Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 01, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Founded 18S1
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The time is short: then be thy heart
a brother's
To every heart that needs thy lore
in aught;
Soon thou mayest need the sympathy
of others;
The tiir.e,
The time is short. HKZKKIAH
IN THE summing up of the com
munity activities during the war
period one naturally thinks of
the splendid work of the churches
and religious organizations gener
ally. These were back of the Gov
ernment at every point. Pastors and
people united wholeheartedly in all
the important activities and pur
poses of the war. setting aside their j
own progress and giving of their I
best thought and effort to the
achievement of the vital things hay
ing to do with the prosecution of the
Ministers and people were actively
identified with the various agencies j
and all the welfare work, pulpits |
and churches were thrown open to
those who had charge of the several
Liberty Loan and other drives in the
interest of the financing of the Gov
ernment, and in t lie self-sacrii.. lug
devotion to tlie interests of the Na-|
tion these religious bodies were
found exerting tlie.ir utmost strength
for the furtherance of the Govern
ment's plans and purposes.
Not only did pastors labor at
home; they went abroad in several
instances for welfare work with the
fighting forces and many of them
spent weeks in the camps of this
country doing fine work and earning
the good will of all who observed
their patriotic activities. The fine
morale of the American Army was
due in large measure to these men
of the cfoth, a number of whom
served throughout tlie struggle as
chaplains and welfare workers. Har
risburg will not forget, in giving
proper credit, tlie Yeligious organi
zations which had so large a part
in the important and necessary work >
back of the lines at home and among !
the fighting forces abroad.
THEY are all lret up over in Eng
land because they fear an in
vasion of German toys which
will wipe out the new industry
started there, and they are plalining I
a boycott of "the little tin soldier" I
and other kiddie playthings made !
it. Germany.
And over here Senator Hitchcock
is pipping: the blue empyrean with
demands that the Peace Treaty be
railroaded through so we can hustle
German toys to American babies,
and German goods to everyone else.
This is a funny world. However,
sanity will win and the Treaty will
receive due consideration, while the
next Republican Administration will
adequately protect the American
toy industry by a proper tariff law.
There will he general public appre
ciation of the action of the Harris
burg Bridge Company in throwing
open the Market street bridge to the
soldiers and the public during the
celebration at Island Park on Sunday
and Monday. No admission was
charged between two and four thirty
o'clock on those days. This generous
action will whet the appetite of the
(Ireater Harrisburg community for a
free bridge over the Susquehanna
river. Officials of the bridge company
realise that the time must come when
passage over the river will be as free
as on any street of the city,'and they
will probably be found joining lu
such a movement when that time
comes. ,
CITY COUNCIL should not hesi
tate another minute in passing
a shade tree ordinance in har
mony with the State law. It is in
onceivable that there should be any
opposition to such a ineusure. Over
head wires arc going underground
In every direction, through the
changed policy of public utility cor- i
porations, and whatever opposition
formerly came from this source is ;
no longer exerted against the shade
tree act. The old order passeth and !
to-day the average public utility is ;
helping rather than hindering the
esthetic movements in Harrisburg
and other cities.
A Harrisburg firm Is to build the j
great State Memorial Bridge, which
is a compliment to the city, for the I
job is one to make even the big-j
gest contractors pause and consider. I
HE LAST War Drive will start J
1 next Monday.
All of the money we gave j
during the year, and we may say |
without boasting that we gave gen
erously, although often not as much
as we might have given, went for
the support of the men with the
colors, and for their safety and com
fort. Now we are asked to give in ;
order that we as a city may erect
| a memorial testifying to our .appre
ciation of their services and marking
tin epoch in the life of the com
To buy a Liberty Bond just one
little bond required an expendi
ture of $5O. To meet the demands
lof the Red Cross, the Y. M. C. A.,
the Knights of Columbus, the Salva
tion Army and those other war serv
ice agencies we gave in fifties and
hundreds. And now the Chamber of j
Commerce Memorial Committee
comes with a request for only, $2O
for each soldier, sailor or marine
who served during the war. Surely,
this is a modest request, and as a
thinksgiving offering for the close
of the war the least we can do is
to meet it promptly.
Our men acquitted themselves
wonderfully well at the front. All
of them were brave, some of them
were promoted for courage, others
were decorated with war crosses for
gallantry on the field of action,
many were wounded or killed. We
lit home went "over the top" in
every campaign. We can do no less
now. Our patriotism and loyalty are
challenged. We owe these men a
fitting memorial. The way has been
found whereby each of us may have
his part without hardship on any
body. Let us go into this last War
Drive with all the vim and energy
we put into the many that have gone
before, and show our boys by our
prompt response what we think of
them and their effort abroad.
This is our last war job. la-t us
do it as well as they did theirs.
It is a compliment to all concerned
that the strikes in Harrisburg and
vicinity have been without disorder
of any kind.
WHY should not Harrisburg
have the pleasure of enter
taining the King and Queen
of Belgium?
Here is an opportunity for the
Chamber of Commerce, which has
done such excellent service in the
j past year, to increase its popularity.
1 Other cities have extended invita-
I lions to King Albert and his con
sort and Harrisburg. as the capital
city of the great Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, should extend the
I same courtesy.
! The Belgian rulers are of the type
! Americans delight to honor. They
; are more democratic than royal,
i They are rulers by popular approval.
They stood between the Hun and
civilization. They stood to save the
world or to sacrifice their all. They
are 'the kind of folks Harrisburg
! would like to entertain.
One thing was well demonstrated
during the welcome home celebration
—that Harrisburg is a city of
mighty cake-bakers.
IK THE six votes of Great Britain
in the League assembly really
amount to only one, as Mr. Wil
son would have his audience believe, J
why did Lloyd George seek them?
The answer to that question is suffi
cient reply to the President's ridicu
lous statement.
This, we suppose, is what the poet
meant when he called 'em "melan
choly days."
WHAT would Harrisburg do
without its Boy Scouts?
They again demonstrated
during the welcome home celebra
tion that they are even more effi
cient in keeping order than the po
lice themselves. Their conduct at
Island Park on Sunday, when they
formed a hollow square and held it
against the unrushing crowds is an
example of what they can do in
emergency. They are without au
thority, save their own sturdy de
termination to obey orders and the
respect the people have for their
uniform. The city is proud of them.
Yet they perform like veterans and
get better results than real officers.
Would that they were twice as
numerous. They have in them the
[ making of the leaders of the com
ing generation.
"potitZc* Ik
r f > &KK4Xjt&CL'iUQ,
By the Kx-Oonimltteemao
With the election of the only State
officer to be voted for at the com
ing election assured through, the
general endorsement of Superior
Court Judge William H. Keller, of
Lancaster, men In politics are com
mencing to turn their attention to
the State nominations for 19 20.
There will then be elected a United
States Senator, for which Senator
Boies Penrose does not appear at
this time to have any contender and
it does not matter much if he had;
an auditor general and a state treas
urer, one supreme court justice and
all of the congressmen, half of the
State Senators and 207 members of
the House of Representatives.
There is much talk of candidacies
for the State offices and Auditor Gen
eral Charles A. Snyder is widely
mentioned for treasurer with the au
ditor generalship talk divided
among half a dozen men, some of
them aij)e and well qualified.
Chief Justice J. Hay Brown's term
expires in January, 1921, and his
successor will be elected next year.
A Supreme Court Justice cannot suc
ceed himself. Justice John Stewart,
of Franklin, will succeed to the
chief Justiceship when the Lancas
ter jurist retires.
Tlie Brown succession is caus
ing much discussion. There will
be numerous candidates but public
sentiment is getting toward the point
where scrambles for the appellate
court places, such as have occurred
in recent years when obscure men
attained prominence because of the
"rat letter of their names, are being
frowned upon.
—Writing in the Philadelphia
Inquirer's "Who's Who" column
George J. Brennan says:
Judge Kunkel, of Dauphin county,
stands out conspicuously as one who
has been in the minds of many mem
bers of the bar for some time as an
ideal candidate for the Supreme
bench. The people have not forgot
ten the masterly manner in which he
handled himself in the great State
capital graft cases and the judicial
bearing which lie maintained
throughout those sensational prose
cutions. When Justice Robert S.
Frazier, of Allegheny county, was
nominated for the Supreme bench,
his next competitor was Judge Kun
kel, who, without the backing of the
powerful political organizations of
Philadelphia and Allegheny coun
ties. polled over 93,000 votes at the
popular primaries.
Judge Sadler, along with his local
personal strength and the record on
the bench of his distinguished father
and with the prestige which his
brother, the State Highway Commis
sioner, is making In the vigorous
prosecution of the good roads cam
paign of the State administration, is
much talked about as a possible win
ner for the Supreme Court nomina
tion. Attorney General William I,
Seliaffer, of Delaware county, Is
without doubt the most talked about
man for the Supreme Court of those
who are not now wearing the judi
cial robes. Jlr. SchalTer's experience
as official reporter of the Supreme
and Superior Courts, his years of
active practice before the courts and
his work in the office of Attorney
General specially equip him for a
place on the highest tribunal of the
State, and unless he shall decide to
defer being a candidate at this time
he will unquestionably make a for
midable contender in the canvass for
the Supreme bench.
—Bucks county Democrats have
re-elected County Chairman A. R.
Atkinson and Treasurer Warren S.
Toons'. When the county committeo
met the Democratic nominee for
clerk of the Orphans' Court, Irvin
M. James tendered his formal decli
nation of the nomination, and the
committee by a unanimous vote sub
stituted the name of Harrison B.
Thatcher, the Republican nominee,
and the only soldier in the world
war on the Republican ticket. This
nomination will give the Deinocruts
four soldier candidates.
—E. S. Hugentugler's chances for
re-eletion as mayor of York will
he considerably brightened as a re
sult of the withdrawal from the Pro
hibition party ballot of Alderman
Noah C. May as a candidate for the
same office. Mr. May and Mayor
Hugentugler were candidates for the
cent primary, and Hugentugler won
Republican nomination at the re
cent primary, and Hugentugler won
with a majority of 145. May, how
ever, was nominated by the Prohibi
tionists and had he remained in the
field would have made things inter
esting for Hugentugler.
Regarding the charter party in
Philadelphia the Inquirer says: "The
aim of McLaughlin and his co-work
ers it would seem, does not go far
beyond an effort to elect the minor
ity member of the Board of County
Commissioners and the three minor
ity magistrates. To give appearance
of a real contest they plan to put up
a complete ticket."
—Some interesting facts about the
life of a State official considerably
in the lime light because of the fight
against the mounting cost of living
are contained in the bulletin of the
bureau of foods of the State Depart
ment of Agriculture. The secretary
is a new type on Capitol Hill. He
is an educator and not a politician
and many of the politicians need to
be educated to understand him. The
bulletin says:
"The present Secretary of Agri
culture, Hon. Fred Rasmussen,
came to America in his young man
hood and was employed by the Chi
cago & Northwestern railroad. As
a growing boy and youth he had
been engaged in the business of
farming, a Wholly congenial occupa
tion. His thoughts naturally
turned toward the soil and after a
year's experience on the railroad
he again turned his attention to
farming, and for a year was em
plowed on a dairy farm, taking care
of twenty cows and directing a milk
route. For two winters he attended
a country school. In the winter of
1902 Mr. Rasmussen entered lowa
State College. After completing
the four years' course in agricul
ture. he accepted a position at Pur
due University, having charge of
the university creamery during the
ensuing twelve months. He likewise
acted as instructor in creamery
butter making. In the autumn of
1906 he joined the staff of lowa
Slate College, and for the next year
was assistant professor of dairying
at that institution. In the fall of
1907 he accepted the professorship
of dairying at New Hampshire Col
lege. He remained for nine years,
taking up. his work as professor of
dairy husbandry at State College in
1916. where he remained until his
acceptance of the post of secretary."
KLSS ~~ first IN YEARS ' B LL LOM6 • s " rA,s<D,hjG
1 FfJOUGH To RESIGN- Te> ,B B. Pafsk RooRS <"">
oeroe —.l
No Wonder Germany Quit
Of the Army Recruiting Station
The other evening I was perfectly
delighted to get a copy of the Ger
man official reports of the first 24
hours of the St. Mihiel offensive.
Since I had commanded an assault
battalion that broke through them
the first morning I have always won
dered what the Boche were doing
that morning to stop us and what
their estimate of the situation really
was. As. I have always maintained,
the attack came as a surprise to the
Boche. The reasons for my belief
were based on the statements of
prisoner officers with whom I talked,
and on the army intelligence report
we captured the first morning. The
Intelligence report dated at Metz,
5 p. m., September 11, stated that
we were preparing an attack which
would probably develope September
26, but could not come before Sep
tember 24. We took this report at
7 a. m., September 12, so we were
12 days ahead of their earliest ex
pectations. If that doesn't consti
tute a surprise, I don't know what
does. A number of war correspond
ents have written lengthy articles
proving that the St. Mihiel was not
a surprise, as the Boche knew it
was coming and were preparing to
evacuate, in fact were actually
evacuating the Salient when we at
tacked. 1 now know that they did
know the attack was coming, but
that they had not started to evacu
ate. In their report they state that
"when the first information of an
intended hostile attack on the. St.
Mihiel Salient reached the ariny de
tachment, seven divisions were hold
ing the 84 kilometer front in the
Salient. We at once asked for a
reinforcement of air forces, four as
sault divisions, two field artillery
regiments and 10 battalions of heavy
artillery, in order to prevent a deep
penetration before the evacuation
of the Salient was completed." They
also ordered the 107 th Division to
relieve the 77th Division, as the lat
ter contained about 800 Alsace-Lor>
rainers who were deserting to the
i enemy. That agrees with our pre
vious knowledge, as we hit the 77th
Division and truly found hundreds of
Alsace-Ixjrrainers in it. All of this
took place the 27th of August, and
yet even the "efficient" German
military machine had done nothing
when the attack came on September
12. Not one thing had been evacu
ated, although orders had been is
sued from time to time covering this
| subject. But on September 5 all
uvailable reserve artillery, consisting
I of nine battalions of heavy guns and
I three batteries of field guns were
ordered.up to the Michel Stellurig
behipd the left shoulder of the
salient on a line from Pont-a-Mous
sen to Thiaucourt. As they looked
at the map the left shoulder was
what we culled the right or eastern
That those guns got into
position we well knew. I can as
sure you from personal knowledge
that they were in position and had
an unlimited supply of ammunition.
On September 7 a plan was worked
out to scatter our offensive prepara
tions by an attack, with limited ob
jectives, upon the southern front of
the Salient, but on September 9 this
plan was abandoned, as in the mean
time it had become apparent that
we were going to attack on both
j sides of the Salient. On September
10 the order was issued to commence
the removal and destruction, of all
material in the Salient. Unfortu
nately for the Boche, they thought
they had plenty of time, so on the
11th they started to prepare such
material as they thought could not
be removed, for destruction. Some
of" the unmounted batteries from
near the town of St. Mihiel were
started back to their second posi
tions, and other batteries were to
start that night, but didn't, as the
bombardment was in full swing be
fore they got started. Now it so
happened that our attack was only
to be a piifcers movement at the
shoulders of the Salient and not a
drivo in from the point. As a mat
ter of fact there was no attack at
all around the town of St. Alihiel,
so the withdrawal of a couple
of batteries had no effect on the
engagement. To quote again the re
port of Lieutenant General Fuchs,
"this was the situation when the
enemy's attack struck the army de
tachment by surprise on the night
of September 11-12.", To-morrow I
.will toll you what we did to them
'on the morning of the 12th.
To the Editor of the Telegraph: I
In the Telegraph for September j
23, was published a news item from
Sharon, Pa., telling what thepeo
ple of Mercer county are doing to
wards road improvement. They
have appropriated 31,500,000 to be
spent on a road system. It is sure- |
ly gratifying to see a community
awake to the serious economic loss
of bad roads. Bad roads effect
every phase of our national life,
city and country both reflecting the
affect is more noticable in the rural
districts where the actual condi
tions exist, where the travel is by
road entirely. The affect in the
cities is just as noticable if we only
knew where to look for It. Bad
road conditions affect bank clear
ances, affect produce costs, affect
wholesale and retail business. Good
roads bring people to town to pur
chase goods and deposit savings.
They bring crops to railroad ship
ping points quicker and cheaper.
Good roads encourage the use of
modern hauling equipment and its
accompanied economies, bad roads
foster the slow old-fashioned
method of hauling heavy loads on
horse-drawn vehicles and its in
herent loss In time and money.
Dauphin county can well pattern
after our friends in Mercer county
in their method of raising funds
for this enterprise. Their cam
paign is worthy of praise. But
should we not give pause when
spending vast sums of public money
to consider that we do not just
spend it but invest it? Should we
we not see that a road financed by
bonds should at least have a life
equal to that of the bonds? It
does not require a financial genius
to see that if we construct roads
which must be rebuilt several times
before they are paid for once, that
such a policy will inevitably lead to
finanqial embarrassment. Yet Mer
cer county is putting her monew in
macadam, cinder and slag roads.
Let us look at our neighbor state '
to the north. New York State haj |
paid dearly for her experience in |
building macadarti and light di- j
tuminous roads, financed by 50-year
bonds. Commissioner F, S. Greene, i
of New York State Highway De-!
partment, published a very inter- j
esting article in the Engineering i
News Record for August 21 on just;
this subject. All those truly inter- i
ested in roads as a public invest-1
ment should not fail to read Com-1
missioner Greene's conclusions.
He quotes from the official !
records of the Highway Department
which show that 80.48 miles of j
water-bound macadam roads cost j
8955,872.76 to build in 1912, and
that between that time and Janu
ary 1, 1919, 8702,244.99 has been
spent on maintenance. This means
that in less than seven years
88,725.71 per mile has been spent
on roads which cost 811.877.14 per
mile to build. He states: "I have
discovered enough to convince me
that the life of water-bound ma
cadam or light bituminous macadam
pavement averages about seven
years, and cannot be reckoned be
yond ten years." Could anyone con
sider a road a good investment
which cost 80 per cent, of its pur
chase price to maintain during its
life, and whose life is only a frac
tion of the time covered by the
period of the loan financing It?
We quote further: "The cheap
est reconstruction that we now do
our macadam roads is to lay a new
two-course bituminous macadam
pavement over the old road. At
present prices this costs an average
of 816,700 per mile for a 16-foot
pavement. In Wayne county,
Michigan, an old concrete road has
been successfully resurfaced by
placing a new reinforced concrete
top of three-inch thickness. Let
us suppose that we would wish to
resurface by placing a naw rein
forced concrete top, four inches in
thickness. Then a mile of 16-foot
pavement requiring 1,043 cubic
yards of concrete for such resur
facing at 816 per cubic yard, (which
is not a low price) would cost
816,688. If these figures are cor
rect, they show that the resurfacing
of a concrete road at the end of
fourteen or fifteen years is half the
cost of double the resurfacing of a
macadam road, apparently neces
sary during the same period."
Again: "We have concrete roads
which have cost us less than 850
per mile per year to maintain. We
j have concrete roods In main travel
ed routesin this Stute that have been
down five years and show so little
| "wear that the broom marks, left as
a finish to the surface, are still on
; that surface. Our concrete roads
: so far as wear is concerned, are as
1 good as the day after their accept
ance by the State, and we believe
i that we can now build reinforced
concrete roads which will certainly
last ewenty-five years, and all indi
cations point to a larger life."
In closing he states: "From all
available data, there is no doubt
that at the end of eight or ten years
of service, depending upon the
amount of traffic, the concrete
pavement is the most economical
one that can be constructed."
"These are but some of the
reasons why 1 advocate a more per
manent road than we have been
building in the past, and it is now
my belief that, considering the new
problems of traffic that we have to
solve, the most practical pavement
for a highway to-day is the one built
of concrete." •
There are the conclusions of the
New York State Highway Commis
sioner. Our own commissioner has
given Dapuhin county a start in the
right direction. We have the
Dauphin-Clarks Ferry road and the
Mtllersburg-Elizabethvtlle roads
both fine 18-foot, reinforced con
crete pavements as good, if not bet
ter, than those which Commissioner
Greene states cost $5O a mile per
year to maintain, and last at least
twenty-five years. There is the
Linglestown road, a 16-foot rein
forced concrete road, equal to the
above in every respect, but narrow
er because of the lighter traffic it
is expected to carry. This means
that Dauphin county has 14.85
miles of road now under construc
tion which represent a real invest
ment, one that is sound from every
Let us gft behind a road cam
| paign that will make Dauphin
second to none in the State for good
roads! Let us do it by building
twenty-five-year concrete roads and
not seven-year macadam roads.
D. C. M.
McClain Recollections
In the Philadelphia Evening Led
ger Col. George Nox McCain is writ
; ing an interesting series of reminis
j cences, some of which cluster about
! Ilarrisburg. In a recent issue this
I appears:
"Robert M. Sturgeon, of York, was
in town last week. He was "Bob"
Sturgeon in the old days at Harris
burg. That was thirty-five years
ago, when he was legislative reporter
for the Harrisburg Call. Bob Stur
geon has been everything from cub
reporter to editor-in-chief, and for
years past has been identified in an
editorial capacity with York news
papers. Mr. Sturgeon is one of the
three living survivors of the corps
of legislative correspondents of the
session of 1885.
"Joseph Gilbert then represented
the Associated Press and Thomas M.
Coleman, who sometimes tried to
mask his identity under the signa
ture of "Nameloc," which was simply
his proper name spelt backward,
was the Public Ledger corres
"Edward C. Howland was corres
pondent for the Philadelphia Press.
He was one of a brilliant family
whose last survivor, a brother, Harry
Howland, of New York, died within
the last couple of years. Howland
left Philadelphia and was afterward
political writer on several of the
New York newspapers.
"William Rodearmel gerwral cor
respondent, was known to newspaper
people everywhere as "the man with
a hundred newspaipers." He was an
indefatigable worker, who grew
wealthy supplying newspapers in the
State and over the country with
Harrisburg news. He was afterward
postmaster of Harrisburg under
| Cleveland.
I "A. E. Watrous, of the Philadel
phia News and George Welshons, of
the Pittsburgh Times, were also in
Harrisburg and during that session.
They were two of the most brilliant
writers I have ever known. Strangely
enough, fate decreed them the same
regrettable end. Both committed
suicide Watrous in New York and
! Welshons in Harrisburg.
| "Thomas M. Jones, of Harrisburg,
.who died within the last two years,
j was the dean of that exceptionally
ab'e body of men.
"E. J. Stackpole was Just then
' entering upon a career that was des
[ tlned to give him a State-wide repu
! tation as newspaper man and capi
l talist. Like Rodearmel, he was a
[general newspaper correspondent.
I As years went by he established per
jmanent newspaper connections and
j uitimatelv purchased the Harrisburg
[Telegraph, which is to-day the most
l ably edited influential evening news
paper In central Pennsvivania.
"In those days the Lochiel Hotel
was the rallying point for the cor
respondents. Here the legislators
met and newspaper men fore-gath
ered nightly."
OCTOBER 1, 1919.
Psychological Tests
Following in the footsteps of Col
umbia University the University of
Pennsylvania is trying the intelli
gence tests advocated as substitutes
for the regular collegiate entrance
According to Dr. ' George Gaily
Chambers, director of admissions at
the university, 134 applicants for ad
mission have been subjected to the
intelligence test's. All had served in
the army and navy for at least a
year and many of them had been
overseas. Their service interfered
with the completion of their usual
preparatory work and for that rea
son the university allowed them to
take the intelligence tests in place
of the usual examinations.
At least ninety of these men have
successfully passed the examina
tions and will be registered as
freshmen as soon as they present
certificates of discharge from the
army or navy. Ten other cases were
held in abeyance, to ' be decided
upon within the next day or two.
Dr. Lightner Witmer, professor of
psychology, and a corps of assistants
have been recording the result of
the examinations, and they are to
be compared with the regular en
trance examinations. Their ulti
mate success will be determined by
the midyear examinations as com
pared to those students who have
taken the usual tests for admis
This comparison will be the basis
for determining whether the. psy
chological tests will be adopted gen
erally or not. Although Columbia
I and several other universities intro
duced the intelligence tests as part
of their entrance requirements last
year this is the first experiment of
its kind by the University of Penn
sylvania. Later in the year it is
planned to give the entire freshmen
class the tests and compare the re
sults with the grades in regular
monthly quizzes.
I, Who Laughed My Youth
I who laughed my youth away
And blew bubbles to the sky,
Thin as air and frail as fire,
Opals, pearls of such desire
As a saint could but admire;
Now as azure as a sigh,
Then with passion all aglow—-
Golden, crimson, purple, gray
Moods and moments of a day
Have been gay,
As they,
Sailing high,
Sinking low;
Even so
Walking Paris in a trance,
With my weary feet in France
And my heart in Bergamo,
Loved—and lost my laughing way.
I, of course, have never had
Any great amount of gold
Other than my bubbles hold.
Love? I have no loving plan
As a guide to beast or roan,
Being neither good nor bad,
Just a sort of sorry lad.
—William Griffith in Ainslee's Mag
. Ordinary factory hands in the paper
mills in Sweden receive from 34 to 36
cents an hour, including a war allow
ance of 4 cents, In addition each mar
ried workman receives a' wartime al
lowance of 8 cents for his wife and 6
[ cents for each of his children each
week. These hands, therefore, receive
, approximately $75 a month in all for
an eight hour day. Machine operators
| are better paid, and receive $BO a
| month. They also enjoy the eight
hour day, and their extra allowances
include a wartime bonus of $2 for
themselves, 80 cents for their wives
and 67 cents for each child, per week.
Delegates of workmen and employers
in the textile industry of the north of
France, representing about 500 fac
tories and 100,000 workers, have
signed an agreement respecting wages
and hours of work. By the terms
of this agreement the employes are
granted a 48-hour week, with Saturday
afternoon off; that is, they will prob
ably work eight hours Monday and
nine hours every other working day
except Saturday, which will be a day
of four hours' work. A few varia
tions in the application of this agree
ment with respect to certain dates are
provided in order to make up for lost
time during holidays and tl\e Ist of
May. For all the establishments where
salaries arc paid by the day or hour
the average salary of 1914, including
premiums, is doubled and further in
creased 40 centimes per hour for men,
30 centimes for women and boys from
13 to 16 years and girls from 13 to 18
years. Wages for piece-work are in
creased In the same proportions,
Euening <M|at j
Harrisburg has gone over the
again. It got the habit during they
war when it was having Liberty'
Loan drives and various other things
calling for sacrifice on the part of
its people and effort and patriotism
and it has not slowed down a bit
now that peace has come and tha
boys are home and we are trying to
readjust things, including our pay
ments on the aforesaid tLiberty
Loans. The latest success In going
beyond obligations is in cake. Har
risburg, to use the slang term, has
taken the cake with cake. When
the plans for the supper to the sol
diers and sailors and marines of
Harrisburg were made, the supper
that took place along the river front
| and will be talked about around fire
sides all winter, there were esti
mates made that 500 cakes werd
the minimum needed. We did not
know that wo were going to have
3,500 lusty young lighters to feed and
the committee thought that 500
cakes would allow a fair propor
tion of cake after the neckless
chicken and other things, and Mrs.
William Jennings figured out that
the slices should be generous and
that there be enough for second and
third and emergency calls. So the
word wbnt out for 500 cakes. And
the cakes came. They arrived in
automobiles, in wagons, on motor
cycles and on foot, in arms and in
boxes. The Civic Club looked like
a bake house storage place on the
afternoon of the big day. There
were cakes of every size and every,
hue, cakes iced in pink and choco
late, although cakes of brown and
cakes of white, cake enough for
I half a town for half a night. There
were cakes left over, some that got
away, some that were only halt
I eaten and some that speedily became
memories. But the point is that
Harrisburg, accustomed to going
over t the top, exceeded the speed
limit and destroyed the minimum of
cake, all home-made and the kind
that mother really made.
Investigation into the marketing
conditions in Pennsylvania cities anil
boroughs by the State Bureau ol
Markets have developed the fact that
Harrisburg has some of the oldest
markets in the country, several hav
ing been discovered in reading re
ports that have been in continuous
operation since colonial times. Oth
ers have more than a century of
activity to their credit and many of
them have excellent records as divi
dend payers as well as rendering
public service. Guy C. Smith, direc
tor of the Bureau of Markets, found
that 58 markets have been reported
as in operation and looks for still
more to be listed. The history of
the concerns is being assembled.
Thirty-two of those reported upon
are curb or open markets and 26
in buildings and of the enclosed
type. Fourteen do a wholesale and
retail business, but the bulk are for
farmers to display and sell their pro
duce to the housewife.
• • •
, Pennsylvania is shy on its buck
wheat honey crop. This State is
producing a honey crop that is
worth consi<Vrably more than ia
million dollars a year and the studies
have shown that there are various
kinds of honey, some farmers
specializing in varieties that have
proved to be profitable in their
localities. The buckwheat honey
crop is declared to be short this
year because at the time buckwheat
bloomed the weather was unfavor
able for the flow of nectar, accord
ing to the experts at the State De
partment of Agriculture. In the
last decade Pennsylvania has gone
to the front as a buckwheat raising
State and has a big acreage being
cut now.
v • •
If, one could only get to see some
of the letters that people are writ
ing to friends and relatives in other
cities about the monumental suc
cess of the welcome home staged by
■ grateful Harrisburg it would bo
worth while and the archives of the
Dauphin County Historical Society
would be enriched. But probably
the best, the tersest and the most
complete was on a post-card picked
up in the Federal building, evident
-Ily dropped by some one going to
| mail it. This was the line:
Some of the people of Harrlsburg
have been rather prompt about tak
ing up the questions relative to the
markets and some discussions have
occurred which indicate that the
State authorities have taken the
proper way to get an idea as to
what is wrong. One woman com
plained to-day right out loud that
farmers took her for the wife of a
railroader and put up the prices;
another said that the boys who
hauled market baskets charged too
much; another that the city should
own the markets because then farm
ers would not have to charge in stall
rent for customers, while a fourth
said that people ought to stop buy
ing eggs at market because over 60
cents in August meant a dollar in
December. Director Guy C. Smith,
ought to get some first-hand infor
mation of a valuable character, and
that right early, if people put on
paper what they say.
• •
A good story is being told oil
Dean C. B. Connelly, Commissioner
of Labor and Industry. He has a.
phonograph in his rooms. He docs
not get much chance to play it, but;
somebody did. Some newspapermen
living at the same place did not like
the music and they filed oomplainjj
with the dean. The dean denied
musical tendencies at the time thaS
the night worker wanted to sleeps
To make things sure he put a towel
into the horn of the music machina.
It has been played, they say, bul}
the "mute" is on and the dean tj
not to blame.
—Dr. Leo S. Rowe, former Univer
sity of Pennsylvania professor, may
succeed John Barrett as director of
the I'an-American Union.
—Alba B. Johnson, president of
the State Chamber of Commerce,
confesses to having been born in
—Ex-Senator E. W. Blewitt, of
Scranton, was in Harrisburg to-day.
—Ex-Judge W. K. Stevens, of
Reading, was one of the lawyers in
court yesterday in the "sectarian
—C. Victor Johnson, former legis
lator from Meadville, was here on
legal business.
Ex-Judge A. A. Vosbury, prom
inent Scranton attorney, was a Capi
tol visitor.
—That llorrisburg no longer
depends on Reading; it bakes j
Its own pretzels?
| —A century ago one of
burg's chief products was loathed