Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 27, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 SOLDIERS IN UNIFORM AND FRIEND ADMITTED TO ALL THEATERS FREE ON MONDAY NEWSY PARAGRAPHS OF THE THEATER AND MOTION PICTURES rnciL pasmto COM IN a IN HIS VITAL W £ imhT • - MsBH Cecil Fanning. an American bari tone. known all over the country and highly praised by critics, will make his initial Harrisburg appearance in the Chestnut Street Auditorium on Tuesday evening. October 7. "Fit IE N IMi EN E MIEM" The presentation of "Friendly Enemies, the famous comedy success i.t the Orpheuni next Friday and Sat urday, for an engagement of two tiavs. under the direction of A. H. Woods. Will be the most notaole dramatic event of the season. In fact, not in many years has a play come to this city with so tremendous a repu- Cecil Fanning American Baritone Praised By All Critics Everywhere Initial Harrisburg Recital Chestnut Street Auditorium Tuesday, Oct. 7th Tickets ...81.00, 81.50 Sigler's Music House 1 Lancaster Fair Sept. 30th., Oct. 1, 2, 3. Every Record Is Going to Smash Greater, Broader. More Entertaining and Instructive Than Ever. Fast Races Daily £6,600 in Purses THRII-I.ING, SENSATIONAL, POLAC. BROS.' 20 BIG SPECTACULAR EREE SHOWS CARNIVAL SHOWS ON THE EVERY DAY. MIDWAY. VAST AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS WHK^^iNir E o D NL E v VE oct.i MR. LEE SHUBERT PRESENTS —WILLIAM— HODGE IN HIS NEW PLAY THE GUEST? HONOR A comedy romance of New Y'ork life. PRICES 50c to §2.00. SEATS MONDAY THURSDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 2 SIGNIFICANT ENGAGEMENT DAVID BELASCO PRESENTS FRANCES STARR IN "TIGER! TIQEhd" A new play by Edward Knoblock. author of "Kismet," "The Outcast,'' "Milestones," etc. Presented in Harrisburg with the original cast' of distinguished players, together with the same exquisite production that marked its record-breaking audiences at the Bclasco Theater, New Y'ork Play produced under the personal direction of Mr. BELASCO. NOTE:—The curtain will rise promptly at 8:10 and Mr. Relaseo requests theartergoers to IK- in their seats before that time. PRICES: 50£ $l.OO $1.50 $2.00 I v SATURDAY EVENING, i wmixK .HOBES:, iii mi MW HAS, -THE: guest c&jmw;," M' m&mm jm&imxz i • : ' 1 ■ i .mm Few stars, and probably none in the comedian class, are as popular and so welcome as William Hodgei that typical American actor. who., since the days of his sensational triumph in "The Man From Home" has won an ever-increasing follow ing of devoted admirers. To h'.s many friends in this city it will be tation or with ?o sensational i record lof success, as "Friendly Enemies." This play has won the approval of tli** English-speaking world. KsH cnl> \XB it a sensation in New York. Chicago. Philadelphia and practically throughout the length and breadth of 'the United States. but an equally preat hit in the British Isles. This splendid dramatic masterpiece ©I com* d> pathos, of tears and love, of jjeriousness and fun. will be present ed atthe Orphvum with a notable company. I interesting news to hear that Wil ! Ham Hodge will appear in his brand- ! nevV'play. "The Guest of Honor." at ' the Orpheum Theater for one night only. Wednesday. October 1. This new play is a comedy romance of ( 1 New York life, presented in three ; ■lets, and in it Mr. Hodge he has the happiest vehicle of his stel- I lar career. "The Fall of Babylon," New Griffith Spectacle It was to have been expected that : David Wark Griffith, who gave to ' the motion picture world such no- j table works as "The Birth of a N'a | tion." and "Hearts of the World," j would soon focus his camera on an- j other gigantic assemblage of scenes ; j and produce another colossal super- I picture for the enjoyment of those j who seek the unusual in entertain- \ ment. Hence the announcement that ! j in "The Fall of Babylon" he has ac- j I tually surpassed his former achieve ' ments will be welcome news to the ' j admirers of this indomitable pro ducer of bifc, throbbing, startling' riays. ! Local interest is keen in "The Fall i I of Babylon," sinre it has been se cured for a special engagement here. | and will be shown at the Colonial i j Theater during the week of SeptChl ! her 29ta. with "Kyra." sensational ! I classic dancer, appearing in person. < l turning l com the smoke and roar' I of battle in 'Hearts of the World," ! Mr. Griffith has taken the historical i Babylonian period as the background i for the spectacular romance, "The j I" all of Babylon." and has peopled his j play with all the picturesque char i acters of that colorful era, with its dancing girls, its bacchanalian feasts i of splendor, its high priests, the mas- 1 sive grandeur of its mighty walls, its chariot races, its bazarre life and Its intrigue, greed and treacherv. Some idea of the magnitude of "The j Fall of Babylon" may be gained from I ;the announcement that more than ! i 125,00 men and women appear in the ! I tremendous scenes attending the j i Feast of Belshazzar, while almost I countless thousands take part in the i assault upon the walls during the ! great siege of Babylon. A special musical accompaniment i bos been provided by Mr, Griffith for I the further enjoyment of the proluc- ! I tion. FRANCES STARK IN "TIGER! TIGER!"! David Belaseo, who is sending) Frances Starr and the original New' York cast in the famous Knoblock i play. "Tigerl Tiger!" to this city • i Thursday evening at the Orpheum,! believes devoutly in love as the mo j tive power of a great actress. He 'says: "To send Jove across the foot-' lights a player must have it in his or! , h< r heart. We cannot give what we have not. We cannot attract love to us I unless we love. The inherent quali- j i ties of character possessed bv a play- I I er are not lost upon the people who) I see that player in thetheater. The I most beloved actress I know is one who is constantly giving to the world i a great and pulsating love. Her feel- 1 ing toward every living thing is one' , of exquisite tenderness. .It flows from her to the people who watch her play and the result is their adoration of i hpr " There has been no time In the his tory of his wonderful career that David Belaseo has reaped so rich a! \ harvest from his productions. In her I : recent engagement in New York, j Frances Starr inn "Tiger! Tiger!" j plaved to a succession of capacity. I Audiences eclipsing her big receipts ir the .runs of "The Easiest Way." 1 "The Case of Becky" and "Marie- Od'ilef' Mr. Belaseo is sending Mies I Starr !r. this widely discussed plav I to this city shortly when the original! distinguished cast will he seen em-j bracing Lionel Atwill, Wallace i'iCrskine. Captain Lloyd. Whltford 'Kane, Thomas Londcn. Dorothy Gum ming. Miss Andrews and Daisy Bel . more. Harrisbttug tecegtrspU • ORPHEUM To-day, matinee and night The , Messrs. Shubert offer, "Maytime." | I Two days, starting Monday, with I daily matinees "The Unmarried I Mother." I Wednesday night only, Oct. ! < ' Lee Shubert present William Hodge in "The Guest of Honor." | Thursday night only. Oct. 2 David Belaseo presents Frances Starr in "Tiger, Tiger." Friday and Saturday and Saturday | matinee, Oct. 3 and 4 A. H. i Woods offers "Friendly Enemies." j I Coming soon Kitty Gordon in j "Love For Sale." • MAJESTIC j High Class Vaudeville "The Little j Cottage." a lively musical comedy i | —three other Keith acts. Monday, I first episode of "The Fatal For- j j tune." featuring daring Helen- Holmes, also a corking good van- j i deville show featurng Tom Browr. s j Musical ltevue. VICTORIA Positively last showing to-day of "Auction of Souls," a great picture that thousands of Harrisburgvrs . have seen. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday William Farnum in "Wolves of the Night." COLONIAL Last showing to-day of Earle Wil liams in "The Wolf.' All next week—"The Fall of Baby lon," D. W. Griffith's greatest mas terpiece. REGENT I LAST TIMES TODAY I An AU-Star Cast in the Super- Special | "THE TURN IN THE ROAD" Tills will positively lie your last I opportunity to see one of the i" most compelling pictures ever I shown in tills city. For your own j sake don't miss it! MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN "WORK" MONDAY AND TUESDAY ENID BENNETT ! in lier newest Paramount Picture "The Haunted Bedroom" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY DOROTHY GISH IN "NUGGET NELL " i>=— r. PO, r RS All Soldiers in Uniform Admitted Free ORPHEUM UN t i" •,!_ i_ . . O NIGHTS O in line with the announcements printed in the daily papers every soldier in £ MATINEES £* MONDAY'S uniform will be admitted to every theater in Harrisburg free of charge on Monday only. The soldier is also entitled to bring a friend. STARTING MONDAY CELEBRATION SEPTEMBER 29 FOR WHATS WHAT IN THE THEATERS MONDAY ORPHEUM COLONIAL | MAJESTIC | VICTORIA THEATER rSw! <Kc ""I ...Six's. 22*51*. ._ TIW T Locust Street Near Third I). W . Griffith's C Acts of Uie Best Wm ' Fa, iuim I JfV I _ GOERS •TH i Mother" j ™ , iIjSZSSL. \ ™ UN " YOU Owing to Celebration Matinees Start at 3 O'clock |(j 1] ) . CAN The committee in charge announced the celebration will come to a conclu- Vl H | | A TTUWH u lC>n at 3 oc l° c k> therefore, the matinees in the theaters will not start until that Mm* MJ A 1 1 EJINLI „ our :_ doors, however, will be opened at 2 o'clock X h E Monday CO LONlALtheater fITMTD WELCOME PLAYING ALL NEXT WEEK I ||| I * >p D - w - GRIFFITH'S Colossal Success of the Season Entitled II w La % HOME a A celebration I lIE FALL 9E BABYLON AMH An and Revised Edition of the Babylonian Episode in "Intolerance" 125,000 people in the cast including Constance Talmadge—Mrs. Charlie Chaplin, Elmp Lincoln f UIIUCriUI and other notables. , Flrfimil ALSO \ Sensational Dancing Marvel will A J . s . CPP dance "The Dance of Undulation" AdHIISSIOII OUC Portraytllg MONPAY, TrKSD.VY li/i A IC TI IF A Ten MONDAY, TUESDAY Life THF and W'i'ii>\"i'.sl>AV I I "LrA I trlx' . AXD Wednesday I'roni MATINEES TOM BROWN'S MUSICAL REVUE Every I A T* TUr Lively Musical Offering Presented in a Delightful Manner " All HE FOUR OTHER HEADLINE KEITH ACTS. ALSO . Seats Now on Sale rMKT/> The initial e P isode df a great stunt serial, featuring the most daring woman in the movies. * LEADING HELEN HOLMES in the "FATAL FORTUNE" . THEATERS MONDAY, TUESDAY \7IpTADI A THF ATFP MONDAY, TUESDAY Special Notice WITHOUT AND WEDNESDAY VIL 1 Lllvl/V A I iILA ILK AND WEDNESDAY greai w w -m _ _ Welcome Home celebration the missing WM- P j\. NLJ IVI tractions for Monday. THE Portrays the role of a man of might, who was entombed in a mine a.id lost his senses in his „ , , _ latest great success. . JTrTSTtK GREAT "WOLVES OFTHFNI GHT ' ' I holding the attractions' I A I * M. M M. hllrg . fr<)m one „ vc days , onJter DATCANT See how 3 red-blooded American squared his accounts when he learned his wife had re- in order to give Harrteburgers an r /WjILAIN 1 married to an enemy of his. Also a ROLLI CKING COMEDY. KIT " K U,CSC super | REGENT I 1 To-day—An all-star east in the su iwr-special, "The Turn in the ) i Road." I MOIIUU.C. Tuesday and Wednesday : Charlie Chaplin in "Work." i Monday and Tuesday Enid Ben ' nctt in "The llauuted Bedroom." I j Wednesday and Thursday Dor- j othy Uish in 'Nugget Nell." ; Friday and Saturday Charles Ray I in "Hay Foot, Straw Foot." I To-day Is the last opportunity Har j rlsburgers have of seeing the ex traordinary hill at At the Majestic the Majestic To otter. "The Little Cottage," i J a spicy musical comedy, presented j | by George Cltoos Is scoring a tremen- | I doua hit. The cast is composed of | fifteen people, mostly pretty girls in j I handsome costumes. This act has j I won more applause in its tour of i j the vaudeville circuit than b.Ls of! I comedy productions on the legiti- ; i male stage. Thr. c other Keith acts I are_ also being shown. I Next Monday a tupcr show villi TODAY EffSr MESSRS. LICE AN'I) J. J. SHU- , BERT OFFICII THE MUSICAL PLAY OF X EVER-EN DING JOY IME! BOOK BY" RIDA JOHXSOX YOUXG SCORE BY" SIGMUXD ROMBERG .WITH AX EXCELLENT CAST. A CHORUS OF ~" BEAUTIFUL GIRLS mat 50? to 91.50 j eve., 50c to 82.00 I THE GREAT Hagerstown Inter-State FAIR and HORSE SHOW Sixty-Fourth Anniversary, to Be Held at HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND OCTOBER 14,15,16,17,18,1919 The Great Inter-State Kdueational Institution The Largest Exhibit of Poultry, Farming Implements and Machinery Ever Held. Big Midway and Free Attractions 2 Harness and 5 Running Races Each Day Pari-Mutuel System of Betting For Premium I.ist, EU'., Apply to J. C. REED, Secretary 12 North Jonathan Street Hagerstown Maryland i start its three-day run nt tltis then- I tor. headed by Tom Brown's Musical j 'Revue, a song ana instrtimonta! of, j fering. The first episode of "The! Fatal Fortune." featuring Helen j Holmes, the most daring woman in motion pictures to-day, wil also be I shown. I The program at the Victoria The- i atcr commencing Monday will fea- i turo William Farnum j At the Vlctorln in a new William Fox , photoplay, "Wolves; of the Night," in which the "Samson I of the screen" will be seen in what , advance report says is one of the i finest portrayals of his career. The | i story, as outlined in advance notices I i received lu re, certainly contains all ■ | the elements of great dramatic ae j tion. j The great super-special by King 1 YV. Vidor, "The Turn in the Road," which has been ; "The Tnm in the delighting l'ec i Road" nt the Regent. o\d audiences at the Regent The- MLKiWEHI TODAY POSITIVELY I; AST I SHOWINGS OF : EARLE WILLIAMS in his Infest great starring success [THEWOLF VICTORIA TODAY ONLY AUCTION OR SOULS The picture thousands of Harris burgers have seen featuring AURORA MARDIGANIAN Children 15c Adults 30c SEPTEMBER 27, 1919. nter for the past two days, will be i shown at the local playhouse for the | last times to'-d&y. The story of'this hctfiitiful photoplay carries a message of love, pathos and human emotion that niukes the production one of absorbing human interest. Little six-year-old Ben Alexander stands out aniid the galaxy of stars. I j He creeps into the heart of the au- j j dionce with the same ease that he I crawled into the arms of the crusty old money king, who was all fussed | up like a rib roust expecting to be • shot any moment by desperate strik- I j 1 1 Winterdale Dances j 15 NORTH MARKET SQUARE Tuex., Thurs. anil Milt, Eves. ADMISSION' 40c and 00c llall Far Kent Other Even. Private I.essonx by Appointment Y E GRAND OLD YORK FAIR! I YORK, PA. , October 7,8,9 and 10,1919. None Can Afford To Miss It All Can Afford To Go REMEMBER THE ADMISSION IS ONLY 25 CENTS (No V/ar Tax) THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY AND YOUR MONEY'S WORTH . . H. C. HECKERT, Secretary 1 1 ers. Charlie Chnplin will be at the Re- Sent the first three days of next week in "Work." f "V liAST SHOWINGS TODAY THE LITTLE COTTAGE A spicy musical comedy with pretty girls and handsome costumes I 3 —Other Keith Acts —3 '