SERVICE NAMES ARE ON REVISED RECORD Chamber of Commerce Makes Public Men Who Were Not Reported on List Published at Time of Celebration The following l s a list of the ser vice men whose names have been re ported. to the offices of the Harris burg Chamber of Commerce since the compilation of the list of thirty hundred names published Mon nay afternoon. The committee real izes that there may be still other soldiers, sailors, and marines whose war histories are not possessed by the memorial committee. The only way these names can ■be secured, however, is for the men themselves, or their relatives and friends, to report them to the Chamber offi ces. The list will furnish the basis for the compilation of a history of Har risburg's war activities. Without a complete list, the history cannot be Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"—that's all! When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair, also double it's beautv. Trv "Danderine" and see! GRILL ROOM OPEN f BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH Weekdays, 750 $ Served 12 to 2 P. M. I Evening Meal, $1.25 6 to 8 P. M. C Dancing 9.30 to 12 midnight Encouraging Bolshevism Everything that falsely encourages unrest also encourages bolshevism. Misunderstanding of American indus trial organization, and of its benefits to mankind, leads to unrest, dissatisfaction, and radicalism. For example, the Federal Trade Com mission tells the public that the large packers had an agreed price for lard substitute (made of cotton-seed oil.) It reproduces letters taken from the files of one of the packers, showing that such agreed price existed. But it failed to mention that the agreed price was determined at the request of and in co-operation with the Food Administration! Even the Department of Justice, in its unjust attempt to create prejudice against the packers, has made public these same letters, with no explanation. How long must this kind of misrepresentation continue? In so far as it is believed, it not only breeds discontent, but results in injustice to our industry. Let us send you a Swift "Dollar." It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company,' U. S. A. Harrisburg Local Branch, Seventh & North Streets F. W. Covert, Manager if WHAT BECOMES Of // THE AVERAGE DOLLAR \ / RECEIVED BY \ /SWIFT &COMPANY\ I FROM THE SALE Of MEAT AND SY PRODUCTS J TT • CENTS IS PAID TOR THE LIVE ANIMAL // \\ 12. OS CENTS FOR LABOR IV W EXPENSES AND FREIGHT K WITH .I FRIDAY EVENING, complete, and the committee is es pecially anxious that Harrlsburgera co-operate hy supplying any names missed in the list published Monday and to-dny. These names also will be placed in the pylons of the State's memorial bridge across the railroad tracks east of the Capitol. The memorial committee will use them in raising their subscriptions of twenty dollars for each service man, and therefore a one hundred per cent, complete list is needed. Brymesser, Ralph, private. Calder, William, captain. Dohoney, Robert J., private. Dowdell, Marcus P.. Hrst lieutenant. Drake, George P v hilip, sujJply officer. Eby, Will H., Camp Lee, Va. Lus, Robert J„ private. Ogle, Robert W., engineman, second class. Opperman, K. C., yeoman, third class. Patterson, Chas. H., colonel. Schmidt, Thos. 8., private. Schwartz, Howard D„ pricate. Troy, John D., private. Werner, Gordon L., private, Ist class. Acri, Michael,' private. Adams, Harry L., private. Albright. Denton M., sergeant. Allen, Francis P., Q. M. S. Arthur, Ira M„ sergeant. Atticks, Herman H., private. Anderson, Geo. C., sergeant. Andrews, Crawford, sergeant. Andrews, Morris. | Bailey, .Charles L., 3d, private. Bailey, Steve. Bailey, Wm. S., second lieutenant. Bake, Calvin V., corporal. Baturin, Maurice, private. Bear, Samuel R., private. Beard, Guy S., private. Beck, Robert W., private. Becker, Jos., privdte. Beebe, Walter A„ private. Benner, W. W., corporal. Benninger, A. D., private. Bernard, L G., lieutenant. Bentzel, J. F., corporal. Beria, Leonard G., private. Berkley, Howard L., captain. Bickley, Charles W., private. Bickley, M. H., sergeant. Bitner, Jno. L., private, Enola. Blazi, Jos. L., private, Enhaut. Boher, Miss Elizabeth. Bowers, Charles A., private. Boyer, Richard S., private. Brambeck, James, private. Bretz, Jno. N., corporal. Bretz, Willard, private. Bretzman, Roy L., private. Brown, Jesse, private. Brown, Peter, private. Browne, Samuel T„ private. Brymarski, Frank, sergeant. Burger, Harry E. Burger, L. 0., private. Burkepile, J. Wilmer, private, Prog ress. Burkepile, George, private. Progress. Burkholder, Geo. W., sergeant, Her shey. Byrd, Julian, sergeant. Cassiaconte, Eugenio, private. Calla, Vincent, private. Camichail, Daniel E., private. Cannon, J. W., private. I HAIR ON FACE WHAT CAUSES IT It ban been proven by the world's greatest authorities that It stimulates and Increases hair growth to merely remove It from the surface of the ahln. The only common-sense nor to remove hulr i to attach It under the skin. DeMlracle, the ortgtaal sanitary liquid, does this hy absorption. Only genuine DeMlracle bus n money-back guarantee In each poekage. At toilet conntera In Mh lit sud $2 alien, or by mnll from ns la plain wrapper on receipt of price. FREE book mailed In plain sealed envelope on request. De- Mtrade. 13h St. and Park Avn, New York. HXBIUSBURG TELEGRAPH Cape, Merlo, sergeant. Carboner, Jos., private. Carpenter, O. E., Private. Cassel, Nile H., corporal. Cassey, Lewis M., private. Chapman, W. R., second lieutenant. Clarke, J. C., secretary. Cluster, Jos. 1., sergeant. Clouser, Wm. I. & Colston, Wm. D., private. Commings, C. Francis, first lieuten ant. Conrad, A. W., sergeant. Cook, B. L., ensign. Cook, Howard, private. Cooper, Harold E. Cooper John F., private. Coover. R. T., sergeant. Cors. Jos. T., private. Couroy, J. Frank, sergeant. Couroy, M. 1., corporal. Craven, F. M., private. Creme, M„ private. Cichey, Morris R., private. Dumer, Abe, private. Davis, C. A., acting sergeant. Davis, Samuel 1., private. Davis, T. E., lieutenant. Davis, Wm. H..' private. Deem, Harry, private. Defilippo, Vitro, corporal, t Delutes, Vincanzo, private. | Deßeamer, J. M., sergeant. Dews, George T., private. Deyo, George E., second lieutenant. Deys, Sam., private. Diret, Nick, cook. Ditore, Don, private. Dobbs, David P., private. Dormelly, Morris F., corporal. Drumgollc, Allen, private. Duncan, Lester S., private. Duvall, John 8.. private. Dwyer, Wm. F., private. Early, M. P., private. Eagan, Daniel W., private. Ellsrode, Jacob L., private. Ely, Norris, private. Erford, M. J., sergeant. Ettinger, R. C.. private. Fair, G. S., private. Farling, Jno. J., private. Favorite, Paul S. Fern, Sprenkle, Penbrook, private. I Fetterhoff, Herman, sergeant. Fencil. Miller, private. Fining. Lester A., sergeant. First, Jno. H., private. First. Jos. C., private. Fisler, Clyde, corporal. Fisher, Paul, seregant. Fitting. Chas. A., saddler. Fortune, E. A., private. Fox, E. L., private. Fourtenbaugh, Ellwood F., Oberlin, private. Frank, H. S.. private. Franklin, John L., sergeant. Freedman. Jos., private. Freeland. Wm., Speeceville, private. Frve, Thos. D.. sergeant. Fuhrman. Sylvester, private. Fumo, Tony, private. Gabriel, Evan H., field clerk. Gallagher, J. L., Stelton, captain. Garbarino, Jno. F„ corporal. Garver, Howard A., R. R. coach. Gehhard, Jno. C., second lieutenant. Gilbert, George, cook. Gillan, Wm. H., Greencastle, ser geant. Glosner, Wm. J., private. Goodman, Chas. S., wagoner. Gulbrandsen, W. A., corporal. Haas, Louis J., rabbi. Haldeman, Loanard D., sergeant. Hal. Jno. E., private. Harding, Andrew K., private. Harman, James P., sergeant. Harris, Roy D., first lieutenant. Harris, Samuel J., second lieutenant, i Hartler, Robert 8., private. Hazzard, J. T., private. Hean, Edgar H., corporal. Heisey, Samuel N., private. Henry, Fred H., private. Hershman. Samuel S., private. Hickler, E., sergeant. Higgins, Dan T., sergeant. Hill, Andrew, private. Hill Leon M., corporal. Hillrish, Jos., corporal. Hinds, G. W., Rockville, mechanic. Hinds, Robert N., Rockville, private. Hippensteel, Geo. D., private. Hogentogler, Geo. H., fireman. Holsberger, Frank, private. Hoover, Wm. S., first lieutenant. Houseman, Edward, private. Houseman, William, private. Houston, Roy W., private. Huber, Donald W., sergeant. Hughes, Marvin, private. Hursh, Alexander W., corporal. Huffman, W. E., chauffeur. Huss, Jos., private. Isaacman, Harry. Jackson, Lenwood, private. Jacobs, Charles H., private. Jacobs, Wm. S., Penbrook, private. Jenkins, Robert D., R. D., York Haven, captain. Johnson, T. J. Joras, Eugene, private. Jones, Maruce R., private. Jones, Thos. K.,Camp Upton, pri vate. Kalaric, Frank, corporal. Kaimsky, Samuel, private. Kaufman, F. D., corporal. Keim, O. N., corporal. Kimmel, Edward 0., private. Kinard, Chas. E., truck train. King, A. S., corporal Kirk, A. H., private. Kirman, Paul, private. Kline, Charles A., first lieutenant. Knight, B. M., sergeant, Koenig, Frank K., sergeant. Kohley. Frank, sergeant. Kolb, F. W., second lieutenant. Krai, Chas. J., sgt., York Springs. Kroll, Ross, wagoner. Krosevic, Martin, private. Kline, Robert N., private. Kolchner, Harold, corporal. Koch, Henry F., mechanic. I<uhn, John P., private. Landis, Martin A., corporal. Luntz. Claude E., private. Latehferd, Chas. E., sgt., Mt. Joy. Leas, Wm. H., private. Leet, Andrew J., sergeant. Leithiser, Chas. G., private. Losher, Samuel M., private. Leonard, Eleanor C., Y. M. C. A. Leeher, Millard, private, Middletown. Lesher. Monroe, private. Lewis, Edward, private. Liddick, Leslie, corporal. Lilley, A. W., private. Lisse, Karl A., seaman. Loban, Winfield H., private. Loper, J. G., private. Lucas, J. F., corporal. I.utz, Herman 8., cook. McClausen, R. 0.. corporal, Rock ville. MeCiune. Chas. W„ Ist Lieutenant. McCounell, Dave. McGrey, Samuel private. Mc.Gruley, Lawrence E., aviation. Mace, Robert M.. private. Mackey, G. B„ second, lieutenant. Magnelli, A., private. Mailey, Lester J., private. Marker, V. W., private. Maul, J. 8., sergeant. Alau-ft, Alexander, private. Mayer, Leßoy, corporal. I leaden, A. F., air service. f'echic, Nicholas, sergeant. Miceli, G., private. Mnlcr, D. S., navy. Camp Hill. Miller, Ira L., scrgfant. Miller, Miles E., p.-ivate. Mitcheil, A. H., private. Morgan, Leon N., private. Morone, John, ate. Aloione, Joseph, private. MO'O.le, Paul, pi.vatc. Mayor, J. G., private. Mover. Nevin W., private. Mmnrucrt, Ricni.'d V., color sgt. Martha. K. P., G. S. I. Mutton, •"'ltas 11., sergeant. Myers. Julia S.. ci rporal. Nul or. J. S., Jr., pnvate, Mech in icsi.'Urg Nappen, 11. F., pi ivate. Nei iig. 11. V>., pi vate. Nell, J. 8., private. Newman, John C\, private. Nickoli, Jack L., sergeant. Nlcdermayer, Jacob, sergeant. jNisslcy, Byrpn P.. infantry. Novtnger, James D., private. I Ohnmacht, H. C., private. Pannoll, J. Dress, sergeant. Pellegrini, Ettore, sergeant. terry, Ernest A., sergeant. I'hilt'pelli, L. F., private. Phillip, S., private. Phillips, J. W., second lieutenant. Pierce, Chas., navy. Poff, Joseph, sergeant. Polios, Andrew, private. I Porter, James H., private. Pressley, C. H., Jr.. private. I Qulnn, Wnt. V., 2nd lieutenant. : Rames, Albert W., private. ' Rampo, Alex., private. , Keed, Robert, corporal. Reese, John E.. sergeant. Ueeser, Chas. F., private. ! Ucggins, Mike, private, j Reichfe'rt, Paul 8., private, Penbrook. jl eininger, H. W.. private. ! Ritter, Wm. J., private. | RHtinger, C. H„ private. Uodgtrs, John, private. ! Bamberger, R. Ray, private. I I'ossi. Jos., private. I Rus, Edward J., coxswain. S tchs, Jos. 8., bugl-.r. jScimffer, Russel, private. Sohlucklin, F. C., sergeant, i Schoffert, Thomas H.. private. • Seetz. Joseph M. 0., second lieutenant ; 1 Seidel, Wallace R., corporal. : Shank, Paul, private. Shatto, Clarence H„ sergeant, Rock- ! viile. Sliaub, Robert C.. sergeant. Sheckert, G. C., sergeant. ! Sigel, Lewis 8., wagoner. Simpson. Harry R„ private. Singer, Roy Price, private. Smith, Chas. K.. navy. Smith, Edward S., private. Smith, George E„ corporal. Smith. H. 8., yeoman. Smith, J. D„ private. Smith, John, corporal. ! Snook, Jno. W., sergeant. | Snyder, James, private. ( Soles, Irvin, private. : Solomon, George, private. ■ Spangler, E. H., wagoner. I Spangler, Harry L., private. Spangler, Paul, private. Sparver, Harry L.. private. Stein, Arthur L., private. Men Who Do Things ! The Successful Men Of Today Are j Full Of Rich Blood And Vital Nerve Force. If you are lacking in these essentials of life that give you power, strength and the snap and energy things go, your physician would prescribe Iron, Nux Vomica, Gentian, Capsicum Aloin and Zinc Phosphide to build you up. Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve Tab lets contain all of these tonic remedies in their most active and condensed form. They are a powerful flesh and strength maker, a wonderful restora- ! tive to the nerves. A trial will not I only convince you, but will astonish and please you. Start today, weigh yourself before taking them and see i | what they will do for you. Sold I by Druggists at 60 cents, Special, : I (Stronger more Active 90 cents.) Are Steel Strike Leaders Patriots or Bolshevists? "We are going- to socialize the basic industries of the United States. This is the beginning of the fight. We are going to have representatives on the board of directors of the Steel Cor poration," declared John Fitzpatrick, Chairman of the Committee of Twenty-four, represent ing the twenty-four separate American Federation of Labor unions participating in the steel strike. T. J. Vind, general organizer of the American Federation of Labor in the Chicago district, made even a more defiant cry when he declared that "The strike won't stop until steel workers become the lawmakers at Washington." While many editorial writers outside the labor press take these and other statements of the strike leaders as an indication that they aim at nothing less than industrial revolution, The New Majority, of Chicago, organ of the Labor party, counters with a charge of "high treason" against Judge Gary, of the United States Steel Corporation, because he denied the strikers "their constitutional rights of free speech, press and assemblage," and it affirms, "he has set himself and his steel trust up in defiance of the Government and Constitution of the United States, as superior to them." Concerning the union demand for increased wages, the labor leaders admit, according to a correspondent of the New York Tribune, that the wages to employes in the steel industry have increased about one hundred per cent, in the last four years, but "even this increase has not sufficed to improve their originally wretched conditions. They tell of human beings living like cattle in miserable shacks and hovels. The answer of the employers to this contention is that with the foreigners in the mills and furnaces the rate'of pay has nothing to do with the stand ard of living, as the purpose of this class of laborers is not to live well, but to live as poorly as possible in order to save as much money as possible, usually with the intention of return ing to Europe when a certain size stake has been attained." The employers support their contention by pointing tg> a scale of wages ranging from $3.50 to $6.00 a day for unskilled help, and from $7.00 to SBO.OO a day for skilled help. For a comprehensive review of the great steel strike from all angles, read THE LITERARY DIGEST for this week, October 4th. Other striking features in this week's DIGEST are: The Japanese Press Attacks the American Senate This article consists of direct translations from Japanese Journals, one of which declares that "It is not to the honor of the American Senate to place itself on the same level with the Bolsheviki." New York's Publishing Crisis Can Gilbert and Sullivan Be "Jazzed?" The Meat Packers State Their Case Whistler Retested By Modern Standards Bulgaria's Penalty Open Doors For American Music-Teachers Withdrawing Troops From Russia Mercier's Appeal to America Britain's Hand in Persia Does the Devil Hate the Tongue of Luther? Bolshevism's Relapse to Czarism Best of the Current Poetry How to Choose Your Clothes World-Wide Trade Facts A Ship That Wouldn't Sink Albania—the Country, Its History, Its Claims Mechanical Aids For the Deaf D'Annunzio—Poet, Esthete, Warrior, Rebel Many Fine Illustrations, Including Maps, and Humorous Cartoons October 4th Number on Sale To-day—AH News-dealers—lo Cents T T T\l/i JL. | Distinction to 1 111 | %/ I nT* J IBe a Reader oil I T FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionaiv) NEW YORJ j Stennon, William, private. Stewart. Percy E., private. Stine. Henry M., captain. Stlne. Joseph R., private. Strait. Carl A., sergeant. Stroup, William, private. Stutzman, Mary M„ nurse. Summers. G. F. Sv. amley, Samuel A., private. Swartz, Earl, private Swenson, Joseph, private. Taylor, John R., sergeant. Thompson, James M., private. Thornton, J. E„ private. Thornton, J .E.. private. Tobias. Charles D., sergeant. Treaster, George, private. Trestle, Jos. 8., secojul lieutenant. Vako. Peter L., private. Vallurchamp, John, cook. Owing to a Religious Holiday, Kaufman's Store Will Be CLOSED I 111 • g|§ During the Day, SATURDAY, October 4tli The Store Will Be Open Saturday Evening From 6 to 9 P. M. BE ■ OCTOBER 3, 1919, Van Lear. Ernest A., Fayettevtlle, Pa. corporal. Vcaner, Israel, private. Vinicoff, Louis, sergeant. Ventico, Toney, private. Vogt. George M., cook. Vovakes, Harry D., private. Wagner, George A., corporal. Warfel. George Earle, private. Warner, Charles, sergeant. Watts, William, private. Waurnnt, Alex, private. Weaver, Paul L„ sergeant. Weaver. Roy C., private. Webb, Victor, private. Weiger. Vincent, private. Wells. Thomas. Westhaver. E. L„ second class mils. . rVhite, Earl L., private. White. John, private. White. Joseph, privata. Whitman, Benjamin. Wlckersham, James H., corporal. Wllensky, David, private. Williams, Charles C„ private. Williams, George, private. Williams, John L.. private. Winters, Herbert G. W., private. Wolf. R. J.. private. Wolf. Benjamin. Wolf, R. J.. first lieutenant. Woolfolk. Wm. Henry corporal. William. P., private. Wynn. William E.. private. Zcntmeyer,, Paul L., cook. Zimmerman, Charles E.. corporal. Zimmerman, Harry, private. Zortman, James J. Yche, J. P.. sergeant* Yost. Elmer Z.. private. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers