Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 27, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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IVi-Ke Statement on
Threatened Strike
Bethlehem, Pa., Sept 27. The
S promised statement of the Bethlehem
' Fteel Works as to labor conditions
land the possibility of a walk-out at
i the local plant on Monday is promis
ed to-day. Meanwhile it Is believed
the steel, company is preparing for
■any contingency.
It was said that additional police
were being added to the steel com
Kelly-Springfield Trucks
For a truck that will meet your requirement—in
fact any requirement that may be placed upon it—
that truck is a Kelly-Springfield.
Gear Drive
IF e are factory distributors for 42 counties of
Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey
Atlantic Motor Truck Co.
17th and Chestnut Sts., Harrisburg, Pa.
1 Wonder Gas" i
I "The Song of the Motor"--- I
When driving along the country roads, do you dread
the sight of the steep hill appearing in the offing?
Does your motor start up that hill with the song,
I think I can; I think I can"—and as you near
the top, slows down to, —"I t-h-ought I c-o-uld, I
It-h-o-u-g-h-t I c-o-u-l-d, I can't " —and forces you
to go into second to make the top?
Yes? Well, the next time you are going that same
road, fill your tank with CRYSTAL-PEP, "The
Wonder Gas," and try that same hill. Don't make
a run for it; just glide along as if there were no
hill ahead. Listen to your motor singing, —"I
know I can, I know I can"—and after crossing the
crest of the hill without forcing you to go into sec
ond, it is humming,—"l knew I could; I knew
Oh, boy, that's the REAL joy of motoring.
Crystal-Pep gives that perfect combustion required for
power, economy, easy starting and safety—and more mileage.
Next time, be sure to try Crystal-Pep. Sold at the same price
as gasoline.
Ask Your Gas Man for "Crystal-Pep."
I Great Western Oil Co. I
Seventh&MaclaySts.HarrisburgPa. |
Bell Phone B. E. Spooner, Mgr. Dial Phone
"o'7/ie Won dor Gas" I
pany force to guard Its vast proper
ties here. On the police docket at lo
cal police headquarters appeared a
notation that requests for permits
for parades or meetings should be re
ferred to City Solicitor D. H. Wilson.
Superintendent of Police C. A.
Davies and Garrett L Roach, head
of \he steel police, held a confer
ence with Mayor Arch P. Johnston.
It was rumored that the city had de
cided to buy at least twenty addi
tional horses for its police force. '
For the past two days circulars
have been distributed among the i
steel workmen as they leave the j
plant calling on them to lay down
their tools on Monday.
Boy Scout News
Final Examinations For Merit
Badge Awards Will
Pd Held
The next meeting of the Court of
Honor is scheduled to be held Oc
tober 2. Scouts must complete first
class examinations at least a week
before the meeting in order to be
! present for final examination before
the Court of Honor.
At this meeting, signed applications
[ for Merit Badges, will be accepted
and passed upon, provided they have
the signature of the examiner. This
is in accordance with a new ruling
from National Headquarters to the
effect that applications for Merit
Badges must have the O. K. of the
Court of Honor before the Badge ;
can be orwarded. Hence all boys
who are eligible to secure Merit
Badges should report at thfa meet
ing with their applications properly
signed by the examiner. More in
formation may be obtained upon this
point at Headquarters if it is not
Additions to the Merit Badge fac
ulty are being made as fast as candi
dates complete their requrements for
examination in various subjects.
Troop 8 Wins Contest
For Loud Singing
Troops 8 and 26 had a very enjoy
able time together last Monday eve
ning. There were speeches by the
Scouts Will Welcome
Home War Veterans
Every Scout in Harrlsburg is
going to jump at the chance to
welcome home In proper fashion
his "big brother" in blue and
khaki Sunday and Monday.
A request went out yesterday
to all tho scoutmasters urging
I them to have their boys report
on both those days for active ser
vice. They are asked to report
to Scoutmaster Headquarters at
3 p. m. Sunday for service as
ushers at the big gathering to
be held on the island In honor
of the boys who fought and won.
' On Monday afternoon all scouts
should report at Headquarters at
1.15 promptly. Monday Is the
big day. First of all, there will
be no school in the afternobn.
That will give every scout an op
portunity to assist In the welcom
ing, and to participate in the
following events: Acting as ush
ers. oVderlies, etc., at the big
league ball game on the Island
In the afternoon, andq helping
out at the big supper for the boys
In Front street.
Scouts showed their ability to
help the soldiers while the war
was on, and now is their oppor
tunity to prove how proud they
were to help. The best and big
gest "good turn" is none too good
for the boys who have come back
to us. Show them what you can
do, scouts.
Rev. Mr. Smucker, Scout Commis
sioner German. Scoutmaster Vana
man, George Bogar and Scoutmaster
Jenkins. The two troops sang songs
and then had a contest to determine
which troop could sing loudest.
Thanks to Assistant Scoutmaster
Koehler, Troop 8 was decidedly the
The main event of the evening
was a performance given by one of
the Bethlehem Steel Company's first
aid teams. They tied various band
ages. applied compresses, and dem
onstrated two methods of artificial
respiration. Tliey also demonstrat
ed the use of several different
Refreshments were served at the
close of this demonstration and the
troops were dismtsed.
Troop S wishes to thank Troop 26
and Scoutmaster Vanaman for the
good time at that meeting.
Last Friday ye were honored by the
presence of Scout Commissioner
German, and Deputy Commissioner
Dr. Hazen, and ten scouts of Troop
5. We were a little late getting
started, but once under way we
speeded right along. Commissioner
German apoke early In the meeting
and let us In on a scheme to boost
Scouting In Harrlsburg. We promised
him our hearty support.
The first inter-troop contest was
won by Sixteen. It was k tug of war.
Troop Five put its team on the floor
and then Dr. Hazen picked a team
from Sixteen of equal weight.
Scouts W. Crlswell and Foose then
gave a signalling demonstration.
After this we had a cocksflghting
contest between the same teams.
Troop Five won this. Then a First
Aid demonstration by Scouts Brown
and Cleon Crlswell with some ex
planations by Dr. Hazen. The
cracker-eating. whistling contest
which followed was won by Troop
Dr. Hazen spoke to us about put
ting: forth our best efforts to boost
our district. While the crowd played
"Pass the Belt," the refreshment
committee got busy and soon we fell
in line and were served with lemon
ade and pretzels. After a period of
sociability we closed with the Scout
cath. There were forty-two present.
To-night—well, you know what is
on. 7:30 is the hour. Be prepared,
that's all.
We have had some Tenderpad, One
Star, and Two Star requirement
sheets printed. They will be given
out at the meeting tonight. Then a
new rule will grc into effect No boy
will be allowed to remain a member
of Pack Two who does not pass the
Tenderpad test one month after he
Joins. We have had several mem
bers on the roll for over six months
who are not yet Tenderpad Cubs.
They will be given copies of the re
quirements to-night, and asked to
stay away until they can pass the
Tenderpad test.
Hast Friday we had the tplcasure
of welcoming George Moore, who has
been out of the city since early in
the spring. The name of William
H. Baker, Jr., was placed on our
To-night we hope to have one of
our old-time, snappy meetings, start
ing with ten minutes of exercises,
then devotion, dues, and inspection,
followed by a contest, then some ad
vancement work and wind up with
a game or two. The hour is 6:30.
Troop 27 Reorganization
Under the direction of Dr. Fager,
deputy commissioner of the Troop
District in which Troop 27. Westmin
ster Presbyterian church, is located,
Troop 27 will begin its process of re
organization to-night.
A meeting will be held at 8 o'clock
this evening at Dr. Fager's home.
Sixth and Broad streets. All mem
bers of the Troop should make an
effort to be present, and report
Last Monday evening at our scout
meeting is was decided to change
to Friday evening, as school has
started. We have always held our
meetings on Monday In summer time
and then change back to Friday as
soon as school begins.
On there will be a gen
eral schut hike to Cottage Hill just
below Steelton. Mr. Manser asks all
boys from Troop 11 who are going
to meet at the church not later
than 9.15, as the hikers will leave
the Square at 9.30 sharp.
Our next meeting will be held to
night. All boys are urged to be
present as a number of important
things are to be discussed.
GIVES $20,000,000 TO
New York, Sept. 27. —A gift of
$20,000,000 from John D. Rocke
feller for the improvement of medi
cal education in the United States
was announced by the General Edu
cation Board.
The official announcement of the
gift says that the Income of the
$20,000,000 is to be currently used j
and the entire principal le to be die-1
tributed within fifty years.
Scientific Discussions
by Garrett P. Serviss
| Mr. "E. M." writes: "1 noticed a pe
culiar form of rock strata forming
Garret Mountain, near Paterson, N. J.
The lower stratum, about sixty feet
thick, la sandstone, whereas the upper
stratum, about forty feet thick. Is un
craoked. solid trap rock. This seems
very strange to me, as according to
geology, trap rock, which Is of vol
canic origin, should be a lower stratum
than sandstone. Samples of - these
stones are asnt you herewith."
Who reading that letter can doubt
that there is a God In whose likeness
man is made? It is only the God
In man that turns the mind from
grubbing for food, clothes and money
to reading the history of the earth in
the open book of the rocks. If there
is any proof of the existence of some
thing which at least deserves to be im
mortal in human creatures, it is to be
found In such things as curiosity about
the happenings of a million years ago,
whose marks are still around us.
The sandstone that our observant
correspondent found in his walk under
the shoulder of Garret Mountain was
laid down on the bottom of a Triasslc
sea, or lake, a good many millions of
years ago. It is the "red sandstone"
characteristic of so much of northern
New Jersey. He found It 60 feet thick,
where he saw it.
Inasmuch as it was originally a
sand-bed, slowly deepening as the
waters brought down more sand from
the surrounding hills that bordered the
ancient sea, anybody can form an idea
of the great length of time that prob
ably elapsed while the deposit was
growing. Then came other ages dur
ing which the land rose, the sea was
drained off and physical and chemical
forces, never hastening, transformed
the sand into rock—a rock composed
of close-packed and cemented grains, a
petrified sea-bottom, over whose soft
sands fish had once darted.
Now, long before the sea
flowed across a part of what was to
become the ratlroad-gridded State of
New Jersey, there lay over that same
region, gleaming in the yet more an
cient Taleozoic sunlight, ■ rock strata
that had been formed at the bottom of
seas whose antiquity would make teen
the Trlassic seem recent, and below
these strata again were vast masses of
Archeozoic and Archean rocks, the lat
ter belonging to the superficial portion
of the great inner core of .the planet,
which had been melted and remelted and
crystallized and recrystallized on cool
ing until it had lost all traces of any
organic forms that might once have
been there.
But at last, after the Triasslc sea
had been and gone, and its bed had
turned to red sandstone, there came a
great commotion under or among those
deep-lying bottom rocks and molten
lava. In enormous, viscous sheets, mak
ing a road for itself by prying the rocky
strata above it apart, and sliding up
the subterranean sloping-way thus cre
ated, moved slowly eastward, or north
eastward, at the same time gradually
approaching the surface until it burst
out into the sunshine on top of the
Triasslc sandstone, presenting a tower
ing front of stiff, molten, but yet not
liquefied, rock .hundreds of feet in
height in some places as along the
line of the Palisades of the Hudson—
and there it stood, slowly cooling and
crystallizing in contact with the air,
smoking and casting off sulphurous va
pors. like a "lava worm" thrust out
of the trembling flank of Vesuvius or
It crushed the sandstone beneath its
"weight, and melted its grains along the
surface of contact, as can still be seen
in the specimens picked up by the
letter writer under Garret Mountain,
for the hills of trap rock overhanging
Paterson had the same origin as the
Palisades. At Garret Mountain, as at
the Palisades, one may see the vertical
columns and huge five and six sided
The Car With a Dual Personality
and a Proven Reliability.
Price Moderate When Compared With
Other High-Grade Cars.
We Will Be Pleased to Demonstrate
I Keystone Motor Car Co. ||
* 1 Sales and Service fit _ /
57 S. Cameron Street , Harrisburg, Pa.
R| C. H. Barner, Mgr.
PP Bell 709 Dial 4454 |||||f
prisma Into which the cooling basalt
shape itself.
This Is only one of the ways In which
the order of succession of the rocky
strata of the globe has been upset, or
reversed, over limited areas, in the
course of geologic time. All tho great
mountain ranges were formed by up
heavals and side-thrustings of the
crust of the planet, and whenever these
" 1 ■" " -"-ll
' SEPTEMBER 27, 1919.
convulsions have occurred they have
resulted In overfoldings. or overpush
lngs. of strata of earlier formation upon
strata that were formed later.
These are among the critical periods
In the planet's history, corresponding,
in some ways, with the wars and revo
lutions that have upset, overturned, re
versed and rearranged the stratifica
tions of human society.
Why Suffer?
See Man-Heil Automatic Inhaleh
Ask Ecmonstrntor
16 North Third Street