Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 02, 1919, Image 1

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    Kir 1 of the WgrVms With Mis Party Is Given Rousing Welcome Ship flocks at New York
I XXXV 111 Ml I* I > • HARRISBt'RG. PA. THVRSIVVY KVEXINV.. IK.TOBKR 2. 1919. "M IliWI i lIIIW ill HfJlf
Heftiittiinn Manil Orrlmr* 11>
Will Not Mrr| Any Hrptr*
urnlnlivr nf l.nlwr
IMSn il Wil l. loi I n\\
AIG |2' >1 l.'nil r tf Hrtilicitl
I Irim nt in Strike Hi nlv
In (iivr Tmliiminy
W •*' 1 t
•'feftrtf*** nf iintnn tntftnm ih*f fH
I* H iimn) fntfi|ftrtn lo f
|**r *of th# itttlfiftHllfiE nf 1 1* tin" i
n# f f Htm> ft to *♦#% tv fStiw ti M
iUr> ♦ hutrvmitt *f tin nrfwrftlmi
tKmrR, v Hto hf ? #mt#4 Ml ••#*
Utimi *tf *#f*eit • 'wmtnltt#*
Hi*, th* ••> I •trill#
I Mf* I 1% tt .1I
tlliiiHi Y. I'tmiff, nf
ft *4 lll'' *llf-ff#*l I••**)#? ff 111* I Hfll
m\ *Hmrfit ii h irtHlii *t in
%% utiivtffnn nr*i*kM t* IMHWi Mr
Hftft ftn tlir ** tt*o** *%itr*t
fftfftffHnff, trhn t*#4 t##l
♦i f h(n|inrt thl* , itwMi '1
liv tM hfNirl ?*' nsliM t'HnifWM
\t M ami 14 tli# trlttir Th#
Vtlitfvi* * • in ifinn
' |n,t inn think fnr iKfifin nrp rr
I • ••It
"Yrs, l*nl if Wr H4 |ifto*ti tlif
• ■* a mthitnnttiil ihhhMi r*f t ! •
M*4 nf f er urn#* f h<. nrr
insf tci * InlrArr nn4 hn Y !♦ Ifn
*r# Mi|it •!*• l#tMt#w4*tt nf •**#!
*|ff* r *hru)4n t kvr et*it*<o\. '
*. rmt*r Vh*
> #4* Htkrfl If It * Mfi |tfkWf**hl* I#f r(
II w*. r to ir# lbt* whmmM .
tto*tftg fni<-itiAft. ant Mr *lry r#
t*|j*4 li ttw orfillrt, ii44i*® "At
H tlfVt# *** M * r vvnftlm A H ••
** Ir* w# tifllrin| tlrlmtl In ft
on tit r* #v#t if It trmtM #vr •*#* •
(( (•ulliiuril on IHrf** •• 1
Strrlton Official Say*
Men Arc Returning to
Work in Greater Number*.
AN hi I# tb# MrUtrf Ml ;
iMf mi* ho|litir 11 • •
■ 111 l I* if til# ti. til. * • " • •
i-laril ffei UrrH niitr m#9t •r. r turti
•at T ti wrk rlath Th fothwlm
# it*itAt war mftffr li*4a| l%
I '(auk A I4fftlin. Jr . r*-#i
Tlw §i.tt in i til in tti ic !# t
hnrmal No t*-|Mi tin* nt m vntlt
•* I lit tt tin NII t Hirat M • It' t
• t V r art #l*l* to • t tit
I lie |>rM4 t 4#tott4#4 *f Of Mt
I'M wni time %V# it *ln t|i. no i
•*n t til* n # tit Hi# fiiton I t
twk ttie tmire** Huftaw brtnr II
At iftrtii* biMO|artrrf fea met
ifif antti Ihta miriiiif Tin tin
• ht art mil tillrfl m ittltf t'iki #?<■'
rtflflfrttl aM H#n l#f* I
k##i on tii|#rf#t • n Willi ll*# n-I
*hi< wait It Wwlk At #v#i s # . t.
nffit era §rt fan ftutf aiot #i*iho * <
•but no ttrlivmii* n In •#! Into
onlrtat art)
Bethlehem Officials Are
Claiminf Improvement,
With 10 Per Cent Ou!
h v ,4 it* t*d ''"lT*.
lUililt'lHiM 1'... { ttrmturi
lni|>rav*WMil IN lit* lin Malta n Ha*
*' H ** I 1.. ~ ~ 1.1 I . .1., \ I>> t> It ■ .
ttf I It* ||Mltlt ltd Mill llt Ml 1..<
l> "• • I I.ill It'll | 11l |>| 11. |l
•"I I Mll ll Hi t llllt OWt Til. I (it.
•durad H.ttl im .rral litiiMlrtl Itttil i
twntad lu a tic It laatarday a ltd |i..
Iti.-it t t'k|M <if>l It. .(at A aloli
Hit t It. iht .in. |... in uald Ilia", al
•it I tu*Mt ttf .til Hit ilulilu lit I It,,
Mini i.llitr . nit-* ■ tmtrkiMi ui
|>r<italt> full ta|>at>M.
•*nk laadrra tnttk. di
I I I•|> | MMftl I < . 1,. i I. . Tilt I
• Untl tlipii tank* arc ataadiil rr
tun,* tt'.ttlttt i t-Mtt til. attd lltttl a
i...mi |fM) |wf NMtt ttf t|m aii
lltaa in ttul
N ittfi v la lit rakta lad a Mat
ti..'ilattiiia t lawiiM la Ha mh.
lit- titan an ft..luuU, u.t, dial l it
' ttit d la i'lta 11 la Ida itllNNlt*-ti
| r 1 It# ally. II aaa aiiii..nia p'l la.
la) |*t' Mr* I lattrar l .tl.-, uf tin
< .'itmiHlat ul. i'k*t af lltt K.
) uttal *.it Aid. ulttalt bud
liuna* of Ilia i"inlliig uf lit* titan
I'.tl* flit, t Haiti* lltat.l|*lMMi Nf
lit* fill bruulHMt lualuitad
( MlttiMt(| iaM. ama lit, 11 itfltblirf
ll.ui|.'lMl llii I'ulitillil. l|ua|ilial
Ilia li|a|ii ia.'' Vail 'ii|t bum
i A— ui'lallnli i 'lilldtati'a Induatital
Mwitta, M.l.uit lima in i ftmiiiaii
| a*-, Muiaua' iluttti MfM.ii air
I a Inula Ihi llimm Itti (|ta
I I* > -HOlaaa, Umaiai. linttta and
I uli . ra
H..rH*Nnt* H d tl. lll, f aaat
Had aaa ....ran* tlila ali**uuu
td a'alil * rlda* lair aad
tt a* an i
I I'ia.iatltaata far....
■ altta a.d Marat* * mhillHi
I rtda, lal* aad murau • mu
• *aii raattuaat *a aaa 11 wtada
Hltaai Tit, tuMtu.Uuu.... altar aad
all ••* t'laaadM-r MII trrbubl'
I'taata lwllaanr* I al Ma* ul
■ Naa B B la. l ta tadt- aiad la*
lltiriaUm* inda* awaia*
*ll w
Hi Sh^S*yn*fM.
As long as the Mountain Is Willing to Come to Mohammed
: I.' .. 7 i, .<
} t a\ W\ r *- *•#& u
, , A/W'! /- S A'VJ
!■ , f , VA KjC - * * i^v.i
Bl v-\ *
>w ■* . s-,7 ~J* ,> v -• v .
i >' C't - <3J :
IVC N* ,> -, Vy. 7? v
% t> --L
mi i m min vnn miwmimi t>> ,h im mr wthatw
. -————
/ \ f\ *tmtr* mtJ
, y. yA33
I / f W CT
' *N A£S/Vl>
'" >"T
Twiiity Mlifji-O Instigator*
\mnlfi! at M< Ati..,
Aft< r Nih' Art* killfd
It, lutm. . <. • J TV ar-'
rtmt tHir ft > funic Hi ICtetfff Hf i.nf
t hm*4 f'tt' Ti ihi|, m< nmfaewA
I ilavi -iiitt Mminrli. mmrvbut
• rd lift t< ft- •>!, f thf- HM.rtwli
■ •unlit Mtoui I.* • .iM.r ikuya Itn
"frt Iff tM I 1 lliri vhlb mm o'ri
ktlU-ft, Ufa HfiHiiiitwi and a* an
known Kt> oaia anted and
TUa Her raff af fu Hi jr.-r i . laalif
aal tha Matuta ia iaa Ix-iM-wad l<>
Ba. raatfti <1 arrrut dial sf 11m
auuitf* of liuultU Tha i<naMMMH
•ft l.rui.rl i hear and (alarm) imtln
kaavj auad
* ,, M • * all-day ftarta tramdu
in Hm ir-u of Klalat, htWari.
wM(a |ww- mm and naBMNMH
1., arua* aa .■ arMk >iu ranr*
'iftaa. t*# aoaiut l■o #. , lt , okiu
man and - • t noaraaa kMmd and
t Ir. Buiiilm i of alum and
. . , a out. .in. k. , j •
Hurl ~. . I mml- 11..*
' > ..• ■! out) *itk ttia
• •Ml.llia dart it. •* aittt iwat•••* nam
" Imitnd bai.ilifd in tha nam iiraha. |
| nun.,ti.si hi, fnu, a t
lmprovrnnt bond* For
$57.31(1 Are Redeemed;
Propertv Owners P*y Tat
*M> I.iailir Iff)
|ti iiMioutitiKf (n
♦ii ii nud iw
Uit'iiMud at tin ••!.. of fit} Trior
aior C K Vftai Toiai | irf
f .mo* ia*' a> Mil. iii ua m- t
fli'infii ion af llm- l.uud* ahti.uiflad ha
li4,,as it aanndwa art ns.M.
Uulumr tamaiM i 1 IMI.I'M 42 tei
ulMi Bi'd'Bi'..| t idaaaasds.
imma im i. im ~ad>
•■' |.ii.iioii> aaiH-a I'uki iii..i, i jt>
auiiunt tux <fii aiMiiitai ii 4
• iiM.i.iiiiiia i. i 1.1, i 4
)•.!• iiu |i ....a ..mi to ,i„j M | HI
t l.li llttt
Mitrket Street Store It
Bwfiamed L>urinf Ni d
UtMM fn uy in* ........ ~
.'l.t'trtdam aim eiwrtMW *•>.•. o t*
11, lu of ii pi" <>x 11111.1.' i 4 r.
iu-n front ii# Wwitii aim ft a
apartwa 0... Man ;i jg M ~1
at raw iaa< 'i| in .uri> Hi* U.i i
" In ndditu.i. ulm.U' (4a ii ii,! •
I llttull.. l. Ihr IMor4M-ul.il, it
ir.. iim <s l. Im .i ,f a (mm ,i 1t( , , „
•it 1w I.tillfllli. Ti, kun .nr., 4
('a <-1 • I fun 4„ utu' i . Mlui-4 ltd 1
T •
11u4rr4 IVf Grtrtrr"" I luring
War <-<nlinui> Witfi Sul
<-riftKai Kr W<ttMrial
Thit "Utt Shot"
Wort Horn.
All ourtng tle mm 1 hwf! * **r
I v*r fWr haiunnr in mis evttMHm.' ; !
Wild tIIMKI in •• I "V*Bl !•-! •
< iimmi'm rmmii ffit* mwmnr
"Tt( Hnwv flog M the**
"I m hM* fo-da* Ie mi*! msudt
of lima Mh<* HI • IS* Mil. bo
that mncdl of tin IVee* l*>v* reprr
nmMmi uti thai mri 'm Ibid m*tn l
irr(l 4s> w • Mb nptmiif t, Dm ,
Hlv * mi iiiwial
"I Was a litiitilimi larwinw .
during IH* wa' I'm, mill Ttuti
itrw< pat iiMi i Mm> Add tf>
m| IM nMK "
It w rnnlM *> ll rwimttiw
in limiip of Hh ramimwii ttmrari
BdMcti fund* art tt In mind far It*
iwMiHHiiia mf ll* rHi Miami*
i and alli*' mmmiarm 1. m ttw Mill
1 and of ll* nm M>u air**' leidg
I lII* murHiac that during ||* w
day* 1 Im'h ***** tiuMli'id* of otik*
fl*e Avium Hiiwudieui tv* <a*s one
Ikiiik* mormm. mbope mid oiouatru.
Mom* a* moil to limmhm. mm
liNiud of 11 mn Ami:* and 'lm' Uw)
i t *!M*l!t •-<!
Tin eusgwatior * no* nn(H th*i
Ilium mil* n*m mrni* Ana* during
f< 'MilnuuO a* l'r M ]
iml I MIA *
Willi**. li. |**tt of ' omit iiill
in tin llnrrmiiu'i Muafttt* * rt*
* pruVaW fr*i'iu* of tin nd; i.
Htii* *a* nijui*e m int * Mm I*l
on Mn O'lilVP* wa O'ortttom *iiuu*
tin Ar*i| Kuril* In|ui *3 >ii *
fuMilnrliiod 1
Hi-Ur Ma£*r(< Gon Furaard u> labrru Hilton; bayHH
ftn N SdM Ntom. Patter Ifaa 1 ILfcr Iktari
A laalinr 'o*o*d of tin *•*- **m
m*ui* of tiiaa "atr MC uotmtr utayaf
Ml tiaa oa oil V* auaoa tli-uurl
uTTatamafiaoni* poo tmf roairJafW
M" rvtm Mama**, aaotam aoc Mali
ami"' f Mn !!"■" Tl muta*
WV* ll* :Mt, tPi'MMao luda **-
furnofl. 'liruucl, ■ Maca-i a lon.
HMTli' a ii.titini fArOun |anlH*'ii4il"-
r* uirfrl ttn of tola mnra* ami. to
MaataAa' MM. oi laiu ad tkr >a ta
IWoma* aiMaMM oiaa amtoMMAr
areuoroofc m Mm (Urn. fori of mam
Mi'<mfinlitia Crashcm Inki
OiGTO f T*taK Can
\-ar Piulndf Iphia
Ibr dmimM fW
Hidil'M"* '** 5 —TV Mnim
IHiltta* tapiw* mm IV IVriwilntii*
H*ll*m*d *rl: *+ Wi '' i ,****• *o
l*rd*i it.imint f \'* Tori mm
Amrtiallf m-fmrAtod niwumr Milam
• of 111 ll* d-trill, till* ITII.T t
A oaiMMHiod Aroirfd tnua of iM
<*> #**A*d am* • Mhmra
and tti* r" '*■** rrm
l"W tiicTi I* t*a* ttiui tor* mii*-
Ul* TV* aU'-nm rmdml taf* At.
lUw of* tllli: Ml Ihrr* * *
'* TV imiritH nut m* ttw *nl
l* law to *** Immn. AIV* *rn
!•' :tr fV V*li* V and hi* An mi no
)mn|nl Hoi urn liurt
%* rm-a*e* ■**
Tin amain* tacCM '• and l**r
almtwn of Cbp M*ffO|odttam mmmw
tMoa-a B tn tame* Tb dtnuic
i ■■am*' < o* rami m j
*1 i* llllMll fillip
* wiiaiia* * I** Car * *> ..*... ;
f I**" M rti.om.-iia,. ****• ui*
of tm* oooual moaua of if* rat*-*
<"iOM**., of -.*
" t p Dborr*. *i* •* ,i pi fbr
m''*u*m *' ja oaaaaip K'Oa; aa**f
o-faai I* iaUM
Il, "
Tin I t.og Ik iiM • *nm
o#a • <Ol Mr nf r
■ nuiH , Inn->tu am M r* |Q tip
'—***" am* a>' • ,**• am waalu ,<lt
In- a**u*m If tin a* iOua oooa-i
tun* tt*i' *uit u Mpmi r*a
■**' Olmrc nwo Ml ll* I
'•d h* fiM ImmA to (A* Bumim*
of -IBIUIO' * ftma t*. <| **a
n ad tin iouan> Tin *uaa*
•**** ami ad n ' liut.taa *orti**.-
natitm to • ' *•!'■, *I.. a,|*m *
am. <1WII Oa waiaa noi a a* pi,
paiioti' awt I* Mn pf.ioa*
f*m tam tarn nuuttt M
or MafWMarr* wiMi ax -lm >t/
Wain IMn —n
1 !>(•*' ifir ■ wkxnc ✓ ke ***-
f h oMMM M
* M- Mil"** r • <* 4 M j*-
■t* 1 I uua'W Tjtwr r
i— t *><• mux <to rif ffirii
u <w4aia IXMxrf -*r w
WMwm. < u Mf. <MK| j £
I '
T>l*cnns Session llrki in llu
hiMnul Mnrl AuOilor
ium This Aflrrntmin
l*ncr \rrangrtl Fr Yisilmp
IMrpaln on Km ning
IVopr.f ni
iV Antoitra* lafm* of IV rial* |V
Mir *) i*4a< ill 111* i-oovam -
%\g of 111* initial aaoanam Ihia aTlor
nam* at t Wl t* iVl r*rl
IMilona* linn I 1 I*f Jalaftlv
•**maliaf Ha* 31* ftal' pma of
IV laroß. raimrtaul at |V rollcall
AH lh tnaarptng <Wo*ti*a. a rtr*
arro I*a and I*wl!mc al lII* i*tin
Harm tiar Vad*ailH> •! '.ha
IaaMMHOI hai* lata rdabliali*l
Tin amttr* am 11' lie *■ H**m *r
i* ifiaavoimai i !*aVou*la. uoutn*
ad Madmoa. apd vaVtalKW aaf railrwad
naliVtiiMi TV WiH Kin all**
"oaimiiii* an a t at Id a'rto'k I* a
lafi'l anaoiim a* aW't !• fa am Ik'
tnaal plan* nd natmail tin pradrani
I* IV iHNMtmI TV* lomtnlll**
paiw*ale*d IV* lalVvinf tamtalivi
p*xi*T*a* a*f proendur*
I .ami V Km*
In ia of in* lan tliat tofinf
aril ka Vt l'<U IV* Varna of lot**
B ill V IV* amradtad miV rahip aaf
<ai KNM It la toll advtamVl*. tVa r*-
for*., that nuniUmhir on rmmiinH'
ia** should V* la* til total and morord
wf to popolataam tatVrr than
l ot-dins l I 'and no mlofoh.lv Ihu*
wrariaf IV* an anr • tot aa a An"
at* and Haaa aaf Rapaooanialt***
trreidiaclv. It ta papond that IVf
iwnf! tMnr( lImH shall
I*r tW ttfTitorul unit *M that alt
| aiwn4 <a !'£' I* ]
NmrUfil Called as
Wilson's Condition Is
Reported "Not Good"
Vahaiftia '*l 2 -!*•**■ a
rtatt) rod aW * m*. Pra4rat
Vihta was m< m tl thta ■omin*
•H Rw Ate'tl Oftrwi. hta per
ma' (at cwlled la eon
wluun Dr. F, X. De-rcvun. a
wiwirW of Ttnlndsdphva-
Adwceai Ontww laaui 4 lb fol- ;
lamtit laMtn at II a at :
Tin Pn almt hat a fairly root
mpii hut hta oontMiar. to not at ail ?
coot thW anat am "
Tt> on ft iny w of tha nrn * at-' -
otalal not 4014>4 npoo h) Dr.
ri ny iinni y a i tin* ant Itr Darrtim
—sjw-eled at tha W 1 t* Honor to
i*< .
Tbo piaiuitoufo rotolitlon to not
I iitiaiio mi almaoiar M van explain -
#4 at tha TFbtte Mooa nnt tha
4onaon ha ontl hi (tr. la* rum ora
inn II i aa a tomnttonarr mi-noorr
ant i relieve tha p. oaaura on lIT
rimy oon oho haa loon a ith tha
Pi iaii lit a. I moon i unllmiaaoiy aiu*
ha araa tahaoi M a wwk api white
ooa a tmaakthir tour
Imi na ty Rntlw
Tha pio aiOoait n ionrnM aa
am ■ wall noilno lor lanynoii Ib
omß* br roman w". a t rylnr
to hvort hta swtid f rata n rk >n4
mrotn* tttartars tat whsrh Mr. *'ll
omh la raartnt of taking a hand
Tha nnaf KtomUta. hot**ar. haa
hao r. pram lit ad lo tarn a faa Inlla
naad *ewd la torn '< onhar rou -
tana anattaoa.
|)r tirnyaan haa hao*- In * annul -
tnttnn mrth ft*-*r Admiral K R Btut
hnonod oof tha novil n* oidtrnl ahnol
and Dr pi tiulo of tha naval da
nofnnri hoot than have not seen tha
Tio onih* * i
Dr i n | nan aeparts Dr 'l*o*r*
do h towwmite aa *i tpo* ulm of
n I!,, A i fphls In imf tha Pmtdmt
rina no oh
Tha Pnaifoal d*d hot taka kind - |
•v tn tha tdaa of <-atl.ee in n apt rial
#e l*tft fmxltf artm>ront on Dr
forntnoa'o tnatoaatnra that ha nooM
|il t<".l *-* 1 %IJ*T
r*Mi I MM
o n.nid'4 so on* of It a world's]
'hi ■ mm* sgw—sstsnt* on naroana dt- .
■ow* H< *oi.' *<J tmmrdfa'rip to
a low - # for Wegfctßgaae and will ar- i
M*o to*< tta to-da—.
Dr rn*-f o nnfowA* of *rr. 1
n W o*td e o *t> I d*ns*s o at JoToo-non ,
p** -ol f*A*f* •* a fr**-oo of
oi <t*o loading road-rat and nhfloao* •
*•- •*->! •** 00000 11 a about <3 ,
(taoon odd
Vow in *n ro Do TV**ouri *
—.•do a on* l *-*o of *ha lt*M <
v,i uoAoo** r* PtntOo ft In -on as* 4
o*r )*a* it"* *" of tha trro-0"o Irnd
-or nadohVo a oar* oon d-aordere
<or o oahao i***o*f n • oirftn
or* or*oo rka-r fe* #h- lotdr
D- pi i 'na* tn fhr *~fh*g nf nam
<*oo<ion na no r* 000 diseases
Cf"ritt'aoo Hit
OptntJ B*d Fr Grading
Rdo fro r**fiif footr onlono of}
Mr —seats **o oca *d hr Pom* i
ooMOio- or tr Lmk. Tha Poo
~.i onC'woflnr *onM*r anh
r tfof Oho locrd MSn fro Or** of
IV raf-m rraVrtt *• 'ollovi' Iflx- {
***o Ha—r to f*adar Streets
• * lOr Dofo I* aa Fifth M Turner,
t'l? Be*"ft. Hf to Varbaka '
ttTld Thin H W trphr *nd
Oa* hod 'V loo*a hid for eroding
to*i*i* tmto—t to Rtght"nth
ogroaTA. ashing It >44
on It *x Tf- f.n 0 f*ro vT|f
tC—* e— D-—- *• r> ;
*a t.a . r *-. .* |n *—l ■** [
hkioo> ■ o a— • -" •- rrd r—> I
—* *' '•* 'oAr. • - honhoid j
mm tfa-'t* to •** OoM'oil nrona. j
•*f a -*afo parman cmpl.ry-1
-*f at ckn rtty.
Winning of First Game Makes Cincinnati
Sure It Can Hang To-day 1 s Session
to Its Belt; Williams and
Sallec on the Mound
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E.
a,;..!,. yißßEjfcjlEßM&i Mil
Ar uatoinl front.
Ka-illainl I n-l*l. Cincinnati. < ct. 2.
- Tha In in* attending th<- second
rnMes* i.*i ilia world's champlon
nhi|* iwn lull aartaa urn well nn tin
Hr*!n and \\ hlta Bi\. war*- frrttwl
U*-da> with wcathci a* |-ru* t u*
that uf ><on-Mla>. Tha null shorn
brilliantly, while tha thai nioiiu-ti-i
ivii.Mi tad In tha neighborhood of
<Ktit) degrtea at noon.
Tha iroil ana a little slower In
Hlhanm at tha> grounds than II
was yesterday, Iha gisndsUind and 1
ioiro I-r ing alniont tlanai tad two
hours Iw-foia fniy lima.
Tha right Bald hlaai harn were
thraa-fourthn lIIIad at thin ntaKe. j
w l.ilv tha psyilton* w are but hall
tilled Tha usual morning hand tun
oert wan alnu missing. hul Iha nil
, ntasotia policemen w* re on lln- Job,
while tha i-oltaa and sandwich trn
dorn re*|*a*l lltrir hart rat.
The land, and Ota lieatraa appear
ed at ll.fa and the mane heciitni
Tlie lieds a|"p* ui*l an Ilia Held at |
IMi and immediate)}' nlaitad l*al |
liny i-raettee with Ifreanler, a noulli-!
|iaw. dalivriini: up tha ulTeritiKn to |
• th l-nttem Huni-an irraliad ld|;
:i p pin tine whan ha drove a lunf ll>
into the left field blearher an* lo
ou re.
The While B*ix ramr in on tha
field at I.la p. m. and towed ImlU |
latch and forth In front of their
ntot* rnei.io from M.ntfir Moran
of tin Itod*. and Ui ntf*r tin noon uf
lh< White hex indicated that the Win-j
nine of the Aral game had mod* the
homo team more- confident, while it
nu de the loo* re even more detc-rm
: in-d to regain the ground loot. Ac - !
• -c.td.rigl). Manager Oleaoon indicat
- . that he would pitch Claud* Wit*
iiair.a. hio otar I* ft hander. Montp r j
Maian announc ed that ' Klnn" Kalh-c- j
wutd he on the mound.
t pa*'l Predial lonn
That )e*l*rda>" game upoet pre-'
diction* woo indicated t*> the fluclu
ation of th* helling odd*, even nion
eg on the It-da finding few taker*, |
and here and there odd* being de
manded he I ho**- who atill believe th
> will ultimately- prove the viator.
The Ked* outp!a>ed the \ loitoro In
U. S. Intervention at
Trau Prevented War
Between Italy and Slavs
ft? .f*** iored Ptftu
\ta*4imgtcKi. • K-t. 2 Intervention
lc> the Amerii-un naval forcea ut
Trau. Italmalla. pravented blood
ohed which would pc-rhapa liave re*
nllol In a nlnfe of m-tual war be
tween It*t))* and Jugci-HUvla." ac
cording to a report from Admiral
Khupp. comntandlng American na
val forces In Kuropean wateia,
irano-miiicd lo the Ketiatc- to-day by
. Ai ri toiy Ihi met*.
Amem-an eatlora were not land
ed. Admiral Knapp aald. until after ,
American and Italian offtcc-ra wlm !
, had le*n aent to Trau had Induced
[the Italian raid era to withdraw aft
! *r they had eurpr'md ami captured I
the small K* rbtan garrlMin. One '
Italian officer and three men were ,
left behind and the American blue- j
iarketa were sent ashore to protect |
them and police the town until I
8* rt- an Iroops could arrive, the Ad- I
i miral said.
The Americans acted, Admiral !
I Knapp continued, at the rec|iir-st of
the Italian admiral in command on
the Dalmatian c-oast and the force 1
I* -,M withdrawn Immediately after !
the KerhDus arrtve-d and took i
• harg*. Meantime the commander
of the Italian raiders was ordered
to trial by court-mart.al by the Jtal
; tan admiral.
Raid "Moonshine" Stills
in Farmhouse Cellars
By Attmritlrd Tree*.
I oeli-liinwii. N. J.. Oct. 2.—Two
'rnoonahliie" lt>joog atllls concc-uled
in the cellars of farmhouses six
miles from the center of this town
were ra d*d by Federal revenue
agents early to-day. Three persona j
were arrested charged with the II- j
1 legal manufac-ture of whisky and '
-'complete still outfits, eighteen bur-|
t rels of "mash" and a large quan
■ tHy of sugar and other materials 1
were s*-ixed. This was the third ruld !
made by revenue agents In New Jer- i
** in the last few weeks.
The revenue agents report that !
quantities of contraband whisky had '
been sent to N'tw York In recent !
weeks through Perth Amboy to J
Ktafen Island and thence by ferry to |
N'ew Tork f'My. Yesterday two New •
Ycyrk agent* traced a suspect from 1
I New York lo Knglishtown.
Attendance at the gymnnsium |
rlsaac* at fentrat "T" Is on the In
crease. tlusinessmen are showing
much Interest in this department.;
The attendance yeterday Jumped to ;
je at noon: nnd to 2 last evening, j
Thts ie a new record. Other classes I
, are showing larger attendance. ]
rvary dt'Martmvtit of llu- K*m* y*a-1
t'l,lay. Iml tliiiai- who have walrhrd '
I'l Bilikry'i niißii'Kßllon in thrlr |i-n- :
n ill Urlil 11111 inlalll tlliat Hi* So* will
aliott tholr |i u* form l*ror* Hi* a*rl*a
la ov*r.
Tli* **f l*a will almoat crrtalnly j
l.n.iK nil n-'orda i*lativ to tin
tli* aniomil of mon*y taken In ut ih*
sal*. The Ural day'a reoelpla w*ri
mora that lII.Ht in **.**h of ih*
lush record of the Aral day'a recelpla
i.f world's aerlea naniri mad* wh*n
the I'lill.idrlphl.i Alhletlca played at
N'W York In lull. At that linn 177.-
.!!> waa Ink -n In at the sate, while
yeeterdai a returpe were 1int.771
groaa. and thla did not Include the
wit lax collected. All **ai* ar*
aold for 10-day'a same and there |a
every reason to helleve that Ihos*
who ar* content with standing room
will be just as numerous.
The hattins order for 10-day'a gain*
I hlenso I Inelnnnll
J. Collin*, rf. Hath. 7b.
K i'oll,ll*, xti, li.iubert, lb.
| Weaver, 3l>, lltoh, 3h.
| Jackson. I f. Houah, c.f.
' I'elsch, rf. Hnncan, I.f.
tlandll. Ih. Kopf, *..
, lllaheig. a.s. Neale, r.f.
Sehalk, c. Hariden, c.
Williams, p. Sailer, p.
Umpires—K v ana behind the hat;
Quisle)', on Arat; N'sllln, on aecond; 1
lligler, on third. 1
*** *++++++*++* Ir.irHrtrHrH~HrHrtri>*
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*£* William M. Hauahman aiul Aann 11. Kl*|ahvr. DtHltrai laanT
<+* M. I mbulla. Kanton, and lllanrlir M. Writ. Hnrrlaharat Krrdrrtrk C.
JL mfr and Anna W. Marl.uru. r, llarrll> U rt William B. Ualley. J.
I " | — K - *
Typical American Scene En
acted When Monarch
Vice-President Expresses For
mal Welcome; Kin# Al
bert Makes Reply
Nrw York, Oct. 2. Albert ot
Belgium. urilr king of the brine
little nation to which honor wan
dearer than life, lundcrl at Hoboken
ut 12.0* o'clock to-day the Itrst
retailing monarch of Kurope to net
foot on American noil. With him
culm' Kllxahcth, lII* heroic queen,
ami Prince Leopold, heir apparent
to the throne
They wire welcomed with the dig
nity with which the nation gicei*
her distinguished guest*. Com
panies of regulars and murines pn
sented iiima ns they descended tin
Rungplnnk o' the transport tleonit
Washington to he received by Vice-
President Mnrnhall and other repre
sentatives of tho Government.
Mo-t licniocratlc of Kings
Hut deeper than the show of poni|i
and ceremony pulsi d the fellowship
felt by citizens of a republic for
the most democratic of kin - --■ T ••
Americans who thronged the pier
where liners tiling the ensign of |> i
perlal Oermuny once dpek- d, are I
hint with the respect due the ruler
of a sovereign state blended with af
fection und admiration. It seemed
to them he was lirst of all a soldier
and a gentleman and only Incident
ally n king.
iiatn and fog obscured the skyline
of New York and the neighboring
New Jersey cities as the liner crept
slowly up the hay, escorted l>> many
seaplanes and n squadron of I t des
trovers under command of Itcad Ad
; miral Plunkett with a fleet of mI
; coming craft hanging on behind.
Throughout the night six destroyers
j had cireled constantly about the
I trunspori us a guard of honor. When
i the ship reached Ambrose light it
I was boarded by Baron de ('artier
* ile Marchienne. P-clgian ambassador
I to tho United States, who was tho
I I ('out limed on Page 17.1