Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 03, 1919, Page 17, Image 17

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    Reds Lead With Stick in
World's Series Battles
By Associated Press.
Cincinnati, 0., Oct. 3.—The Reds,
although held to four hits by
"Lefty" Williams, managed to re
tain their lead in batting against
their rivals, the White Sox. The Na
tional League Club is hitting .333,
while the Sox have a mark of .250.
The Gleason aggregation fared bet
ter at the bat yesterday against the
offerings of Sallee than they did
Thursday against Reuther, and as a
result have gained some ground. The
team averages for the two games
AB. H. Pet.
Cincinnati 54 18 .333
Chicago 04 16 .250
Wilkes-Barre Loses Coach;
Leaves After Game Here
Edward Brown, coach of athletics
at the Wilkes-Barre High School,
will leave on Monday for the Uni
versity of Washington, where he will
assume duties as assistant football
coach, and basketball and baseball
coach. In pre-war times Mr. Brown
as coach of High School's various
teams won much merited success
and in assuming his new duties suc
cess is bound to come his way. On
Saturday Coach Brown will take the
Wilkes-Barre school team to Harris
burg where they will line up against
the strong Harrisburg Tech team.
His successor has not yet been
—Quickly Relieved by
Using a remeay that is auto
matically administered as you
breathe. And without discom
fort or inconvenience. Each
breath carries medication that
quickly heals the afflicted parts.
is giving relief when all other
methods fail. Used with won
derful success in treating all
diseases of the Nose. Throat and
Lungs. Also for Head Noises J
and Ear Troubles. Relief is
guaranteed—or No Pay.
Now being introduced and
demonstrated to the people of
Harrisburg at the Gorgas Drug
store, 16 North Third street.
; IN observance of a religious holiday THE GLOBE will
; be closed Saturday, until 5.30 P. M.
ij I
fjl jjj r I HE past two days have brought us a wonderful
IS variety of smartly styled all-wool suits for &g|
men and young men which it is our pleasure to
|| $35, S4O and $45 ji
B OOME of them are belted models many are
silk lined, while others have that youthful 4||
touch for the more conservative man.
m rpHESE extra value suits will be on sale Satur- SB
day evening along with other SPECIAL OF- Jj ||
i fe| FERINGS in every department. Sll
Palo Alto, Cal., Oct. 3.—"lf the
League of Nations is to break down,
we must at once prepare to fight,"
Herbert Hoover, formerly Economic
Director for the Supremo War Coun
cil, told the students of Stamford
University in an address he deliver
ed here last night.
The Peace Treaties, he said, "can
not be carried out without the
League. If the League falls the
treaties also fall. If the balance of
power is to supplant the League of
Nations, we will have torn asunder
the only hope that Europe will not
break into further wars of races,
classes and combinations that will
take civilization back to the middle
ages. ,
~ am confident that if we attempt
to revise the Treaty we shall tread
a road through European chaos. If
we manage to keep our soldiers out
of it we will not escape fearful
economic losses.
May Unite Against C. S.
"The Allies may themselves, re
vise this Treaty without us and
then assemble a council of nations
of their own in an endeavor to solve
the problems of Europe. It would
be a council of Europe and in the
midst of these terrible times, con
sidering the debts they owe us, the
material they must have from us or
starve, I would rather that we be
represented therein lest it become
a league of Europe against the
Western Hemisphere. A peace with
out us means more Army and Navy
for us, the old treadmill of taxes
and dangers for us.
Mr. Hoover said that few people
seem to realize the desperation to
which Europe has been reduced'.,
"During the coming winter some of
them will look with longing eyes
to this rich, fat nation, with its
surplus of every human necessity,"
he said. "We cannot fiddle while
Rome burns. If we believe we can
see our neighbors return to another
30-year war through the break down
of this Treaty, and we still main-
Ilefore They I.oosen nnd Fall Out-
Tender, llleedlng Gums Arc Warn
ing Signals of Dangerous Illggs
Disease. How to Treat at Home
Don't lose your teeth from Pyor
rhoea or lfiggs Disease. It's unneces
sary now. There is no reason why
everybody cannot have good tirm
teeth and healthy gums and be free of
the humiliation of sore, diseased gums
and unsightly, decaying teeth.
You needn't have your teeth pulled
or wear fql.se ones. Simply go to H. C.
Kennedy. Geo. A. Gorgas or any live
local druggist and ask for one ounce
of Kpithol—remember 'he name,
E-P-l-T-U-O-L, and use it direct
cd. ,
This is the prescription of a famous
New York dentist and it seems to
work like magic on loose teeth and
sore, tender, inllamed, receding,
shrunken, spongy, bleeding or pus
discharging gums. Teeth tighten and
the gums grow sound and healthy and
the bleeding pus discharge soon stops.
Both dentists and users are amazed
at the wonderful improvement it
brings so quickly.
All the druggists named above dis
pense Kpithol on the positive guaran
tee that unless it gives satisfactory
results the money paid for it will be
refunded. This makes its trial a safe
and easy matter and certainly proves
its value.
tain our progress, it is the egotism
of insanity. Our expansion overseas
has entangled us for good or ill, and
I stand for an honest attempt to
join with Kurope's better spirits to
prevent these entanglements from
involving us in war. We are not
dealing with perfection, we are deal
ing with the lesser of evils.
"For us to refuse to enter into
a joint attempt with well-thinking
sections of a large part of the world
to establish a continuing moral con
science against war is the utmost
folly in our interests."
Would Threaten Polnnd
Pointing out the likelihood that
some European nations will again
jbe plunged into war with their
[ neighbors, Mr. Hoover referred to
! a probability of the invasion of Po
land if the Treaty failed.
He said, "there are many elements
in Europe who wish to see the Treaty
break down and the League of Na
tions disappear. During the last five
months our allies have been grow
ing weaker from a military point of
view, due to the necessity of de
mobilizing their armies, while at the
I same time the reactionary group in
Germany has been growing lu
strength through the hope of yet
securing a division of the Allies. At
the time I left Europe a month ago
German mlltarism had already re
established itself as a well-discl
nlined, well-officered army of at
least 400,000 men largely congre
gated on the Polish frontier and
even defying the government at Ber
lin. Under the alarm of this danger
the Poles, in the midst of the great
est economic misery that a nation
ever knew, have been trying to cre
ate an army of 500,000 men for their
protection from the Germans on the
one side and the Bolshevik! on the
other. If the treaty is ratified the
German Army will he reduced to
200,000 men and dispersed over Ger
many and their extra armament de
stroyed. The failure of the Treaty
means the invasion of tho Polish
"This Is onlv one of the powder
magazines in Europe which cannot
he destroyed until this Treaty is rati
fied. and during every day of delay
more explosives are poured into
Mr. Hoover, in beginning, said he
had been urged by Mr. Taft to give
his views on the Peace Treaty and
that during the ten months in which
he acted as Economic Director of the
Supreme War Council he had an op
portunity independently to observe
the growth of ideas in the Peace
Conference and the repercussions of
these ideas through Europe. He said
he was not impatient of honest de
bate: that he believed the debate on
the League of Nations now going on
in the United States "is building the
very foundation of the League." He
did not believe In the criticism of
the Senate for not accepting out-of
hand the Peace Treaty evolved by
500 conflicting minds in Paris.
Negroes Asking For
League of Nations
Yew York, Oct, 3.—Because the
Negro Rights League believes the
claims of the American negro "may
safely be left to the unbiased wis
dom of a supreme council" of na
tions wherein "the color line is not
drawn as in the United States," it
has urged the Senate to approve the
Peace Treaty and League of Nations
covenant as submitted.
I, . !
State Highway Department
Again Orders Cards Taken
From Poles Along Roads
! V\ \ 9 //J neers and county
' \\W road superintend-
SvsN\\£3 fj/ ents of the State
j highway system
i have been ordered
that under no cir
' cumstances is ad-
I SniMfln vertislng matter
! - JbIJmBI. of an - character
within the legal
limits of any State
highway and that the second crop
of cards of candidates is to be taken
from poles and fences on the roads
under the authority of the Common
Shortly before the primary elec
tion, trees, poles and fences and even
rocks blossomed with cards and pla
cards of aspirtants for nominations
and orders were given for thoir re
moval. In some sections almost
every pole or tree contained political
advertisements and it required days
for State employes to remove them.
Since the primary a new lot c( cards
have appeared, the reports fc*pt to
the Capitol from Northwestern
Pennsylvania showing large num
In a statement issued to-day the
department called attention to the
fact that the State has power to sue
for a fine for every card placed
within legal limits of a road.
Lands owned l>y flic Suite and
used for farming or other purposes
at State hospitals and other institu
tions can not be given for use as
aviation landing places, according to
a ruling made for trustees of State
hospitals. Several requests have been
made for such rights, but it is held
that the trustees are without author
ity to grant privileges.
The State Armory Board has been
called to meet Friday, October 10,
in Pittsburgh when reports on west
ern armories will be presented.
Jacob Fecker, the Sunbury man
appointed a deputy factory inspec
tor and of which the Department of
Labor and Industry officially pro
fesses to know nothing, has gone
to work. He replaces a man who ,
was dismissed and of which the De- :
partment of Labor and Industry also I
professes ignorance. At the proper
time it is probable that Mr. Fecker
will be certified for his pay check, !
notwithstanding denials of knowl- I
edge of his appointment by Com- I
missioner C. B. Connelly.
The State Historical Commission
is meeting with Governor Sproul this
afternoon to discuss plans for fu
ture work.
The indications are that the State
Board of Pardons' calendar for Oc
tober 15 will be one of the largest
in a year. Close to thirty cases are
already listed.
I>r. Thomas E. Finegan, State
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
has returned from Albany.
Investigations made of sale of eggs
in Philadelphia alleged not to be
fresh, but sold as such, have re
sulted in finding nine out of twelve
that were stale in two instances re
ported to James Foust, Director of
the State Bureau of Foods. In an
other case 10 of 12 eggs sold as
"strictly fresh" were found stale,
while in another eight of a dozen
were below par. Arrests were
ordered in each case. The State
food agents brought 33 suits for
violation of milk and ice cream acts
and two for violation of the cold
storage .act in selling goods that had
been stored longer than the legal
period. The revenue of the bureau
for licenses for sale of oleomargarine
last month was over $4,700. Since
the first of the year the bureau in
come, which is largely made up of
"oleo" licenses, has been over
Two new questions regarding a
certificate of notification filed with
the Public Service Commission by a
public service corporation relative to
issues of stocks or bonds have turn
ed up in the action against the
Wilkes-Barre company now before
the Commission. The company was
charged without having claimed ap
proval by the Commission of a bond
issue, but admitted the error. Then
the question came up as to whether
it had to follow in its prospectus for
the sale of the bonds the exact word
ing of the certificate it filed giving
notice. Another point was how long
a life had a certificate. The Wilkes-
Barre company filed the certificate
months ago. The Wilkes-Barre
Light Company, another concern, has
asked a certificate of valuation prior
to Issuing a million dollars in bonds.
Governor Names
State Delegates
Governor Sproul has announced
these appointments of delegations
from Pennsylvania to national meet
ings at Farmers' National Congress,
Hagerstown, Md., October 28-31:
John A. McSparran, Furniss; R.
M. Day, Washington; J. Aldue Herr,
Lancaster, R. F. D.; Thomas H.
Wittkern, Media; Frank B. Snavely,
Hershey; H. M. Anderson, New
Park; G. W. Koser, Biglerville;
George A. Comerer, McConnellsburg;
Robert W. Loehr, Boswell; R. J.
Bayard, 110 Shady avenue, Pitts
burgh; Morris T. Phillips, Pomeroy;
Peter Geatlhart, Clearfield; C. G.
Jordan, Volant; Frank P. Willits,
Ward; Roland Benjamin, Towanda;
William Armstrong, Dallas; Philip
M. Dewey, Gaines; Allan D. Miller,
Susquehanna; Giftord Pinchot, Mil
National Prison Congress to be I
held in New York during the month
of October: Isaac Johnson, Media;
Bromley Wharton, Philadelphia;
General W. O. Hunter; Col. William
Evans, Pittsburgh; Commandant
Frank Croft, Philadelphia; Col.
Richard E. Holz.
Big Crowds on Hand to
Buy Tickets For Game
Chicago, Oct. 3.—With 18,000 re
served and box seats sold, the sale of
16,500 pavilion and bleacher seats for
the local opening to-day of world
series play when the Reds and the
White Sox come from Cincinnati,
started at 8.30 o'clock this morning.
The reserved seats were sold out sev
eral days ago and only chances for
those vantage points are tickets In i
the hands of scalpers who are de
manding from SSO to SIOO.
There are now three Harrisburg
boys on the hospital list of college j
football teams, but two of the trio
are expected to get back into uc- |
tion soon.
Elmer, quarterback on the cham
pionship Tech eleven last season, !
has been on the sidelines at Buck- I
nell for nearly a week. It is under
stood that as soon as he recovers
from the wrenched shoulder suffer- |
ed in a scrimmage last Tuesday, i
Coach Reynolds will put him In as
reguP- quarterback, and possibly I
switch Dayhoff. the Steelton star,
who played in that position against
Penn last Saturday, to another
place in the line-up. j
Washington, Oct. 3. —Chicago and
! Milwaukee have been omitted from
the itinerary of the transcontinental
j tour arranged by the State Depart
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable"
I "Open All Day Saturday" I
I " Yoor NeW Fall |
Stetson or Mallory Velour I
We have sold thousands of these I
popular Hats the past three weeks, but the big
buying has just begun—The Velours are making a hit—
no wonder, the colorings are beautiful. The Hats are
the best styles we have ever had—soft silk-like finish, and
there's no end of wear to "Velour Hats."
j Don't worry about the prices—that should be the 1
least of your trouble —We have them at all prices—Few stores today have
received their full quota of hats and many stores have but a mere handful, but we
have the largest stock of hats to be found anywhere in Pennsylvania—Every ledge
and shelf is filled to overflowing and we can sell hats at less money than if we had to
buy them today.
Ij Sweaters x J
I The sweater season never ends at this "Live
1 1 Store," but from now on until the end of the year our Sweater 1 ,
i ( Department will be a very busy place. The new slip-overs with V necks or 1 ,
1 roll collars seem to have first call. We have opened a new Sweater Depart- '
& fent for boys on the balcony to relieve the congestion in the men's section. 1
I Sweaters in all plain, colors and combinations. i
304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa.
ment for the King and Queen of
No official explanation is forth
coming from the State Department,
which gave out the Itinerary yester
day. It is thought that recent re
OCTOBER 3, 1919.
marks by Mayor Hoan, Socialist, of
of Milwaukee, in derogation of the |
royal visit, are responsible for the I
omission of that city. The reason ]
for the omission of Chicago, how- I
ever, is considered a mystery.
Ardmore, Okla., Oct. 3.—No official
investigation is likely of the ogging
of United States Senator James A.
I Reed, of Misouri, by a hostile au
| dtenco when he attempted to deliver
I a speech here opposing the Peace
I Treaty and the League of Nations.