12 SPROUL LAUDS LEGION'S SPIRIT OF AMERICANISM Believes It Is Destined to Play Big Part in Affairs of Nation Governor Sproul's Words In his address to the members of the American Legion cantonment. Governor Sproul said in part: "I am-proud to have the oppor tunity of joining in this important occasion. When I call to mind the part which I feel sure that the American Legion will play in the affairs of the nation and the affairs of the world in the next half cen tury, I cannot but regard this first cajatonment of the organization in Pennsylvania as a great historic event and one which will distinguish all of those who have participated in it. "One of the things which I have hoped would come out of the war is a union of spirit among our younger Americans, those who will play the main part in shaping the policies and progress of the nation during the coming decades. The or ganization of this Legion is a long step toward bringing about that union, and the good that you can do for your country and for man kind by following your ideals as to American policies and American progress is beyond my adequate ex pression. Lands Grand Army "When one thinks of what an in fluence the Grand Army of the Re public has been in the more than fifty years since the veterans of the Union Army founded that organi zation one may get some impression of what your and your organization are to mean to the country during the naxt half century. It is, indeed, fortunate that a new union of Amer icans, real Americans, Americans who are ready and anxious to sacri fice their all upon the altar of their country's devotion, is coming into being right now because, my friends, we have great need of a militant \jnion of American souls and Amer ican spirit to-day. "To those of us now in author ity and whose only ambition is to ad minister the duties of the places which we hold in accordance with our sworn pledge to defend and up hold the constitution and institu tions of our government, it is a great comfort, a mighty encouragement to know that an organization like this, with the principles for Which you have declared, is in existence in this State and nation. You will have advantage over the Grand Army of the Republic in that while that splendid organization has repre sented the soldiers of only a portion of the country, you will represent the defenders of all of the States and your activities and nfluence will be nation-wide. Post Offers Services One of the touching things which has come to me during the past few weeks has been the effort of the frail recmnant. of one of the great posts of the veterans of the Civil War to place at the disposal of my adminis tration, themselves .and their re sources in the preservation of law and order in the Commonwealth. These splendid old fellows, every man of them now must be past the otice! T^e ® ome °* Cut Prices The Only Original Cut-Rate I Remember that our g\ O /V 3 r\.-W if H/% All 6c and 7c Cigars, I Saturday cut prices J 1 14 V ■■ I 1 'i Box 50 f $2.59 I I prevail on all patent JjL 3■Mfk Jl fj\f. JL All 10c and 12c Cigars, 1 medicines and toilet s3°B9 this special sale. nto 300 Market St. and 306 Broad St. Sa Vio m p 9 m. m ' Patent Medicines, Pills, Druggist Sundries Home Supplies Toilet Supplies 25c Carhohc Sahc 75c Absorbent Cotton $1.50 Compound 35c Arnold Malt SI.OO Bottles Steam's 20c Alum 20c Bottles Sweet 30c Shaving Cream 35c Witch Hazel Physicians' and 2 For 25c J*} Po ™ d Syrup Hypophosphites Fme Tonic Pine Tar and Honey 1 Pound Spirits Nitre Suprema Cold Cream Surgeons' Soan 50c Pierce's Creoiin 2 Lb " 75c 2 For $1,50 2 For 35c 2 For 50c 35c Castoria 35c Glycerine 25c and 45c Absorbent Eucalyptus Pure Virgin Laco 20c Bottle S l - 00 Sa 8 e and Sulphur SI.OO and $2.00 Bottles 75c Toilet Water ~7T"7T7~ „ 2 For 35c Suppositories I Cotton, and lbs. I 2 For $1 00 I Imported I Camphorated Oil I 2 For SI.OO I Perfumes I 9 For 75 "Vfo™ 60c 1 . 2 For 35c 2 For 25cand4Sc 60c Cascara Sagrada * P V,Vso 2 For 20c 25c Peroxide Tooth 2 For $1 and $2 50c Maric Antoinctte M 2Forsoc ils. <**,, 2 KC~ 2 For 25c _3sc Mafic 2 For 15c 50c Armour's 50c Hobson's $1.50 Hotwmer Bottle 2 For 40c 50c Lilly's Tooth 2 For 75c ' 50c Mulsilied O S*" 1 ? eme S- 10c Rit Dyes Extract Beef Ointment * £ f or Bottles Essence JT aßt l,* 20c Pure Ca stile Soap Cocoanut Oil 25c Oil 2 Bottles, 35c 2 For 10c 2 For 50c 2 For 50c 65c Witch Hazel Jamaica Ginger 2 For 50c 2 For 20c n Shampoo^ 2 For 25c 10c Sulphur Cream 25c Nicholas' 5c Packages 45c Aromatic iS? 2 For 25c 25c Lilly's 25c Enthymol 2 For 50c 35c—100 Hinkle's Tartar Lozenges Cleaning Fluid Herb Tea Cascara Sagrada, 3 oz. „ „ . Tooth Paste ToothPaste 50c Quinine Cascara Compound 2 For 10c 2 For 25c 2 For 5c 2 For 45c 25c 50c . Milk Essence Peppermint 2 For 25c 2 For 25c o H^ r To ™c 2 For 35c 25c Shiloh's Cough SI.OO Johnson's 25c Humphrey's Aspirin Tablets 2 For and 50c 2 For 20c N 35c _ Per °o l ,2 e Mennen's 2 For 50c 20c 20-Mule 2 Bottles 25c Kidney Remedy Remedies 2 dozen, 35c ° , 2 For 35c Talcum Powder 35c Cucumber Team Borax k 2 For SI.OO 2 For 25c 2 RottW 35 c 60c Sloan's I s J in w'll' 2 For 35c Cream 9 on- 35c Haarlcm ' : * Potties, OOC Liniment . Rldney Plda Williams 2 p 35 2 for ZOc on Capsules 50c Ely's Cream 50c Diapepsin SOc McNeil's 2 For fiOr 2 For 50c Shaving Soap 25c Babcock's F 15c Aloine Tea 2 For 35c Balm 2 For 50c Kidnev Pills 11 - . 2 For 10c Talcum Powder 50c Massage Cream 2 Forlsc ; cH J.m 2 Fo, SOc 25c Boltles r 8 SOc "O-JU- °'' CaPS "'" 2F& c Bronchia! 2 For SI.OO 2 For $2.50 TwthPMW "c and p2 sc Powder Kidney Plasters 2 For 25c 2 For 25c - gers J -St J Eaby *flr T.ndies' C.ftmha 2 For 50c and Page's Baby I 2 For 15c and 25c 2 For 25c 6c Chewing Gum 25c J. N. C. Headache 2 For 15c Talcum p owder 2 For 50c IrtnTM ... . Talcum c ror xoc ana 4DC 100 Aspirin 2 For 6c Tablets White MWral nil 75c Welch's Grape 2 For 25c *c ** 9 2 For 25c 25c and 50c Rouges^ Tablets, SI.OO - 2 For 2Sc StandardOUCo! Juice „ ... . _ 35c Men'. Dreaamg 2 For SI-00 1 2 For 25c and Soe 9 RaHLs OH 10c Olive Tablet* ■—■ ■ (Standard Oil Co.) 13 C Adhesive Tape Combs 15c Jergen's Violet ' 2 pottles, SI.OO A p or IQ c 50c Nicholas' 2 For SI.OO 2 Pints, 75c 1 in. 2 For 35c RrnL. Glycerine Soap 75c Sage and Sulphur 100 Nux and Iron 11 p^e Suppositories 25c Peterman's 25c McNeil's 2 For 13c 9 p 9C_ oe 2 For 15c Tonic Tablets 50c Creoaanthol 2 For 50c iSerPuS „ 2 For 25c, 35c ° r IJC 2 For 75c 9 s*l 00 Disinfectant, 1.1 _ Discovery . Lux 2 For 25c 50c Superlative Depilatory ' *■ ■ Antiseptic Solution; 30c Blaud's 2 For 25c 2 For 25c 2 PkgS., 25c TJ> „ , 2 For SI.OO 25c Deodorant 100 Peptonized Iron Same as Lysol Iron Pills 7 , r Tn ß< .ctinA 3 10c Rolls Toilet TJ 0 , _ K f„ B J 15c Peroxide Soap for Perspiration -r Ta r s y,°nn 280tt1e.,50c 2F0r30, - 2 2ForS , 2 . F * l . gc For 25c | ' $2.50 Elastic Trusses 75c Papain 15 C Peterman's 4 For 20 25c 1-lb. Can 2 For 35c 15c Bottles Sachets 7 2 For 7sf Fle,t Sl h 2S P,d C — d^ bk " D m„, etc. l 2 For 75c $1.25 2 For 75c 2 For 25c 2 For 10c Lb., 20c 2 For 20c 2 For 25c 2 For 10c 2 Bottles, 15c FRIDAY EVENING, allotted span of life, still have the spirit and the desire to render serv ice to their country in time of crisis. Alongside of this there came numer ous similar communications \from posts of the American Legion, and I can tell you it made me feel good and it gave me confidence and cour age to go about the things which I knew had to be done to meet con ditions which threaten the peace and good order of the State. Points to Politics "I am glad, indeed, to see that a motto of the American Legion is 'Policies and not politics.' I take it that the meaning of this is that you or your organization will, at no time, be partisan but will always be for those policies which you, as true hearted and red-blooded American citibens, believe are for the best in terests of the country. But in fol lowing out your policies you must, as individuals take a hand in the poli tics of your localites, of the State and of the nation. I have been preaching during all my public life that our young people should take a more active interest in their poli tics, in the selection of those who are to represent them in public of fices and in the determination of the policies which are to govern the de velopment of our communities, our Commonwealth and our country. I hope, as individuals you will all into politics. American politics, but that you -will keep your organization as you have started it, free from any partisan slant or political bias. Too Tolerant to Enemies "One of the things which we have to do in this country is to separate the Americans from those who are not Americans or do not wish to be come Americans. We have been too tolerant here, of those who are ene mies of our country and of our in stitutions. In our easy going way we have allowed colonies of traitors to exist in our land. We have cod dled nests of vipers who would bite the breast that feeds them and who, at every opportunity, seek to inject the .poison of anarchy and destruc tion into our national body. We have every consideration for those who NAME "BAYER" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Take tablets only as told in each "Bayer" package. The "Bayer Cross" Is the thumb print of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." It protects you again 3t imitations and positively identifies the genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains proper directions to safely come here to help us in the develop ment of our land—we welcome them and encourage them to become citi zens and to help us with our prob lems. When they become citizens they may have their influence in shaping and determining the poli cies of this nation, but if they will not become citizens or are hostile to our institutions and desire to de stroy the Republic we should not keep them here but should send them back to the land whence they came or to some other place in the world where conditions may suit them better. Surely there is suffi cient variety in the forms of gov ernment in the world now to enable every restless spirit to find, some where, a state which will suit him. We must be very careful in the kind of people whom we admit to this country as sojourners and take ex treme care in increasing our citi zenship that our Americanism may not be overwhelmed by those who are not in sympathy with our insti tutions. "On the other hand, our national government, our state government, and our community organizations must do their part in remedying abuses and bringing about better conditions. There are lots of things to be done in this State, althongh Pennsylvania is one of the most en lightened states uon the face of the earth. We must encourage the man who is ambitious along right lines to rise to the realization of his ambitions; we must have better surroundings for him in his com munity, better houses to live in, bet ter schools for his children and bet ter protection for his rights. The State may do much in this direction and we are going ahead with these problems as fast as we can, but public sentiment will do much more, and especially public sentiment when directed by a strong, patriotic, militant Americanism such as is typi fied by such influence as you boys— you defenders of Americanism—may wield individually and through your organization. Have Running Start 'Tf we in this country will just :ome down out of the fools' para- relieve Colds. Headache. Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. As pirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. HABBISJBUKG TELEOKSPH dise of recklessness and entr&va gance In which we seem to be living, and get back again to our old habits of industry and thrift, we shall have wonderful times Iff this country for many years to come. If, however, we are to continue to spend money faster than we earn it, to work shiftlessly and carelessly and seize upon every occasion for Idle ness, we :Vall get into disorderly habits and fall back In the race for industrial supremacy. We have a running start on the other nations of the world, but if we are to lag by the way and idle our time, we shall soon be outstripped. If we don't go about our business and at tend to it as a people we shall soon find that the cunning German has supplanted us in the business marts of the world and that we have thrown away the chance of a na tion's lifetime in building up the prosperity of our people. "I sincerely welcome you as a part of the great civic organization of Pennsylvania and am happy in the assurance that you stand for the State and will help In the realiza tion of those things which Pennsyl vania is ambitious to attain." FAREWELL FOR DAUGHTER Liverpool, Pa., Oct. 3. —A fare well party was tendered Miss Caro line Mitchell by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Mitchell, at their home on North Front street prior to her departure for Comb's Con servatory of Music in Philadelphia, where Miss Mitchell is pursuing a course in piano and vocal music. Covers were laid for 20 and games, I dancing and refreshments were greatly enjoyed by the guests. When you puff up on a King Oscar Cigar You're getting a darn good smoke for the money. Care, brains, experience and the de sire to do the right thing takes care of that 7c at All Dealers John C. Herman & Co. Harrisburg, Pa. Name Cashier For New Campbellstown Bank Campbells town, Pa., Oct. 3. Deputy Sheriff Harry P. Strupp, of Lebanon, has been elected cashier of the newly organized State bank at this place. The announcement was made to-day by directors who were elected at the meeting of stockhold ers on Friday night last. It was stated, but not confirmod, that Ethan Krelder, a son of the Revr H. K. Kreider, of Campbell town, will be the teller. For the present, It is likely that the two em ployes will be sufficient to conduct the affairs of the institution. It was stated that the bank may be opened for business by October 15. BIRTHS IX LIVERPOOL Liverpool, Pa., Oct. 3.—Chief of Police apd Mrs. Thomas Ulsh an nounce the birth of a daughter, Sep tember JO. Mrs. Ulsh was Miss Merle Shuler, who was prominent in social circles of the town. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Brink an nounce the birth of a daughter on Friday, September, 26. Mrs. Brink prior to her marriage was Miss E. Albright. I For Superfluous Hair ! Uss. DSL ATONE | The Leading Seller for 10 Yeara | QUICK SURE-SAFE-RELIABLE j Use Fresh as Wanted I Ask Your Dealer He Knows j Cardinal Mercier Welcomed to Yale New Haven, Conn., Oct. 3.—Car dinal Mercier was welcomed to Yale University yesterday, the reception following his arrival from Hartford, where he had received the degree of doctor of laws from Trinity Col lege. On the way from Hartford the Bel gian primate and his party stopped at Woslegan University in Middle town, where the degree of doctor The American Legion Is a New Organization ' '' It represents the sturdiest manhood of our country. Its founders are the boys who went away "that the country might live These youths are the men who will mould the pleasures and the business policies of the future, and en act, as well as enforce, the laws of the land. They are "Future America," which means the peer of all nations. These boys were schooled in the Cafe teria system of eating because it is one of the best lessons in economics, and it is here to stay. Ask these boys about The Cafeteria 3rd and Walnut Streets HOTEL COLUMBUS BUILDING 11 to 2 P. M. 5 to 8 P. M. OCTOBER 3, 1919. of laws was conferred on the church man. Cardinal Mercier was greeted at Yalo University by Dr. A. T. Hadley, resident. Dr. Hadley addressed the visitor as a "victorious champion of i the faith which looks through ; death." ATTEND ANNIVERSARY Liverpool, Pa., Oct. 3.—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kerstetter and daughter, Grace, Liverpool stationmaster, mo tored to Colburn this week to at j tend the fiftieth anniversary of Mr. j Kcrstetter's parents. The reunion I was held in the Narrows at Crystal Springs. Over a hundred members of the immediate family enjoyed the big feast prepared for the day. George A. Gorgas, Druggist.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers