Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 30, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 : A Few Lines of Classified Advertising Often Solves tie Knottiest Mills I Deaths E.NCK—On Monday morning. Sep tember 29, 1919, Crayton H. Enck, aged 51 years, 2 months and 28 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late residence, 15 X. 14th St. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. IN MEMORIAM In memory of our dear Grandmoth er. Mrs. Caroline McKamey, who left us two years ago, September 30, 1917. Relentless death among us comes And bitter grief imparts. It takes the loved ones from our homes But never from our hearts. Her Granddaughter. BEATRICE MASSEY ORAM. September 30. 1919. LOST AND FOUND GOLD PIN —With black leaf in cen- j le>*. Jost in the vicinity of Second and Locust streets; highly prized for the association. Reward if returned to; n ner at Roe Apartments, Thirteenth I and Derry Sts. I LOST—Two blank books Saturday | evening on Linglestown car. Please notify or return to 2010 Green St. LOST —A book of P. R. R. bills of lading shipments by Hershey Cream ery Co. Phone Bell 77 or Dial 3252, No. 401 S. Cameron St. Reward. LOST—WiII the party who found, saw or knows of any one finding a ' sin. $ll blackbound book containing recounts of bread route, on road be tween Marysville and Duncannon. please notify W. H. Neumyer, care standard Baking Co.. Harrisburg, Pa. Book is valuable to owner. LOST —Orlando Baglioni lost his discharge papers September 19, In Harrisburg. Kinder will please re turn to the Home Service Section of tlte Reel Cross. 114 Walnut St. LOST—Pocketbook on Penbrook Square car, Saturday night, contain ing money and watch. Please return >l6 Boas St. or phone 1743 M. lie- i ward. I LOST Dog, brown, white breast and feet. Reward. Call 1 425 J after 6 P. M. LOST—Bunch of keys, finder please return Bob Boyer, 24 S. Dewberry St, Suitable reward. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in GregS Shorthand, Typewriting, English. Rookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. B ill 125 Dial 4016. BECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. HELP WANTED—MALE Wanted At 2000 to 6000 a year and up Accountants Bank Examiners Traffic Managers Capable applicants are wanted to take, training at once without inter firruco with present duties for im portant positions with large indus tries and C. P. A. firms. Full infor mation without obligation. Address, La Salle Extension University Harrisburg Office. Bell 4940R P. O. Box 3, Hill Station SALESMAN —Active reliable man wanted in Central Pennsylvania to follow u,r trade and solicit new busi ness; full time or part time; open air work, permanent employment at good wages to men who can make good; no experience necessary; knowledge of farming helpful; state I uge. previous occupation. Reference; or security required. Hoopes. Bio. & ] Thomas Co., Stephen Girard Building, ; Philadelphia. Pa. 600 acres in nurser- j ies. Established over 66 years. WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE, Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE, Lucknow and Enoia. EARN -in weekly addressing,! mailing circulars, spare time at home. Instructions 10c. Barrett Mailing Co., i*2" 2Mb St., Detroit. Mich . WANTED Practical watchmaker and cloekmaker at once. Permanent and gciod position to right man. Jacob Tuusig's sons, 420 Market St. WANTED—Canvasser on a puie I food | i oduct; good opportunity fori li\i wire Apply "Porter," care Tele-1 graph MEN wanted for detective work. Write J. Ganor. lormer govt, detec tive. Danville. Ills. WANTED—A competent man to take charge of the Prospect Hill cem etery. He is required to dig the grave, keep the grass cut and walk in good condition and is expected to live in the house at the cemetery, which is furnished by the cemetery company. For particulars inquire of Miller Bros. & Co., Locust and Court Sts. MEN—(23 required); accustomed to work on tin rooting, gutter, skylight, cornice and general sheet metal work, steady work is guaranteed any man desiring to move to Philadelphia to take this job. good pay. This is a large corporation and guarantees work all year around. Write or ap ply in person. Any man proving satis factory will have transportation re funded after two weeks' work. Thom as S. Gassner Co., 4545 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia. (Continued In Next Column) r > FOR SALE Two Desirable Houses on Sixth Street No. 2526—3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; first lloor has oak floors; steam heat; electric light; front and back porches; lot, 16.2 x 105 ft., to Lexington street in rear. No. 2408 3-story brick, one of a pair; 8 rooms and bath; electric light; steam heat; lot, 20x 130 ft., with 20-ft. alley in rear; possession 60 days. Miller Brothers & Co. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE UK 4 XT AM) COURT STS. St HtiTV I.ONUS llcraber* lllig. Ileal Estate Board V / TUESDAY EVENING, 'HKLP WANTED—MALE | I CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS PATTERN MAKERS PIPEFITTERS HIGH RATES; STEADY WORK ASSURED; BONUS PAID ON SEC OND AND THIRD SHIFTS APPLY FACTORY' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE | THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER ' COMPANY | AKRON, OHIO i 4 OPPORTUNITIES I FOR A large number of inexperi enced men, ages 18 to 45. Must be in good physical con dition; good living wage paid while learning; steady work assured. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO. I WANTED AT ONCE SEVERAL YOUNG MEN FOR OUR CUTTING ROOM. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO, FULTON STREET. WANTED—Y'oung man IS to 20 years old for work in specialty store. Call between 7 and 8 p. m. Deft. De vices Co., 28 S. Fourth St. WANTED —Several neat appearing experifneed house to house men to represent Croinell Publishing Co. Ex clusive offer. Six orders per day pays $36 per week. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. MECHANICS—(2S required); accus tomed to work on tin roofing, gutter, I skylight, cornice and general sheet j metal work; steady work Is guar- J anteed any man desiring to move to Philadelphia to take this job. good pay. This is a large corporation and ' guarantees work all year around. I Write or apply in person. Any man proving satisfactory will have trans- I portation refunded after two weeks' work. Thomas S. Gassner Co.. 4545 I Wayne Ave.. Philadelphia. i WANTED —Man or boy to work in, grocery store in Steelton and deliver, lone with experience preferred. Ad | dress R-8508 eare Telegraph. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT THE NEW BUSINESS PROFESSION Become an expert traffic manager; under guidance of the largest con-| cern of its kind in the world; will not | Interfere with present employment; salaries range from $3,000 to $lO,OOO and upward yearly: state phone num-1 ber and day and hour you can call. Address Warner, Austin & Warner,! | Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED —First class woodwork : ing bench hands or cabinet makers. ! Steadv employment. The W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co. ! WANTED —A good reliable watch- * man; also hoisting engine man. Ap ply Williams & Freedman, Tenth and Mulberry streets. | WANTED —Guards with police, mil itary or watchman experience; of good appearance, fair education, be i tween the age of 28 and 45. Only re liable men will be considered, whose references will stand the most rigid 'investigation. Local concern. state age experience, with references in own hand writing and where em ployed at present. Address H-.606, care Telegraph. : —— > , I GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer We teach you between your working hours to become an expert ! and for only seven dollars a week. ' Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at onge. Automobile and Aero ' 'plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. | j Cameron st.. Harrisburg Training Quarters and Aeroplane Field. I4th L ! and Sycamore Sts. , | ' i WANTED —Experienced auto repairman. Apply FEDERICK'S OARAGE. 1807-09 N. Seventh St. i WANTED —Piece workers and lab . lorere; steady work and high wages ' paid to men who mean business and ! a bio to learn big trade. Apply la*- jmoyne Quarry Co.. Front and Market Sts!. Harrisburg. ! WANTED —Good all around ma 'ehinists and toolmakers; good loca tion and pay. Address X-8022 care i Telegraph. WANTED —Laborers at once; good wages; steady work and chance for advancement. Apply Employment Bu j reau Central Iron and Steel Co. WANTED —Four good stone ma sons. Sec E. B. Izest at Grace M. E. Church. State St. or evening 1929 Park St. i WANTED Experienced window I trimmer and card writer In men's clothing and furnishing store. Penn sylvania city of 120.000. Good oppor tunity for right man: must be steady and reliable; state reference and sal ',.* v 1,-8"1S . are Telegrapn. I i (Continued In Next Column) ) HELP \\ ANTED —.MALE ; ! WM. STROUSE & CO. REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF SEVERAL TAILORS; EX CELLENT WORKING CON DITIONS; GOOD WAGES. I APPLY' WM. STROUSE & , CO., 310 MARKET ST. WANTED—Men for general labor and farm work. Apply 1700 North Second St. after 7 p. m. , PAPERHANGERS—Four first class mechanics; steady work. H. A. Bod mer, 526 N. Third St. WANTED—Hoisting engineer to fire boilers and run elevator engine, building operation at Boyertown. Pa. Address Hummelstown Brownstone Co., Hummelstown. Pa. WANTED —Two men for local sales organization of lodge, New York concern, satisfied with $2O per week I while learning. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. WANTED—A man; must be a good hustler, over thirty years of age. Ap ply Grand Union Tea Co.. 208 North Second St. WANTED—Laborers and contrac tors at the Paxtang quarries. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Paxtang, Pa. HELP WANTED —FEMALE j WANTED! Our business Is steadily In creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors, also girls to learn. If you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay, or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in Har risburg than our tactory and we are making It better every day. Don't annwer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO., 1408 Vernon Street j HOUSEWORK—CapabIe white glri i i m family of two; small house; good j I wages. Apply 2137 Green St. Belli I -'6O9M. WANTED—A reliable white woman for general housework in family of two; no washing. Apply 1609 N. Front Street. Y'OUNG lady for light office work. Apply between 9 and 11, Wednesday morning to J. S. Belsinger, 39 North Tnird St WANTED—White nurse girl and' helper around house in very good home; must stay nights; no washing. 1 Apply at once, 25 N. 19th St. WANTED—A girl for general! housework; good wages. Apply 18191 N. Second St STENOGRAPHER and general of-1 flee assistant, must have executive j ability and possess initiative. Excep-1 tional opportunity for advancement. Reply in own handwriting, stating experience and salary. All replies! treated in strict confidence. Address Opportunity, care Telegraph. WE NEED TWO EXPERI ENCED MILLINERY' SALES LADIES. APPLY AT ASTRICH'S, 308 MARKET STREET, SECOND FLOOR. HOUSEKEEPER for middle aged widower, must be a neat, refined woman; good home will be given; duties light. Address C. W. Sorris, j Fort Hunter, Pa. HOUSEKEEPER—ReIiabIe woman I wanted in spiall family to go South for winter. Apply immediately. 25 S. j Front St., Steelton. or Bell 109. 4 j WANTED—Operators and learners. I and girls to do other kind of work; I good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton St. ! WiNTED —An experienced milliner at once; high salary. Apply to Miss i Nelle Hepford, 304 N. Second. J WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. Learners taken. We will guar i antee all operators a certain wage ! each week. We pay the best prices in the city on our work and also 15 per cent, to 20 per cent, on what you earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrisburg Apparel Co.. Sixth and Herr Sts., City 4 Star Laundry Bldg., Third Floor. WANTED I Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and . good wages. We are also employing inexperl , enced operators who are paid while , learning. A bonus is paid every pay . day to all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Reily and Fulton streets ; i WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators, also girls over 16 years of age. Apply J! DEVINE & YUNGEL. 1 SHOE MANUFACTURING CO.. 16th and State Streets. :! ; i WANTED "I Weavers and learners. Apply 1 HARRISBURG SILK MILL r Second and North Streets -I WANTED —Lady, over 21 preferred, " pleasing appearance and personality • for clerical and stenographic position, * ' central location. Must have year or more experience in stenography and ' office work. References; salary ex •' • pectcd. Address Box R-8052 care Telt- graph. - | WANTED Forelady capable of ' taking charge of sewing in tactory; -! must hove experience. Taubcr. Lip n & Co., W . Herald. St.. Tyrone. i (Continued In Next Column) '* - • HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I 1 1 l| *l' I THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS are an open market place for the peo .' El pic. They assemble offerings for those who want to buy—they present propo sitions from employers to employes, and vice versa—they introduce sellers to buyers of real estate. There's some thing new and interesting about this great mart every day. ' * my. m * j HELP WANTED—FEMALE I WANTED x' Reliable woman for general housework. Address Box CBBSS care Telegraph. WANTED—Colored forelady, cap able of taking charge of sewing room; state past experience. Wash-! Ington Ave. Factory, cor. l£th St., | Tyrone. Pa.- : WANTED—Waitress; must be ex-! perienced; good wages. Apply Alva Hotel, 19 S. Fourth St. HOUSEKEEPER—MiddIe aged, to! care for house and three girls, aged! 4. 6 and 9 years. House has all mod ern conveniences. Would not object! tp man and wife or woman and' daughter. An excellent home for suit able party. Address C. B. Withauer, 419 Quincy St., N. W. Washington, |D. C. LADY—Warned immediately for cleaning and general help. Apply Stoulfer's Restaurant. 4 North Court Street. WANTED—Young woman experi enced or to learn shampooing, man icuring and facial massage; reference 'required. Address Mrs. Mary E. Phil lippy. 209 Kroninberg Bldg., Carlisle. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female THOUSAND, men, women, 18 or over now wanted. Government posi tions. Railway mail clerks, city car riers, census clerks, $llOO-$l6OO year; vacation: common education suffi ' cient; big chance for soldiers, sailors. List positions free. Write immediate ly; urgent. Franklin Institute, Dept. 413-S. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED—A day cook. Apply at ] once Camp Curtin Restaurant, 622 | Maclay. I WANTED—Experienced trucker and jwife, one capable of taking charge of medium size farm; must come well I recommended; good opportunity for reliable party. Address Box H-8249 care Telegraph. ■ BOOKKEEPERS for Uncle Sam— (Thousands are needed. Examinations l everywhere every Tuesday. Open to imen and women. We can prepare you quickly. Write. Civil Service Drillery, 1013 15th St, N. W.. Washington. D. C. WANTED —Companion and care taker for elderly blind man. in good! family, man or woman, or man and i wife looking for place for winter. Ad- i dress Box L-2958 care Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED _____ SALESMEN —Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to $lO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn. Dept 603. Chicago. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE MANAGER Executive familiar; with office management, machine i | operation and cost accounting. Cap- ( able of organizing and directing a large force. Salary to be governed by ability. Address Box C-8086 care Tel- ; \ egraph. j ACCOUNTANT —Ten years' experi-1 ence ir. higher accounting and execu- I tive work. Can take complete charge I ■ and assume all responsibility. Sober, j ■ intelligent, industrious and absu- ' i ' iutely dependable. Good reason for de- j l siring to make change. Address Box I . ! H-8080 care Telegraph. ! ! SITUATIONS WANTED —FEMALE ! YOUNG woman desires position as 1 • stenographer or typist. 611 Calder. WOMAN wishes any kind of days' ! • work. Apply 1130 North Front Street. | ' rear. j WOMAN —Wants day's work. Call 1705 N. Seventh. WANTED —Housework by the week 1 or day's work, by white woman. In quire-1404 James St. ; COLORED girl desires a position as I second girl or dishwasher or child's; nurse. Can give reference. Call or j " write to 1110 SouUt 9th St., Harris-, ; burg. 1 REFINED AND EXPERI ENCED LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION WITH RELIABLE FIRM. SOLICIT ING BUSINESS WITHIN A RADIUS OF 50 TO 60 MILES OF HARRISBURG. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW. P. O. BOX 813. Harrisburg, Pa. I I WANTED —A woman would like I position as companion or mother's I helper; refine.d Christian home more to be considered than salary; best of references given. Address Box M-8255 care Telegraph. WANTED —By experienced dress i maker, sewing to do home. Apply j 1300 N. Sixth' St. BOOMS FOR RENT , I FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished iioums on Crescent St., alii convent 1 lences. use of phone; only gentlemen need apply. Call 4672 J. ' I FOR RENT —Two neatly furnished rooms, all ventilated and heated; use - of bath and phone; suitable for man • and wife or business people. Inquire 6(210 S 13th St. r! FOR RENT—I 646 Market St.. third 1 floor apartment, consisting of two - i ininlshee rooms, bright and sun - shiny; all conveniences; private family. f l-'OU RENT- -Two second floor fur :: iiisl'ed communicating >-oom.< lor n light housekeeping;, all conveniences; 'no children. Apply 1549 Walnut St. | (Continued In Next Column) J ROOMS I'OH RENT UNFURNISHED housekeeping' I rooms with communicating kitch-1 enette, large airy outside; strictly [private; stoves furnished free; I i laundry, phone and bath room privi leges; weekly payments; daily inspec tion invited. 429 Broad St. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms on third tloor for light housekeeping,; use of phone and bath; no children, j j Appljf 1606 N. Third St. 1 FOR RENT—Large front, third: I floor room, furnished. Use of bath , electric light, both phones, reasonable I [rates, gentlemen preferred. 1549 State j St, cor. 16th St. Bell 4162 R. i FOR RENT—Large well furnished | j bed room, with board, gentlemen pre- | l'erred. Inquire 2709 X. Sixth St. I 1523 Wallace St., two furnished' | rooms on third floor for light house keeping; all conveniences. Apply at |abo\e address. j NICELY furnished, clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 I South Third street ROOMS FOR MEX THREE congenial men can secure; a comfortable and pleasant home in' good neighborhood, centrally located. [ Piivate suite, second floor, bed rooms, library and bath. Also third floor; front room, well furnished for a! I gentleman. Apply to Housing Bureau, j Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, Room 2U5, Dauphin Building. ROOMS W ANTED WANTED—To rent two rooms to I be used as doctor's offices, located be-: tween State and Walnut, Third and I Front. Will consider the purchase of property. Address D-BUBI care Tele- ! graph. | j WANTED—Furnished front room,; two or three miles from center of! city, north or west, in private family, j Must be quiet street and neighbor hood; modern finish and furnishing; probably permanent. D. L 279, care Telegraph. WANTED—Three rooms with bath; centrally located; furnished or unfur- i nished. Address Box E-5216 care] Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT AJARTMENTS FOR RENT—-Four room apartment, fourth story, 1212] ! .Market St.; also apartment two rooms: • and bath, fourth story, 110 N. Second ] St. Apply L Minter. 110 N. Second iSt. Bell phone 4282. Dial 4193. j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! | NEW LISTINGS POSSESSION SOON 109 S. 11th St., 3-story brick dwell-i ing. 9 rooms and bath. Price reason- > able. | 812 fc. 17 th St.. 2-story tile and; ! stucco dwelling. 6 rooms and bath,] steam heat, gas and electricity, gar ; age in rear. Price right. j 2907 Derry St.. 3-story brick dwell ing, 8 rooms and bath, cemented cel ! lar, gas and electricity, steam heat, j i room for garage. Price reasonable. SUBURBAN i I 225 Columbia Road. Enola, Pa., fine', [home, 2',4-story frame, slate and tin] j roof, 8 looms and bath, cemented cel lar, electricity, plot 62%x280, room lor garage. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., (Harrlsbut'g's Real Estate Bureau) . 331 Market Street. j 1 j * If vou are interested in a well located, BRICK • MODERN DETACHED HOME, with 9 I rooms and GARAGE, lot 46 or 86x110 feet, consult • ROHRER & SON. 211 Bcrgner Building. [Real Estate and General nsurance FOR SALE 531 Maclay St. Vacant— -2 V'-story frame. I-ot 20x150, with double brick garage rear. Attractive price. i C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Bel! Rell 701 3077J* FOR SALE—Very desirable-business ' property on an alley in the heart of business district, sisse of lot 26x100 ' feet, has erected thereon a 3-storv brick dwelling with large store room on first floor: price is right; for par : ticulers. Miller Bros. & Co., Locust | and Court St. '| FOR SALE—2V4-story frame house; I all Improvements, lot 60x100 feet; *1 av. nlngs end screens to all windows 1 and doors; paved street; chicken - house in rear. 12%x55 feet; must be 1 seen to be appreciated. Inquire of s E,rvln Johnson. 2111 Swatara St. Bell 1897.1. 1 FOR SALE —Uptown In desirable • location, pair 2H-etory brick and - stucco dwellings. 7 rooms* outkitchen ' and bntn, combination coal and gas tangt first floor has hardwood; gas and fifthlc light; very good condi ■ tioti; Inspection by appointment- ohe r of them; possession et once; the other ; 3t> to 60 days. Apply Miller Bros. ; & Co. ' (.Continued In Next j Column). KFAL KMT ATE FOK SALK | "IF IT S REAL. ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" ] NEW; VACANT; 9 rooms and bath;! | all large cheery rooms; a good loca-| tion lot a rooming house; steam heat; gas; electric; cement cellar; very | cheap; $5OO down; balance same as I rent. i i-ix BRAND NEW, VACANT j i HOUSES, in one of Harrisburg's lead- i 1 ing suburbs; built in pairs; 6 rooms I and bath; steam heat; hardwood floor,! • cement cciiar; gas and electric; right j 1 up-to-minute; small amount down, balance same as rent. A REAL. BARGAIN—3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all Improvements; , nice front porch; shade trees; nice ; back yard; small amount down, bal ance same as rent i DEKRV ST., 2145—3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity, all modern improvements; nice front and buck porches; cement cellar; a very nice home; can be bought with ssou cash. RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER— 3-story brick; S rooms and bath; all j improvements; drive alley in reßr; small amount down, baiance same as, tent. D. ASA SANDERLIN. j Room 1, Security Trust Building , 36 NORTH THIRD ST. 'Bell 1390. Dial 36'.3 FOR SALE L. POSSESSION 30 DAYS' NOTICE I N. 16th St., 227, 3-story bk„ all I imp $5200 'Sylvan Terrace, 147, 3-story bk., all imp 4000 Pari; St., 1731 block 2 ft -story I br.ck, all Imp 3500 ■ Camby St., 2805, Penbrook, 2V4- j story fr„ all Imp 2550 Near Penbrook, 8-room bk., | large lot. bargain 3500 400 block, Woodbine, 3-story bk., all Imp 3300 100 block. Maclay St., 3-storv bk.. ! I all imp 4600 il6oo block, oth St., 3-story bk., | all imp., garage 6200 2700 bock, 6th St.. 3-story bk.. ull imp 4200 34 1 Pine St., Steelton, imp.. 2',s slory frame 2300 ; 546 1 ine St., Steelton, corner, all imp.. 2!£-story frame 3000 Penbrook. double frame house, , one acre, garage, one block I front trolley, a big bargain... 42001 Penbrook, two houses, large | gwecn house and large lot. I close to trolley. See this prop- | ] erty, only 4000 j I Other improved properties and i ' farms. CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State St. cor. 16th St. j Bell 4162 R. * Dial 49' JO ! i BRICK HOUSE—l,ogan St.. below' |Peffer Street; 8 rooms and bath. Pos- i , session fifteen days. $5O down, $251 | per month. ! WOODBINE STREET—B rooms andl [hath; electric light; papered and] painted new. $5O down; $25 per] i month; l LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J I ] I FOR SALE—24OS Derry St.; 2-story brick dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, haicl wood floors, drive alley on rear, lot !60 feet front. Price $6,250, $1,200 cash teciuired, or will sell with lot 20 ; feet front. | For Sale—lsU and 1815 Zarteer St., gcorl 2-story brick dwellings with all ] modern improvements. These proper ties are very attractive at $2,900 each, | possession of No. 1815 can be had on j shcrt notice. I For Sale—l 937, 1939 and 1941 Swa | tara St., 2-story brick dwellings, 6 I rooms and bath each, all improve ! ments, porches, attractive at $2,500 I each. I For Sale—Corner Market St. and j Bowman Ave., Camp Hill, newly pa , pered 8 room single dwelling, steam i heat, electric light, hardwood floors, [lot 4"H'X2OO. garage, possession short i notice. j For Sale—2o2o North Fifth St., apartment building. 3 modern apart ments of five rooms and bath each, elegant condition, first floor apart ment has hardwood floors. j For Sale—l7o9 Market St., 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms and bath, gas, I electric light, steam heat, good con ' dition, porches, lot 34x90. i ' BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. ! 316, 318, 320, 322 Lewis; 6 rooms and [bath; electric light. 1911 Susquehanna; S rooms and I bath. 2044 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and hath. 2632 N. 6th St., 9 rooms and bath. 1933 N. 3d St., 11 rooms and bath. 078 Schuylkill St., 6 rooms and bath, 308 I.ewis St., 7 rooms and bath. 3200 N. 3d St., 9 rooms and bath. D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street Real Estate and Insurance. i FOR SALE —1640 Catherine Street; I Vacant 6 room, modern brick house. I Price $3,000. Terms. FOR SALE —314 South Second St., 3-story brick house; good cellar; large lot; price $6700. H. C. Ferber, 107 Chestnut near Front. SUBURBAN home, 6 room house, rlate roof, electricity and gas, two chicken houses, one fare from city. f 107 Chestnut St.. near Front St. r HOUSES for sale In Hlghspire at a ' bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St., j; Hignspire, 9801. ' j FOR SALE — Pair of frame dwtO t ings located on corner of two streets, Lemoyne, Pa., containing 5 rooms "each, equipped with electric lights I and water. Immediate possession. ; Price $2,500. 9 BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, l Second and Walnut Streets. f 1 FOR SALE: —3-story brick house. long lot, side entrance, on North 6th " St., possession October I. Inquire A. ? W. Swengel, 2131 North Second St. t si FOF. SALE—Suburban, 2373 Can bl by St., Penbrook, corner property; -1 single 2V4-story on lot 30x200 feet; e ' numerous fruit trees and good gar r den. garage and chicken house. -<•- 'lntent walks. Apply 1929 Park St. j Reil E27R. i (Continued In Next Column) SEPTEMBER 30, 1919. | REAL ESTATE EOIt SALE ) FOR SALE—S3I Maclay St.—Vacant —2V9-story frame. Lot 20x150, with double brick garage rear. Attractive I price. C. O. Backenstoss, Bell 701.1 i Bell 3077 J. i BUY YOUR HOME on the rental j | payment plan. Small cash or Liberty | ; Bond first payment required, balance | !as rent. We have houses in every ! 'part of the city and suburbs. Apply' ; A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. ! j FOR SALE—Three-story brick, cor ner property, on good street in up | town section, porches, room for gar ; age. This house will not wait for a buyer; possession April 1. Apply A. I IW. Swengel, 2131 N. Second Street. Bell 2575 J. FOR SALE—A nine roomed house! in Market street, good water, a stable and let 50x150 feet; fine fruit trees.! Inquire of Mrs. N. F. Reed, Fifth and Market Sts., New Cumberland. Pa. HOUSE for sale. A new. 2-story i brick, 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. 23d and Derry. Inquire 1 N. H. Downin. 518 A S. 13th. Bell 2062 R. HEREAFTER the properties of J i D. Bentzel Estate will he offered for 1 sale by Bell Realty Co., including 11 houses. Bell phone 439. Dial 4673. Bell i Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. I $3200 WILL PURCHASE a frame* bouse with eight rooms, electric light I furnace; lot 60x150. with chicken house and work shop. Bell Realty Co., ' Bergnet Bldg. FOURTH ST.—Two houses for sale I in the 3200 block; brick construction;! each 7 rooms and bath; other im-' provements; lot. 40x100. Price. $4500 each. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. 26TM ST.. S. 734 (Near Derry)— Vacant house for sale; stucco over brick construction; all Improvements,! including steam heat. Bell Realty C 0.,! | Bergner Bldg. | | PRICE ON 1566 SWATARA ST., lie- i PUCKf* —8 rooms and bath; gas; fur jnace: lot 15x100; former price $2550 . Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. ! BAKER shop for sale with house. I store and garage, lot 87x205, located in Shiremanstown, trolley passes by every half hour. Price $4500. H. |C..Ferber. 107 Chestnut St. ! ——ll i HOMES for colored families—Twol I three-story bricks on Reily St. with i all improvements. 2%-story frame on I I Peffer St. 3-story brick with front I porch on Penn St. 2t4-story frame on! 1 Wallace St.. good location. 2!4>-story l ! frame on Calder St. Send for list and ! i discription to | LINCOLN REALTY' CO., 1129 N. Seventh St. : ONE pair of fire proof brick houses! located in northern part of city, suit-' 'able foi five flat apartment, or will | sell t ingle. These houses are three years old. finished in hardwood and 1 ,oak floors; steam heat; brick garage:' electric lights and gas; front and rear | ! porches; three story; mansard roof; I lot joins street in front as well as in the rear. For further information call Bell 4775 M or Dial 4681. 321 Herr St., 8 roomed house; all! improvements; a bargain to quick j buyer. Rents for $25. Apply 324 j Reily St. | THREE mercantile buildings, well ,'located In growing business sections. 'Prices right and terms to suit. D. A. jCaley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. LINCOI.N REALTY CO. ! Reily St. 3-story brick with all mod ! ern improvements. B"y a home on Boyd street, terms ' i are easy and the price is right. I Don't pay rent when you can buy on easy terms. 1129 N. 7th Street. I 1 _____ I FOR SALE —Or will exchange fur • I improved city property, the Elicker ' Hotel property at Marietta. Pa.; large I lot, 4"x200; 12 room house; 90-foot depth; barn or garage, 30x35 feet. ■ ; new. A good business location. Chas. ' i Davles 1549 State St. Bell 4162 R. Dial 14930. I !_ , | Real Estate For Sale—Suburban I ■ : ■ISUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE ' i . : An idea! home located Main street, l Mechanicsburg. 10 rooms, hardwood j floors, hre places, furnace, hot water I heater and all conveniences; excellent , Icondtticn; front and side porches, • screens, storm sash, fruit trees and , 1 shrubbery. Address Box T-7603 care ■ j Telegraph. FOR SALE—WiII sell my beautiful r ! suburban home, eight rooms and , ! bath. If interested, address Box • J-8248 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR REXT FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdlx from | September 1; furnished up-to-date; • only reliable people need apply to j Louis. 414 N. Third St. 'j REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 ! WANTED Suburban home, two | acres of ground or more; will buy at i once if terms are suitable. Address 1 ; Box D-8081 care Telegraph. WANTED—To Duy a house between North and Cumberland Sts., and west cf Sixth St. Address Box M-6572 care Telegraph. WANTED—To buy a home on Alll ison Hill north of Market St. Address J-8576 care Telegraph. READY buyers, list your farm and houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate and Insurance, Steelton. Dial. I HAVE BUYERS —List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es tate and Insurance. 1002 North Third Street. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT !, An executive with small fam- lly wishes to rent a house as centrally located as is pos sible. Best of reference fur nished. Address for appoint i ment Box 0-8251 care Tele , graph. I, s 8 '' FARMS FOR SALE—IJB-acre farm; good -i soil; 20 miles from Harrisburg or William Penn Road; good size house s. summer house, wagon shed, large hay h stable, kitchen house, running spring e water, orchard and other fruit trees Apply 327 South Front St. 1649 J. FOR SALE —95-acre farm; 75 acrei - clear, land In good state of cultiva 'l tion, giod buildings, all the best klnii ;iof Implements, oil crops, 40 tons ol - I hay. wheot. corn and potatoes, stock 11 - I,< i d <•( cattle. 2 horses. 2 mules, hog.* t. slid poultry. Price $7,200. 107 Chestnut St. near Front St 1 (Continued in Next Column) ' iu.,.l;■ 'i ,i,i , >.nm iiiuiini'wuim 1 IVkjis 96-ncre farm, lA miles N. E. Hbg level, good bldgs., Yruit. creek water. Will sell stock and tools. , i 75-acre farm, 2% rtnles N. Hbr, 8 room brick house, ali\ city imp., in beautiful lawn, large barn. 30-acre farm. 5 miles N. Hbg., g. I room house, stable, etc., 6-acre wood- Hand. 100 fruit trees, will sell or trada on city property, one mile to trolley. :H. H. and State road. [ 10-aero farm, 2Mi miles N. Hbg. I creek water. 16-acro farm. 21&-miles N. Hbg, goou bldgs. " 5-acre farm near West Fairview steam heat and electricity. I 45-core farm, 8 miles 3. Hbg., good a buildings. fl l 150-acre farm, 1% miles S. Lewis -1 berry, very cheap. 75-acre farm, one mile to New Cum berland. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. | Bell phone 560 J. i FOR SALE—Farm containing 97 i ! acres, located in Cumberland county, on State Highway, level lime stone soil, line stream of water through the farm, improved by large bank barn, large freme house, all necessary out buildings. Price 714,500. For Sale—Farm containing 44 acre* located 1% miles east of Dauphin, tm i proved by 2'i-story frame dwelling, ! containing 6 l ooms, bath and attic, first class condition, house equipped I with gas plant for lighting and | cooking, frame bank barn, good con dition, all necessary out buildings, small stream of water through farm. Price $6,800. BRINTON-rACKER CO.. | Second and Walnut Streets. l POULTRY farm for eale, located ] in smaU town Ave miles from Harris- I burg. This farm contains two acres | improved by the following buildings: |2%-story frame house, small barn, Imain poultry building size 16x72; two ' Vi-story laying pens size 16x30; one j brooder house, 16x80 feet, with out j side pens having a capacity of 2,000 chicks every three weeks. The poul try buildings are equipped with tho new Town 1 system. This system alone costing $3,600. The owner is retiring on account of his age and will give i possession immediately. Price to a | quick buyer, $5,500. One-half or more !of the purchase price can remain in * the property if the purchaser comes I well recommended. Ira B. Reider, 204 I Calder. Rell 4377 | . —, SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city, j Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER. 1722 GRTEN STREET. Bell 560-J. | FOR SALE—IOi-acre farm, 10 miles i from Harrisburr on State High- Way, large uricc house, new baru, tine productive hna. If sold beforo October 1, possession first of April. 1920. Price, $8.5'0. Apply to Samuel Plough. 256 Cresient St. FOR SALE—Firm Jm l minutes walk to UoUmH .y.-" 1 , llarrlshurg, S Jils i barn, silo, all " 11,000 ft. . , bungalow sites, J -1 ; lots of fruit, j trucking. Price <I3S I Look this „ allies: reasi Davics, 1549 Sta^g., Bell 1162 RUialß''",.' TrKWSLSfrjfP' C ifSSI FOR ' ' ■ "-".tW * : stock If destred^B !1; 3 miles sorH „ * * i Further i | Second st. ■ i fajeuH J J" 1 WANTED—tH . cither in or Perry counting ' and bottom . aag^ , j Telegraph. , i FOlTsalkl|H J MOTOr.S FOR S./UaQ| . I FOR SALE —Motors, one t; current motor. Bobbins & Myeis . j single; Phase 110 volts; 60 cycles, .11750 rev. | THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO., j Frinting —Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping—■ ; Plate Printing. Harrisburg, Pa ii tj 1 i FOR SALE—Heed baby coach, nur- B jsery chair, mission table and mission I arm chair. 2228 Penn St. }' FOR SALE— Cheap 650 ft. atesm 'heat boiler, in good condition. Call at c j first lloor, 2020 Fifth street, between . b and 8 p. m. CENTRAL Furniture Store, 324 Reily St.. on account of building our " warehouse, w close out our 75 I ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a • low price; also furniture and floor i j covering at reduced price. A trial will convince you, 1061 M. ELEVATOR Welchan's electric, for four-story building, motor atlach - ed. Inquire Lee G. Wilt. Steelton. Pa. 3 ) " t| FOR SALE—MaIe white French s poodle dog. Inquire 1736 Herr Street, !or Bell phone 2955 J. _ II FOR SALE— Eclipse gas stove, four ti burners, good condition, pipe fitting | included; Hasting kitchen cabinet; ic box. in good condition. 1631 Aprl- I cot gt. L st FOR SALE —Second-hand baby car- 4 Iriege, in good condition. Apply 428 -!S. 17th St. e| CENTRAL FURNISHING CO., | 324 REILY ST. -1 on account of rebuilding a w aro - house, we are gotag to sell , 5 good " I ranges heaters and cook stoves at a J low tfgure also a big reduction In I furniture and floor coverings. Ona - trial will convince you. Call Bell phone 1061 M. ' .. FOR SALE—IO H. P. International tgpsoline engine gasoline hoisting en cfne lathes, pianer. shaper, milling ' machine, drill presses, hand and pow er electric motors, various sizes, largo stone crushing plant compete. F. R. Laverty. Bell phone 18a7. FOR SALE —Lumber, tubes, tank*, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts pipe, etc., dismantling P la "' t ' The Highsplre D,B^}' e h 7olre"pi Both phones. Highspli e. ta. FOR SALE- —Block of four, six room frame houses, located on 8t J®*'* Mechanicsburg. electric ights. gas. Can be bought separately or c.s a •whole Cheap to a quick buyer. Vor - particulars address P. O. Box -51. Mo chanicstiurg, -Pa. APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! 4 Grimes' golden, smokehouse. Bald n wins Pound. York Imperial. Ben e Davis Domlnee and other varieties, y for sale at the orchard In small or g large quantities. Sprayed. tl ' ertt ' l "*{J f Lnd cultivated fruit. IV, miles south of Lee's Cross Roads. Cumberland - County. S°? d T roa<1 1 f to the orch * r<l ' No shipping- p - Allen. d l -i| I: Additional Classified Ads II on Opposite t'age U —I-