Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 04, 1919, Image 1

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    President }i wn "Slightly Improved "Aftvr a Better Nighl Is Announce m
jr LAX.\\ i• i NO. 233 16 PAGES Da,l &a. c r p at s h n e d Po.t oSU^arVubSrf 1 "" HARRISBURG, PA. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1919. Two™ 8 HOME EDITION
*V :==—==============—=—=—-==—=======
Dr. Grayson Pronounces His
Condition More Favorable
in Bulletin
Though Becoming Restless Be
cause of Confinement;
Specialists Called
By .Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 4.—President
Wilson's condition was more favor
able early to-day, the President
having had a good night's rest, said
a bulletin issued at 10.50 o'clock this
morning by Dr. Grayson.
The bulletin follows:
White House, Oct. 4, 10.50 A.
M.—"The President liad a good
night's rest and his condition
is more favorable.
(Signed) "GRAYSON."
The President's temperature and
puise are normal and the President
Is said to be cheerful, though be
coming somewhat restless about be
ing confined to his bed.
Specialists Called
Two specialists who have ex
amined the President before were
summoned to Washington to-day.
They were Dr. F. X. Dercum, neu
rologist, and Dr. George De
Schweinitz, an eye specialist, both
of Philadelphia. They were to have
a consultation with Dr. Grayson and
Drs. Stitt and Rutfin, of this city,
who have been assisting the Presi
dent's physician.
After holding a consultation of
more than an hour, Drs. Dercurn,
Ruffin and Stitt left the White House
at 1 o'clock but made no announce
ment. It was understood, unofficial
ly, however, that the President con
tinued to rest comfortably during
the forenoon.
Dr. Grayson remained at the White
House where Dr. De Schweinitz was
to examine the President's eyes.
All three of the President's daugh
ters are at the White House and are
permitted to visit their father oc
casionally. William G. McAdoo. the
President's son-in-law, called at the
White House this morning but did '
not see the President.
Eyes Good
Examination of the President's
eyes by Dr. De Schweinitz diclosed
that his sight was as good as it was
at the last examination six months
Admiral Grayson left the White
House at 1.30 p. m. He said he ;
was satisfied w-ith both the result of!
the consultation and the examination
conducted by the eye specialist. The !
President was resting comfortably,
he said and there was no change in
his condition over that disclosed in i
the forenoon bulletin.
Risks Injury to
Expedite Delivery of
Medicine For Wilson
By Associated Press.
Boston. Oct. 4.—John Purcell,
mail dispatcher at the South postal
station, risked possible injury and
the displeasure of trainmen when
he held up the Federal Express to
Tt ashir/gton to expedite the deliv
ery of a package of medicine for
President Wilson last night. Stand
ing between the tracks and waving
his arms, he brought the train to a
sudden stop Just as It waflieaving
the New York, New Haven and
Hartford railroad yards. His brief
explanations to the engineer were
accepted and the train resumed its
Journey two minutes late.
It was disclosed to-day that Pur
cell had received the package from
a messenger, who shouted "Medicine
for the President" as he dashed into
the mailroom. The express was
then pulling out of the trainshed,
and Purcell grabbed the parcel, ran
across the network of yard tracks
and posted himself in the glare of
the oncoming engine's headlight.
The parcel was addressed to Ad
miral Grayson and marked "Urg
ent. Special Delivery."
Cabinet Meeting May
Provide For Absence
of the President
Washington. Oct. 4.—A special 1
Cabinet meeting has been called at
the White House for Monday morn
ing at 11 o'clock, at which Secre
tary Ranging will preside.
The meeting was regarded in
Washington as significant. It is be- |
lieved the Cabinet will take up the
question of meeting the situation
created by the President's illness,
which, it is believed, will require his
absence from official duties for an
extended period.
The call for the meeting stated
that the Cabinet would arrange for
the coming labor conference and j
■ither matters requiring attention. i
By Associated Press. |
New York. Oct. 4. Bishop-elect
Charles S. Burch, of the New York
diocese of the Protesta*t Episcopal 1
Church, announced to-dav that spe
cial prayers would be offered In all |
the churches of the diocese to-mor
row for the speedy recovery of Presi- '
Sent Wilson.
Hnrrlahurg and Ylrtnltyi Fair to
night. Snnriny unsettled. Not
much rlisnge in temperature.
Enstern Pennsylvaniai Fair to
night. Sunday unsettled. .Mild
temperature. Ucntle variable
Speaking of Red-Blooded Americanism
Well-Known Restaurant Man
Gives $4O For Two Who
Were in Service
Harrlsburg. beginning Monday,
fires Its last shot of the war.
In an effort to construct a sun
able memorial—one that will en
dure for all time, subscriptions
will be taken at the rate of 120
for each of the city's veterans the
proceeds to go toward paying for
the memorial.
Tljls memorial will be built at
the Thirteenth street end of the
State street bridge.
These subscriptions are not "up
to" families of the veterans. These
familes gave their men folks. It
is now the duty of Harrisburg's
80,000 population to see to it that
the manliness of the veterans is
perpetuated In the for m of the
memorial planned.
The campaign opens Monday
morning. There will be no solici
tors. Public spirited citizens must
solicit themselves; and their sub
scriptions are receivable at Cham- I
ber of Commerce headquarters. I
| Frank Davenport, well known ca-'
terer, this morning set an example ,
! for Harrlsburg employers when he
; called at Chamber of Commerce head- 1
quarters and subscribed 140 toward
the proposed Soldiers' Memorial to be
erected at the Hill end of the new
I Slate street bridge. Mr. Davenport's
i restaurant had two men In service j
[Continued on Page 2.]
Blockade of Fiume
Lifted, According to
Reports in Rome
By Associated Press•
Rome, Oct. 4.—Orders that the
blockade of Fiume be lifted have
been issued by the government, and
Italian authorities ir? the vicinity j
of Fiume have received an order to
allow mail and foodstuffs to pass.
into the city, according to the Epoca. i
The military blockade against the !
soldiers and civilians entering the!
city is all that is r/ow being enforced, .
according to the newspaper, which.
says the decision was taken after the
government had examined and dis
cussed a protest from the Fiume
National Council.
Ycnk'c. Oct. 4—The ste.wuer
Prince Hohenlohe. ur-ler the infer-
A lied flags, with a cargo of food
stuffs consigned to Pola from this
city, has altered its course and is
blading for Flume, according to the
newspaper El Tempo.
Country Place of Colonel M. Q. Kennedy, Near Fayettevillc,
Attracts Prominent Guests; City Leaders Make Trip
Down at Colonel Moorhend C.
Kennedy's beautiful country place at
Ragged Edge, near Fayetteville, to
day, big political leaders and rail
road and businessmen of the state
are gathered in an outing, the like
of which Is not duplicated in Penn
sylvania. Ragged Edge Is so named
because the home of Colonel Ken
nedy Is on the edge of a hill. Sur
rounding It are spacious grounds,
hundreds of trees, a babbling brook
and quite near the famed Conoco
cheague creek stocked with bass,
pickerel and sunflsh. Altogether It
Is such a place one seldom comes
up to In a lifetime. Colonel Ken
nedy. before the railroads were
In Resolutions to Governor
i Condemn "Unwarranted
Acts" in Steel Strike
Pittsburgh, Oct. 4. Warning:
Governor Sproul that there Is a pos
sibility of other labor organizations
becoming Involved in- the steel strike j
because of alleged "unwarranted
, acts" of State Police, county and lo- j
; cal authorities, representatives of j
| lodges of the Brotherhood of Rail-1
| road Trainmen in the Pittsburgh ,
j district have forwarded to the Gov-I
| ernor a resolution asking him to ex- j
| erclse the powers of his office "to >
bring about cessation of these atroc
| lties."
The resolution given out to-day'
at the steelworkers' national head-1
quarters charges the Btate Police,
with hating "acted In a manner en
tirely unbecoming to their calling," :
and with "beating and trampling;
, defenseless men and women, lnvad- j
i ing homes without reason, destroy- |
Ing personal property, arresting.
! persons without cause, breaking up
peaceable gatherings and in a cer- j
. tain instance tore down and tram-,;
pled the American flag."
The trainmen asked the Governor
to exercise his authority to compel
the Sheriff of Allegheny county to
protect citizens in peaceable meet-!
ir-g3, and that—he also take steps to
have the Mayor at McKeesport and
the burgesses of the defendant bor
oughs "to discontinue preventing
the steelworkers from holding peace
• 1- rights of
free speech may prevail." '
given over to the care of William
G. McAdoo, and later to Walker D.
Hlnes, exercised very close sur
veillance over the affairs of the
Cumberland Valley Railroad, of
which his honored father had been
president before him. Then the war
came on and Colonel Kennedy went
across the Atlantic to act with Brig
adier General W. W. Atterbury In
running the transportation end of
the war for the government. He
came back several months ago. The
gathering to-day Is the first one held
since the war ended. The outing
was an annual affatr before the war
[Continued on Page 4.]
Decrease in Three Months Is
One-Third With Liquor
Under the Ban
Cases held for court In sessions of
city police court together with the
total number of arrests, show a re
markable decrease In Harrisburg
during the quarter-year period fol
lowing the Inception of wartime
Presiding magistrates in the city
police court held a third fewer per
sons for trial by Jury In the
Dauphin county criminal court dur
ing July, August and September than
they did last year, while but a third
as many arrests were made during
that period by city patrolmen and
detec fives.
The reason for this remarkable
decrease In the business of the city
police department Is the diminution
In the sale of alcoholic beverages.
Crime of every sort has shown a
marked decrease since July 1, au
thorities at police headquarters say.
During the first three months of
wartime prohibition, but 84 persona
were held In police court for Jury
trial. During the same period of
last year, an even half hundred of
persons wove either sent to Jail or
held under ball for criminal sessions
of court.
The number of arrests, however,
has shown an even greater decrease,
as has been mentioned each month,
only a third as many being made this
year. During the three-month
period, but 246 persons found them
selves In the hands of city authori
ties, whle 734 were arrested during
the same period in 1918..
Confronted With Writings He
Asks That Newspapermen
Be Barred
Declares Papers Can't Print
Much Worst About Him;
Fear Soviet Operation
By Associated Press.
Washington, Oct. 4.—William Z.
Foster, secretary of the general
commltoo conducting the steel
strike, when confronted late yester
day before the Senate labor com
mittee with his writings advocating
various forms of revolutionary' so
cialism, declared under a grilling
Are of questions that his views had
changed. How much they had
changed. Foster declined to tell the
Senators, unless they excluded news
paper correspondents from the room
while he did It. This the committee
did uot do.
Going to Pittsburgh
Having heard representatives of
organized labor, Elbert H. Gary,
chairman of the board of the United
States Steel Corporation and a num
ber of steel workers, the Committee
voted to transfer its inquiry into the
field at and around Pittsburgh. The
dates and arrangements for the trip
will be announced after Chairman
Kenycn has conferred with mem
bers of the Committee who were
absent to-day.
Conditions Satisfactory
Four high-paid steel mill workers
who are opposed to the present
strike were heard to-day. They said
the walkout was unnecessary and
that condiUons in the steel mills
[Continued on Page 2.]
Burglar's Glass Cutter,
Long Unused, Comes in
Handy For Workman
Harrisbvsg police to-day found
use for part of a Bet of burglar
tools. A complete set, Including rcpe
ladder, augur, bits and Jimmies
furnished the needed instrument,
Taken in 1902 when there was frus
trated a bold attempt at the robbery
of the Compton hardware store, these
tools have lain about the police
store, tacked on a 2x5 feet board
since their capture, unused and
covered with dust.
But to-day there developed a sud
den need for such an Instrument as
were used by these gentlemen burg
lars, who lodged at the Lochlel Ho
tel while about their depredations.
Workmmen assisting in the com
pletion of the remmodellng of the
Fager Building for police head
quarters, found need for a glass cut
ter to aid In cutting glass to be
fitted in the doors. They had none
with them and made known their
wants to police officials, who quick
ly filled their needs from the supply.
"It's the best glass cutter I've used
In many a day; they don't make
them like that any more," the work
man commented as he rapidly com
pleted his operations.
Scores Slightly Hurt
When Five P.R.R. Cars
Roll Over on Sides
By Associated Frets.
Elizabeth, N. J-, Oct. 4.
Scores of persons were Injured,
most of them slightly, when five
ears of a Pennsylvania railroad
left the rails and fell on their
sides Just as the train pulled
out of the South Elizabeth sta
tion to-day. Fourteen of the In
jured wore taken to hospitals
There were approximately
425 persons In the five cars and
tlio accident produced a serious
panic as the imprisoned men
and women tried to force their
way out of the windows. A num
ber of persons were hurt In this
struggle. One of the cars over
turned on the bridge. SO feet
above the ground and was
practically balanced over the
edge of the structure. A broken
rail is said to liave caused the
Bishop McDevitt Directs
That Catholics Send Up
Prayers For President
Prayers for President Wilson and
the United States will be Bald to
morrow at all mosses In the Catholic
churches of the Harrlsburg Diocese,
In accordance with a request issued
to-day by Philip R. McDevitt, bishop
of the diocese. Churches In eleven
districts were notified.
Maclay Street Lad Wins
First Fly-Swatting Prize
Winners of the second fly contest
held by the Harrisburg Civic Club
this summer were decided to-day
when the flies were measured. First
prize. 36-gold piece, was awarded
to Harry Sigmund, 317 Maclay
street; second prize, Styles Ebrlght.
Maclay street, and Dorothy Enders,
616 Seneca street, third prize.
Each contestant. Including the
prize winners, received five cents a
pint for the dead files. John Rail
ing. 707 South Front street, meas
ured the flies with the following
committee In charge: Miss Rachel
Pollock, Miss Mary Jennings and
Mrs. Harvey F. Bmtth. In all. four
bushels of dead flies were measured.
Bui Reds, Stung by Shut-Out Do Not Be
lieve They Will Again Run Into
Pitching Like Kerr Handed Out;
Crowds Form During Night
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E.
Cincinnati aaaQQUii mmm
Chicago □□□□■■■■■
By Xtsociatrd Prus, i
Comtskef Park, Chicago, Oct. 4. I
Typical baaeball weather wast In '
voguo here again to-day, as two j
hours before the Cincinnati Reds and !
Chicago White Rox were scheduled |
to battle for the fourth gnme of the j
world's series of 1819, old Sol beam
ed forth In all his glory.
The gathering of the fans which :
began late yesterday Indicated early
that the crowd of to-day would
probably*exceed that of the Chicago i
opening contest. At noon the bleach- j
ers were almost completely occupied |
and the crowd was dense around the |
entrances waiting turns to go ]
through the turnstiles. The pavilion '
likewise showed more than were In
at the pame time yesterday. The
grandstand, however, was practical
ly deserted.
Given Noisy Welcome
The assignment of umpires was:
Nallin behind the plate; Rlgler at
first base; Evans at second base and
Qulgley at third base.
The Sox appeared at 12.40 and j
Eowdermllk ascended the mound \
pitch to the batting order. By this;
time the bleachers and pavilions
were taxed to their capacity and |
standing room was becoming Bcarce.
The home club was given a
ous reception as Llebold took his
place at the plate to smash at I>ow
dermllk's offerings.
The Reds emerged from the dug
out at 12.55.
Both Liebold and John Collins
took their places in the Sox batting
practice as did also Cicotte and
Eller and Sallee warmed up be
fore the Cincinnati bench.
Luque relieved Eller, who retired
to the bench after throwing the ball
five minutes.
Cicotte began w'armlng up at 1.00
for the Rox while Ring was doing
the same thing for Cincinnati.
The umpires appeared at 1.55
p. m.
Batteries for Chicago: Cicotte and
Schalk; Cincinnati, Ring and Wingo.
Sox players yesterday. In addition
to bona tide world's series pitching
by the diminutive Kerr, got the
breaks of the game, and brought the
series to 2 to 1. They claimed the
| Reds won the two games at Clncln
i natl only through breaks, but the
! visitors ridiculed such claims.
Having familiarized themselves with
i the breezes, shadows and sun spots of
| Comiskey Bark, Manager Moran's
! winner's of the National League race
; were confident of a better showing
j to-day.
| The crowds that began forming
i about the park before midnight last
j night Indicated that the 86,000 ca
i pacity of the enclosure would be
I taxed to-day. Yesterday approxl
j mately 4.000 scats In bleachers and
; pavilion were vacant.
The partl.il suppression of ticket
scalpers by government revenue of
ficers, who took 12 alleged paste
board profiteers In down town hotel
lobbies and around the park, also was
expected to add the admissions to
day at Comlskey Park.
Clcotte to Twirl
No announcement from either Man
ager Gleason of the Box or Moran of
I the Reds was forthcoming early to
day as to his pitching selection for
to-day, but it was generally believed
that Clcotte would be sent back to
face the Reda who drove him from
the box In the first game at Cincin
nati and either Keucher or "Hod"
Eller would be the Red's moundsman.
Clcotte, who said that he was un
nerved by hitting a batsman at Cin
cinnati, told Manager Gleason he
hgaln was ready to start against the
National League champions.
Betting Again Uvea
Betting that opened with the White
Box favorites at 7 and 8 to 6, veered
to even money as the Reds smothered
the American Leagucra In the first
game and then reversed the Initial j
odds after the National champions
took the second contest, to-day j
switched so as to place the Whjte ]
Box once again In the honor position.
If Manager Moran elects to return
his star pitcher-batter' Ruethcr to
the mound to-day, John Collins, a
right hand hitter, will displace Nemo
Llebold In right Held. Collins was
sick during the last game at Cincin
nati, but reports he has recovered.
| If Eller or another right hander Is
[ the choice Llebold will head the bat
ting order. #
Following Is the probAle lineup
for to-day:
Cincinnati Chicago
Rath, 2b. Llebold, r.f.
Daubert, lb. E. Collins, 2b.
Groh, 3b. Weaver, Bb.
Roush, c.f. Jackson, l.f.
Duncan, Lf. Felsh, c.f.
[ Kopf, s.s. Gandil, lb.
Neale, r.f. Rlsberg, s.s.
I Wingo. c. Bchalk, c.
I Ring, p. Clcotte, p.
Burglar Who Looted
City Store Is Captured
The local police department recelv-1
ed word to-day that the robber who 1
ertered the Sporting Goods Store of 1
Shenk and Tittle, a few nights ago, 1
has been captured in Phli&delpn.a. :
He was caught while trying to sell :
some of the stolen goods at a Phila
delphia pawn shop.
Some of the merchandise which was
valued at $6OO had the firm's private '
marks on It. George 6huler. city de
tective will go to Philadelphia to
morrow to bring the man to Harrls
burg. No name was furnished the j
local pollcsu
Occasional Rains
By Associated Press•
Washington, Oct. 4.—Weather
predictions for the week begin
ning Monday: North and Middle
Atlantic States, occasional rains
first part, generally fair thereaf
ter, normal temperature.
James A. Stranahan Is
Suddenly Stricken 111
James A. Stranahan. one of the
oldest members of the Dauphin
county bar. and former deputy at
torney general, became 111 suddenly
yesterday afternoon at his office In
North Market Square, he was taken
to his home In Pine street, and is
confined to bed. Physicians report
that his condition is slightly im
proved to-day.
Music House Employes
Urge Daylight Saving
Continuance of the daylight sav
ing law in Harlsburg,, If not nation
ally, Is favored by the employes of
C. M. Sigler, Inc , music dealers, ac
cording to a statement sent to-day
to the Harrlsburg Telegraph. Prac
tically every employe of the music
store is included on the petition.
•**++*** ***4 *-HrM+++Mr*+*+lr**9
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4 4
e 4
4 I
4 '*
* * ct her states.
1 4
' *
4 * .1
4 4 r
<4 *
e 4 *
ft *
® : traffic officers, *
* New York.—The American freight stean i 4
' lore ff Barnegat on the New Jersey coast, 2
* if
4 I
* message from the captain of the ship receivi i
* tance, said that the sea was calm and the sh i
4 4
I *1
4 of having violated the anti-forestalling ordi- £
4 j*
a charged with having purchased for resale, M
* sttect v v ■ ■■ [
4 J
, John D. Troy and Clara R-idy, HnrrUhura; David D. Suavely*
and Laura SI. Miller, Harrlaburo William Freed, Canton, Ohio, aad„
* Slnry K. Howard, lurk) ,(ai|u 11. Sonta, Elirnbethtown, and Emma
K. Knouae. Herhe ) Haymond E. Hoover, Enola. and THIa JL Al
l.rleh), Harriabnrsi WlMnm E. Slumma. Lltlta, and Anna a Wert-
man, Hnmmelatonn. I
Resolution of Soldiers Re
pudiates Self-Styled Presi
dent o flrish Republic
Would Have Punishment Most
Severe Against Native-
Born Slacker
Going firmly on record in fa
vor of law and order, insisting
that there he no relaxation in
the punishment of alien enemies
and no attempt made to condone
their crimes or change their
status, denouncing Eamon de
Valera. self-styled president of
the Irish republic as a draft
dodger and disloyal to the Allies,
the American Legion canton
ment ended its first convention
in this city to-day. The closing
session was held in Chestnut
Street Auditorium.
Chairman G. W. Carr, of the Reso
lutions committee, submitted 4 2
resolutions, 16 of which had been
reported In negatively. The more
important ones are summarized aa
The resolution urging a Congres
sional Investigation of alleged cruel
ties to enlisted men was received
and adapted with great acclaim by
the cantonment. Congressmen and
Senators from this State will bo
communicated with.
Stands For law and Order
Another important action taken
up was the resolution which sa ! d
that "The attitude of the American
Legion has been misunderstood
through misleading reports circu
lated. The Legion will not partici
pate In disputes between capital and
labor, but it will and does stand
unalterably for the maintenance of
law and order." Stirring speeches
were made on this resolution by B.
[Continued on Page 2.]