Train Airmen to Berth Big Airships I/ondon, Sept. -9.—ln anticipation of the time when big airships will be regularly arriving in England and departing on their long overland and overseas journeys; officers and men "Store Opens Saturday at 9A. M. Closes Saturday at 9P. i Girls' Slipon and Coat Sweaters at $2.98 mF Women's Coat Sweaters Special at $3.98 §! Exceptionally good ones at a price so low as this, these come in all These are real beauties that are in rose, green, Copen, maroon and aS the wanted colors that are desirable for hall wear, belts and pretty EM other favored colors, pretty trimmed sailor collars and have belts, very SA TURD A Y-AN EVENT OF MONEY SA VING IMPORTANCE I 0 Here's an early Harvest for frugal, economical women that offers BIGGER, BRIGHTER, BETTER BARGAINS. ffl s Extraordinary Values that will set the old town's tongue to wagging—A replenishing opportunity that you can- / hi not afford to miss-COME EARLY. I > A Wonder Value *sss Exceptional $0n.50 £ Stunning i i l AM SUIT at Wx SUITS at . ■ SUITS at Oa I gj 3 fe /f :Jr N"\ lucky purchase brings to us at the beginning /J? J J j[\ /TTTTI fj KM M \ ! i d* tfii| f \ \ °f this season an assortment of exceptional suits y J J /jt y .. _ __ /' . Ss \y y / ] 1 jJw 1% V B 111 I as V \ * or women an d misses that are made of all wool , j // / A J | | r € nj 1 w V ? poplins and in the most desirable colors of-the sea- \\ // / I 1 fff W j§| F k1 •' ~%lt W l\. son, fine and tasty styles, sizes from 36 to 44, every I Zj A ' 1 M y*or " arment ' n f^' s ' ot wort h considerably more, see J m M |/ navy, Burgundy, ' green! L priced garments as shown at /Slfe m 1 If ment is perfectly tailored, some < , \ AII r —_ A. P \|'V range of' styles and materials. b| nl \f\ plain while others are trimmed il | %j\ F /"A I IL§ JS | \\\ \ jj f such as poplins, silvertones, HHHfltt Isi j\/ with braids and pretty burt- |l 1 \A \ I ; broad cloths and men's wear JjjJ 1 tons the sizes are from 16 to Broadcloth velours, silvertop and QJ \±\J f beautifulb^tailorccTaild M 44, absolutely a wonder value / silvertone coats m brown navy, black W Wtfl well worth coming for; sizes i [U f don't miss it. , k Wj Copen reindeer taupe kangaroo and ■ \W\ } 16 up to 44, very special. i J ■' Y \ . ;kyf ox blood, these beautiful coats are trimmed with beaver plush, \ n 1 I I jjJ " JffFt p Q sealine and silk plush collars, that will be found warm and M\\J I - K|| § A Specially Priced Silk Dress Suits For Stout Women 1 SrSSi'W SO C A Full Line of New Fall and Winter Coals at sls '°° up to $89 ' 50 $35.00 up to $49.50 I 1 ZD Tricotine Dresses $25 Up to $39.50 1 sizes 16 to 44, choice "at appro^e 15 J63 Kaufman's are featuring these new dresses at prices ranging from $25.00 up to $39.50 in every wanted color and all the so come and seek better values. ||| ~ desirable styles; see these before buying elsewhere. ,=====================================:J js | Here Is More Proof That Our Buyers Are Busily Buying Big Bargains | And mothers are going- to derive greater saving benefits by taking advantage of these Satur- - THIS POLO CLOTH COAT. FOR GIRLS 10 TO 14 YEARS. THE COLORS djl QC ill S day prices on CHILDREN'S COATS K. > ARE REINDEER AND PEKIN J) JL O.i/O rAi This Cheviot This Plush This Melton &0 This Diagonal (jfy I 5 4V Cloth 'Jft COAT tTk Cloth er tipped glove with three rows l|L| ty 1J iEW _ | fTn Barter tops, are reinforced at , and ' , nnd _ artcr beautifully trimmed great variety of dainty styles with the wanted plaited of embroidery on backs, they come long, a splendid value and ideal to S§j Ivl raM? i ,:H| /3J ' II u°i?, Un comes in black, . . ... d with lace and embroideries, 3o to 46, special. flounces all tiie desirable in white, black, gray, brown, mas- , "Hi'/ lWtL'f nd 11 Hut' to P. como in black, white and Bome with rlbbon shoulder shades, fitted with clastic tic, self or contrasting embroidery throvv over the * houl(lcrß these LSI Sff <* cUih * y imperfect, ape- cordovan, special. straps, sizes 36 to 46. extra waistbands, all lengths, spe- stltchingi sizes 5 to 8- special. cool evenings, very special. SI m S&i.'. fIS \ sizes 48 to 64, special. Muslin |t "l AC? P S ■ Women's Pur. Children's Ribbed Cns 9 1 .49 Wash Dresses —— ——l nj yKL Silk /no OP - Union O Women's Lisle /JA sup over styles with v For Girls AC livery Woman and iVIISS in riaiTlsburg Un S ROBERTA AMHos $2.25 Suits 98c 75c Union,nit, ... Dc 2 iL'irJfhti.® Be Interested in These LM iaastß-Haprfaass rL^/ r Full fashioned, silk hoso Cotton fibbed lisle union Fino ribbed-lisle union suits, lace and embroidery trim- and find no better value than MfcuSSfi gfc fil Mil ."Us with lon. sleeve, .nd in MIS S m.d. u fell "Warn.""® Rl nU SfS VW i f v y WH\ thay come in African brown, ankle length, sizes 4to 16 regular sizes, very special. and extra sixes. come in the newest plaids, r J T L*V/ U$C V illUt/d |S a,**! cordovan and navy, extra ape- years, sold according to size. checks, and pretty P'a' n c °'* A T J*frh nil Fl] clal, ____________ org and ( n a wonderful as- /1 j*r /H \ U -jyj Keep a Youthful Figure w , Girls Navy Serge Dresses Dresses for Growing Girls trimmed or tailored models II \ T\\\ \ 'ii|\ w< <){ ll( |>j I by Wearing Ts qo si.., a $4 95 ™"54.95 " Blouses HI Bags $1.69 Gloves 98c *. a . of is„..„ m . a ,p e ™ 3ateen s2.4s Ih rj f qualit ' v Reorectu b, ,'j us f L 4 I 1 VUg A • • . These are a two clasp wash- excellent quality wool serge in quality ginghams in beauti- rettlCOatS I MJJ2I/ ]Mjf that COllie 111 navy, black, 8 I |h U I /V ' mori? /.u i a i* ea abl ° chamolsctte glove with several very pretty styles, ful plaids, trimmed with Made of the very finest I A|lM|l ~.fy / tunic bUrmc flr>2S,i7 D from LaCG DOOIS al . pjtOu /Qig/y Flesh or white crepe de chine and georgine blouses of 11 , |K. . . N. This is a Goodyear welt boot with straight cut vamp in plain and tipped toes long yfa excellent quality materials, plain and tailored while some if? 51l 11¥1 IT* SO X models, they come in beaver, brown and black liona kid, have military, Cuban and , \ are neatly embroidered, well made and in full sizes, 36 to KM n| Up 1" ~leather Louis heels, sizes 2y 2 to 8, widths Bto E special. *- 46, very special. FRIDAY EVENING, of the Royal Air Force are being trained to the task of landing and putting them away. It is a delicate operation berthing a 600-foot airship in a great shed without crushing the cars or ripping the envelope, and must be perform ed with no more apparent force than a mother might use in wrapping up her babe for the night. French Overstocked With Army Airplanes Paris, Sept. 19.—The French army is at a loss to know what to do with its vast stock of aircraft. Auc tion sales of aeroplanes organized by the government are viewed with gJCRJRXSBTTRG UflfcA TEEEOH3EPH absolute indifference by the general public. At the last sale a scout plane fitted with a 860 horsepower motor found no purchaser even at $4O. WILL HEAR EXPKRT. Carlisle, Pa, Sept. 19.—Merchants here are arranging to hold a special institute next week when a business expert will speak at five evening ses- sions and give Individual conferences during the days. Interest centers in the event in that it ia one of the fea tures of increased co-operation be tween the business men of the town as a result of the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce. WED IN NEW YORK. Carlisle, Ta., Sept. 19.—The an- I nouncemrnt was made * here- to-day that Mis,s Erma Klucker, of Carlisle, and Cal D. SheafTer, also of Carlisle, were married on August 30 at New York City. The bride has been a stenographer for the State Compen sation Board for sometime and the groom is employed at the Marsh Run oepot. Both are well known. They I will reside in Carlisle. SEPTEMBER 19, 1919. ' --•TtßiiiinTTriiYiv' rrrmtmi FY/S/3?* POSSESIIHC RIMXKKABU SEAUTIFVWC rsortß- L nvf TIXJQIt Tits VET ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. ALL SHADES. f " UMJTG'J "DARLING" HOULTICHT ROUGE, 3® A SOX , H VVA Ayi/ """ ADOLPH KLAR L 121 rO'JKTH AVENUE —NEW YORK 5