Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 27, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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In Some Instances Hours Are
Being Added to the
London, Sept. 27.—British trains
are slowing down and in some in
stances hours are being added to
This ts particularly true of trains
going out of London. The pre-war
time of a train from London to
Birmingham was two hours. Now
Like the Penn-Harris Hotel
—it is the highest standard in
quality and style Corona
15c Straight—sls a Hundred
For sale only at Penn-Har
ris and Harry's Cigar Store, j
$5,000 for accidental death.
$25 a week for disability from
$2O weekly for illness.
Double for accidents of travel.
A Year's Protection For $lO j
Tfcf. Nnlionnl Accident Society of
Sew York (Eat. INNS)
llrticc Green. Itcaldcnt Aff*nt
1814 Green St., Hell 410
When Yon Need Coal
And Cannot Get It
You have only yourself
to blame if you have such
an experience this Winter.
The movement of crops j
is impending. When that
begins the opportunity to
make up the shortage in
coal will be gone. Cars
and motive power must be
shared with grain and other i
export products.
Coal cannot be stored at
the mines; its production
must keep pace with the ca- j
pacitv of cars turned over
to the mine operators, i
Cars cannot be sent "o the
mines unless the coal has
been ordered. The orders
must come from YOU—the
coal user.
Delay Means Discomfort i
1 N. 3rd St. 10th & State Sts.
tor£ Closes at Noon, Monday
>m^ J fiill&s=§
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. 9 * /a^eßiH^Bll
| All Honor to those
by whose bravery Jl W
1 and devotion our
great victory was Hi
1 achieved WISE
I Now that the din of battle has
subsided and all war equip- IfpFhcj;
ment has been laid aside and S^lSi
for the instant all martial airs J
are stilled let us raise our
voices to the tender song of W Vj'j
| "Home Sweet Home" '
1 THE GLOBEy^mf^Sik
lit is two hours and a half. To
' Liverpool the pre-war time was
j three hours and thirty-five minutes,
| now it is four hours and a half.
! The northeast coast has suffered
severely. The Scotch express ser
vice. formerly the best of all, is now
| looked upon as quite the worst. For
, example the journey from Euston
; station to Aberdeen, which during
the railroad race in August. 1895,
was accomplished in eight hours and
j thirtv-dwo minutes, now occupies
1 nearly fourteen hours.
The trains which carry pleasure
! seekers to the coast resorts in the
south a'so have slowed down, and
j some of he best have disappeared,
j never to return under government
i control, many persons believe,
i Opponents of government control
point out that only one company has
i emerged from the war with an im
! proved service, the Southeastern
i and Chatham. As long as any one
can remember the Kentish lines
were spoken of with ridicule and
abuse, but for the summer of 1919
Kent is the onUi' part of the country
; enjoying an express service which
i is better than the best provided be-
I fore the war.
Complain® Historv
of Knights of Columbus
Now York. Sept. 27.—The official
history of the Knights of Columbus,
J which has been in course of prep
aration for the last few months,
is now nearlng completion. The his
tory will he published in two vol-j
umes, the first volume in two books. |
one of which will deal with the orl- i
gin. growth and fraternal and pub- 1
lie activities of the K. of C., the
other dealing with the war work of i
the Knights. The second volume !
will be in the nature of a memorial j
of the members of the K. of C.— i
over 50,000 —who served in the war ■
against the Central Empires. This;
comprises those members in the
United States, Canada, New Found- j
land and Mexico, who served in the i
Maurice Francis Egan, formerly j
United States Minister to Denmark, !
and John B. Kennedy, K. of C. i
publicity director, will be joint auth- !
ors of the book.
Splendid Way To
Reduce Your Weight
There is perhaps no one thing that
so plainly shows the passing of our ]
youth as the horrible tendency to put
on too much weight after we have I
reached the age of 25 or 20 years. '
However young our faces may appear,
the sagging.„fiabby figure and forty
inch waist "gives us away."
The pause of this over stoutness is
that our stomachs convert the food |
we eat into fat because there is not ,
enough oxygen in the blood to pro
duce a proper combustion to destroy
the excess fatty tissue. Fat people
will be pleased to learn of a simple
borne method that is wonderfully ef
tlcient in reducing weight, quickly
and easily without a starving diet. ;
violent massage or strenuous exer- !
else. Go to any drugstore and get j
n box of Phynola: take five grains ;
after each meal and at bed time. This
treatment will often give quick re
lief from overburdening fat. • Phy- |
nola taken at meal time assists the
stomaeh in giving you tile benefit of ;
the food vou eat; at the same time
dissolves the fatty tissue from any
part of the body where there is ex
cessive fat. By this method many I
have reduced their weight a pound ,
a dav and there is no flabbines left. !
Gorg'as the drugist. stores, 16 N,.
Thrd st.. P.rd and Walnut sts.. and j
Penna. R. R Station, George's D'rug
store, C. Keller's Drugstore can i
supply you with the genuine Phy
nola at a small cost.
New Yorker Said to Be
President's Choice For
Ambassador to Berlin
George MpAnenjr
Reports from Washington state
that George McAneny of New York
City is President Wilson's choice
for ambassador to Berlin and that
his name will be sent to the Senate
as soon as the peace treaty is rati
fied. Mr. McAneny, at one time
Borough President of Manhattan, is
now executive manager of the New
York Times.
Says Wealth Lies in
Unexploited North
Edmonton, Alta., Sept. 27.
"Wealth beyond the world's
dreams lies unexploited in the Far
North," said Frank Perry. "I have
been over potash beds that in a
few years would pay off Canada's
war debt. The nitrates and phos
phates are richer than any in Ger
many. The country is full of coal,
jrold, platinum and other materials."
regions of the Mackenzie, Polly,
Perry for fourteen years has been
a hermit explorer in the uncharted
Stickine ar.il Laird rivers. During
these fourteen years he has been
out to civilization only twice, once
in 1910 and again in 1915. lie has
traveled, lje estimates, 20,000 miles
by foot, dogsled, raft and canoe. He
knows the Mackenzie basin of North
west and Yukon territories, and the
Northern part of the British Col
umbia perhaps more intimately
than any other white man alive.
He has just come out of the wild
erness to attempt to interest capital
in developin-g the natural wealth of
the* country. He will go east from
here and visit big business men in
Montreal, Toronto and New York.
He expects to lay his discoveries be
fore officials of the Canadian Paci
fic railway to prove the immediate
advisability of -building a road into
the northern hinterland. This road,
he says, would connect with Edmon
ton, Dunvegan and British Colum
bia at Peace River Landing and with
the Canadian pacific's line at Ed
|Harrisburg-Oil City Regimen
tal Colors Will Be Placed
in the Rotunda
i Regimental col-1
of thool(1 Bth olid S
f 16th Pennsylvania ]
: regiments at Camp j
Hancock and[
which fought in .
11-SwIWHIStiV " 10 Keystone *di- |
KglßuM'tjffll v ' s ' on under com
mand of Colonel
| of Oil City,
i have been received at the office of
the Adjutant General for deposit
in the rotunda of the Capitol with
the other flags of Pennsylvania or
ganizations in the World War. With
exception of flags of the 110 th the
State now has a flag, and in some
I cases two flags of each unit in the
Keystone Division.
in some cases two flags, of each unit I
The Adjutant General has also re- j
ceived the flags of the 149 th ma
chine gun battalion which was form- I
ed out of companies of the old 4th i
Pennsylvania and was attached to [
the Rainbow division This flag was \
sent from the War department.
The flag of the 112tli is accompan- I
ied by a ribbon and citations.
Farmer's Institutes—State farm -
er's institutes will not begin until j
the first.week of December this year, |
according to an announcement made j
to-day at the State Department of j
! Agriculture. Heretofore they have
begun about the middle of Novem- |
her, but this year under the new I
plan there will be fewer meetings
and more diversified- programs with
specialists detailed to various local
ities according to request. This ar
rangement has been determined
upon by Secretary of Agriculture
Rasmussen after consultation with
the men in charge of institutes in
the last fe%v years and it is believed
that it will work out better than the j
old plan. Some of the points of I
holding institutes will also be chang- I
ed making them more accessible. !
Efforts will be made to have farmers
present problems in agriculture at
the meetings so that advice can be
Public Service List—Course of the <
Public Service Commission in re->
gard to the hearings in the Bell Tel- I
ephone and Pittsburgh Railway !
cases will be outlined at the execu- I
tive session to be held here Monday I
by the commission. Arguments!
have been scheduled for Monday in j
this city on the complaints against !
the Mahoning and Shenango Rail- !
way and Light company in which!
Sharon, Sharpsville, West Middlesex!
and Wheatland boroughs have en- !
tered complaints. Hearing will be
held Wednesday in the complaint of :
E. J. Boyle, of Wilkes-Barre, against j
the notice to the public on an issue
of $300,000 of stock of the Wilkes- j
Barre company and on grade cross- I
ings in Northampton and Dauphin j
counties. Hearings will also be held I
here Thursday and at Warren on j
Two unusual applications to be j
heard are for a charter for the Eas- l|
ton Aero Service Corporation for a j
charter for an airplane line and by '
the Hanover and McSherrystown I
street railway for permission to j
abandon part of a line in Hanover, i
Watch Tobacco Prices—State ag- j
ricultural officials are watching very j
closely the trend of tobacco prices I
in view of what is reported paid for j
hail torn leaf. The crop this year
furnishes an interesting study for I
the State experts.
Dauphin Grade Crossing—Next I
Wednesday the Public Service Com- j
mission will hold its hearings on the ;
complajnt of the State Highway !
department against the grade cross- ;
ing at Dauphin. This is on the main !
route to Sunbury and Lewistown.
Berks Wants Roads—The State
Highway department was asked by
Berks county commissioners and the j
county solicitor to take early steps j
for the improvement of three State
aid projects in that county, including j
from Yellow House to Douglass- !
ville, near Sliartlesville near
Moreysville. Assistant Co'Tnm'ission
er G. H. Biles agreed to have surveys ,
and other work done, the commiss- j
ioners having petitioned for State 1
Bank Call—The call issued by the ;
State Banking department for state
ments as of September 23 includes j
all trust companies, state chartered !
banks, savings institutions, licensed j
private bankers and national hanks I
doing a fiduciary business in Penn- j
sylvania. The last call was in early
More Associations—-'Charters for |
five more Philadelphia building and j
loan associations, each capitalized
at $1,000,000, have just been issued
at the State Department. They are
the Star of David, Harry Zibman,
treasurer; Liberty Hall, Harold
Webb; Odessor, S. Boris; Leviathan,
T. P. McFarland, and Ranstead,
Joseph K. Marshall.
To Attend Ceremony. Chief of ;
Mines Seward Button and Deputy I
Chief Frank Hall will leave to-night
for Pittsburgh to attend the dedi
cation of the Federal bureau of j
mines building on Monday.
Mr. Soger 111.— Charles Seger,
Philadelphia councilman and well j
known at the Capitol, is seriously ill
according to reports received from
No Frost. —No reports of frost |
came to the Capitol to-day from '
any part of the State. Some of the
local reports have not been well
borne out.
On Inspection Tour. —Highway
Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler and |
Chief Engineer W. D. Uhler are on |
tours of inspection of new highway!
Commission To Go. —Every en- 1
ergy of the new State Board of!
Welfare Commissioners will be
brought to bear upon rent gougers !
and real estate profiteers as its initial I
activity. This assurance was given!
yesterday by Frank B. McClain, ex
ecutive director of the board in j I
explaining its powers and functions, j
Another development of the day
was a conference between counsel
for the Tenants' Associations and
the Philadelphia Real Estate Board
with a view to the general adoption
of a lease form that will protect
the renter from ejectment virtual
ly at the will of a conscienceless
Churches Give Way to
Welcome Home Service
Marysvillc. Pa., Sept. 27.—N0 eve
ning services will be held in any of
Maiysville's churches to-morrow, by
reason of the welcome home evnts to
be held in Diamond Square. Serv
ices will be held in the United
Evangelical. Methodist Episcopal nndi
Church of God in the morning. Zion
Lutheran and Trinity Reformed
churches will have no church serv
ices all day.
Claims He Found
Bed of Sapphires
Billings, Mont., Sept. 27.—8. T.
location a secret. He says it is within
sapphire bed here. He is keeping the
Dickinson clhims to have found a
a half mile of the Billings court- I
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable"
YOU'LL find more
men this Fall waiting
Sp to buy good clothes
p™ than there are clothes,
or good woolens to make
Stick to the staunch re- Tie HOUSE of
liable make that you
f M ,• || •
yourself paying full price
for less than the full
standard of service and
Clothes mean the new
styles with the old integ
rity of all-wool fabric /
and sound tailoring. I
The House of Kuppenheimer ™ NatWVWL
A National Clothes Service LslOttlQS uGT.I/ICS
Sold Exclusively In By
n— ——- —n
j liable iPS^4!I
304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa.
house. He exhibits a handful of
gems to prove the truth of his
j statement.
j Dickinson saws he found the saph
ires while prospecting for agate. He
said nothing about his discovery
I until he had the gems out and pol
! ished in Denver, St. Louis and Oin-
I cin-nati.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1919.
To Select German
Officers From Fittest
With the American Forces in
Germany, Sept. 27.—Officers for the
new German army permitted un
der the terms of the peace treaty
are to be chosen by selection of
the fittest, and the German war
ministry lias already taken the first
step in the selective process. There
are 200,000 officers still- In the ser
vice and as the number must be re
duced to 4,000 by March 31, 1920,
a large field of choice Is available.