Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 03, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    HF.I.L 18M—2359 UNITED
The IVor Id ISSags Very
tVell Now!
Almost a year of Peace and a Nation that is
enjoying the greatest prosperity that it has ever
experienced—is it any wonder that things look
good to the people of the United States?
The new season is here, the new apparel is
displayed—the new furnishings for the home are
on exhibition.
Hundreds of people are now ready to buy the
things that they have been planning for during
the past months. Supplies are abundant NOW
—varieties are complete. There is no time like
the present to make gratifying selections and
have full season enjoyment and use of the ar
ticles purchased.
Our Store is bright and interesting, with its
new finery. You'll enjoy a visit of inspection to
COME—whether you are ready to buy or not.
You'll find it interesting to know all about the
new things while they are freshest and best.
A Shawl or a Scarf is
Quite the Thing
e ave a wonderful showing
VStE77i\ of shawls and scarfs in Angora
In and Camel's Hair in all the new
®ya shades, such as Heathers, Alpaca,
grays and Beaver, also black and
I WKEI navv; $1.75 to $15.50.
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
That Appeal For
Service and Dress
Plaid taffeta blouses in an assortment of beautiful
suit shades; navys, gray and green. Tailored, high
neck and small collars, $4.95.
Voile blouses with dainty tucks, frills and em
broidery: round necks and small fitting collars; $1.59
A full line of new blouses in georgette and crepe
de chine for the woman who wears the extra sizes;
suit shades elaborately embroidered and beaded, also
the daintv flesh and white shades; $6.95 and up.
BOWMAN'S —Third Floor.
Fine Combed Yarn
Vests, Very Special '
These vests are better-grade seconds, combed wool
garments, with flat-lock seams; high neck, long
sleeves and Dutch neck and elbow sleeves. Pants
ankle length. Special, 79c each.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Auto Robes and Rugs
r > in all wanted col
green; some are
rubber interlined;
$6.00 to $15.00
Steamer rugs with fringe in plaids; some plain
backs, others both side plaids; $5.50 to $35.00
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
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11 Fug Trimming Are_ j
|||| - \T\ When fair woman seeks trimmings that will most enhance a gar- l!|
i'ii \ \c, Y\ ment selects fur. Nowhere else, we believe, is there such elegance ill
!;i: , texture . such softness of lines and luxurious effectiveness. Perhaps |!j
ijjl yA jl) never before have furs been so much in demand for trimmings.
i'ii vS iwi// And, of course, you'll be interested and will want to see the stock !|l
'htrrl Trrfc | // nia ke your selections while the varietv is complete. We have fur trim- ;l|
niings in a fine and varied assortment ranging in width from 1 inch to 8 jj
j||i 1-inch Coney Blacky brown and kit : SI.OO yard. | Black, brown and kit collars; $7.50 up to $11.95. !|i
!|j; 1-inch Moline; $1.95 yard. ! Seal collars; $15.00 and $18.95 each.
;!|! 1-inch to 3-inch white Coney; SI.OO to $4.25 yard, j Mole collars; $24.50. |j|
||j; 2to 8-inch Coney; ranging in price from $2.00 to j Do you need any new buttons for your plush or jjj
|!j; $7.95 yard. • f U r coats, if so, we have a wonderful assortment. j|i
'||l 1 anc * 2-inch Nutria; $2.75 and $3.50 yard. ; Black and white Coney buttons 1 25c and 35c each ; |l
;!| 1-inch Beaver; $0.90 yard, ; White fur heads; 89c each. il|
||| 6-inch Skunk Opossum; $24.50 yard. j Kolinsky heads; SI.OO each.
<;| 6-inch Mole de Luxe; $13.95 yard. j Hundreds of yards of georgette in every desir- j|i
|;l And Fur Collars add much to an old suit or even 1 able shade; good durable quality; 40 inches wide; i||
jl a dress— j $2.25 yard.
|!| •/ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. |lj
/ .
I Suns
48 In a Special <t>r~o
Grouping, Choice
These stunning suits are favorites with women who demand
/\ \ stylish and service-giving apparel. They have trim, graceful lines
j and pleasant, modish colorings. Though many show fur trim
/ ii \ mings, there are also plain models for the woman who has her own
(Uj /§e| \\j}d f urs ; Variety of detail and materials of the models afford ample
choice. Included in this special assortment are high-neck suits,
'l Tjjjff embroidered, braided, plain-tailored and fur-trimmed
\m I HI Flares, ripples, cascades, Watteau backs and a large variety t
2UI ,i| of the season's best interpretations are shown. A large range of
ii jff ma ferials and colors leave nothing to be desired 1 sizes 14 to 44; I
jjs Choice ssß,Tomorrow j
Third Floor.
The Famous Van Raalte
Silk Undergarm en ts
In a
Special Sale $7.98, $9.98
These prices are much below what superior gar
ments of this character can be bought for ordinarily.
In fact, we could not offer them at this price if the
manufacturer had not been obliged to discontinue
making this extra fine quality because of labor trou
They are dainty silk tissues, in georgette, satin and
crepe de chine. Envelope chemises and bloomers
beautifully trimmed with fancy ribbons, Val. lace,
hand-embroidered organdy insets, bows, tuckings
and other dainty touches that appeal to those who
prefer something especially fine.
Any woman or miss would appreciate one of these
garments for a Christmas gift.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Women's Union Suits (PI 29
Very Special at •
These are medium weight for Fall and Winter
wear. Made of fine combed yarn, with high neck,
long sleeves and ankle length; low neck, band top,
sleeveless and ankle length, also Dutch neck, elbow
sleeves, ankle length. An excellent special at $1.29.
BOWMAN'S—Main Flpor.
Four Specials in Good
Hosiery For Women
Full fashioned stockings • in |-
of medium weight, made of
heavy thread silk, garter rib
lisle top and lisle foot. In Jw y
black and white only. Stock- KRk V.
ings such as these we could spy A
not sell at this price if
were to buy them in the mar
ket today—Special for to- iSgvF.. m
morrow, $2.35.
Stockings of fine gauge
silk : full fashioned with soft
lisle tops and lisle feet. In QUI])
white, black and colors. Spe-
cial for tomorrow, $1.49.
Full fashioned silk stockings, made in pure
thread silk; medium weight, with lisle tops and
feet :in black and white. Special for tomor
row, $1.85.
Lisle stockings in black and white. Full
fashioned, double top Avith reinforced soles.
Medium weight in black and white. An excellent
stocking for service special tomorrow at 98c.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Good Shoes For Women and
Children at Sensible Prices
______________ ________________ ______________ "
With much talk about the high cost of living,
everyone admits it pays to buy only good shoes
which will yield their intrinsic value. This means
tgood shoes of quality, materials and skilled work
manship. To be sure both materials and work- —"TO: '
manship have advanced in cost, but in buying we .*
have selected our shoes in large quantities from man- !• : /
ufacturers who have done all in their power to elim- 9r 1
j inate useless wastefulness and so keep down the Jh
j style and vamp. They are such as will warrant 00^^
iyour inspection. We have not only fine examples
of style and quality but unusually attractive values
in these days of rising costs. Our shoes are in all
leathers and heels. Priced, SIO.OO to $14.00.
•* •*
Our Children's Shoe Department i
In children's shoes we carry narrow widths as well as the wider ones. Bring your children
have their feet correctly fitted. From infants to growing girls, size 7; $2.25 to $8.50.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. wJH
OCTOBER 3, 1919.
Saturday Specials in
Piece Goods
No C. O. D.'s No Mail Orders No Samples^
36-inch Velour Plush; a good dress or suiting";
quality in 10 colors; $1.95 yard.
36-inch Print corduroy; 3 colors; navy, brown !
and black; $1.95 yard.
40-inch Crepe de Chine; all colors; $1.95 yard. >
36-inch French Satins and Taffetas; good big*
selection; $1.69 yard. >
36-inch Fancy Damask pattern linings; high r,
lustre finish; 15 styles; $1.95 yard.
Wash Goods —36-inch Silk figured Mull; small
dainty figures and checks on plain grounds; 69c
32-inch Finest Grade Ginghams; 200 styles
to pick from; 59c yard.
Woolen Goods—42-inch Strictly All Wool
Plaids 1 rich colorings; $2.25 yard.
54-inch Heather mixtures; good weight Jersey
for suit or dress; $3.95 yard.
54-inch Fur Cloth for coats or scarfs and
jackets; $4.50 yard.
48-inch Navy Tricotine; $4.50.
54-inch Navy Mannish Serge; $3.25 yard. *
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
New Modes in ||fj|!
New Coats For
Juniors, Misses
& Small Women fjU |l |
Models especially designed for TsL. rk u
the Junior, smart chic models for j IK&YA "I
the Miss and original styles for
the small woman. All these are I |f
developed in the season's newest
fabrics and colorings in sizes 15 i '
to 19; and 14 to 20; $25 to $95. f 'j [ I
Coats for everybody and for : I J / /
all occasions. Smart wraps for j( f /
evening luxuriously fur trimmed Ah j //
coats; semi-fitted and plain "tail- V | J, j'/
ored models; leather and tweed \\l jjfpi
coats suitable for motoring and vM
sports wear. In fact, every thing Wir
a smart, well dressed women (Gff
would wish for, in sizes 16 to 44; ty'tx
39 to 51; $25 to $225.'
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. ' r -
Hair Goods Clearance
In re-assembling our Hair Stock
we have temptingly lowered the
prices on
Wavy Hair Switches
Also Transformations \i- T
The color range will enable you
to secure a perfect match with the
assistance of our experts.
All Shades at This Price Except Gray
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.