Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 01, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Cincinnati, Oct. 1. —Sixteen years
ago, on September 11, 1903, the
name of August Herrmann was
heralded throughout the width and
breadth of the land where baseball
flourishes as the chief justice of the
national pastime. At that time he
was incidentally known as the new
owner of the Cincinnati Reds. This
condition of public mind had not
changed until late in July of this
year when the Reds assdmed a lead
in the National League race.
To-day "Garry," as he is known,
not only to his intimates but to the
baseball public in general, is chiefly
recognized as president of the Reds,
champions of the National League,
and only incidentally as chairman
of the National Baseball Commis
In this city Herrmann numbers
his friends by the tens of thousands
and there are a large majority of
these who do not hesitate in saying
that when baseball gained a leader
in August Herrmann, politics lost
one. He was associated with the
late George B. Cox, as a member
of the executive council of the Re
publican party in Hamilton county,
and while in late years he has taken
no active interest in guilding the
destinies of the G. O. P., he still
is able to wield an influential arm
in the party conferences.
Was Peacemaker
It was while Herrmann was one
£• Cox's chief lieutenants that the
t lestion of purchasing the Cincin
nati baseball club from the late John
T. Brush, was broached to him.
"While he had always been interested
in baseball, purely from a fan's view
point, he never had been interested
in the club finnancially. The plea
that the club should be owned by
Cincinnati people only (Brush being
from Indianapolis) appealed to Mr.
llerrman and he was induced to
form a company with the object in
view of purchasing the Reds. He
succeeded in putting through the
deal and this led to his study of
baseball political conditions as they
then existed, the celebrated war be
tween the National and American
Leagues bringing up a situation to
him that he had by no means anti
cipated. ~ ~
Mr. Herrmann was really the
prime mover in bringing about
peace between the two leagues and
he was the man who suggested and
did the most work on the now re
Meet Lebanon Valley College
Wrecking Crew at Leb
anon Saturday
AimvHle, Pa., Oct. I.—McGeehan,
the stalwart fullback whose heady
work was the one redeeming fea
ture of the playing of the Villanova
eleven In the game with Uphigh last
6jE'.urday, will have plenty of oppo
frf:cn when he comes to Lebanon on
Saturday for the game with Leba
non Valley's wrecking crew.
Coach StrlcUer of the Blue and
White aggregation has three strong
candidates for the fullback position,
three football veterans wbose ex
cellent showing in the practice'
scrimmages has made it difficult lor
the coach to make a decision as to
who shall hold the post.
Of these three candidates. Captain
Fishburn played at fullback on the
varsity team last year, while Horine,
who came from St. John's College,
and Berger, a Columbia (Pa.) boy
who played with his class eleven
last year, are making strong bids
for the position. Fishburn, how
ever. may be shifted and used on
the line, as he should be a tower
of strength as a forward.
Other Back field Players
The other backfield players who
will oppose McGeehan and his com
panions have been showing fine form
in the practices of the past few
days and will bo ready for Satur
day's fray. Harvey with the Army
Training Corps team last year; Ho
man, formerly with Lebanon High
School and then with Albright Col
lege, and Moore, another Lebanon
boy who played quarterback on the
Lebanon Valley College varsity for
the past two years, probably will
hold the halfback and quarterback
posts in the game with Villanova.
although Coach Strickler has not yet
determined his ac tual line-up.
Word was received yesterday from
Wine, whose home is in Norwood.
Pa., and who was a dependable end
on the 1917 varsity, that he will
report here in time to get jnto togs
for Lebanon Valley's opening game.
UNIVERSITY OF Extension School
PENNSYLVANIA Of Accounts and Finance
Evening Courses
Business Post-War
] Conditions
Demand Trained Men and Women
At every business conference today it is the
trained mind which is in demand—
The efficiency of the individual—
The responsibility of capital and labor—
The welfare of the public—
These have become a vital part of our thinking.
Every ambitious young business man and
woman will find the Extension School training
a decided factor in assisting him individually
to adjust himself to serve efficiently and with
vision in our changing post-war conditions.
Call tonight a.-d talk it over with our represen
Registration every evening, (accept
Saturday 7-9 o'clock. Sessions begin
For bulletins or further Information
XUM r Chamber of Commerce
205 Dauphin nulldlng
t nowned peace agreement which
| really put baseball on an organized
Anxious For Pennant
For years both Mr. Herrmann and
j his associates in the Cincinnati club
i staunchly supported a losing propo
j sition, but despite this they erected
| a magnificent concrete grandstand
' which is known as Redland Field.
, While numerous fans have insisted
' that the team would be better with
| Herrmann off the National Commis
! sion no one ever has accused the
! Reds' president of not doing all in
I his power to gather t(jget!\er a pen
nant-winning combination." During
i his presidency, he obtained such
I men as Bid MePhee, Joe Kelley,
I Clarke Griffith, Hank O'Day, John
I Ganzel, Joe Tinker and Christy
i Mathewson to lead his team, but it
! remained for Pat Moran to succeed
where the others had failed.
Herrmann probably is the best
known man to baseball men, inas
much as he has had much to do
with both major leagues as well as
having become familiar with the
i owners and players of every minor
! league in organized baseball through
! his position as chairman of the
| commission. He was born and
| raised in Cincinnati and during his
' early career was a printer on tho
Cincinnati Enquirer. He still be
! longs to this union.
Opposed Plans
i While Garry Herrmann never has
i been accused of being superstitious,
; he let it be known during the latter
1 part of July that all plans of the
1 fans to do wonderful things for the
Reds if they won th'e pennant, would
| most certainly be frowned upon by
' the club management This brought
; to mind a little sidelight to tho
league race of two years ago when
! the Reds were almost daily alter-
I nating between first and second
positions during the middle of July.
' At that time a bunch of enthu
! siastic rooters started out subscrip
tion lists to have money pledged to
send the team on a trip around the
world and it had hardly been start
ed before $35,000 had been pledged.
No one ever will know to what
i pybportions this pool would have
| grown, for at this stage the team be-
I gan to lose and on their return from
a disastrous eastern invasion they
i were practically out of the race and
j the pledgers never were troubled for
I the money.
Overseas Champions, Former
City Grays, Take Up
At a meeting and practice held
on the city playgrounds last evening,
the ex-City Grays football team was
organized. This team win be made
up of some of the fastest players In
the city and surrounding towns,
among them being four of the cham
pionship 28th division team regu
lars. Also on the team are Gibson.
Wolf and Carmlchael of the cham
pionship St. Aiguan (France), team.
Dewey Eisenberger and Jack Tag
gart of the 109 th Machine Gun
Battalion team and a number of
others who have asked for a place,
but who were not present, among
them being Frank Hart, well known
baseball player and Bretz, of Car
The following men will bo In the
squad that will report at 6 o'clock
on Thursday evening:
Men in Lineup
Siler, Bennett. Schreck, Warner,
Hart, Bretz, Gibson, Wolfe, Mar
michael, Taggart, Eisenberger, Hen
derson, Knoble, Killheffer, Cook,
Scheffer, Britch, Selway, Chubb,
De Silvey. This squad will probably
be increased by Thursday evening.
The season will start October 11.
There are some open dates and any
strong team offering a good guar
antee can be accommodated. The
team will average over 160 lbs., and
as every man on the team is an
experienced player a good attrac
tion is assured. Any team desiring
| a game can reach C. W. Thomas,
I 2008 Green street, either by letter
I or Bell Phone 1678-R.
The game scheduled between the
local Junior nine and Liverpool for
this evening has been canceled.
Liverpool players are taking part in
I the fair and cannot get away. The
: game has been largely advertised
| and a large crowd was expected to
turn out at the Seventeenth and
Chestnut streets grounds.
SNOODLES By Hunqerford
~ " I ( 1 1., It ) '( Pteese MiSTeft.- ; / MOU CAn \ 1 BUT -/ou |
7 ViOW T J 1 . NOT • { vmhocg Bumch
"ii •r' f—\MY DONT YOU know \ rT-T\\ 0F K,os 1 ONc Y
Cn nrn"!. \\J^n > Lfrr , o I nearly KIU.GDJ ONE Ball !
L I . \^Cj?7.V y \ onG OF MY J
w '%o I)
f *
| pPf®* ffl fWJi
Four men In to-day's game be tween Cincinnati and tho White Box
will not figure in batting averages, fl elding or runs, but they are impor
tant factors. They are the "Umps." One of the indicator men is well
known to Harrisburg fans, having played here some years ago. His
name is Dick Nallin, and he was popular when here. "Dick" started
his umpire career in this vicinity after he got out of baseball. Nallin
was always popular here because of his clean-cut disposition, and con
scientious work. In the above pioture the umpires are: No. 1, "Billy"
Evans, of the American League; No. 2. Charles Rigler, of the Nationals;
No. 3, "Dick" Nallin, of the Ameri cans, and No. 4, Ernest Quigley, of
the Natlonls. '
Alumni Association Is
Planning Lively Program
Changes In the personnel of the
entertainment committee of the
Harrisburg High School Alumni As
sociation have been announced as
follows: Additions, Miss Edith Tat
nell, Miss Ruth Fickes, Carl Peters
and Dr. J. Loy Arnold.
W. Lowrie Kay succeeded Thomas
D. Caldwell, resigned, as chairman
of the committee. The complete
personnel includes the above. Miss
Martifta Mullen, Charles C. Stroh,
and Carl B. Stoner.
A meeting will bo held in the near
future, it is stated, at which time ex
tensive activities will be planned
for the coming months.
The committee urges every alum
nus and every person who attended
High school for at least two years
to register with Harold E. Eckert,
secretary of the association, and to
pay their annual dues of one dol
lar to John A. F. Hall, treasurer. By |
doing this they will receive a mem
bership card and will be eligible to
attend all entertainments given by
the association.
Young Women Organize
Steelton Basketball Team
A group of young women met in
the Community Club in Adams
street, Steelton, and organized a
basketball team. Miss Emily How
ard was elected manager; Miss
Tuett Cromi, captain; Miss Delia
Steveson, vice-president; Miss Lena
Willis, secretary; and Miss Brandt,
treasurer. Others present were:
The Misses Howard, Irene Porter,
Isabelle Stevenson, Ethel Gray, |
Louise Jenkins, Eva Brandt, Emily
Carpenter, Ruth Oran, Modesta
Oran, C. Howard, Olive Harrod,
f Leona Carter, Cecilia Hill, Helen
I Stewart, Etta Coles and Esther
Beckwith. William Pearson, a re
turned soldier will coach the team.
The girls furnished refreshments at
a smoker held last night In the
club rooms for returned service
Official League Standing
National League
W. L. Pet.
Cincinnati 96 44 .686
New York ......... 87 53 .621
Chicago 75 65 .536
Pittsburgh 71 68 .511
Brooklyn 69 71 .493
Boston 57 82 .410
St. Louis 54 83 .394
Philadelphia 47 90 .343
American 'League
W. L. Pet.
Chicago 88 52 .629
Cleveland 84 55 .604
New York 80 59 .576
Detroit 80 60 .571
St. Louis 67 72 .482
Boston 66 71 .482
Washington 56 84 .400
Athletics ... 36 104 .257
Joe Barrett's Bill Tonight
Promises Much Interest;
Two Star Bouts
Manager Joe Barrett announced
to-day that everything, to the small
est detail has been arranged, and
every man on his card will posi
tively appear, for his boxing show
to-night, at the Oly'mpia A. C., in
Steelton. Boys on the bill are ex
pected to furnish more real fight
ing than any show ever presented in
this section. Two star bouts are on
the bill, the feature being ten rounds
between Billy Angelo, the Yorker,
who claims the Greek lightweight
championship and Billy Logan, of
Allentown, champion of the ooal
The six-round battle these two put
up two weeks ago, furnished more
thrills than was ever crowded in this
I limit, and the longer bout was ar
ranged after many fans requested It.
This distance should make a decisive
Frankle Britt, of Boston, is Bap
rett's selection to meet the winner,
in a future show as Britt, recently
beat Joe Tiplitz, after Tlplita
knocked out George Chaney, of Bal
timore, in three rounds.
The other star bout is between
Young Fulton, of Allentown, a great
local favorite and Kid Richmond,
of Baltimore, boxing partner to Kid
Williams, the dethroned but unde
feated bantam champion of the
world. While Fulton won many
friends by defeating every one he
met in local rings, in two seasons,
Richmond is much tougher, is clever
and a ring general.
Jack Cleaver, another from Allen
town, says he wil stop Billy Attlcks'
winning streak to-night, ip the sec
ond bout on the card. In his three
last fights, Atticks knocked his men
out. in jig time, and the fans are j
anxious to see him put to the test,
vihich the battla with Cleaver will
surely do.
Hal Shay, another local boy, will
also likely meet a tartar in Harry
Cronic, the Yorker, who recently re
ceived his discharge from the Navy.
It is the opening bout. This looks
like the most real action ever given
in one night, and the usual packed
house, will no doubt greet the bat
tlers. Barrett will referee all the
bouts personally and the first bout
will start at 8.30 sharp, with no
No County Series Games;
Trouble at Hummelstown
The West End-Hummelstown ser
ies is off. In the game last evening
at Hummelstown, the manager of
I the latter team refused to accept
umpire arrangements. The game
ended in the third inning with the
score 2 to 0 in favor of West End.
The game scheduled for this city for
this evening at Fourth and Seneca
street grounds, and all other con
tests In the series have been can
celed. ...
Edison Grid Stars Show
Real Football Form;
Practice Every Evening
Candidates for positions on the
Edison Community football team
were put through their first real
practice last evening. Coaches
Miller and Hiller had a squad of
more than forty boys lined up for
scrimmage. A group of eleven were
picked and sent against the rest.
The personnel of this eleven were
constantly changed by shifting boys
from one group to the other. Some
very good playing was done by the
boys. The backfield men showed
good form and the tackling of a
number of the line men was quite
Lentz at quarter seems to be de
veloping into a heady player. He
runs a team well. Notwithstanding
the lack of uniforms the spirit of
the boys is excellent and rivalry
keen. Each fellow is putting forth
his best efforts to qualify for a new
set of tpgs when they come. Prac
tices will be the order each evening
after school on the grounds at Seven
teenth and Chestnut streets. Student
Manager Rosweli Lyons, assisted by
"the coaches and Mr. Albright are
at work arranging a schedule.
Motive Power Is Anxious
to Please Local Fans
In case the local Motive Power re
ceives the support its efforts war
rant, a number of good men will
appear in the windups of their box
ing shows this season. The man
agement has lines out for a number
of men with big reputations. This
club tried to match Jackie Clark
with Jeff Smith of Bayonne, but
"Charley" Ettinger claims he can
get big money for allowing Clark to
box Smith in the big cities. Jeff,
who has been after O'Dowd for some
time, claims he will come to Har
risburg on the night of October 7
with his stable mate, Willie Lough
lin, and will challenge any middle
weight in the country from the ring
side. Frankie Brown, of New York
city; Eddie Moy and others can be
secured. The opening bill is at
tracting much interest.
H meet your fondest cigarette fancies in so IS
you quickly realize their superior quality, and, become I
smoked. Their expert blend of choice Turkish and A /
freshing taste but it eliminates bite and harshness!
Coal Region Eleven Sends
Word That Game Is Sure;
Award Letters
Everything has been satisfactorily
adjusted and the Wilkes-Barre High
School team will appear on Tech's
schedule over on the Island Satur
day afternoon as the second attrac
tion for the season. For several
days it looked as though the coal
region boys would not come to this
city to play their game. But word
received by Manager "Bus" Snyder
assures him that the visitors will
be on hand to tackle Tech.
A feature of the coming game will
he the cheers of the Tech boys.
Cheer leaders have been selected,
and during the coming week tlicy
will get the cheering squad to work
to learn a number of new yells and
Select Leaders
Five seniors from a field of 12
candidates were selected by a vote
of the school. The dozen members
of the fourth year class mounted the
platform and gave the remainder of
the school a chance to see how well
they could act as leaders. Keller
will be chief cheer loader, as he re
ceived the highest number of votes.
Hefkin, Atkins. Morgan and Huston
are the other leaders. Huston's
brother was leader two years ago.
Eleven members of the Tech war
canoe that won the Kipona race on
Labor Day from the Academy crew
were awarded "T's" to-day. It was
a new honor to most of tho boys.
Coach "Peepy" Mell Is given the
honor for whipping the crew into
shape for the race. Those who got
the school letter were "Johnny"
Arnold, "Bob" Lutz. Milo Matter,
"Hop" Derrick, Springer, "Charlie"
Ellis, "Snaps" Emanuel, "Bud"
Lingla, "Hen nor" Palm, "Barney"
Aldtnger and Dunlap.
Because of the "Welcome Homo
celebration Coach Smith excused
the football squad from practice.
Yesterday they got down to real
work in preparation for the contest
OCTOBER i, 1919.
against Wilkes-Barre on Saturday.
While all of the team played well
last Saturday against Commonwealth,
several holes will have to be plugged
before the hardest games of the
schedule are played by the Maroon
Mike Palm Will Captain
Dickinson Grid Team
Carlisle, Pa., Oct. I.—Mike Palm
has been appointed acting captain
of the Dickinson football team by
the Athletic Association. Palm was
captain-elect for the 1917 season,
but enlisted at that time in the Avia
9 9
FloWs Freely in Zero Weather
THERE is no real need of
different oils for differ
ent motors. For any car
properly adjusted. Atlantic
Polarine is the best oil to
use under any and all driv- |
ing conditions. j
■V# Keep Upkeep Down lg
tion Corps. Ho saw twelve months'
active service in Italy. It is rumored
that inasmuch as he made pood in
his military aerial attacks, he will
carry on a gridiron aerial attack
against Dickinson's opponents from
his position as quarterback.
Owing to the severe scrimmage
practices Coach Craver la putting his
squad through, the number of men
on the injured list continues to In
crease. Clair Davis, halfbnok can.
didate, who has been attracting at
tention for his lino plunges, and
Fleming Rich are among the latest
additions. Pips and Shahadl both
reported for practice yesterduy aft
ernoon, being out of the game for
several days with minor injuries.