Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 22, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
6 Rupture Between Belgians and Dutch Surprise to Mercier By Associated Press• Raltlmore, Sept. 22.—When Cardinal Mercier was Informed at Cardinal Gibbons' residence of the reported severance of diplomatic relations be tween Belgium and Holland he said: "I knew there were difficulties but had no reason to suppose a rupture was imminent." Others in his party did not seem surprised over the news. Aeked whether Belgium anticipated war. neither Cardinal Mercier nor his secretary would dehy its possibility. "Many Belgians would welcome It." M. Pessain, the secretary, volun teered. Yjondon. Sept. 22.—An official wire- Jess dispatch from Berlin, dated Sat urday, says that the Belgian ambas sador at The Hague having been withdrawn, the Dutch ambassador at Brussels also has been withdrawn. Bituminous Mining Reaches High Mark Washington, Sept. 22. The highest point in bituminous coal production in the year was reached during the. week ending September 13. according to a statement by the United States Geological Survey. The total output was 11,080.000 tons, as compared with 9,633,000 tons for the week before. The output of anthracite during the week was 1,564,000 tons, or 64,- 000 tons above the production for the previous week, which was inter rupted by cessation of work on La bor Day. The production was 19 per cent, less than during the last week of August, which set the record for the current year. Wedding Flowers jj Plant Decorations j; If It has to do with Flowers or anything that 11 "grows," consult us— : THE BERRYHILL Locust Street at Second THE CAFETERIA Monday Vegetable Soup 00 Crcme of Toninto 10 Roa*t Liimb, Drown Grnvy ... .32 Frankfurter nnd Snucrkroat. . .23 Chicken Croquette* nnd Pens. . .IS MiiMhcd Potntoe* 07 Mmu Rron* 00 Slowed Onions 00 Green Pea* 00 Apple Pie 10 Cocoanut Cuntard .10 IlnUln Pie 10 Brown Ilntter Padding 10 Coffee with Cream 05 BIugBM ELECTRICiCLOTH ES.WASH ER Six Dollars Places One in Your Home NEIDIG BROS. 21 South Second Street -$! • I • ? How You Can Help ? 5Me to Help You | A * • V V) Think of shopping under conditions which ab- • '• solutely ensure your being completely satisfied ; ; with your selection; no danger of ever regreting Q 0 your choice of style or color scheme. A • Picture yourself inspecting my stock at your 0 0 leisure in the quiet of a partially filled store with 0 the aid of a saleperson who has nothing but 1 1 your needs upon her mind. • V 0 Conceive yourself with practically the entire A X stock presented for your inspection with a pleas- X • ant sense of having all the time in the world to • J compare styles, colors, fabrics and last but not " 0 least to figure your expenditure in relation to 0 your estimatae of what you can afford., A !• • v Wouldn't this make for satisfactory shopping; ; 0 for carefully considered investment? 0 '• • •V How to bring about this happy condition of • U affairs? It's very simple. Just try it once. V A SHOP HERE IN THE MORNING. A • £' .0 v | ,0 210 ■ JJU MONDAY EVENING, INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ROAST WIENERS AT WILDWOOD Club Invites Friends to Spend Happy Evening in the Open at Beautiful Park The W. E. E. Club grave a weiner roast at Wildwood. They hiked to the pavilion where dancing was en joyed. Music was furnished by a Victrola. The party chaperoned by Mrs. Charles C. King, included: Misses Eth Walter. Esther Fisher, Ruth Stum, Alice Kerns, Edna Hoke, Esther Shuey, Vinarda Wer ner, Ada Zimmerman, Grace Stum, Beatrice McKeever, Helen Lydic, Hannah Matchett, Emma Bartch, Abbio Smith, Effle Sauerwine, Es ther Carpenter, Alice Welger, Ruth Blair, Ethel Hoke, Irene Bricker, Bernice Mathias, Catherine Otstott, and Florence Hoke. Harvey Miller, Robert Schubert, Earl Hoffman, Lester Duncan, John Keister, Rus sell Wilson, Mervin Darr, Arthur Fogle, John Wallower, Harold Wolf, T. Wilson Patterson, Timothy Eu ker, William Enny, Lee Smith, John Grass, Charles Johnson, Frank Kaufman, Earl Seltz, John Deshong, Mervin Gordon, John Rau, Dave Cronin, David Cochlin, Lloyd Coch lin, Thnd Kutschak, Charles Kline peter, Raymond Fogle, James Bal dosser, Paul Myers, Charles Hock er. Insurance Commissioner Makes Opening Address Thomas B. Donaldson, of this city, who is the insurance commissioner of Pennsylvania, made the opening address at the banquet given by the associations, International Associa tion of Casualty and Surety Under writers. National Association of Cas ualty and Surety Agents, National Council of Insurance Federations, and the Western Union Association of Fire Insurance Companies at White Sulphur last week. MARRIED BY BISHOP Bishop Stanford performed the marriage ceremony Saturday in At lantic City for Miss Edith V. Wise, of 253 5 Boas street, and Stanley Frlanklin Scherer, of Allentown. The ring service was used. THE SEILER SCHOOL >▼lll reopen Thuradny, September .stli, nt 17 North Front Street. Sarah Jacobs, A. B. Katherine S. Andrews, A, B. Principal* Telephone 440-J HONOR GUESTS AT RECEPTION MR. AND MRS. VERNON DITZEL Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ditzel, 241 Crescent street, gave a reception In compliment to their son and liis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ditzel, who were recently married. The briile was formerly Miss Frances R. K. Leas. Many beautiful and useful gifts were showered upon the young couple and refreshments were serv ed to these guests: Miss Catherine Schwarz, Miss Lenore Watts, Miss Romaine Whisler, Miss Addessa Miss Esther Kendig Weds Charles D. Rhoads Mrs. S. M. Kendig, of Lancaster, announces the marriage of hei daughter, Miss Esther M. Kendig, to Charles Daniel Rhoads, of this city, August 17, 1919, in Brooklyn, N. Y. The bride was a resident of this city several years ago while choir leader and soprano soloist of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Sho has a voice of exquisite sweetness, highly cultivated, and more recently has been studying with Herbert Witherspoon in New York. She has studios in both Lancaster and this city, and still retains her member ship in the Wednesday Club here. Mr. Rhoads, a son of the late Joseph Rhoads, of 1201 North Sec ond street, has been associated with his father in business for several years. Court of Calentha Is Planning Festivities A committee of the Court of Ca lentha, including Mrs. Lizzie Green, Miss Carrie Smothers and Miss Til lie Thornton, will tender a reception and banquet to the grand court and grand lodge officers residing in Har risburg on Tuesday, September 23, at Pythian Castle, 122 0 North Seventh street. The guests of honor will be Dr. W. C. Homzella Allen, G. T.; Harriet Troy, G. H.; Martha Ball, Captain Percy C. Moore, G. L., K. of P.; Mrs. Katie Turpin, Mrs. Alice Moore, of Queen Esther Court; Captain J. Randolph Martin will be toastmaster; Colonel H. O. Jolly will speak for the committee. Invoca tion by Sir Knight Peter Hopkins. The hall will be decorated in na tional and Court of Calentha colors. Saturday Night Party With Dr. and Mrs. Wright A pleasant event of Saturday eve ning- was an informal musical given by Dr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Wright at their home, 234 Woodbine street. Among the singers were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hobbs-Ley, Mrs. William H. Witherow, Miss Sara Mae Harr, and Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood told an original story in happy manner. Others present were Mrs. Keats Peay Mrs. William Pinkney Hamil ton, Mrs. Cora Ewing Harr, Mrs. Wil son Dunmire, Miss Ellen Webster, Mr. and Mrs. William Albright of California, William H. Johnston and Paul Wright. CAMP SONG DIRECTOR Charles M. Cassel, former bari tone soloist of the Reformed Salem Church, has returned to the city for a short visit among friends, af ter a year's service as camp song director. Miss Ruth Towsen, of 616 North Second street, leaves to-morrow for Cedar Crest College, near Allen town, to take a secretarial course. Miss Ella Walmer Reed, of Hum melstown. Is visiting Miss Cora Lee Snyder, at 1008 North Second street, for a few days. Captain A. V. C. McMeen and Mrs. McMeen, of Washington, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Montgomery, 902 North Second street. Miss Rebecca Wilson, accompa nied her aunt, Mrs. Charles Stober, home to Allentown after a ten days' stay in the city, at the Wilson home. Luther M. Rogers and Carl F. Rogers, of New York, are guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Evan D. Fairley, of North Third street. Howell K. Johnston went home to Jersey City this morning after a week's stay with his college chum, Barclay Willis, of North Second street. Mrs. Alexander W. Snyder, of Ardmore, is stopping with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, 208 Pine street, during the absence of her sister, Mrs. Charles F. Etter, in Atlantic City. Lewis Kunkel, 118 Locust street, left to-day for the Gilman School, near Baltimore, where ho is a stu dent. Mrs. Samuel W. Fleming, Jr., is spending a few days in New York. LAn announcement under this'heading must be accompanied bp name to assure accuracy. ] Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Core, 2341 Green 1 street, announce the birth of a daughter, Helen Louise Core, Fri day, September 19, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Morrow, of Wormleysburg, announce the birth of a son, Richard Morrow 111, Fri day, September 19, 1919. Mrs. Mor row was formerly Miss Elizabeth Grimwood, of Wormleysburg. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Baynes, of Pittsburgh, former Harrisburgers, announce the birth of a daughter, HcsterLouise Baynes,Saturday, Sep tember 20. 1919. Mrs. Baynes is re membered here as Miss Carlotta D. Wilson. HAItRXSBURG TELEGRAPH Whisler, Miss Marie Leas, Miss Anna Miller, Miss Anna Pretzman, Miss Huldu Zigler, Mrs. Barbara Sutch and Mrs. Ilarvey W. Lyter, Harvey Deal, Samuel Baer, Wilbur Ditzel, George Ditzel, Lester Wag ner, Levi Fillmore, Lloyd Lyter, Harvey Lyter, Jr., William Ditzel, Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Faust, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Goudy, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Lyter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ditzel, Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Beck. Mrs. J. Ritchie Smith Is the Honor Guest Mrs. J. Ritchie Smith, of Prince ton, N. J., wife of a former minister of the Market Square Presbyterian Church, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman P. Miller, of Cot tage Ridge, left for home on Satur day. Quite a number of pleasant social events were given for Mrs. Smith during her stay, among them a luncheon last Friday by the Misses Kelker, of South Front street, at their country home in Swatara town ship. Autumn flowers graced the table, around which gathered Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Herman P. Miller, Mrs. George Edward Hawes, Mrs. George Roberts, Mrs. Edward Manser, Miss Roberta Griffith, Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton Miss Mary Kelker and Miss Anne Roberta Kelker. ON THE WAY nOME Miss E. Blanche Clutc and Miss Edith Clute, 313 North Second street ,who have been summering at Jackson, N. H„ are now the guests of their brother, the Rev. Horace E. Clute, at Hastings-on- Hudson. They will return home early next week. Miss Charlotte Walters and Miss Ellen F. Walters went home to Pittsburgh this morning after a short stay with Mr. and Mrs. Ran dolph Jackson, of Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Irving and sons. George and Harold F. Irving, of Cleveland, 0., are in town for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Noel Irving, on the way home from New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Dunbar, of Pittsburgh, have returned to their home after a three weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Neff, of 1944 Green street. Other Personals oil Page 4 >. Dinner, Monday Evening, Sept 22 STOP PEEK'S RESTAURANT 4 N. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50 CENTS Vegetable Soup Rrcndcd Vcnl Cutlet, Elliot of Iloef Pork chop (plnin), ltnHt Reef Mushed or Au Grutiii Potatoes Stcwoil Pons. Egg Plant, Entroo Ico Cronni, Pic or Pudding CotTce, Ton or Cocoa v I PRICED LOWER r^ a * rt You get more quality and style here for your money. Our uptown location—-out of the high rent dis trict—and other low expenses enables us to give the biggest money-saving values in millinery. Come in and see our charming models for Autumn. Betty Lend Shop 1208 NORTH THIRD STREET Open Evenings Until 8 P. M. You May Need Glasses If you have headaches, if you have to "squint" to read, if you have trouble with close work, the thing you should do is have your eyes examined. We make no charge for ex aminations. And we give you glasses, if you need them, at reasonable prices. They may cost you as low as $1.50, and fifteen years' constant practice stands back of every examina tion. NO DROPS USED Rubin & Rubin Eyesight Specialists 320 Market St. Over The. Ilnb Hell Phone 420-J Open Wed. and Sat. Eves. *■< SPEND EVENING MAKING CANDY Two Young Girls Hostesses at Taffy Party Last Week Guests of Miss Mary Rodenhaver and Miss Mabel Potteieer invited a number of young folks to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Rodenhaver, 1826 Green street, for a taffy party, making a variety of sweets and en- j Joying a supper. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Drabenstadt, Mr. and I Mrs. Hiram Rodenhaver, Mr. and Mrs. George William Rodenhaver, | Mrs. Quigley, the Misses Mary Drabenstadt, Muriel Michael, Elsie Kelton, Laurene Sutch, Arvilla My ers, Isabelle Foster. Hannah Sacks, Gladys Fortney, Lettera Geist, Mary McClain, Mildred..- Smith, Therlza Conner, Gertrude Hazan, Romalnc Ferree, Mary Rodenhaver, Mabel Pottelger, Pauline Huntsberger, Helen Wallace, Edna Brighton, Mrs. Copltn, Ed. Patterson, Lincoln Sherk, George Fleck, Howard Pot telger, Edgar Pottelger, Herbert Drabenstadt, H. F. Swartz, Harold Irwin, Engene Murphy, Herbert Rodenhaver, Jr., Henry Rodenhaver j and William Cullen. W. C. T. U. Meetings to Be Held This Week A special meeting of the W. C. T. IT. will be held to-morrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. B. Hartzler, of Washington Heights. Officers and district superintendents will leave Market Square on the 2 o'clock car. A full attendance is requested. A regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Thursday after noon at 2 o'clock in the Fourth Street Church of God. Delegates who attended the county convention at Hummeistown will make their re ports at that time. IX MISS SCARLETT'S HONOR Miss Helen Scarlett, of Baltimore, who is visiting Miss Susanna Ma guire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Maguire, 5 South Front street, was honor guest at dinner Saturday at the Harrisburg Country Club with Miss Maguire hostess. To day Miss Cecelia Kunkel, daughter of Judge and Mrs. George Kunkel, gave a small informal luncheon at her home, Front and Liberty streets, for Miss Scarlett. Open Every ¥ T O F 23 W. High St. Evening H B _ Carlisle JB. JIl Furniture Company J •" ' 1415-19 N. Second Street H ■* ' One-Week Sale of Floor Coverings We have been preparing this sale for weeks and have assembled a great stock of floor-coverings that in spite of scarcity and high prices are unequalled anywhere for design and price. Prices Quoted Are For This Week Only. Buy Now, Save Money - 1 50 9x12 AXMINSTER RVGS '9X 12 WHton " n x i ap $39.75 R"o s Grass Rugs * n zSa cf7c nn $8.75 Frife il 1 ni ""lit 9x12 Whittall 9x12 Wool f#|| 1 - Bod V Brss ek Fiber Rug, ||g IgMMg | jfll $57.00 ZL IS ISS [ Blankets" __ 10 patterns for your selection. Oriental, Persian and . Fiber Rugs piomi effects Extra large, (U-/-2 ijc ' double wool nap plj./o Neponset and Congoleum blankets, 9 x 12 Tapestry Floor Coverings $2750 0m WSek 0nl " Extra large size, 6 x 18 Rubber satine borders, Stair Treads ilnp Wppk Onln Ever V V ard Guaranteed perfect goods. We 2,000 KJ^ U V assure you of service on every yard. 9 X 18 Rubber $/? 75 89c Square Yard Stair Treads * INLAID LINOLEUM, Blabon's famous quality f iTp PCIPh. ZHI_J $1.69 Square Yard [ ( CI SEYMOUR DEAD New York, Segt. 2 2— James Bent ley Seymour, known as "Cy" Sey mour, when a major league outfield er, died at his home here last night, it was learned to-day. Seymour, Voice Culture and Interpretation H S. KIRKLAND Pupil of Mnnuel tinreln, Eondon, Eng., nnd of Charles t.unn, Lon don, Eng.; author of "Expression In Singing." Lessons resumed on Wednesday, September 24 Studio—lolo North Second Street. ' —t Star Carpet Cleaning Works Let us clean your carpets now. General Upholstering Expert Work Guaranteed Give Us a Trial Joseph Coplinky Eleventh & Walnut Sts. Bell 3DB-II Dial 0051 V. i Drops Not Necessary It is not necessary to drops | in- making examinations of the I eyes, except in rare cases. Nor is | it necessary to have them "doc tored," unless there is distinctly I a diseased condition. . Dimness of sight—eye fatigue, ! headache, nervous troubles, etc. i —are frequently caused by eye j strain, some muscular defect or j a natural change In the pupil. The best plan when such con ditions are indicated or suspected is to go to a reputable optome trist. Properly fitted lenses will rectify the trouble at once and you will probably save a big "doctor bill" —to say nothing of j ttmo and trouble —in the future. I 12. N. MARKET SQUARE""" Second Floor. SEPTEMBER 22, 1919. who was 42 years old and had play ed semtprofessional baseball In re WE'RE all slaves to habit, to be sure. That is why we ofttimes miss wonderful opportunities. We get into a rut, and there we stay, doing the same old things over and over again, since we're just naturally too habit-bound to improve our ways. Perhaps that is why we continue buying inferior coffee. We've simply become accus tomed to going to a certain place because it is handy and we keep on going, even though we know that we aren't obtaining as high a grade as we should. Now, aren't we foolish to continue such a practice when by summoning a little will-power to our aid, we can make the break. I and henceforth purchase our coffees at the Grand Union Tea Co., 208 I North Second street. For it is at the Grand Union that the best and most delicious varieties are to be found. ARTISTS —take notice! I have I a messuge for you which you | cannot afford to miss. Just to day I discovered where you can pro cure parchment lamp shades for decorating. Indeed, when I saw them, I felt a little pang of regret over that much-discussed art course that never materialized. Had I takeh it, as was planned, wouldn't I just seize upon the opportunity to beautify one or more of those at tractive shades? They come in all shapes and sizes, for either oil or water colors. Naturally, they can be painted to harmonize with any decorative scheme and I personally intend to have one even though it means securing some one else to ac complish the necessary transforma tion. Where did I find them? Oh, yes, I almost forgot—why, at Saltz giver's Art and Antique Store, of course. F FREQUENTLY during the past few weeks I have been asked whether I knew just when the Kolbenschlag opening would oc cur. And because people everywhere are so interested in the event I am glad to tell them that the time chosen is Tuesday, September 30, and Wednesday, October 1. On these days many beautiful and dis tinctive hats will be shown for the first time, including lovely pattern hats, stunnipg imported models, and an unusually attractive assort ment from the shop's own workrooms. In addition, the Misses Kolben schlag will display soft, rich fursof the highest quality, and wonderful beaded bags such as none but the Tnost. exclusive shops are showing. f-|-v LEASE, Adele, tell me this I—'— are the 75-cent luncheons at the Penn-Harris all they're supposed to be?" inquired a friend several days ago. "Let me answer your question by inviting I you to lunch there with me to-mor | row," I replied. So we went, and at I the conclusion of the appetizing rc j past she exclaimed, "I'll say they j are!" And they are! I know, for I've often sampled them. And in I the coffee room the meals are every i bit as good. The same can be said lof the grill, which is now open from 11 o'clock in the morning un ' til midnight. In connection with it, ! -especial mention must be made of I the unseen fountain where delicious | soft drinks of all kinds are mixed 1 by expert dispensers. - cent years, had been ill for some - time. i OU might as well be out of I the world as out of style," so we are told. And surely. Milady, who does not possess at least one tricolette dress In these days of its popularity, is out of style. So it behooves her to hasten to the Cloos Shop in the Penn-Harris build ing where the loveliest trlcolettes imaginable await but her choice. One little model of self-embroidered navy blue is particularly fetching. Perhaps it is the collarless neck that lends it its charm, or again it may be the vivid Roman girdle of soft, silk crepe. But whatever the cause it most certainly has an appeal all Its own! <<TD EIJIEVE ME - LF THE SUTTS MC " r\ Fall's carry in their new clothing department are as good as their hats, they'll be some suits!" remarked a college lad the other day. "I just purchased two of the latter at their store," he con tinued, "and I like them so well I wish I could wear them both at once. Talk about a tough proposi tion! T look at the Stetson first and decide to wear it. About that time 1 catch a glimpse of the Dunlap and —well, I waver. So I grab one without looking and run." And lit tle wonder, for Mcß'all's hats cannot be compared with the average va riety. In addition to the lines al ready mentioned, they carry Crofut Knapp & Company, and Dobbs hats, or, in other words, the best in the land.