Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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By Associated Press.
Cincinnati, Oct. 2.—Eddie Cicotte,
Iho master pitcher of the American
League who was driven out of 'he
opening game of the world's cer.es
j esterday under a broadside of hits,
to-day expressed confidence in his
ability to come back at the Rods
whenever called upon by Manager
Cicotte, with nearly thirty vic
tories to his credit this season, is
carrying the hopes of Chicago fans
on his shoulders and they have every
confidence that he will pitch the Sox
to victory In two and possibly tjiree
of the remaining games. The mas
ter of the 'shine' and 'knuckle' ball
declared to-day that he was com
pletely unnerved when he hit Rath,
the first man up in the game yes
terday and lost all control of the
ball in the fourth inning.
Went to Pieces
"It is hard to explain," Cicotte
said, "but I was in no condition to
pitch the game that I had expected.
I felt perfectly confident before the
game started and appeared to have
'everything' when I was warming
up, but when I hit Rath, it seemed
to have a strange effect on me. I
felt so badly about it that I trotted
with him along the first base line to
see if the ball had hurt him. When
Rath assured me that he was all
right I went back to the pitching
mound, but I did not seem to be
right." Supporters of the White Sox
believe that Manager Gleason will
send Cicotte in to oppose the Reds
Betting Shows Change on
Final Result World's Series
Cincinnati. Ohio, Oct. 2. After
ruling 8 to 5 and 7 to 5 favorites
before the start of yesterday's game,
the White Sox were no better than
even money in the betting on the
world's series here to-night. Sev
eral wagers, ranging from $5OO to
$2,500, were made on to-day's con
test. Previous ,to the opening game,
odds were given that the White Sox
would win the series.
Scalpers reaped a rich harvest
selling tickets for the opening con
test, but an hour before the game
was called the speculators slashed
their prices and were apparently
anxious to dispose of their tickets
at face value. Box seats for three
games, costing $19.50 were snapped
up at prices ranging from $4O to
$6O early in the day. One visitor
paid $125 l'or three $5.50 seats for
to-day's game.
Persons having seats to sell cir
culated among the baseball crowds
thronging the hotel corridors, ped
dling their wares. The speculators
also were busy on street corners and
other places where baseball crowds
Federal authorities made one ar
rest and held one witness in connec
tion with the ticket selling. Under
the law, speculators selling tickets
for more than face value are obliged
to pay Federal war tax of fifty per
cent, of the amount received.
Revenue agents were stationed in
hotel lobbies to watch for violations
and a score of suspected scalpers
were questioned.
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 2. Benny
Leonard, lightweight champion,
scored a virtual knockout over
Charlie Metrie, of Milwaukee, in the
seventh round of what was scheduled
to be a ten-round go here last night.
piraroif IMTO flirnssf
Last Excursion of the Series J
Good only in coaches
From Hnrrisbarg
Tickets good in parlor or §§
|§ sleeping cars $3.21 extra in ad- g
g dition to regular Pullman m
g charges." All fares subject to §g
g "war tax of S per cent.
i I,eaves Harrisburg 11.31 A. >l. g
g Parlor Cars. Dining Car and §f
j Tickets good for 15 days. Stop- f§
over at Buffalo returning. g
For detailed Information con
sult Ticket Agents.
| Pennsylvania R. R.
ar:. .i..: 1 iiTfiiwiiiiiwi'ta
When you puff up 011 a
King Oscar. Cigar
You're getting a dam good
smoke for the money. Care,
brains, experience and the de
sire to do the right thing takes
care of that.
7c at All Dealers
John C. Herman & Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
[ I
i in the game scheduled in Chicago
I Friday or Saturday.
Cincinnati Celebrates
Clarence Rowland, who piloted
I the White Sox to a world's cham
| pionship, is convinced that Cicotte
I will come back and beat the Reds
I before the series ends. He watched
j the defeat of the White Sox yester
day and seemed to feel the loss of
the game as keenly as Manager
Gleason. Rowlund was succeeded
by Gleason as manager af the Sox
this season.
Cincinnati fans celebrated the
first victory of the Reds in a riotous
manner. Impromtu parades were
staged in downtown streets, and ho
tel lobbies. A little German Ijand
furnished the music for one parade,
while a Scotch bagpipe band headed
another procession. The celebrations
continued until long after midnight.
Fred Mitchell, manager of the
Chicago National League team, who
witnessed the victory of the Rods
yesterday, said he never saw Reu
tlier pitch a better game.
Grover Cleveland Loudermilk, the
elongated pitcher of the Chicago I
White Sox, had a narrow escape
from missing the first game. He
sent his suit out to be pressed but \
the garments failed to come back.
The big pitcher waited in his hotel
room and was on the verge of send
ing for his playing togs when the
clothes arrived. Ixmdermilk is so
tall that he was unable to get a
ready-to-wear suit in the city that I
would fit him. I
How Money Figures For
World's Series Players
Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 2. |
The National Commission an- I
nounced that the total attendance
at yesterday's game was 30,511.
The total amount of revenue
taken in, not including the war
tax, was $98,778.00. The com
mission's share of this was given
as $9,877.80, leaving the re
mainder to be divided at $BB,-
900.20. Of this the players'
share was given as $53,340.12
and the share of the two clubs
and the leagues at $35,560,08.
Reuther's Pitching Was
Full of Real Puzzlers
Cincinnati. 0., Oct. 2. Tabula
tion of the pitching record of yes
terday's game shows that Reuther,
winning Cincinnati pitcher, pitched
21 strikes and 29 balls, while the
three White Sox pitchers Cicotte,
Wilkinson and Loudermilk sent
over 21 strikes and 4 6 balls. The
record shows that Chicago batters
found Reuther's pitching thirty-eight
times, mostly for high flies and fouls.
The hard-hitting Reds connected
with 42 balls pitched by the three
White Sox liurlers, 14 of them for
safe hits. Twenty-one flies and
seventeen grounders were hit off
Reuther, while 16 flies and 26
grounders were knocked from balls
pitched by Cicotte, Wilkinson and
A grand total of 197 balls were
pitched during to-day's game, SS
by Reuther in nine innings and 109
by Chicago pitchers in eight in
The record for fewest balls pitched
in any one inning went to Reuther,
who in the seventh inning tossed
only four times. One of these was
a ball, two were high flies out and
one was a grounder on which the
batter was thrown out.
Wilkes-Barre to Play;
Tech Officials Are Busy
Wilkes-Barre High eleven is sched
uled to meet Tech High on Island
Park Field Saturday afternoon.
What the lineup of the coal region
boys will be is as yet an uncer
tainty. No word has been received
at Tech as to the arrival of Wilkes-
Barre next Saturday or to what they
want in way" of officials. Local se
lections will be made to-day and an
nounced to-morrow.
Tech's squad has not been able
to get on the field for practice, but
they had plenty of schooling indoors
yesterday. The Tech bunch is out
for championship laurels again this
season and will lose no opportunity
to keep in fast form.
Marysville football team is plan
ning a busy season. It is hoped to
open the season at Marysville on
Saturday if a satisfactory team can
be secured. Acting Manager Haven
Mutch is busy arranging other
games. The team weight averages
140 pounds. Any team wishing
games should communicate with
Mutch. Teams willing to go on the
field on Saturday should call Ches-'
ter Sheaffer on the Dial phone, dial- I
ing 2314 and then calling 10-4.
SNOODLES -> ->• By Hungerford
I ' N ' - <■' *
Galahad Club Is Active
in Winter Sport Plans
The Galahad Recreation Club,
wfffc headquarters on Allison Hill,
is planning an active season for
basketball, electing J. Robert Storey
to manage the Knights during the
coming season. Duo to the war, the
club was not represented in the
cage last season, but with service
men back in the city, the Galaliads
expect to have one of the best quin
tets in Harrisburg. Gebhard, who
lead the city league, and who was
leading scorer among the A. E. F.
in France, will be with Manager
Storey's aggregation this year.
Wolf, "Tubby" Rexroth, Bricker
and Cobaugh are other members of
the squad who will again be with
the quintet. Other candidates will
be out for the team.
I Another winter sport that will he
boosted is bowling, and will be
managed by D. Clark Hawley. The
organization will hold contests
among the members while Manager
Hawley will book contests with out
side clubs.
To-morrow night the Galahad
club will hold a chicken and waffle
supper at Grantville. making the
trip by auto. The feast will be given
to service men and the members of
the baseball team that were runner
up in the Allison I Till league. The
boys will assemble at Eighteenth
and Chestnut streets at seven o'clock
and from there will be whizzed to
Grantville by auto.
Good Bowling Matches in
Academy League Series
In Academy bowling series last
night the Athletics and Red Sox
were winners. Good scores featured
the contests. The results follow:
Kerson 130 106 112— 318
R. Harmon . . 137 114 91— 342
Hoy 86 90 103— 279
Deiseroth .... 121 99 129 349
Taylor ...... 128 12 2 131— 381
Totals .... 602 531 566—1669
Gordon 131 130 13 7 398
Howe ....... 121 107 87— 315
McDonald ... 91 114 90— 295
Denny 104 117 100— 321
Herbcin 168 84 126 378
Totals * 615 552 540—1707
Hoffman .... 126 76 89— 291
Bobb 120 130 110— 360
Owens ...... 103 104 106— 313
Gosnel 135 124 137 396
Worley 117 109 106— 332
Totals 601 543 548 —1692
Martin 115 118 187— 420
Starry 115 125 105— 34 5
Reneker 103 92 103— 298
Warfel 117 87 92 296
Fox 100 109 117— 320
l Totals 650. 631 604—1658
Baseball Fans Hilarious
at World's Series Game;
Watched Every Play Made
They go "bug" at a baseball
game and they go "bug" at a base
ball board. Anyone who saw the
! opening game of the world's series
as reproduced on the Ritter Electric
Player Board at the Chestnut Street
Auditorium yesterday afternoon had
just as many sensations and thrills
as if they were at the big show on
the Reds' field.
When the Reds started their bat
ting spree the crowd was all Cin
cinnati, although there was no small
army of Chicago adherents who
stood for their favorites until the
last minute and still declare that
the White Sox will turn the tables.
Cries of "Hit her out Reuther,"
"Wait on it Heine" and "Oh you
Daubert" rang through the hall dur
ing the afternoon and when Dutch
Reuther pounded out his second
triple the great throng went wild.
Anyone on the outside would have
imagined that a real ball park was
close at hand.
So complete is the Ritter board
that every possible play of the game
is shown. It was a great sight to
watch the Cincinnati players run
ning the bases in that eventful
fourth inning when five runs were
registered. Mr. Ritter has made
arrangements to reproduce every
game of the great series at Cheat
nut street hall and the baseball fans
will make it a mecca during the re
mainder of the series. A wire run
ning direct to the playing fields in
Cincinnati and Chicago affords in
stantaneous service and the play is
reproduced on the board Just a few
minutes after it has actually occur
red on the playing field. The games
start here at 3 o'clock.
Big Cities Want Klein Team
For Exhibition Contests;
Meet New York Monday
Manager John Brackenridge, of
the Klein Chocolate Company team,
may wind up the season next week.
He has bids for several games in
Philadelphia and other large cities.
Because of the success of the Klein
team over big league aggregations,
the Klein boys are a big attraction.
There may be several more games
The New York Giant lineup next
Monday will include. Burns, Doyle,
Fletcher. Fritch, Benny* Kauff,
Dubec, Benton, Griggs, McCarty,
Snyder and other stars. The game
which is scheduled for Island Park
will start at 3.30. It is probable
that Manager Brackenridge may
pitch Ritter. He is after several
other good boys and is anxious to
make an early start for next sea
: son.
'Lefty' Williams Hope of 'Kid'
Gleason in Second Bat
tle With Reds
Cincinnati, Oct 2.—Claude "Lefty"
Williams, rated as one of the best
left-handers In the American
League this season, probably will be
Manager "Kid" GleOtson's pitching
selection to stop the batting drive
of the Reds in the second game of
the world's series to-day.
While "Pat" Moran, the leader of
the Reds, did notcare to make any
official announcement concerning his
mound choice, it was generally ac
cepted that either "Slim" Sallee or
"Hod" Ellcr would oppose the White
Sox to-day.
"We got away to a flying start,"
said Manager Moran last night,
"beating Cicotte, Gleason's best bet,
and it makes no difference to my
men .what pitcher Gleason starts to
day. They said before the series
that the Reds couldn't hit. Fourteen
hits tells the story. The same bat
ting drive will carry them through
to victory.
Confidence Wltli Victory
"The Reds entered the series a
'cocky' lot of players and this vic
tory has given them a lot more con
fidence. Reuther deserved a shutout
and the Chicago players will find it
just as hard to hit our other pitch
ers. Reuther deserved great credit
for the victory. He was cool at all
times. His batting was a surprise
to me."
"We will even up the series to
day," said Manager Gleason, of the
White Sox. "when Cicotte hit Rath
in the first inning he was not him
self thereafter. I could have taken
him out then, but I trusted that
luck would enable Eddie to regain
his control. I intend to start Wil
liams to-day and have every confi
dence that there will be a different
tale to tell.
"Reuther had a world of stuff
yesterday and pitched a really re
markable game. He should have
all the credit for the victory. His
batting stamps him as a Second
"Babe" Ruth.
"Yesterday's defeat has not dis
heartened my players. I am sure
the defeat will act as an incentive
to win to-day."
Gettysburg Eleven to Meet
Penn State College Team
Gettysburg, Oct. 2. The Gettys
burg College football squad leaves
to-morrow for the opening game of
the season at State College. Judging
from the work of the team at the
present time there is no indication
that it will accomplish exceptional
feats against the Blue and White.
For two weeks Head Coach Wood
and Backfield Coach Leathers have
been striving to whip their material
in shape but the time has been in-
I sufficient to weld together a good
combination and local fans are
looking forward to State winning by
a comfortable score.
Although the Gettysburg squad is
green and may not show up well
so soon in the season the student
body is looking forward to them to
fight from start to finish and expect
that spirit to keep State from gain
ing at wilj.
LaP.ue, the big tackle, continues to
show up well and the line may be
strengthened in the near future by
the addition of Nelson Fisher, a
'Varsity guard before the war who
has just entered college.
This afternoon's practice was fea
tured by the line plunging of Adam
Houtz and a wide end run by Davis.
Phillips scored the onl£ touchdown
of the day.
Annual Drafting Season
Is on With Minor Teams
Auburn. N. Y.. Oct. 2. Yester
day marked the opening of the an
nual drafting season for all clubs
in the National Assoc! xtion of Base
ball Clubs and as a r -suit the local
offices of Secretary John 11. Farrell
present a busy scene. The drafting
seasdn will continue for the next ten
For the first time in the history
of the association the entire drafting
of players will be carried out only
through the local offices, according
to Irey Farrell. Each day twenty
four clubs will participate in the
drafting, to-day being given over to
the A. A. Class, which includes the
new International, Pacific Coast and
American Association Leagues. Clubs
from all over the United States and
Canada, even as far north as Cal
gary, will carry on their drafting
from Auburn, and from $750 to
$3,000 has been offered for a single
player, said Secretary Farrell.
Mount Union Team Is
Winner in County Series
Mount Union, Oct. 2.—Before a
large crowd Harbison Walker, of
Mount Union, defeated Robertsdale
6 to 1, making eighteen wins for the
season, and only four defeats. They
won the county championship and,
in fact, the champions of several
counties, having defeated Port
Royal of Mifflin County League two
out of three games. In yesterday's
game there was some fine pitching,
but Howard had the edge on Bailor,
especially in pinches. Mount Union
also outhit Robersdale, getting
seven against three,,
To Meet All Crack Independ
ent Football Teams in Cen
tral Pennsylvania
The Tarsus gymnastic school foot
ball squad, after a week's absence
from the gridiron will face the
hardest test of the season this week j
when they play two games in as ]
many days.
On Saturday the team journeys I
to Millersburg to meet the Susque- j
hanna A. C. team of that place. Ac- j
cording to reports the Susquehanna |
team is a fast bunch and the Tarsus i
players will have to extend them-1
selves to win.
On Sunday the team goes to Lan-j
caster to meet the St. Joseph's j
Catholic Club eleven. Last season i
this Lancaster eleven defeated the I
locals in one of the best played ;
games seen in that city, score 3 to ]
0. Tarsus is after revenge but will)
have to play hare as St. Joseph's i
has some of the Lancaster semi-1
professionals in their lineup.
G<xxl Gaines on Schedule
On October 11 the team meets!
the Bethany A. C. at York. Other
games include Fulton A. C. at Lan
caster; Shippensburg State Norma!
School squad at Shippensburg: Co
lumbia Y. M. C. A. team at Colum
bia; the Millersburg State Normal
School team at Millersburg; Carson
Long Institute team at New Bloom
Games are pending with the
Chambersburg A. C. team for No-1
vember 22, and the JUewistown A.
C. team for November 27.
"Bill" Euker, star quarterback of
the team, will again hold down that
position after this week. "Cy" Lick
wlll probably he back in the line
up on October 11. He has been kept
out of the playing on account of
having some ligaments torn in his
ankle while playing baseball.
Several new candidates are out
for the team and will be seen in
the lineup this week. These include
"Nobe" Frank, former Central High
star; "Goose" Fields who has just
returned from France where he
played with a regimental team; also
Will Shreck who returned from
overseas. He was a member of the
Thirfl Division team while "over
there;" Joe Lutz, who is home on
a 30-day furlough from Cnmp Mer
ritt. N. J.
The following men are to report
at the gymnasium of the St. Paul's
Church at Second and Emerald
streets, rain or shine, on Friday
Fetrow, Hall, Lutz, Lane, Clark,
Holtzman, Myers, Downey, Shreck,
Fields, Frank, Lick, Goodyear,
Krebs, Hare Mutch. Harry Mutch.
Rhodes, Dickey, Hill, Gilbaugh,
Hinkle, Winchester, Long and
Don't light the furnace, then .
open the windows
Of course you must have warmth on
cool autumn days.
But that's no reason for lighting the fur
nace in the morning and then opening the
windows at noon to let the surplus heat out
A Perfection Oil Heater bridges the heat
ing gaps between summer and winter.
Its radiant heat quickly warms a room and
you can carry it to any part of the house.
OIL HEATERS (ffgffl)
It will save a full month's supply of coal w3|
during the fall and help reduce the winter's
Smokeless, odorless and absolutely safe.
You can't turn the wick too high.
Your dealer will gladly show you the Att flngSk
various models. Don't be
satisfied with any heat- jfft\jl
w'j,l.L'Zy'o ing device less efficient, * J
less convenient or less T™fi r *c r, £y °- J
low light saves the n , ; 111 T~, _ r light. On* gallon burn* for tea
economical than a Pertec- hour*. B* a t tor Ram Lamp* too.
J Co*t* no mora than ordinary
L tion Oil Heater. ko**n*. M
Philadelphia Pittsburgh
OCTOBER 2, 1919. *
Manager Frank \V. Bear, of
Allentown, on Way to Steel
ton, Meets With Mishap
Manager Joe Barrett did not have
a show at Steelton last night. It
Was not his fault, and because of
' the calling off of the big program
! Barrett is out of pocket $2OO. "Those
: who had purchased tickets found
the doors of the Olympta A. C.
' closed. They went to the place the
I tickets were purchased and received
their money back.
A sentry posted at the clubhouse I
I announced that on his way to this
i city in an auto, with several of the
| boys on the program, and others,
I Manager Frank W. Bear, of Allcn
! town, had met with an accident. A
> truck hit the Bear auto three miles
; out of Reading. Manager Bear got
i to a telephone as soon as possible
j and called Steelton telling of his ac-
I cident.
Bear Ts Criticised
Accidents will happen, but why
I Manager Bear selects an automobile
to make an important trip, after
railroad carfare had been sent to
him. is a question local fight fans
would like to have answered. It
was a big disappointment to local
supporters. Manager Barrett did
everything in his power to get the
Allentown manager to go to Read
ing and come to Harrisburg on a
j Underwear j
y") v; V underwear comfort in fall and <
j! r ?)l winter appeals to every man, j
|; • M*A whether he works in the out-'o- !
S * K"cA doors or inside at a desk.
l||l We can fill your underwear needs ]
San whether you are looking for "heav- I
ies" or lightweight goods. And j
\ 4™ you'll find our prices surprisingly ;
\ M moderate.
; I J P Cooper's
j / Black Cat
1 ' Wilson Brothers
Y_. Chalmers
Many other reliable lines from
$1.25 to $B.OO per suit.
W. C. Consylman & Co.
I'nlon-Mcirie Gochlm Our Specialty. i
1117 North Third Street
L_—— i
train. A general opinion prevails
[ that with rainy day like that of yes
| terday and roads in an uncertain
condition the Allentown promoter
I should have taken no chances and
used the money sent him for rail
road tickets.
With Manager Bear in his auto
; were Billy Logan, Young Fulton and
Jack Cleaver, who were on last
night's bill; Prince Henry and Larry
Hanson. As soon as the accident had
been verified, the tight was called
off. Manager Bear wired that he
would send the carfare back to
Manager Barrett. The latter to-day
announced that in the future his
contracts would call for the appear
ance of the boxers at the Olympia
A. C. at least eight hours before
the program starts.
Manager Barrett announced to
day that the same card with the ex
ception of the star bout, will be of
fered next Wednesday night. Hal
| Shay, the local featherweight, will
box Harry Cronic in the first bout;
Billy Atticks will box Jack Cleaver
in tfie second? and Kid Richmond,
Baltimore's best bantam, will meet
Young Fulton. The feature event
will give the local fans a chance to
see the great Baltimore tiger. Kid
Williams in action, in a ten-round
bout with Terry Brookes, of Norfolk,
Va. This card was all set by Bar
rett last night, and Williams' man
ager told Barrett that Williams,
"Little Jeff," as Richmond is known,
will be in this city next Tuesday
afternoon and he has advised Bar
rett to secure suitable quarters for
him. Barrett will get Brookes on the
long distance phone in the Naval
Base Training School of boxing,
where Brookes is instructor, and
notify him that he must be in town
some time the day before the fight.