Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 27, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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"Maytimc" Enjoyed by Large
Audience; Musincal Num
bers Applauded
With pleasing songs to add to the
attractiveness of the play, Lee and
Schubert's success, "Maytime" \?as
presented at the Orpheum last
night to a large and appreciative
audience. It is billed also for this
afternoon and evening at the locust
street playhouse.
Opening with a scene in IS4O at a
Mew York home in Washington
Square, the narrative begins with a
little romance between Ottillie, niece
of Colonel VanZandt, and Richard
Wayne, a son of one of the Colonel's
workmen. But Cupid's romantic
plans and those of the Colonel did
not have the same destiny for Ot
tillie and instead of marrying Rich
ard her hand is given to Claude Van
Zandt, the Colonel's favorite
nephew. This happens after Wayne,
driven from the Colonel's home a
poor boy, has gone abroad and be
came wealthy. When he returns he
finds Ottillie married and then to
prevent a scene with her husband
says that he came back to marry an
old sweetheart, Alice Tremaine.
Time goes on and in the 80's Ottil
lie is a widow and compelled to sell
the VanZandt home and furnishings
to pay Claude's debts. It .is bought
by her old sweetheart, Richard, and
given back to her.
Years afterward the grandchil-,
dren of these disappointed and un
happy ones meet and are married at
the old VanZandt home, now the
place of a twentieth century dress
making establishment conducted by
Ottillie VanZandt. granddaughter
of the Ottillie of the Ottillie of the
Colonel's days.
Undoubtedly the musical num
bers make this offering as enjoy
able as any of recent years. The
heart appeal of the famous waltz
song "Will You Remember?" lifts
it far above the ordinary ;and "On
the Road to Paradise," sung by
Richard Wayne when he returns to
find Ottillie married, is ne of the
best romance songs of the day.
Eileen Vanßieno, as Ottillie, and '
For the Insuring Public
In accordance with the Laws of the State of Pennsylvania the
Insurance Department has made a complete examination of
The Penn Mutual Life Insurance
Company of Philadelphia
having begun the work on December 31, 1918, and concluded on April 20,
1919, and covering the entire transactions of the Company as shown by its
latest statement. Under date of May 16, 1919, Hon. Thomas B. Donaldson,
Insurance Commissioner, authorized the publication of the following:
"The Penn Mutual is the largest life insurance ond Libertv Loan, $2,500,000 of the Third Lib
company m this Commonwealth, with outstand- ertv Loan,'and $15,000,000 of the Fourth Lib
mg insurance of $802,225,787, protected by re- ertv Loan ($10,000,000 of which was purchased
sen es of $161,710,461 on December 31, 1918, and on the deferred payment plan recommended by
the examination just concluded discloses that the Federal Reserve Bank), making a total as
it has been consistently and continuously op- of December 31, 1918, exclusive of bonds pur
erated in the interest of its membership. chased for employes, of $20,000,000. Since that
"This is the first examination of the Com- date tbe Company has subscribed for $8,000,-
pany made since the completion and occupancy tbe Fifth Liberty (Victory) Loan,
of the new Home Office, which, without doubt. "Approximately one-quarter of the Company's
is the finest building of its kind in the country, death losses during 1918 were due to a combina
lts icautv of design and construction and the 'tion of the war and the influenza-pneumonia
arrangement of the various departments housed epidemic which swept the country during the
therein exemplifying the character of the whole concluding months of the year,
institution and reflecting its strength in the in- ~ . , , . .
surance world. . c Company has passed through the
, , . strain of war and epidemic without adversely
We found that the underlying spirit of the affecting its fundamental soundness,
management is that of complete mutuality, the n , ~ ...
members constituting the company and beinjr . C Com P an y holds an enviable record for
accorded their equities in all relationships—at prompt payment of death losses,
the time of their association, during the con- "The cost of new business, as well as the
tinuance of their policies and when retiring by total expenses of the Company are well within
death or otherwise. ' the limitations established by law.
"When the war began, the Company, in keep- , "We were surprised to find such a high record
ing with its mutual character charged extra pre- of complete and timely interest collections.
sbniHr nM ins . lir . ance ' as dld other "No foreign business is transacted, its poli
allT restrictions TTnon ? - emg J 1 "" from cies bcin S solely upon the lives of residents of
m stice however h - , p V'," this country = the Pe " Mutual has no invest-
TnSee e th authority of the Board of ments outside of the United States/which is
£r ,i fi m f ana ? emen t assumed liability most fortunate.
tor the deaths of all insured members in Gov- •
ernment service, whether in the United States This institution is a policy holders' com
or abroad, and refunded the extra premiums pany ' .? g "? u / ual ,n P lan - llfe durance pro
charged therefor. In addition to this patriotic tectlon ls L furni f hed , to , m ""bers by each other
action, it united with a number of other life at CoBt ' \ hC pohcy holc |ers participating in all
insurance companies in insuring for a mod- savings due to economical administration,
erate amount those engaged in Red Cross and "We are convinced, as a result of this exami-
Y. M. C. A. service. nation, that the strictest financial principles are
"Tn cmnnrt n , . , continuously observed, and that no more care
war, .he Company subscribed foTtl.&'ol " "" COm "
the First Liberty Loan, $1,500,000 of the Sec- P y resources are P osslble -
I certify that these are excerpts from the report of the Examiners of the
Insurance Department, concerning The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Insurance Commissioner of Pennsylvania.
It is with pleasure and satisfaction that the Trustees and Officers have received and now publish
the report of the Commissioner. In the future as in the past they will strive to fulfill the mission of
a purely mutual company, confining their efforts to transacting business within the lines laid down in its
Charter and By-Laws and in strict compliance therewith.
For full information relative to all forms of Purely Mutual Life Insurance, apply or write to
E. R Eckenrode, General Agent
Special Agents
• . \
Worth Faulkner, as Richard Wayne,
are a happy combination to pre
sent their parts in most a convinc
ing way, and when "Dick" sings his
song "On the Road to Paradise" as
he stands an old man before the
picture of Ottillie of the years gone
by there is a touch of pathos that
can only be felt because of their
excellent portrayal of their parts.
Russell Lennon, as Claud Van-
Zandt; Phillip Branson, as the
Colonel; Harry B. Lester as Matthew
VanZandt, the wayward nephew
who marries four times and fur
nishes the humorous touches in the
play; Carmenoita, as Estrella Amor
ita, a Spanish dancer, and T. W.
Summerhays, as Signor Vivalla, a
noted tenor, are others who were
well chosen for their parts. Vi
valla'o singing of "Will You Re
member?" came as a dramatic cli
max to the second episode.
Rail Transportation to Be
Commerce Chamber Topic
The State Chamber of Commerce
will hold a convention on Monday
and Tuesday of next week at the
Penn-Harris. The chief problem to
be taken up will be that of railway
W. C. Culkins. director of the
Department of Street Railways of
Cincinnati, a well-known authority
of railway problems, will be the
speaker at the banquet to be held
Monday evening. In the city of Cin-
I cinnati the street railways are oper
| ated under the supervision of the
I city and Mr. Culkins will explain
i the operation of this plan,
t The State Chamber of Commerce
| represents a membership of about
'] 25,000 men and it is estimated that
j there will be 134 delegates to the
; convention. Invitations have been
i sent to the heads of the steel com
) panies. officials of the State Rajl
, ways Association and other business
j leaders. It is expected some of them
! will deliver addresses at the meet
! ings.
The first session will open Mon- I
| day afternoon at 2 o'clock and the
! second Tuesday morning at 9 j
j o'clock. Governor Sproul will speak I
at the banquet Mflnday evening and j
j. other speakers will be Vance C. Mc
j Cormick, Alba B. Johnson, Lieuten- I
| ant Governor Beidleman, Frederik j
I Rasumssen, Commissiner Connolly '
1 and others. ' I
With Choir and Organist
i A special program of music has
been arranged for the Rally Day ser
vices at Second Reformed Church to
morrow. Four anthem numbers will
be given. In the morning with Mrs.
i Frank D. Clark at th j orgaa. the
• choir will sins "It Is a Good Thing
to Give Thanks," by Solly and
. Brown's "Te Deum" in B flat. In
. the evening the choir numbers will
be Barnby's "O, Praise the Lord" and
Brown's "Praise Him With Song."
At Grace Methodist Church to-mor
row morning Mrs. Arthur H. Hull
will sing as an individual number
Harker's "O Eyes That Are Weary."
There will be three anthem numbers.
Shelley's "Oh, Give Thanks Unto the
Lord," Hawley's setting of Gounod's
"The King of Love My Shepherd Is"
and Kevin's "If Ye Love Me Keep
My Commandments."
Miss Miriam Oyler, of Annville. is
on the Rally Day program at the
Oberlin United Brethren Sunday
school tomorrow for a vocal solo.
Miss Oyler is one of Anville's sweet
est singers.
Enhaut and Bressler
Give Soldiers Welcome
Enhaut, Pa., Sept. 2 7.—A home
coming celebration and banquet in
honor of the service men Of En
haut and Bressler was held on Wed
nesday evening in the Enhaut en
ginehouse under the auspices of
Camp No. 522, P. O. S. of A., and
, its auxiliary, Camp No. 76, P. O. of
A., and Enhaut Council No. 231, O.
of I. A. The banquet was followed
by a program of instrumental mu
sic, speeches and community sing
ing, interspersed with readings and
Frank B. Wickersliam made an
address, in which he praised the
"boys" for their bravery and serv
ice rendered in the World War. He'
also advised them as to their duties
and responsibilities in the crisis con
fronting their country. The singing
was in charge of Mrs. Elmer H. Ley
and Mr. Ncale, of the War Camp
Community service.
Much credit for the success of the
celebration is due to the untiring ef
■ forts of Mary E. Snavely, chairman
Charles Cassel delighted the con
gregation at Salem Reformed Church
with an effective solo last Sundgy
morning. For a number of years he
has been the bass soloist at this
Barnby's "Oh. How Amiable Are
They Dwellings" will be the morning
anthem number at St. Stephen's Epis
copal Church to-morrow.
Mrs. C. W. Myers will sing Ran
degger's "Save Me, Oh, God," at Sa
lem Reformed Church to-morrow
morning. The anthem number will
he Sydenham's "Oh Give Thanks Unto
the Lord." In the evening Schneck
er's arrangement of Sullivan's "On
ward, Christian Soldiers," will be
sung as a choir offering.
Lewis Zarker, tenor, has returned
to the choir of Zlon Lutheran
Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley, soprano
soloist, sings for the last time at
Messiah Lutheran Church to-mor
of the committee of the P. O. of A.,
who was assisted by the general
committee of the three organiza
tions. The committee thanks all
who took part in the program, those
who assisted in the work and the
fire company for the use of the
The good things for the banquet
were furnished by the people of En
trant and Bressler. The occasion will
long be remembered by the boys and
their friends who were present.
Civil War veterans of the town
were guests of honor.
Victoria, B. C., Sept. 27. The
Prince of Wales will leave Ottawa
for Washington, November 10, it
was officially announced here.
Another change in itinerary will
he a return visit to Winnipeg on
October 10, where the Prince will
attend a popular ball arranged as
part of an informal four-day pro
gram. To make the visit the Prince
has decided to forego his proposed
hunting trip in the Biscotasing, On
tario, district.
Wilson Would Send
U. S. Soldiers to Help
Protect Armenians
Washington, Sept. 27. President
Wilson believes it Is of "immediate
humane necessity" to take forceful
j action to prevent the extermination
of the Armenian race ana that it is
the duty of ihe United States to send
an armed expedition to Armenia.
The. President was declared to have
stated in an urgent telegram sent to
Washington from a western city tltat
"the very existence of the Armenian
people," depends u r-t: the action of
the United Slater. It also became
known that Prcs-dt -it Wilson n
-ccn'ufed, when he was i |\r • >i
expectation on the part of the Brit
ish government and utn. r allied gov
c''ii:nvrts that Am>. i.a wotill a>-imc
responsibility for Aril-nits nlfm>-.
and that the failure of Congress to
authorize the use of American troops
in Armenia, together with toe ur.de
t.id-ii staid of the Uni .1 States w lit
regard to a mandate for Armenia, is
playing an important part in delay
ing the drafting and also the agree
ment of the powers on the Turkish
peace treaty.
President Wilson has not di
rectly addressed Congress on the Ar
menian question, but has made a
special appeal through Senator John
Sharp Williams, of Mississippi, and
recently has appealed Jo Senator Wil
liams himself in the interests of the
administration's desire to send mili
tary forces to Armenia.
Illinois Preacher Is
to Be Heard in Final
Exercises at Mission
There are to be three services
held at "Everybody's Mission" at
Fifth and Reily streets to-morrow,
in the morning, afternoon and even
ing. The Rev. A. D. Zahniser, of
Greenville, 111., who has been con
ducting special services and preach
ing impressive sermons, will con
clude his work at the evening serv
At the afternoon service the sac
rament of the Lord's Supper will be
observed and the evangelist will de
liver a special message. Again in
th evening Holy Communion will be
celebrated and the Rev. Mr. Zah
niser will say his closing words to
the congregation.
Classes at Edison High
Are Nominating Officers
The nominating committees are
getting and posting candidates
for the various class offices at Edi
son Junior High School. These of
ficers will bo elected soon to replace
those who were temporarily ap
pointed at the beginning of school.
The following nominations were
posted for section 781 Friday after
noon: President, James Atchley and
William Orr; Vice-president, Mel
row Shannesy and Gerald Gipple;
secretary, Florence Appleby and
Mildred Bowman: treasurer, Anna
llibsman and Charles Rhein; as
sistant treasurer, Mildred Bowman
and Beatrice Karper; captain for
boys. Kenneth Dodson and Robert
StoulTer; captain for girls, Ruth
Venn and Sarah Craig; first lieuten
ant for boys, Robert Stouffer and
Thomas Howell; first lieutenant for
girls, Mary Schmunk and Catherine
Bentley; parliamentary critic, Mil
ton Burkhart and iWilliam Orr; as
sistant parliamentary critic, Ralph
I.innekln and Joseph Berry; watch
your speech critic, Henrietta Ewell
and William Felton; assistant watch
j our speech critic, Harry Stahl and
William Banner; reporter for the
Edison Guard, Anna Behney and
Edwin Taylor.
Nominations are also being posted
for the other sections and each of
the thirty-six sections now at the
school will hold an election within
the next few weeks.
Hornest Nests Low as Sign
of Mild Winter Coming
New Bloomficld, Pa., Sept. 27.
The weather prognpsticators of
Berks, Debanon and other Pennsyl
vania counties will have to look to
their laurels. Perry county is de
veloping a tribe whose standing is
becoming regularly greater and al
ready is in proportion to that of
any of Pennsylvania's forecasters.
These Perry county prophets, of
the genius of hornest nest forecas
ters, hold forth in South Saville
township. They came forth with
the prophecy which is bringing
great relief to many who have be
come exercised over thoughts of a
rigorous winter, which many other
prophets have said was on its way.
They say the snows of the coming
winter In this region will not be
deep and that the winter will not be
severe proportions. They base their
belief on the fact that the hornet I
nests of their neighborhood have
been built unusually low this year.
This, the prognostiicators maintain,
is an infallible sign of a mild win
Boy Scouts Open Winter
Activities With Hike
At a meeting of the Boys' Work
committee of /the T. M. C. A. yes
terday, Arch H. Dinsmore, chairman
of bays' work submitted his report
and plans for the year's schedule,
which were approved by the commit
tee. It is Mr. Dinsmore's policy to
increase the boys' work to capacity,
and from present indications that is
Just what he will do.
The program of winter work be
gins with a hike to Dauphin this
evening by the younger boys. They
will leave the "V" about five o'clock
and take the trolley to Rockville,
hiking on from there. The trip back
will be made in the same way. At
Dauphin the boys wilt go to the
house of Frank Wallis, Jr. The pro
gram in Dauphin includes a' good
old-fashioned "wienie roast."
This is the second anniversarj' of
Arch Dinsmone's beginning as boys'
secretary, and his work is progress
ing rapidly.
Pay Tax and Drink Cider;
Revenue Director Warns
The seductive cider is taxable,
but those drinking it are evidently
not aware of the fact. According to
Regulation 52. Section 62 8, Article
A. the term "other soft drinks" re
fers to apple juice and other things.
Therefore, if you want to continue
to drink the old cider, hard or
otherwise, send your check to Col
lector Ephraim Lederer, Philadel
phia, and do not wait for the col
lector to visit you or there may be
something else to pay. The local
office of the Internal Revenue Bu
reau issued this warning.
The Harrisburg Foundry and Ma
chine Works sent in an alarm at
Seventh and Curtin streets last night
when a wood pile caught fire and
went up in smoke. The fire was kept
from spreading. The loss was $5O.
Moose aßnd Arranges
Concert For Welcome
Day at Its Lodge Home
The Moose Concert Band will ren
der the following program at their
concert- in honor of the returned
soldiers, at the Mose Home, Third
and Boas streets, on Monday evening
at 8 o'clock.
"America," Beyer; "Poet and
Peasant," overture. Von Suppe;
Tres Jolie," Waldteufel; "Remicks
Hits," Lanrpe; "A Hunting Scene,"
Buealossi; "Arbuckleinan Polka,"
cornet solo, Harvey E. Fetterhoff,
soloist. Hartman; "Songs From lire
'Old Folks,' " Lake; "Au Moulin In
the Mill,' " Gilletta; "Star Spangled
Banner," Keys. The band will he
under the direction of Prof J. Lewis
Farmers Are Garnering
Record Corn Crop Here
Under the direction of H. G
Aiesley, Dauphin County Farm
Agent, a hog pasture demonstration
will be held at the farm of John
Schminky, near Gratz, next Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The ob
ject of the demonstration is to ar
rive at the exact cost per pound of
producing hogs by new methods.
Last spring Mr. Schminkv turned
thirty-five slionts into four different
fields planted respectively with rye,
Canada field peas, oats' and rape!
soy beans and rape and finally just
rape. Two weeks ago they were
turned into a field containing three
acres of corn. This is the first time
this method lias been tried in Dau
phin county. An accurate record of
all expenses has been kept so that
the price of pork per pound mav he
Mr. Niesley also announced that
a record corn crop is being har
vested in this county, sixty-five per
cent. already having been'gathered
in. The last few days the farmers
have been busy planting spring
wheat. An effort is being made to
have every farmer in the county
plant half an acre of alfglfa with
his wheat. The farm bureau is send
ing out the seeds with the request.
Marysvillo, pa., Sept. 27. All
Marysville stores closed at 10 o'clock
this morning to permit owners and
employes to attend all welcome home
Dives, Pomeroy Stewart
The 41st Anniversary Sale
Which Ends Next Tuesday Evening
Has made it possible for the Store's patrons to enjoy greater savings than
they have ever enjoyed upon any other great occasion in the past.
To-night will he full of opportunities for thrifty persons. Until 9
o'clock values of an exceptional character will be offered
Store Hours For Monday
Anniversary Bargains will prevail on Monday morning. The store
will close at noon and, remain closed for the rest of the day in honor of
Harrisburg's welcome to her service men and women.
A Dollar of Your Money
and a Minute of Your Time
That is all it takes to start an account in our Savings Department.
It is easy enough to begin, hut more difficult to continue saving
regularly and systematically.
This old financial institution is here to help you by providing you
with a safe place to deposit your savings and by paying you 3 %
compound interest on them.
There is special need for the general practice of saving right now
because industry and thrift, by increasing production and reducing
consumption, will help lower the high cost of living.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1919.
Harrisburg Bankers Attend
Opening Meet of Chapter
More than a hundred local bankers
met last evening at the Colinial
Country Club at the opening meeting
of the Harrisburg Chapter, Ameri
can Institute of Banking. Weekly
meetings of the institute are to bo
held, beginning next Friday evening
at Technical High School Auditor-I
John It. Geyer Is suceeded by Geo.
Ft. Hull as instructor at the institute.
Last night the plans for this year's
work were outlined by .Mr. Hull. He
urged that all bank employes take
advantage of the course.
Te work of the chapters through
out the State was explained by Wil
liam A. Nickert. assistant cashier of
It Is Altogether Probable
Alexander & Scott
315 Chestnut St. Harrisburg.
the Eighth National Bank, of Phila
delphia, and an executive council
man of the national organization.
Mr. Nickert ..tated that all recent
promotions i n Philadelphia had come
to men who studied under thia plan.
Donald MeCormick and Al. K.
Thomas spoke of the advantages to
be. gained through attendance at
tncse courses.
The Hotel Accomac, at Marietta,
is the scene this afternoon of the
annual outing held by the Harris
burg Association of Insurance
Agents, who left at noon in ma
chines. The program includes ath
letic events, a chicken and waffle
supper und an address by Flavol