Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 26, 1919, Page 24, Image 24

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Only Light Ration of Beef,
Mutton or Veal on
Meat Days
' Budapest, Sept. 26—This probably
Is now the hungriest of the great
cities of Eurppe. From France
eastward there is a gradual tight
ening of the belt and an increasing
absence of nutritious food until here
there is a dearth of fats of any
On meat days one light ration of
beef, mutton or veal of poor quality
is to be had at the mid-day meal
in the largest restaurants that re- ;
main open, but on such days supper
is meager. At night at the largest |
and most fashionable hotel in the j
city, supper consists of a green pep
per stuffed with rice and tomatoes,
boiled spinach and a fragment of
poor pastry.
The Rumanian occupation made
harder an already serious situation.
The Rumanians scour the surround
ing country for supplies. Interrup
tion of railway traffic, due to the
coal shortage, is another factor. As
this is written Hungary is passing
through the governmental crisis that
followed the resignation of Arch
duke Joseph as Chief of State, and
this, with its uncertainty as to fu
ture developments, heightens the
general depression of this once gay
est of cities.
Windows Shuttered
The magnificent streets present
blocks of great shops with shuttered
windows. Only here and there is a
store open and usually its poorly
filled windows represent about its
stock in trade and at exorbitant
prices despite the low value of the
kronen. Few of the restaurants and
cafes that once made Budapest fa
mous for food and music and splen
didly dressed people are open, and
idle and poorly dressed crowds fill
the popular streets.
The factories are closed for lack
of coal and raw materials. More
than 200,000 persons have flocked to
the city from the surrounding re
gions. The streets are filled with
soldiery, both Hungarian and Ru
manian, and detachments of the lat
ter march continuously through the
One custom still survives in spite
of want and general dreariness of
the city. That is the afternoon
promenade on the splendid terrace
overlooking the Danube, but the
poorly dressed throng is a ghost of
old Budapest and there is a strik
ing apathy and sadness on the faces
of the promenaders.
From its terraced height across
the Danube the magnificent palace
looks down on its changed city, its
spacious apartments now occupied by
government officials. In one splen
did suite of rose brocaded satin and
gilt the Inter-Allied Military Mis
sion sits, and General llandholz, the
American member writes on a rose
wood desk that once was used by
Emperor Franz Joseph.
Only Seven Graves of
150 U. S. Airmen
Missing in France
Paris, Sept. 26.—0f the 160 Amer- I
ican aviators who met death in
aerial combats, there are only seven
whose graves have not been located.
The search for the burial places of
the heroes of the air is being con
ducted by an army officer and a
representative of the American Red
Cross and thousands of kilometers
have been covered in France and i
The 140 graves have been decorated
according to the rules in force in !
the American Expeditionary Force
and photographs have been sent to
the relatives of the dead. The
seven remaining graves are being
sought with particular care.
Former Employe of
Penn-Harris Hotel
Now in Des Moines
J. Elmer Davidson, former maitro
d'hotel at the Penn-Harris. is now
steward of the Hotel Des Moines at
Des Moines, lowa. Mr. Davidson has
a warm feeling for Harrisburg and
frequently writes of his short resi
dence here during the opening period
of the Penn-Harris. The hotel at
Des Moines is somewhat larger than
the new Harrisburg hotel.
Newspapers From Straw of
Wheat Probable in Future
Chicago, Sept. 26.—The world, in
a few years, may have to fa|l back
for its supply of news-print paper
upon the straw of wheat and other
grains which is now largely wasted,
if the rapid destruction of Canadian
pulpwood fofests continues.
This was the statement of C.
Price-Green, of Toronto, industrial
commissioner of the Canadian Na
tional Railways, at the fifth annual
exposition of Chemical Industries
here. Mr. Price-Green addressed the
convention on "Canadian Fields for
Industrial Development."
"The newspapers of Chicago
alone," said Mr. Price-Green, "con
sume daily more than 5,000 spruce
trees of average size One edition
of Chicago's largest newspaper (The
Tribune) requires the spruce of 30
acres of forest"
Roosevelt Movie to Aid
New Member Campaign
New York, Sept. 26. W. Boyce
Thompson, president of the Roose
velt Memorial Association, an
nounced to-day that a two-reel mov
ing picture, entitled "Through the
Roosevelt Country with Roosevelt's
Friends," has been produced by that
organization and is ready to be
shown in theaters throughout the
country. This film has been made
under the direction of Hermann
Hagedorn, a member of the execu
tive committee. It is the belief of
the officers of the Roosevelt Me
morial Association that this moving
picture feature will be a valuable
adjunct of the campaign which is
to be conducted by that organiza
tion in the week of October 20-27
for the purpose of obtaining mem
P. 0. to Observe
Holiday Monday
On Monday, on account of the cele
bration of the home coming of the
soldiers, sailors and marines, the
Postofflce and Hill Station will be
closed from 2 to 6 p. m.
The afternoon deliveries and col
lections will be omitted.
Two general deliveries and collec
tions will be made in the morning,
and the usual night collections.
A Great Day Tomorrow For4lstAnniversary Specials: Sale Closes Next Tuesday.
Anniversary Sale of Women's and
Misses' $6.50 to $7.50 Hats at $5.41
fA new collection of silk velvet hats direct from one of New
York's largest millinery establishments hats that were made spe
cially for our Anniversary Sale and, therefore, representing a value
|j Fashioned of fine silk velvet in black, navy, Pekin blue, green,
browft, taupe, grey and some with colored facings. Large, medium
and small hats, in a great variety of shapes, and trimmed with that
good taste and artistry, that at once distinguishes them as being
wonderfully smart and good looking .
Choice of any in this special grouping at $5.41
Fine Dress Hats of French Inspiration at
SIO.OO and $12.00
These superb models are chiefly of richest velvet in plain Lyons and Panne, in many instances com
bine with beaver, duvetyne or metal brocade, and trimmed with swirling blondine, glorious ostrich plumes
and fancies, new wings, ornaments, flowers and ribbons. Many, many more models at SIO.OO and $12.00 than
you will find in any other Harrisburg showing.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front.
Curtain Materials, Curtains and
and Window Shades
Attractive Savings in the 41st Anniversary Sale
50c white scrim with border of blue, gold or rose, or with plain
center. Anniversary Special, yard ...., 41c
50c Scotch madras with colored figures. Anniversary Special,
yard 41c
75c window shades, in light green water color, siae 3x6 ft. Each, 41c
$1.75 white ecru scrim curtains. Pair - $1.41
50c and 65c fancy curtain nets, in white and ecru, with dainty figure
patterns. Yard 41c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor.
A Foot Expert will be here throughout next week in the
interest of persons who desire to have foot troubles cor
rected. This service will cost nothing.
Dr. Reed Cushion Sole Shoes Reduced For Men
The easiest shoe on earth goes into the 41st Anniversary
Sale tomorrow at a snug little saving. Made of glazed kid
f Aft \ on a broad toe hub last. All sizes for men tomorrow,
I $10.41
$ll.OO Glazed Kid Combination Blucher Shoes. Anni
\- versary Price $10.41
\\l Dalton Shoes fdr men $9.41
w>v Regular SIO.OO Russian Calf English Cut Shoes, on Marl
□ 'X. bridge last.
b\ \ Dalton $ll.OO Cordovan Rubber Heel Shoes. Anniver
sary Price $10.41
SB.OO Glazed Kid Broad Toe Bluchers. Anniversary
\ Price $7.41
Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Section
Silk Taffeta Petticoats in the Anniver
sary Sale at a Saving
$5.95 Petticoats (ThJ a a $5.00 Petticoats (jh q j
Anniversary Special.. W * Anniversary Special.. VP O• 41
An unusual offering in five silk petticoats in styles that are new and attractive and
in colorings that are favor.
$5.95 Silk Taffeta Petticoats in wistaria and plaited flounces. Anniversary Special,
and changeable colors, tailored and trim- $3.41
med flounces. Anniversary Special, $4.41 Cotton Petticoats in emerald green with
term c;u, -d self-colored flounce *nd black satine with
$5.00 Silk Taffeta Petffcoats in street prin ted cotton flounce. Anniversary Spe
shades, two-tone effects and black, tailored cial $1.41
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
41c For Writing Paper in 55c to SI.OO Grades
Featured in the 41st Anniversary Sale Tomorrow
Officers' Tan Linen, with colored borders, formerly 55c.
Officers' Tan Linen, with colored lined envelopes, formerly 85c and SI.OO.
Poilu Blue Linen, plain, formerly 55c and 75c.
Poilu Blue Linen, with white border, formerly 75c and SI.OO. '
Dives, Pomeroy tc Stewart, Street Floor.
f52.00 Corsets Spe
cial in the Anniver
sary Sale at $1.41
' These corsets are of white
coutil, lace front, medium
top, front shield attached,
clastic section in back, four
hose supporters, sizes 21 to
30,> Regular $2.00 value.
Anniversary Special, $1.41
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Second Floor.
Men's Overall Suits, Shirts, Gloves and
Handkerchiefs Specially Priced
Men's $3.85 one-piece union khaki overall $1.35 solid grain horsehide leather gauntlet
suits. Anniversary Special $2.11 gloves, 2 pairs $2.41
$1.65 and $1.85 grey, tan and khaki flannel L oc handkerchiefs, 6 for 41c
shirts, sizes to 18. Anniversary Special.... $1.41 < £° y " 1&C Wh ' te hemstitched.
21c canvas gloves. Anniversary Special Men's lYc white' hemstitched handkerchiefs,
3 P airs 41c 5 for
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
Girls' Play Suits: Women's Sweaters
Girls $1.75 Indian Squaw and Broncho Cow Girl Suits for hallowe'en ....$1,41
\\ omen s and Misses $8.95 Slip-On Sweaters, with brushed wool trimming, $4.41
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
Women's Stockings 41c and $1.41
Regularly 89c to $2.25
Women's 89c thread silk boot hose; with lisle 11.00 fiber silk seamless hose, in grey, pink and
tops; ip champagne, grey and pink. Anniversary white. Anniversary Price, 3 pair for .... $1.41
Price 41c .
*2.25 lace" thread silk seamless hose, in cor- 75c flne mercerized fashioned feet hose. An
dovan and black. Anniversary Price... .$1.41 niversary Price 41c
Women's Fall Weight Ribbed Underwear
50c white cotton ribbed shaped vests; large 25c white cotton ribbed sleeveless vests. An
sizes. 40, 42 and 44. Anniversary Price, 41c , .
59c white cumfy cut union suits; Bleeveless and ni\ersary Price, 2 for 41C
knee length. Anniversary Price 41c " Olves, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Theßest VelourFound
Anywhere: Tomorrow
$2.50 velour suitings, inches wide, in
navy, taupe, wine and wistaria. Anniver
sary Special, Saturday only, yard $1.41
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Silver and Gold Pins
69c gold and silver bar pins and brooches.
Anniversary Special 41c
59c white Ivory hat brushes. Anniver
sary Special 41c
$3.98 solid gold birthday stone rings, $3.41
12% c Peroxide bath soap, 4 cakes, 41c
60c silver polish (Wright's) 41c
60c Miro Dena rouge 41c
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
kins: Genuine Savings
3 yards of white twill or grey waffle
toweling. Armiversary Special, 3 yds., 41c
25c bleached or brown half linen crash.
Anniversary Special, 2 yards 41c
15-lnch mercerized hemmed napkins.
Limit: 5 dozens to a customer. Anniver
sary Special, dozen $1.41
$2.00 imported table damask, Irish linen
finish. Anniversary Special, yd $1.41
$3.00 mercerized table pattern cloths;
round designs or round and scalloped.
Each $1.41
$3.00 all linen table damask. Anniversary
Special, yard $2.41
18-inch size, dozen $4.41
19%-inch size, dozen $5.41
21-inch size, dozen $9.41
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Autumn's Finest Selections of Suits and Coats
Specially Priced in the Anniversary Sale
Smartness is the keynote, the very foundation —r"7-* ~r —r* ——* — ~ r ,. T r _
of all the styles that have been entered in the 41st y ■' /ft'
Anniversary Sale, and since it is a time for new
ness, it is in the interest of every woman to see f Tr J*'
the unusual values that will be presented in suits BL.
Among the suits are to be found many individual fr\\ m\ |j ~rt!^
styles developed of tricotine, silvertone, tinseltone f -jjl li \\ j i viw/ '
and velour. Some of them have fronts with two jj ' ! I ■( IH : ' |
or three buttons or with one long straight line of •# * 'll. lg|g J ®<
buttons. Some are severely plain, others are fin- ll jf|P \~!L m
ished with braid, while still others have rich em- Vm V \ V|§lnUyf \
bellishments of fur either on collars or cuffs. t| BHBjp, | \'l
The new season's most favored colors are in- ..||[T L. 1A ' 'l NjH
eluded in a special showing gathered for Anniver- fIPV I J *** ±±zA
sary Sale days with plenty of navy blue, brown, [1 Tt\
reindeer and taupe. Prices range from $49-41 to v I
Autumn's Newest Coat Fashions,s39.4l ,$44.41 ,$49.41 to $69.41
New styles, new fabrics, new collars and altogether new shapes and the specials enterir.-g into the wonderful showing of J
coats for every day and dress occasions, and among the Anniversary specials are to be found such unusual cloths as velour
delaines, Normandy velours, chevronas, tinseltones, tinseltone cords and chamelion cords. The styles fashioned of these hand
some materials carry new collars, many of which are convertible, deep cuffs, wide belts and smart finishing touches of stitch
ing and buttons. j
Complete sizes prevail from those for petite misses to extra sizes for extra large figures,
"Regular $56.00 coats, are presented in tomorrow's sale at $49.41. \
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Men's Anniversary Socks and Underwear
19c Cotton Seamless Socks, in black, grey, cordovan and navy. Anniversary Pricfc,
3 pair for ' 4l£
SI.OO Nainsook Athletic Union Suits. Anniversary Price, 2 for .... $1.41
75c and SI.OO Egyptian Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers; shirts have short sleeves.
Anniversary Price, 2 garments for $1.41 k
Cotton Dress Materials For School at Savings of
25 Per Cent or More
59c Dress Ginghams. Anniversary Price, yard 41£
59c Silk Stripe Poplin. Anniversary Price, yard 4l£
75c Voiles in dark grounds. Anniversary Price, yard . ..4l£
59c Madras Shirting. Anniversary Price, yard 41£
Wash Suitings in plain shades and stripes for boys' suits and women's house
dresses. Anniversary Price, yard 4l£
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Save $5 to $7.50 on Refrigerators ~~~j " r~
Through the 41st Anniversary Sale
$35.00 Refrigerators in 3-door compartment type, with j J J
white enamel lining. Anniversary Price $29.41 I ; —■ -.
$45.00 3-Door Compartment Refrigerators, one-piece II ~ J
lining; 90-lb. ice capacity. Anniversary Price ..$38.41 ; v. U
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. , 11 I i
Suit Cases and Traveling Bags
Fiber suit cases, with good handle and metal corners. Anniver- 1 "" """""" 1
sary Special $1.41 —JTI4. J
$5.00 black fabricord suit cases. Anniversary Special.... sl.ll
$6.98 black fabricord suit cases, with short fold, straps, leather Cf
corners and good lock. Anniversary Special $((.41 .. JJ
$9.00 cowhide traveling bags, linen lined, sewed on corners, set
in brass lock and sliding catches. Anniversary Special ....$7.41 r
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. r iwta wW ■
Every Home Ought to Buy House Needs With
Savings So Great as They Are Now
69c sets yellow mixing bowl; 4 bowls, 5, 6, 7 50c stove brushes. Anniversary Price .... 41c
ar."d 9to set. Anniversary Price 41c 50c shoe brushes. Anniversary Price ....41c
Rayo lamps complete, with shade and chimney. 50c clothes brushes. Anniversary Price ~410
Anniversary Price ss.4l $2.50 "Red Band" wood handle, heavy, gal
-69c irridescent glass berry dishes. Anniversary vanised wash tubs. Anniversary Price .... $1.41
Price 41c $2.25 garbage cans, with cover. Anniversary
$2.50 all willow clothes baskets. Anniversary Price $1.41
Price $1.41 $2.00 double aluminum rice boilers. 2-quart '
69c dustless floor mops with long handle. An- size. Anniversary Price $1.41
niversary Price 41c $3.50 aluminum combination cooker sets. Arr
50c bottle liquid wax polish. Anniversary niversary Price $2.41
Price 41c $2.98 gas heaters. Anniversary Price ... .$2.41 ,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
SEPTEMBER 26, 1919.
Hundreds of Books
Worth Reading
Published to Sell at SI. 00 to $3.50; Choice, 41c
The bo#ks include personal narratives, stories of the war
and the better kind of fiction. Some are in the original bind
ings—all specially grouped and repriced to 41£
These Titles, Representative of the Entire Group. '
Carry Oa Lieut. Coningsby The U-Boat Hunters. Jas. B.\
Dawsorr. Connolly. t
Biltmore Oswald. The Diary ■, .
of a Hapless Recruit. J. Thorne Crumps. Louis Keene.
Smith. The Note Book of an Attache.,
memory of the Trenches. E ric Fisher Wood.
Lieut. Coningsby Dawson.
Out to Win. Lieut. Coningsby The Story of Mexico. Charles)
Dawson. Morris.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Anniversary Grocery News For the
Pata-cake flour, 2 packages 410 Pint bottles vanilla 41b-
California seeded raisins, 2 Orange Pekoe tea, lb 4t
packages 41c Little Neck clams, 2 cans, 4ic
Breakfast cocoa, qt. jar . . 41c Burnham's clam chowder, two
Rich mild cream cheese, lb„ 25c cans 4l t
410 Cherries, red maraschino, 3 "
Plum puddings, 1-lb. cans, 410 bottles
Asparagus tips, young, tender, Pure clover light honey, 10-lb.
fine flavor, 2 cans 41c buckets $3.41
Coffee, lb 41c New Orleans baking molasses.
Beef and chicken bouillion 3 cans 44q
/ cubes, 2 dozen 41c Swiss cheese, % lb 41c
Lux soap flakes, 4 packages, Peters breakfast cocoa, 5 cans.
41c 41c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement