18 ALFRED HAKE IS TAKEN TO GRAVE Funeral of City's Oldest Cigar maker Largely Attended This Morning ALFRED HAKE Funeral services for Harrisburg's jldest cigarmaker, Alfred Hake, ivere held this morning at the home >f a daughter, Mrs. Ora Blizzard, 126 Reily street. The Rev. Alfred V. fe'ayres, pastor of the Second Re formed Church, officiated. The tiody was taken to Newberrytown, York county, where further services were held and burial was made. Many persons from out of the city ittended the services here are! were at attendance at the obsequies in Kewberrytovvn. Alfred Hake was 84 years of age it the time of his death. He came to Harrisburg fifty-five years ago ind for forty-five years was one of the most prominent cigarmakers in Central Pennsylvania. He operated itores and factories in Pennsylvania ivenue (Seventh street) and in S'orth Sixth street. At one time he aad working for him twenty-five ligarmakers. All cigars were made by nana ind were of a high quality, Mi. Hake's trade covering a big terri tory, popular brands being Little Yara" and "General Knox." fine of nis specialties was to make cigars to order for local connoisseurs, some wanting them long and others short, ind preferring certain brands of to sacco. He was born in Manchester York county, in 1835, and learned •he trade when a boy. at one time jeing one of the fastest and most ikilled cigarmakers in York county. rESTIMONY OF GARY IS ASSAILED [Continued from First Pngo.l hcalism." members of the commit ;ee were ready for sharp cross-ex imination of Foster. Increase of Foreigners Mr. Tighe read an advertisement if 1909, credited to the United States iteel Corporation, which said: "Men wanted —Syrians, Poles and \ tumanians preferred." "The gentleman's (Gary's) re-, narks about foreigners now," he re narked, "are not well taken in view .f that." "Do you charge that from 1909 on * DON'T SUFFER! WvCORN FIX I MY Stops the pain in / 1 * 1 stantly and in 10 (CORN' Vnl- ! pone. No ex tended trent ments; no poakinpr the feet. Safe, sure and sim ple. CORN FIX is wonderful! Take no other. Money back if it fail.i to iirlp vou. At all dealers, or direct for 35c. *Buy a bottle today: enjoy walk ing tomorrow! CORN FIX CO., Inc., Newark, N. J. Double Your Money at 3% SUPPOSE you had a lump sum of money—say five hundred dollars that you want to set aside for the benefit of your young child. ll If you will deposit it now Pv j j in a savings account at the 'l Dauphin Deposit Trust /Y xjfc'j \ 8 Company it will double { * YTlf? >)/jri itself and there will be Iw £ ■/§ s lt ooo for him when he / /,£M is old enough to enter col lege or to take a business The 3<y o interest, compounded semi-annually, will do this alone, but if you continue making deposits this fund, or any other such fund you establish, will grow all the more rapidly. Set compound interest at work for you. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FRIDAY EVENING, there was a steady Increase of foreign workmen in the steel com- I pany's mills? " asked Sonator Walsh, ' Democrat, Massachusetts. "Yes, 1 do," Tighe answered. Declaring that the present strike ; was proceeded by universal demands for organization front steel workers. Tighe said about one hundred new ! charters for local unions had been I issued by his organization, but that She could not tell exactly how many ! men had joined for the strike. Initia j tion fees had been lowered during , the organization campaign. On October 1, he said. 363,t>00 men j were on strike. ; "How many of those strikers can j not speak English?" asked Ohuir ; man Kenyott. ; Tigite hail no exact information, i but said: "To he frank about tho j matter I think the largest poroent j age of them are foreign born." i "I wouldn't be doing justice to my I organization." Tighe rondudei.l. if :T failed to contradict Judge Gary's | statements. Tlio corporations have used the vtelous element that they j complain of: 1 want to protest that j neither our organization nor the [ American Federation of I.abor ha< ; any vicious element in it." "This strike was called," Tiglie I said, "because Judge Gary Would not I grant the request for a conference i with the 24 unions. If he had done (that there wou'd have been no I strike." "Why could it not be rl"laye'l a' j tho President's request?" asked | Chairman Kenyon. Had to lleat T. W. W. "Roenrso there was a num. | ber of I. \Y. W. organizers \ among tin- men." said Tighe. "If we hail delayed, they would have sn'd that the A ire-loan Federation of ' abor caiiM i;ol do anything. They were iveU'rg some iefhte' eo mvl wutld have sueeoedl\l in calling some spo radic strikes anyway." "Theq, in the last ana'ys.ls. (he r. W. W. caused this strike," said Senator Sterling. "Oh. don't take that view," Tighe responded. "If we had gotten a con ference we would have hail some thing to show there men. that their interests were Ivdng proteeted and could have held them on the job." Specials For Saturday Ladies' Batiftc Bloomers, Z°"o" 98 c Georgette and Net Waists; va,„ r IIP <o $4 35 1 A most complete stock of j Ladies' Hosiery, Corsets and Dainty Underwear our specialty. Smart Set Shop NO. 3 N. FOURTH ST. ,Y Pleasant Shop to Know About • j Ambition Pills For Nervous People The great nerve tonic the fam ! oils Wendell's Ambition Pills that will put vigor, vim and vitality into nervous tired out, all in. despondent people in a few days in many in i stances. Anyone can buy a box for only 60 cents, and your druggist is au thorized by the maker to refund the < put chase price if anyone is, dissails : lied with the first box purchased. Thousands praise them for gen | era! debility, nervous prostration, i mental depression and uustrung | nerves caused o>' over-indulgence in alcohol, tobacco oi overwork of any : kind. For any affliction of the nervous ' system, Wendell's Ambition Pills are j unsurpassed, while for hysteria, \ trembling and neuralgia they arc 1 simply splendid. Fifty cents at | your druggist and dealers every where. NO IMPROVEMENT IN WILSON'S CONDITION [Continued from First Pagc.l Wilson, the thtrd daughter, is now ' in Washington. j Orders of the physicians that the I President be kept absolutely quiet j will be strictly enforced, Secretary Tumulty said to-day. No official husincss will be brought to the ex | ecutive's attention, no matter how pressing. Mr. Tumulty said, and no i one except members of the immedt- | , ate famly will be permitted to see | him." I The President was informed late I yesterday of the defeat in the Sen- j > ate of the Fall amendments to the j Peace Treaty and of the ratification j of the Treaty bv the French Cham- ' ber of Deputies, and this news ap- ; , parently cheered him considerably, | ' Mr. Tumulty said. It was announced officially that 1 the turn in the President's condt- j tion would not interfere with the in- i dust rial conference next week. If ! the President Is not able on Mon- I day to address a communication to i the conference. Secretary Tumulty ' will notify t.hem of the President's desires regarding the selection of a : permanent pres : ding officer. ! AdmTals Grayson and Stitt and Dr Rutfin were In consultation for about two hours and this delayed sfep!e Home RenvNiy Af/issil Far Rr.se Aid Hay Fevet i Anyone Cr.n Make a Pint For Tri;linj and Used In T rra May Prevent Annual Attack "No matter how severe your yearly at (nek be, No matter liovv distressing or hu miliating— It:; Intensity can be reduced to a harm less, mildness," says u Kentucky druggist who believe* from what lie lias seen that this simp!* home made •oniedy is a most Im portant discovery. He has seen the most severe and apparently unconquerable cases re duced to what might be called a mild cold In twenty-four hours. In many cases where the patient ste.rted treatment a week or ten day* before the expected attack the unwel come yearly visitor failed to appear with anything like its usual intensity. People who want to try this new treatment can make a pint In n few minutes. ['our one ounce of Mentholized Ar cine into a pint bottle then fill tli* bottle with water that lias been boiled. Gargle daily as directed anil snuff of spray the nostrils twice daily. That's all there Is to the treatment which so many sufferers have found t* be a true friend. Mentnolltted Areino in one ounc* vials is dispensed by all the better pharmacies. FASCINATING TEETH How Every Women Can Quick, ly Charm Her Friends With Lovely Teeth, I Clean, White and Brilliant „ ; If yon want the cleanest of whit* teeth and healthy gums free from dis ease, nn easy and quick way to get both is to use a tooth paste so effectiv® urd perfect that astonishing result* usually come in a week's time. 1 Anil the cost is so little. Just go to any drug or department store, and get n large tube of SENIIECO TOOTII | PASTE for 35 cents. Not only will it make your teeth I clean and white, but it will at one* remove any filmy coating, help to I check the ravages of Pyorrhea and banish acidity in the mouth. i It is used by thousands of dentist* its sale has been remarkable. | When you visit your dentist, which '■ you should do at least twice a year, ' ask him about SENRECO. It's a most ! delightful and refreshing tooth paste. JffARRISBURG TELEGRAPH the issuing; of the usual 10 o'clock bulletin as to the President's con dition. MiiS. SARAH HOYKR The burial of Mrs. Sarah Boyer. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA— TREASURY DEPARTMENT Statement of the Amounts in the Several Funds at the Close of Business September 30, 1919. Statement of the Amounts in the several Funds nt Close of Business September 30. 1919. GENERAL FUND Annvllle National Bank. Annvllle SIO,OOO 00 Hunk of South Williams _Port, Williamsport .... 10,000 00 Carnegie Trust Co.. Car negie 100,000 00 Colonial National Bank, Connellsville 7,500 00 Central Trust Company, Harrisburg 30,000 00 'uarter National Bank, Media 12.500 Ot, County Savings Bank, Scranton 64,000 00 ens National Bank, Washington 60,000 00 City Bunk. Vork 25,000 00 ilizen.i .state Bank. Wil liamsport 15,000 00 Delaware Couaty Na tional Bank. Chester.. 75,000 00 I Fiim Savings & Trust Co., Derry 20,000 00 I I'uyetle City National j Hank. Favettc City ... 6.000 00 I Fulton National Bank, j Lancaster 6,000 00 | Fanners Bank, Parkes ; burg 6.000 Ou j Fayette Title & Trust | Co., Uniontown 60,000 00 | Fti st National Bank. Blairsville 10,000 00 "ii st National Bank, Carnegie 36,000 00 •• II si .National Bank. Cttriolltnwn 16,000 00 j Fti st National Bank. I Cressuti 10,000 00 | "list National Bank, Ebensburg 40,000 00 ! First National Bank, Greensburg 100.000 00 ('Mist N a t i on a 1 Bank, Harrisburg 20,000 00 First National Bank. I New Kensington 8,000 00 I First National Bonk. I Plymouth 50,000 00 ! First National Bank, | TrulTurd City 10,000 9 I First National Bank. j Wellsboro 30,000 00 I First Natt on a 1 Bank, I Continence 10,000 00 First National Bank, | Dunbar 10.000 00 ! First National Bank, i New Wilmington 5,000 00 ! First National Bank, Marlinsburg 5,000 00 ' Homer City National j Bank, Homer City 16,000 0U i Kane Trust & Savings ! Co., Kane 2t>,000 00 ! Kennett Trust Co.. lien nett Square 10,000 00 I Mechanics Trust Com pany. Harrisburg 60,000 la ! Merchants National Bank, | Harrisburg 30,000 00 I era .National Bank. Madera 20.000 00 I Miners Deposit Bank. Ly kens 15,000 Oti I Metropolitan National j Bank, Pittsburgh 15,000 00 I timet.- Saving Bank, | I'ittslon 81.000 00 I Middle City Bank. Phila i delphia 64,000 00 M, tenants National Batik, i'ottsville 3u.ooii in i McDowell National Bank, Sharon 12,800 00 ! .inters Batik. Wiluea- I Dm re 36,000 tO ' Market Street National | Bank. Shamokin 10,000 00 Miners National Bank, Blossburg 5,000 00 ' Manufacturers' & Me- I ehanics Bank, Black Lick 15,000 00 National Bank ot Coates vllie, Coatesville 8,000 c 0 National Bank of Mal vern, Malvern 7,200 00 ,Ni ... e..n • eaiiuital Bank, Nanticoke 10,000 00 -attonul Bank of Ger mantown, Philadelphia 9,000 00 North Scranton Bank, , I Scranton 12,000 00 National liank of Fay i ette County, I'niontown 48,000 00 I Northern Centra, trust j Co.. Williamsport 50,000 00 North Philadelphia Trust Company. Philadelphia 8,000 00 1 Ninth National Bank, i Philadelphia 20,000 00 I ■: Cit> Trust Company, ) OH City 50.000 00 ! a'.ison National Bank, Berlin 9,600 00 eiinsvlvanla Nation ! t! Hank, Chester 36.u0n no Peoples Bank, Carnegie . 6,000 00 j • , |,|es National Bank, East Brady 12,800 00 ' peoples Bank, Hanover.. o.OOtt tiO -uples National Bank, Lebanon 8,000 tt . oples Bank, McKees port 30,000 00 peoples National Bank, .tßUlin 4,000 00 j . .utiles National Bank, | Monesson 7,200 00 I , Yoplcs National Bank, .tiiiulit Pleasant 12,000 eu Provident Trust Com pany, Pittsburgh 18,000 00 Pu.ntyia Bank, Palmyra.. 10,000 00 . .... Company .or in surance on Lives and Draining Annul ties, Philadelphia 24,000 00 l ut. i.ey N .'iiui Bank. Punxsutawney.. 10,000 00 > mouth National Bank, Plymouth 35.000 ut I', opii.-s Stale Bank o.* Red Lion Red Lion 10,000 00 .eup.es cavil.g and Dime Bank, Scranton 100,000 00 i ,ne urooii Uaiiit, Scran ton 9,600 00 1 copies Bank, Steelton... 30,000 00 . eupies National Bank, Sicwartstown 15,000 00 • lUsntirgh Trust Com pany, I'ittsburgh 90,000 00 Peoples' I i ust Co , Wyo missing 12,800 00 Peoples National Bunk, Latrobc 10,000 00 Pittsburgh State Bank, Pittsburgh 5,000 00 Peoples Bank of Oxford, Uxlord 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Edwardsvilie 6,000 CO Reading .National Bank. Reading 28,800 00 Hurai valley National Bunk, ltural Valley .... 8,000 00 Ileal Estate and Trust Co., Washington 9,600 00 second National Bank, Altoona 6,000 00 state Bank of Elizabeth, Elizabeth 2.000 00 m eurity Trust Co.. Har risburg' 9,600 00 I .-i.miiiug Stone National Bank, Huntingdon ... 6,000 00 Seconu National, Bank, Meyersdaie 16,000 00 Sate Deposit and Trust Co. of Lawrence County, New Castle . .. 9,600 00 South t'lillHUt-lpniu Stale Bank, Philadelphia 4,800 00 Scottdale Trust Co., Scott dale 35,000 00 South Side Bank, Scran ton 8.000 00 Snow Shoe Bank, Snow ... Shoe, 5,000 00 St rouosburg National „„ Bank, Stroudsburg .... 15,000 00 suaiinmuie National liank, Swarthmore.. . 16,000 00 | -usquehanna Trust and i Safe Deposit Co.. Wll ; _liamsport 16,000 00 H'furit) Title & Trust Compuny, York 20,000 00 South wnrk National Bank. Philadelphia ... 12,000 00 Smis of Italy State Bank. Plil.adclphia 6,000 00 In, III Nail una I Bank. Philadelphia 46,000 00 i until National Bank. Philadelphia 10,000 0 Tower City National Bank, Tower City 4,000 00 Tacony Trust Company, Philadelphia 16,000 00 Union .National Bank, ConneUsvtlle 22,500 00 I'nioii Banking & Trust Company, Dußols .... 9,000 00 Union National Ban a, Johnstown ............ 18.000 M widow of Samuel Y. Boyer. took place here to-day. Burial was made ut Riverview Cemetery. Mrs. Boyer died Tuesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. TV. G. Focht, Huntingdon. United Slates National Bank, Johnstown 6,000 00 Union National Bank, Mc- Keesport 9,600 00 Union National Bank. Minersville 10,200 00 Union Bank of Nanty Glo, __Nanty Glo 8,000 00 Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 18,000 00 Union Deposit & Trust Co., Waynesburg 16,000 00 Wayne County Savings Bank, Honesdale 9,000 00 Wayne Junction Trust Co., Philadelphia 9,600 00 Washington Trust Com pany, Pittsburgh 110,000 00 it est Side Bunk, Scran ton 12,000 00 A 11 bur, hi. P., Trust Co., South Bethlehem 120,000 00 Warren Savings Bank, Warren 32,000 00 W vat Branch National , Bank, Williamsport ... 16,000 00 Washington Trust Co., Washington 80,000 00 Western National Bank. York 10,000 00 West Side Bank, West Pittston 8,000 00 v'ough Trust Co., Con nellsville 40,000 00 York Trust Co., York,... 25,000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts burgh 298,659 39 Common wealth Trust Co., Harrisburg 28,396 35 Corn Exchange National Bank, Philadelphia ... 473 14 Diamond National Bank, Pittsburgh 2,202 20 Harrisburg Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 51,047 46 Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh 131 28 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ... 37,647 18 Cash on hand 389,468 85 Total Amount In Gen eral Fund $3,751,325 85 STATE BOND ROAD FUND Allentown National Bank Allentown 25,000 CO Allentown Trust Co., Allentown 25,000 00 Athens National Bank, Athens 10,000 00 Aidine Trust Co., Phila delphia 15,000 00 American Bank and Trust Co., Philadel phia 30,000 00 Anthracite Trust Co., Scranton 15,000 00 American National Bank, Waynesburg 25,000 00 American National Bank, Ebensburg 42,500 00 Anchor Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 30,000 00 Archbald 'Bank, Archbald 5,000 00 Ardmore National Bank, Ardmore 16,000 00 Berwick Savings and Trust Co., Berwick . . 10,000 00 Bolivar National Bank, Bolivar 7,500 00 Braddoelc Trust Co., Braddock 18,000 00 Bridgeville Trust Co., Bridgeville 22,500 00 Brookvillo Title and Trust Co., Brookville . 15,000 00 Butler County National Bank, Butler 18,000 00 liui'gettstown National Bank, Burgettstown ~ 30,000 00 Bank of Donora, Donora 15,000 00 Hank of Commerce, Philadelphia 30,000 00 Bank of East Fails, Philadelphia 15,000 00 Bank of North America, Philadelphia 50,000 00 Bank of Charleroi. Charl eroi 25,000 00 Berks Co. Trust Co., Read ing 100,000 00 Basak State Bank, Scran ton 30,000 00 Broad Street Bank, Phila delphia 21,000 00 Bank of Pittsburgh N. A., Pittsburgh 250,000 00 Citizens Bank, Harris burg 15,000 00 Columbia National Bank, Pittsburgh 150,000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Read ing 25,000 00 Carlisle Deposit Bank, Carlisle 18,000 00 Carlisle Trust Co., Car lisle 30,000 00 Carnegie National Bank, Carnegie 21,000 00 Carnegie Trust Co., Car negie 50,000 00 Citizens Trust Company of Cannonsburg, Can nonsburg 20,000 00 Clearfield National Bank, Clearfield 15,000 00 Clearfield Trust Company, Clearfield 30,000 00 Citizens Trust Company, Clarion 24,000 00 Clymer National Bank, Clymer 10,000 00 Citizens state sank of Salisbury, Elk Lick .. 5,000 CO Citizens Bank, Freeland . 15,000 00 Camp Curtin Trust Co., Harrisburg 30,000 00 Central Trust Co,, Har risburg 50,000 00 Commercial Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 20,000 00 Citizens National Bank, Indiana 10,000 00 Clinton Trust Company, Lock Haven 9,000 00 City Bank of McKeesport, ■ McKeesport 47,600 00 Chartlers Trust Com pany, McKees Rocks.. 25,000 00 Citizens National Bank. Meyersdaie 40,000 00 Central National Bank, Mount Union 18,009 CO Central National Bank, Philadelphia 50,000 00 Columbia Avenue Trust Co., Philadelphia 25,000 CO Con t i nental Equitable Title & Trust Co., Phil adelphia 30,000 00 Commonwealth Trust Co., Pittsburgh 30,000 00 Countv Savings Bank, Scranton 70,000 00 County Trust Company, Somerset 10,000 00 Citizens Title & Trust Co., Uniontown 25,000 00 Conewago Trust Com pany, Warren 10,000 00 Citizens' National Bank, Washington 150,000 00 Central National Bank, York 10,000 00 Commercial Trust Com pany, Philadelphia .... 135,000 00 Concstoga National Bank, Lancaster 6,000 00 Cambria Title' & Trust Co., Ebensburg 10,000 00 Chambersburg Trust Co., Chambersburg 15,000 00 Churlerol Savings & Trust Co., Charleroi .. 30,000 00 Citizens National Bank, Middlctown 15,000 00 Citizens National Bank, Tunkhannock 13,500 00 Citizens National Bank, Vandergrift 10,000 00 Citizens National Bank, Waynesburg 100,000 00 Continental Trust Co., Pittsburgh 50,000 00 Delaware County Na tional Bank, Chester .. 115,000 00 Deposit National Bank. Dußois 15,000 00 Drovers and Merchants National Bank, Phila delphia 37,500 00 Dillsbiirg National Bank, Dlilsburg 15,000 00 Dollar Savings & Trust Co., Pittsburgh 15,000 00 Dime Deposit Bank, Wil kcs-Barre 50,000 00 East End Savings & Trust Co., Pittsburgh . 30,000 00 Exchange National Bank, Pittsburgh 60,000 00 Electric City Bank, Scranton 15,000 00 Farmers National Bank, Canton 5,000 00 Farmers Trust Co., Car lisle 85,000 00 Freeport Bank, Freeport, 10,000 00 Fayette City National Bank, Fayette City .. . 10,000 00 Farmers State Bank. Hanover 16,600 oO Washington, Oct. S.—The Prince of "Wales, who is now touring Canada, will come to Washington in about a month for a visit of three days, but he will not make a tour of the United States. Mayor Babcock, of Pittsburgh, Farmers Trust Co., Leb anon 10,000 00 Farmers National Bank, Montrose 15,000 00 Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Northumberland, 10,000 00 Farmers National Bank, Oxford 15,000 00 Federal Trust Co., Phlla- i delphia 15,000 00 Franlrford Trust Co., Philadelphia 5,000 00 Franklin Trust Co., Phil adelphia 160,000 00 Fi cm Deposit National, Bank, Pittsburgh 95,000 00 Fanners & Miners Trust Co., Punxsutawney .... 30,000 00 Farmers and Merchants National Bank, Red Lion 20,000 00 Farmers Trust Company, State College 5,000 00 Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Tyrone, 15,000 00 Farmers & Mechanics Trust Co., West Ches ter 75,000 00 1> aimers & Merchants Bank, West Chester . .. 12,000 00 Farmers National Bank, Somerset 18,000 00 Farmers National Bank, Freeport 15,000 00 Franklin Trust Co., Franklin 15,000 00 Frcdonia National Bank, Fredonia 5,000 00 Freehold Bank, Pitts- burgh 300,000 00 Farmers and Miners Bank of Jacksonville, Kent 7,500 00 Fox Chase Bank, Phila delphia 20,000 00 Farmers Deposit Bank, Cresson 7,500 00 First National Bank, Addison 10,000 00 First National Bank, Bedford 25,000 00 First National Bank, Berwick 6,000 00 Fust National Bank, Beaver Falls 16,000 00 First National Bank, Canton 26,000 00 First National Bank, Charleroi 16,000 00 First National Bank, Cherry Tree 30,000 00 First National Bank, Clarion 18,000 00 First National Bank. Clifton Heights 25 000 00 First National Bank, Dushore 10 onn nn First National Bank w '°°o 00 of Salisbury, Elk Lick. is TKK nn First National Bank, 8,750 00 Franklin „„ F cf l 11 ? n a 1 Ban" l '- Fi? ? n N Ca r beU ."E 25,000 00 i, 1 . N all ° n a 1 Bank Turtle Creek 10 0 00 nn First National Bank. 10 ' 000 00 Firs a t N a U t r f 50,000 00 aIJ ° n a 1 Bank Montgomery 10 onn nn VnV Na tlonal Bank. ' 00 """" ijebanon in/inn ™ F1 National Bank. FlrVt xjfi 5,000 00 M V National Bank, MclCeesport 25 onn nn First National Bank ' °° Flr. 20-000 00 F'TT®. 1 Na 11 on a 1 Bank. Miftlintown IMOO 00 First National Bank, FD.° t nt M Ur fV Ile 12,500 00 xt ßl tional Bank. FwZt*N^ r ret e . d ° m 10,000 00 If} t 4 ' 0n a 1 Bank, Fi^t W N K a e r. i o n Bank 6 '° oo °° 'Bink. 28 - 50 ° 00 18 ' 000 00 Bani; IM °° 00 p.B'ttaton 75 000 0() £ National Bank. Firt xF° . 15,000 00 1' ii st National Bank, -EST" 10,000 oo First National Bank. tri™!"® 1 " w 10 .° 00 00 First National Bank, o i National Bank, wm?. xf < ? r . ove 10 - 000 00 First National Bank, Tyrone 18 00n 00 National Bank, Weatherly 10,000 00 First National Bank. Williamsport 75,000 00 First National Bank. _. Y ° rk •••• 40,000 00 First National Bank, Washington 30,000 00 First National Bank. Cambridge Springs ... 15,000 00 First National Bank Ashley 10.000 00 First National Bank, Ambler 30,000 00 I' irst National Bank, r., Ge , ne ® ee •.• ; 4,500 00 First National Bank, Hastings 15,000 09 First National Bank, Knoxville 2,500 00 First National Bank, Mansfield 5,000 00 First National Bank, New Salem 7,500 00 First National Bank, Rimersdale 9,000 00 First National Bank, Houtzdale 20,000 00 First National Bank, Shenandoah 75,000 00 First National Bank, Youngsville 6,000 00 First National Bank, Philadelphia 300,000 00 First Notional Bank. Bellwood 8,000 00 First National Bank, V'rishtsv!ll° 10.009 00 First National Bank, Lykens 10,000 00 Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Butler .... 30,000 00 Glen Rock State Bank, Glen Rock ' 8,000 00 Glass City Bank, Jean nette 12,000 00 Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Co.. Philadel phia 60,000 00 Glenside National Bank, Glensido 15,000 00 Girard National Bank, Philadelphia 100,000 00 Hamburg Savings Bank. Hamburg 10,000 00 Hanover Bank of Wllkes- Barre, Wilkes-Barre .. 15,000 00 Heights Deposit Bank, Wilkcs-Barre 20,000 00 Honesdule National Bank, Honesdale 9,000 00 Hazleton Slavonic Bank, Haxlei-.m 25,000 00 Industrial National Bank, West York 10,000 90 Jcannette Savings & Trust Co.,'Jeannette .. 12,000 00 Jenkintown National Bank, Jer.klntown 12,000 00 Juniata Valley National Bank, MifTllntown 10,000 no Keystone Bank, Harris burg 15,000 00 Kennett Trust Co., Ken nett Square 10,000 00 Keystone National Bank, Pittsburgh 30,000 00 Keystone Bank. Scranton. 15,000 00 Lebanon National Bank, Lebanon 10,000 00 Liberty Discount and Sav ings Bank, Carbondale, 20,000 00 Lincoln Deposit & Trust Co., Altoona 45,000 00 Latrobe Trust Company, Latrobe 60,000 00 Lebanon County Trust. Co.. Lebanon 20,000 00 Littlestown Savings In- „„„„„„„ stitution, Littlestown . 10,000 00 Luzerne National Bank. .. . Luzerne 10,000 00 Lyndora National Bank. Lvndora 15,000 00 Logan Trust Company. „„ „„„ „„ Philadelphia 30,000 00 Liberty National Bank. Pittsburgh 45,000 00 Lincoln Trust Company. Scranton 36,000 00 Luzerne Countv National Bank, Wilkes-Barre ... , 20,000 00 l.v.'iimlnii Nstlonal Bank. Williamsport 26,000 00 OCTOBER 3, 1919. has been informed by Chairman Por ter, of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "I am reliably informed." said Mr. Porter, "that it is the wish of the British government that the Prince Marine National Bank, Erie 30,000 00 Mechanics Trust Cso., Harrisburg ' 50,900 00 Merchants National Bank, Harrisburg 50,000 00 Marion Center National Bank, Marion Center .. 10,000 00 McKeesport Title & Trust Co. McKeespor: 70,0ul 00 Metropolitan National Bank, Pittsburgh 30,000 00 Miners Savings Bank, Pittston .. 19,000 00 Myerstown Trust Co Myers town 10,000 00 Merchants National Bank, Poltsville 10,000 00 McDowell National Bank, Sharon 9 000 00 Miners Bank, Wilkes- Barre 14,000 00 Miners National Bank Blossburg 10,000 00 Masontown Nat i on a 1 Bank, Masontown .... 10,000 00 Miners & Merchants De posit Bank, Portage .. 10,000 00 Mutual Trust Co., Phila delphia ... 15,000 00 Monaca National Bank, Monaca 10,000 00 Mosliannon National Bank, Philipsburg 40,000 00 National Bank of Coates v'l,e ' Coatesville 17.000 00 National Bank of Jersey Shore, Jersey Shore .. 6,000 00 National Bank of Malvern, Ma'vcrn 3,000 00 Nazareth National Bank, Nazareth 28,500 00 National Bank of Ger mantown, Philadelphia. 10.000 00 North Scranton Bank, Scranton 13,750 00 National Bank of Fayette xr c °" nt F' Uniontown .. . 30,000 00 Northern Central Trust x, C ?L' Williamsport 25,000 00 Ninth National Bank, xt Fhlladelphia 5 000 CO Northumberland National Bank, Northumberland, 25,000 00 North Philadelphia Trust Co., Philadelphia 15,000 00 £ ank ' Glyphant 16,000 00 Oil City Trust Co., Oil City . 50.000 00 Oxford Bank of Frank ford, Philadelphia 27.500 00 Old Forge Discount fk De posit Bank, Old Forge, 10,000 00 Philson National Bank. Berlin 6_ooo 00 Pennsylvania National Bank, Chester 14,000 00 Peoples Bank. Carnegie, 5.000 00 Peoples National Bank, East Brady 9,000 00 Peoples Bank, Hanover,. 5,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Lebanon 2,000 00 Peoples Bank, McKees- P°rt 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Monessen 13,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Mount Pleasant 3,000 oo Provident Trust Co., Pittsburgh 12,000 00 Pennsylvania Co. for In surance on Lives & Granting Annuities, Philadelphia 10.000 00 Plymouth National Bank, Plymouth 10,000 00 Peoples Savings & Dime Bank, Scranton 130,000 00 Pine Brook Bank, Scran ton ' 3.000 00 rocples National Pank. Stewartstown 5,000 00 Pittsburgh Trust Co.. Pittsburgh 190,000 00 Peoples Trust Co., Wvo missing 4,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Latrobe 25,000 00 Pattison National Bank. Elkland 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank. Edwardsvilie 15.000 no Peoples Bank, Erie 45,000 00 Peoples National Bank. Spring Grove 10,000 00 Peoples Trust Co., Phila delphia 15,000 00 Penbrook National Bank. Penbrook 10,000 00 rtittenhouse Trust Co., Philadelphia 15,000 00 Reading National Bank, Reading 9,000 00 Red Lion First National Bank. Red Lion 20,000 00 Rural Valley National Bank, Rural Valley .. 7.000 00 Real Estate & Trust Co., Washington 13,000 00 Ridley Park National Rnnk. Ridley Park .... 15.000 00 Real Estate Title Insur ance and Trust Co., Philadelphia 50.0(10 00 St. Marys National Bank, St. Marys 100,000 00 St. Marys Trust Co., St. Marys 50,000 00 South Side Trust Co- Pittsburgh 18,000 00 Southwark National Bank, Philadelphia 5,000 00 Second National Bank, Altoona 15,000 00 State Bank of Elizabeth, Elizabeth 8,000 00 Security Trust Co., Har risburg 9,000 00 Standing Stone National Bank, Huntingdon .... 5,000 00 Second National Bank, Meyersdaie 10,000 00 Safe Deposit & Trust Co. of Lawrence County, New Castle . 9,000 00 Second National Bank of Frankford, Philadel phia 5.000 00 Second National Bank, Titusville 20,000 00 Savings & Trust Co. of Indiana. Indiana 100,000 CO i South Side Bank, Scfan ton 17,000 00 Snow Shoe Bank, Snow Shoe 2.500 00 Stroudsburg National Bank, Stroudsburg .. . 15,000 00 Swarthmore National Bank. Swarthmore .... 4,000 00 Susquehanna Trust & Safe Deposit Co., Wil liamsport 18,000 00 Security Title & Trust Co., York 5,000 00 Safe Deposit and Title Guaranty Co., Klttan ing 18,000 00 Safe Deposit Bank, Ta rentum 10,000 ''o Slavonic Deposit Bank, Wilkes-Barre 10,000 00 Third National Bank, Philadelphia 62,500 00 Tower City National Bank, Tower City .... 6.000 00 Turtle Creek Savings & Trust Co- Turtle Creek 20,000 0C l'arentum Savings & Trust Co.. Tarentum .. 25.000 00 Union National Bank, Philadelphia 105,000 00 Union National Bank, Scranton 15,000 00 Union Banking & Trust Co.. Dußois ...i 10,000 00 Union National Bank, Johnstown 33,000 00 United States National Bnnk, Johnstown 5,000 99 Union National Bank, Mc- Keesport 9,000 00 Union National Bank, Minersville 8,000 00 Union Bank of Nanty- Glo, Nsnty-Glo 4,500 00 Union Trust Co. of Pitts burgh, Pittsburgh .... 102,000 00 Union Deposit & Trust Co., Waynesburg 9,000 00 Union Trust Co.. Donora, 10,000 CO Union Trust Co. of Penn sylvania, Harrisburg . . 22,500 00 Union Savings Bank, Pittsburgh . . 45.000 00 Wayne County Savings Bar.k, Honesdale 10,000 00 Wayne Junction Trust Co., Philadelphia 34,000 00 Wilbur, E. P. Trust Co- South Bethlehem 100,000 00 Woodlawn Trust Co- Woodlawn 15,000 00 Wilkes-Barre Deposit Savings Pank, Wllkes-- Barre 25,000 00 Wyoming Valley Trust Co., Wilkes-Barre .... 50,000 00 West Side Bank, West Pittston 2,000 90 Warren Trust Co.. War ren MM M of Wales, upon leaving Canada, should spend but three days in Wash ington, returning to New York there- . after, from whence he sails fur Europe, and that a tour of the United States should not be made." Waynesboro Trust Co., Waynesboro 25,000 On Williamsport National l i Bank. Williamsport ... 25,000 00 Yough Trust Co., Con ntHsvllle 10,000 CO York Trust Co., York ... 10,000 00 State Bank • f tiavos- ltravosburg 10,000 00 Valley National Bank, Chambersburg 40.000 09 Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia ... 120,490 29 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts „ burgh 444,500 >0 Common w eat th Trust Co., Harrlsburg 724,000 00 Corn Kxehange Nntionat Inr.k, Philadelphia ... 170,000 OJ Diamond National Hank, Pittsburgh 465,000 00 Hnrrisburg Trust Co., „ Uarrieburg 190,0 )0 0 ' Mellon National Hank, Pittsburgh 375,00!) -0 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ... 172,933 99 Total amount in Motor Fund $11,143,924 28 SINKING FUND I Anthracite Trust C'om pany, Scranton JoO.ooO uo Hradfoi.t National Bank, Bradford 15,909 to J Commercial National Bank, Bradford 15 <>oo i 0 Commercial Trust Com pany, Harrlsburg .... 6.000 ,<t) Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrlsburg 56,820 26 Colonial National Bank, Connellsville ••5 ,>,■ , Farmers & Traders Na tional Bank, Westlield 10,000 U0 Fayette City National Bank. Fayette City 20,0u0 e<i First National Bank, Galeton 6 (in., „„ First National Bank, Knoxville siooo u0 First National Bank, Manstield .•■••• jij poo i u First National Bank. Patton 15 COO oil First National Bank, Susquehanna 39.000 on Mechanics Trust Co., Har risburg 15 , )0 „ „,. McKean County Trust ' Co.. Bradford 15 000 fu Monongahela Nation al Bank, Brownsville.. 60 000 0u Punxsutawney National Bunk. Punxsutawney., 90 000 CO Somerset Trust Company 4 Somerset 25.000 00 South Side Trust Co. Pittsburgh 20 000 00 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ... 87.500 00 Tioga County Savings & Trui-t. Co., Wellsboro. . 35 pio 00 Union Trust Co. of I'enn- ■ ,J ' U ,u ,u ■ylvanta. Harrisburg 35 „ u0 „„ Union National Bank. Scranton 26,000 00 Total Amount In Sink ing Fund $658,320 26 MOTOR FUND 4 Diamond National Bank, ' Pittsburgh 17 631 ••> Hiunsourg Trust Co.. Harrlsburg 80i 4 48 a 8 Quaker City Nnticnai Bank, Philadelphia ... 09,074 68 Tot a, I \ mount in Motor „ Fund $137,154 86 BANKING DISPAHTMEXT FUND Q linker City National Bank, Philadelphia .. . $74,937 84 Total umount in Banking Department Fund $74,937 6 1 EXPERIMENTAL FUND DEPART MENT OF AGRICULTURE M Quaker City National Bank. Philadelphia .. . $7,104 00 J Total Amount in. Ex perimental Fund ... $7 104 00 EMPLOYEE'S ANNUITY SAVINGS FUND—STATE SCHOOL Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ... $13,764 46 Total Amount in Em ployee's Annuity Sav ings Fund sl3 7U4 p; STATE ANNUITY RESERVE FUND - , NO. 2—STATE SCHOOL Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ... $2,758 81 Total Amount in State Annuity Rese rv e Fund s'>7sß XI GAME PROTECTION AND PROPA GATION FUND Cambria Title Savings & Trust Co., Ebenslnirg. 25,000 Oil First National Bank, Blalrsvillo 65,000 00 E. P. Wilbur Trust Co., South Bethlehem 50 000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts- ' * burgh 25,907 51 Total amount in Game Protection and Propa gation Fund $165,907 54 FUND FOR PAYMENT OF BOUNTIES Bedford County Trust Co., Bedford $25 nor 00 Dime Bank, Pittston ... 35,000 ID First National Bank, Somerset 26,000 00 National Bank of Coates- *> vtlle. Coatesville 25,000 0) Peoples Union Savings Bank. Pittston 60,000 On Third National Bank. Philadelphia 1... 25,000 00 Providence Bank, Scran ton 25,000 no First National Bank, Houtzdale 6,000 00 Diamond National Bank, Pittsburgh 27,267 86 Total Amount In Fund for Payment of Boun ties $242,267 86 INSURANCE FUND Union Trust Co. of Penn- \ sylvania, Harrlsburg .. $30,000 wi Mechanics Trust Co., Har risburg 25,000 00 Cnnnon u ealth Trust Co., Harrlsburg 227,736 27 Total Amount In Insur ance Fund $282,736 27 STATE SCHOOL FUND Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg $106,299 7 1 Total Amount in State School Fund $106,299 74 PRISON LABOR MANUFACTURING FUND Commonwealth Trust Co.. Harrlsburg $32,158 15 Total Amount in Prison Labor Manufacturing Fund $32,158 11 > FEDERAL APPROPRIATION Ft... VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Com:. 10. 1 wealth Trust Co., Harrisburg $32,059 03 Colonial Trust Co.. Pitts burgh 93,190 54 ▲ Quaker City National - w Bank. Philadelphia .... 64,600 13 Total Amount In Fed eral Appropriation... $189,850 Jo FISH TKtiTAlia I lO.N FOAL) Hhrrisburg Trust Com pany, Harrisburg .... $15,690 80 Total Amount in Fish Propagation Fund ... $16,690 80 State of Pennsylvania, City of Hnr risburg—ss. *• Personally appeared before me Charles A. Snyder, Auditor General; Harmon M. Kephart, State Treasurer, who being duly sworn according to law, saith that the foregoing state ment Is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me. this 2nd day of Oct., 1919. CHARLES A. SNYDER. Auditor General. HARMON M. KEPHART. State Treasurer. Published In pursuance of the pro visions of Section 11. Act of Febru ary 17. 1906, Harrisburg, Pa. g, \ y CHARLES A. SNYDER, * , Auditor GencrtU.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers