. Will pay a salary worthwhile to the right man. Address The Forum, 343 Market St., Sunbury. Pa. WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. •hops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE, Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE, Lucknow and Snoia. DIE SINKERS AND TRIM MER MAKERS WANTED. GOOD WAGES; STEADY WORK; NO LABOR TROUBLES. GLOBE MALLEABLE IRON AND STEEL CO., SYRACUSE. N. Y. WANTED Stenographer male, 20 to 30 years of age. also several men for inspec tion and assembling, 20 to 25 years lof age. Apply Factory Employment Bureau. Elliott-Fisher Co.. South Cameron St. 1 Young man about 18 years old to learn automobile stor age battery business. Excel lent opportunity to the right man. Call at Willard Service Station, Forster Street near Front. | MEN. 18 ane over, of Harrisburg ! and vicinitv. wlio desires to prepare for government examinations for positions as post office clerks, field ' cvlerks. departmental clerks, railway I mail < lerks, government farmers rev enue offieers. customs officers, etc., call and interview Mr. Henry 1 Laurens. at Bolton Hotel. Mon day Oetober 6. Permanent positions at good salaries. Minors, under 21. must be accompanied by parents ! Hours 1 p. m. until 9 p. m. One day only. . WANTED —Ambitious young man typist preferred, for position in our accounting department. Ask for Mr. j Raines. Elliott-Fisher Co.. S. Cam | eron St. WANTED —Good all 'round ma lehinists and tool makers, not em ployed. Address The D. Wilcox Mfg. : Co.. Mechanicsburg. Pa. FIRST class structural steel de -1 tailor wanted for permanent position. State experience and salary desired. IC. Wager-Smith, York, Pa. WANTED —Li borers and contrac tors at the Pa;:tang quarries. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Paxtang, pa. WANTED —Errand boy, one who can ride a bicycle. Apply Capjtul Optical Co.. 315 Chestnut St. WANTED —hour good stone ma sons. See E. B. I/.est at Grace M. E. Church State St. or evening 1929 Pa i k St. GRASP the opportunity to-day to become at, expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your v.i ! l;ii.,'. iiouie to become an expert and for only seven dollars a we"lt. i.earn a practical trade. Make appii 'ialien a! once Automobile and Aero j laoe Mei hanical School. Office 25 N enmi'o n •• Harrisburg'. Training Quarters and Aeroplane Field. 14th und Sycamore Sts. ' I Continued in Next Column) HELP WANTED—MALE LABORERS WANTED At York Haven, Pa.: 40 cents an hour; 10 hours a day. Call at 204 Locust St. 4 ACCOUNTANTS and BOOKKEEPERS Because of the tremendous short age of technically trained executives and accountants men who have some accounting ability will welcome the information that a prominent organ ization of certified public account ants has made available a scientific ally simple and intensely interesting home study training qualifying ac iepted applicants through special coaching high grade posit.ons. (Ac cepted -andidatos guaranteed satis faction). If you earn less than $2,500. address in confidence, John B. Tan ner, C. P. A., president. Suite 19D, 2826 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. WANTED AT ONCE—One experi enced paper hanger; steady piece work. Apply 1317 N. Sixth St. MAN for day labor; also cutting corn in country, near city. Apply 1700 N. Second St. THOUSANDS Census clerks wanted, $ll4O-$1260 year. Harrisburg exam inations Nov. 15. Write for list posi tions. Franklin Institute Dept.. 412T, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED—Three first class meat cutlers and counter men. Apply Buehler, 432 Market. WANTED—Three neat appearing young men, 18 to 22. to travel with manager on meritorious advertising proposition. Splendid chance for ad vancement and to see the country. See Mr. Kirk, Hotel Crystal, between 6 and 8 p. m. Saturday, and 8 and 9 a. m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day. FOUNDRY and machine work want ed. We are equipped to manufacture in any quantity any type of machine or specialty including foundry work and machine work or can produce castings of gray iron, brass and liuminum or machine parts and pat tern work. Our location is Ideal lor shipping facilities and labor condi tions; located In Central Pennsylva nia. We can quote you very attractive prices and guarantee delivery. Ad dress Box C-8011 care Telegraph. WANTED —Salesman one familiar with steam specialties, boiler room equipment only, to solicit in a well advertised territory of Central Penn sylvania, Western Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia. These special ties are installed in a number of plants in this territory and very highly recommended. Large sales can be made on a commission basis. Man experienced on specialties and lixo wire necessary. Address X-9018 care Telegi aph. MEN —Age 17 to 55. Experience un necessary. Travel; make secret in vestigations; reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency. 429, St. Louis. HOUSE painters wanted; good Jobs for thirty men at 70 cents per hour. Four months' work guaranteed. Come prepared to work. R. L. Whaley, 1169 duPont Building, Wilmington. Del. WANTED—Salesman to sell lubri cating oils to garages and factories, must be able to show that he has been a successful salesman and must have had not under two years' actual road experience. Apply in person to Indian Refining Co.. Lemoyne, Pa. WANTED Man for warehouse work and to act as delivery and ship ping clerk, one who can furnish good references, and fit himself for ad vancement. Apply in person. Indian Refining Co., Lemoyne. Pa. — . 1 WANTED—A boy to work in store; permanent position for reliable boy. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co., 13 South Market Square. BRICKLAYERS wanted; highest wages; six months' work; apply in person with tools or by letter. Build ers' Exchange, 24 S. 7th St.,. Philadel phia carfare refunded after first week's work. \ WANTED —Ambitious man over 21 years who is willing to devote some spare time in preparing for a sales position, that will pay $l,BOO a year or more, state age, where employed, phone number and full particulars; confidential. Address Box D-8259 care Telegraph. WANTED Men between ages of 20 and 40. Steady employment, comfortable quar ters. Full maintenance and salary. Apply to Superintendent, State Hos pital, Harrisburg. WANTED Practical watchmaker j and clockmaker at once. Permanent! and good position to right man. Jacob | Tr.usig's Sons. 420 Market St. WANTED —Experienced auto repairman. Apply FED ERICK'S GARAGE. 1807-09 N. Seventh St. HELP WANTED —FEMAI.E WANTED! Our business Is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors, also girls to learn. If you are a camper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay, or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn- I ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in tiar risburg than our lactory and we are making it better every day. Don't anrwer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO., 1408 Vernon Street. i We can use a few more ex perienced knitters and loop erj. Apply NEW IDEA HOSIERY CO., 14th and Howard Sts. ! WANTED Five bright. capanle i ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell j dealers; $25 to $5O per week; railroad ' tare paid; write at once. Goodrich ■ Drug Co., Dept. 841. Omaha. Neb. i tContinued In Next Column) HJLRRISBTJRG TELEGKAPS YOUR REAL ESTATE can be sold to good advantage if it is desirable. In advertising it you should use at least as much persistence as you would deem proper in trying for any other result. That docs not mean much ex pense, when measured by the import ance of the sale you seek to make. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED WOMAN OF GOOD APPEARANCE to call upon the consumer and demonstrate high grade food product. Must be intel ligent and of pleasing per sonality. Good proposition to capable party. Address at. once, Mr. Porter, care Harris burg Telegraph. WANTED Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant, work and good wages. We are also employing inexperi enced operators who are paid whio learning. A bonus is paid every p U v day to all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Reily and Fulton Streets WANTED Reliable woman for general hcusework. Address Box CBbBS care Telegraph. WANTED Several experienced typists, 20 to 25 years of age. High school edu cation: good chances for advance ment. Apply to Factory Employment Bureau, Elliott-Fisher Co.. South Cameron St. YOUNG lady to clerk In store. Ap-' ply newstore, 204 N. Third St. WANTED—Woman to clean house! soveral days, liberal wages to good ■ worker. Call 1610 North St., or Boll| phone 543 M. WOMEN, 18 and over, of Harrisburg 1 and vicinity, who desires to prepare I for government examinations c for" positions as post office clerks, fluid clerks, departmental clerks, ma trons, etc., call and Interview Mr | Henry Laurens, at Bolton Hotel, Mon day, October 6. Permanent positions; at good salaries. Minors, under 21, must be accompanied by parents. Hours 1 p. m. until it p. m. One day only. 1 WANTED—GirI for general house work; small private family; good wages. Apply 266 Herr St. WANTED —A girl or woman for general housework; three in family; six-room, new house; one block from Uerry car line. Apply 730 S. 27th St. WANTED —Operators and learners, and girls to do other kind of work; good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton St. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to make socks on the i fast, easily learned auto knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance im material; positively no canvassing, 'tarn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp. ; Dept. 146 C, Auto Knitter Co., Buf !falo, N. Y. ' WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma-! chines. Learners taken. We will guar- I anlf e ill operators a certain wage each week. We pay the best prices in' the city on our work and also 15 peri cent, to 20 per cent, on what you j earn. We work 50 hours per week and I pay every Saturday. Apply Harrisbuigj Apparel Co., Sixth and Herr Sts., City Star Laundry Bldg., Third Floor. WANTED —Girl 'or middle aged 1 woman to uo general housework; no cooking, and assist with the children; wages |V per week. Write Mrs. E. J. 1 iepcr. It. D. 3. Lancaster. Fa. UNDERWEAR worker, understand ing cither lacing, taping, finishing, buttonholing or cutting; special work in large ribbed underwear factory out ol city; only first class operator with fair education can qualify; |135 per month with opportunity to work into responsible, better paying posi tion. State experience in detail and age in own handwriting. Address Box i,-xli;i:i lare Telegiaph. WANTED—Young woman experi enced or to learn shampooing, man icuring and facial massage; reference required. Address Mrs. Mary E. Phil lippy, 2u9 Kroninberg Bldg., Carlisle. WANTED Korelady capable of taking charge of sewing in factory; must have experience. Tauber, Lipton & Co., W. Herald, St., Tyrone. WANTED RELIABLE LAUN DRESS FOR MONDAY OR TUESDAY'. APPLY 2231 N. SECOND STREET. WANTED—Reliable woman for general housework. 2008 N. Third St. yV ANTED —Four young ladies to act as models for opening of new clothing house; no experience neces sary, but salesladies preferred; size 31 and 36. Address Box C-809S earo Telegraph. WANTED—Waitress; must be ex perienced; good wages. Apply Alva Hotel, 19 S. Fourth St. COOK wanted for family of four. Apply between 6.30 and 8, evenings, at 1937 Green street. WANTED Girl cylinder press feeders; experienced feeders prcfer | red. Appiy at once. Courier Press, • 210 N. Third St. ; , | WANTED—Colored forelady, cap- I able of taking charge of sewing room; stats past experience. Wash ington Ave. Factory, cor. 12th St., 1 Tyrone, Pa HELP WANTED—MaIe ami Female WANTED—Men, women, girls, 18- •>O, U. S. government census clerks, or railway mail clerks. Thousands census clerks needed before January. Harrisburg examinations Now 15. Sll4O-SJ26O first year. Write imme diately for full list positions open. Franklin institute. Dept. 4HIT, Roch ester, N. Y. MEN—Women raise Belgian hares for us. We pay $7 to $lO for all you raise. Free illustrated booklet. United Food and Fur Association, 329 West 4isth St.. Dept. C, New York. CENSUS CLERKS (men, women). 4.000 needed. $95 month. Age 18-50. Experience unnecessary. Examina tions, Harrisburg, October 18. For tree particulars, xvrite Raymond Terry (former government examiner) 518 Continental Bldg. Washington. BOOKKEEPERS for Uncle Sam— Thousands are needed. Examinations everywhere every Tuesday. Open to men and women. We ean prepare you quickly. Write. Civil Service Drillery, 1013 15th St., N. W„ Washington, D. c. SALESMEN WANTED DANDY SIDE LINE FREE SAMPLES PROVE IT They are winners and make money for many salesmen more money than their regular line does. We manu facture tlie snappiest, fastest selling variety of metai specialties on the market. Big trade stimulators for every manufacturer, wholesaler, re tailer, banks, factories, etc. Every line everywhere buys them in large quan tities. No seasons. Side line salesmen earn $5O a week; $l5O to $2OO for whole time. Get ousy. Write quick for outfit. Full commissions paid prompt ly. C. E. Erickson Co., Inc., 542 Erickson Bldg., Des Moines. lowa. SPECIALTY salesmen, xve manufac ture Ford accessdry xvhich sells to dealers upon five minutes' demonstra tion. You can make $l5O weekly. Exclusive territory. Motor Products Company. Indianapolis, Ind. MEN wanted who have their own auto or horse and buggy to sell Hog- Tone and other Avalon Farms Vet erinary Specifics direct to farmers. Selling experience not necessary. This is the largest nationally advertised line of its kind. Sales are easily made: big money assured right froin the start. Our manager xvill arrange to start you in this work at once. Write immediately for territory. Ad dress W. J. Lithall. sales manager, A. F. Company. 319 W. Ohio St., Chi cago, 111. SALESMEN —New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple not a moving part, installed in thirty minutes, guaran teed to double your mileage and start in zero weather without heating or priming. Fifteen-day free trial. Our St. Louis man sold 3000 in 11 months; Salt Lake City man made $l2OO in one week. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co., 505 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Men wanted to sell groceries selling experience not necessary. One of world's largest grocers, (capital over $1,000.000) wants ambitious men in your locality to sell direct to con sumer nationally known brands of an extensive line of groceries, paints, roofings, lubricating oils, stock foods, etc. Big line, easy sales. Values beat any competition. Earn big money. No experience or capital required. Com plete sample outfit and free selling instructions start you. Long estab lished reliable house. Write to-day. John Sexton & Co., 352 W. Illinois St., Chicago, 111. SALESMEN —Write for list of! openings and full particulars. Ea:n 12.000 to 110.000 yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or expert-' encod. City or traveling, Nat'l. Sales -1 mens Tr. Assn., Dept. 603. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted: perfected fur nace carburetor. Sizes for any fur nace; increases heat half; reduces toot, at h, labor and fuel; big profits. West P'urnace Carburetor Co., Den ter, Col. AGENTS —Either sex to represent manufacturers of sanitary articles. Unlimited demand and practically no competition. Commission up to 75 per cent. B. & G. Rubber Co., 618 Venn Ate., Pittsburgh, Pa. $5OO per month selling a new pat ented fuel vaporizer guaranteed to save up to 50 per cent, in gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford car. Sold on money-back guarantee. One sample free. Stransky Vaporizer Co., I Pukwana. S. Dak. AGENTS —Big pay and free auto mobile introducing wonderful new gasoline saver, puncture proof, flve venr spark plugs and other economic al at'.lo necessities. Outfit free. L. Ball vvey, Dept. 632. Louisville, Ky. AGENTS —One cent invested in a 1 postal card brings you $75-5100 per week three-in-four repeater proposi tion. Specialty Mfg. Co., Div. 125, Madlsor,, Wis. AGENTS —One cent invested in a postal card brings you $75-1100 per week three-in-four repeater proposi tion. Specialty Mfg. Co.. Div. 340, Mad- I ison, Wis. ! AT LAST —Greatest low priced washing machine invented. ssu week i iy demonstrating new marvelous Cas i cade Washer. Presto, dirt is driven I nut of clothes by live steam in a few . minutes, without labor. Boils, washes iat same time. No pounding. No rub l bing. Child can operate. Creates big i excitement everywheie. Demand enor i mous Write quick for demonstrating I machine. H. M. Sheer Co.. 121 Hamp shire St.. Quincy, 111. ! SIS to $36 weekly In your spare 'time doing special advertising work ! among the families of your city. No ! experience necessary. Write to-dav i for ful! particulars; American Prod ! nets Co., 266. American Bldg.. Cin ' cinnatl, Ohio. ! OUR book '•Distillation of Alcohol," Ifrim grain, etc. with Gov. laws, $1 prepaid. Agents wanted. Devol & Co., (919 Barker Block. Omaha. Neb. (Coutlnued lit Next Column) AGENTS WANTED AGENTS—SSu to $75 a week repre senting our splendid line of men's guaranteed tailored neckwear; par ticulars free. E. L Keiser Co., Pal mer Bldg.. Detroit, Mich. AGENTS—Make big money with our new fall and holiday specialties. Enormous demand, big profits. No ex perience necessary. Samples. Catalog free Cruver Co.. Jackson & Campbell, Chicago. AGENTS—SIO to $25 a day sure, "America's part in the World War" —introduction by General Pershing. Only authentic story. Profusely il lustrated. Greatest success ever known. Inexperienced salesmen mak ing $lOO a week and more. Men or women. Whole or spare time. Spe cial terms. Freight paid. Credit given. Outfit free. Universal House, Philadelphia. I AGENTS making $2OO weekly! I Everyone wants it. Formula for 200 homemade beverages, book form. Send $1 for copy und territory proposition. I Buyers Export Agency, Inc., 445 | Broome St., New York. AGENTS—ideal steak tenderer; the greatest money-maker on the market; makes tough steak tender as porter house; housekeepers buy on sight; over 200,000 in use; sample free. Tyler Mfg. Co., Dept. B-7, Muncle, Ind. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants representatives to sell shirts, under wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for frco samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad way, New York City. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE STENOGRAPHER Accurate, ex perienced male stenographer desires position with firm or institution in or near Harrisburg. Best of refer ences. Address Box D-8102 Tele graph. WANTED—Position by experienced barber Address Harvey Fritz. 101 Middle St.. Waynesboro, Pa. COLORED school boy wishes posi tion in afternoons; age 19. Address | E-5258 care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WOMAN wants house cleaning by the day. Apply 1223 Monroe St. THOROUGHLY competent stenog rapher, with several years' experi ence in bookkeeping and general of fice routine, desires to secure a posi tion. First class reference. Address Box K-8095 care Telegraph. A refined widow with two girls wishes to keep house for middle aged widower. Reference exchanged. Ad dress C. S., R. F. D. No. 2 WANTED —Work by the day by colored woman. Inquire at 1431 Mar ion St. Can furnish reference. - '■ 1 A young colored girl, 17 years r.f age, would like work for Saturday. Write or call at 352 South Cameron Street. COLORED girl desires a position as second girl or dishwasher or child's nurse. Can give reference. Call or write to 1110 South 9th St., Harris burg. ROOMS FOR RENT WILL rent in private house in good neighborhood, two bed rooms and sitting room to men with use of bath. Large light rooms, well fur nished. heat and electric light. Also one attractive room for business xvoman. References required. Address Box R-8012 care Telegraph. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished bed room, second floor front room, light, beat and bath, suitable for man and wife. Good location. Call 108 Sylvan Terrace, corner house. FOR RENT —Two neatly furnished rooms; all ventilated and heated; use of bath and phone; suitable for man and wife or business people. Inquire 210 S. 13th St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms on second floor, heat and use of phone. Inquire 2114 Moore St. WANTED —By young traveling man. room in private family; must be central location with good heat and bath facilities. Address Box H-5097 care Telegraph. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping in Christian home. Apply 1932 N. Third St. FOR RENT—A small room; private family; all conveniences; gentleman preferred. Inquire 420 Woodbine St. TWO ladies can secure second storv front, steam heated room in quiet neighborhood. Hill section; breakfast and Sunday dinner, if de sired Address Box L-8091 care Tele graph. . FOR RENT —One large furnished room for light housekeeping; all Im provements. Apply 443 Walnut Street. Call after 6 p. m. FOR RENT —Large front, third | floor room, furnished. Use of bath, I electric light, both phones, reasonable j rates, gentlemen preferred. 1549 State St., cor. 16th St. Bell 4162 R. | FOR RENT —Large well furnished j bed room, with board, gentlemen pre- I forred. Inquire 2709 N. Sixth St. ( UNFURNISHED housekeeping I rooms with communicating kitch-j nette large airy outside; strictly private; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bath room privi leges; weekly payments; daily inspec tion invited. 429 Broad St. j FOR RENT —Furnished room, $3 j single or $4.50 double. Inquire 107 j Chestnut St. . : FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished ! bed rooms, located on Green street, j electric light, use of bath, gentlemen; -referred. Address Box W-5096 care! Telegraph. j TWO well furnished front rooms; rttv steam heat; all conveniences;! gentlemen preferred. 120 Market St., 3d floor. Bell phone 698. j NICELY furnished. clean. cool i rooms. 12.50 per week and up. 1:! | South Third street. j FOR RENT—Two second floor fur- j nished communicating rooms for light housekeeping: all conveniences; no rhlldren. Apply 1549 Walnut St. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three unfurnished , rooms on second floor for light house keeping: centrally located. Call 3768 R. . 1 - WANTED —Nice airy room by' young lady. Preferably in neighbor hood of Sixth and North Sts. In un sworing. give rates, etc. If possible with private family. Can give best of references. Occupancy about October - 15. Addic-ss Box R-SlOO care Tele graph. WANTED —Young couple, both cm ' ployed, desire furnished room with private family in vicinity of 13th and '1 lorry Streets. Address Box X-BUI6 care Telegraph. WANTED —To rent two rooms to, be usi a as doctor's offices, located be tween State and Walnut. Third and Ft or t. Wiil consider the purchase of propel ty. Address D-SOBl care Tele ' graph. I OCTOBER 4, 1919. BOARD AND ROOMS YOUNG man. age 27, single, wishes board and room In a private family, preferably one that has no other or only a few boarders. Box E-8101 care Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Second floor apart ment for colored people. Inquire D. J. Horwitz, 1201 Monroe St. APAHTMETS WANTED WANTED—By middle aged couple, small apartment or three unfurnish ed rooms suitable for light house keeping; preferably on Allison Hill south of Der*y St. Other locations would be considered. Call Bell phone 4669 W. DRESSMAKING TAUGHT WANTED—A school of dressmaking will be opened Monday, October 6, at 600-A Boas St., upstairs front. Fob ' particulars apply to Miss Diegmar,. 426 North St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES on easy terms; possession !at once, N. 6th St., 8 rooms, elect, and | gas, irc.rit porch, side ent., large yard, l bay windows. | Possession 30 days, 8-story brick, (corner). 6 rooms, all imp., on the I IIill, front porch (terms). ! Possession at once, 2-story brick. ! perch front, bay window, side ent., ! drive alley, $5OO down. I Possession at once, large single ! pressed brick. N. 2d St., yard entirely i around the house. | ; Large single brick house, N. 3d St.. I large yard, shade, etc. ! Large, single homes on the Hill. ' Apartment houses on Hill and up i tow n. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street HOMES FOR SALE Several for immediate possession. Homes f%r sale at prices ranging from $1,850 to $17,000. ROUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, Both phones. 307 Kunkel Bldg. Near 23d and Derry Sts., new 2- story bk., all imp., price $3BOO 1600 block Derry St.. 3-story ok.. ail imp., price ,- ,700 , ( , > 1731 Park St., 2% -story bk., all imp $3600 1700 block. State St., 3-story bk., garage, all imp 400 block Woodbine St., 3-story bk., all imp .$3500, 400 block Muench, 3-story bk., no j imp $--,00 2700 block, 6th St., 3-story bk.. all imp 227 N. 15th St.. 3-story bk., drive I alley, all imp .....$5-00 Near Fenbrook, 8 room bk., ?* I large lot ~s3ooo i Double frame house, one acre land, ' fruit, barn, pig sty. chicken house, j lots of fruit, one block from trolley., bargain $4BOO Double frame house, large lot, greenhouse I 32 S. 28th St., Penbrook, 7 room. I frame house ~$-sao, , 228 and 230 S. 29th St., 7 room frames, all imp., each $2300 CHAS. DAVIES. Real Estate. Rents Collected 1549 State St. Bell 4162 R. Dial 4933 DERRY ST.—24l5 —2-story brick, 7 rooms and bath, house recently com pleted, lot 10x100, building 22 ft. front, gas and electric, open fire place, i steam heat, finished throughout in chestnut, hardwood floors, beautiful lawn and schrubbery, place for a gar bage, can be seen by appointment. "630 N 6th. —3-story brick, electric, ! gas. steam heat, drive alley ir. real, I room for garage. | 2608 N. 6th St.—3-story bi ick. elec tric, gas. steam heat, extra fine finish I in ' ld LEHMAN &■ K LING F.MAN, Patriot Building. CAMP HILL—2 V 4 -story brick, slate roof dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, facing south with large porch fine view up Cumberland Valley, hot air heat, nice fire place, chicken house and garage in rear, with fruit trees in bearing on lot 50x150, or on lot 100x150. Lawn planted In evergreens and flowers, vines covering house. Lo cated on Logan street, just west of Bowman avenue. Can be inspected at any time. A. E. Strode. Bell phone 3i son. FOR SALE —Modern brick and stucco home. Inquire 904 N. 16th St. 316, 318. 320. 322 Lewis; 6 rooms and bath; electric light. 1911 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and bath. 2044 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and j hath. 2632 N. 6th St.. 9 rooms and bath. 1933 N. 3d St.. 11 rooms and bath. 1 680 Schuylkill St., 6 rooms and bath, ; 308 I,ewis St., 7 rooms and bath. I 3200 N. 3d St., 9 rooms and bath. D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance. I i FOR SALE—I64O Catherine Street; ! i Vacant 6 room, modern brick house, i Price $3,000. Terms. ! HOUSES for sale In Highsplre at a! bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St., ! Hlgfispire. 9801. j* LINCOLN REALTY CO. j 1 Relly St. 3-story brick with all mod ern improvements. i Buv a home on Boyd street, terms are easy and the price is right. Don't pay rent when you can buy ■ on easy terms. | 1129 N. 7th Street. j FOR SALE—Or will exchange for | improved city property, the Elicker Hotel property, at Marietta. Pa.; large lot. 40X200; 12 room house; 90-foot' depth; barn or garage. 30x35 feet. | , new. A good business location. Chas. Davies 1549 Stale St. Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930. I 321 Herr St.. 8 roomed house; all' i improvements; a bargain to quick , buyer. Rents for $25. Apply 324 • Relief St. FOR SALE —Suburban. 2373 Can by St., Pcnbrook, corner property; single £>4 -story on lot 30x200 feet; numerous fruit trees and good gar den. garage and chicken house, ee ' ntent walks. Apply 1929 Park St. Bell 527 R. FOR SALE —1824 State St.; imme diate possession; 3 s. b., 8 rooms and bath; all improvements. For further information address. C. G. Flower. General Delivery, Hill Station, Hur risburg. HOUSES FOR SALE—Centrally lo cated; with furniture un<l household goods. H. C. Ferber, 107 Chestnut St., ilea I' Ft ont. i (Continued in Next Coluin ,> REAL KSTAXE FOR SALE HARRISBURO'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" NEW; VACANT; 9 rooms and bath; all large cheery rooms; a good loca tion for a rooming house; steam heat; gas; electric; cement cellar; very cheap; $5OO down; balance same as rent. SIX BRAND NEW, VACANT HOUSES. In one of Harrisburg's lead ing suburbs; built in pairs; 6 rooms and bath; steam heat; hardwood floor, icement cellar; gas and electric; right up-to-minute; small amount down, balance same as rent. A REAL BARGAIN—3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; i nice front porch; shade trees; nice I tack yard; small amount down, bal ! ance same as rent. I DERRY ST., 2145 —3-story brick; | 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity. , all modern Improvements; nice front and back porches; cement cellar; a 'very nice home; can be bought with 1 $5OO cash. | RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER— j 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all | improvements; drive alley in rear; small amount down, balance same as rent. ENOLA Two-story frame, VACANT; 7 rooms; electric light; hot air heat; nice front and back porches; vdry large yard; can be bought with a small amount down, balance same w rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1, Security Trust Building . 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1390. Dial 3513 FOR SALE A SINGLE PROPERTY, NO. 1707 NORTH SECOND ST. A BARGAIN. POSSESSION AT ONCE. INQUIRE N. K. OYSTER, REAL ESTATE OFFICE 4 S. FOURTH STREET. I FOP. SALE—IBOB Derry St., 216- story frame dwelling; all modern im provements, including steam heat. Lot 30x130, garage on rear. Immediate I possession can be had of this prop- I perty. Price $6,000. | For Sale—l 937-39-41 Swatara St.. (containing 6 rooms and bath, cement ed cellar, all modern improvements. Price $2,500 each. For Sale—lBll-15 Zarker St., 6 rooms, bath, cemented cellar, all mod ern improvements. Price $-.900 each. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents. Second and Walnut Sts. BRICK HOUSE —Logan St.. below Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. 1 os session fifteen days. $5O down, $-a per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and bath; electric light; papered and painted new. $5O down; $25 per month. x LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J If vou are interested in a well located, BRICK MODERN DETACHED HOME, with 9 rooms and GARAGE, lot 46 or 86x110 feet, consult ROHRER & SON. 211 Bergner Building. Real Estate ana General nsurancC FOR SALE—S3I Maclay St—Vacant jy,.story frame. Eot 20x150. with rtrTiblft brick garage rear. Attractive price. C O Backenstoss. Bell 701. Bell 3077 J. ( BUT TOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. THREE mercantile buildings, well located In growing business sections. Prices right and terms to suit. D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. HOUSE for sale, new two-story brick, 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. Melrose St, near 23d land Perry. Call Bell 2062 R. j *3OOO WILL PURCHASE Nos. 1927 'and 1929 Forster street; brick houses; ' sra* and electric houses. Inspect them, j Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. I rv->R SALE—27I Hamilton Street; ' 101 Cherry Strpet; nine Middletow i\ brume; These properties are offered quick sale to close an estate. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. VERY desirable bungalow for sale at 85600; 8 rooms and bath, clectiio ntpnm heat; hardwood floors; ldouble garage; chicken house; almost one act? Bill Bealty Co.. Bergner ; Building. ___ WHITEHALL ST.. 1811—For sale; | i _i/.il residence; eleven ruoms ar,4 ' steam heat; all other improvo iments' hardwood lloors. 801 l Realty •Co.. Bergner Bldg. t-incFER ST., 2307—N0W VA ... }i?J For sale; brick and Stucco bungalc/w; seven rooms . h ■ hot water heat; other int iprovements. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner , nuilding. r. nH k—Desirable Paxtang cor ' neb property: 9 rooms and bath; gas; I Hi ~trie light; furnace; corner Brm ban and Swan streets; possess.,,, within thirtv days; also other Pn\- tang property. Bell Realty Co.. Ban ner Bldg- Additional Classified AeL j on Opposite f age