Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 04, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Chicago, Oct. 4 —What the World
Series means in dollars and cents to
the baseball fraternity can be exem
plified by the statement that before
the present series is completed the
gate receipts for such contests play
ed under the jurisdiction of the Na
tional Commission will reach the
impressive total of mora than $3,
500,000. Notwithstanding recent re
marks to the contrary it is doubtful
if big league baseball would have
mounted to its imposing position
without the aid of the World Series.
The battle .for the championship
is the logical climax for each sea
son's pennant races and the fact
that close to two million spectators
have paid almost three and a half
million dollars to witness such con
tests places the stamp of public ap
proval on the play beyond cavil.
Since 1905, when the National
Commission began its supervision of
the World Series, fourteen have been
played and the Chicago Americans
and the Cincinnati Nationals are now
engaged in a struggle for the fif
teenth championship.
Millions For Gamrs
During the past fourteen seasons
the attendance totaled 1,915,494 and
as 78 games were played in these
series the average attendance has
been very close to 25,000 per game.
In the same period these spectators
have paid in at the gate about $l.BO
each for the privilege of watching
the play, the aggregate gate re
ceipts for the 78 games being $3,
429,720 in round figures, which is an
average of very close to $44,000 per
Further delving into the figures
shows that the club owners have
profited to a greater extent than
the players for the sums divided
among the competing clubs and the
leagues during the past fourteen
years reaches the pleasing total of
Have Strong Football Team in
the Field; Basketball
Was Profitable
Rending, Oct. 4.—With war activi
ties no longer claiming the attention
of the student body and citizens who
support high school athletics and
with the recurrence of the influenza
epidemic unlikely, the ban during the
spread of the disease last year hav
ing affected the financial returns
during the football season, members
of the Reading High School Athletic
Association at the annual
expressed themselves as confident
that, this will be a banner year.
Officers were elected and reports
heard from the committees. Dast
vear for the first time football re
ceipts wcra not up to the expendi
tures, the flu, and rain on Thanksgiv
ing Day, contributing largely to the
failure. About $270 was lost.
H. C. Henry, manager of the foot
ball team and president of the asso
ciation. declares that the^. c ° 8t °j
equipment is exceedingly high and
that, all things considered, the fail
ure in 1918 was unavoidable. For this
year he predicts a good season,
football again being self-supporting
or perhaps showing a margin of
profit. Baß i tetl>(l |i Profitable
Basketball last year was a great
puccess, the association clearing ?1~
000. This amount was used to carry
along the football, baseball, track
and tennis teams, none of which were
self-supporting. M ..
Track was at one time one of the
features on the association P ro fl a, P
and was easily self-supporting. With
local organizations protesting against
the annual Memorial Day meet which
always drew large crowds, track
events are now a losing proposition.
An excellent schedule has been ar
ranged for the football team. Abe
season opens to-day when the team
meets the ex-High squad. This year
the latter organization is strong. B " c |}
stars as Schweimler and the two
Butts boys being in the lineup.
Elect Officers
The following were elected to office
at the association meeting: Presi
dent. H. C. Henry; secretary, J. V.
Mclntyre; treasurer, T. B. bmythe.
Football, faculty manager, H. C.
Henry; student, Harold Frees, 20.
Basketball, faculty manager. William
Shirker; student, E. Fox, '2O. Track,
T B. Smythe; tennis, A. J. Siegel;
baseball, JJ. V. Mclntyre; directors.
William Diener, George M. Jones,
Stanley R. Kauftman, E. J. Dives,
George Beggs, R. S. Birch, the three
officers, and Richard Miller, '2O. and
Samuel Templin, '2O, members of the
student body.
Elmer J. Standt Was elected auditor
and the executive committee, whose
duty it is to stimulate Interest in all
sports will consist of President Henry,
a member of the faculty, to be
elected, and W. Wilson, '2O; Carl
Friedman, '2l, and Fred Enck, '2O.
captains of the football, basketball
and track teams respectively.
Ithaca, New York, Oct 4. The
opening of the Cornell football sea
son here to-day with Oberlin found
the local team relying on a running
and kicking attack built up a round
Shlverick. The Ohio college which
lost all but one of its games last
season, opened last Saturday with
a 20 to 0 victory over Heidelberg,
When you puff up on a
King Oscar Cigar
You're getting a darn good
smoke for the money. Care,
brains, experience and the de
sire to do the right thing takes
care of that. 1
7c at All Dealers
John C. Herman & Co.*
Harrisburg, Pa.
$1,715,700, while the baseball war
riors have collected $1,370,200. The
players represented twenty-eight
clubs or teams during these series
and even under a fifty-fifty division
of the pool instead of the customary
sixty and forty split, the average
would have been better then $60,000
per team.
l'layers Were Many
While it is almost Impossible to
ascertain Just how many players fig
ured in the division of the money
during the past fourteen years a
fair average would be In the neigh
borhood of twenty-live per club.
Using this average as a basis 'twill
be seen that about 700 players nave,
at one time or another, shared in
the World Series pool. Until with
in a season or two it has been cus
tomary for the winning combination
to receive 60 per cent or the pool ana
the losing team 40 per cent. On thl
basis some 360 players have reccivea
about $2,350 as winners and an equal
number $1,500 as losers. The Na
tional Commission's average per
game approximates $4,380.
Although it is quite likely that a
new record in gate receipts may bo
established in the present nine game
series it is doubtful if the players
share will equal the record estab
lished in 1912 since the new distri
bution arrangement requires that one
quarter of their pool go to p r^ c fu2
of Ave games instead of four but the
deduction of 25 percent of their pool
is likely to more than counterbalance
the gafn from the fifth contest re
ceipts. The club owners are
required to share more than llbor
ally this season with other magnates
of "the league than in past V®®"
they will divide Just half of their
portion of the receipts with the clubs
that trailed them in tha pennant
race of 1919.
In Battle at Island Park With
Tech High Eleven This
Wilkes-Barre is here for a game
this afternoon with Tech High
eleven at Island Park. The coal
region squad totaled 19.
Last night Coach Smith sent the
players through a hard scrimmago.
The finishing touches wore put on
several new plays that will be
launched to-morrow. Tcch will
have Books and Emanuel at ends:
Malick is still hors de combat, and
it will be another week until he is
hack in the game. Coach Smith is
pleased with the work of a new lad
Cover, of th Sophomore class. This
boy is tho rangy kind who shoyld
develop into a real star. Last night
Coach Smith used him on the line,
while on the previous evening he
was placed in the backfiold. He
will be placed on the first team and
given a chance to show his worth
against the Coal Barons
Reserves at Shippensburg
The Tech Reserves will also have
a hard battle at Shlppensburg where
battle with the Shippensburg Nor
mal eleven. Last night, Milo Mat
ter, of the Senior class, was elected
captain of the second string. He
plays an end position. The scrubs
will take a strong bunch of players,
although it is expected that in go
ing against the Normal team they
are going out of their class. The
lineup at Shippensburg will be:
Lutz, left end; Aldinger, left tackle;
Ellis, left guard; Reese, center; Ea
ton, right guard; Seidel, right tackle;
Captain Matter, right end; Springer,
quarterback; Cunningham, left half
back; Black, right half back and
Foland, full back.
The lineup for the big contest
over on the Island will likely bo:
Books L. E Bower
Comfort L. T Gallagher
Arnold L. G Cohen
Smith C Baisz
Frank R. G Brown
Hoffsommer ... R. T Chase
Emanuel R. E Hague
(J. Williams)
Lingle Q. B. .. Manganella
Beck L. H. B. . . Chapman
Garrett R. H. B. ... Emanuel
Wilsbach F. B Repa
Substitutes "Wilkes-Barre: Mor
gan, D. Williams, Bccher, J. Bauer,
and Fitzgerald. Tech; Pleam, El
linger, Gottshall, McCord and
New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 4.
Added strength was given to "the
Rutgers football team for Its game
with North Carolina here to-day
which was expected to bring out the
real power of the scarlet eleven.
Garrett, the 1917 all-Amerlcan star,
returned to his backfield position
and Gardner to his place at tackle.
It was the first appearance of the
southern team here.
SNOODLES By Hunger ford
7 tfAM£ 1 I " I C GREPCT SCOTT 11 WtT )
(oveßi \ , . ¥
(VIHEW!) • (fik ' (-XTI '
"— r. _
Cravath Leads Nationals With
Jim Thorpe in Second
Chicago, Oct. 4.—Tyrus Raymond
Cobb still Is the premier batter
among the regulars of the American
League, according to complete but
unofficial averages maae public to
day. The Detroit outfielder, during
the past season hung up a batting
mark of .381 in 124 games, one
point less than his 1918 record and
giving him the league leadership
for the eleventh time in the last
thirteen seasons. In addition Cobb
was second in base stealing and sec
ond in number of hits.
In figures, Eddie Murphy, pinch
hitter for the champion White Sox
led with an average of .457, but he
participated in only 31 games. Fol
lowing close on Cobb's heels was
Harris of Cleveland, with a mark of
"Babe" Ruth, Boston, broke all
records for the greatest number of
home runs in a season by knocking
out an even 30. In addition he
showed the way to the other long
distance clouts by obtaining a total
of 288 bases and also led the run
getters, scoring 103 runs in 130
In the club averages the Chicago
White Sox showed why they won
the pennant by making a club bat
ting average of .2 87, five points bet
ter than Detroit, whtth was second
with .282. Cleveland was third with
a mark of .276. In fielding Boston
led with a record of .974 and Chi
cago was second, its players field
ing for an average of .969. Phil
adelphia, last in the league, was last
in hitting and fielding.
Eddie Cicotte, ace of the White
Sox pitching staff, was the leading
hurler. He clearly established his
supremacy by chalking up 29 vic
tories against seven defeats for an
average of .806.
National League
Cravath, Philadelphia outfielder,
was the champion batsman of the
National League, the averages giv
ing him a record of 340 in 83 games,
while Mitchell of Brooklyn, made
a mark of .376 he cannot be con
sidered the leader because he played
in only 34 games. Cravath also
made the most home runs, his four
ply knocks totaling 12.
Next to Cravath in the list of bat
ters is Thorpe, the famous Indian
athlete, who started the season with
the New York Giants, but later was
traded to Boston. Thorpe's average
in 62 games was 327, seven points
ahead of Eddie Roush, star outfield
er of the champion Cincinnati club,
who hit for a mark of .320 in 133
In team batting New Y'*k was
first, Cincinnati second with averages
of .265 and .263 respectively, while
in fielding Cincinnati was first with
a record of .974 and Chicago second
with .970.
In pitching Cincinnati hurlers
were supreme, for, leaving out Wis
ner, of Pittsburgh, who is credited
with one victory and no defeats, six
out of the next eight leading hurl
ers wear the uniform of the pennant
HXRIUSBURO telegkxph;
Will Meet Terry Brookes at
Steel ton Wednesday Night;
Other Good Bouts
Kid Williams the undefeated, but
dethroned bantamweight champion
of the world, who is to fight ten
rounds-with Terry Bookes, Physical
Instructor at the Norfolk, Va. Naval
Base, before the Olympia A. C. in
Steelton, Wednesday night, with
Little Jeff his boxing partner, and
Manager Max WTaxman, will be in
Steelton, Monday. Local fans can
see him in action at the Barrett
gymnasium, Steelton. He is anxious
to work out with local boys. He
cleaned up all his boxing partners
in Baltimore. A special Invitation
is given to Nate Isaacman and Sam
my Schiff.
Church Lewis Norfolk's leading
sporting man, who looks after
Bookes, sent word yesterday that
Bookes and himself would reach
Steelton and report to the newspa
per representatives, Tuesday evening.
The Wednesday bill arranged by
Barrett, is causing talk. Little Jeff,
the only one in Baltimore who can
stand the pace as Williams' boxing
partner, is on the card to meet
Young Fulton, of Allentown the
best bantam in these parts, in the
special bout of six rounds.
Weight Is No Worry
Jeff will be up against at least
ten pounds the worst of it in weight,
but such trifles as that, says the
miniature fighter will not bother me.
Confidence seems to be the little fel
low's middle name.
Billy Atticks, the local knbekout
boy will meet the toughest opponent
of his metoric career, in the second
bout, when he battles with Jack
Cleaver, another coal-field fighter,
while Harry Cronic, of York, Hal
Shay's opponent in the opening bout,
has notified Barrett, that winner can
take all.
The sale of seats has started with
a rush and reservations are coming
in fast from nearby towns, from fans,
who want to see Williams in action.
The show will start at 8.15 sharp,
and all the boxers will be ready to
enter the ring for action, immediate
ly after the previous bout is over.
Barrett has received several letters
from fans asking Williams' age, and
nationality. Boxing records show
that Williams' right name is John
Gutenko, born December 5, 1893,
Copenhagen, Denmark, which makes
him Danish by birth, same as Batt
ling Nelson. Williams' family set
tled in Baltimore, when the "Kid"
was a baby in long cloths. When
Barrett discovered Williams' fight
ing ability, the "Kid" was selling
papers exclusively, for the Baltimore
World, and putting in his spare time
as a printers' devil.
Shawnee on the Delaware, Oct. 4.
—Miss Alexa Stirling, of Atlanta, the
title holder nnd Mrs. W. A. Garvin,
of New York, met to-day in the
final of the Women's national golf
championship tournament. Mrs. Gar
vin was runner up in the title round
in 1915 to Mrs. C. H. Vanderbeck.
who was defeated In the semifinal
round by Miss Stirling.
Knockout Boy Who Fights at
Motive Power Show Will
Meet All Comers
K. O. Willie Loughlin who meets
Jimmy Liggett in the windup Tues
day night at the Motive Power Ath
letic Club, is making a tour of the
United States. He is not throwing
away any chance to win the title he
is after. Harrisburg fans will never
see any better boy in the ring.
Loughlin is a clean-cut fighter and
his manager, A 1 Lippe, is out for the
best men he can land.
The show on October 7 is the first
under the auspices of the Motive
Power boys, and they have arranged
a snappy bill. Immediately after
his battle Loughlin stars west, his
destination being Portland, where
ho boxes Ted "Kid" Lewis on Oc
tober 10; Johnny Griffiths in De
troit, Mich., October 13; Bryan
Downey, in Akron, 0., on October
17, and then in Detroit on Novem
ber 5, he fights Jack Britton, the
titleholder. He anticipates no trou
ble in any of the fights, and is con
fident that he will repeat history
when he meets Britton. Loughlin is
now resting at his home in South
Bethlehem, and should be in the
best condition when he makes the
first leg of his Journey to Harris
LiKRTtt Trains Hard
In Philadelphia Jimmy Liggett,
who is to meet Loughlin, is carefully
preparing himself for fights In the
north. Under the management of
Joe Kennedy, the boxing police ser
geant, of Philadelphia, Liggett is
afforded every opportunity to make
good. He is boxing daily with the
other members of Kennedy's stable.
Including such men as "Battling"
Kopln, Eddie McAndrews, Danny
Ferguson and others. Liggett is a
native of Panama and is a colored
fighter. He is open to meet any
welterweight or middleweight in the
country. He claims the colored wel
terweight championship, and Ken
nedy claims Loughlin will have to
bo at his best to get the newspaper
A 1 Clark, who meets Marks, is a
tall, rangy fighter with a protrud
ing square Jaw, and Kennedy says
Harrisburg fans will see Marks
breaking ground every round. Marks
is well known to Harrisburg fans.
Any fighter who puts him on the de
fensive will establish himself here.
"Red" Singer, of Dauphin, is one
of the toughest, hard-hitting boys
that have put in an appearance at
the Motive Power gymnasium.
"Red" returned home last spring
and asked the local management for
an engagement. Later he appeared
one evening at the Motive Power
gym, where he created consterna
tion by quickly knocking oft two
boxers, and badly beating the others
who faced him. He was put on this
bill by the insistence of the local
Schoolboy Boxer
In "Schoolboy" Wiltse the man
agement expects to spring a big sur
prise. This boy is a 165-pound ath
lete, well known in local athletics,
who has made good at all outdoor
sports, and is now anxious to make
a try at the squared ring. Bill
Atticks, his opponent, is making
quite a name for himself by
knocking out his opponents, but in
Wiltse he will meet a highly trained
athlete, who is likely to upset his
Nat Isaacman, who meets Singer,
is acquiring a reputation a la Lough
lin. Nate immediately after his bout
with Singer will leave for Milton,
where he boxes in the semlwindup
at a show to be conducted on Wed
nesday night in conection with the
big Milton fair.
Where Grid Team# Fight
For Honors This Afternoon
University of Pittsburgh vs. Gen
Unlversty of Pennsylvania va.
Pennsylvania Military Academy.
Waahington and Jefferson vs. Mt.
Westminster vs. West Virginia Uni
Delaware vs. Franklin and Marshall
Lebanon Valley vs. Vlllanova.
Albert vs. Dickinson.
UrBlnus vs. Lehigh.
University of Vermont vs. Byracuse.
Princeton vs. Trinity.
Muhlenburg vs. Lafayette.
Gettysburg vs. State College.
Carnegie Tech vs Bethany.
Wllkes-Barre High School vs. Tech
nical High School. Island grounds, 3
p. m.
Gettysburg High School vs. Har
rlsburg Academy, Academy grounds,
2.30 p. m-
Oberltn vs. West End A. C., Fourth
and Seneca streets, 3 p. m.
Technical High School Scrubs vs.
Shlppensburg State Normal School,
at Shlppensburg.
Gamp Curtin Junior H. S. vs. Her
shey H. 8., at Hershey.
Harrlsburg A.. Stars vs. Coaldale,
at Coaldale.
Tarsus Gymnastic School va. Sus
quehanna A. A., of Millersburg, at
St. Mary's C. C., of Steelton, vs.
Mercersburg Academy, at Mercers
Enhaut A. C. vs. Mercersburg
Academy Reserves, at Mercersburg.
Scotland va. Carlisle H. 8., at Scot
[Other Sport News on Page o.]
New York Plays Monday;
to Wind Up Season Tuesday
It is probable that the Klein
Chocolate Company team will wind
up the season on Monday when they
play the New York Giants here. The
champion team will be tendered a
banquet at Elizabethtown Tuesday
night. Guests will bo present from
Lancaster, Reading, Lebanon and
Harrlsburg. It Is to be an elaborate
The Giants will play at Scranton
on Tuesday and the players will
return to their respective homes aft
er the game. The team here will
Include fourteen men. During the
game, which starts at 8.15 o'clock,
returns from the world's series bat
tle at Cincinnati will be announced.
In the lineup of the New York
team will be a number of former
world's stars who figured in a num
ber of great battles. The Giants will
reach here Sunday night and their
headquarters will be at Penn-Harrls
Hotel. The Klein lineup will be
Manager John Brackenridge's reg
A 1 Lippe Is Willing to
Have Loughlin Meet Gill
A 1 Lippe, manager of K. O. Willie
Loughlin, Jeff Smith and Frankie
Brown, has taken cognizance of
Johnny Gill's recent letter to the
newspapers asking for a chance at
the big 'uns. Lippe writes that ho
thought Gill was a middleweight,
but that if he can make 150 pounds
he will consider him for a match
with Loughlin. If he can't make
160 pounds, Lippe would be willing
to give him a chance against Jeff
Lippe will make matches for the
local Motive Power Club, and is
willing to show Harrlsburg some of
the best boxers in the game to
day. A bout with Smith in the
windup would be a treat to local
fans, as Jeff has defeated them all,
including Georges Carpentler, Mike
Gibbons, George Chip and a host of
With 'Fags' and 'Chow'
Wounded Soldier Waits
AH Night to See Game
Chicago, Oct. 4. When the gates
to Comiskey Park were opened at
9.25 a. m., the first man to enter
the pavilion was Roland Ryan, a
wounded soldier from Fort Sheridan,
who had been standing in line all
night. Ryan, whose home is at
Elyria, 0., is recuperating from
wounds received in the Argonne
with the Thirty-seventh Division.
He appeared at the ticket window at
7 o'clock last night and prepared for
a long siege by providing himself
with a soap box for a seat. He had
a small basket of lunch and a pocket
full of cigarets.
West Point, N. Y., Oct. 4. The
Army footfall eleven met the strong
Holy Cross team here to-day. The
result of to-day's game was expected
to determine the makeup of the
Army team for the remaining games
of the schedule.
41J2 70 Round Trip
™ " (Including War Tax)
Excursion to
Luray, Va.
Affords an Opportunity to
Visit the Wonderful
Luray Caverns
Sunday, October 12
Special Train Leaves
Harrlsburg 7.00 A. M.
Returning, Leaves
Luray Station 5.30 P. M.
See Flyers, Consult Ticket Agents
Cumberland Valley R. R.
OCTOBER 4, 1919. ">
Chicago Picked Up With Stick
in Game Yesterday
Chicago, Oct. 4. The return to
their home grounds so inspired the
White Sox that they started out to
cut down the batting lead held by
their rivals, the Cincinnati Reds.
After the last man had been retired
only three points separated the two
The Reds, through the wonderful
pitching of Kerr, were held to three
hits and dropped from .333 to .253.
The Sox tapped Fisher hard enough
to retain their average of .250. The
Chicagoans, in the three games, out
hit the Reds, getting twenty-three
hits in ninety-two times at bat, while
the Reds made two less hits in
eighty-three times at bat. The dif
ference in the times at bat is due
to the fact that Chicago went nine
innings in the first two games, while
the Reds have played the full nine
innings only oncc.
Jackson did the best work with
the willow for Chicago to-day, being
credited with two hits In three trips
to the plate. Eddie Collins, Weaver,
Risberg and Schalk boosted their
average materially, while Kopf was
the only Red to improve his mark,
the others suffering a slump.
Averages for the three games fol
AB. H. 2B 3B HR. Pet.
Rath 10 1 1 0 0 .100
Daubert .... 11 3 0 1 0 .273
Groh 8* 0 0 0 .125
Roush 8 1 0 0 1 .125
Duncan .... 8 3 0 0 0 .375
Kopf 10 2 0 1 0 .200
Neale 10 4 0 0 0 .400
Wingo 3 1 0 0 0 .333
Rariden ... 6 1 0 0 0 .167
Reuther .... 2 2 0 2 0 1.000
Sal lee 3 0 0 0 0 .000
Fisher 2 1 0 0 0 .500
Mageo 1 0 0 0 0 .000
Luque 0 0 0 0 0 .000
AB. H. 2B 3B HR. Pet.
J. Collins ... 8 1 0 0 0 .125
E. Collins .. 11 2 0 0 0 .182
Weaver .... 12 4 1 0 0 .333
Jackson. ...,11 5 1 0 0 .455
Felsch 7 0 0 0 0 .000
Gandil .... 11 4 0 0 0 .364
Risberg .... • 8 2 0 1 0 .260
Schalk 10 3 0 0 0 .300
Cicotto .... 1 0 0 0 0 .000
Wilkinson . . 1 0 0 0 0 .000
McMullln ~ 2 1 0 0 0 .500
Doudermilk . 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Williams ... 3 1 0 0 0 .333
Liebold .... 4 0 0 0 0 .000
Kerr 3 0 0 0 0 .000
AB. H. Pet.
Cincinnati 83 21 .253
Chicago 92 23 .250
t Alexander Says—
Use a
Twin Fire Spark Plug
double or twin fire plug
—fires at two points and is absolutely
fool proof. It still will fire if both firing %
points are clogged with soot or oil. It is
dependable and economical. It is guar-
anteed to give absolute satisfaction. Twin
Fire Spark Plug costs no mpre than an 1
ordinary plug, but it surely does give
much more satisfaction and service. Next
time try a TWIN FIRE.
Alexander & Scott
315 Chestnut Street
World Series Games
Cincinnati vs. Chicago
Electric Player Board
Ton see everything, except the "sasalng" of the umpires.
Every play ie realistically shown. It's as exciting as a real
game and you can't help but cheer If you're a real baseball
fan. Qamea each day until one club has won five.
Games at 8 O'clock. Admission ...BBc (Includes war tax)
Harrisburg Academy to
Keep Busy in Athetici
Athletics at Harrisburg Academy
are running strong. Interest In all
sports Indicate a successful season.
The football eleven started to-day
in a game with Gettysburg High,
The annual tennis tournaments will
be in order and already a numbei
of candidates are out for the Acad
emy team.
At least twenty-five students ar4
expected to take part in the senioi
class events of the tennis tourney,
and an equal number will likely be
out for the junior matches. Th
senior class will Include students ol
the fourth, fifth and sixth forma
while the Junior list will be from
the first, second and third forma
The double events wil have a larg
number of entries.
Cups donated by Vance C. Mc-
Cormlck are to go to the winnen
and runners-up in the singles events.
An entrance fee is being collected to
provide a sum for cups to be awarded
the winners in the doubles.
The football schedule follows:
October 4 Gettysburg High
School at Academy.
October 11 Open.
October 1< Franklin and Mar.
shall Academy, Lancaster, at Acad
October 25 Academy at Schuyl
kill Haven.
November 1 Academy at Get
tysburg Academy.
November 8 New Bloomfleld
Academy at Academy.
November 15 Academy al
Yeatts Academy, Lancaster.
Fickes Bowlers Win
in Opening at Lemoyne
The Fickes team, of Lemoyne, de.
feated the West Shore Bakery team
in a match rolled on the Fickes al
leys last night. The Fickes leagut
will be opened next week. The sum
Stetler 113 106 125 — 344
Rusher 91 88 110— 285
Fowler 99 143 132 874
Fenttl 61 61 76 195
Spahr 99 142 93 334
Totals 436 540 686—1533
Fickes 117 92 117— 326
Clark 118 97 85— 306
Reeser 104 115 105— 324
Prowell 95 143 117— 365
Washlnger 110 109 108— 823
Totals 644 656 627—1621
A 56 to 0 score was run up by thl
Wolfe A. A. team In a game played
in Steelton last evening. Relly sub
stituted for Wolfe In the Wolfe line
up Wolfe having been injured in th 4
game with the River A. C.