Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 01, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 DEAN OF STAFF GIVESUP POST Dr. Frederick W. Coover Re tires From Service at Har risburg Hospital Hr. Frederick W. Coover, for for ty-four years connected with the Harrlsburg Hospital, has severed his connection with the institution, his resignation being accepted late yes terday afternoon at a meeting of the board of directors. At the time of his resignation he was one of the four interne surgeons and was dean of the staff. resignation he was one of the four interne surgeons and was dean of the staff. Resolutions were adopted by the board on Dr. Coover's resignation as follows: Whereas, Frederick Welty Coov er* M. D., has found it necessary to resign as a Member of the staff of physicians and surgeons, the board of managers of this institution re luctantly complying with his re quest, places on record in this min ute its sincere regret that he has felt compelled to sever his connec tion with the hospital. The hospital in this minute also records its appreciation and gratitude for the forty-four years of efficient, loyal and unselfish service which Dr. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR BREAKFAST rho Fear of Indigestion Often Prompts One to Start the Day Wrong. Eat What You Like, Take a Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablet and You're Safe Breakfast < fliers many of the most savory dishes of all the things we eat. And yet more people than otherwise go without breakfast save a roll and cup of coffee for fear of indigestion. If you like a fried egg, or some buckwheat or sausage for breakfast go to it and follow with a Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablet. You'll have no troubla The average per son who neglects breakfast will be nungry before noon. Most men smoke to kill the appetite, or munch on something to carry on till lunch time. An empty stomach under ihese conditions Is not storing up energy, but on the contrary, is sus- | reptible to many influences that may work hardship for the next meal. it Is advisable to eat three good meals a day and digest them. If the stomach seems to be weak, to help It or give it assistance is the rational thing to do. Try a good breakfast and follow it with Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets and you'll soon learn that regularity of meals follows a natural tendency, not an | acquired one. You will find Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets on sale in almost all drug stores throughout the United States and Canada HTiSill is iIIGEM lecouiuiends Ball) Liae of Magnesia To Overcome Trouble. Caused by Fermenting Food and Acid Indigestion. Gas and wind In the stomach ac companied by that full, bloated feel ing after eating are almost certain evidence of tho presence of exces eive hydrochloric acid in the stom ach, creating so-called "acid indiges tion." Acid stomachs are dangerous be cause too much acid irritates the delicate lining of the stomach, often leading to gastritis accompanied by serious stomach ulcers. Food fer ments and sours, creating the dis tressing gas which distends tho stom ach and hampers the normal func tions of tho vital Internal organs, often affecting the heart. It is the worst of lolly to neglect such a serious condition or to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralising effect on the stomach acids, instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Bisur&ted Magnesia and take a teaspoonful in a quarter glass of water right after eating. This will drive the gas, wind and bloat right out of the body, sweeten the stomach, neutralize tho excess acid and prevent its formation and there is no sourness or pain. Bisurutcd Magnesia fin powder or tablet form never liquid or milk) is harmless to the inexpen sive to take and the >oest form of magnesia for stomach purposes, xt is used by thousands ot people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. BANISH CATARRH Ilreafbp lITOIUOI for Two Mlnutrs and Ilelleve Stuffed I'p Head If you want to get relief from ca tarrh, cold in the head or from an ir ritating cough in the shortest time breathe Hyomei. It should clean out your head and open up your nose In two minutes and allow you to breathe freely, Hyomei often ends a cold in one day, and brings quick relief from snuffles, hard crusts In the nose, hawking, spitting and catarrhal mu cus. Hyomei Is made chiefly from a soothing, healing antiseptic oil, that comes from the eucalyptus forests of Inland Australia where Catarrh Asth ma, Bronchitis, Tonsllltls, Influenza, Pneumonia and Consumption were never known to exist: Hyomei is pleasant and easy to breathe. Just pour a few drops Into the hard rubber inhaler, use as di rected and relief Is almost certain. A complete Hyomei outfit, Including Inhaler and one bottie' of Hyomei, costs but little at H. C; Kennedy and druggists lf you already Own an Inhaler you can get an extra ottle of Home! at druggists. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Coover has rendered to the hospital and to our community. Resident In 1875 Dr. Coover was elected resident lfhyslcian In the year 1876 and served for one year. He served as Interne phyßician from 1876 to 1889. for a short time he served as both interne physician and interne sur geon. From 1889 to the present time he has ben an interne surgeon. From 1893 to date he has been dean of the staff of physicians and surgeons. In the year 1876, when Dr. Coover commenced his term of service, the average number of patients in the hospital was from lour to twelve, its stall of physicians and surgeons uumbered three, Interne and dispen sary and there were no trained nurses. The nursing, and In fact all work necessary to care for pa tients and building, was performed by one man, assisted by his wife and and an occasional con valescent patient. To-day the capac ity of the hospital is one hundred and twenty-live patients, the staff numbers thirty-five and there are live resident physlcianls. With mod ern step there is a fully equipped laboratory with two pathologists and technician,, also an apothecary department with a registered dis pensing pharmacist. The officers, at tendants and employes number sev ently, and there are forty-four nurses. It is resolved by the board ot | managers that this minute shall be I approved and spread on the minutes I of the board of managers and a copy shall be sent to Dr. Coover. HENRY B. McCORMICK, SPENCER C. GILBERT, JOHN FOX WEISS. Thff resolutions were accompanied by the following letter: "Dear Doctor Coover: "Your severing of connection with the hospital after so many years of I devoted service, brought unanimous expressions of regret from the hoard of managers in accepting your resignation as a member of the medical staff and also dean. "If appreciation of your services to humanity and interest In the wel fare and progress of the hospital can be emphasized in words, it is to be hoped that the enclosed resolu tion adopted will not be a futile at : tempt. "Very truly yours, "JOHN FOX WEISS. "Secretary." Following the acceptance of Dr. Coover's resignation, it was voted to increase the surgical staff from four to five members. Dr. George B. Stull and Dr. Carson C. Coover were appointed to the staff. The | other surgeons are Dr. H. B. Wal- I ter, Dr. George B. Kunkel and Dr. | Harvey F. Smith. Announcement was made at the meeting that the first and second floors of the McCreath home, 119 South Front street, purchased some time ago by the hospital manage ment, will be used as the head quarters of the Harrlsburg Chapter of the American Red Crojs during the winter months. | Commerce Chamber Expects Soldier Subscriptions Before Drive Is Started in the City Although the regular campaign for subscribers to the soldiers' and sail ors' memorial does not begin until next Monday, October 8, the Cham ber of Commerce office said to-day it was expected scores of subscrip tions twoiuld "Be received all this week. It has been announced that the Allison Hill end of the new Btate street bridge will have a memorial erected upon It to commemorate the 3,600 service men and women who went out from this city. The scheme of subscription has been outlined also. With the subscription of t2O for a soldier or sailor, his name Is with drawn from the list which the Cham ber of Commerce has compiled, and the name of the subscriber publish ed. "The stores and factories are co operating very eagerly in the work," said George S. Reinoehl, who Is In charge of a canvass among them. According to Mr. Reinoehl, many already have promised to give $2O for each of the men who went from their plant to the service. Churches, lodges and fraternal so cieties also are responding very generously to the appeal made by AV. K. Thomas, who has that feature of the work in charge. All of them will take care of their own service men. Donald MeCormtck, chairman of the finance committee, is convinced there will be no trouble In raising the needed funds. He expects the public will not wait for the opening day but will phone to the Cham ber of Commerce and have the name of their soldier taken off the list by sending in $2O. United Brethren Ministers Leave For Conference Many ministers from Harrlsburg and vicinity left yesterday for Read ing to attend the 120 th annual ses sion of the East Pennsylvania con ference of the United Brethren Church, which opened at 9 o'clock this morning. This section Includes the district from Sunbury to Philadelphia, east of the Susquehanna river. There are 12 9 ministers representing 161 or ganized churches. The membership represented approaches 125,000. The session will be presided over by the Rev. Dr. "William M. Bell, bishop of the Eastern district, and ♦he conference superintendent, the Rev. S. C. Enck, will take an ac tive part. The following ministers from the Harrlsburg churches will attend the conference: The Rev. J. A. Lyter, pastor of the Derry Street Church: the Rev. H. F. Rhoad, pastor of tlm State Street Church: the Rev. w. E. Dougherty, First Church; the Rev. S. Edwin Rupp, Otterbein Church, and the Rev. John O. Jones,, of the Sixth Street Church. The following United Brethren ministers from surrounding towns will also be present before the con clusion of the conference: The Rev. Joseph Dougherty, Steelton Cen tenary Church; the Rev. H. M. Mil ler, Penbrnok Chureh; the T>ev \T. H. Wert, Hlghsplre Church; thi Rev E. A. G. Bossier, Middletown Church, and the Rev. H. S. Kiefer,* Oberlln Church. Joseph Bricker to Lead Camp Cnrtin Grid Eleven The Camp Curtin football squad has elected Joseph Brlcker captain for this season. There was a lively contest among the voters to make itheir candidates winners, J>ut the election of Brlcker has resulted in general satisfaction, and all the boys have confidence in his ability to handle the team. Through the faithful, efficient work of Manager Jerald Daley, the Camp Curtin football season will open Saturday of this week at Her shey with Camp Curtin playing the strong High school team of Her shey. Manager Daley is arranging for other games, but the schedule is not yet complete. Permission has been secured to play all home games at Island Park, on Friday afternoons after school. Meatmen and CRildim I oP Hanisburd and Vicinity I are wHKnd to Kberally I £o-r y'ovar personal opinions oP I tijrodento CREME TOOTHPASTE I v n jtk' p' I ' 8 If, However, PYRO- |B\ You Read this First H B riFMrrk j . c * SH if ■ Jor the "Best Opinion of TYHOT>ENTO fl DtN 10 doe not Sat- ■ ■ . For some time past we have been sell- fi TOOTH TASTE, We {Fill Gladly Tay fl Inble Way- H ing Pyrodeii TOCREMK TOOTH i|i FIFTY IMIII ADC IH Pftl n 19 . -'4' B PASTE in Harrisburg. While the de- rlrll UULLAIfw IN IIULD want you to know that your drug- ftHjj- I mand for it is substantial and encourag- I|| For the next best opinion we will pay $25.00 in gold. 9 fcT authority I ing we feel that there are still a great 9 For the third best opinion we will pay $15.00 in gold. 9 quibble, the fufl price paid tohiS for the many people in this city who are NOT KH For the fourth best opinion we will pay $lO.OO in gold. g|J tube. . I j I En familiar with the splendid qualities of ' |f§ For each of the hundred next best opinions we will . H A if this d„a. aid. M present one full size tube of ■ fl With this in view, we are about to jll PYRODENTO CREME TOOTH PASTF. fl make known, in a broader way than ever ||| and a fun . size two ounce bottle D f PIBODENTO 9 l|3 before, the benefits to be denved from g|| Liquid Antiseptic. ■ These Are Some of the ML' the use of PYRODENTO B| tcell-knoKm HarrMurg people have consented tc • H Questions We Would I But, before launching this campaign of Secretary Daaphln Co. Pharmaceutical Aaaociation. I Like to Have You IH| ° J J - niUOIIM, Principal Junior High School A HB advertising, we want to feel reasonably hm AD BUB, uarriabnrg xeicgmph Editorial stair. Answer; ■ sure that our audience is going to be a IB _ , . . , > * 19 Did your first trial convince you that I receptive one. pii ~fif|Tri ia 'flfliaiff g4 PYRODENTO is a good tooth paste? ■ If so, why? We are so "close" to our product, so BSlpl H sincerely enthusiastic about the accom- Now, the problem is, How Did you find that PYRODENTO pre- Hi plishments of this safe, pure and effective Can We Convince Youof tooth pastes * why?" I dentifrice, that we may overlook a point What We Know to Be True? ' _ absolutely vital to its promotion. What one thing about PYRODENTO If we could get you to make one trial of PY RODENTO, and impressed you as being distinctively dif- HS- then secure your candid opinion of it, we would come pretty ferent from any other tooth paste? HI ww i tt ; near knowing whether our advertising was going to be sue- _ ... BI YOU Can Help US . cessful or not, and that's exactly what we propose to do. y° u in t en< * using PYRODENTO BB in the future? If not, why? Hfl If Y Will I I " Go to Your Dealer Today From what druggist or dealer did you Your opinion with respect to PYRO- and Ask For a Tube of bu y y° ur tube PYRODENTO? DENTOCIREMETOOTH PASTE is PYRODENTO CREME TOOTH PASTE All t *> . n 11 more valuable to us than any other factor. . All L etters Must Be KB ■ w. may u you one ,übo of PyK ODKKTO * G.vo i, a thorough Received By Thursday, through our advertising, but, if it does j{ y OU have tender, bleeding gums (the first symptom of October 9th— B not entirely meet with your approval, Pyorrhea), observe how the bleeding will gradually step and _ t .. . . B all the advertising we might do after that the gumg become firm and healthy after several uses of so that the awards may be announced as wouldn't make you buy a second tube. PYRODENTO. soon as possible. Everyone in Hams- And, to our mind, no substantial busi- Notice how white and clean your teeth will become with its t "compete. 3 'Address rep'ly'tothe PYRO I B ness can be developed on the basis of daily application. We believe you will relish its delightful CHEMICAL CO., in care of the Harris- I "one time sales." taste—the fresh, clean feeling it leaves in your mouth, burg Tclegraph> HB m We believe that you people of Harris m v burg will respect our frankness. We be lieve that you will help us to secure your llj _ honest opinion of PYRODENTO I H * '' !! „ ' ' A ik u I We believe you will answer us jus{ as I M/Xxl .\\v\V*3L v 11 ■\ I! , L , frankly as we have approached you, and | t H \ V we thank you most sincerely for your I E3 9 The Pyro Chemical Co., Baltimore Md. j 9 BXKiasBUKa NIGHT SCHOOIS OPEN TOMORROW Supervisor Zorger Explains Plans Whereby Busy Peo ple Can Profit Many residents of the city who are unable to secure further educational advantages except after hours of daily employment are being offered evening courses by the city school district. Professor C. E. Zorger, supervisor of special activities. Is organizing the classes this year and arranging the program of night schools. In a statement to-day he explains the plans for these classes which will open to-morrow evening: "Added opportunities are offered this year for those working In a rut and whose chances for advancement In their particular line of work Is limited for want of a little training In English, mathematics, mechanical drawing. These classes will be or ganised primarily for the man or woman now employed who wishes to advance in their own chosen field, whether In the office, shop or home. "The course In commercial train ing offers training in bookkeeping and business arithmetic besides the regular classes In business English, shorthand and typewriting. It is also hoped to organize a course In shop training which will offer shop arlthmetlo, shop sketching, mechan ical drawing, and other related studies. Classes In sewing and other courses In domestic science will be r OCTOBER 1, 1919. 1 arranged If there is a demand for them. "The school for the forelgn-born who wish to learn English will be opened In the Harris Park School and at Central High School. Classes will be arranged to suit the needs of those who can speak English and wish to learn to read and write as well as for those who wish to learn to speak the language better. "In Central High School will be enrolled all those people who went to any of the various classes in com mercial and shop courses. Those who would study other branches of learning if it were offered will also be registered for any classes they might want to enter and such classes will be opened as soon as the facil ities allow. "All these classes are free to the 'Y residents of the city who are over 16 years of age, not in attendance at any day school, and who can show satisfactory evidence that they can carry on the s'udles they desire. The regular sessions of the school will be held on Monday, Tuesday and 'Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 9.39 o'clock. Prospective students should enroll as soon as possible so that class facilities can be provided."