Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 30, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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[Continued from First Fagc.l
order of events It was through fault
of the mind and not of the heart
on the part of those whose task,
self-appointed and altogether one of
affection, it was to carry out the
order of the day and evening.
The day was crowded with in
teresting events, the parade, the
baseball game, the banquet in the
river front park, dancing, fireworks
and the theaters for those who
wanted to sit down qnietly and re
joice in the company of those tor
whom the program had been ar
ranged. The crowds were every
where. chiefly in the places or
amusement when the formal wel
come celebration had come to its
Flier Thrills Crowds
Not the least interesting feature
of the day was the airplane flying
of a single aviator, who performed
hair-raising stunts all over the city
and the loud whirring of whose
motor could be heard with startling
distinctness in nearly every home.
This blrdman gave his exhibitions
between four and five o'clock. At
times he flew so low as to send a
thrill up and down the spines of the
thousands who watched him and
who frequently wondered whether
his daring was prompted by the im
8 'gii! llppi
y! (Qua- -cotoxtUl jvcidbcLat>
vj fiaAy&t of
s l Atiivl/rtCt -&ot punrL otW
Every grocer everywhere sells Kellogg's th& COVtt
5 C a package
before the war
5 C a package
during the war
5c a package
I | j
portance of the occasion or whether
his stunts were feats of skill that
had, by reason of long practice,
become easy of performance. The
number on his plane was 36. It
could easily be seen from the
streets, more easily some times than
others, especially when he darted
close to earth.
Thousands Enjoy Chicken
Banquet on River Front
Senfad at long rows of tables
stretched in the River Park from
Locust street 'north to the Civic
Club, thousands of Harrisburg sol
diers, sailors and marines, enjoyed
a big banquet last evening, given to
them as guests of the city during
their welcome home.
After a parade in the afternoon
and a 12-inning ball game on the
Island those boys certainly were
hungry. It didn't take them long to
take their places at the tables. Then
the banquet started. Ten double
' Army kitchens were scattered along
the curb in the park and about 400
volunteers kept the boys busy with
the plates of chicken and other
good things to eat which they serv
No Standing In Line
There was no standing in line
with a mess kit, no calls to the K. P.
to "get a move on." No indeed, this
was a banquet with each and every
soldier and sailor comfortably seat
ed and being served.
"It sure is good to have it brought
to you," one remarked. "About all
I can remember of the Army is the
K. P. service I had for weeks."
Big halves of fried chicken ap
pealed to the men most. When the
main course was served the talking
almost stopped except now and then
when the boys joked about the meals
they got in the Army with "slum"
at the head of the menu most of
the time.
Women Volunteer Waiters
V. Grant Forrer, who had charge
of securing the tables and arranging
! them, divided them into ten sections
I with a big kitchen for each unit,
i At each of these from thirty to forty
j women volunteered as waiters,
■ whole scores of others served cake
: and ice cream.
| Boy Scouts numbering more than
! 260 were on duty and aided in keep
ling order and carrying messages to
! various persons In charge. While
j the soldiers were banqueting many
| thousands of relatives and friends
I crowded along the edge of the park
• just to see how the "big' army"
: would be served.
I Enough For All
I Mothers, wives, sisters and sweet
. hearts acted as waitresses and there
. was so much to get that finally even
| the coaxing of those who were serv
ing brought the answers "Couldn't
] eat any more if I wanted to. It
| certainly was fine."
j From colonels to privates the
. same expression was heard many
times during the evening. Every
| thing that could be furnished to
tempt the appetite was on the
tables. Fruits of all kinds, cigarets,
soft drinks, cpffee, cantaloupes, the
chicken course, ice cream bricks and
cakes "Three stories high" were
some of the things to be enjoyed.
The variety of cakes showed that
many fond mothers, wives and
sweethearts had been busy for there
was na end to the assortment.
Plenty of Music
Four bands, the Municipal, Com
monwealth, Moose and Eighth Regi
ment, furnished plenty of music,
giving programs of popular song
melodies and lively band nnmbers.
Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley with a
flying chorus of women, sang for the
boys and one of their numbers that
just fit the occasion as one of the
men remarked was "A Perfect Day."
Entertainers who are appearing at
the Majestic also sang for the sol
A more picturesque scene could
not be imagined than the one pre
sented in the park. Under scores of
tall maples were stretched the tables,
covered with snowy white cloths
over which had been laid fern and
fruits. Seated here were the thou
sands of boys in khaki, with an oc
casional navy blue uniform showing
that Harrisburg had men in that
service also.
Lights After Sunset
Women, most of them in white,
and Boy Scouts in khaki, moved
about, and out over the rippling
Susquehanna the sun went down,
sending a dull red glow across the
water and the park. After the sun
set hundreds of electric lights
stretched along the park for the
occasion, were turned on.
One Thought Tppcrmoxt
From the time the parade began
to form until the last inning of the
game on the Island, the uppermost
thought in the minds of every unl-
i formed boy was the chow line to be
formed at 6 o'clock. Long before the
appointed hour the crowd began to
gather, leaning against the ropies
and gazing hopefully at the groan
ing tables.
"When Do We Eat"
From Many Throats
The old-time cry, "When do we
eat?" arose with Increasing fre
quency until at 6 o'clock the party
began. Soldiers who started from
the bridge and tried to get a place
near the Walnut street part of the
feast found themselves out of luck,
foi by the time the. baseball crowd
arrived the best places had been
usurped by men with greater appe
tites and less baseball enthusiasm.
The best thing about the whole
performance was the service ren
dered by the women and girls of the
National War Aid. The banquet
could not have been more efficiently
served if a corps of waiters long
trained in the gentle art had been
used. And it's a good bet that if that
corps had been used instead of
the feminine contingent, the dough
boys wouldn't have enjoyed their
food half so well. In fact, many of
them had a bad time trying to eat
and keep their eyes on the waitresses
at the same time.
The 15,000 chickens, 500 home made
cakes, and all the rest of the good
things that made up the feed, disap
peared like a bugler after reveille.
With the finish of the food, the old
timers lighted up the cigarets placed
at their elbows, and were all set for
the evening.
Parade Wim Notable
The parade itself was a long-to
remembered sight. Long lines of
khaki and blue, broken here and
there by the brilliant uniforms of
bands or the darker colors of war
workers, marched by while Harris
burg stood on the side lines and ap
The veterans went by with their
heads, up, march'ing with the fast
marching step which is used in all
reviews. The veterans of the Civil
War preceded the veterans of the
World War and received cheer after
cheer as the automobiles ill which
they were riding passed along the
line of march. The Veterans of For
eign Wars likewise had a contingent
in line.
Welfare Workers Busy
The welfare workers had a busy
time yesterday and certainly proved
their worth to the boys. The Y. M.
C. A. was busy all day with its group
of secretaries, going from one place
to another where the boys were con
gregated and serving them with cig
arettes, chocolate bars, and all man
ner of gifts. At the parade, the ball
game, after the banquet, and late in
the evening, untiring secretaries
worked to make the clay a complete
success. Ten thousand packages of
Triangle Mints were distributed.
The Knights of Columbus secre
taries were likewise putting out a
good deal of work to make things
pleasant for our soldiers. In addition
to the canteen service the K. of C.
had ten secretaries in line, two of
them having seen service overseas.
They used many cars to take wound
ed soldiers from the Carlisle Hospit
al 'to the ball game.
Comrades Meet Again
One feature of the parading yester
day was the greeting of comrades
In arms who had not seen each oth
er since they went away two years
ago. This happened in a number of
cases, particularly of the later drafts
as many of these were used as re
placements for divisions which came
from all parts of the country.
It was unfortunate the crowd was
not handled more efficiently by the
police, as the linal act of the parade
was to have oeeii to inarch under
the victory arch erected for that
purpose. On account of the huge
crowd which surged forward and
made it impossible for the marchers
to countermarch in the Square and
pass through the arch, this part of
the program had to be abandoned.
Lead Old Companies
Several commanders led the same
companies yesterday which they
headed in the battle line. Captain
Robert A. Jenkins and Lieutenant
Charles W. Thomas led Company I
01 the One Hundred and Twelfth, and
Company D had its leaders, Captain
John Bretz, and Lieutenant Rippey
T. Shearer.
The Jewish welfare workers had a
big hand in making vhe day a big
success. Many workers were through
the crowds handing out picture post
cards which contained plntographs
of the army transports which were
only too familiar to many an eye.
Rabbi Louis J. Haas was their rep
resentative in the parade yesterday.
The planes which stunted over the
city held several members dt the
Carlisle Hospital staff. Dr. J. H.
Kreider, formerly of Harrisburg, was
taken up by the pilots from Middle
town, as were also Miss Rose and
Miss Kinney, nurses at the Carlisle
institution. All of them declared
they had never seen such a beautiful
sight as Harrisburg presented from
the air.
Evening Span of Joy
The evening was just one grand
span of joy for the many soldiers
and sailors who made the most of
the dancing at Winterdale and the'
Chestnut Street Hall. Orchestras at
both places were playing the latest ]
tunes, and playing them with the
greatest amount of "pep", so that it
is not to be wondered that the gobs
and leathernecks, to say nothing of
the doughboys, had a large evening.
The Rfd Cross canteen service put
out the best effort of the day, too,
when they distributed gallon after
gallon of cider and doughnuts, cakes,
pretzels and apples to .the dancers.
The number of barrels consumed has
not yet been tabulated.
Division Insignia . y
Seen Everywhere
Insignia of but few American
divisions of the past war, were miss
ing yesterday in the big procession
of former service men as they proud
ly swung over city streets before the
eyes of admiring Harrisburg.
The red keystone of the Twenty
eighth and the Lorraine Cross of the
Seventy-ninth divisions predomin
ated, but the representation of other
divisions was large. Practically every
American division had a representa
tive in line. Insignia of foreign
divisions were included, a number
of men having been attached to for
eign divisions during their overseas
service and by reason of this fact be
ing entitled to wear the unit's in
f Not a branch of the service was
unrepresented and not an Army
rank from that of colonel down
failed to have a representative in
the big procession while both com
missioned and noncommissioned men
of "the Navy and Marine Corps were
Three thousand persons, veterans
of the Civil, Spanish-American and
World Wars, were in the line of
march, with the veterans of the past
war, quite forming the
bulk. The representation of all
former service men, however ranked
high in the percentage scale. There
were few city men who were not
in line.
Thousands as Witnesses
Thousands of persons thronged
the sidewalks and portions of the
streets all along the route of parade,
balconies, windows and roofs were
thronged to capuclty long before the
procession moved off.
So eager did the city people and
their guests become to witness the
march of the soldier brave that they
jammed the streets to such a degree
that the parade was delayed consid
erably in moving off and in proceed
ing along its scheduled route. In
Market Square the throng became
so thick that the marchers were un
able to proceed until the crowd was
cleared away by city police, and men
from the Harrisburg Recruiting Sta
tion, riding in motorcycles and au
tomobiles. All along the way dif
ficulty was experienced in keeping
the throngs at a satisfactory distance
for the marchers to pass.
Cheers Greet Marchers
All Along Parade Route
Cheer after cheer burst from the
prqud crowd as it witnessed its sons
who went out to fight and its daugh
ters who went out to save, some two
and one-half years ago, some two
years ago and some lesser lengths
of time, swinging down the street.
Captain Joseph Thompson, direct
ing a platoon of police, lead off the
procession, followed by the famous
[Spring Garden Band, of York. Then
came George W. Uhoads. depart-
I ment commander of the G. A. R.,
who served as chief marshal, to
gether with Captain Francis H. Hoy,
Jr., his chief of staff.
The aids, Captain George C. Jack,
Captain A. M. Porter, Captain E.
I Laubenstein, Captain Walter K.
i Thrush and Lieutenant Samuel Fit-
I ting, serving as aids, followed.
! Then came divisional marshal
! Harry S. Watson and his aids,
Michael Floyd,• Francis H. Hoy, Sr.,
Joseph Runkle and James Auter.
G. A. It. Men In Procession
' G. A. R. men, almost 200 of them,
riding in 33 automobiles in double
column, lead off the division. Each
one of the three city posts and sev
eral out of town posts had repre
sentations riding in the automobile.
A. burst of applause greeted these
Veteran wearers of the blue as their
thinned ranks passed by.
The Moose Band followed in the
wake of the Civil War survivors and
were followed by delegation from
Captain Howard L. Calder Post, No.
21, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and
of Harrisburg Camp, No. 8. United
Spanish-American War Veterans.
Company I, Pennsylvania Reserve
Militia, and the Pennsylvania Re
serve Militia Truck Company and
motor trucks of the unit, brought
up the rear of the division.
Interest In Second Division
It was in the second division that
most of Harrisburg's interest center
ed, for it was in it that were found j
the greater number of the city's!
veterans of the country's most re- J
cent war. Colonel Frederick M. |
Ott, former prominent Pennsylvania |
National Guardsman, acting as divi- |
sional marshal, led off. followed by j
his aids, Captain Paul W. Harm.
Captain Ross A. Hickok, Lieutenant j
David McConnell. Harry E. Earp!
and Howard Myers.
Old Rand in Lino
The old Eighth Regiment Band of j
Pennsylvania National Guard, which j
became the Sixtieth Pioneer Infan- j
try Band following the reorganiza- 1
tion of the Pennsylvania National |
Guard, as which it was preparing
to go overseas when the armistice!
was signed, led off the division. |
Colors of the allied nations, each j
borne by an overseas veteran of i
either the Twenty-eighth or Seven- 1
ty-ninth division, appeared in the I
rear of the old Eighth Band.
Overseas Nurses Cheered
Overseas nurses, more than a l
score In number, each attired in a j
natty uniform drew thunderous!
rounds of applause as they passed j
by. Workers of the V. W. O. A., >
Y. M. C. A., K. of C„ Jewish Welfare |
Board, Salvation Army, and others
followed. A big delegation of city
physicians and surgeons who served
in the medical corps and repdered
invaluable assistance in allaying the
suffering of officers and enlisted
H; S Sold by drug stores >, . \T 11 n .
I\/ department stores, and JK Mosquitoes—a Needless rest | 9
Jt/ hardware dealers
Br Don't let one lone mosquito keep you awake at :L
■ \ nor a thousand bother you in the daytime. •j
I J. 4 Mosquitoes will get in anywhere in spite of screens
j 0 and nettings, but they cannot live in any room that | j
jr J) — PRICES fIBKJjI j iag S p ra y e( j DETHOL. •:
g 1 full q'u.Vt Voo / An occasional spraying thereafter will keep these | j
\ I gallon can* 3.00 J pests out. Spray the bed-room with DETHOL be
!jV Sf> to s the* uii* y f° re retiring and you have mosquito protection.
; : Quart each S We guarantee that DETHOL can be inhaled with
; • ,zo out the least discomfort,' or injurious effect
| : DETHOL has a pleasant odor. |
Del hoi 1
Germicide Disinfectant = |i
Insecticide Deodorizer
! j MOTHS MOSQUITOES _ GUARANTEE =i| """ES^SES" 11 ,™„ Sfl. _ I !
is SSPS cassis detboli. tasfi-um M&ISE ji
S the arScles to be protectee! breeding places-DETHOL guaranteed to do all that OL. This draw* the pests only preparation Wn to • <
; SESSi ssjSsar'siß &nas&."sas j
! • leaves no unpleasant odor. ingpest. also rats and mice. etc. { <
;* * !
■ t DETHOL kills flies outdoors —for this purpose use compressed air sprayer gT'm
Will not stain rugs, curtains, nor wall paper. It will not injure or discolor the W- jg Wgnfllli
; I finest fabric. Sprayed after sickness, DETHOL prevents the spread of disease. I
| t DETHOL is a household necessity, it kills every form of insect pest and germ life. ■
i • DETHOL makes your home more sanitary. It protects the health of your family. DETHOL ' iJ|||il
| I DETHOL is clean, safe, efficient, and is guaranteed to fill every claim made for it. KIUSI)ECT (i|l|||||
• DETHOL is Man la* 111
I • sactxid*, disiafmsns and deodar II Ipvjfjfi#??
\ : DETHOL U used by Hetel. DISTRIBUTERS
; • Pennsylvania and Marseilles, SlkH. i
! • New York City; William Penn, .i waw.
; I vannah, Ga.; and others I
germicide and disinfectant. LafayCttC Building ! S3SSw ftSS IfWM
> • DETHOL MFG. CO.. lac j
men, both on foreign and domestic
soil, followed in splendid style.
A big delegation of Keystone
Division men followed, after which
came the Liberty Band, of Middle
town. Officers and service men fell
in behind this band. Following came
the colored veterans, many of whom
saw service overseas with the vari
ous units of the Buffalo (92nd)
Then came the Municipal Band
after which marched service men,
marines, a big contingent of "gobs"
and a single yeawoman. Other dele
gations of service men were inter
spersed throughout the remainder
of the division and some few Har
risburg service men, as yet unable
to be about by themselves because
of injuries suffered on foreign soil,
were carried in automobiles.
The Commonwealth and New
Cumberland Bands marched at
proper intervals near the end of
the second and final division of the
The street lighting system failed
| last night during the midst of the
j celebration and for a half hour the
"Harrisburg's Dependable Store"
TXTE HAVE just received a ha
shipment of very narrow
' 'candy'' stripe shirts with sep-
arate collars to match. Every QXTTTJ'PQ
color is guaranteed and they wJCIAJK- JL w
are exceptional values at the low
price at which we are selling
They are as different from the
ordinary shirt at this price as 1
day is from night and if we i
were to purchase them today k?Q „
the price would have to be much V* \ ivm
The colors are blue, green, laven
der, pink and they are on dis- Ajl i
play in our window. V JL | 1
It will pay you to look at them.
310 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa.
SEPTEMBER 30, 1919.
business section of the city was
without lights, excepting those on
City Electrician Made
Address at Convention
of U. S. Wire Chiefs
I Clark E. Dlehl, city electrician and
'manager of the Postal Telegraph
Company of this city, delivered the
[ president's address at the annual
meeting of the International Associa
tion of Municipal Electricians, held
at the Auditorium Hotel, Chicago,
September 23, 24. 25 and 26. Promi
n nun C' ear Your Skin
|J 11U \ WithCuticura
|| 111 All druggists: Soap 25,
| _ a Ointment 25 Sc 50, Ta!
I ■ cum 25 Sample —ch
U I DcpkE. BMUMS." ***
nent electricians of the United States
took part in the meeting. Dr. Charles
P. Steinmetz, the eminent electrical
authority, was on the program.
Dr. B. S. Behney will resume the
practice of dentistry at 236 North
Second street after October 6. Bell
Mag Rhu
Stop Stomach Trouble
Guaranteed to rclleveiacld stomach,
nervous indigestion, constipation,
stomach pains.
Sold by Croll Keller, the druggist,
and the Kennedy Drug Co.. and all
other druggists or send $l.OO to Mag
lihu Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa. and a box
will be sent postpaid.