Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Founded 1831
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Harrisburg. Fa.. October 2, 1019.
Statement of the ownership, man
agement, circulation, etc., of the Har
risburg Telegraph, required by act of ,
Congress. August 24. 1912.
Editor. E. J. Stackpole. Harrisburg.
Pa.: managing editor, Gus M. Stein
metz, Harrisburg, Pa : business man
ager, Frank R. Oyster. Harrisburg.
Pa.; publisher, The Telegraph Print
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this 2d day of October. 1919.
(Signed) H. B. MUMMA.
Notary Public.
(My commission expires March 9.
The "bravest man in one who tirrer
ttverves from the path of dutji.—
THE special committee of citizens
appointed to raise the volun
tary fund for the erection of a !
memorial to t e soldiers and sailors
of Harrisburg at the eastern ei- .
trance to the great memorial viaduct j
at State street is completing its ,
plans on the basis of twenty dollars t
for each soldier.
It is a fine thought to make the j
gifts personal in their nature so that I
each giver may feel that he lias i
contributed directly to the particular
soldier, sailor, marine or war
worker in whose name he responds
to the call of the committee.
Arnold W. Brunner, the famous
architect, who is designing the
Capitol Park plans and the Memorial
Bridge, has submitted the designs
for the Harrisburg memorial which
have been accepted by the com
mittee and which will be mosl
dignified and appropriate.
This city has done so admirably ]
in every other way that it will
take pride in completing promptly !
the memorial which will stand for
all time as the evidence ot' a city's
appreciation of the self-sacrifice and
devotion of the great body of young
men who went out as the direct rep
resentatives of our people to safe- ;
guard the rights and liberties of the ,
American people.
IT IS difficult for the average
citizen to realize the comprehen
sive character of the welfare and
.educational work which is being
■lone in Harrisburg under the gen-
K-ral direction of the Central Young
■Vfen's Christian Association. The
Activities of the association are of
Hnch a nature as to be sometimes
Bverlooked by those who are not in
touch with the program
of this useful organization.
Reports were submitted to the
directors at Uie fall session yester
day which were most gratifying, in
that they gave an account of stew
ardship which ought to lie in posses
sion of every citizen of Harrisburg
who has an interest in the practical
i and helpful upbuilding of the com
I Thousands of men who responded
fo the colors on the entrance of the
united States into the war have
been aided in many ways by the local
association and its various secre
taries, but this has been only a part
of the useful work which lias been
tase during the period of the war.
and hundreds of young men
of proper assistance have
the institution at Second and
streets a good Samaritan.
of luck" have applied for
J? .securing employment or in
into touch with the home
for relief from dire ex
~—. • and frequently help in ill
. , always there has been a
• -.1;.-®! response. Many a story
u 'L- told of the boy down, but
- who has been started on
Bfeoud with a reclaimed life.
useful citizens to-day
face toward
decent living to the
HEitlon that is now pre
paring in a constructive way for Us
winter work.
During the next few months, when
j outdoor activity will necessarily j
' to a large degree lie suspended, the .
indoor courses will include night ■
schools for the teaching of salesman- .
ship, public speaking, mechanical
drawing, bookkeeping, commercial
Spanish and English correspond
ence. In addition, there will be n
glee club under the direction of a
■competent organist and choir direc
tor. Then. too. there are the well-
I managed gymnasium courses anil the
activities of the department organ
ized for the training of hoys. Re
ligious work likewise will have the
leadership ot men who are peculiarly
qualified to conduct this important
part of the association's activities.
In short, the association bead
quarters will be the assembling place
of hundreds of men and boys dur
ing the next few months, and the
scope and purpose of the associa
tion's policy have been fully out
lined by the officers and the various
committees are prepared to take
care of all comers, whatever their
needs or desires. With the wide ex
perience of the mobilization and
demobilization period of the war. tlie
Young Men's Christian Association
of Harrisburg is splendidly equipped
for the still more important work
to be. done in the period of readjust
ment and the city is to lie'congratu
lated upon the large vision which
characterizes the preparations for ;
the winter work.
The new police station is such a j
'pleasant place it will he rflmost worth |
while to be arrested just to Vie taken
THE gathering here of l.OOt) or
more veterans of the War with j
Germany to attend the first I
annual cantonment of the American j
T.egion in Pennsylvania., is an his-j
toric occasion. In years to come !
this organization will take the place |
of the Grand Army of the Republic, j
when time shall have had its way
with the brave and venerable men <
who make up that wonderful body j
of American heroes. The formation !
of 350 posts of nearly "8.000 mem- !
hers in this State in the brief. period |
since the war ended, is, as the State !
chairman says, a wonderful prom
ise of the future strength anil popu
larity of the T.egion.
"Policies, not politics," is the key
note of the convention which will
form the laws under which the
Legion will operate, and lite young
men charged with this work have
an important and far-reaching duty |
to perform. The Legion 'must be i
safeguarded from selfish interests. I
It must be as pure in purpose as I
was the Army of which its members
were units when the Americun forces
in, France dealt Germany the death '
Mow. and judging front all indica- !
tions its future is in good and trust- j
worthy hands.
We heed in America to-day just !
such a sturdy, patriotic organization
as the American Legion promises'
to be. These young men must, as
the years go by, receive the" flag
from the failing hands of the vet- I
erans who have held it aloft so long. J
Theirs will he the duty of preserv- j
ing the form of Government and per- !
petuating the Institutions that have ;
made us a great nation. From their j
ranks will come the men who, for j
! the next half-century, will guide the
business, industrial and political af- '
fairs of the country, just as the men '
of the Grand Army were the domi
nating force in the republic for fifty
years following the Civil War. It
i j
is only natural that this should be |
so, for the men who served with
the colors are the flower of our
young American manhood and the
I qualities which carried them to vic
tory in France will win for them
j honorable places In the peaceful life
j of the country.
j All Pennsylvania doffs its hat to
j the delegates gathered here to-day.
; They are "carrying on" in peace as
I they did in the war. The future of
ithe nation is safe in the hands of
! those who risked their lives to
| save it.
vocate in Australia of the
• "one Big Union" idea,
j says that "it seems Australia will
| have lo wait a while for the realiza
j tion of the plan." and adds that "it
i: being wrecked ou the rocks of per
Mr. Ahern might have foreseen
this difficulty. . "That Is one of the
troubles bred by the idea itself," says
| the American Alliance for Igibor and
1 Democracy, commenting on Ahern's
| wail, and adds, "the other is that the
'idea is all wrong and won't work."
I That is absolutely true. The "One
I Big Union" notion is mere "dope"
I for the agitators who would cure
jail the ills of the world through the
means of the labor union. Like all I
nostrums, it is both bad to the !
taste and evil In its consequences. j
• Fortunately nobody in the United
' Statps worth considering has become
! an addict.
f stlktce- IK J
By the Ex-Committeeman
J Not only Democrats, but Repub- j
licuns who are interested •in State;
; polities, have been made to sit up
| all over Pennsylvania by remarks at
j Washington from James I. Blaks
| lee. Fourth Assistant Postmaster'
( General, one of the most versatile'
iof t lie Democratic ringmasters in
| the Keystone State. They are re
garded as indicating not only that j
I tlie genial "Jim" has been at work
j trying to get into concerted action j
I tlie flapping wings of the Democrat-,-|
jof Pennsylvania, but that some very)
| practical, hard-headed Democrats
are going to run the Pennsylvania
'machine with Mr. Hlakslee as tlie
] driver.
i Mr. Blakslee's remark that At
torney General A. Mitchell Palmer
I would be candidate for President
i and would resign from the Demo
j crntie National t'ommittee in the
' event that the President did not
j want to run again surprised no one.
j But it interested people to hear
I Blakslee say it. The authoritative
j way he spoke and his positive stute
j incut that the Democrats would stop
I lighting 'and get behind Palmer
prove up stories that something was
I under way this summer. Equally
interesting, but not so unexpected
| as his prediction of harmony among
the Democrats, was liis blunt re
mark that Vance <\ MoCorniiek had
"had enough" and would not he
made national committeeman. That |
is taken to mean that Blakslee and I
the practical hoys are going to boss j
the party in this State and that thej
former national chairman will tie an i
j advisor who will be listened to ae-
I cording to the size cf bis eontribu-J
Dion, an no; unknown situation in |
Pennsylvania Democratic affairs in I
[the last 120 years.
j Blakslee h;.s always been cons',il- j
jireil by Republican lenders ns the,
[ablest of the Democratic State lead-|
I I rs. lie was tlie brains and push of;
!tho 1911 reorganization movement
'and had much to do with making [
I tlie Pennsylvania delegation to the
llialtimore convention the keystone!
[of the Wilson movement. With 11
It'nkslee as national committeeman'
i.rbm Pennsylvania, his hand on all;
[tlie post offices and Federal places!
land his card-index brain and on-1
j bounded energy at the disposal of,
| a party organization, i; will mean j
ia strenuous time for one Judge En-I
■ gene Bonniwell and the fragment!
lof the t lid Guard.
j -—The Philadelphia Inquirer soys!
I part. \ loyalty is at slake in the j
Philadelphia mayoralty campaign >
because of the Mclaiiighlin-Clark i
party fiav. After referring to the
defeat of George 11. Earle, Jr.. for
mayor a few days ago the Inquirer |
savs: "The Vare-eontrolled city I
roganization is under suspicion be- [
cause of Hie fact that at least two)
of Hie Vare men who submitted j
their names to the Republican!
voters for nomination have permit- i
ted it lo lie proclaimed that they |
are to lie parties to a rump ticket, |
'which aims to defeat the choice of j
[the Republican voters for mayor.)
t'ongressman J. Hampton Moore.)
i Coroner William R. Knight and Re-!
I eorder of Deeds, James M. Mazlett, j
I have been announced as candidates!
of the Charter Party. If they shall;
1 permit their names to remain on the ]
! ticket to the possible disadvantage)
of the Republican nominee fori
mayor or any of his loyal jFepubli- '
can associates, they may meet with!
! opposition which will imperil their]
I re-election.
-—The North American adds this!
, interesting incident to tlie Philn- [
, delphia situation: "John R. K. j
] Scott took the trouble to tell the i
, election court that the Vares won't'
run an independent ticket. Of |
j course, nobody ever thought that j
i they woulti. But so low is the in- j
Merest In the counting of the primary
j ballots, that "Scotty's" assertion of!
!an undisputed fact was easily the!
I high light of the day's work. Seott j
: made his great renunciation byway j
]of a declaration that the Repuhii- ■
] can city committee will support the
] regular Republican nominee. This j
| statement was thrown out in thp'
course of a long argument over new j
j petitions, in an attempt to prevent ;
1 Moore attorneys from opposing |
I Scott's demands. Like several othei ]
i Vare plans, it fell on stony ground [
| and Scott will he required to show j
| cause for every new petition grant-I
| ed."
—lndependent tickets appear to;
■ be popular means of getting men to I
spend money in the chance of fish-1
j ing up something from the troubled
■ workers. In, John F.
) Smith, defeated for a mayoralty!
nomination, will run on a rump!
ticket and in Reading W. Harry
Orr. a banker, is being urged to
head a new party for the mayoralty
I honor.
—Assurance has been given that
all ballotlioxes in the city of Chester
and other precincts in Delaware
county where fraud or error is
charged and can be shown by affi
davits will be opened was given at
Media by Judge William B. Broom
all. who is presiding over the return
hoa rd.
—The Philadelphia Press com
pliments Judges Audenreid and
Ferguson for the manner in which
they have handled the election
count in Philadelphia and especial
ly their notice to stop talking of
contests and of bringing up all
sorts of excuses for delaying the
count. The Press says: "These
Judges are pioneers in executing a
new law. They have discovered
difficulties which were not contcm-
I plated in framing it. By their in
dependent decisions they have cut
several Oordian knots which threat
ened serious complications. One of
these —probably the most important
—is tlie sitting of two separate courts
each of which is presided over by
one of the Judges regularly assign
ed in conformity with the law.
Clearly it is a decision in accordance
with practical common sense and
tha public is interested.
—The count of the vote at tlie ie
cent primaries shows that in Ly
coming county there are 239 ties to
be settled by drawing lots for the
nomination. In every instance the
ties are for minor offices. • The Re
publican primaries developed
seventy-six ties, the Democratic
primary seventy-eight ties and the
, Prohibition party which cast a total
of about eighty votes in Lycoming
county, has seventy-five ties to
settle. The Socialist party has ten
. ties. Tlie Prohibitionist party made
no effort to place a ticket in the
field, deciding that it was best to
1 allow its members to take their pick
i of the candidates of the old parties.
i HE /TVLH-SOK I% \ F~WH AT I 1 V " \
\ TROOBLE \ AV4FUL MOWTOUVF \ ' J ME THAT You . ARE I' I™* 1 ™* ' - C V
—' )< T WIA P ° U H ' N CNDI , S AWB I 3HALC'HAVE )' /
C," e r, , U t ?ySt, S T^T"°T,U 6 !. ' ■—--
/ FC A 2*. SOTO— A " POOR HELPLESS -\ \\ YSC""
No Wonder Germany Quit
of the Army Recruiting station
According to the official report of
Lieutenant General Fuchs, of the
German Army on tne first phase of
the St. Mihiel attack," we started
very heavy artillery fire along; the
entire army front at 1 a. in. of
September 12th. lie was right about
its being heavy artillery fire, for our
guns fired 1,095,000 shells in four
hours. He ttien stated that al
though the reserves or the llighef
Command had not yet been made
available—in spite of several re
guests—the 31st and 123 rd Divis
ions tin reserve) were alerted at
1.30 a. m. and the 88th Division
(also reserve) at 1.50 a. in. As it
became more and more certain that
the expected large scale attack had
begun and as tne situation, there
fore, did not permit waiting for the
approval of the . Higher Command
but demanded an immediate and in
dependent decision, the 31sl and
123 rd Divisions were assembled at
two towns." There is a typical Ger
man statement. Note carefully that
a Lieutenant General commanding an
army of the Lord knows how many
divisions actually had the unadul
terated nerve and gall to assemble
two of his divisions without 'waiting
for the approval of the Higher Com
mand". and this when he was cer
tain a general attack was on. In
any army except the German the
two- division commanders would
have come mighty near being court
martialed if they had failed, instant
ly, and on their own initiative, to
assemble their divisions as soon as
the roar of the bombardment assured
them that it was a general attack
which was on. And here a Lieuten
ant General was evidently quite
ptoud of himself for having dared
to do such a thing. It is evident
that, as we have long thought, the
German Army was so dependent on
their General Staff or High Com
mand, that their failures were due
to all initiative having been utterly
squelched and destroyed. At 4.45 a.
m. they started these two divisions
forward to meet our attack, but
i their orders were to proceed to cer
tain places and stop there. At 7.15
j permission was granted to send one
regiment of the 123hd division for
! ward to a cross-roads about a mile
j south-west of the village of Preny.
j Now at that time this regiment was
about a mile and a half north of
| I'reny and my battalion was about
' three miles south-west of Preny, but
j fortunately for us they did not
! know it. The General goes on to
j state that he inquired at 3.20 a. m.
iof the troops in the trenches if
thefe was any reason for ordering
an immediate evacuation of the ad
i vunce zone and was told there was
I nc compelling reason at that time,
i That statement was quite correct as
I our attack did not start until 5 a.
i m. and after the attack started the
] troops in the trenches couldn't have
j withdrawn if they had wanted to,
jwe were coming on so fast. After
I that 3.20 a. m. conversation our
I friend Fuchs could get no further
i information until an observer re
ported at 9.25 that he could see a
'rearward' movement south of Thiau
court. This 'rearward movement
was actually the forward movement
of our 2nd division. At 10.15 a. m.
it was reported that we had broken
through the 77th Division and ap
peared to have taken Vieville"—in
asmuch as it could not be communl
! cnted with by telephone." Again our
friend Fuchs' assumptions were cor-
I I eel, IhuUgil latin. 1..1C, for I sent
a message dated "7.10 a. in. north
| wall of north house, Vieville" sta
! ting that we had taken the town.
I The reason I was on the north side
j of the house was that our own bar
! rage was still hitting the roofs of
I the houses and that was the safest
place I could find. And the reason
they could not get Vieville by phone
was that there was a V'ank Tele
phone operator at the switch-board
who could not speak German. I
tried, myself, to get the German op
erator at the other end of the wire
wherever that was. to tell me some
thing. but he was so excited he
couldn't talk coherently and I left
him to the lender mercies of one of
my men. At 9.45 a. in. the 31st and
123 rd Divisions were ordered to
counter-attack south of Thiai/court
and in the direction of Vieville. But
here is the Joke; the 31st never did
attack and the 12" d not until 5.00
p. m. the following day. Meantime,
General Fuchs reported at 10.50 a.
m. that "the enemy Is southeast of
Thiaucourt and at Tautecourt Farm.
The 77th Division appears to be an
nihilated. No information concern
ing the counter-attack of the 31st
and 123 rd Divisions." AH of his in
formation was correct, except that
we reached Tautecourt Farm at
9.00 a. m. and at once started dig
- ging in as we were on our Army ob
jective. And well knew that the
77th was annihilated, as we took the
An Empress of Sorrows
Comes Home to Die
Evading the Red Fnry of the Bolsheviki, the Slain Czar's Mother
Returns to Denmark to End Her Days With Her Royal Relntlves.
LAST month the dowager empress
of Russia, Marie Feodorovna,
widow of Czar Alexander 111,
and mother of the unfortunate Czar
Nicholas 11, arrived in Copenhagen
accompanied by her brother. Prince
Valdemar of Denmark. Her nephew
King Christian X of Denmark,
the queen and other members of
the Danish royal family, were wait
ing for her, and scarcely had her
boat anchored when they rushed on
board and embraced her. It was a
touching greeting between a fugitive
who had escaped death by miracle,
and relatives who for a long time
feared she had perished. Instead of
sharing the fate of her imperial son,
she had been sent to the Grand Duke
.Nicholas's estate in Crimea by the
revolutionists, whence she was al
lowed to sail for Denmark some
weeks ago byway of Constantinopel,
Malta and England. Henceforth
Denmark will be her home.
And thus the royal refugee re
turned to her old home, whence her
father, the venerable Christian IX,
who gave a sovereign to nearly every
throne in Europe, long since was
callfed by death. She returns again
to the peaceful shores where seventy
two years ago she first saw the
light, but through what errors and
miseries she has passed in her pil
[grimage! What memories .will fill
j her mind in her last years!
In 1866 she left her father's court
last two of them just before nine
o'clock. .Up to this time his reports
had been hurried but truthful. To
morrow I will summarize his later
reports in which he began to tell
naughty lies in order to camouflage
his losses.
Waning Moon
The dawn is down behind the shore.
Four stars of gold against blue
And in their midst the waning moon
That once so proudly rode on
The silent trees are breathing soft
Susurrus to the river's breast;
The world still sleeps amid the croft
Of dreams that fall on eyes of rest.
A gallant ship with mist-damp sails
Makes up the stream with melons
High on her decks; the old night
The dawn still hesitates, beguiled.
In mystic glory all her own
The dear moon drifts in that great
That has more space than all the
Can ever sail, however free.
The gnomes have turned their lan
terns down,
The fairy dancers fold their |
Far off the murmur of the town,
Near by a comic night bird sings,
One soft red finger of the morn
Lifts o'er the tide —the four stars
The moon seems weary, tired and
worn, •
Like men's hearts, heavy with old
' —B. H., In the Baltimore Sun.
V. W. at Vladivostok
[From the Ohio State Journal.]
Gasoline at $1.50 a gallon, Chinese
servants who speak only a "queer
sort of Russian," and streets utter
ly without regulations are among
things which Miss Mildred Corbett,
Adams, Mich., discovered in her first
I four days with the American Y. W.
[ C. A. at Vladivostok.
! The Y. W. succeeded in requisi
j tioning a Russian barracks at the
American base camp in Vladivos
tok, Miss Corbett writes, which they
have made over into a hostess house.
With this as center they are arrang
ing all sorts of activities to add in
terest to the hours when soldiers,
sailors and Red Cross workers, quar
tered in the city, are oft duty.
Recreation work has also been
begun among Russian women and
girls living in the city, and a big
I recreation program has been com
menced for Red Cross nurses at
I militarv hospitals, similar to that
jin the Y. W. C. A. nurses' huts in
I France during the war such as ar
| ranging picnics, teas, swimming
| parties, hikes, •$.
in Copenhagen to become the bride
at St. Petersburg of the Grand Duke
Alexander Alevandrovitch, heir to
the throne of all the Russias. What
ecstasy! What epithalames! Even
the poets of France lent their
in praise of Princess Dagmar, a bru
nette with sparkling black eyes.
Rater I" saw her with her daughter
in-law, the Empress Alexander Feo
dorovna, with the pure, sweet face of
a Raphael Madonna, riding in an
open carriage behind eight splendid
horses on her way to the service at
Krasnoye Selo, in honor of Presi
dent Faure, of France. And still
again one snowy day, returning to
her children at the winter from
a visit to her own Palace Marie, I
saw her flJlsh through the deep snow
of the Neusky Prospect, her sleigh
whirled along by three marvelous,
plunging stallions, from the crup
pers of which floated 4 curtain of
blue silk to keep the snow, pulver
ized by their glittering hoofs, from
flying into the imperial sleigh—
vanished splendors, distinct, for
To-day, after having known trag
edy and distress, this aged Niobe, the
snow of years and sorrow powdering
her jet hair, her face grave and
shriveled, forever sad and inconsol
able, all her children dead, seeks
quiet on the shores of her beloved
Baltic in a modest little chateau,
where, in the days of her childhood,
she loved to play.
Living in a Bathtub
[From Answers, London!
A fortnight in a bath! Night and
day, sleeping and waking. Most
people think five minutes a long
time, or, in the sea, ten or fifteen
In England there are about twen
ty baths fitted up so that they can
be really lived in, and quite com
fortable the*patients find them. The
flow of water into the bath and the
waste are regulated so that the tem
perature remains the saine at all
times. The patient rests on a sort
of hammock hanging under water,
and, with the exception of head and
arms, is entirely immersed. A com
fortable pillow is provided for the
head, and a board across the bath
forms a table for the tray for meals
or on which to rest a book while
reading, rather similar to what Is
used for patients in an ordinary bed.
The entire bath is covered over
with a quilt, so that to outward ap
pearances the bath might be Just a
bed .and nothing more.
Sometimes the water is ordinary
tapwater, and others it has various
things added to it. so that the pa
tient is Immersed in a special solu
tion. It depends on what treatment
is required as to what the doctor
adds to the water.
The water treatment has been
found most successful in the treat
ment of severe cases of burning,
and it was used abroad long before
the war. Some patients need to re
main in the bath only two or three
days, while others have to remain
as many weeks.
"Liberty" Is Registered
TFrom Popular Mechanics]
For the first time in its history
the government of the United States
has registered a trademark under its
own patent office laws. The word
so distinguished is the familiar
"Liberty" applied to airplane en
gines and parts. In connection with
this unusual action it will be re
called that the engine was known
as the "United States Standard Air
craft Engine" back in the experi
mental days of 1917.
Workers in the bureau of aircraft
production, then the equipment di
vision of the signal corps, were hu
man. however, and so cast about for
a nickname. "Liberty" was hap
pily the word suggested, and adopt
ed by general consent. But the name
was later applied to a dozen differ
ent articles, Including soft drinks
and hamburger steaks, as well as
commercial airplane commodities,
with the result that the government
has been forced to take this action
to prevent confusion.
His Little Joke
The kaiser said, as up he sawed
His 'leven thousandth tree,
"Dey gannot call me guilty of
Dot lazy majes-tee!"
Tennyson J. Daft.
[From the Kansas City Times.]
What a wonderful career is that
recalled by the death of Mme. Ade
lina Patti! For a full quarter of a
century this brilliant singer was the
brightest of operatic stars. Her
rounded successes were not numer
ous for she achieved them in com
paratively few roles; but her con
quest was sweeping. She sang in
nearly every musical center of the
world. She mastered more than
forty operas. She sang in four lan
guages. No other singer of her time
—and perhaps no singer of any time
—received such homage and adula
tion. And by exercising the most
exacting care of her voice and of
herself, Patti retained her power
and her beauty far beyond the aver
age time of retirement from the
The sway of Adeline Patti was not
due entirely to her natural gifts and
acquired art; she was favored by
circumstances and conditions. There
have been other "queens of opera,"
but Patti's reign was longer by far
than that of any other singer. If
she had been born a quarter of a
century later her position would
have been less secure and her su
premacy of shorter duration.
Patti's voice was precisely suited
to the operas that had leading vo
gue in the long period of her great
ness. Her voice was light, measured
by current standards, but it was
most beautiful in quality and so
flexible as to respond fully to the
requirements of the florid Italian
and French operas of a period pre
ceding the advent of this singer.
Also, the public of Patti's time
was more sentimental, more emo
tional than that of later years, and
it was especially susceptible to this
artist's charming personality and
gracious manner. No other favorite
of the stage knew better how to
win an audience. But no one can
say that Patti was not fully entitled
to the popularity she achieved and
the crown she won.
Patti's successor undoubtedly was
Mme. Melba? who remained supreme
among lyric sopranos for a shorter
period, but against much more try
ing odds than Patti encountered. For
Melba was obliged to meet not only
the exacting standards in the florid
style, but also had to adapt herself
to the requirements of the music
drama and its modifications, as rep
resented in the most modern opera.
And because of the radical change
from old standards to the interpre
tative school of opera, requiring
casts of great singers, not merely
great individual stars, it is doubt
ful whether any singer will soon
achieve the supremacy of Mme.
Patti, much less hold a reigning po
sition for so many years.
Barbarism of Mobs
[From Kansas City Star.]
A mob is a strange and sinister
thing. Its members may be oidi
narily decent citizens. But under
the influence of the mob spirit they
lose all self-control and the basest
passions get the upper hand. So
different is* the conduct of the
crowd from the normal conduct of
the individuals composing it that it
has been made the subject of nu
merous studies by psychologists.
The United States has had sevetal
object lessons recently in mob be
havior. The rioting in Washington,
Chicago and Boston, and now this
latest outbreak in Omaha, are ex
ceedingly disquieting. They show
the danger of a relapse into bar
barism that exists in every com
In the long run education and dis
cipline must be the correctives. But
in the meantime the country must
look to its constituted authorities to
maintain order with a firm hand.
The mob spirit must be curbed be
fore it sweeps over whole cities.
Waters of Jordan Pile Up
And it came to pass, when the
people removed from their tents, to
pass over Jordan, and the priests
bearing the ark of the covenant be
fore the people, that the waters
which came down from above, stood
and rose up upon an heap, and the
people passed over right against
Jericho. —Joshua 111, 14 to 16.
To Ship Oil to Germany
[From the Brooklyn Eagle]
The Standard Oil Company of
New Jersey soon will resume busi
ness with Germany. The first fleet
of tank steamers from Germany
since 1914 is expected to arrive
within a short time to take back
a diversified cargo of petroleum
; ?Et*Mttng €Jjat i
Just as soon as the hundreds >1
books which the trustees of the Hur
risburg Public Library have secuicd
Harrisburg, preparations 101
immediate establishment of twenty*
one branch libraries fn the pub.n
schools of the city will be mui.-i,
This is the information which setius
to be desired by 999 school children
In Harrisburg Just now. It is of
more importance than the world s
series or whether there will be a
chestnut crop. That is. at leant,
from the tenor of the inquiries tli.il
are being made over the telephone
at the library. The boys and girls
want the libraries opened, especially
the eleven new ones which liii.e
been arranged, and they are keep..ig
right on the job with inquiries, t
fortunately, book shipments are . >c
rapid these days and cannot alwa r
be depended upon to arrive just . t
the right time. The library is a. -
ranging for its story hours, and Sat
urday the new student class will
meet for the first time. inciden
tally, during September, of
books circulated there were 1,4 <i
taken out by school children, who
formed a large portion of the read
ers at the institution. The library
is hitting a pretty lively gait >ii
work for school children these days.
That the Penn-Harris is making
a reputation for itself far and above
anything that Harrisburg ever
dreamed of was demonstrated the
other day when a well-known Ore
gon gentleman stepped into tr.o
manager's otfice, where Assistant
Manager Worthington was giviiuf
dictation. "Pardon me I'or inter
rupting you," he said, "but I'm just
starting off on another leg of my
motor trip this morning and t
wanted to say something to you be
fore I left. I've covered more than
8,000 miles to date on this trip and
stayed at some of the best known
hotels in this country, but never
have I received such uniform cour
tesy, perfect service, and interested
attention as I have in your hotel.
I want to thank you for it, and the
next time I come this way I shall
make it a point to stop off at Har
risburg and spend a night at the
There were many amusing ineW
dents during the feeding of the sol
diers the other evening. Sitting at
one of the tables were two old Civil
War veterans, bent and tired, but
entirely ready to go after the food.
Having demolished half a chicken,
several spuds, a small mountain of
peas, and numerous other things,
one of the old-timers looked at the
other ena and said, '*ll tell ye,
comrad, if they'd give us this here
sort a food in the Army of the Po
tomac, we'd a been settin' thar yet."
And his busy comrade nodded his
head in agreement. Another inci
dent of the feeding was the appear
ance of the "movie" man with his
busy camera. Several "huskies" were
going to the food with all the "pep"
in the world, when the clicking of
a machine was heard and they
looked up to see the camera stand
ing at their table, the crank grind
ing out some very moving pictures
of full faces. They were unable to
talk, but expressed their pleastire
by waving hands, forks, and any
other implements of war-fare which
came into their grasps. The Civil
War veterans came in for their
share of movie attention, too. The
machine was set at th'e head of one
table where an old fellow was work
ing away, entirely oblivious to his
surroundings, and when the veteran
started that precarious feat of bal
ancing sixteen peas on a knife, pre
paratory to sliding them down, the
"movie" machine clicked and it was
all registered to show the public the
latter part of this week.
Fish baskets have been established
at frequent • intervals along the
course of the Juniata River, under
recent legislation. For years these
contrivances were prohibited as a
menace to the fish with which tho
Juniata River had been stocked by
the State. Those who are familiar
with the old days along this parti
cular river will recall the quantities
of eels captured in fish baskets and
It is reported from Lewistown that
tons of eels will be put on the mar
ket this fall at 30 cents a pound, in
former days they were
and salted away in barrels for win
ter use. Old fishermen have not
forgotten how on every slight rise
of the river the big eels would drcp
all over the falls of the fish basket
and be scooped into bags for trans
fer to the pickling station of the
groups of individuals who gave
most of their time to eel fishing in
the autuipn.
Her.man L. Collins, writing in the
Philadelphia Press has this to say
about a man well known here:
"Not very long after J. Hampton
Moore ceased to be a reporter on
the "Ledger," John Keim Stauffer
became a reporter on "The Press."
Everybody in this town knows
what happened to Congressman
Moore last week in the way of being
nominated for Mayor. Reading Re
publicans did as much for Council
man Stauffer in nominating him for
Mayor of Pennsylvania's fourth lar
gest city. As a town. Reading with
its more than 100,000 population, is
a hummer and if Mr. Stauffer be
comes Mayor he will in the words
of the poet be a humdinger. Like
his brother. Randolph, whp Is son
in-law of President A. T. Dice, of
the Reading. John Stauffer is a grad
uate of Yale.'
Major W. C. Farabee the eth
nological expert of the Peace
mission, has resumed his work at
the University of Pennsylvania.
Herbert DuPuy, the steel man
ufacturer, is retiring from c '; a
connection with big companies lo
calise of health.
George Wharton Pepper sa\s
that he will not bother to answer
back in the Sabbath play contro
versy at Philadelphia.
—Charles Rhoads, former gov
ernor of the Reserve bank, who haw
been in France in welfare work. Mill
return to Philadelphia this wek
—Warden R. J. McKenty says that
some one is lying about the Eastern
Penitentiary conditions.
—Frank B. McClaln, former lie' -
tenant governor, says that thiss
Lancaster's big week. It is
—That Harrlsburg is export
ing hosiery to South America?
—ln old days there used to l>3
musters of the Harrlsburg military
companies in October in Market