Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 24, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    lIRM, 1001—2330 UNITED
Aluminum Ware
Specially Priced For Thursday Selling
You'll forget H. C. L. if you read our house furnish
ing specials in our ads. during the month. In addition
*o Old Hampshire Gray Enamel and pure white
enamelware at special prices, we will add to-morrow
Aluminum Ware of Heavy Gauge
Double Cereal Cooker; Windsor Kettle with
about V/2-qt. capacity; cover; about (>qt. ca
sl.3s pacit'y; $1.49.
• ————————
Tea Kettle, about 5-qt. Preserving Kettle, about
capacity; $1.75. 6-qt. capacity; $1.39.
Cooking Pot with cover, about 6-qt. capacity; $1.49.
Infants' Stockings, 29c
A fine ribbed cotton stocking for the little ones.
These stockings are made of fine quality yarn in
black and white; sizes 4to 6]/ 2 , 29c pair.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
e Yarns Thai
Will Not Knot
Minerva Yarns
are wound on a special ball that unwinds like a silken
thread —without fuss or fret.
They're beautiful in color very lofty and very
strong. They knit into warm, serviceable garments
that are soft and durable.
Let us show you the new Minerva Knitting Manual.
It's a treasure trove of knitting suggestions for the
skilled and the novice.
The services of our knitting-needle expert is at your
command —free.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
On fus n
the Figure I J
Perfectly ■ m
ATHENA Ordinary
Underwear Underwear
The luxury of perfectly fitting underwear
is yours when you wear ATHENA
Note the striking contrast between
ATHENA and ordinary underwear.
ATHENA is tailored to fit the figure
without beintr stretched at any point.
We are featuring the Athena make. Flta the
body, givng ease and comfort; made In eeveral
styles. I
High neck, long sleeves, ankle length; Dutch
neck, elbow sleeve and knee length.
Low neck, no sleeves, ankle and knee length.
These garments are medium weight of fine cot
ton rib. Regular size, 12.00; extra size, 92.25.
" At '
BOWMAN'S—Main Floot, |
Tricolette and Tricotine
Dresses For Early Fall
Fashion tias agreed that Milady
must choose between Tricolette
and Tricotine for her new street Bj jSi
frock for the first cool days of Au-
Many new dresses in original " ° |
styles are assembled in our dress Jf
. section. Tricolette and its sister
\ /HFC r weaves achieve gowns of exceeding wtf/ tj MB
\/ yf kr\ charm, because of the pliancy and \j Mjßjßr
*— i softness of these fabrics. For the
"| i | tailored models, Tricotine comes / j Pjy ° '
T Straight lines, blouse and coat || ? l " ~
Embroidery predominates as ill j/ \
fjpM j3 trimming, but there are many /\ \ '
smart effects resultant from the j 1
clever use of beads, lace, braids and ► rTv \
* Tricolettes in mouse, brown, /V \f\
navy and black; $49.50 to $98.50. '
Tricotine in navy, $29.50 to $75
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Women's Union Suits
Special 59c
Women's fine ribbed union suits; early fall
suits with low neck, sleeveless, tight knee; spe
cially priced; 59c.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Sale of Sheets and Pillow Cases
At the Wholesale Prices of To-day
Wholesale. Price of Utica Our Price by the
and Pequot Sheet by p.
the Dozen iece
63x90, $20.65 63x90, $1.72
63x99, $22.64 63x99, $1.89
72x90, $23.05 72x90, $1.92
72x99, $25.28 72x99, $2.11
81x90, $25.45 81x90, $2.13
81x99, $27.93 ' 81x99, $2.33
45x36, $5.98 45x36, 50c
Bolster Cases, 42x72, 79c
Not all sizes of a kind, but the size you want in the lot.
Make Your Home
A Better^Place to Live_ iji wßk \
Soon cold and disagreeable weather will keep you in-
doors. Wouldn't a new rug here and there make your
home more comfortable and improve its general ap
pearance? Surely, rugs and floor coverings of alksorts
won't cost less than they do now for years, probably.
And we fortunately bought this Fall stock for less than
we'd have to pay to-day, making our prices still more
important and valuable to you!
And the Bowman rug department has for years been known for its excellent patterns, large assortments
and moderate prices.
Axminster Rugs
From our best mills, In floral, all-over and Oriental
6x9 ft., $22.50 and $32.00. 8-3xlo-6 ft., $35 and $45.
7-6x9 ft., $30.00. 9x12 ft., $40.00, $45.00 and $52.50.
11-3x12 ft., $50.00.
Whlttall Rugs
New colors and patterns in Body Brussels, Anglo
Indian and Anglo Persian Wilton, 9x12; $75.00 to
Wool Tapestry Rugs
Seamless tapestry rugs in floral, all over and me
dallion patterns;
9x12 ft., $27.50 and $30.00. 8-3xlo-6 ft., $24.00.
6x9 ft., $17.50.
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor,
Women's Silk Stockings
One of the charms of a woman's wardrobe is
good silk hosiery. Silk hosiery that has style,
serviceability The Bowman standard
silk hosiery fulfills the requirements. We are fea
turing beautiful ingrain silk hosiery of heavy
weight, silk tops and foot; full fashioned in black
only; $2.95.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
I Salem sheets, bolster and pillow cases at just about what
they cost today to buy them wholesale.
Sheets, 63x90, $1.45 each; 63x99, $1.59 each; 81x90, $1.79
each; 81x99, $1.97 each; 72x90, $1.69 each.
Pillow cases, 42x36, 39c; 45x36, 40c.
Bleached sheets; size 72x90; center seam; made of good
quality muslin; $1.39 each.
Double bed size sheet: 81x90. Made of good quality sheet
ing. Three-inch hem at top, ready for use; $1.59 each.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
Roxbury Tapestry Rugs
Full ten-wire In all over and Oriental patterns;
8-3xlo-6 ft., $37.50. 9x12 ft., $40.00 and $45.00.
11-3x12 ft., $52.50.
Loom Tufted Rugs
In beautiful Oriental colors and patterns —
4-6x7-6 ft., $30.00. 6-9x9 ft., $52.50.
9x12 ft., $90.00.
Inlaid Linoleum
In' tile and Mosaic patterns, in blue, green or
brown; $1.35 sq. yd.
Felt base floor coverings in good patterns; two
yards wide; 59c sq. yd.
SEPTEMBER 24,1919.
Fashion Demands
For Thursday We Offer
Specials in Kid, Silk and
Leatherette Gloves
Undoubtedly the glove situation is serious and
those of you who favor being in fashion, will consider
yourself fortunate in securing a season's supply at
these special prices. We were extremely fortunate
in getting a good stock for Fall and Winter, we'd like
to have one twice as large.
Lot No. 1
111 Pairs of White and
Black Kid Gloves
Special , 95c
Two-clasp, 5-row and Paris point, embroidered
backs; sizes $/ 2 to 7. These gloves are what is termed
as menders, but every pair is good; 95c pair.
Lot No. 2
650 Pairs of Silk and
Leatherette Gloves
Special, $1.15 Pair
Double finger tips, embroidered backs of Milanese
and Tricot Silk, in two-clasp. These gloves are per
fect fitting. The leatherette gloves are of this sea
son's styles and if you wait to buy them they will, no
doubt, cost you considerably more. Very dressy and
very much like a kid glove. When washed on the
hand, they wash beautifully; $1.15 pair.
Lot No. 3
360 Prs. of White Silk Gloves
Special, 65c Pair
Every size, in white, black and some colors. Double
finger tips, two-clasp, crochet backs, perfect fitting;
65c pair.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
The Vogue of Spats
Fashion emphasizes the importance
of the spat as part of the footwear of the
well-dressed woman. With the patent
leather pump it is unusually smart. But
to be effective, the pump must be al
ways shapely, always well-fitting. Our
spats were cut so that they fit perfectly
and fashioned of firm materials. All
the seasonable colors are here. $3.50
and $4.00.
Spat pumps in patent coltskln; $9.50.
Spat pumps in black kidskin; $9.00.
Spat pumps in black satin; $8.50.
All with turned soles and Louis XV
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.