BELGIANS PLAN TO TRY HUNS Work on List of Enemy Sub jects Accused of War Violations Brussels, Sept. 26.—The time of reckoning for German criminals is approaching. The Belgian Depart ment of Justice is hastening work on the list of enemy subjects accused of violations of the laws of war *nd of international law. The Treaty of Versailles give to Belgium the right to demand the extradition of these persons, but it must be done within one month after ratification. The preparation of the list of per sons to be exradited is a delicate task. The documentary evidence Is necessarily incomplete as to the identity of particular persons. Many crimes were committed by troops and the individual authors in nu merous cases were unidentified or their chief unknown. However, the treaty allows considerable leeway in that it permits extradition by designating guilty ones by their titles or employment. Judges have been making inquiries and a com mission. instituted by royal decree on February 15, 1919. is continuing its investigaton of all infractions committed by Germans. Instructions have just been given to hasten the work. Careless Shampooing Spoils the Hair Soap should be used very care fully. if you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo 1) X TBT T H FTTI j a Ira ml |IB 0 Hetter Saturday Values in JS Amoskeag ginghams in plaids and f '■ A St ' ft Si 4- , $ fflg RSi&tK • n , |i 8 A -- ~ Georgette Blouses j| [U scarce and exceptionally hard l&hxK Jy at $5.37 h] m Dresses for "| Af~ At to secure this season, but ... „ r .. U f , Mmmki > i KAUFMAN'S have them, pretty ones of all wool poplin and iho, I S3 Fine wash dresses, made of good amir,lia ) .{ T_„ r . „.. , .• . J , , , , ,%■ . lmuuscs hi liic scaaun s new j?l ginghams in pretty piaids, checks ' j Jersey Ulotn, the poplins in navy and black, the Jerseys in est shades, beautifully em- sj lis plain P tailored styles. They are in I heather mixtures of green, brown, copen and oxford, neat, dressy I broidered, beaded and lace I jlj B V Styles, from 16 to 44. trimmed styles, with or with- j^| M Women's Flan- d •% Qf- f . A RARF Afe ?J.° red r !f te f ideaS ' riec . t nelette Kimonos Jbl.y 5 I y KAtiL P®' fitting, full cut, very special. j| no 1 ;' 8 W.ra.'ij! n fi e ne d J | CI TIT of O F Lfe. # UU 1 1 4 ValU6 31 -4L Pretty Voile Blouses i [U J This is a fine "FULL W P , Jji ng M ——————————————s WOOL" suit for women and 3.L *p 1 *7O gs SI RLbTs en ' S B^ h $4.95 WSSviMll ' misses of the same type and A vast showing of new Fall [1 m AH ma'dV'of'"Beacon cloth" in j 1 material that most New York and Philadelphia stores are asking Blouses in white, black and fijj b) tHmmed'wSfh^'saUn o'brafd"size"; I§'(■ much more for—youthful, attractive styles in browns and novelty patterns, pretty lace il lH dosm 4 'special l for pur " ' Copens; all sizes for women and misses. Very specially priced. trimmed and neat tailored is! ut*"t> • n styles, included are many in |SS W t=> e evolse CQ p - /s. # t-s • w-a • extra large sizes, running up n ™ i"v„v ;,u.,y MSaßr Other Suits at Prices Ranging at 54 - Y<,ry B| " ;c "'' ■ Sa '" r ' lay 1 rVJ quisette. Comes in both front and IBstKl*- - f ——————————— M choose a n t oml nK sizes e 72 ra to 8 i t 6. le *pl- BwB&? (h OAO\ f\ 1 d* O A (f\ Boys' Heavy Ribbed A Q Si g - 11' up to $89.90 1 1 I * ribbed cotton reinforced heels and |S|j 1 /. We Specialize in Garments For Stout Women wlZl Fil "' q | [IJ Whether it's a suit, coat or dress that is wanted, a shopping trip Silk Hose X%J fAt TtYv Vk \ usually ends here. We've always specialized on garments for the hard . ful ! fashioned silk hose with re / \ a Via \ v _ J _ . . ; , . , .... inforced soles and heels silk lisle (lU / \\ 1/ 'pn \ to fit women. Our reputation for always having them on hand has garter tops in black, cordovan, Rus jyj / f\\ % i[( I reached far beyond Harrisburg and our customers are numbered among sian calf ur.xl navy, all first quality IS; liJ I i'T S those from beyond Dauphin County. COME IN; LET KAUFMAN'S special. ______ |H M \fil bMWTJ SATISFY YOU. Women's Lisle QC„ S S \lv '': li ■ Hose "DC Slj il IrW liwHU ' A n *' 1 ' I A " ne " slc ' lose w,th double soles s|i I Isflli&lW BfigaaßKlPl I 8 c te.™.. [ y Now is the Time to BuyThit New A'lta Rabs so?. 11 ™ ..$1.39 I with one clasp; comes in brown, + Pretty percale and madrus HJIJ trastingr stitching;. Very special. TTti I an m tr °d uc t° r y price to the finest line in auto robes that we I 8 f They ne hkve™ soft Turned I iy! n Womens Lamb-do a o know of we offer for Saturday the following, i>uck cuffs, an new Fan patterns. nl skin Gloves ... I ™ Very special. Si b, wit" e two-ciM^hi bß biTok ld frZ e . lip 1 " feibfj These Are the Famous Wallace and Smith Motor Robes j l|j brown and self color, has three . -, , - |vl IjU rows of embroidery on backs, spe- Jflij Auto Robe at A Q[J Auto Robe at J"* Q[J Mens bilk (PO QQ jjy nil cia xir ' TT L wSn! \W& Size 60 by so inches, in Sizes 60 by 80 inches, in Striped Shirts. . M/&leOt/ !£ Women S French Kid brown and dark blue with pretty plaid patterns, all |S)I V 39 nin*rc beautiful designs with rich color combinations, showing the following g<| LU color. Special. (only one to a customer.) n„mkre • ———————— Si Women's Washable Cape —J numDers " Men's Union Jj QO . UN l|j Gloves /1Q n l r "SEDATE"—A light weight, simple solid color robe in Q C Suits w A t/0 Si at tPJ" Garbage Cans .. . green, black, blue and gray; size 52 by 72. Each Gray and ecru ribbed union IS! A heavy washable cape glove T ... ~, \M I* . suits, in all wanted sizes, have jl IS? gauntlet and strap wrist styles for L arge S.bc wjth lid. \,J\i "SUPERIOR"—A solid color double plush robe in medium d* o fkC lonK s,eeveß 1111(1 uru ln ankle LM •SI golf or outing. Comes In gray. Saturday special. . , • , , . . . • ca t aa lengths, very special. and made very special. weight in a good range of colorings; size 54 by OO pjl Is Women's Chamoi- f\ O 1 . . . 181 111 sette Gloves %J OC "PACKARD —A smart patterned mohair robe in neat black and white i J . jgj UJ Two-clasp chamoi'sette gloves n..klz checks, with brown mohair plush back; size 54 by 72. 1A QC Mens Shirts and QO ijy with double finger tips, three rows L/OUDI6 DOIICrS . L || D it-icli tb 14>t/U Drawers JO C IS of self or contrasting stitched em- \J I* i-acn v t , ►SI broidery. The colors are black, . . . ~ y lllj s A fine ribbed garment, in gray SJ* white, brown, gray, sand and mas- Aluminum rice Doner, "SIBERIA"—Water, wind, storm and cold proof, made of two ply plush, or ecru. They come in all sizes |S i Women's Lath- ■, A Q - lined and has pockets, nndyed seal skin; site 54 by 72(1.10 Crj ? erette Gloves.. $ 1 t4o Each