22 iii; r i Jit:, ii ij;,ii i jij; r imaEaimh!!iii m :iriMßai^u t If Your Rent Is Uiaiftataiy High, Sublet a Farnished Room and Ease tie Burden * ML. -3 • irtii uUb ' i ••ii=- <■ j iliiiif'EiiiiJjiliilililfiiliilllilliliii;!. Deaths Di'H.WEN—Died September 16. 1919, Charles Jehu Deflaven, at Hornell, New York. Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence of M. I. Wenerick, 1520 Susquehanna St. Interment East Harrisburg ceme tery. WAYNE—William F. Wayne, died on Septemoer 18, 1919, at the resi dence of his mother. Funeral on Saturday at 3 o clock from 39 North Ninth St. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment private. STEES—Los Angeles, Cal., on Sep tember 16, 1919, Mary Stees. widow of the late Alfred F. Stees. aged 80 years. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon at 4.30 from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. T. M. Poffenberger, at Dauphin. Pa. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Interment Dau phin cemetery. IN MEMORIAM In memoriam of Robert W. Dough erty, who died September 19, 1917; gone but not forgotten. Softly now the light is falling, on a quiet grave. Where there sleepeth without dream ing. One we loved but could not save. Oil, do not ask us if we miss him, for there's such a vacant place. Oft you'll think you hear him coming. No more you'll see his smiling face. Yet wc know that he is happy. In the mansions of the blest Where there is no hour of parting Just cne sweet eternal rest. By His Wife and Children. MRS. ROBERT W. DOUGHERTY. LOST AND FOUND LOST—In the City of Harrisburg or on the State Road between Rheems ard Harrisburg, one Maxwell wheel with Goodyear tire. Reward if re turned to or notify T. S. Schwanger, (Blacksmith). Elizabelhtown, 11. 3. Bell phone 111R.-23. LOST—Between Mar.vsville and Duncannon on Main road one black bound book, also red bound book used for bread route. Finder please re turn to W. H. Newmeyer care Stand ard Baking Co. LOS1 —A bunch of keys on or be tween Hummel and 13th St. Finder please return same to this office. LOST—Certificate No. 272 of De vine & Yungle Shoe Co. Reward if re turned to the above factory. LOST—A small dark brown mink neck piece, either on Carlisle Pike or in front of Gorgas' drug store, or Market St. to 18th. Reward if return ed to Pox G-8509 care Telegraph. LOST—WiII the girl who picked up a heavy sweater on the football Held near Penbrook when the aero pianos landed on Wednesday evening, kindly return same to 2516 Main St., Pen brook or call Bell 475UJ. LOST—Reddish brown leather fold er pocketbook containing consider able eum of money and small diamond veil pin. Lost at Penn-Harris Hotel or on same street while walking to wards post office and adjacent restau rant. Reward of $26 if returned to Dispatch Publishing Co.. Pittsbugh. LOST—Diamond brooch, Tuesday evening, between Fourth and Market streets and River Park or in park near Market street; pin is round with diamond in center and an outer set ting of pearls. Suitable reward if re turned to the Ladies' Bazaar, 8 South Fourth St. STOLEN —Harley-Davidson bicycle. No. 810.050 from basement of Camp Curtin school, Monday. September 15. Liberal reward if returned to Steck ley'e Shoe Store, 1220 North Third Street. FOTJND—GoId watch. Inquire R. *L. French, Penbrook, Fa- INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECKLEY'S EUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. HELP WANTED—MALE YOUU CAN CAPITALIZE YOUR SPARE TIME $50.00 AN HOUR Four hundred of your spare unpro ductive hours can be turned into $25,- 000 capital paying 8 per cent, divi dends. You can accomplish this in 12 months' time. STUDENT REPORTS SHOW PROOF Our student roll of Harrisburg and immediate vicinity shows increases uf 25 per cent, to 400 per cent, in annual earnings all gained through BUSINESS TRAINING BY LA SALLE METHODS ACCOUNTANCY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS LETTER WRITING LAW BANKING TRAFFIC COMMERCIAL SPANISH EFFECT!VL PUBLIC SPEAKING If you are really ambitious to place yourself in a position of higher ex ecutive responsibility, without sacri ficing the best part of your life in waiting for bigger opportunities, tele phone for an appointment, call per sonally or write fully and freely as to the kind of position it is your am bition to fill. We will advise you promptly how ou: training and serv ice may be of advantage in solving your problem of advancement. LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Harrisburg office, 26 N. 18th St. Bell 19 ICR. DELIVERY MAN Wanted man to drive Over land delivery car, one who has experience in delivering preferred. Apply ASTRiCH'S, 358 Market St. • CunthiKcn \rl Column t r * Xiw is the time to buy u lot for the home n hlrh you are expeetlng to liuihl. t Few of Our llargulns llellevue Park. ('loverly Heights. Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Tv"'" n aV V ws Ur,h !" Ellerslle. Wood lawn i ( , Kensington Woodland Greenwood S. W. cor. 21st & Fairfax Sts. Twenty-first & Greenwood Sts. Cor. Berryhill & Cedar Sis. Eleventh and one-half & North Streets. S. \V. cor. Second & Emerald Sts. S. W. cor. Second & Clinton Sts. N. Second St. Emerald St. • Riverside. N. Fifth St. North Third St. Milter Brothers & Co. RBAI. ESTATE INSURANCE I.OCI IT ANIJ COURT STS. tft inn'Y UONDS Members !lIIK. Heal Estate llonril FRIDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE . OPPORTUNITIES ! ... k. I FOR A large number of Inexperi enced men, ages 18 to 45. Must be in good physical con dition; good living wage paid while learning; steady work assured. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. MACHINISTS First class lathe, milling machine, drill press hands, etc. Only thoroughly competent men experienced on close and accurate work need apply. First class open shop on an 8-hour basis; now working ten hours with time and one-half for overtime. Rates up to 75c. Apply by letter to the Employ ment Manager, Crown Crok and Seal Co.. 1511 Guilford ave., Baltimore, Md. TWO men wanted for crew work; good opening for crew manager. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. WANTED—Men for day labor anil farm work in country near city. Ap ply 1700 N. Second St., after 7 p. m. AN experienced automobile electri cian w anted for storage battery serv ice; give education, training, experi ence and references. Address 0-8040 care Telegraph. COLLECTOR WANTED. To a good able man, substantial salary and com mission will be paid. State age and experience if any. Address C-8039 care Telegraph. WANTED—Steady young man for position in shipping department of ready-to-wear store. Reference re quired. Apply Box R-8085 care Tele graph. FOUR men, newspaper or magazine experience; guaranteed salary and commission; good chance for advance ment. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. WANTED—Good working bench hands and automobile finishers or varnishers. Apply to Box 446, Harris burg. WANTED—Laborers at once; good wages; steady work and chance for advancement. Apply Employment Bu reau Central Iron and Steel Co. WANTED Experienced window trimmer and card writer in men's clothing and furnishing store. Penn sylvania city of 120,000. Good oppor tunity for right man; must be steady and reliable; state reference and sal ary. l-8018 care Telegrapn. PATTEIIN MAKERS WANTED Steady work, thoroughly up to-date plant, 68c per hour to first class wood pattern mak ers. Immediate opportunity for two more men. In business 16 years, never a minute's la bor trouble. Employ both union and non-union men. Will pay transportation one way for interview, and if en gaged will pay transportation both ways after 30 days' em ployment. Boarding and liv ing conditions good. PANGBORN CORPORATION, Hagerstown, Md. PARTNER wanted by owner of 135 acres of good poultry, truck and fruit farm, to help grow and serve whole some, well cooked food, fresh from our own gardens to our own table every morning in a house with 14 ; large light, well ventilated rooms, enclosed In four walls thick enough I to keep out heat or cold; nicely and; centrally located on the Lincoln high- | way at county seat ; good l oads, etc; j or will sell as a whole or in small farms. Call on or address owner, P. I M. Mishier, 46 and 46 Main St., Get- i tysburg. Pa. WANTED Stone cutters; good camp accommodations and good wages paid with the use of pneumatic tools, a business that is easily learned and beginners paid while learning. Appiy at the mill stone quarries of the American Abrasives Co., Whitethorne, Virginia. W ANTED —Laborers and contrac tors'at the Pax tang quarries Apply Paxtaiig Quarries. Paxtang. Pa. WANTED —Boys over 16 years to bale mattresses. United Slates Matt ress Co.. 12th and Herr Sts. W \NTED —A first class sawyer for mv sawmill near Rockville. Pa ; good v.aees and steady work. Address, Samuel Witteninyer. Harrisburg. W VNTED —Boy must be over 16 year's. Apply F. W. Woolworth, 44 Market St. \V\NTED —Horseshoer and general blacksmith. Apply 2012 Wood ave. CRAsiP the opportunity to-day to become ar. expert mechanic and chauf fer Wo teach you between your working hours to become an expert and lor only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. Cameron st„ Harrisburg. Training Quarters 260 S. Front St. Steeltou. WANTED —Two energetic men for housework and vacuum cleaning. Ap ply Petin-Harris Hotel, Housekeeper. \ OUNG MEN. 18-35, for railway mail clerks and mail carriers. $l,lOO - 500. For free puitlculars of examina tions write R. Terry (former Civil I service Examiner) 518 Continental I Bldg., Washington. HELP WANTED—FEMALE ! WANTED —Experienced colored girl for general housework In small fam ily; no washing; good home and wages for capable girl. Apply at once, 1226 Seneca St. or call Bell phone | 4029 R. ■toullnueil lu Next Column) HELP WANTED—I'EMALE WANTED—GirI to help with chil dren: good place to right party. Au ply 710 North Sixth St. WANTED—GirI or woman for gen eral housework. Apply 2121 N. Sixth St. or call Dial phone 5809. WANTED Saleslady experienced in dry goods business, chance for ad vancement. Address X-8041 care Tele graph. WANTED—A girl 16 years or over to assist with children from 2 to 7 p. m. Also competent woman for gen eral housework and cooking; small family and good wages. Apply 229 l'orster St., evenings. WANTED—Washerwoman in fam ily of four. Preterrably one living within walking distance of 18th and state Sis. Apply lower apts., 1814 State St WANTED—GirI to assist with gen eral housework. Apply 1429 N. Front Street. WANTED—Dining room girl, and hotel or short order cook. Apply to C. E. Humer, Hotel Marietta, Mari etta, Pa. WANTED—Experienced forelady to teach girls how to make paper boxes. Good salary. Penn-Harris Paper Box to., 103 North Cameron St. WANTED—Operators and learners, and girls to do other kind of work; good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton St. WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SIEK MILL. Second and North Streets WANTED—GirIs over 16 years of age to work In candy factory. Apply D, Bacon Co., 341 S. Cameron St. WOMAN wanted to do plain cook ing, reference necessary, good wages will he paid. Apply Mrs. L. M. Ericker. 225 Hummel Ave., Lemoyne. WANTED Woman for general housework, reference required. Apply 212 Pine St. Phone 956 R. WANTED Reliable woman for general hcusework. Address Box CBSS eare Telegraph. WANTED—Experienced waitress; 8 hours; $lO per week; also a kitchen woman. Restaurant Sheets & Roche. Juniata St., Enola. WANTED AT ONCE FOLD EftS GOOD WAGES AND BONUS BEOUUH MFG. CO.. KEIEV AND FULTON STREETS ■ I WANTED! J Our business Is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors, also girls to learn. If you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay, or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in Har risburg than our factory and we are making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO.. 1408 Vernon Street. WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. Learners taken. We will guat antee all operators a certain wage each week. We pay the best prices in the city on our work and also 15 per cent, to 2u per pent, on what you earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrisbuig Apparel Co.. Sixth and Herr Sts., City Star Laundry Bldg.. Third Floor. WANTED Reliable woman for general housework —onlv two in fam ily. Address Box N-8034 care Telegraph or ring Bell phone 62. WANTBD Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We are also employing inexperi enced operators who are paid whin learning. A bonus is .paid every pay day to all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Keily and Fulton Streets WANTED Experienced operators on power sewing machines. beginners paid ! while learning. Our business Is stead- Ii 1 v increasing and plenty of raw ma- I terial guarantees steady work, i Ideal work —under ideal conditions. | in ideal plant. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2012 N. Fourth St. I . WANTED Experienced knitters; good pay; steady work. Apply, HARRIS HOSIERY CO.. Calder and Marlon Street. HELP WANTED —Male and Female THOUSAND, men. women. 18 or over now wanted. Government posi tions. Railway mail clerks, city car riers, census clerks, 21100-81600 year; ; vacation: common education suffi cient; big chance for soldiers, sailors. List positions free. Write immediate ly; urgent. Franklin Institute. Dispt. •413-S. Rochester. N. Y. ' (Continued lu Next Column) HARRISBURG FLFWFTIFLU TELEGRAPH; ■ Hjp SB I Pjf= I I ANY REASONABLY - PRICED house or apartment may be rented through an inexpensive classified ad vertising campaign. Test the matter. The "risk" involved is so small that few people would dignify it by that name. 13 gjj . - S I m ft > I: :',,::.!];:,.! Li!,.;.! . '3- HELP R ANTED—MuIe anil Female ANY intelligent person, either sex, may earn $lOO and upwards monthly corresponding for newspapers; $l5 to s2o weekly in spare time; experience unnecesrary; no canvassing. Send for particulars. Northern Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y. WANTED—Man and wife to live with an elderly lady as companions; all privileges for light housekeeping; rent reasonable. Apply 927 Grand St SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED—Good man wanted to travel the State of Penn sylvania. commission only. If you are a salesman and mean business, call for Mr. Allison at the Hershev House, Harrisburg. Saturday between 10 a. m. and 12 m. SAI.ESMEN—Wrife for list of open ings and full partidulars. Earn $2,000 to $lO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn. Dept 603, Chicago. SITUATIONS WAXTED—MALE SALESMAN wants position either in the house calling on city trade or out side territory; capable of producing results. Address A-8038 care Tele graph. WANTED—By colored man. posi tion us janitor. Inquire J. W. Whiting, 654 Plimrose St. ACCOUNTANT desires evening work; handling small set of books; installing systems; preparing state ments or auditing. Address Box No. 1,-8506 care Telegraph. WANTED—Porter or butler or bell boy; can furnish references. Address Box L-8214 care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WOMAN wants day's work; no washing. Apply 635 Muench Street. Mrs. K. WOMAN wishes position as oft'iee clerk or typist. Can furnish refer ence. Address Box E-8042 care Tele graph. WANTED By colored woman, day's work of any kind. Apply 1822 Swatara St. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing; satisfaction guaranteed: price reasonable. Apply 1504 Berryhill St. WANTED By colored woman housework by the day or week. In quire 1707 N. Seventh St. REFINED AND EXPERI ENCED WOMAN WOULD LIKE A POSITION WITH RELIABLE FIRM, SOLICIT ING BUSINESS WITHIN A RADIUS OF 50 TO 6u MILES OF HARRISBURG. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW. P. O. BOX 813, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—Woman will read to in valid afternoon or evening. Box E-803J care Telegraph. A young woman desires a position as stenographer or typist. Call 1100 Wallace. St. WOMAN wishes day's work of any kind. Apply 21 S. 13th St. WANTED —By country girl 16 years of age, general housework in small re liable family. Apply 1022 Paxton St. SCHOOL girl would like light house work; tan furnish good reference. Call Bell 908 J. WHITE woman wants housework; no ctoking; sleep home. Address VV-237 care Telegraph. WANTED —General housework by the day or week by colored woman. Inquirsi 1223 Monroe St. WANTED —General housework by colored woman. Apply 405 Lincoln St., Stei lton. Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms, close to restaurant and boarding house. Call at 354 Crescent St. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; use of bath and phone. Call Bell 1504 M. FOR RENT—Furnished front room, all conveniences, suitable for one cr two gentlemen. Inquire 268 Cumber land St. FOR RENT—Two desirable unfur nished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, centrally located, heat, gas and bath. Apply after 5 p. m. 1207 Vj Derry St. NICELY furnished, clean, cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 South Third street. HOUSEKEEPING rooms with com municating kitchenette, large airy outside; strickly private; stoves fur nished free; laundry, phone and bath room privileges; weekly payments; daily inspection invited. 429 Broad St. WANTED —Three rooms with bath; centrally located; furnished or unfur nished. Address Box E-8216 care Telegraph. ■ -—■ THREE congenial men can secure a comfortable and pleasant home in good neighborhood, centrally located, Piivate suite, second floor, bed rqoms, library and bath. Also third floor front room, well furnished for a gentleman. Apply to Housing Bureau. Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, Room 205, Dauphin Bu.lding. FOR RENT—Second floor front room, furnished, all conveniences, In cluding bath and use of telephone. [Call Bell phone 337 R. FOll RENT—Nicely furnished front I room: all conveniences and good lo cation. gentlemen only. Apply 324 N. j Second St. (CttKilnucd In Acxl t'viusiu; ROOMS t'OR KENT FOR RENT—One or two nicely fur nished bed rooms with private bath; all modern conveniences; use of phone, Inquire 815 North 17th St. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with hot and cold water; all conveniences. Inquire 200 S. Front St., Steelton, or Dial 9469. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveni ences; steam heat; no children; use of phone and hath. Inquire 1814 Green Street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Second floor furnish ed apartment, 3 rooms and private bath. Apply 73 N. tGth St. FOR RENT —Two new apartments for colored people; hot and cold water. Inquire D. .1. Horwitz, 1201 Monroe St. Bell 4748 R. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED —To rent unfurnished housekeeping apartment or several rooms and private bath in refined surroundings. Bell 15S1R or 1723 Forster St. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE On Saturday, the 20th day of Sep tember. 1919, the undersigned will sell liei farm, knotvn as the Bonner Farm, situated in Latimore township. Adams County, Pa., along the public road leading from Stambaugn's Mill to Deardorff's Mill and about two miles nortlieust of Vork Springs, adjoining lands of Joseph Lerew, Harry Brougli and George Kinter, containing about 210 acres, improved with two-story largo brick house with slate roof, large bank barn in good condition with three barn floors, wagon shed, corn cribs, hog pen and other neces sary out buildings, with running water in the barnyard and a stream of water flowing through the land. About 40 acres of this farm is in chestnut and oak Umber, the balance of the farm is tillable land in tine fertile condition. About one-half of the tillable land of the farm is chestnut flint and well adapted to the production of fruit; the balance of it is known as red land and is fertile and productive. Sale to be held on the premises at 1.30 o'clock p. m. when attendance will be given and terms made known by Delilah Myers. FOR SALE Possession 30 days; 3-story brick, all imp., 1700 block State St. drive alley. 3-slory brick, all improve ments, drive alley, 200 block, N. 15th St. 32 S. 28th St. Penbrook, 2 44- story frame, large lot, gar age, chicken house, possession at once. Price $2,550, $l,OOO cash. South 29th St., Penbrook, 244- story frame, all imp., lot lXx 100. Price $5,350. $5OO cash, balance 8 per cent. 2505 Camby St., Penorook, all improvements. Price $2,500. 8-room brick, new. near Pen brook. large lot, chicken and hog house. Price $3,500. 3-story brick, all imp.. Wood bine St.. $3,300. 3-story brick, all imp., Mc t'lay St. $4,500. 2-story brick, all imp., Sylvan Terrace, ?4,1'00. CHARLES DA VIES, Real Estate, Rents Collected 1540 State cor. 16th Dial 4930 Bell 4162R FOR SALE —3-story frame house; 8 rooms and bath; steam heat; on rear of lot 2-story brick house with conveniences. Will sell these two for $4,600. Apply Samuel Plough, 256 Crescent St. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE NOW VACANT 1194 Bailey Street; 3-sOory trick; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; cemented cel lar. Price $2,500 C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Owner. Bell Bell 701 3077J FOR SALE —625. 627 and 633 Gearv street. Three-story brick dwellings, all improvements, porch fronts. Will be sold separately or as a group. Small payment and mortgage can be arranged for balance. Will be sold cheap to quick purchasers. Unusually attractive proposition as an invest ment or for those seeking a comfor table home in desirable section. Ad dress for further particulars. J. P. Me- Cullough. care Telegraph, Harrisburg. CORNER property for sale; now vacant: 16th and State Sts.; all im provements; brick garage on lot. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. WHITEHALL ST., 1811—For sale; brick residence; eleven rooms and bath; steam heat; all other improve ments: hardwood tloors. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOFFER ST.. 2307—F0r sale; brick and stucco bungalow: seven rooms and both: hot water heat: other Im provements. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. _____ FOR SALE—Desirable Paxtang cor ner property; 9 rooms and bath; gas; electric light; furnace; corner Bris ban and Swan streets; possession within thirty days; also other Pax tang property. Bell Realty Co.. Berg ner Bldg. FOR SALE —8-room house, all im provements; A 1 condition; 10-foot drive alley. Bargain to quick buyer jlf Hold before October 1. Bell 1961 M. ttuuti'juctl tu Meal Cyliuuu; i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" MOVE AT ONCE I STATE ST., 1131—NEW; VACANT; 3-story stucco, nine rooms and bath, steam heat; gas and electricity; front and rear porches; balcony and roof garden; cement cellar; the best of lo cation for a looming house; $5OO cash; balance in monthly payments. I 17TH AND PAXTON STS.— NEW; 'VACANT, 2V4-story; six rooms and bath; hardwood floors; steam heat; gas and electricity; front ' and rear porches; side entrance, with a nice big yard; can be bought with a small amount down; balance same as rent. ■ Mahantongo St., 618 —3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; i nicrt front porch; shade trees; nice hack yard; small amount down, bal ance tame as rent. ! DKRRY ST.. 2143— 3-story brick; ' 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; all modern improvements; nice front ■and back porches; cement cellar; a I very nice home; can be bought with 's3oo cash. D. ASA SANDERLIN. j Room 1, Security Trust Building , 36 NORTH THIRD ST. ! Bell 1390. Dial 357 3 r I I I FOR SALE—2S State Road. North i Riverton, 244-story frame dwelling! i containing 6 rooms and bath, cement ed cellar, water, gas and electric j lights. Lot 17 44x150. stable and work shop. Price $2BOO. ! For Sale—lBoB Derry St.. 244-story ; frame dwelling. 11 rooms and bath, ! all modern Improvements, including steam heat, front and side porch. Lot 30x130. < For Rale —341 and 343 Brook St.. ! Harrisburg. Pa., 3-story frame, 8 j rooms and bath, water and range. I Frice for pair $3OOO. I For Sale —2 44-story frame, single dwelling located on Market St.. Camp i Hill, containing 9 rooms, bath and pantry, all modern improvements, lot 60x175. shrubbery and fruit trees, ; large garage, immediate possession. Price $7500. j For Sale—At Camp Hill. 244-story frame, single dwelling, containing 6 'rooms, bath, all modern improve ments. lot 50x185. garage and chicken house. Price S3SOO. I For Sale—At Camp Hill, 2 44-story 'brick, single dwelling, containing 8 : rooms and bath, cemented cellar, fln ' ished in chestnut, all modern im provements, including steam heat, liardwood floors down stairs, posses sion short notice. Price $6500. BRINTON-PACKER Co.. Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. : ATTENTION. BUILDERS I We have several plots of land at : Paxtang, suitable for building opera i tions. Prices right. j Locations none better. Purchasers for homes plentiful. I j ROHRER & SON, 211 Bergner Building, Real Estate and General Insurance. i SIXTH ST.—l72o—We are offering 'this dwelling at a reduced figure, 101-ooms l-ooms and tile bath room, lot 16x108. i drive alley on rear, gas and electric, laundry with set tubs in cellar, hard wood floors, finished in oak through -1 out. hot water heat, possession Oct. 1. Must be seen to be appreciated. Apply ! LEHMAN & K LING EM AN, Patriot Building. GREEN STREET, 1500 BLOCK 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; now vacant; immediate possession. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 N. Second St. Room 10. Bell phone 3057J FOR SALE—Elegant suburban prop erty, 8 rooms, brick and stucco dwell jing. all modern improvements, liard ' wood floors, large porches, tiled bath I room, high elevation, view of the i river, city and mountains. Lot 155 x j 265; 56 bearing fruit trees, garage, (abundance of shrubbery. I BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents. Second and Walnut Sts. | CAMP HILL, cor. Lincoln and Lo ' cust Sts., semi-bungalow, 7 rooms and bath, lot 59x156, gas and electric, va ' por vacuum heat, fruit trees, porches i front and side. An extra lot 59x156 is ! included in the sale, all for one price, i An extra big bargain. Apply, I LEHMAN & KLI NO E.MAN, Patriot Building. j FOR SALE—One of the finest homes In Highspire, right in the business section. 15 rooms, brick, solid walnut, 'sash, French plate glass, suitable for l bank or other business. Rent $4O per I month. Will sell for almost half of 'what it would cost to build or will ex change for a good farm. Inquire W. J. •Reeves. 224 Market St.. Highspire. Pa. Dial PeOl. FOR SALE NOW VACANT MOVE IN 1509 Green street to-morrow; 3- storv brick, improvements; 8 rooms and bath, front and rear porches, easy terms; no dealers. Address M. E. M.. care Telegraph. FOR SALE —Any person wishing a corner plot 40x100 feet in Cloverlv Heights at a pre-war price, call at 225 North 15th St. APARTMENT HOUSE, Fcrster St. between Second and Third Sts. Oarage in rear. Bargain if sold by December 1, 1919. I.OUIS B. COHEN. 31 N. Second St. Room 10. Bell phone 3087J , FOR SALE 1911 Susquehanna; 3-story brick; 8 ; rooms; bath; front and back porches. i 2044 Susquehanna: 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; front and back ! porches; possession soon after thereof. I 2207 Ix>gan St., 2%-story brick, 8 j rooms and bath, front and back | porches. j 674 Schuylkill St.; 7 rooms; bat.h; hot water heat; electric. • 308 Lewis St.; 2t4-story brick; new house; 8 rooms and bath; posses > sion October 1. D. E. LUCAS, i Ileal Estate and Ins. 303 Lewis St. I Continued in Meat Column! SErTEMBER 19, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | HOMES for colored families—Two three-story bricks on Reily St. with 1 all improvements. 2%-story frame on | Peffer St. 3-story brick with front porch on Penn St. 2',4-story frame on | Wallace St.. good location. 2Vi-story j frame on Calder St. Send for list and discription to LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 N. Seventh St. -——-—— FOR SALE Possession at once. A beautiful home located on White Hall street, scenic view, facing Reservoir Park, near golf links and tennis grounds! Trolley service at the door. Corner lot 85x139 ft. House, 12 rooms, brown stone and brick construction, throe stories, porches, hedge fences and shrubbery. Concrete walks and cellar, hot water heat, hardwood finish throughout, built 1912. Would cost to build tc-day $25,000 to $30,000. Will sell for less than original cost of building. Two-thirds can remain at 5V4 per cent. If interested will gladly show you this property. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street, Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930 j FOR SALE—'Hunter St., 1510, single [3-story frame, 8 rooms and bath, "all improvements, double garage on rear, I paved street. Address X, care Tele j graph. FOR SALE—Substantial 3-story brick dwelling. 609 Briggs street, cor ner property. 8 rooms, side porches. Ground in rear for garage. Address Box D. M. H. eare Telegraph. THREE mercantile buildings, well located in growing business sections. Prices right and terms to suit. D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. Rcul Estate For Sale—Suburban SUBURBAN home; good house; garage; chicken house; large garden; two car fares from Harrisburg. $1,200. 107 Chestnut St. near Front. FOR SALE Steelton properties, possession soon. 1 246 Pine Street, cor. 4th, 9-rooni ! frame, all improvements, room for ! garage, $l,OOO cash, balance easy : terms. | 244 Pine St.. 9-room frame, posses ! sion soon, bath, range, gas and elect. [ $BOO cash, balance can stand at 6 per cent. CHARLES DAVIES, Agt., 1549 State St. I Bell 4162R Dial 4930 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished house; six [rooms and hath; all conveniences near 'lBth and Market St. Address Rox M-8037 care Telegraph. I FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdix from | September 1; furnished up-to-date; only reliable people need apply to | Louis, 414 N. Third St. REAL EST ATI* WANTED I LIST YOUR FRiOPERTY WITH US, WHETHER IN CITY OR SUBURBS. YOU CAN DEPEND UPON US TO SELL IT FOR YOU. OUR COMMISSIONS ARE REA SONABLE. SALINGER & MILLER. 4 4 UNION TRUST BLDG. BELL PHONE 2769. I WANT to rent a house in good neighborhood or I will buy it terms are satisfactory. Must be in good con dition. Bell 15S1R or 1723 Forster St. HEADY buyers, list your farm and houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate and Insurance, Steelton. Dial. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler. Real Es tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS FARMS AND LAND FOR SALE 12-aere truck farm with buildings, close to Penbrook, $l,OOO cash. Price $5,000. Balance 6 per cent, mortgage. 185 acres witli buildings, 7 mites from Hbg, $4,000 cash, Price $5,600. Balance 5% per cent, mortgage. 115-acre farm, close to West Fair view, good buildings. $5,000 cash. Price $13,000. Balance tlrst mortgage 6 per cent. 2-acre farm, close to Steelton, good bldgs. $1,500 cash. Price s3^Boo. Also 17-acre truck farm, very pro ductive, 6 room house, good spring water, two miles west of Enola. Price $2,500. Possession soon. Three 4-acre farms, running water, close to Penbrook, fine home sites, truck and fruit soil. $1,400 each. CHARLES DAVIES, Farms and City Homes 1549 State Street Bell 4126R Dial 4930 FARMS FOR SALE 71 acres; all good buildings. $2950 45 acres near street car; all build ings $4500 00 acres fat land; building ...$2500 100 acres. This is a high grade farm; land and buildings $5OOO We would like to sell these above farms very soon. They are all worth a higher price. Look them over. C. B. Care & Son, Care's Grocery, Lingleo town, or 409 Market St., Harrisburg. 96-acre farm, 10 miles N. E. Hbg., level, good bldgs., fruit, creek water. Will sell stock and tools. 75-aerc farm. 2% miles N. Hbg., 8 room brick house, all city imp., in beautiful lawn, large barn. 30-acre farm, 5 miles N. Hbg., 8- room house, stable, etc., 6-acre wood land. 100 fruit trees, will sell or trade on city property, one mile to trolley, R. R. and State road. 10-acrc farm, 2V4 miles N. Hbg., creek water. 16-acre farm, 2'/4-miles N. Hbg., good bldgs. 5-acre farm near West Fairvlew, steam heat and electricity. 45-acrc farm. 8 miles S. Hbg., good buildings. 150-acre farm. 1H miles S. Lewis berry, very cheap. 75-acre farm, one mile to New Cum berland. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bellj phone 560 J. SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Threo to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 50-J. 7Continued in Kent Column) I FARMS FARM—9S acrea of level limestone 'land; line producer. Brick house; bank ■* I barn. Well of nuvcr failing water. Lo | cuted ten miles from Harrisburg in [Cumberland county. For further de scription, call on E. W. Yohn, one of j the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es tate. at 13 N. Fourth street. Harria. . burg. Pa. ~ FOR SALE—9S-acre farm; 75 acres 9 acres, land in good state of cultiva tion, good buildings, all the best kind of implements, all crops, 40 tons of hay, wheot, corn and potatoes, stock la head of cattle. 2 horses. 2 mules, hogs I and poultry. Price $7,200. 107 Chestnut . jSt. near Front St. FOR SALE—7S-acre farm. Price I $4,500. Rich sandy quality. Inquire of' i iH. M. Harts, Real Estate Broker, Pal myra, Pa. FOR SALE—IOO-acre farm, also stock if desired. Possession November 1; 3 miles northeast of Harrisburg. Further information apply 1700 N, Second st. 42-acre farm; 10 room house and good bank barn; very good soil; one half cash; price $3,100. 107 Chestnut, near Front St. DAIRY farm for sale. Apply toi William Schultz, Pine Grove, Schuyl kill county. Pa. FARMS WANTED WANTED —To buy good farm not too far from city; state lowest price and terms in first letter. Address H-5244 care Telegraph. < Oflices nnd Store Rooms for Rent FOR RENT Third floor. No. 302 Market Street, above Claster's Jew elry Store, has been used by ( Keilberg as studio for the „ past ten years; desirable en trance; easy stairs. I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS "j FOR SALE j d Running gear, some witS ball bearings, from disman i tied tank wagon tanks. Also several horse drawn dray wagons. Call or address TH'ti ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Seventh and Camp Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. i■ ■ I WILL sell bed, mattress and springs, reasonable; practically new. t - | 2143 N. Fifth St. ' I FOR SALE—One gas range, good as . new. live burners and oven. Call ; ' Monday or thereafter. C. W. Gross, '. Myers avenue. Camp Hill, Pa. ' ' FOR SALE —50 Belgium hares. Call 'after 5 p. m. W. H. Sadler, P. O. Box | 1109, Camp Hill, Pa. FOR SALE —Six-plate kitchen coal ' range; large oven and water back. Apply 123 Pine St. HALF price !!! Rag carpet. 35c; in--* grain, 40c; best, 90c; Brussel, $1.10; best. $1.50; velvet, $2; rugs, mattings, linoleum, stoves, bicycles, guns, fur niture, musical instruments. Ylngst, Hardscralible. j F'URS —A handsome set of Hudson I seal; 'alest style- will sell cheap; •never worn. Inquire 1008 Green- St. I I FOR SALE—Ice chest, good as new; j used two months. Edwin Asure. 1911 i Fulton St. ! FURS —Lady will sacrifice hand -1 some set Hudson seal furs, latest stole and muff; new. never worn; will sell for $24. Also latest style seal cape. 314% Chestnut St. l-"OR SALE —Large gray baby car riage in good condition. Inquire 90 Disbrow St. F'OR SALE—Two Columbia fuv- . i naces; not used two years; in At "condition; can be seen at Paxtang - school building, s - "i WILL sell Kimball piano very rea sonable. Call at 2148 N. Fifth St. 1 FOR SALE—Lathes, planer, milling - machine, drill presses, hand and pow er. gasoline hoisting engine, gasoline , engines all sizes, blacksmith forge "land blowers, electric motors. 1 to 15 "'H P., large stone crushing plant com -1 i pletc. F\ R. laiverty. Bell phone 1857. FOR SALE —736 South Twenty- I fourth St.. close to Derry St., never been occupied; all Improvements; . I steam heat and hardwood floors; 'terms reasonable. Call Irvin Johnson, (2111 Swatara St.. Bell phone 189 iJ. > F'OR SALE —About 13 gross of V. T Y brand of watch glasses witlw , 1 cabinet. Address Box 8100 care Tele-" . | graph. 1 BOOKS Bought and sold; 30.000 "'new, old, rare, In stock. Aurand's, ; j 925 North Third. Circulars free. , MOTORS FOR SALE I We have the following motors we 'are offering for sale. We guarantee '. these motors to be in first-class con '. ditlon and can make immediate d' " V One % H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. • One %H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. M. • One UH. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One % H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One >4 H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. , One uH. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. , ' One %H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. 7 THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. * ' Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing, j Harrisburg. Pa. ) I FOR SALE ! One white iron bed, one goot mattress, spring. complete $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.60. FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth Street „ MORRIS SAYS save money buying®. I now and second-hand furniture here. I I High prices paid for furniture. Morris . I Schmertz, 1018 Market Bell 4494. " ' FOR SALE—Potatoes. 5-bushel ~iot& , $2 per bushel, delivered any , part of • citv; home grown. Apply W. J. Shu baiier, 2531 N. Front St. Bell 978 J. - ———— FOR SALE —Entire slate roof of the Board of Trade building, either on ' the building or on the ground; big , saving to the one who can use it; also a lot of doors and frames; leaded glass windows; walnscoating; entire " front brick and stone trimmings. Ap ' PIy cLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE. * 302 Market Street ,■% FOR SALE —Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The Highsplre Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Hlghsplre, Pa. Additional Classified Ad&J * on Gpppsite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers