Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 03, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 Happenings of a Day in Central Pennsylvania TELLS PREACHERS NOT TO MARRY Conference Superintenent So Advises the Young Men Given Licenses Reading, Pa., Oct. 8. At the | 120 th annual United Brethren Con ference here. Conference Superin tendent the Rev. Dr. S. C. Enck, of Philadelphia, presented his second annual report. It was a full ac count of the work done by the con ference throughout the year. The evangelism of the churches Is to be continuous throughout the year and the young men who are licensed to preach are urged to enter Lebanon Valley College, where courses are offered to best qualify them, but as the superintendent said, "Remain single." Seven young men were recommended for license to preach, and they ore advised not to wed for the present. Btshop W. M. Bell, of Washington, D. C., in an address said: "Jesus Christ is Insistent that the church address Itself to the ram pant Immorality of this day. "The church and the ministry this year 1919 must get in touch with the situation to-day. They must know about political manipulation that are going on. We must mix up In things political." Cuts Second Crop of Hay This Season Lcwistown, Pa., Oct. 3.—John Bet leyon, a farmer In the lower end of Ferguson Valley, is cutting his second crop of hay for this season and will harvest about 40 tons of timothy In this crop which is a most valuable feed for dairy and other cows when mixed with silo feed. Sure Relief Hot water —dsH Sure Relief ||E LL-ANS INDIGESTION For Men Union Suits $2 to sls if ft Dressing if* II '| j * Gowns jUM \mf slot® $75 H jf* Forry's y I Penn-Harris j| Building "Dure Your Rupture Like I Cured Mine" )ld Sea Captain Cared Eis Own Rupture After Doctors Said "Operate or Death." Bis Remedy and Book Sent Free. Captain Colllngs sailed the seas for many years; then he sustained a bad double rupture that soon forced him to not only remain ashore, but kept him bedridden for years. He tried doctor after doctor and truss after truss. No results! Finally, he was assured that he must either submit to a dangerous and abhorrent operation or die. He did •either! He cured himself instead. "Fo'low Men and Women, You Don't Have To Be Cut Up, and You Don't Hove To Bo Tortured By Truster." Captain Colllngs made a study oi himself, of his condition —and at last he was rewarded by the finding of the method th.at so quickly made him a well, strong, vigorous and happy man. Anyone can use the same methodi It's simple, easy, safe and inexpensive. Evety ruptured person in tho world should have the Captain Colllngs book, telling all about how he cured himself, and how anyone may follow the same treatment in their own home without any trouble. The bock and medicine are FREE. They will be sent prepaid to any rupture sufferer who will fill cut the below coupon. But send it right away — now —before you put down this L paper. , , .. ~. E FREE KUPTUHE BOOK AND" REMEDY COU )X AV. A. Colllngs (Inc.i Box 91-D, Watertown, N. V. Please send me your FREE Rup- Hire Remedy and Book without j obligation on my part what r Hni l : H *> - FRIDAY EVENING, FIRST ORPHAN OF WAR AT SCOTLAND I PAUL. HUTTON Paul Is the first orphan of the I World War to enter the Soldiers* Orphan Industrial School at Scot land, Pa. He was admitted to the institution several weeks ago. Reading Has Good Continuation Schools llondiiß, Pa., Oct. 3.—Continua [ tion schools of Reading are the best in the State and are held as a model for the United States, according to Miss Claire Snyder, of Harrisburg, State inspector of continuation schools, who is in Reading. Details of the work here were explained to Miss Snyder by George D. Stoeckel, supervisor of continuation schools. "Reading," Miss Snyder declared, "is further advanced with it con tinuation schools than any city in Pennsylvania. The corps of teach ers is an excellent one and Reading may well be taken as a model throughout the United States." Helped to Thrash at the Age of 82 Years i Middleburg, Pa., Oct. 3.—Cyrus Rathbon, 82 years old, to-day said he feels good over the work he per formed several days ago when he helped Frank Smith to thrash. Young men in the neighborhood said the work was too hard. Mr. Smith then called upon Mr. Rathbon. j At the first sign of skin trouble apply Resinoi That patch of eruption is not necet - i sarily a serious matterl Even in severe, i i well-established cases of eczema, ring- ; worm or similar affections, Resinoi : Ointment and Resinoi Soap usually re lieve the itching at once and quickly overcome the trouble completely. How I much move, then, can this simple, in ( expensive treatment be relied on to dis ! pel skin troubles in their earlier stages. Kesinol Soar and Resinoi Ointment are sold br all druaaiats. For samples of each, free, writs to Dept. 1-R, Resinoi, Baltimore, Md. SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS We Eat Too Much Meat Which Clogs Kidneys, Then the Back Hurts Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occa sionally, also we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, se vere headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleepless ness and all sorts of bladder disor i ders. You simply must keep your kid j neys active and clean, and the mo- I ment you feel an ache or pain in the | kidney .egjor., get about four oup-ces ! of Jad Salts from any good drug | store here, take a tablespoonful In j a glass of water before breakfast, for 1 a few la-* s and your kdneys will then ! act fine. This 1.-.>n< us salts Is made I from the rieid of g.apes ar.d lemon I juice, combined with lithia, and Is | harmless to flush clogged kidrreys and stimulate them to normal actlv -1 ity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so !t no longer irritates, j thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; j makes a delightful effervescent ! lithia-water drink which everybody ! should take r.-ow and then to keep i their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks j who believe in overcomng kidney ] trouble while it is-only trouble. THREE AGED PREACHERS AT U. B. CONFERENCE All of Them, Well Known Throughout Central Pennsylva nia, Are Taking Part in the Sessions Being Hel in Reaing This Week Reading, Pa., Oct. 3.—Three of the aged ministers of the East Penn sylvania United Brethren Conference, although not in the active work, are present at the sessions and take a deep Interest In all the deliberations. They are the Rev. James Shoop, of Elizabethville ;the Rev. J. B. Funk, of Mountvllle, and the Rev. W. Gam bler, of Lebanon. Tho Rev. James Shoop Is a native of Dauphin- county and is a member of the Conference since 1867. While In the active pastorate he served the following charges; Bellgrove, Val ley View, Sinking Spring, Pinegrove, Lebanon Salem, Tower City, Allen town, Avon, Lykens Circuit and Elizabethville. He also served as presiding elder for a number of years. CLEAN SLATE AT LANCASTER FAIR Officials Suspend Gambling After Notice of Law and Order Society 'Lancaster, Oct. 3.—This, the last day of the Lancaster county fair, Is going through on a clean cut basis, according to officials of the fair as sociation. Action is causing Immedi ate suspension of all questionable de vices and shows on the Midway, c?me following notice from the Lancaster Law and Order Society. The fair officials were Informed by the law and order society that thirty or more gambling devices were wide-open and that a woman show of questionable character was being run. The letter of the society was turned over by the Fair management to Captain Smith, of the State Police, whose troopers have been policing the Fair, and later a conference was held between representatives of the Law and Order Society and the captain and his lieutenant. After a full discussion and the position of the Law and Order Society made clear, the officer of the State Police declared that they were ready to enforce the law, and that they would make all arrests on warrants sworn out by the Law and Order Society. The representatives of the Law and Order Society then stated that It was not their desire to prosecute If the Fair management would agree to discontinue all gambling and any show that was Indecent or Immoral, and would notify the society. The Fair management acceded to the demand of the Law and Order Society. MILLERSTOWN Mlllerstown, Oct. B.—Robert Hop ple has purchased the property which waa formerly the National Hotel. Miss Sallle Nankwell, of Steelton, spent Sunday at her home here. G. W. Fry is visiting relatives In Philadelphia and Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. James Rounsley and daughter, Miss Edith Rounsley, were in Harrisburg on Friday. Mrs. H. H. Taylor was a visitor in Newport. Miss Mary Ulsh has resumed her studies at Irving College, Meehan lesburg. Mrs. Warren Beacham was a vis itor in Harrisburg on Friday. Miss Sarah Klpp has gone to Coon Rapids, lowa, where she will spend a month with her friend. Miss Dol sey Hufferd. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hay, of Stam fad, Conn., visited Mr. arid Mrs. John Wood this week. Mrs. O. O. Wagner has returned home from the Harrisburg Hospital, where she underwent an operation several weeks ago. James Rounsley transacted busi ness In New Bloomfleld Wednesday. Casper Swartz was In Philadelphia, where he attended a banquet In honor of the 314 th Regiment of the 79th Division, of which he waa a member. Foster Bollinger has returned home from a two weeks' visit In Utlca, N. Y. Strike Cripples the Berwick Car Plant Berwick, Fa., Oct. 3.—The local plant of the American Car and Foun | dry Company is seriously crippled : by a strike called by the Central Labor Union. Labor leaders de- j clared that many departments were ' completely tied up while In the others from 35 to 90 per cent of the employes were said to have answered the call. The company claimed that about 36 per cent of Its 4,500 employes re ported for work as usual this morn ing and that many others returned during the day. Among the demands of the strik ers are recognition of their union, seniority rights and the reinstate ment of discharged men. Rabbi Haas to Assist in Cornerstone Laying Lewlstovrn, Pa.. Oct. 3.—The He brew congregation of Ohev Sholom issued invitations to-day for the cor nerstone laying of tho new synagogue at 20 East Third street, which will take place Sundny, at 2.30 o'clock. The committeemen In charge of the ceremony are H. J. Cohen, Jacob Hurwitz, Harry Sherman, S. Hallem and David Houck. On the program are selections by the Rurnham Community Band, prayer by Rabbi Hnas, of Harris burg: lecture by Dr. Hutchinson, ad dress by Dr. F. A. Rupp, lecture by Rabbi Haas. This Is the flrst syna gogue In Lewlatown. Father Wills Hift Daughter a Cow Reading, Pa., Oct. 3.—William Landis. late of Pike township. In his will, which was filed for prqbate at the office of Register Wertz, makes j provision that his daughter IMary Jane Strauser, Is to receive all his household effects and "the choice of one of my cows." HiBRISBURa frTilfciftfl' TEEEOJOOPB The Rev. J. B. Funk Is a native of Lancaster county and was re ceived into the Conference In 1871. He served a number of charges In the early years of his ministerial career the last being Florin, near Mt. Joy. Tho Rev. W. Gambler Is one of the oldest ministers of the Conference, having been admitted In 1879. On account of falling health he was compelled to relinquish the active work several years ago. Ho served the following charges as pastor: Pinegrove, Middleburg, Susquehanna Circuit, Lebanon Salem, Grnntvllle, Mt. Carmol, Tower City, Reading Zlon and St. Paul's, Lebanon. For a number of years he has resided - at Lebanon. ! MATRIMONIAL TANGLES AIRED Woman Said to Have Two Husbands; Another Man Two Wives Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 3.—Some pe culiar tangles in Lower End matri mony were aired In a session of Surety Court held by Judge Sadler. One woman said to have two hus bands was seeking support from the second, and a common-law wife wanted support from her husband who has lately been married with due legal formality. Charles B. Sanders, West Fair view, was charged with nonsupport by his wife. It was claimed that they were married in 1904 and that he left home in 1918. The defense stated that Mrs. Sanders was mar ried to a man named Forney, who reappeared four years after the mar riage. Forney had formerly been reported dead In a letter to his mother, It was claimed. Sanders had also agreed to pay his wife $25 per month, It was stated. Judge Sadler held that he had no Jurisdic tion, but that Sanders ought to pro vide for his wife. A civil case will probably result. Mrs. David Erney, of New Cum berland, charged her husband with not supporting her and three chil dren, with failure to stay at home and attacking her. Erney claimed that his wife had refused to provide meals. He was ordered to pay S4O per month. Claiming that she was his com mon-law wife, Mrs. Edward Bom gardner claimed that her husband had given nothing to her support since" 1916. She lives In the Lower End, but said they had formerly been In Philadelphia and for a time In Perry county. When Bomgard ner took out a marriage license she brought suit. Bomgardner Is now married and living In West Fair view. The case was continued. Washington Visited Carlisle 125 Years Ago Carlisle, Pa„ Oct. 3.—Sunday will mark the 125 th anniversary of the visit of George Washington to Car lisle and will be observed with spe cial ceremony. Washington staved in Carlisle for several davs and wor shipped at the First Presbyterian Church here. This church still stands and Is one of the oldest edi fices In the country. The Rev. A N. Hagerty, the pastor. In his ser ;mond Sunday will use excerpts from the sermon delivered at the time of Washington's visit by the Rev. Dr. Davidson, then the pastor. The in A. e . n , t o( L currpfl "t the time of the Whisky Insurrection, and the First President reviewed his troops from a point where Dickinson College buildings now stand. A feature In the observance Sunday will be the attendanee of the Union Fire Com pany members. This company Is 130 years old, and the Rev. Dr. David son, who delivered the sermon, was the first president. Saves Girl Caught in Railroad Track Lancaster Pa. Oct. 3.—Charles Mentzer, a Pennsylvania railroad car inspector of Columbia, released a young girl whose foot was fast in a railroad track at the Lemon street crossing, In time to prevent what might have been a fatal accident. The girl was crossing the tracks when her shoe caught lh the rails. Several women were near at the time, but, hearing the approach of a train, they turned their heads and losing presence of mind did not at tempt to release her. Mr. Mentzer happened in sight Just at that mo ment and, running to tho scene, un laced the shoe, pulled the girl's foot out, and then with his hammer j knocked the shoe out before an east bound train thundered along over the spot. New Cigar Factory Planned For Ephrata , Ephrata, Pa., Oct. 3.—L. Rupptn. 1 residing near Akron, proprietor of what Is known as the Ruppln Cigar • Factoi-y, near that borough, rented i the large warehouse of H. M. Oer - hart on Chestnut street, west, of ■ i Park avenue, this borough, where he 1 | will open a cigar factory, on or about ■ October 15. It Is expected that • about 30 hands will be employed in > the new industry. John Eck, of i Akron, who has been manager of the Ruppln factory near Akron, will ' he manager of the new factory in , this borotigh. ; Rally Day Service at Liverpool Sunday Liverpool, Oct. 3.—Rally day ex ercises will he observed by the . Methodist Sunday School on Sunday. An Interesting program of special music, addresses, and dialogues is i being prepared by the committee t assisted by the Superintendent S. 1 Maurice Shulor. Automobiles will s transport the older members of tho r church, and every effort is being 1 made to make the best Rally Day • exercises in the history of the Sun day School. NEW NURSE TO ENTER THE ARMY r * • ; ' >, i " ■ ; • ~ " ■ ;< . MARGARET DUNKELBERGER Tills young woman has completed her studies as a nurse at tho Colum bia Hospital and expects to enter the services of the United States Army. She Is the youngest person to gradu ate from the Marietta institution. COAL OFFICIALS ARE INDICTED Charged With Death of Boy N in Cave-in of Scran ton Street Scranton, Pa., Oct. 3. —For the first time In the history of anthra cite coal mining officials of a coal company were Indicted here yester day for involuntary manslaughter In causing the death of a person through a mine cave-in. W. W. Inglis, vice-president and general manager and S. D. Dimmick, gen eral Superlntendfent of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western Company are the officials Indicted being charged with causing the death of Robert Warburton, eleven years old, who was swallowed in a cave-In while at play on a street in West Scranton on August 12 last. The cave-tn occurred in the work ings of the Diamond mine of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Company and It Is alleged that It was due to the reckless manner in which the company removed pillars left to support the surface. NEW CUMBERLAND New Cumberland, Oct. B.—Mrs. J. L. Wert entertained the Missionary Society of Covenant Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening at her home on Sixteenth street. The fol lowing persons were present: Mrs. S. P. Eby, Mrs. Lutz, Mrs. Moyer, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. McClaster, Mrs. Sears, Mrs. Castle, Mrs. Stuck, Mrs. Shirk, Mrs. Troup, Mrs. Stouffer, Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Kauffman, Mrs. Steeley, Mrs. Higle, Miss Stauffer, Miss Kauffman and Miss Stenecainp, of Lancaster who ha been a week end guest of Mrs. Wert. The Senior, Junior and Freshman classes of tho High School and the different grades have purchased rec ords for the school victrola. The Endora Guild of the Meth odist Sunday School were entertained at the home of Mrs. Ross Meckley at Hillside last night. The Boys Brigade will hold a meeting in the basement of Baugh man Memorial Methodist church this evening. The Council will meet on Monday evening. Mrs. John Zimmerman of Market Street, went to Washington, D. C. to spend a week with her son, George Zimmerman and family. Mrs. G. H. Reiff and the Misses Rachel and Sara Gracey, of Now Cumberland, went to New York. Mrs. Anna Peters, of New Cumber land Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. M. Murback at Allentown. Captain Tuthill to Be Mustered Out Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 3.—Captain Tracy E. Tuthill. United States In fantry, instructor of military science and tactics at Gettysburg College, has been removed as commandant of the unit of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps hero and has gone to Camp Dlx, New Jersey, to be mus tered out of the service. Captain Tuthill was in command of the unit at the college for a little more than a year and during that time rarid I strides were made In the military regulations of the institution. The successor of Captain Tuthill has not yet been announced, and until a commander is named by the War Department the unit will be In charge of First Sergeant Duke, who was the assistant In the department. Mediators Try to End Silk Mill Strikes Scranton. Pa., Oct. 3.—ln an ef fort to end the silk workers' strike which has closed about a dozen mills in Lackawanna county. State mediators are here trying to bring about a conference between the strikers and the mill owners. At present nbout 8,000 workers are out and so far all efforts towards a set tlement have gone for naught. Mean while the work of unionizing all the silk workers of the valley Is being pushed by officers of the textile workers who are threatening a gen eral silk strike. Three Candidates For Judge Spent $37,045.80 Scranton, Pa., Oct. 3.—Three can illdate? for the judicial nomination in Lackawanna county spent a total of $37,945.80 according to the ex pense accounts Just filed. District George W. Maxey, who led the ricld spent $18,546.85 to poll 14,000 votes. Jame J. O'Neill, who was second high, spent $4,080 and W. R. Lewis, who came In third in the race expended $14,498,95 making It the costliest judicial prim ary ever held In this county. •[Other State News on Page 7.1 WILL WELCOME | SOLDIERS HOME York Haven Citizens Decorat ing For the ftig Event Tomorrow York Haven, Pa., Oct. 3.—York Haven Is gaily attired to-day for the community Welcome Home celebra tion to be held here to-morrow In honor of the returned soldiers, sail ors and marines of this borough and .community. With favorable weather existing, hundreds of out-of-town people will come here for the fes tivities. Residents were busily en gaged to-day decorating their homes' and business places with bifnting, American flags and banners. Ten gaily decorated arches have been erected at Intervals along Main street, this being done at the ex pense of the finance committee. One hundred and seventy-four in vitations have been mailed out to returned soldiers, and fully 90 per cent, of these are expected to par ticipate in the street demonstration at 1.30 p. m. Fully 500 persons will take part. Three bands, Starview, Zions View and Emlgsvllle, will fur nish music for the affair. Follow ing a march over the principal streets of the town, the parade will disband at the community flagpole, where patriotic exercises will be held and a large new American flag, 12 by.,20 feet In dimensions, will be un furled. The speakers for the occa sion will he Judge Moore, of Brook lyn, N. Y.; Attorney Walter B. Hays, I Congressman Edward S. Brooks, of York, and H. W. Stokes, of Phila delphia. president of the York Haven Paper Company. The addresses will be made from the porch of the Haven Hotel a his toric place. Lafayette having feasted and lodged there during the Revo lutionary Wnr.'e-Tmmediatply after the exercises at the community flag pole, the soldiers, sailors and ma rines, their mothers and wives, will be tendered a banquet In St. Paul's Hall. During the banquet the Star view Band will furnish music. Baptists on Record Favoring Prohibition Altoona, Pa.. Oct. 3.—Resolutions were adopted at yesterday's session of the Centre Association of Baptist churches, commending the ratifica tion of the eighteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution relative to prohibition and urging all citizens In the association to vote only for the election of persons to public of fice who will vigorously enforce such laws as are enacted for carrying It into effect. The association likewise endorsed the nineteenth amendment providing for woman suffrage, which Is now before the legislation of the various states for ratification. Johnstown was selected as the place for next year's convention and the Rev. Dr. Clayton Grlnnell, pastor of the First church of this city, was elected as the association's delegate to the na tional cbnvention to be held next year at Buffalo, N. Y. ANNVILLE Annville, Pa., Oct. 3. M. H. Gingrich and family, of Middletown, were the guests of E. A. Henry and family Sunday. John F. Herr, of Middletown, spent Sunday In town, the guest of his parents. Misses Ella Brightblll and Emma Bomlmrger were visitors at Lawn this week. i H. H. Shenk and family and Mrs. Mary Brightblll motored to Hura melstown, where they called on Mrs. Caroline Balsbaugh. Alfred Mills was a visitor at Har risburg Wednesday. Guy Hitz and family, of this place, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Httz at Quen tin. E. A. Fay, superintendent of the A. S. Kreider shoe factory, has been elected temporary secretary of the newly-organized Annville Gun Club. The gunners propose to have their (first meeting on Saturday, shooting over Harry Millard's traps at Mlll arden. Miss Elizabeth Walters spent a day at Lebanon. Misses Mary Hetster and Kath ryn Stein visited friends at Hershey Tuesday evening. Mrs. S. H. Derlckson and daugh- I ter, Mary, and Miss Pearl Miller were guests of friends at Hurrls burg. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Newgard mo tored to Mlllersville where they vis ited their daughter, Miss Martha Newgard, who is a student in the Mlllersville State Normal School. Congregation Will Return From Country Shlrcmanstown, Pa., Oct. 3.—After spending the summer at St. John's In the country next Sunday morning, the Bible school ami congregation will return to Keller Memorial church and resume regular service at the usual hour. The evening service will also he held at Keller Memorial church next. Sunday evening and the Rev. Ulysses E. Apple, pastor of Trindle Springs Lutheran congregation, will preach the sermon. The church council will hold a special meeting Friday evening, October 10, to close up all business matters of the congregation for tho fiscal year and to prepare for the annual meeting of St. John's congregation Monday evening, Oc tober 13. How Pet Likes em Upi For Breakfast^/ WmMlB There's no Kg other cornflakes p^ST TOASTIES i i! OCTOBER 3, T919. To Open Children's Home Thanksgiving Mechnnicsburg, Pa., Oct. 3.—lt has been arranged to open the -Methodist Episcopal Home for Chil dren in Mechanicsburg on Thanks giving Day, November 27. The trus tees are now conducting a campaign for the solicitation of fufids with which to purchase the equipment. Thirty-six orphans will be taken care of at beginning. B : 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiHniiiii!i> £8~30~32 North Third Street. Will Be Closed All Day Saturday on Account of s Religious Holiday lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillilllllllllllllllililllllllllllilllllllllillllllllllllllllllM I There Is a Permanent Satisfaction in Having Made the Right Selection YOUR Stove should be selected carefully, because it makes so much difference how it is con structed and the kind of material put in it, as to the service you will get out of it. We make our selections carefully from the factory, so as to give our custom- I ers the highest degree of satisfaction out of the I Stoves purchased here. I Combination Gas and Coal Ranges I Regent Garland Cast Iron — *l^^. $90.00 F^fP^ j GARLAND CABINET and priced from LEG RANGES (jQQ O C UP HAPPY HOME PERT GLOBE Including Pipe Shelf. Round Oak Heaters Single or Double Heaters j Our line represents three differ-, aßk ent manufacturers in Heating ULj Stoves. Such models as -• GARLAND foSsM* GLOBE OAK BEAVER OAK ; jPJffl \ SINGLE OAK 0 7? HEATERS DOUBLE OAK 0/T? Cf\ jEjPa HEATERS tjyOO.OU i GAS HEATERS $4.50 9 * All Stoves set up in your home, including three joints of pipe and elbows. Guaranteed to give satis- J faction. I BUY YOUR STOVE NOW AND TAKE AD VANTAGE OE OUR LIBERAL CREDIT OUR TERMS ARE EASY TO MEET Ro°d r . CT\ | o, Rishel 6 Cheney 312 MARKET Machines New Silk Mill For City of Lancaster Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 3.—This olty is to have a new industry which will give employment to several hun dred people. The Reliance Silk Com j pany, Paterson, N. J., has leased for | a period of 15 years the property of ] John G. Schaum, 110 South Watar street, and will become occupants 'on January 1, 1920.