4 Veteran Telegrapher Is Presented With Chair Reading Oct. 3. W. C. Fry, general foreman of telegraph fore men, who had been In the service of the Reading for half a century was placed on the pension roll on hav ing reached the age limit. Mr. Fry entered the service September 22, 1869. He succeeded the late C. F. Glase. The men employed In the tele graph service, particularly those who look after the lines, did not like to see Mr. FVy leave the service with out some token of their esteem, and presented him with a chair. Mr. Fry is succeeded by O. W. StiUer who has been foreman of the s-- designed by most expert milliners at our very popu- ; Saturday Presents An Opportunity To Save and Be Satisfied —This Is Astrich's Policy SATURDAY we shall present a very exceptional showing of really wonderful Hats—You get the agreeable surprise— This event is planned for two very strong reasons—to please you—our customers—to prove our advertising—that •we mean what we say—that we have the Hats that you want at your price. A group of smart effective styles are pre sented here—we have hundreds of others equally as clever —making your choosing an interesting occasion $5.98 to $10.98 ■ - ~ m \ • -• ■ ■. r OCTOBER 3, 1919. Middle division, representing a cost of $222.80 In repairing for lal*)t and material. In the Altoona yard there were twenty-three cars damaged, causing a loss of $020.18 and in the Hollldaysburg yard one car was damaged, the cost of repair being $26.08. William H. Chamberlin, a pioneer railroad man, died at Shamokln. He started running an engine on the Sunbury and Shamokln dlvlsons when wood was used as fuel. Bridge and structural steel in spectors have completed the Inspec tion of all offices and buildings in Lebanon-. John D. Long and Isaac Matchctt, passenger engineers on the Middle division, who have been on the in jured list, are doing special duty. HAY FEVER?, , Why Suffer? See Man-Heil Automatic Inhaler. Ask Demonstrator GORGAS' DRUG STORE 16 North Third Street