Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
MEMBERSHIP IS OVER THOUSAND Veterans of Foreign Wars Plan Many Activities For the Near Future - Captain Howard L. Calder Post, No. 31, at its regular meeting last eve ning obligated a large class of new members, which makes the member ship well over the thousand mark for the local post. Owing to the rap id growth, the post is compelled to look for larger quarters with social rooms which will be open at all times to its members. The post is also planning many so cial events for the coming winter, among which will be their annual military ball, which will be held sometime in November or December. Information received by the Post is to the effect that General John J. Pershing, charter member of Dawton Post, No. 27, Manilla, P. 1., and Com mander-in-Chief of the A. E. F., was voted an honorary Commander-in- Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. General Pershing has been a member of this organization for about twenty years. "The impression of some people that the Veterans of Foreign Wars dis criminate, in that they do not take into their organization other than foreign service men is wrong," a statement by the Post says. "Should we alter our constitution, our princi ples would be thrown to the 'four winds.' We are comrades whose in terests are identical, and whom our Government has seen fit to especially recognize. We are not antagonistic to other organizations whose prin ciples are purely patriotic. "Our organization teaches loyalty to our country first, last and all the time, there can be no slackers or pa cifists among us." Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. " IHI.I, 11)01—2356 UNITED HAKHISBUKU. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1011) FOUNDED 1871 Friday Bargains specM Sale oJ_ the Famom Friday Bargains oolens Figured Madras in "JT 1 -4- n 1 ' J ust tbe tb ing f° r blouses .1 T~ t -11 white and ecru : these V 3TI cL rl 1L £ V; 1 I K * W cleaning your windows, ! . 36-inch Fine Twill makc beautiful cur . ▼ iXaaitW iAIV wSMH W now that house-cleaning j print georg berge; line of colors- tains; Friday Bargains, TOBSHB ! W time is here 5 Friday ! ette blouses in dark plenty navy and , r i J SS3BB&Fi * R',rp-.in<; i su,t shades with col black; Friday Bar- '- 1 ' QQ # 1 1 ; ' lars of self material; gainS ' yar 6 d 9t . Extra heavy cr e- heilllS C S IJ lOOtlier S S l^vht'co^ tonne; 35 inches in light Dainty cuns while 40-inch Plaids and grounds; wonderful for *" J some have fluffy frills Checks in a most com- draperies and cushions; The extraordinary values for these high grade undergarments in this sale was made possible because of r1 w d : and P oblt e ff ect in plete assortment of Friday Bargains, yard, a shortage of labor due to strikes. The manufacturer, therefore, found it necessary to discontinue making J,oa 0( navy, Copen, black dark warm tones; Fri- 4 these high class garments and concentrate on the regular glove silk type. These georgette, crepe de chine Medium sized coal and brown; a good day Bargains, yard, . i and satin undergarments will, therefore, appeal to every woman who appreciates dainty charm, excellent hod; Japanned; Friday assortment of sizes; <n>i or 1,10 . te an d workmanship and quality of material. In other words, for those who desire something unusually fine at the ; Bargains, ' Friday Bargains, eciu marquisette; good ! price usually paid for the average good undergarments. . <Rzl 70 40-inch All Wool quality: Friday Bar- , * v s & 49 c $4./ V Granite suiting- 10 gains, vard, Dainty envelope chemises in Beige crepe de chine. A plain tailored model with tucked bodice top and | BOWMAN'S Basement BOWMAN'S Third FIOO F best colors-also black; 9~ tucks to match on band below, which also has two lace trimmed pockets. Extra fine quality and very special I —. Friday Bargains, yard r>i * n P r ' ce at $9.98. i Petticoats q-i or Remnants of cretonne A two-tone georgette step-in, foundation of flesh tint covered with Nile green. Plain tailored with hem- j - Totton Tor;pv tnn and curtain materials in stitched bodice top and'trimmed with flowered ribbon. A beautifully designed garment, specially priced Salt hnx nnrfp nf nnr with sateen flouncing 36-inch All Wool good lengths' Friday at s9 98 bait box made of por- with sateen flouncing Ponlin- line of colors Bargains, * ... ... c ? laln wo . od I,d w . lth especially suitable for also hlark- nlentv rv • Envelope chemise in flesh satin. Net and fancy ribbon trimmed bodice top and shoulder straps. Pret- hinges; Friday Bargains cool weather, smooth navy' Friday Bar- One-Halt I rice tily trimmed below to match. An excellent special, at $7.98. fitting and servicable in gains, yard, BOWMAN s Fourth Floor Envelope chemise in flesh georgette. Bodice top trimmed in lace with shoulder straps, bows and other rlmll'ar cTJecln ; trimming in double-face ribbon, flesh and light blue. Special while they last, $9.98. BowMAN's- B ..ement 40 incLs; FViday Bar- BOWMAN'S— Main Floor Motions Envelope chemise in flesh satin. Front trimmed with three rows of val lace insets. Shoulder strap gains, Canfield's Nymph model. Something just a little bit out of the ordinary, even in beautiful silk garments. Special during sale, at Wash Goods 7? Domestic dress shields; Friday $9.98. - Outing flannel in , bargains, pair. Envelope chemise in flesh, orchid and peach crepe de chine. Bodice top has shoulder straps and trim- 36-inch Linen finish BOWMAN'S Third Floor stripes- light colors; 27 10c med in val lace and hand-embroidered organdy insets. The regular price of this elsewhere is a great deal more suiting in two shades inches ' wide. Friday Buttons in assorted than s7 ' 9B * only; pink an d tan' 700 Women's Stockings Bargains, yd., sizes, shapes and colors Envelope chemise in sky-blue, flesh and maize crepe de chine. Tucked georgette bodice top with insets yards in this lot, get Brown cotton lisle 25c suitable for coats, suits of val lace. \ ery special at $7.98. . your share while it lasts; stockings with rein- Unbleached sheeting, and dresses; Friday Envelope chemise in flesh tint in-armhole effect. Bodice top of flesh satin orchid trimmed, embroidered Friday Bargains, vaid, forced heel and toe; fine even round thread; Bargains, card, ribbon trimmed and insets of val lace. A decided saving in money at $9.98. 25c exceptional value' 38 inches wide; Friday Envelope chemise of sky blue satin. Bodice top with ribbon strap, and prettily trimmed in narrow pink Friday Bargains, Bargains, yd., ribbon and val lace . During this sale, special at $7.98. 32-inch Imported and 23 c 90 - ccige ai ess t j Domestic ging'hams' all tasteners: rust proof; Envelope chemise in blue crepe de chine. Bodice top of georgette trimmed with lace medallion insets /, f 1 ' • , r , 27-inch wide Bleached Friday Bargains, dn Z . and trimmed down front with rows of shirred georgette. Special sale price, $7.98. the finest makes m Women,.fineiqual qk v TtGd p1 • o-nnrl cards . . . plaids, stripes, checks ity nbre silk stockings snaker lannei, gooa ■ Satin bloomers, reinforced and cut very full. Trimmed with three rows of hemstitching and blue flow- . in H nln'n- Fridav "Rir in white only; Friday weight and nap- Friday 49 ered ribbon In orchid and flesh> Special sale pric $79 g ana P'ain 1 naay car Bargains pair Bargains, yd., BowMAN's-seJond Floor. gains, yard, b ** BOWMAN'S—Main Floor /I Or. 25c 59c , em c . . c , + . Broom Silks Women's Bloomers White Goods BOWMAN s-Mam rw Salem Brand Sheets, riiilrliwi'a <st V r, c *ll - 36-inch Figured Ei- Friday Bargains, Children s Stockings Made of pure corn; Remnants of silk in Pink cotton bloomers, White Nainsook; 39 derdown; dark tones; Jardiniere 72x90; $1.69 each , .. , four sewed; Friday bar- many of the best fu „ s ; firm elastic inches wide; 10 yards to make warm and attrac- : 81x90; $1.79 each mercertedhslc itock QC bands; Friday Bargains, piece; Friday Bargains, tive house dresses and 9-inch jardiniere made 36-inch wide Percale, ,™" fi' c Hb with re-" 35c and fancy P silks t P a!r ' PCr P ' eCe ' kimonos; Friday Bar- of pottery in assorted _in dark and light pat- i n f or ' ce d heel and toe 'lengths from 2to 6 43t; $2.50 .. gains, yard, Friday Bargains, •i'Jrri ' ' a ainS ' } i n sizes, No. 6, 7j/4; yards. Enough for BOWMAN'S— Main FIOOI 35C 69C jaro., Friday Bargains, Dish Mop waist, skirt or dress; __ . Mercerized Table Da -9Q • Dkh ATon made of P lent y of b,UeS and Xtr V t A mask, ,58 inches wide; BOWMAN'S Main Floor BOWMAN'S-Ba.emeat BOWMAN'S second Floor 29c thread- wood blacks; Friday Bargains, omen s Vests and Friday Bargains, yard, is • I BOWMAN's —Main Floor cotton thread, wood Kimonos handle; Friday Bargain, > ard Pants 39 c oQOCS A kimono is a neces- Smorks ! Bp w• A . sity that is worth buy- 1 HowMAN-s-8.-n.cnt 40-inch Crepe de chine and 11 we 1 Serviceable Walking Shoes for women at ing at this low price. We All white linen crash! ' 'in a big line'of colors; ! wonien s ~v eStS , • aad ! bleached and hemmed; | slo .oo. Our walking shoes for women reveal the have them in cotton, smocks and white with i Furniture Polish plenty of white, black, pan s mec mm NCI B good size. (Not moie standard of quality we maintain for our stocks, crepes, challis and colored cuffs and collars Furniture Pol.si. Bvv and pink. A most fine cotton ribbed; long than one dozen to a cus- Superior values are found in these shoes. Black voiles all nicelv trim- slightly soiled ; Friday I Sani-Genic furniture beautiful finish; Friday ancl short sleeves, fri- tomer.) Friday Bar- Calfskin, Brown Calfskin and Black Kidskin, all med; Friday selling, Bargains, " | polish; Friday Bargains, | Bargain, yard, .j, ay 13ar & ains g a iment, gains, each w i tb we i te d soles and leather military heels; $2.25 ■ j 31.98 19c | $1.95 59c 12% c $lO - 00 - BOWMAN'S—Third Floor BOWMAN"Si—Third Flow BOWMAN'S—Basement | BOWMAN'S—MuIn Floor j 30WMAN S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor 1 ' j f THURSDAY EVENING, East Pa. Conference in Annual Session Reading. Oct. 1. The one hun dred and twentieth annual session of East Pennsylvania Conference, United Brethren in Christ, was op ened yesterday in Salem U. B. Church, this city. Bishop W. M. Bell, D. D. LL. D., of Washington, D. C., occupied the chair and called the conference to order. The Bishop read as a scripture lesson the sixth chapter of Marks' gospel, after which he delivered an eloquent opening address. Rev. P. H. Balsbaugh, of Colum bia, the assistant secretary of the conference, called the roll of min isters and lay delegates. The names of the deceased ministers was also called while the entire conference stood with bowed heads. Rev. M. E. Swartz, D. D., of Har risburg, executive secretary of Church Federation of Pennsylvania, was introduced to the conference and delivered a brief address, out lining the nature of his work. Miss Ruth Buddinger was ap pointed as the official page for the conference sessions. Dies After He Hears of Getting a Fortune New Kensington, Pa., Oct. 12. Shortly after he received notice that he had been awarded the estate of his uncle, Baron William Dunn, of Suffolk, England, who died seven months ago. David W. Dunn, aged 72, a retired businessman, died at hid home yesterday. According to relatives the estate of Baron Dunn is estimated to be worth more than $2,000,000. It is believed that Mrs. Barbara Estus. of Grand Rapids, Mich, a sister of David Dunn, will receive the estate. During his lifetime Baron Dunn took an active interest in British polities. He was a member of the House of Commons and accom panied Gladstone when the latter went to Germany on diplomatic work. David Dunn spent most of his life in this country. Besides his sister. Mrs. Estus, he is survived by his widow. East Willie Loughlin Working Hard For Bout in This City; Motive Power Has Big Bill According to information received from Philadelphia, K. O. Willie Loughlin will not have an easy thing on Tuesday night. He is scheduled for a ten-round bout with Jimmy Leggett, a Panama boy, who has re cently come to the front because of his clever ring work. That Loughlin will give the Mo tive Power crowd a great exhibition is a foregone conclusion. He is in daily training and is anxious to be ready for every boy who is willing to tackle him. The three other bouts on the Motive Power program include several local boys and stars from Philadelphia. September Had 15 Clear Days, Lightning and Frost During September there were 15 clear days seven party cloudy and eight cloudy, according to the month's report of E. R. Remain, of the local weather bureau. The total rainfall was 1.63 inches; highest temperature, 92 degrees on Septem ber 8, and lowest 42 degrees on Sep tember 27, when there was a light frost. There were only two thunder storms, September 10 and 11; high est wind velocity 22 miles an hour, and average hourly velocity 5.3 m'les. The river stage ranged from 3.8 to 3.3 feet, remaining practically stationary in height above low wa j ter mark since September 20. Lieutenant-Governor to Welcome Akron Soldiers Lieutenant-Governor E. E. Beidle man will make the principal ad- I dress at the welcome home celebra j tion for the soldiers of Akron, Lan caster county, on Saturday after ! noon, it has been announced. Prep arations have been made for the event on a large scale. There will :be band concerts, community sing ing, baseball and a banquet. HXItftISBtTRG USSHj TEI.EGR3JPH IF UNIONS WIN, MILLS WILL DECAY, GARY WARNS Presenting Corporation's Side in Probe, He Declares U. S. Cannot Keep Up in Race With World; Means Dropping of Production, He Says By .4 ssociatcd Press. Washington, Oct. 2.—lf unions control industries in the United States "it means decay and the drop ping of production," Judge Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the board of the United States Steel Corporation, declared in presenting the corpora tion's side of the steel strike to the Senate investigating committee. , "It means this country can not keep up in the race with the world," said Mr. Gary. "It means the con dition I fc/ir England is in to-day." Open Shop Big Issue Reiterating that the "open shop" was the big issue in the present strike, Judge Gary declared that it was "the opinion of the world that open shops mean more production, better methods and more prosperity, and that closed shops mean lower production and less prosperity. "Here were these men," said Gary, referring to the steel workers' na tional committee, "starting out, not for better pay, for better conditions —we'd never heard of their 12 points but to get control of this indus try. And what that means, I think you know." Referring to testimony of Presi dent Gompers, of the American Fed eration of Labor, that Jefferson D. Pierce, a union organizer, had been beaten by company agents while at tempting to organize unions in the steel mills and died from injuries, Judge Gary read an affidavit which he said had been sent to his office on September 27 by Pierce's son. Withholds Telegrams Judge Gary declined to disclose the contents of messages sent him by President Wilson in an effort to avert the steel strike. He said he did not regard it as proper for him to make the communication public, but Chairman Kenyon asked him to think over his refusal while the committee was in recess for lunch. The present average wage of un skilled laborers of the corporation, the witness said, is $5 per day and Of the skilled $6.70, "Under the open shop practice," be said, "the man is treated accord ing to his merits." Judge Gary said 68,284 of the cor poration's employes worked a 12- hour day; 198,882 a ten-hour day and 99,850 average an eight-hour day. The witness said the general ave rage of wages in manufacturing plants of the corporation was $2,93 in 1914, and $6.27 in 1919. In the coal and coke works the average in 1914 was $2.74 and in 1919, $5.20; in the iron ore works, the averages were $2.75 and $5.70; while in the corporation's shipbuilding yards, this year, the average was $5.53. In transportation work of the corpora tion, he said, the 1914 rate was $2.71, against $5.02 this year. Mis cellaneous employes received $2.26 in 1914 and $4.48 this year. Two More of Newport Family Down With Fever Newport, Pa., Oct. 2. Two more members of the family of Chester Orwan have been afflicted with ty phoid fever. Five other members have been ill with the malady with in the past several weeks and a relative, who had visited the fam ily, is reported to have died from the disease. The latest victims, James and Margaret Orwan, are re ! ported to be in a good condition as are other members of the family. Port Royal Pastor Has Compiled Memorial History The Rev. John B. Kniseley, pas tor of the Port Royal Lutheran Church, Port Royal, Pa., has com piled and is about to publish a Me morial History In honor of the Sol diers of his charge. The book will contain 72 pages, including the photo and war records of 38 soldiers of the World War, 9 photos and war records of Civil War Veterans, lists or membership of the two churches of the charge, and a history of both churches from their | beginning; also a record of the for mer pastors. Two soldiers from this charge paid the supreme sacrifice. Sergeant J. Delbert Nipple was killed in ac tion on the Meuse Front on Nov. 10, 1818. Lieut. O. Walt Beaver died in Washington, D. C., Jan. 7, 1919, while serving in the Operating Division of the Quartermaster Department. All but one of the 38 young soldiers were members of the church. Cost of Elections High in France Paris, Oct. 2. The cost of elec tions is expected to be about three times as high as those of 1914. This is due to the advanced cost of print ing, traveling and incidentals. Six hundred and two members of the Chamber of Deputies are to be elected and it is predicted that the average expenses of each will be 50,000 francs. This Township Has Pair of Tax Collectors Newport, Pa., Oct. 2. Tusca rora township is one of the few districts in Perry county that can boast of having two tax collectors, a circumstance which arose foyow ing the death of the former collec tor. Thomas J. Kremer has been appointed to collect school taxes and the Rev. W. H. Shiffer to collect the other taxes. OCTOBER 2, 1919. High French Officer Praises Harvard Now York, Oct. 2. Dr. Marcel Knecht, director of the French High Commission in New York, to-day ipoke of the great educational debt that France owes to America and expressed the sincerest admiration of the French people for Harvard University as a leader among Amer ican institutions of higher learning in the development of Franco | American relations. Dr. Knecht, be- I fore coming to the United States on j a war mission for France, had long | been prominent in education in France. Last Day Expense Accounts Are Filed Expense accounts were filed un ■ til early this afternoon by the fol | lowing: Oliver C. Bishop, $511; Philip S. Moyer, $1,29ti.30; E. 11. Fisher, $1,050; Samuel F. Hassier, $371.06; Daniel L. Keister, $242.35; Frank B. Snavely $338.75; M. Har vey Taylor, $850.78; DeWitt A. Fry, $277; Jacob S. Farver, $115; George A. Hoverter, $610.17; Howard O. Holstein, $371; Fred D. Morgen thaler, $145. | LEONARD HEADS I'OST Marysville, Pa., Oct. 2. L. C. j Lightner and Earl H. Bare are rep | resenting Post No. 176, American | Uegion, of Marysville, at the State cantonment at Harrisburg. Frank j Ueonard has been elected president of the post. Other officers are H. S. i Smith, vice-president; J. L. Hain, j secretary; Bruce Rider, treasurer; P. L. Ellenberger, post finance of -1 ficer. ECZEMA „ To reduce the itch ing, use soothing applications of— VICR'S VAPOSUM i "YOUR BODYGUARD"-30$, 60A4P20 Blue and White Are Chosen School Colors At a meeting called by Horace G. Geisci and Miss Bertha Turner, ath letic instructors at the Camp Curtin School, 30 student delegates, one from each room, voted for school colors as chosen by their respective rooms. Blue and white were the colors chosen. Prof. John J. Brehm, principal o* the school, upon entering his office to begin his work the other day found a Burlington wicker basket filled with Radiance roses and deli cate plumosa greens, a fountain pen v ami an engraved sterling silver pen cil. The gifts were from'his faculty members, cards on them expressing wishes for a successful school year. COMMITTEE IX SESSION Marysville, Pa., Oct. 2. The : executive committee of the Perry County Christian Endeavor Union is meeting in Newport this afternoon. ; The executive committee of the Perry County Sabbath School As i soeiation will meet in Newport on i Saturday afternoon, President David S. Fry, of Newport, has announced. < - -i Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL For the Hands IPoiip 25c., Ointment 25 A 50©., T&lenm 2So. Sample |ench mailed free by •'Outloara, Dept. E. Boeton." ! , DON'T SUFFER! VIVCORN FIX, I M"Y Stops the pain ln stantly and in 10 I rOT?N! V minutes tha \~ v lYlx corn or cal ,ous I 8 al l No ex- X. tended treat m en t s ; no soaking the feet. Safe, sure and sim ple. CORN FIX is wonderful! Take no other. Money back if it fails to help vnu. At all dealers, or direct for 35c. Buv a bottle today; enjoy walk ing tomorrow! CORN FIX CO., Inc., Newark, N. J. 3